Christianaid 2013 Christmas Catalog



Christian Aid Christmas Gift Catalog for 2013

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The Grace of Giving

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Gift CataloGwe love the brethren.

. . . because


BiBles & Christian literature [2] Available in over 2,000 languages, the inspired Word of God is transforming hearts and souls in every corner of the globe. Christian Aid supports the work of native missionaries who are distributing audio Bibles to the Fulani in Nigeria, provid-ing hope to distressed Syrian refugees through the gift of New Testaments, and supplying gospel tracts to remote villages in Central Asia. $50 covers the cost for five Bibles or ten gospel tracts; $40 buys two “audio Bibles.”

send a Believer to BiBle sChool [1]Babith was raised in a Hindu Dalit family in India but heard the good news of Jesus Christ through a relative. She committed her life to serving Jesus and enrolled in a Bible school supported by Christian Aid Mission. This year she completed the two-year program. “After coming here, I want to know more about the Bible and teach my people the Word of God. Kindly pray for me,” she said. Faithful believers like Babith are eager to receive evangelistic training so they can go and tell people in their own culture about the Savior. For $35, a Christian worker can receive a full month of Bible training. $35

SuggeSted gift

$50SuggeSted gift

inCome-GeneratinG ProjeCts for missionaries [3]“So, because he was of the same trade, he stayed with them and worked; for by occupation they were tentmakers” (Acts 18:3, NKJV).The apostle Paul needed to earn an income while he preached in Corinth, so he joined Aquila and Priscilla in making tents. Modern-day mis-sionaries in poor countries also need a means to make a living and provide for their families while they serve the Lord as messengers of the gospel. Christian Aid assists ministries who are investing in a variety of agricultural and cottage industry projects so they can become

self-supporting. In Ecuador, an evangelistic ministry harvests cocoa. One South Asian ministry is growing rubber trees. Missionaries in a Middle Eastern city are opening a coffee shop. Through these endeavors, believers become witnesses for Christ in the community and open doors to effective one-on-one evangelism.

$800SuggeSted gift

$80Share in the coSt

Go into all the World

Go into all the World and preach the Gospel

Build a ChurCh for Poor Believers [4]In parts of Central Asia, Christians cannot legally meet unless they are registered with the government. Having a church building helps them qualify as a legitimate religious group. However, many of these fellowships cannot afford to rent a building or construct

their own facility. Small bands of believers around the world face similar financial challenges as they seek a meeting place for worship. For $3,000-$10,000, you or your congregation can help build a village church and encourage believers to be powerful witnesses for Christ as they proclaim the “good news of God’s grace” (Acts 20:24, NIV) in their local communities.

$3,000suggested gift

$500Share in the coSt

estaBlish a missions Base [5]When missionaries become established in a previously unreached area, they need a build-ing that can serve as a headquarters for their work. In India’s Assam state, a native gospel worker has seen his 20-year ministry flourish. Now he has a need for a multi-purpose center that will house a Bible training center, dormitory, orphanage, and church. Once they consolidate their existing programs at a single site, expenses are expected to drop by 30 percent. Similar facilities are needed in Nigeria, Ivory Coast, and Peru. Costs for land, building construction, and furnishings range from $5,000 to $40,000.

$40,000SuggeSted gift

$1,000Share in the coSt

transform Communities in Christ’s Name

Wells & Water ProjeCts [6] — From Bolivia to Bangladesh, families living in rural areas often lack access to clean drinking water and sanitation. As a result, an estimated 4,000 children die every day from water-borne diseases like dysentery, cholera, and typhoid. Your gift toward a well is both life-giving and life-saving. Costs range from $250 for a hand-dug well to $16,000 for a water system and storage tank that can support an entire village. As ministries meet this important physical need, they also share the good news of the One who said, “Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life” (John 4:14, NKJV).

$5,000SuggeSted gift

$100Share in the coSt

farm animals [7] — Livestock and dairy animals are a major source of income for most of the developing world. Goats and cows produce nourishing milk for children, and any surplus can be sold for extra money to buy clothes or attend school. Some gospel workers in Latin America support themselves by raising llamas or sheep. In Vietnam, Christian Aid-sponsored missionaries “earn their bacon” through hog-farming. Beasts of burden also serve an important role in helping farmers plow ground for their crops and pull carts to transport their harvest to market. One ministry in the Philippines provides water buffalo for this purpose to poor Christian families. Your gift of $200 covers the cost for one goat and two sheep, or it can be used toward the purchase of a “beast of the field” (Psalm 104:11, KJV).

voCational traininG [8] — Without marketable skills or an education, people in developing countries face an uncertain future. Women, particularly single mothers, are the most vulnerable. Tragically, some will resort to prostitution to earn money to put food on the table for themselves and their children. A ministry assisted by Christian Aid in India runs

a sewing training center that has already graduated 260 young women. Over 80 percent have found employment. Men face challenges too, and finding a suitable job is even more unlikely if they have a criminal record. In Ecuador, a rehabilitation ministry helps ex-prisoners get back on their feet by providing carpentry and metal working classes. Bible training is emphasized in the program. For a gift of $150, ministries like these can equip a talented man or woman to become a self-sustaining disciple of Christ.

