CHRIST CATHEDRAL PARISH BULLETIN...La Semana Santa es la temporada sagrada del año en que...


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February 14, 2016




March 10, 2019

Sometimes we are tempted to wish we did not have temptations. We think that i f we

could only get rid of our temptations we would be better people and lead more

vi r tuous Christ ian l ives. We tend to complain about our temptations instead of

figuring out what to do wi th them.

Temptations are a part of everyone?s l i fe. The Gospels show us that even Jesus was

tempted. Unl ike us, he did not complain about having temptations. Instead, he

acknowledged he had them and then he did the opposi te. In the Gospel of Luke, he was tempted to enjoy the

instant satisfaction of eating when he was real ly hungry and he did the opposi te. He stayed hungry so that he

would know his need for his heavenly Father. In the temptation to amass great power, he did the opposi te and

said al l he needed was his Father. Tempted to cal l for a dramatic rescue by the angels, he did the opposi te and

told Satan to not even go there because he knew wi thout a doubt that he was cared for (Luke 4:1-13).

In the Act of Contri t ion we say we wi l l avoid the near occasion of sin. Rather than seeing temptations as near

occasions of sin, Jesus teaches us to see temptations as near occasions of grace. We do this by doing what he

did. We name the temptation and then do the opposi te. For example, tempted to speak i l l of someone, do the

opposi te and say something nice about the person. Facing the temptation of being unfai thful to someone, do

the opposi te and shower the person wi th love. When steal ing something from work looks so harmless, do the

opposi te and work some extra t ime wi thout expecting compensation. An imminent l ie can turn into speaking

the truth. Teenagers who are tempted to come home late can do the opposi te and arrive home early. In the

bigger world which dai ly faces the temptation to resolve confl ict wi th violence, we can do the opposi te and

explore non-violent solutions. Wi th society?s temptation to lay al l the blame for social problems on

immigrants, we can do the opposi te and learn something from them about fami ly values and sacri fice.

As Jesus did, every day we can turn temptations from being near occasions of sin into

being near occasions of grace by doing the opposi te.

Together in fai th,


Very Reverend Christopher Smith, Rector

t hank you f or your gener osit y! Sunday Col lect ion Food Service

2/24/19 $ 34,351.32 $ 3,801.00

2/25/18 $ 33,779.32 N/A


Night of Food, Fait h & Song wit h Fr . Rob Gal ea & Fr . Leo Patal inghug On Wednesday, March 20 beginning at 7:30 pm, Fr Leo and Fr Rob team up to offer spi ri tual talks, a mini concert and opportuni ty for praise, worship and Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the Arboretum. A free wi l l offering wi l l be col lected to support Christ Cathedral Fai th Formation. For t ickets to attend a pre-event cooking demonstration, dinner, and meet and greet wi th Fr Leo and Fr Rob, visi t FoodFai or emai l fai Deadl ine to register for ei ther event is March 13.

PARISH LENTEN REFLECTION Holy Week is that sacred t ime of the year when we commemorate the final days of Jesus? l i fe on earth: his entrance into Jerusalem, Last Supper, passion, death and resurrection. Join Msgr. Kerry Beaul ieu and other Christ Cathedral parishioners for an evening of prayerful reflection in preparation for this special t ime of grace. Msgr. Kerry has been a seminary instructor, Vicar for Priests, and pastor? most recently at Our Lady Queen of Angels. He is currently in residence at St. Justin Martyr Parish. Tuesday March 12, 2019, 3rd floor, Cultural Center. Dessert potluck; beverages wi l l be provided beginning at 6:30 p.m. Program which includes prayer, input, personal reflection and sharing wi l l be from 7:00-9:00 p.m. RSVP to Norah at

4-par t ser ies on t he book of r evel at ionsAt the t ime of i ts wri t ing, the Book of Revelation was intended to bui ld hope in the Christ ian communi ty. Today, for some Christ ians, i t produces only fear and dread. In this 4-part series, learn why our Cathol ic tradi t ion includes this book in our Bible as inspi rat ion for our l iving as disciples of Jesus Christ. The presenter is Sister Christ ine Hi l l iard, CSJ; Co-Coordinator of Emmaus Spiri tual Ministries, Orange. The program runs from 6:30 - 9:00 p.m. on March 13 and 27; Apri l 3 and 10. in the Pastoral Center, Christ Cathedral Campus. A free wi l l offering wi l l be col lected. Bring a Bible. RSVP to Norah at

