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21 JANUARY 2018 10:00am

As Sydney’s oldest church, St James’ is a place of soul-stirring

worship, challenging preaching, and fine music. We are a

progressive community that welcomes all people regardless of

age, race, sexual orientation or religion.

St James’ Anglican Church

173 King Street, Sydney

(opposite Hyde Park Barracks)

For more information visit

or call 8227 1300





A Message from the Rector:


St James’ has a unique place in the life of the Anglican Church through its various

ministries to the people of the City of Sydney, the state of NSW, and the wider Anglican

Church. This includes engagement with those who work nearby in the legal profession,

parliament and government departments, Sydney Hospital, and many corporate offices and

shops. It especially includes times of crisis both in the life of the city and its people.

We seek to be an open and inclusive Christian community living and sharing the good news

of Christ with all who seek our support, regardless of age, race, sexual orientation or

religion. To this end, the church provides opportunities for worship, welfare support to

needy, pastoral care and counselling, spiritual growth and education, meditation, and our

highly regarded music programme.

Of course, sufficient levels of funding are required to maintain these activities. We

therefore need to look at increasing our giving, both in time and money, so that the

traditions and ministries of St James’ may continue. We currently budget on a need for

around $30 per person per week to maintain the basic pastoral and liturgical ministries of

the parish (not including the upkeep of the building and the special ministries of music and

the Institute).

In the past year there has been a fall in total offertory giving and it is therefore anticipated

that should this continue that the Parish will face a critical financial shortfall that could

threaten our viability. Rather than simply cutback on our activities to address this crisis,

Parish Council believes that we should be looking to grow and attract more people into our


Our strategic plan has identified many new things that we could (and should) do. An

important aspect of this is to develop our ministry with younger people as well as extend

our pastoral care of the elderly. To achieve this, and other growth opportunities, we need to

appoint another ordained person to the pastoral team (as we have had previously) that

would cost the parish around $10 per person per week. I encourage you to pray about this

need and ask yourself if you could help achieve it by increasing your giving.

Regular giving is an important way of thanking God for the benefits we have received in

life, as well as creating a generous and hospitable spirit among us, and ensuring that we

keep up our commitment to supporting the work of Christ through his church. It is for this

reason that we need to review our level of giving and, if not doing so already, make sure

that it happens regularly.

Electronic giving through direct transfer is one of the most effective ways of achieving this.

The following information can be used to make offerings directly into the church account:

Account Name: Churchwardens of St James’ Gen. A/C.

BSB No: 032 007 Account No: 250025

Further information on how to give and/or get involved in the ministry of St James’ is

available from the Parish Office, at the entrance to the church, and on the Parish website. It

only takes a little from many to make a big difference!


We welcome you to this historic church. in the heart of Sydney.

and are pleased you have chosen. to worship with us today.

Please join us for refreshments in the crypt. after the morning services (7.45am morning tea is served.

on the first Sunday of the month only).


The Rev’d Andrew Sempell Celebrant

Assoc. Prof. Michael Horsburgh AM Deacon & Preacher

David McQuoid Sub-deacon

Dame Marie Bashir Reader Beverley Horsburgh Intercessor

St James’ Guild of Altar Servers Christine Cheetham Head Server

St James’ Queen’s Square Guild of Bellringers

Marylon Coates Tower Captain

St James’ Sidespersons Team John Carroll Coordinator

Level 1, 169–171 Phillip St, NSW 2000 Parish Office 8227 1300 Telephone

9232 4182 Fax Website General Email

We welcome you to this historic church in the heart of Sydney.

Baptised Christians from other traditions are welcome to receive Communion.

Others are welcome to come forward to receive a blessing.

7:45, 9:00 & 11:00am Normal Sunday Services except during January when services are at 7:45am

& 10:00am only.

Kids@Church will be held at the 10:00am service during January. However

there will be no Children’s Eucharist until 4 February.


Soprano Alto Tenor Bass

Claire Burrell-McDonald Stephanie Dillon Owen Elsley Alistair Clark Pip Dracakis Hannah Fraser Luke Iredale Philip Murray

Josi Ellem Alex Siegers Ian McCahon Simon Turnill

Chloe Lankshear Lauren White Ethan Taylor Cronan Yu

Liza Lilli

Amy Moore

Brooke Shelley



Warren Trevelyan-Jones


Alistair Nelson


Violin Viola Cello Double Bass Fiona Ziegler Andrew Jezek Heather Lindsay Jenny Druery

Sarah Curro Nicole Forsyth Annika Stagg

Rafael Font Vera Carl St Jacques

Michelle O'Young

Julia Russoniello

Meg Cohen

Please advise one of the Sidespeople if you would like Communion brought to you in the pew.

If necessary, you are welcome to sit for those parts of the liturgy where it is normal to stand.


PRELUDE Ottorino Respighi (1879-1936) Aria & Pastorale from Suite in G major for Strings and Organ


Please stand.

Light of the minds that know him: may Christ be light to mine; my sun in risen splendour, my light of truth divine; my guide in doubt and darkness, my true and living way, my clear light ever shining my dawn of heaven’s day.