$200SuggeSted gift

$40Share in the coSt

$150SuggeSted gift

Mercy Ministries

disaster relief [9] — War, persecution, and natural disaster leave millions of people homeless around the globe every year. With little more than the clothes on their backs, they seek shelter in makeshift tent settlements and in ramshackle buildings. Christian Aid is part-nering with ministries to help those in desperate need. Gospel workers provide food parcels, heaters, and other necessities. They also hand out Bibles or New Testaments, as many of the people are open to hearing the gospel message. In the midst of their suffering, may they be comforted in knowing “in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock” (Psalm 27:5, NIV). The cost to sustain one needy family for a month is $45.

lePer ministry [10] — A dreaded disease since Biblical times, leprosy remains a scourge in pockets of Brazil, South Asia, parts of Africa, and the western Pacific. Those af-flicted with the disease suffer ostracism as a result of their physical disfigurement, and many are relegated to leper colonies for the rest of their lives. A Christian Aid-assisted ministry in Vietnam helps meet the material needs of lepers and their families, while sharing a message

of hope from the One who said, “I am the Lord who heals you” (Exodus 15:26, NKJV). Some of the lepers have become followers of Christ, including one man from the Bahnar tribe whose influence led 50 people to faith in the Savior. A gift of $40 ensures a leper family re-ceives at least three months of loving care.

$45SuggeSted gift

$40SuggeSted gift

$350SuggeSted gift

$35Share in the coSt

$75SuggeSted gift

WheelChairs & mediCal equiPment [12] — Rosa’s elderly father Jose suffered from Alzheimer’s and a variety of physical issues that made walking difficult. One day he fell, and Rosa and other family members struggled to lift him up. Deeply concerned and lack-ing resources, she heard about a ministry near her home in Uruguay that provided medical devices to the needy without charge. In addition to a wheelchair, the organization gave Jose an orthopedic bed and a special toilet. “The staff consoled me and gave me spiritual counsel-ing,” said Rosa. “I received Christ and now I know what it means to also be a daughter of the Lord.” For $350, you can bless an adult or child with a wheelchair, or you can give toward meeting the needs for crutches, eyeglasses, and other health aids.

mediCal outreaCh [11] — Access to quality health care is limited at best for most remote communities, which typically are located hours away from the nearest surgeon or hospital. Fortunately, some illnesses can be cured with antibiotics and other medicines found in basic medical kits ($25-$75 each). A ministry in Burma sends mobile medical units to areas where there are no clinics, offering medical, dental, and other healthcare to the poor in the name of Jesus Christ. In Cambodia, another Christian Aid-assisted ministry arranges for vol-unteer doctors to travel from village to village. Churches host these clinics, and believers pray with each patient and share the wonderful news of the Great Physician. We also support a hos-pital in India that performs cataract surgeries for the elderly. Your gift will help the sick find healing of body and soul as they seek the One who said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners” (Mark 2:17, NIV).

sponsorship programs

suPPort a native missionary [13] — Depending on where he serves in the world, a native missionary may need anywhere from $50 to $250 per month to pay for living expenses for himself and his family. Through Christian Aid’s missionary sponsorship program, you can help support a gospel worker throughout the year and receive periodic news-letters from the mission group with which he serves. Christian Aid will send you the name and a photo of the individual you sponsor. The cost is $50 per month ($600 total).

“The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out

laborers into His harvest.” (Luke 10:2, NKJV)

$50SuggeSted monthly gift

Provide lovinG Care to a needy Child [14] — In dozens of coun-tries around the world, God is using Christian Aid to bless orphaned and neglected children through our child sponsorship program. These are boys and girls who need monthly assistance for meals, shelter, education, and medical care. Some receive compassionate care in children’s homes run by indigenous ministries. Others live with family members who may lack the resources to provide adequate food, cloth-ing, or schooling. While their practical needs are being met, children also learn that they have a Father in heaven who loves them and has a purpose for their lives. When you commit to sponsor a child, you will receive the name, photo, and a biographical sketch of that individual, as well as information about the indigenous ministry that oversees his or her care. Your monthly gift of $25 ($300/year) truly is an investment for eternity. As Jesus said to his disciples, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14, NIV).

