Christmas Joy. I. Jesus is our Savior A. Jesus died for the lost Romans 3:10b There is none...


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Christmas Joy

Christmas Joy

Christmas JoyI. Jesus is our Savior

A. Jesus died for the lost

Romans 3:10bThere is none righteous, no, not one

Romans 3:23For all have sinned and fall short of the

glory of God

Ecclesiastes 7:20For there is not a just man on earth who

does good And does not sin.

Christmas JoyI. Jesus is our Savior

A. Jesus died for the lost

B. Jesus gives us life

John 10:10bI have come that they may have life,

and that they may have it more abundantly.

Christmas JoyI. Jesus is our Savior

A. Jesus died for the lost

B. Jesus gives us life

C. Jesus is our Lord

1 Corinthians 6:20For you were bought at a price;

therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.

Christmas JoyI. Jesus is our Savior

II. Others we don’t sentence

A. Look at them with flesh

You see their problems

B. Look at them with faith

You see their potential

Christmas JoyI. Jesus is our Savior

II. Others we don’t sentence

III. You are very special

A. If you are in Christ

B. You are a new creation

1. Old things are passed away

2. All things are brand new