Life of the souls that love him: may Christ be ours indeed; the living bread from heaven on whom our spirits feed; who died for love of sinners to bear our guilty load, and make of life’s brief journey a new Emmaus road.

Strength of the wills that serve him: may Christ be strength to me, who stilled the storm and tempest, who calmed the tossing sea; his Spirit’s power to move me, his will to master mine, his cross to carry daily and conquer in his sign.

May it be ours to know him that we may truly love, and loving, fully serve him as serve the saints above; till in that home of glory with fadeless splendour bright, we serve in perfect freedom our Strength, our Life, our Light.

Words: Timothy Dudley-Smith (b.1926) Music: KING’S LYNN, English Traditional Melody [NEH 492] Descant: David Blunden

Please remain standing.



Celebrant We gather in worship in the name of the Father, and of the Son,

and of the Holy Spirit.

All Amen.

The Celebrant welcomes the congregation.


Please sit as the Choir sings the Kyrie and the altar is censed.

Please stand.


Deacon ‘Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one; you shall love the Lord

your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your

mind, and with all your strength.’ Jesus said: ‘This is the great and first

commandment. And a second is like it: you shall love your neighbour as


Christ the Son of God has been revealed as a light to the nations.

A silence for self-examination follows.

Let us bring our darkness to his light, confessing our sins in penitence and


All Merciful God, our maker and our judge, we have sinned against you in

thought, word and deed, and in what we have failed to do: we have

not loved you with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbours

as ourselves; we repent, and are sorry for all our sins. Father, forgive

us. Strengthen us to love and obey you in newness of life; through

Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Celebrant Almighty God, who has promised forgiveness to all who turn to him in

faith, pardon you and set you free from all your sins, strengthen you in

all goodness, and keep you in eternal life; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

All Amen.


Lord have mercy Christ have mercy Lord have mercy




Sung by the Choir

Please be seated.

Please stand


Celebrant Let us pray.

Bountiful God, through your Son you have called us to repent of our sin, to believe the good news, and to celebrate the coming of your kingdom:

teach us, like Christ’s first apostles, to hear the call to discipleship, and forsaking old ways, to proclaim the gospel of new life to a broken world; through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.

All Amen.


Gloria in excelsis Deo et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis. Laudamus te. Benedicimus te. Adoramus te. Glorificamus te. Gratias agimus tibi propter magnam gloriam tuam. Domine Deus, Rex coelestis, Deus Pater omnipotens. Domine Fili unigenite, Jesu Christe. Domine Deus, Agnus Dei, Filius Patris. Qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis. Qui tollis peccata mundi, suscipe deprecationem nostram. Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris, miserere nobis. Quoniam tu solus Sanctus. Tu solus Dominus. Tu solus Altissimus, Jesu Christe. Cum Sancto Spiritu in gloria Dei Patris. Amen.


Glory to God in the highest and peace to God’s people on earth. Lord God, heavenly King, almighty God and Father, we worship you, we give you thanks, we praise you for your glory. Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father, Lord God, Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world: have mercy on us; you are seated at the right hand of the Father: receive our prayer. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen.



Celebrant And now I invite all children who are going to Kids@Church, with their

parents if they wish, to come forward.

The children, parents and Kids@Church leaders come forward and stand at the Chancel steps.

Celebrant Children of God, we acknowledge you and now we send you forth to

Kids@Church. May the Scriptures light your way, may God’s love fill your

hearts with love, and may your lives be marked by hope and joy.

Children We go on our way in the strength of Christ. Amen.

The children walk in procession to the West Porch and the congregation sings:

Father welcomes all his children

to his family through the Son;

Father giving his salvation,

life for ever has been won.

In the water, in the word,

in his promise, be assured:

Those who are baptised and believe

shall be born again.

Father welcomes all his children

to his family through the Son;

Father giving his salvation,

life for ever has been won.

Words & Music: Robin Mann (b. 1949)

Please sit.



A reading from the Book of Jonah 3: 1–10

The word of the Lord came to Jonah a second time, saying, ‘Get up, go to Nineveh, that great city, and proclaim to it the message that I tell you. ’So Jonah set out and went to Nineveh, according to the word of the Lord. Now Nineveh was an exceedingly large city, a three days’ walk across. Jonah began to go into the city, going a day’s walk. And he cried out, ‘Forty days more, and Nineveh shall be overthrown!’ And the people of Nineveh believed God; they proclaimed a fast, and everyone, great and small, put on sackcloth.

When the news reached the king of Nineveh, he rose from his throne, removed his robe, covered himself with sackcloth, and sat in ashes. Then he had a proclamation made in Nineveh: ‘By the decree of the king and his nobles: No human being or animal, no herd or flock, shall taste anything. They shall not feed, nor shall they drink water. Human beings and animals shall be covered with sackcloth, and they shall cry mightily to God. All shall turn from their evil ways and from the violence that is in their hands. Who knows? God may relent and change his mind; he may turn from his fierce anger, so that we do not perish.’

When God saw what they did, how they turned from their evil ways, God changed his mind about the calamity that he had said he would bring upon them; and he did not do it.

