CHP XI. Fatima & The Grand Convergence -...


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February 19, 2014

CHP XI. Fatima & The Grand Convergence

We must have an understanding of history from a supernatural perspective of faith. This is

the method of the Scriptures, the Fathers, and the Saints; it is Catholic; it is what God intends

God Himself has mercifully given us the interpretive keys: Our Lady of Good Success,

LaSalette, Lourdes, Fatima, Akita, and visions to Pope Leo XII, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, St.

John Bosco, Ven. Catherine Anne Emerich, etc. Speaking on Fatima, Cardinal Ratzinger

cryptically emphasized the ‘absolute importance of history’.

In my own opinion the most critical years were a time span of forty years (which is

theologically significant). One can consider 1917-1957 (Appearance at Fatima to the

‘silencing’ of the Secret) or 1929-1969 (Vision at Tuy to the promulgation of the Novus

Ordo). During these time frames you have such important political global events as the

Bolshevik Revolution, the Spanish Civil War (and Cristeros), World War II and the initiation

of the Cold War. The dice are cast! In this same timeframe, there is also the malignant growth

- and conquest - of the forces of Modernism, Masonry and Communism within the Church.

With a string of non-traditional popes, a Church council, a new liturgy and a nouvelle

theologie, the dice are cast!

The Consecration of Russia by Pope Pius XII

May 1952 – The Blessed Virgin informs Sr. Lucia that she is still awaiting the

consecration and that Sr. Lucia must make this known to the Holy Father. [119]

Sacro Vergente Anno (7 July 1952) – In a letter, Pius XII consecrates Russia by

name to the Immaculate Heart, but not in union with all the bishops of the

world. Sr. Lucia confirms this does not fulfill Our Lady’s request. [119]

Cardinal Guisseppe Siri of Genoa was favored by Pius XII, but he never became

pope. (Many conspiracy theories surround his person.)

The Worker Priests

Bishop Angelo Roncali, papal nuncio to Paris, supports the worker priest movement. [120]

Worker priests were more interested in class warfare than eternal salvation.

They favored the principles of Marxism and sought to further the Revolution.

A clear sign that Russia’s errors had spread into the Church.

Roncali was supported in his disobedience by under-Sec of State Motnini.

Pius XII ‘fired’ Roncali by ‘promoting’ him to be Cardinal of Venice.

The new nuncio disbanded the worker priests, & many left the priesthood!

Roncali favored the thought of philosopher Jacques Maritain, and priests

Teilhard de Chardin & Henri de Lubac (SJ) and Yves Congar & Marie-

Dominique Chenu (OP). [121]

Cardinal Siri

Bishop Roncali


Note how so many of the errors that plague the Post-V2 Church came

to fruition in France, seat of the Revolution!

As predicted by Maritain, Christendom would follow France – yet on

the path of great misfortune as foretold by Our Lord. [121]

Jacques Maritain (18 Nov 1882 – 28 Apr 1973)

He was a French ‘Catholic’ Philosopher who was raised a Protestant, became an agnostic, and then

converted to Catholicism in 1906. He tried to adapt St. Thomas Aquinas’ thought to ‘modern times.’ He

helped draft the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Pope Paul VI considered him a mentor. At the

Sorbonne he met and married (1904) Raïssa Oumançoff, a Russian Jewish émigré. Disillusioned with life

they made a pact to commit suicide, but eventually found their way out of scientific atheism through the

help of a Catholic priest and St. Thomas Aquinas. Later in life he befriended revolutionary Saul Alinsky.

Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange, O.P. (greatest Thomist of the 20th century, +1964) spent some time as

his mentor and praised his Thomistic epistemology and metaphysics. However, when he became aware of

his liberal political views, he counseled him to eschew political philosophy. Maritain favored democratic

pluralism in the State and Church. He tried to ‘convert’ Garrigou-Lagrange who responded: “You are now

going to lecture us, who have been Catholic for centuries, on a new Catholic social doctrine?”

Fr. Carlo Baliç, the greatest 20th century Marian theologian (+1977), remarked: “Jacques Maritain is

considered a heretic. He would have already been condemned - on the twofold ground of progressismus

[progressivism] and laicismus [laicism] - were it not that he had been French ambassador to the Holy

See... He will not be condemned ... Still progressivism and laicism are heretical. Integral Humanism is a

dangerous book.”

Integral Humanism. Maritain argued that secular forms of humanism were actually anti-human for they

failed to recognize the spiritual dimension of man. Instead he explored a ‘new’ Christendom. He sought to

have Christianity inform political discourse and policy in a pluralistic age though a theory of cooperation,

believing people of different intellectual, political and religious positions could nevertheless cooperate to

achieve common practical aims.