24 HOURS FOR THE LORDPlease save the date for 24 Hours for the Lord on Friday, March 29 and Saturday, March 30 here on Christ Cathedral campus. Join fel low Cathol ics from across Orange County in answering Pope Francis' cal l to show the Mercy of Christ to the world. There wi l l be Stations of the Cross, Mass and prayer opportuni t ies wi th Exposi t ion of the Blessed Sacrament, exhibi ts, praise and worship Holy Hour, in addi t ion to the opportuni ty for individual confession wi th priest who speak Engl ish, Spanish and Vietnamese. A complete schedule and more information wi l l be posted at .

MICHELANGELO'S SISTINE CHAPEL - THE EXHIBITIONSistine Chapel: The Exhibi t ion is coming to the Cathedral Cultural Center on the Christ Cathedral campus! The exhibi t focuses on Michelangelo's contributions to the Sist ine Chapel, namely the artwork from the cei l ing and the Last Judgment. By bringing the artwork closer, visi tors wi l l be able to appreciate these famous masterpieces from a new perspective. The exhibi t wi l l open on Apri l 13. For more information and for t ickets, please visi t https://www.sist ineexhibi

Stat ions of t he Cr oss dur ing Lent

1:00 p.m. Academy Arboretum

5:00 p.m. Vietnamese Arboretum

6:15 p.m. Engl ish Arboretum

7:45 p.m. Spanish Arboretum/Large Gallery

A veces deseamos ser tentados para no tener tentaciones. Pensamos que si solo

pudiésemos deshacernos de nuestras tentaciones seriamos mejores personas y

seguiríamos vidas Crist ianas más vi r tuosas. Tenemos tendencia de quejarnos de

nuestras tentaciones en vez de resolver que hacer con el las.

Las tentaciones son parte de la vida de todos. El Evangel io nos indica que hasta

Jesús fue tentado. A di ferencia de nosotros, él no se quejó de tener tentaciones. Al

contrario, el admit ió tenerlas y luego a hacer lo opuesto. En el Evangel io de Lucas,

él fue tentado a disfrutar la satisfacción instantánea de comer cuando él estaba realmente hambriento e hizo

lo opuesto. Se mantuvo con hambre para poder conocer su necesidad para su Padre celestial . En la tentación

de acumular gran poder el hizo lo opuesto y di jo que todo lo que necesi taba era a su Padre. Tentado a l lamar a

los ángeles para un rescate dramático el hizo lo opuesto y le di jo a Satanás que no se atreviera porque él

sabía sin duda que él era querido (Lucas 4:1-13).

En el Acto de Contrición decimos que vamos a evi tar las ocasiones de pecado. En vez de ver las tentaciones

como ocasiones de pecado, Jesús nos enseña a ver las tentaciones como ocasiones de gracia. Hacemos esto

haciendo lo que él hizo. Nombramos la tentación y después hacemos lo opuesto. Por ejemplo, tentados a

hablar mal de alguien, haz lo opuesto y di algo agradable de esa persona. Enfrentando la tentación de serle

infiel a alguien, haz lo opuesto y l lena a la persona con amor. Cuando parece tan inofensivo robarse algo del

trabajo, haz lo opuesto y trabaje más t iempo sin esperar compensación. Una menti ra inminente puede

convert i rse en deci r la verdad. Los adolescentes tentados a l legar tarde a casa pueden hacer lo opuesto y

l legar temprano. En el mundo más extenso que cada día enfrenta la tentación de resolver confl ictos con la

violencia, podemos hacer lo opuesto y explorar soluciones sin violencia. Con la tentación de la sociedad de

poner toda la culpa a los problemas sociales a los inmigrantes, podemos hacer lo opuesto y aprender algo de

el los sobre valores fami l iares y el sacri ficio.