A short silence is observed.

Reader For the Word of the Lord, All Thanks be to God.

PSALM 62: 5–12

Sung by the Choir to a chant by George C. Martin.

Nevertheless, my soul, wait thou still upon God:

for my hope is in him.

He truly is my strength and my salvation:

he is my defence, so that I shall not fall.

In God is my health, and my glory:

the rock of my might, and in God is my trust.

O put your trust in him alway, ye people:

pour out your hearts before him, for God is our hope.

As for the children of men, they are but vanity:

the children of men are deceitful upon the weights,

they are altogether lighter than vanity itself.

O trust not in wrong and robbery, give not yourselves unto vanity:

if riches increase, set not your heart upon them.

God spake once, and twice I have also heard the same:

that power belongeth unto God;

And that thou, Lord, art merciful:

for thou rewardest every man according to his work.



A reading from the First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians 7: 29–31

I mean, brothers and sisters, the appointed time has grown short; from now on, let even those who have wives be as though they had none, and those who mourn as though they were not mourning, and those who rejoice as though they were not rejoicing, and those who buy as though they had no possessions, and those who deal with the world as though they had no dealings with it. For the present form of this world is passing away.

A short silence is observed.

Reader For the Word of the Lord, All Thanks be to God.

Please stand.


Dear Lord and Father of mankind,

forgive our foolish ways!

re-clothe us in our rightful mind,

in purer lives thy service find,

in deeper reverence, praise.

In simple trust like theirs who heard,

beside the Syrian sea,

the gracious calling of the Lord,

let us, like them, without a word

rise up and follow thee.

O Sabbath rest by Galilee!

O calm of hills above,

where Jesus knelt to share with thee

the silence of eternity,

interpreted by love!

Choir only Drop thy still dews of quietness,

till all our strivings cease;

take from our souls the strain and stress,

and let our ordered lives confess

the beauty of thy peace.

Breathe through the heats of our desire thy coolness and thy balm; let sense be dumb, let flesh retire; speak through the earthquake, wind, and fire, O still, small voice of calm!

Words: John Whittier (1807-1892) Music: REPTON, C. Hubert Parry (1848-1918), arr. A. Nelson [NEH 353]


Please remain standing and turn to face the Gospel reader.



Cantor The kingdom of God is near: believe the Good News! Alleluia!



Deacon A reading from the Holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, according to St Mark.


After John was arrested, Jesus came to Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God, and

saying, ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe

in the good news.’

As Jesus passed along the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting

a net into the lake – for they were fishermen. And Jesus said to them, ‘Follow me and I

will make you fish for people.’ And immediately they left their nets and followed him.

As he went a little farther, he saw James son of Zebedee and his brother John, who were

in their boat mending the nets. Immediately he called them; and they left their father

Zebedee in the boat with the hired men, and followed him.

Deacon For the Gospel of the Lord,



Associate Professor Michael Horsburgh AM Diocesan Reader

A time of reflection follows the sermon.



Please stand.



Deacon Let us pray for the world and for the Church.

Please either kneel or sit.

At the conclusion of each prayer –

Intercessor Lord, in your mercy,

All hear our prayer.

The prayers conclude with the following:

Deacon Almighty God, you have promised to hear our prayers.

All Grant that what we have asked in faith, we may by your grace receive,

through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Please stand.

Celebrant Christ has reconciled us to God in one body by the cross.

All We meet in his name and share his peace.

Celebrant The peace of the Lord be always with you.

All And also with you.

We greet one another in the name of the Lord.



O Jesus, I have promised

to serve thee to the end;

be thou for ever near me,

my Master and my Friend;

I shall not fear the battle

if thou art by my side,

nor wander from the pathway

if thou wilt be my guide.

O let me hear thee speaking

in accents clear and still,

above the storms of passion,

the murmurs of self-will;

O speak to reassure me,

to hasten or control;

O speak, and make me listen,

thou guardian of my soul.

O Jesus, thou hast promised

to all who follow thee,

that where thou art in glory

there shall thy servant be;

and, Jesus, I have promised

to serve thee to the end;

O give me grace to follow,

my Master and my Friend.

O let me see thy footmarks,

and in them plant mine own;

my hope to follow duly

is in thy strength alone;

O guide me, call me, draw me,

uphold me to the end;

and then in heaven receive me,

my Saviour and my Friend.

Words: John Bode (1816-1874) Music: WOLVERCOTE, William H. Ferguson (1874-1950) [NEH 420] Verse 4 harmonized by Simon Turnill.

Please remain standing.

Et vitam venturi saeculi. Amen.


When the Gifts have been prepared, they are presented.

Celebrant Blessed are you, Lord, God of all creation. Through your goodness we

have these gifts of bread and wine to share. Accept and use our offerings

for your glory and for the service of your kingdom.

All Blessed be God for ever.



The congregation is invited to remain standing until the Communion.

