CHRIST LINE September Newsletter '18.pdf · Christ Lutheran Church—Arcadia, Wisconsin...


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Christ Lutheran Church—Arcadia, Wisconsin September 2018


- In Christ, All Things Hold Together -



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Christ Lutheran Church—Arcadia, Wisconsin September 2018

Pastor’s Report

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

This time of year our thoughts and actions return once again to education, whether in our church or in our schools. Our young people are once again starting a new school year and our Sunday school is gearing up to once again teach about Jesus’ love for us and how we are to share that love with one another. A couple of years ago we visited the Martin Luther King Center in Atlanta, Georgia. I have a picture from that visit on my computer screen. The picture shows Mary pointing to Dr. King saying, "The church has always been a second home for me. For as long as I can remember I was in church every Sunday…it was the Sunday School that helped me build the capacity to get along with people.”

It may come as a surprise to you, but Sunday school is a relatively modern phenomenon in the Christian church. It got started in England at the end of the 18th century. The industrial revolution had resulted in many children working six days a week in factories and missing out on a basic education. In order to save them from a life of illiteracy, Christians set up classes on Sundays to teach them reading, writing, arithmetic, and a basic knowledge of the Bible. With the eventual enactment of child labor laws and compulsory education, the focus of Sunday Schools became almost exclu-sively religious education. That is how we arrived at the form of Sunday school that is such an important part of almost every congregation today. We are thankful for all of you who give of your time and talents to teach our children.

But as important as Sunday school is in teaching our young people, it is really at home that children learn how to grow up to be mature, practicing Christians. That does not mean every parent needs a degree in theology. Rather, it means that families that do things like say grace before meals or bedtime prayers, or who remember baptisms at bath time, or who read Bible stories before naps, or who worship together, or who sing hymns in the car, or who talk around the dinner table about how Christians respond to others’ needs—kids who grow up in homes like that are more likely to grow into adults with a mature faith. A friend’s father used to make the sign of the cross on the fore-head of each of his children after tucking them in at night. Pretty simple, right? So we work together to raise our chil-dren to become loving and caring Christians. I am looking forward to another great year here at Christ Lutheran.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Bob Schoenknecht


Membership Statistics

Funeral: Marjorie Kube - 8/15/18

The Membership Class

If you are interested in becoming a member of Christ Lutheran Church please email the church office at or call 608-323-3572.

Newsletter Announcement!

We have a new option for those who are interested! Our newsletter can be sent to you via-email! If you would like to receive the newsletter electronically please send an email to and include your email address and name!


Christ Lutheran’s Call Committee continues to be busy as we work through the ELCA’s template for calling a Pas-tor. We have been meeting weekly to complete the Ministry Site Profile (MSP) to fully represent the needs of our Congregation. This past month we completed a final draft of the MSP to present to the Church Council and met with Council to review the MSP. We received input from that meeting from both Church Council and Pastor Bob and Pas-tor Tom and reconvened to integrate some of the new ideas into our existing MSP. That new document was submit-ted back to Church Council for final approval during their meeting on August 29 th. Upon approval, we will submit it to the ELCA for their approval and have our Ministry Site Profile published.

Call Committee Contact Information

Greg Konkel 608-539-2063

Pat Rohn 608-323-7063

John Wiemer 608-797-6794

Tony Myers 608-797-1398

JoDeen Forsyth 608-323-7460

Linda George 608-323-7577

Shanna White 608-863-1326

Charlie Halverson 608-323-8407

Food for More Challenge We have an opportunity to stretch our dollars in support of our food pantry. From Sept 9 to Oct 20th, for every dollar donated to the Arcadia CommUNITY Food Pantry, Feed My People Food Bank will match it with a pound of food, up to 5000 pounds, significantly increasing the value of your donation to this program! Additionally, as a partner with Feed My People we are able to obtain at least ten times the amount of food we could through retail sources for the same cost. Please support the Arcadia Community Food Pantry as our September Cause of the Month.

Concessions at Schultz Farm Cross Country Meet

Middle School Youth will be working the concessions stand at the Cross Country meet Saturday, October 6th. Money raised through these concessions helps support our high school mission trips and outdoor adventures. Partici-pation in these fundraisers is an expectation for confirmation students . We are in need of additional volunteers for these events. Working concessions is a great way to meet people from all over the area. Please talk to Tony Myers if you are interested.