Como hizo Jesús, todos los dias podemos transformar las tentaciones de ser ocasiones

de pecado a ser ocasiones de gracia en hacer lo opuesto

Unidos en fe,

Mensaje de Nuestro Rector


Very Reverend Christopher Smith, Rector

Bodas Comunitar iasEl sábado, 12 de octubre del 2019 a las 10 am tendremos la celebración de bodas comuni tarias. Si está interesado/a favor de comunicarse a la oficina parroquial lo más pronto possible para adquiri r mayor información y hacer una ci ta con el Padre Mario o el Diacono Cruz Plei tez al (714) 971-2141.


REFLEXIÓN PARROQUIAL EN INGLES PARA CUARESMA La Semana Santa es la temporada sagrada del año en que conmemoramos los últ imos días de la vida de Jesús en la t ierra: su entrada a Jerusalén, la Últ ima Cena, la pasión, la muerte y la resurrección. Únete con Msgr. Kerry Beaul ieu y otros fel igreses de la Catedral de Cristo para una noche de reflexión en oración en preparación para este t iempo especial de gracia. Msgr. Kerry ha sido instructor de seminario, vicario de sacerdotes y pastor, más recientemente en Nuestra Señora Reina de los Ángeles. Actualmente se encuentra en residencia en la parroquia St. Justin Martyr. Sera el martes 12 de marzo, en el 3er piso del Centro Cultural. Postres y bebidas se proporcionarán a part i r de las 6:30 p.m. El programa que incluye oración, entrada, reflexión personal y comparti r será de 7: 00-9: 00 p.m. RSVP a Norah en

40 Dias Por La Vida ¡Ayuda a Salvar Vidas en Orange! Protege a madres y babes uniéndote a la movi l ización pro-vida mas grande de la historia. 40 Dias por la Vida ha logrado tener más de 750,000 voluntarios en 56 países. Para uni r te con nosotros durante el 6 de marzo al 14 de abri l , tendremos vigi l ias en frente de Planned Parenthood (700 S. Tustin St., Orange, CA 92866). Para anotarte para una hora de oración, por favor de visi tar nuestro si t io en el internet 40daysforl i Para más información o preguntas, por favor de l lamarle a Alejandra Baker al 949-690-7315 o Nancy Shanafelt al 714-634-4217.

24 HORAS PARA EL SEÑORGuarda la fecha del 29 al 30 de marzo para 24 Horas Para El Señor que se l levara a cabo aquí en el campus de la Catedral de Cristo. Misa será a las 3:00 p.m. el viernes en el Arboretum. La Bendición final será el sábado a las 2:30 p.m. Únete a otros catól icos del Condado de Orange en responder al l lamado del Papa Francisco en demostrar la Misericordia de Cristo al mundo. Habrá oportunidad de oración con el Santísimo Sacramento, Hora Santa, en adición habrá la oportunidad para confesión individual con sacerdotes que hablan inglés, español y vietnamita. Para más información, visi te nuestra página en .

Noche de Comida, Fe y Canción con el Padr e Rob Gal ea y el Padr e Leo Patal inghug El miércoles 20 de marzo a las 7:30 p.m., el Padre Leo y el Padre Rob se unen para ofrecer plat icas espi ri tuales en inglés, un mini concierto y una oportunidad de alabanza, y adoración con el Santísimo Sacramento en el Arboretum. Se les pedi rá una ofrenda voluntaria en apoyo para la Formación de Fe en la Catedral de Cristo. Para obtener boletos para asist i r a una demostración de cocina previa al evento, cenar y conocer a el Padre Leo y el Padre Rob, visi te FoodFai o envíe un correo electrónico a fai La fecha l ími te para registrarse para este evento es el 13 de marzo.

CAPILLA SIXTINA DE MICHELANGELO-LA EXPOSICIÓN Capi l la Sixt ina: ¡La exposición l legara al Centro Cultural de la Catedral de Cristo próximamente! La exposición se enfoca en las contribuciones de Miguel Ángel a la Capi l la Sixt ina principalmente la obra de arte del techo y el juicio final. Al traer esta obra de arte más cercas, los visi tantes podrán apreciar estas famosas obras maestras desde una nueva perspectiva. La exposición se abri rá el 13 de abri l , para más información y boletos, por favor visi te https://www.sist ineexhibi

VÍa Cr usis t odos l o vier nes dur ant e Cuar esma

1:00 p.m. Academia Arboretum

5:00 p.m. Vietnamese Arboretum

6:15 p.m. Inglés Arboretum

7:45 p.m. Español Arboretum/Large Gallery

? ôi khi chúng ta b? cám d? mong mình ?? ng g?p th? thách. Chúng ta cho r?ng n?u

thoát kh?i cám d?, có l? chúng ta nên ng? ?i t?t h?n và s?ng cu?c ??i Ki tô h? u ??o

?? c h?n. Chúng ta th? ?ng phàn nàn nh? ng cám d? mình g?p thay vì ngh? xem

ph?i làm gì v?i chúng.