Celebrant All glory and honour be yours always and everywhere, mighty Creator,

everliving God. We give you thanks and praise for your Son, our Saviour Jesus

Christ, who by the power of your Spirit was born of Mary and lived as one of

us. You anointed him as Messiah, the light of the nations, and revealed him as

the hope of all who thirst for righteousness and peace. By his death on the

cross and rising to new life, he offered the one true sacrifice for sin and

obtained an eternal deliverance for his people. Therefore with angels and

archangels, and with all the company of heaven, we proclaim your great and

glorious name, for ever praising you and singing:


Sung by the Choir


Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, Dominus Deus Sabaoth. Pleni sunt coeli et terra gloria tua. Hosanna in excelsis.


Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of power and might, Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest.

Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini. Hosanna in excelsis.

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.


Celebrant Merciful God, we thank you for these gifts of your creation, this bread and

wine, and we pray that by your Word and Holy Spirit, we who eat and drink

them may be partakers of Christ’s body and blood.

On the night he was betrayed Jesus took bread; and when he had given

you thanks he broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, ‘Take, eat. This

is my body given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.’

After supper, he took the cup, and again giving you thanks he gave it to his

disciples, saying, ‘Drink from this, all of you. This is my blood of the new

covenant shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins. Do this, as

often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.’

Deacon Let us proclaim the mystery of faith:


Celebrant Therefore we do as our Saviour has commanded: proclaiming his offering

of himself made once for all upon the cross, his mighty resurrection and

glorious ascension, and looking for his coming again, we celebrate, with

this bread and this cup, his one perfect and sufficient sacrifice for the sins

of the whole world.

Renew us by your Holy Spirit, unite us in the body of your Son, and

bring us with all your people into the joy of your eternal kingdom;

through Jesus Christ our Lord, with whom, and in whom, in the

fellowship of the Holy Spirit, we worship you, Father, in songs of never-

ending praise:


The Church bell is rung and then silence is kept.



Celebrant As our Saviour Christ has taught us, we are confident to pray:


The Celebrant breaks the Eucharistic Bread and says:

As this broken bread was once many grains,

which have been gathered together and made one bread:

All So may your Church be gathered from the ends of the earth into your



Please be seated as the Choir sings

Deacon Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.

Happy are those who are called to his supper.

All Lord, I am not worthy to receive you, but only say the word,

and I shall be healed.


Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi: miserere nobis.

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi: miserere nobis.

Agnus Dei, qui tollis peccata mundi: dona nobis pacem.


Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world, have mercy on us.

Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world, have mercy on us.

Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world, grant us your peace.


Baptised Christians from other traditions are welcome to receive Communion. Others are welcome to

come forward to receive a blessing.

You are also advised to take any valuables with you to Communion to ensure their security.

There are two distribution points for Communion: one at the chancel steps, and one in the baptistry.

If you are at the rear of the nave (near the baptistry) please proceed up the central aisle to the baptistry

for Communion and return to your pews by the side aisles.

If you are in the gallery, please proceed down the stairs to the rear of the nave (near the baptistry)for

Communion, returning to the gallery by the aisle at the rear of the church

We request that people not use the practice of ‘intinction’ at Communion (the practice of dipping the

consecrated bread into the consecrated wine) as it increases the possibility of transmitting infection.

If you are concerned about use of the common cup, it is acceptable for you to receive Communion in one

kind (i.e. the bread only). Gluten-free wafers are available on request.


During the Communion, The Choir will sing the following motets:


Music: Gustav Holst (1874-1934) Music: Gustav Holst

Lord, Who hast made us for Thine own, Hear as we sing before Thy throne. Alleluia, Alleluia. Accept Thy children’s rev’rent praise For all Thy wondrous works and ways. Alleluia, Alleluia.

Waves rolling in on ev’ry shore, Pause at His footfall and adore. Alleluia, Alleluia. Ye torrents rushing from the hills, Bless Him Whose hand your fountain fills. Alleluia, Alleluia.

Earth, ever through the power divine, Seedtime and harvest shall be Thine. Alleluia, Alleluia. Sweet flowers that perfume all the air, Thank Him that He hath made you fair. Alleluia, Alleluia.

Burn, lamps of night with constant flame, Shine to the honour of His name. Alleluia, Alleluia. Thou sun, whom all the lands obey, Renew His praise from day to day. Alleluia, Alleluia.

To my humble supplication, Lord, give ear and acceptation; Save Thy servant, that hath none Help nor hope but Thee alone. Send, O send relieving gladness To my soul opprest with sadness, Which, from clog of earth set free, Winged with zeal, flies up to Thee. Bow down thine ear O Lord, hear me; for I am poor and needy. Preserve my soul for I am holy O thou my God, save Thy servant that trusteth in Thee. Be merciful unto me O Lord; for I cry unto Thee daily. Rejoice the soul of Thy servant For unto thee O Lord do I lift up my soul. For Thou Lord art good and ready to forgive And plenteous in mercy unto them that call upon Thee. Give ear O Lord unto my prayer and attend to the voice of my supplication. I will praise Thee O Lord my God with all my heart and I will glorify Thy name for evermore. To Thee, rich in mercies’ treasure, And in goodness without measure, Never failing help to those Who on Thy sure help repose. Heavenly Tutor, of Thy kindness, Teach my dullness, guide my blindness, That my steps Thy paths may tread Which to endless bliss do lead.