Christ Lutheran Church—Arcadia, Wisconsin September 2018


Call Committee Report

September Cause of the Month

Christ Lutheran Church—Arcadia, Wisconsin September 2018

Church Council Meeting Minutes

CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING Wednesday, July 25th, 2018 @ 6:30pm

Present: Dan Reit, Tony Myers, Michele Ziegeweid, Dan Sampson, Brad Duellman, Shanna White, Dale Howard, Pastor Bob Schoenknecht Not Present: Pastor Tom Bryan, Connie Scharlau, Dave Knott, Kaylynn Weltzien

President Dan Reit called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m. Dale Howard gave a devotion from The Lutheran Messenger called “Jump” reminding us to take a leap of faith.

Approval of Agenda: With addition of Trempealeau County Website

Announcements: Dan Reit visited Mr. Sinai’s worship and told them of our concerns. The church is clean when you arrive and should be clean when you leave. The Sanctuary will be locked after our Sunday worship until Lynn comes to clean.

Secretary’s Report: - June minutes were amended to read “Connie would like to retire as secretary of the church council” not the synod council. MSC to approve the minutes of the June 6 council meeting.

Treasurer’s Report: Giving is down, but we are $1400 in the black for January through May. MSC to record the fi-nancial report as a faithful accounting.

Pastor’s Report: Pastor Bob reported that Secure Search Faith will be used for the required background checks. Ap-plication has been made to have an assessment of our building through the Mission Investment Fund of the ELCA.

Old Business: 1. Insurance – No further action 2. Mt. Sinai Church – Rental Agreement - tabled till next month 3. Blair Lutheran Church – No further communication Polices -- No further action at this time.

New Business: 1. Reality check from Holy Cow / Assessment Report -- Results were discussed. Pastor Bob will make suggestions at our next meeting. 2. Call Committee -- The committee is working on our church profile. 3. Music Suggestions – The idea of bringing in individuals or groups as special music once a month was discussed. We were called by someone from Trempealeau County about becoming a sponsor and having a presence on their website. Minimum cost would be $1000 per year. We declined.

Committee Reports: (Limited to items requiring council action / 3 minutes)

Parish Ed: Shanna – Minutes of the July meeting were handed out.

Property and Management: Brad - Water stained ceiling tiles are being replaced. Some basement window frames are being scraped and re-calked. Schaffners looked at the lounge water heater with consideration to installing a more efficient one. Consideration is being given to getting a new desk for the secretary and moving her to the front office. The Parish ed. Committee has some suggestions for changing some of the rooms around.

Staff Support: Dan Reit – Things are going well.

Worship and Music: Dan Sampson – The committee has been asked for more lively music at worship.

Trust Fund: Dan Reit - Danica Duellman received a $1000.00 scholarship.

Youth Committee/Milestone Ministry: Tony Myers, Kaylynn Weltzien – The confirmation program has been set up. Tony is trying to find someone to teach on Wednesdays after school. There will be a Valley Fair trip for youth 7 th through 12th grades August 7.



Christ Lutheran Church—Arcadia, Wisconsin September 2018

Next Regular Meeting: August 29th at 6:00 p.m.

Devotions at next meeting: Dan Reit

Cause of the Month: August: Trempealeau County Health Department Car Seat Program September: Food For More Challenge

Newsletter article for September: August 26th

MSC Adjourn with Lord’s Prayer

Minutes respectfully submitted by Michele Ziegeweid

Council Representative: Brad Duellman Committee Members: Bill Lockington, Kathy Lockington, Tony Myers, Bob Scharlau, Nancy Rohn, and Tim Rohn

As of 8/27/18 – Projects that have been completed

Finished fixing/replacing water damage ceiling tiles -Replaced broken swing

Grounds, flower beds, mulching - Cleaning classrooms

Dead/dying trees out front and back removed - Painting classrooms with education group

Stained four doors upstairs - Maintenance done in utility room in basement

Cleaning doors/sanding/fixing water damage - Put window in Pastor’s door

Ice dams installed on roof for ice/snow falling on flat roof

HELP, IN NEED OF VOLUNTEERS!!! : Upcoming Projects / In the Works

Painting/Re-caulking storm windows and stain windows on church

Fixing two lower windows on side of church

Fixing broken storm window

Fixing wood work on sign in front of church

Fixing original steps coming into side of church from street

Deep clean more of the church!!

Exterior - Upper wood on church needs to be painted

Eve troughs need fixing on roof ( some water redirected)

Sky light cover needs replacement

Electrical work needs to be done in the Intern’s office

Wooden cross out back needs some caring for

Gluing base black trim back on in hallways and rooms

Reupholster cushioned chairs

Small kids wooden chairs need to be reconditioned

Put up dry erase boards in classrooms

Long Term: Flat roof needs a lot of attention!