Nh? ng cám d? là m?t ph?n c?a cu?c s?ng m?i ng? ?i . Các sách Tin M? ng cho

chúng ta th?y chính Chúa Giêsu c?ng t? ng b? cám d?. Không gi?ng chúng ta, Chúa

không phàn nàn v? nh? ng cám d? Ng? ?i g?p. Trái l?i , Ng? ?i bi?t mình g?p cám d?

và không xuôi theo chúng. Trong Tin M? ng Luca, Chúa b? cám d? ?n u?ng khi c?m th?y ?ói khát, nh? ng Ng? ?i

?ã làm ng? ?c l?i . Ngài ch?u ?ói ?? bi?t mình c?n Chúa Cha trên tr?i . B? cám d? ph?i thu tóm quy?n cao ch? c

tr?ng, Ng? ?i ?ã làm ng? ?c l?i , và nói t?t c? nh? ng gì mình c?n là Chúa Cha. B? cám d? g?i thiên th?n ??n gi?i

c? u mình ngay, Ng? ?i ?ã làm ng? ?c l?i , b?o Satan hãy cút ?i vì Ng? ?i bi?t rõ mình h?ng ?? ?c ch?m sóc gi?

gìn (Luca 4:1-13).

Khi ?n n?n t?i , chúng ta nói mình s? tránh xa d?p t?i . Thay vì th?y nh? ng cám d? là g?n d?p t?i , Chúa Giêsu d?y

chúng ta hãy nhìn cám d? là d?p g?n ân s?ng. Chúng ta hãy làm theo l?i d?y này b?ng cách th? c thi nh? ng

vi?c Chúa ?ã làm. Chúng ta hãy nh?n di?n ch? ?c cám d? và làm ng? ?c l?i . Ch?ng h?n, b? cám d? nói x?u ai ?ó,

hãy làm ng? ?c l?i và nói t?t v? ng? ?i ?y. ? ? ng tr? ?c cám d? x? s? không ?úng v?i m?t ng? ?i , hãy làm ng? ?c

l?i , và dành cho ng? ?i ?y tràn ng?p yêu th? ?ng. Khi l?y c?p m?t món ?? xem ra ch?ng gây thi?t h?i gì ? n?i

làm vi?c, hãy làm ng? ?c l?i và làm vi?c thêm gi? mà không ch? t i?n th? ?ng. S?p s? a nói d?i , thì ??i thành nói

th?t. Các thi?u niên b? cám d? v? nhà mu?n, hãy làm ng? ?c l?i , c? g?ng v? nhà s?m. Trên th? gi?i h?ng ngày

v?n ph?i ??i m?t v?i nh? ng cám d? gi?i quy?t các cu?c xung ??t b?ng b?o l? c, chúng ta có th? làm ng? ?c l?i

và tìm k i?m gi?i pháp không dùng b?o l? c. V?i cám d? c?a xã h?i mu?n trút m?i trách nhi?m v? các v?n ?? xã

h?i lên ng? ?i nh?p c? , chúng ta có th? làm ng? ?c l?i , và h?c n?i nh? ng ng? ?i nh?p c?

v? các giá tr? gia ?ình và s? hy sinh.

Nh? Chúa Giêsu ?ã làm, m?i ngày chúng ta ??u có th?, b?ng cách làm ng? ?c l?i , bi?n

nh? ng cám d? t? g?n d?p t?i thành g?n c? h?i ?? ?c nh?n ?n Chúa.