The congregation stands as the sacred ministers move to the front of the altar.

Celebrant God of the nations, we thank you for nourishing us with this holy sacrament. Guide us by your presence, that we may bring your light to those who dwell in darkness, and establish your justice in the earth.

All Father, we offer ourselves to you as a living sacrifice through Jesus Christ our Lord. Send us out in the power of your Spirit to live and work to your praise and glory. Amen.

Please sit.


Please stand.

I heard the voice of Jesus say, ‘Come unto Me and rest; lay down, thou weary one, lay down thy head upon my breast!’ I came to Jesus as I was, weary, and worn, and sad; I found in him a resting-place, and he has made me glad.

I heard the voice of Jesus say, ‘Behold, I freely give the living water; thirsty one; stoop down, and drink, and live:’ I came to Jesus, and I drank of that life-giving stream; my thirst was quenched, my soul revived, and now I live in Him.

I heard the voice of Jesus say, ‘I am this dark world’s Light; look unto me, thy morn shall rise, and all thy day be bright:’ I looked to Jesus, and I found in him my Star, my Sun; and in that light of life I’ll walk till travelling days are done.

Words: Horatius Bonar (1808-1889) Music: KINGSFOLD, adapted from an English folk tune by R. Vaughan Williams (1872-1958), [NEH 376] arr. Nelson



Celebrant May Christ the Son of God be manifest to you, that your lives may be a

light to the world; and the blessing of God almighty, the Father, the

Son, and the Holy Spirit, be among you and remain with you always.


Deacon Go in peace to love and serve the Lord:

All In the name of Christ. Amen.


Ottorino Respighi – Prelude & Cantico from Suite in G major for Strings and Organ

Please feel free to sit and listen to the postlude or to leave quietly. You are invited to join us for refreshments in the Crypt and Courtyards

after the service.


Anglican Cycle of Prayer: Please pray for The Church of Bangladesh and The Most Rev’d Paul Shishir Sarker, Moderator, Church of Bangladesh and Bishop of Dhaka.

The sick – Immediate: Mark Ferguson, Guy Cockburn, Peter Christian, Robyn Grimsey, Ann Matthews, John Behm.

In need – Nathan Keats and family.

The sick – Long-term: Peter Douglas, Pauline Thomas, Herb Anderson, Nellie Smith, Bill Beeche, Vivienne, Paul, Ann Bratt, Anahera Chessum, John Grace, Max Watson, Gillian Virginie, Helen Lord, Lynda Cox, Martha McRae, Megan Nelson, Jim Ridley, Rodney Knock, Leigh Knock, Pamela Sapsford, Bob Crundwell, Cherie Sheppard, Fr John Beer, Maddy Ritchie, Candace Waters, Norma Shore, Gabriel Miles, Tim Potter, Ray Sharp, Peter Stewart, Marian Pilone, Helen Ashley, Marion Barton, Neville Harris, Shirley Harris, Steve Bell, Benjamin York, Ariel Roman, Bp Ken Mason, Sue Keats, Ashleigh Lester, Joyce Wiltshire, Paula Ginns, Dorothy van Twest, Judith Chandler, Rhonda Gordon, Fiona Hawke, Barry Shepherd, Phillip, Dorothy Picard, Frances Rolfe, Jean Keppie, Lia Edwards, Billie Brace, Eve Syme, The Rev’d Paul Cooper.

Thanksgiving: Michael Steep, Rosemary Bradford.

Baptism anniversaries: William James Bryks.

The recently departed: Rosalyn Appel, Kate Canty, Joy Jones, John Rudge, Anne Morshead, Marie Jones.

Those whose year’s mind falls at this time: Barbara Josling, Lucy Carter, Alan Bishop, Wilhelmina Oesterlin, Anne Beatty, James Turney, Gregory Wotherspoon, James Rigney, Heather Ferguson, John Hubbard, Gwynneth Paynter, Barry van Heekeren, Mary cook, Roderick West, John Proudman, priest, Pamela Davies, Suzanne Ball, Alice Ashley-Brown, Arthur McMillan.

Please note that names of the sick will remain on the ‘Immediate’ list for one month only. If there is a need for a name to remain longer, please ask for it to be placed on the ‘Long Term’ list. All requests should be made to Dianne Ward, the Office Administrator, at


THE FLOWERS IN THE CHURCH TODAY are in loving memory of

Alan Bishop

May he rest in peace and rise again in glory.




It has been pointed out by the British composer Gabriel Jackson (born 1962), who has strong musical connections with the Baltic countries, that choral music is at the heart of musical life there, and that the writing of choral music has been a central preoccupation of many recent Baltic composers. He adds that amateur choral singing has been popular in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia since the second half of the 19th century, thereby becoming an important part of national identity, and that it is still taken very seriously, with many amateur choirs reaching a very high standard, and with the best professional choirs being among the great choirs of the world.