Property & Management Report

Church Council Meeting Minutes Cont.



August 5, 2018 - 10:05 a.m.

Members: Tony Myers (not present), Jennifer Rotering, William Bremer (not present), Dori Wenger, Cora Mullikin

(not present), Heidi Hughes (not present), Shannon Ely, Shanna White (council)

Call to Order – Shanna White


Treasurer’s Report: No report.

Old Business:

1. Kelly Kidd will not be teaching. She has taken a new job and her work schedule will conflict with Sunday School

schedule. We still need Pre-K/Kindergarten teachers and a team teacher for 1st/2nd Grade.

2. Tessa and Jason Lockington have agreed to team teach the 7th & 8th Grade with Tony Myers.

3. A preliminary student count has been completed. Currently, we are expecting 4 – Pre-K/Kindergarten, 5 –

1st/2nd Grade, 8 – 3rd/4th Grade, 4 – 5th/6th Grade and 11 – 7th/8th Grade Confirmation students.

4. Pam Weltzien and Todd Fetsch have agreed to continue providing music for the upcoming school year. Big

thank you to both of them!

5. Sunday School Policy/Welcome Packets will be mailed to parents the week of August 6.

6. Need to have “wish lists” for Sunday School supplies completed yet. Shannon will email and ask teachers to up-date. These are items that the congregation could donate to help stock our classrooms. The list will be included in

the September newsletter as well as posted at the back of the church in the entryway.

7. Rally Sunday will be September 9, 2018 immediately after regular service and held in the front lawn area. We will

ask the confirmation/high school students to help. Activities will include:

1 Bounce House 2 Ring Toss Game w/Prizes 3 Tootsie Pop Pull w/Prizes 4 Fishing Game w/Prizes 5 Bake Sale

6 Registration Table for packet turn-in and answering parent questions.

New Business:

1. It was agreed that all classrooms would like new whiteboards. The chalkboards will be removed.

2. Shanna, Jen and Shannon walked through the classrooms and there are other items that should be removed and areas that need to be cleaned up. It was also agreed by all that classrooms need new paint. Shannon will contact

Brad Duellman to discuss.

3. The lack of heat in the classrooms during winter was addressed. We will ask if someone can turn up the heat

downstairs before church service so that the rooms warm up before class begins.

Meeting adjourned. Next meeting will be September 2, 2018 at 10:05 am

Christ Lutheran Church—Arcadia, Wisconsin September 2018

Parish Education Meeting Minutes

Updates & Upcoming Events


Christ Lutheran Church—Arcadia, Wisconsin September 2018

Calling All Ding-A-Lings!

It is that time of year again when the ding-a-lings of our congregation get together to create beautiful music. For the past two years I have had the pleasure to lead our amazing hand bell choir. We are a small group, we always have fun, and we are always looking for new ringers of all abilities and ages. Whether you are a seasoned musician or just

looking to start your music experience, we would love to have you join us!

If you are interested in joining us for this ringing season (September-May) please attend our first bell choir practice on Thursday, September 20th from 6:00-7:00 PM in the church sanctuary; weekly practices will happen on Thursday eve-nings from 6:00-7:00 PM. If you have any questions, feel free to email me (Danielle Tamke) at Once again, you don’t need to be an expert ringer to join in on the fun! You just need a good attitude and time for a weekly commitment! Please consider joining us!

Do You Sing?

I am excited to be leading the Senior Choir this year! Senior Choir will be meeting from 5:15-6:00 PM every Thursday starting on Thursday, September 20th. If you are a veteran choir member, a committed congregation sing-er, or a rockstar in the car – we want you to join us! If you have any questions, please email me (Danielle Tamke) at I look forward to hearing all your beautiful voices on September 20th!


Mission Store

The Mission Thrift store needs store volunteers to ensure that we are able to keep the store open on the following days of the month: Fridays, from 3pm to 6pm and Saturdays from 10:00am to 1:00pm, 3rd, 4th, and 5th

Presently each volunteer hour brings about $8.50 in receipts to the Mission. Working a 3 hour shift donates over $25.00 to assist families and individuals struggling to make ends meet. Call Cyndy Jacoby at 715-530-0949 for more information. The Mission store is also in need of stockers to stock shelves. Please contact Cyndy Jacoby at 715-530-0949 if you are able to help!