? ?ng hành trong ni?m tin,

Rector?s Column

LÀM NG? ? C L? I

Very Reverend Christopher Smith, Rector

TRI?N LÃM - NHÀ NGUY?N SISTINE C? A DANH H?A MICHELANGELO Cu?c Tri?n Lãm Ngh? Thu?t Nhà Nguy?n Sist ine s? di?n ra t?i Trung Tâm V?n Hóa c?a Nhà Th? Chính Tòa Chúa Ki tô! Cu?c tri?n lãm nh?m làm n?i b?t nh? ng ?óng góp c?a Michelangelo cho Nhà Nguy?n Sist ine, ??c bi?t công trình ngh? thu?t trên tr?n c?a nhà nguy?n và b? c h?a Chung Th?m. Nh? t i?p c?n công trình ngh? thu?t c?a v? danh h?a này, nh? ng ng? ?i xem tri?n lãm s? có m?t góc nhìn m?i khi th? ?ng ngo?n các danh tác. Cu?c tri?n lãm s? m? c? a vào ngày 13 Tháng T? . ? ? bi?t thêm chi t i?t và mua vé, xin truy c?p websi te: https://www.sist ineexhibi

CATHOLIC NEWS/ Thông Tin Công Giáo

FR. ROB GALEA & FR. LEO PATALINGHUG M?i c?ng ?oàn tham d? b? a ?n t?i và nghe nh?c thánh ca v?i Linh m?c Rob & Linh m?c Leo vào t?i th? T? ngày 20 tháng 3, 2019. 5:30 p.m. B? a ?n t?i , ch?p hình v?i hai Cha và th? ?ng th? c món ?n do Cha Leo n?u và nghe Cha Rob hát và ?ánh ?àn. Xin ?ng h? $50, ngày cu?i ghi danh tham d? là ngày 13 tháng 3. 7:30 p.m. -10 p.m. H?i th?o, nh?c thánh ca và Ch?u Thánh Th? trong Arboretum. Tùy lòng h?o tâm. M?i th?c m?c xin l iên l?c v?n phòng giáo x? qua

emai l : fai ho?c ?i?n th?ai 714-971-2141.


Tu?n Thánh là th?i ?i?m l inh thánh trong n?m chúng ta dành ?? t? ?ng ni?m nh? ng ngày cu?i cùng Chúa Giêsu s?ng n?i tr?n th?: Chúa vào thành Giêrusalem, b? a Ti?c Ly, cu?c kh? n?n, cái ch?t và s? ph?c sinh c?a Ng? ?i . M?i anh ch? em cùng c?ng ?oàn dân Chúa giáo x? Chính tòa Chúa Ki tô tham d? bu?i chi?u suy g?m nh?m chu?n b? cho tu?n h?ng ân do Cha Kerry Beaul ieu h? ?ng d?n. Msgr. Kerry nguyên là cha giáo ch?ng vi?n, ? ?i di?n Giám m?c ??c trách Linh m?c, và là l inh m?c chính x? ? g?n ?ây nh?t là giáo x? Our Lady Queen of Angels (N? V? ?ng các Thiên Th?n). Hi?n Cha ?ang ? Giáo x? St. Justin Martyr. Th? Ba 12 tháng Ba, 2019 T?ng 3, Cultural Center 6:30 pm? Tráng mi?ng potluck; có ph?c v? n? ?c u?ng 7:00-9:00 pm? Ch? ?ng trình g?m: c?u nguy?n, h? ?ng d?n suy ni?m, suy g?m riêng và chia s? Xin vui lòng h?i ?áp (RSVP) cho Norah qua ??a ch?

NGÀY C? U NGUY?N 24 GI? DÀNH CHO CHÚA Xin thông báo: Ngày c?u nguy?n 24 Gi? Dành Cho Chúa s? ?? ?c t? ch? c vào ngày Th? Sáu, 29 Tháng Ba và Th? B?y 30 tháng Ba. Thánh l? ?? ?c c? hành lúc 3:00 p.m. ngày Th? Sáu t?i Nguy?n ?? ?ng Arboretum. Ch?u Phép Lành lúc 2:30 p.m. ngày Th? B?y t?i Nguy?n ?? ?ng Arboretum. M?i anh ch? em tham gia cùng c?ng ?oàn Dân Chúa t?i Orange County h? ?ng ? ng l?i kêu g?i c?a ? ? c Thánh Cha Phanxicô cho th? gi?i ?? ?c th?y Lòng Th? ?ng Xót c?a Chúa Ki tô. ? ây s? là d?p anh ch? em ?? ?c Ch?u Thánh Th?, làm Gi? Thánh ?? chúc t?ng và th? l?y Chúa, ngoài ra còn có các Cha ng?i tòa gi?i t?i b?ng t i?ng Anh, t i?ng Spanish và t i?ng Vi?t. Mu?n bi?t ??y ?? l?ch trình và thông t in, xin truy c?p trang web .