$25SuggeSted monthly gift

jeePs or vans [17] — With a sturdy 4-wheel drive vehicle, a ministry can carry teams of native missionaries and supplies to distant villages in need of the gospel. But many times, these invaluable tools are used for more than just transportation. In Haiti, a truck is used as a mobile clinic to reach poor mountain communities without access to healthcare. In Nigeria, a van was

turned into a “school on wheels,” which follows the nomadic Fulani people, offering them free education using the Bible as a textbook. When put into the hands of faithful native mis-sionaries, a vehicle is a wide open door to a greatly expanded outreach for the Lord Jesus.

“But having hope, that as your faith is increased, we shall be greatly enlarged by you in our sphere, to preach the gospel in the regions beyond you.” (2 Corinthians 10:15-16, NKJV)

river Boats [16] — Some of the world’s most isolated people live on islands and along riv-erbanks. With boats provided by Christian Aid donors, native missionaries in the Philippines have reached many of the 190 ethnic groups scattered throughout the vast archipelago. A ministry in Bolivia has used its boat to reach 40 riverside hamlets with the gospel. Packing the boat with food and medicine, native missionaries head into the country’s interior along one of five rivers. Many

indigenous ministries are praying for boats to enable them to plant a witness for Christ in a commu-nity just beyond the water. The cost for a boat and motor board varies from $1,500 in the Phil-ippines to $6,000 in South America.

transportation for Missionaries

$100SuggeSted gift

$3,500SuggeSted gift

$350Share in the coSt

$20,000SuggeSted gift

$500Share in the coSt

BiCyCles [15] — Loaded down with gospel literature and supplies, native missionaries in poor, rural countries can spend days walking to just one remote settlement. Older missionaries find that joint pain and fatigue keep them from reaching as many villages as they once could. A bicycle can change all of this. Not only does it enable a gospel worker to reach his des-tination quicker than before, but bicycles can be taken almost anywhere—through small openings, carried across streams, or

even hauled on boats. Supplies can be carried in the front and another person on the back. For $100, we can provide a sturdy bicycle for a pedaling ministry worker overseas.

motorCyCles [18] — In Vietnam, most of the 54 ethnic groups live in mountainous re-gions inaccessible by cars. A small motorcycle, however, is perfect for traversing the narrow dirt roads to carry the good news to these marginalized people. Ten years ago, Christian Aid donors provided five motorcycles to Vietnamese church planters who are still using them today to share the gospel with the remaining 22 ethnic groups who don’t have a witness for Christ. Many missionaries throughout the world walk days to reach faraway communities, but your gift of a motorcycle will help them reach those same areas in only a few hours.

horses [19] — During America’s frontier days, horses were one of the primary modes of transportation. Indigenous missionaries serve as modern-day pioneers for Christ, blazing trails for the gospel among unreached tribes. These areas are off the beaten path, so missionaries find horses to be the most prac-tical and reliable “vehicle” for travel. A horse with saddle costs about $500.

$500SuggeSted gift

$50Share in the coSt

$3,500suggested gift

$350share in the cost

evangelistic tools & equipmentloudsPeakers [20] — The Christmas season is an especially busy time for missionaries throughout Nepal. Ministries celebrate the birth of Christ with outreaches in the community, in-

cluding feasts and showing evangelistic films. In one village, the pastor’s base was in a valley surrounded by hills. As he delivered the gospel message, the loudspeaker carried his voice to far off villages. The pastor was surprised by the feedback he received from grateful people all around him. We only need the equipment, and God does the rest! Your gift of

$75 will supply a mis-sionary with a loudspeak-er that will amplify the joyous news of the Savior!

Generators [22] — A lack of electricity can hinder many aspects of ministry. Gospel films or training programs can only be shown when missionaries have the proper elec-trical equipment, such as projectors, sound systems, or com-puters. Some communities have access to electricity only at certain times during the day. To overcome these obstacles, indigenous missionaries rely on generators. Portable gener-ators are especially helpful when reaching out to rural areas. People are intrigued with gospel films, and whole villages turn out to watch. Depending on the country, generators cost between $500 and $2,000. Praise God for modern technol-

ogy and how it is being used to proclaim the good news to “every tribe and tongue and people and nation” (Revelation 5:9, NKJV).

film ProjeCtors [21] — What is the most watched movie of all time? The answer may be the JESUS film, now seen by over one billion people across the globe. Native missionaries have led countless people to Christ through evange-listic films, and they don’t need a state-of-the-art theater with sophisticated equipment! For villages lacking electricity, they carry in a small projector,

a portable screen or a simple white sheet, and a generator. Projectors are also used to conduct Bible classes and train church leaders.