Helping Hands (and Truck) Needed

The women of Christ Lutheran will have many boxes of quilts, baby care kits, health kits, and school kits to haul to LaCrosse for shipment to Lutheran World Relief on Saturday, October 13th from 7am to 11am. We will need help loading and transporting. If you have a truck, trailer, or large van and/or are willing to help load, please contact Linda

Backer 323-7705 or JoDeen Forsyth 323-7460.

W-ELCA - Looking Ahead

Mark your calendar and plan to attend:

LaCrosse Area Synod W-ELCA Fall Renewal - Saturday, October 20, 2018 at Holmen Lutheran Church

LaCrosse Area Synod W-ELCA Spring Convention —Saturday, April 6, 2019 at Bethany Lutheran, New Lisbon

PAGE 8 Christ Lutheran Church Website

Information about Christ Lutheran Church can be found at the Christ Lutheran Church website at You can find information on coming events, pdf files of the latest Christ Line newsletter and newsnotes. There is also information on the history of our church, pastors who have served our church and well as information on the various groups in our church and organizations in the community that we support. There is infor-mation on the staff of the church also.

RALLY SUNDAY on September 9th!

Join us to bless our children as they start their next new adventure. Show your support!

Worship at 9:00am - followed by bake sale, games, and fellowship

Plenty of fun for the kids and the young-at-heart, including a bounce house and lots more.

This year we would like to support and improve our Sunday school projects.

See our Wish List below!

If you are able to donate any of the following on the wish list please contact either the church secretary at 608-323-3572 or Shannon Ely at 608-317-7627

Christ Lutheran Church—Arcadia, Wisconsin September 2018

Updates & Events Continued..

Mason Jars with Lids and rings Pint and quart (Does not have to be canning jars or new)

Rolls of Ribbon - (thin and medium width) (including Christmas Ribbon)

Thumb tacks/stick pins for the bulletin boards (5 containers)

Office Staplers (5 )

New Crayons (24 Packs) (10 Packs)

New Markers (15 Packs)

New Color Pencils (15 Packs)

New Glue (10 sticks) (5 Liquid)

Spray Paint (white, gold, silver, glitter, and any color) (Can be used cans also.)

Tape dispensers (5)

Blue Tacky (5) (to hang items on the wall)

Fine Glitter any colors

Electric or Battery Pencil Sharpeners (5 )

Gods Work. Our Hands


Dial 211 Free/Confidential 24 / 7

Help with: Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, Sexual Assault, Suicidal Thoughts, Other Crisis Situations Information about: Support Groups, Drug/Alcohol Abuse, Food Resources, Housing, Many other needs

Lutheran Social Services: Free assessment and referral — For on-going

care they accept insurance billing or, if you have no insurance, a sliding scale is available. La Crosse 608-788-5092

The OLPH Mission/Thrift Store 419 South Washington St. (the former convent on OLPH grounds)

Volunteers needed at the OLPH Mission-Thrift Store contact Cyndy Jacoby at 715-530-0949

Thrift Store Hours: Mon: 9:00 to noon Wed: 1:00 to 4:00 Fri: 3:00 to 6:00 Sat: 10:00 to 1

Keeping in Touch

Web Sites:

with Christ Lutheran Church Arcadia,

the La Crosse Area Synod, and the ELCA

Christ Lutheran Church—Arcadia, Wisconsin September 2018

2018 Council Members

Dan Reit- President ….....................608-484-1900

Tony Myers - Vice Pres.……..….….608-797-1398

Michele Ziegeweid - Secretary..…...608-323-3395

Dan Sampson - Treasurer……..…..608-323-2026

Brad Duellman……………………….507-458-5760

Shanna White ………………….……608-863-1326

Dale Howard……………..…….…... 608-863-1370

David Knott ………………….….......715-440-1364

Connie Scharlau……………..…...…608-323-7297

Youth: Kaylynn Weltzien

Interim Pastor: Bob Schoenknecht

Office Hours: Tuesday & Wednesday

Cell Phone-715-797-3424 / Church Phone: 323-3572


Interim Pastor: Thomas Bryan

Office Hours: Tuesday & Wednesday

Cell Phone: 715-829-2624 / Church Phone: 323-3572


Church Office Secretary: Tiffany Lambright

Office hours: Mon through Friday - 8:30 am to 1:00pm

Church Phone: 323-3572 E-mail:

Minister of Music:

Bookkeeper: Kay Wiemer

Leave a message on church phone or at home: 323-3916

Caretakers: Mark & Lynn Finner

Leave a message on the church phone: 323-3572

Prayer List

Sherri Fredrickson Jay Wiltse Roger Reichwein Pauline George Norma Bautch Jeff Anderson Gary Bond—Friend of Karen Kletzke