This interest in choral music and singing is partly explained by the history of the Baltic countries. During much of their past they have been either under foreign domination or occupation. As a result, choral singing became an important outlet for many Baltic citizens. This rich choral tradition has been accompanied by the creation of a huge repertoire of folk songs and dances, and the so-called ‘Singing Revolution’ of the 1980s established itself as a focus of political resistance to the Soviet regime. Even after the collapse of the Soviet Union, these very popular folk song and dance festivals have continued, being officially recognized by UNESCO in 2003 as ‘masterpieces of the oral and intangible heritage of humanity.’

Such is the background to the Missa of Pēteris Vasks, who was born in Latvia. He studied the double bass at the Vilnius State Conservatory in Lithuania from 1965 to 1970, and then studied composition at the Latvian State Conservatory in Riga, graduating in 1978. From 1963 to 1975 he played in various symphonic and chamber orchestras in Lithuania and Latvia, but since 1989 he has taught composition at the Emīls Dārzins Music School in Riga. He has also established himself as one of Latvia’s leading composers. As his father was a Baptist minister, Vasks has long had an interest in sacred music. However, he found it difficult to write such music under the Soviet regime, given the strong official discouragement prevalent at that time. Instead, he devoted himself to the composition of instrumental music. Since the early 1990s, though, with the end of the Soviet Union, he has increasingly shown interest in the setting of religious texts. In 1991 he composed a Pater noster for choir with optional string orchestra – a work long desired by his father. A Dona Nobis Pacem with the same scoring followed in 1996. His Missa, originally scored for 8-part choir and organ, was


composed in 2000. The premiere of this version took place in Riga Cathedral in June, 2001. However, in 2005, the composer added a very rich string accompaniment, thereby enhancing its appeal.

Vasks’ style of choral writing in this Mass could be described as being a modern version of the ‘pastoral’ style so beloved of English composers during the earlier part of the 20th century. Reviewers of the work have also noted the stylistic influence of the music of the English composers Michael Tippett (1905-1998) and Herbert Howells (1892-1983), as well as that of the more recent celebrated minimalists Pärt, Górecki, Kancheli, and Tavener.

Vasks’ Mass is basically consonant, with dissonance used for deliberate expressive purposes. The music is essentially tonal but also makes frequent use of modality (melodies and harmonies based on the ancient modal scales, as distinct from the major and minor tonality typical of Western music from the Baroque era onwards). The Kyrie is tripartite in structure like its text, and is characterized by frequent changes in metre: from 4/4 to 6/4 to 5/4, and with frequent fluctuations in tempo. While the opening Kyrie section is basically homophonic (chordal), the central Christe section is contrapuntal and imitative, with the voices entering successively from bass up to soprano. This is followed by a varied repetition of the Kyrie section. Often during this movement, the alto line divided into two parts, so that while ostensibly the scoring is for four parts, in reality five-part harmony is frequently heard. In the very final bars, Vasks, by dividing the other voice parts as well, increases the texture to six, seven, and then to eight-part harmony.

The Gloria begins solemnly and joyfully, with a high tessitura in all the voices, with divided vocal parts and with rich, close and dissonant harmony, again set to alternating metres: 4/2 and 3/2. By contrast ‘et in terra pax’ is set with a low tessitura and softer dynamic. The music becomes increasingly chromatic (the use of inflected notes foreign to the basic key) and expressive, with a thinning of the four-part texture to two and then three voices; a climax is reached on the plea for mercy ‘miserere nobis’, with the use of a high tessitura, divided voice parts and chromaticism combined. The final section is predominantly splendid with a generally high tessitura and rich harmony.

Vasks does not set the Credo. His Sanctus is indicated to be performed ‘animato’ – in an animated way. The composer commented that he imagined it being ‘sung by happy, little angels.’ The word ‘sanctus’ is set over and over again, in a bell-like fashion, and the writing throughout the movement is joyful and extrovert, while basically homophonic. The Benedictus is in a lilting ¾ rhythm and is marked to be performed calmly. It is the most pastoral of the movements of the mass, and ends with equally joyful settings of the word ‘hosanna’ as did the Sanctus.

The Agnus Dei, although also pastoral in mood, is more slow-moving and expressive than the Benedictus, as befits its text. Frequent changes in tempo and the use of


chromatic chords accentuate this expressiveness. The main melody has a gentle undulating shape; a very striking climax is reached on the final setting of the phrase ‘qui tollis peccata mundi’ with rich, chromatic harmony, and a long-held top B in the first sopranos. After this climax, the music subsides literally and emotionally – to a lower tessitura and with the interpretative direction ‘dolcissimo’, ‘most sweetly’ for the setting of the final words ‘dona nobis pacem’, with the second bass part descending to a very low C.