$75SuggeSted gift

$500SuggeSted gift

$50Share in the coSt

$1,400SuggeSted gift

$40Share in the coSt

$25SuggeSted gift

$100SuggeSted gift

solar Panels [24] — In many remote villages in Southeast Asia, people have no electricity so they go to bed as soon as it gets dark during winter months. But missionaries equipped with portable solar panel lamp kits ($100 each) can light up the homes of new believ-ers for follow-up evangelism or Bible study. Curious villagers drop by to see what’s going on. Newcomers drawn to the light also hear the Word of God. Pray that the Source of all light becomes known in these faraway

places so that believers around the world will declare, “Your word is a lamp for my feet,

a light on my path” (Psalm 119:105, NIV).

Personal needs of missionaries [23]Most indigenous missionaries laboring in distant corners of the world receive very little support. Many times they go without when it comes to warm jackets, gloves, bed rolls, mosquito nets, or flashlights. They wear their same old shoes with the holes in them, needing continual repairs. You can help meet these needs with a modest gift of $25, ensuring gospel work-ers are equipped physically as well as spiritually to fulfill the Great Commission.

“How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!” (Romans 10:15, KJV).

Blankets [25] — For children living on the street, a blanket is a soothing reminder that God is wrapping His love around them in the midst of their distress. At a cost of $10, a blanket or other bedding materials will give gospel workers the opportunity to share Christ’s compassion in a practical way.

sChool suPPlies [26] — Bretny and Cheyla live in a shantytown in Peru. Their father abandoned the family, leaving their mother with the financial burden to provide for the children. With barely enough to eat, even items like notebooks and pencils were considered a luxury. The children were thrilled when a Christian Aid-assisted ministry gave them a year’s worth of school supplies so they could continue their studies. Your gift of $20 helps a child stay in school.

ClothinG & shoes [27] — Do you remember the special outfit you wore on your first day of school? Or how much you loved those cool red sneakers your parents bought you when you were seven? You would remember if this was the first gift you had ever received, or if you finally owned a pair of shoes with-out holes in them. Bolster a child’s well-being by giving a “garment of praise” (Isaiah 61:3, KJV).

Children’s BiBles & aCtivity materials [28]“I still have the Bible you gave me.” Those were the words of a young man who received a Bible 14 years ago at the age of 12 and later received Christ. Churches in rural settlements are typically unable to provide Christian reading materials for kids. A gift of $3 will help cover the costs for a small illustrated Bible or Sunday school activity booklets that will open a child’s heart and mind to God’s Word.

ChiCkens & duCks [29] — A gift of a dozen baby chicks may be egg-xactly what a poor family needs to supplement their diet and income. Each year, a flock of chickens will produce hundreds of protein-rich eggs, plenty to feed a large family while some of the leftovers can be sold at a local market. Just $15 can provide a starter brood of chicks or ducklings.

Gifts Kids (and adults) Can Give to Kids

$10SuggeSted gift

$20SuggeSted gift

$30SuggeSted gift

$3SuggeSted gift

$15SuggeSted gift

summer CamP [31] — Roasted marshmallows and lively songs around the campfire elicit happy memories for many people who attended summer camps as kids. Christian Aid’s ministry partners want to offer the same joy-filled experience at evangelistic retreats for children who have not known much joy in their lives—street kids in eastern Europe, refugees in Lebanon, youngsters from poor villages in South Asia. At the five-day camps, caring counselors will share God’s love with Bible stories, crafts,

and fun games. Afterwards the Christians meet with families to witness to them and plant churches. With your gift of $25, a camp participant can experience the blessings of Christian fellowship and receive fresh insights to face life’s challenges.

nutritious meals [30] — Malnourishment is a worldwide epidemic that contrib-utes to the deaths of an estimated five million boys and girls each year. Some children consider themselves fortunate if they receive one meal a day. In dozens of countries, Christian Aid-assisted ministries operate feeding programs that provide physical and spiritual sustenance to orphans, homeless street kids, and young-sters from impoverished families. As they receive loving care in a Christian environment, children desire to grow up in Jesus Christ, knowing that “he upholds the cause of the oppressed and gives food to the hungry” (Psalms 146:7, NIV).

$7SuggeSted gift

$25SuggeSted gift

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we love the brethren.. . . because


Christian Aid MissionPo Box 9037Charlottesville, VA 22906

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Christian Aid Mission is a non-profit organization that supports more than 800 ministries with over 80,000 indigenous or native missionaries that reach more than 3,000 people groups worldwide. Our focus is on reaching the unreached – areas in the world where there are few Christians, Christians suffer because of poverty or persecution or foreign missionaries are not allowed. Christian Aid Mission is a 60-year-old agency and one of the first organizations to support native missionaries overseas.

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