? àng Thánh Giá

Các ngày th? Sáu trong Mùa Chay 1:00 p.m. Tr? ?ng H?c Arboretum 5:00 p.m. Ti?ng Vi?t Arboretum 6:15 p.m. Ti?ng M? Arboretum 7:45 p.m. Ti?ng M? Arboretum/Large Gallery


PRAY FOR RELATIVES & FRIENDSRosal ia Mart inezZhaid GranadosMaria Rodriguez LujanLeandro Antonio SanezMargari ta ChavezBarbara McEvoyFloresi ta De LeonEseta LeauEtal ia LeauRalph RivasBaltazar NinoDoyle MorrisSandy RabusTrish CanoNinfa Martinez OrdianoTheresa MartinezMendoza Fami lyGutierrez Fami lyVivian De LeonMi la SmithMai PhamNi l EstradaDeisy Avalos

Ri ta ReinkerTom Swinson & Fami lyElaine LynchTeresi ta Boni facioValerie Agui leraGary BorosJesus Alfredo AmezcuaGuadalupe ArcosRachel Cabal leroNoah SmithRobert SmithJoseph ArrochaRosario JefferesEustol ia MirandaSergio GamboaRuben Truji l loBernadetter Truji l loCarolyn LeEdna HalbrookVi lma MadridMaria Val ladaresVal ladares Fami lyDennis Vest




Mar ch 23, 2019 Hieu Dao & Lien Phuong Nguyen

Nei l l Ramos & Katherine Trang VanBenny Santamaria & Kel ly Phuong Ngoc Ho

May 4, 2019 (in Mexico) Jorge Ernesto Heredia Samaniego & Karen Paola Gutierrez


Dail y / Ngày Th??ng / Diar io6:30 a.m. & 8:00 a.m. Engl ish (Monday - Thursday)

6:30 a.m. & 8:15 a.m. Engl ish (Fridays only)5:30 p.m. Ti?ng Vi?t

6:30 p.m. Engl ish (First Wednesday of the month) 6:30 p.m. Español (Viernes)

7:00 p.m. Español (Viernes durante Cuaresma)

Sat ur day / Th? B?y / Sábado8:00 a.m. Engl ish

5:00 p.m. Engl ish Vigi l (except Holy Saturday)

6:30 p.m. L? V?ng / Ti?ng Vi?t Ngo?i tr? Th? B?y Tu?n Thánh)

Sunday / Chúa Nh?t / DomingoEnglish 9:30 a.m., 5:30 p.m.(Youth Mass) Ti?ng Vi?t 6:15 a.m., 1:00 p.m., 4:00 p.m.

Español 7:45 a.m, 11:15 a.m., 2:30 p.m., 7:00 p.m.

Chinese (L.G.) 10:30 a.m.

Reconcil iat ion / Gi?i T?i / Confesiones Friday - Th? Sáu - Viernes 7:15 - 8:15 p.m. Saturday - Th? B?y - Sábados 8:30 - 9:30 a.m.  

Par ish Of f ice Hour s Monday - Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Saturday and Sunday: 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Mon. Mar. 04 6:30 am Fr. Bede Clark, O.S.B. *

8:00 am Theresa Bae ? Tue. Mar. 05 6:30 am Dianne Nguyen *

8:00 am Anna Khue Vu & Fami ly ? Wed. Mar. 06 6:30 am Martin Richard Gross ?

8:00 am Trinh Tran *Thu. Mar. 07 6:30 am Mari lou Nepomuceno Lim ? &

Fr. Ramonci to Nepomuneco ? 8:00 am Ahmed Nacpi l ?