© Robert Forgács, 2018

GUSTAV HOLST (1874-1934) – PSALMS 86 & 148

The music of Gustav Holst forms a natural complement to the music of Vasks, as Holst’s great-grandfather, Matthias (1769-1854) was born in Riga, though of German ancestry. The original family name was von Holst, but Gustav, who was born and brought up in England, abandoned the ‘von’ in 1918 for obvious reasons. Holst studied composition at the Royal College of Music in London in the 1890s and became a personal friend of the composer Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958), who had a profound influence on his compositional style. Holst’s first great success came with his orchestral suite The Planets of 1914-16, which has remained his single most popular composition. In a totally different vein are his two psalm settings of 1912, H 117, scored for choir, strings and organ. This music was composed at a time when the composer’s compositional style was undergoing a structural refinement, which has aptly been described as ‘pared-down’, with each note carrying significance. Both psalm settings are direct and straight-forward in style. Both begin with unison writing for the choir, although this is preceded by a string introduction in Psalm 86, but without any introduction in Psalm 148. Other differences include the fact that Psalm 86 is modal in both melody and harmony, and is clearly inspired by Gregorian chant if not actually based on it. It is reflective and meditative in mood. In addition, the work displays considerable textural variety, including an impressive tenor solo towards its conclusion, which is followed by a shorter solo for soprano. Psalm 148 is based on the Lutheran chorale of 1623 Lasst uns erfreuen herzlich (Let us be sincerely glad) and consists of a series of beautiful variations woven around this well-known chorale, with several dramatic upward transpositions of the original key adding to the sense of excitement.

© Robert Forgács, 2018

LUNCHTIME CONCERTS AT ST JAMES’ Unwind for half an hour on Wednesdays at lunchtime (1:15–1:45pm), and listen to a variety of performers in the peace of St James’ Church. Also enjoy 15% discount from 1:45pm until 3:30pm at Jardin St James’ (closed to 29 January) at the east end of the church after the concert, upon presentation of the concert programme. The next concert will be on 24 January with Alistair Nelson – organ.



Notice is hereby given that the Parish Council of the Parish of St James intends to apply to the Standing Committee of the Synod of the Diocese of Sydney for an ordinance to authorise a mortgaging limit of up to $15 million to be applied towards the purchase of additional property nearby to St James’ Hall. A copy of the Ordinance can be found in the Baptistery. Further details regarding it and its purposes can be raised with either the Churchwardens, the Rector, or Mr James Balfour (Secretary of the St James Hall Board of Management). Any objections to the proposed Ordinance may be presented to the Secretary of the Standing Committee before 4 February.



THANK YOU Thank you to all those who worked so tirelessly to make our services and our hospitality so special during the recent Christmas season. We acknowledge the hard work of all those involved in music, together with the sacristans, servers, lay assistants, readers, intercessors, bellringers, flower-arrangers, sidespersons, providers of hospitality, and all those who work behind the scenes. St James’ Church could not function without the service of so many volunteers, who complement the work of the clergy and staff so willingly and so well.

ST JAMES’ INSTITUTE St James’ Institute 2018 Programme Hard copies of this exciting programme of activities and events are available from the baptistry and Parish Office. Subscriptions for 2018 are now open and represent excellent value for money. Bookings can be made by email to:; by phone on: (02) 8227 1305; or in person at Level 1, 169-171 Phillip Street, Sydney. More details of events can be found online at www.

Lent Studies: The Commandments This six-week series, part of the Pilgrim Course, will begin in the week commencing 12 February, with groups meeting at various times and in various places. However, the Monday group which meets at Clergy House, Chatswood, will not begin until Monday 19 February. Study booklets cost $10. More details will be provided soon.

KIDS@CHURCH Kids@Church will meet each Sunday in conjunction with the 10am services until February.

ST JAMES’ FOUNDATION THANKS The St James’ Foundation Ltd supports a number of the activities of St James’ Church. Over the past year it made distributions totalling $262,603, which is the highest annual distribution in its history. This comprised $50,000 for the maintenance of the church building and $212,603 for music ministry (including the Orchestral Masses). It also transferred $33,333 toward the new Organ reserve, to be accumulated and distributed in 2020.

The Parish is very appreciative of the support of the Foundation and encourages people to make donations and bequests to it for the special ministries of this place.

THE RESTORATION PROJECT This group, to which all are invited, aims to practise the disciplines of spiritual transformation, both historic and contemporary, in Christian community, and meets fortnightly on Tuesday evenings at 6:30pm in St James’ Crypt. The next meeting is on Tuesday 30 January. Because the gatherings end with a meal, those wishing to attend should email Nick Ingram at

ST JAMES’ MEN’S GROUP The first meeting for the year is on Saturday 10 February, commencing with lunch at Noon, at 15 Macleay Street, Wahroonga. The speaker will be Rev Dr Peter Grundy on the topic of the Christian citizen. The Rev. Dr Peter Grundy has had a distinguished career as a public servant, as an academic in the departments of philosophy and theology at several of our metropolitan universities, as the president of the Canberra Rifle Club, and as an active Anglican priest still



in the Diocese of Canberra & Goulburn. His appearance and erudition have often led to his being mistaken for either Rowan Williams or Manning Clark. His is ably qualified to lead our thinking on the crucial subject of the ‘Christian citizen and the state’. RSVP to David Cheetham on 0405 199 189. The following meeting dates have been set for the remainder of 2018: 14 April, 2 June, 7 July, 25 August, 27 October. Please note these dates in your diary.