Its errors are ‘distortions’ of the truth, as opposed to blunt errors. It is an incorrect emphasis on truths and

a false ordering of ends. These subtle deceits are the means used to create a ‘counterfeit’ Faith. I would

summarize his error as “ad majorem hominis gloriam.” He lays an über-emphasis on promoting the dignity

of man, who is made in the image and likeness of God. This results in a confusion of the “finis cuius” (the

true end, or absolute end) and the “finis quo” (the means to the end, or relative end). Rather, we must

“seek first the Kingdom of God and His justice, and all these things shall be added unto you” (Lk 12:31).

An indispensable truth about man is that Original Sin has greatly weakened his nature (our mind is

ignorant, our will is malevolent, our body is rebellious), and therefore we must distrust ourselves. An

incorrect emphasis on the promotion of human dignity ignores this truth. Instead it highlights what man can

achieve on his own power (via pluralistic cooperation) upon this earth. We must detect in this thought the

primal temptation which the most subtle and cunning Satan used to seduce Adam and Eve.

Jacques Maritain


Fr. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, S.J. (1 May 1881 – 10 Apr 1955)

Teilhard de Chardin was a Jesuit priest, hailed today as a great philosopher,

theologian and scientist (paleontology & geology). He embraced Darwin’s

false notions regarding evolution and sought to integrate them into Catholic

theology. He took part in the discovery of “Peking Man,” yet he has been

accused of having falsified some of the fossils (which have all mysteriously

disappeared) and intentionally concealing the data and discoveries which

would disprove his fanciful hypothesis1. Numerous contemporaries described

him as a ‘playboy’ priest who greatly enjoyed the company of women and the

wealthy. During his lifetime, the Vatican censured him and many of his

writings were prohibited from being published.

Teilhard de Chardin developed a theology in which Christ was the cosmic ‘Omega Point’ of evolution.

Supposedly, matter evolves into humanity which is evolves into divinity. Thus man’s human progress, and

the whole cosmic universe, will inevitably result in becoming the perfection of the Body of Christ. For this

reason, human progress is always good and must be promoted and spurred. For him, holiness consists

not in merely ‘religious practices’ but in secular ones as well, for they contribute to the Cosmic Christ. He

espoused the fallacious concept of the noosphere (the world of human thought) in which matter and spirit

are mutually interchangeable and transform one into the other, similar to how matter and energy are

transferrable in Einsteinian physics. In a nutshell, man ought to focus on developing himself (self growth

and self improvement) in order to evolve into the God he finds within.

As might be expected, Tielhard de Chardin rejected a literal reading of Genesis, despising both the

Church’s teaching regarding Creation and Original Sin. His horribly flawed understanding of grace is also

irreconcilable with Catholic teaching. Sadly, Vatican spokesman Fr. Federico Lombardi said in July 2000

“By now, no one would dream of saying that [Teilhard] is a heterodox author and shouldn’t be studied.”

Maurice Blondel (2 Nov 1861 – 4 June 1949)

A French philosopher best known as the ‘Father of the Nouvelle Theologie’. He sought to establish the

‘correct’ relationship between philosophy and religion, which he based upon his ‘new’ anthropology. Some

of his most influential ideas are the following:

Immanentism – A philosophy that locates the supernatural inside of man instead of in a transcendent

God. Blondel believed Christianity had to abandon Thomism in favor of Immanentism in order to be

relevant to the modern world This philosophy underlies all modernism and was severely condemned by 1 A good but brief reference detailing how many so-called historical discoveries of ‘neanderthal man’ (ape evolving into man)

are in fact false or hoaxes can be read at The conclusion being: “We see that some of the alleged evolutionary "ape-men" have been deliberate hoaxes. Others have simply been cases of poor science, often motivated by overzealous and wishful thinking. We do observe evidence in the fossil record of natural variability within the ape and human populations, and a grim chronicle of disease, suffering, and death. In every case, however, the bottom line is the same: there is no fossil evidence of ape-to-man human evolution. The "missing links" are still missing, because they never existed in the first place. From the beginning, true apes and true humans have coexisted as biologically distinct, created kinds - the works of the Creator.

Teilhard de Chardin


Pope St. Pius X in Pascendi Dominici Gregis (1907). In effect, Blondel blurs the spheres of grace and

nature into one, as if grace is part of human nature

Philosophy of Action – Blondel attempted to blend classical

Neoplatonic thought (St. Augustine) with modern Pragmatism

(Marxist Socialism) in a new Christian philosophy of religion

(Ecumenism). For him, ‘Action’ is the driving principle in man. He

also accepted Hegel’s dialectic as the primary mechanism

behind man’s action and progress (where the better solution or

manner of active, the synthesis, is a compromise position

between an opposing thesis and antithesis). Through this

methodology, Blondel believed that any philosophy or belief could

be reconciled with Catholic Dogma, it was simply of matter of

each epoch doing so with the philosophy best suited to its

zeitgeist. This opens the doors for a ‘marriage’ between

Catholicism and phenomenology, existentialism, and – in my view

- even materialism, Marxism and atheism. As I see it, the only

logical conclusion to this madness is a one world religion and

brotherhood of man constructing a modern Tower (Temple) of Babel.