Fri . Mar. 08 6:30 am Arnie Tamparong * 8:15 am Margaret Li ly Cardona ?

6:30 pm Miguel Zamora Vega *& Le Hoang Thanh Liem ?

Sat. Mar. 09 8:00 am Sandra Boyd ? 5:00 pm Mary Then Bui & Joseph Van ?

Sun. Mar. 10 7:45 am Manuel J. Arel lano ?9:30 am Mary Then Bui & Joseph Van ?

11:15 am Beatriz Vega ?; Jesus Ruvalcaba ?; David Ambia ?; Guadalupe Verdusco & Maria Sanchez ?; Fortunato Bartolo ?; Jose Orozco & Rosario Rodriguez ?; Nicolas Rosales & Lorenza Magdaleno ?; Alvaro Banuelos ?; Maria de Jesus Contreras ?; Enrique Avalos ?; Ministerio de La Divina Misericordia *; Gabriela Lopez Gi l ; Beni ta Casti l lo *

2:30 pm Elvi ra & Leopoldo Sanchez ?

5:30 pm Christ ine Cote ?

7:00 pm Lua & Nava Fami l ies ?

CALENDAR MARCH 10 - 16, 2019



Chr ist Cat hedr al Par ish Mission Stat ement

We, the people of Christ Cathedral Parish are a

faith-filled community who gather to worship our Lord

Jesus Christ.

Through the celebration of the Eucharist, we unite as

one family. 

As a community, we share our love of Jesus through

prayer, education, evangelization and service to

one another.

Chinese MassLocation: Large GalleryWhen: 10:30 am

Spanish Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 7:45 am, 11:15 am, 2:30 pm & 7:00 pm

Viet namese Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 6:15 am, 1:00 pm & 4:00 pm

Engl ish Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 9:30 am & 5:30 pm

Engl ish Dail y Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 6:30 am & 8:15 am

Engl ish Ant icipat or y MassLocation: ArboretumWhen: 5:00 pm

Viet namese Ant icipat or y MassLocation: ArboretumWhen: 6:30 pm (Ngo?i tr? Th? B?y Tu?n Thánh)

Viet namese Dail y Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 5:30 pm

ConfessionsLocation: Arboretum When: 7:15 pm - 8:15 pm

Chr ist cat hedr al communit y out r each pr ogr amLocation: Building in rear of ArboretumWhen: Grocery Distribution at 10:30 am - 12:30 pm and again from 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm. Contact: 714-282-3097. Please leave a message. A representative will contact you.Hot meals served at 4:30 pm

Viet namese Dail y Mass TimesLocation: Arboretum When: 5:30 pm

Engl ish Dail y Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 6:30 am & 8:00 am

Spanish massLocation: ArboretumWhen: 7:00 pm during Lent

ConfessionsLocation: ArboretumWhen: 8:30 am ? 9:30 am

engl ish massLocation: ArboretumWhen: 8:00 am

Engl ish Dail y Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 6:30 am & 8:00 am

Viet namese Dail y Mass TimesLocation: Arboretum When: 5:30 pm

Engl ish Dail y Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 6:30 am & 8:00 am

Viet namese Dail y Mass TimesLocation: Arboretum When: 5:30 pm

Stat ions of t he Cr ossLocation: Arboretum1:00 pm - Academy5:00 pm - Vietnamese6:15 pm - English7:45 pm - Spanish

Engl ish Dail y Mass TimesLocation: ArboretumWhen: 6:30 am & 8:00 am

Viet namese Dail y Mass TimesLocation: Arboretum When: 5:30 pm

Rosar y of Our Lady of Per pet ual Hel pLocation: Small GalleryWhen: 6:30 pm

Jesus Pan de Vida(Spanish Charismatic Gp. Child Care Available) Location: Large Gallery When: 7:30 ? 9:00 pm

4 par t ser ies on book of r evel at ionsLocation: Pastoral CenterWhen: 6:30 pmRSVP to Norah Dopudja at

Engl ish par ish r ef l ect ionLocation: Cultural Center - 3rd fl. When: 6:30 pm desserts & coffeeTalk begins at 7:00 pm by Msrg. Kerry Beaulieu

Teen Angel sLocation: Large Gallery B When: 6:30 pm