NOTE: The emphases in all these new types of thinking (which inspired the

“Spirit of Vatican II”) are worlds apart from that which Our Lady emphasized in

the Message of Fatima, namely man’s sinfulness and the desperate need for

prayer, penance, and reparation to God.

Fr. Edourad Dhanis, Belgian Jesuit

He disbelieved Sr. Lucia and did much to discredit the Message of Fatima. [122]

Developed a theory that “Fatima I” consisted of the 1917 apparitions and was

authentic, whereas “Fatima II,” which included the visions from Pontevedra and Tuy,

was merely the fabrication of Sr. Luica. [123]

He based this on his own psychoanalysis of Sr. Lucia - even though he never met her

nor spoke to her. (No one who knew her said this of her, so from where did he really derive his analysis?)

According to him, the consecration of Russia was ‘practically unrealizable’ and

therefore he Blessed Mother would clearly not have asked for it. (faithless idiocy!)

Although Fr. Dhanis was challenged by his peers, many trumpeted his doubts [124]

Over the years, Fr. Dhanis received numerous promotions within the Church hierarchy.

He even helped write the notoriously heterodox Dutch Catechism. [124]

We see how the Curia in Rome is becoming a ‘house divided.’

One can’t understand the Church today without acknowledging this reality.

“And if a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” – Mk 3:25

Maurice Blondel


Miracle at Syracuse, Sicily

A statue of the Virgin miraculously begins to weep. [125-6]

Angelo and Antonina Iannuso

August 29 – September 2, 1953

Scientifically proved to be a miracle.

Approved by Ettore Baranzini, Archbishop of Syracuse (22 Sep 1881 – 6 May 1968)

Miraculous healings follow Bishop’s approval and tears stop.

The Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart of Mary

Note the very important & essential role of the hierarchy!

The Grand Convergence

The philosophy of Marxism is atheistic humanism (Communism is the political system)

This is the devil’s best and greatest attempt to destroy the Catholic Faith.

Catholics err by seeking essentially secular solutions to the problems of the 20th Century

instead of following the path given to us by Heaven and our Lady.

Giovannia Battista Montini, Under-Secreatary of State for Pius XII and future Pope Paul VI

Promoted the ‘Christian Democrats’; sought an alliance with Communism.

His family had strong ties to the Freemasons.

Two of his political protégés had ties to the Freemasons and Mafia.

Father José María Escriva, Founder of Opus Dei

Precursor to Vatican II, with regards to importance of secularism and ecumenism

Social, political, and financial concerns often trumped religious ones

Jacques Maritan, French Catholic Philosopher who wrote Integral Humansim

Spearheaded “Christian Humanism” by trying to blend Thomism with Humanism

Espoused the dignity and exaltation of man, universal salvation and the building of a

heaven by men upon earth.

Attempted to “bridge” the irreconcilable gap between Catholicism and Marxism.


His efforts had been preceded by the condemned endeavors of:

(1) Fr. Felicite de Lammenais – Tried to unite Catholicism and Liberalism

(2) Marc Sangier – Tried to unite Catholicism and Socialism (Sillon)

Karol Wojtyla was a great admirer of Jacques Maritain and also sought to graft a man-

centered philosophy onto Thomism (existentialism and phenomenology).

The tool for this grand convergence is the philosophy of Humanism. The vehicle by which

it was brought into the Church was the Second Vatican Council. Ultimately, it leads to a

“cult of man.”

NOTE: Once a ‘cult of man’ is embraced, the entertainment industry in general

becomes the ‘new religion’ of atheistic man. Man begins to live for entertainment,

it is how he socializes, recharges, and ‘sanctifies’ his days of rest. This industry

shapes men’s thoughts, morals, and action. To be ‘relevant’ so many priests and

religious strive with all their might to be entertaining. In fact, I think it is quite

accurate to say today: ‘entertainment is the opium of the masses.’ And Satan has

this entire industry tightly clenched within his diabolical fist.

CHP XII. Twilight Begins

The Rise and Fall of Monsignor Montini

The Third Secret Goes to Rome (16 Apr 1957) [142-43]

Sr. Lucia and Fr. Agustín Fuentes (Interview on 26 Dec 1957) [144-47]

This was the last time Sr. Lucia was able to speak somewhat freely

Familiarize yourself with the contents of this interview!

Twilight Descends - the death of Pope Pius XII (9 Oct 1958) [147-150]

In his later years, he no longer seemed too enthusiastic regarding the Message of Fatima

He considered abdicating the Papacy.

He certainly allowed a number of progressive changes within the Church.

Msgr. Montini Marc Sangier Fr. Lammenais Fr. Escriva