STAMPS St James’ continues to collect used stamps for the Anglican Board of Mission, which then sells them to raise many thousands of dollars annually for ABM’s projects both in Australia and in developing nations. Please pass on your used stamps to the church library in the Crypt.

MEDITATION GROUPS The Tuesday Group will resume on 6 February, 2018, and the Wednesday Group on 7 February, with the Friday Group (which would love more members) likely to resume on 9 February.

WHO IS MY NEIGHBOUR? Thank you for all your support in 2017. We have taken food, supermarket vouchers and children’s books to the Asylum Seekers Centre about every six weeks. We plan to continue this and so please place vouchers, phone cards or money in the plate or give to the church office in an envelope marked – Asylum Seekers Centre.

We have been praying and writing letters to politicians about Australia’s treatment of the refugees on Manus and Nauru. The UN Refugee Agency has again criticised

Australia for its treatment of these people and we need to continue to support them.

St James’ has proposed to support a family from Syria currently in Jordan to come to Australia. We have had no news and we have asked Anglicare to make further enquires for us. We have raised over $13,000 and we will keep you updated on progress. In the meantime donations to the Christmas Bowl and other aid organisations are helping to support these vulnerable people.

HOW CAN I FIND OUT? Sometimes parishioners and visitors are puzzled about something to do with some aspect or other of the work of St James’ Church. And then they wonder, ‘How can I find out the answer?’ I have some suggestions: • Keep your Pewsheet so you can look at

it at home. Spare hard copies are always available in the baptistry and in the Parish Office (Level 1, 169-171 Phillip Street, Sydney).

• Parish Connections may have the answer. Copies are available in the baptistry, Parish Office, and in the foyer of the St James’ Hall (169-171, Phillip Street, Sydney).

• A wealth of information is on our website ( Use the drop down menus under the appropriate category, e.g. to get to the online version of the Pewsheet, go to Publications and just keep clicking on the date you want! (There are lots of layers in the website – so plenty of information).

Sue Mackenzie, Publications Editor.


CAN YOU HELP? St James’ Church is in urgent need of more people to join the tiny band of brass polishers, who maintain the brass used in services. The job only takes about an hour to complete each time. Furthermore, you would not be required to polish each week, but involvement every 4-5 weeks would be much appreciated. All material needed for this important ministry is supplied. Contact Elizabeth Wyse on 0414 329 478 if you can help. She will also give you more details about what is involved in this valuable work.

HOLIDAY SERVICE SCHEDULE Sunday 28 January (Australia Day Sunday/Epiphany 4): 7:45 am – Holy Eucharist 10:00 am – Choral Eucharist with Kids@Church (Orchestral Mass: Haydn – Missa Sancti Bernardi von Offida) Preacher: The Rev’d John Deane

Weekday Eucharists will continue in January at 12:30pm on working days, however there will be no service of Choral Evensong until Wednesday 7 February.

From and including 4 February, Sunday service times will revert to: 7:45 am – Holy Eucharist 9:00 am – Sung Eucharist with Kids@Church 11:00 am – Choral Eucharist.

ANCHORITES NEEDED Are you someone who is unable to regularly attend services at the church anymore? Or perhaps you know someone who fits this description. St James’ Church is looking for people who


MORE INFORMATION on the Parish can be found on our website,, including links to our bi-monthly magazine, Parish Connections.

The December 2017/January 2018 edition of Parish Connections is available in hard copy in the baptistry and at the Parish Office, Level 1, 169-171 Phillip Street, Sydney.

Submissions for the February/March edition are due to Brooke Shelley by Monday 22 January. Please phone 8227 1301 or email

are willing to regularly pray in depth for the work of St James’ Church and for its clergy and people. Prayer points would be provided each week to such anchorites. If you are interested in this exciting and valuable ministry, please contact Christopher Waterhouse on 8227 1305 or email:

ST JAMES EATS The first St James Eats for 2018 is Italian: Friday 9th March 6.30pm for 7.00pm Da Capo Coutyard Restaurant 8 Macquarie Street, Sydney This is the café situated inside the grounds of Sydney hospital. They are opening the restaurant just for us so we will have the venue to ourselves. $40.00pp incl corkage and tip. Prepay to secure reservation. Future St James Eats will be held on: 18 May, 13 July, 21 September, 9 November.



Concert Series

The 2018 Series will be launched during the January Orchestral Masses. Concerts will take place in

2018 on 22 March*, 19 May, 28 July, 15 September, 3 November and 8 December. Why not mark

these dates in your diary now?

*The opening concert of our 2018 series, on Thursday 22 March, featuring Handel’s Messiah,

continues the theme heralded by our excerpts from Messiah in last Sunday’s motet. This concert

will be held in the City Recital Hall at 7:00pm.

You also could note that Cantata Services in 2018 will take place in St James’ Church, King Street,

Sydney on 15 April, 10 June, 12 August, and 14 October.

Friends of Music at St James For only $50 ($10 joining fee and $40 annual subscription), you can become a member of a

dynamic organisation founded to support the music programme of St James’ and its renowned


Why be a Friend of Music?

You are supporting one of Australia’s finest musical institutions.

Friends support the Choir, music and music programme of St James’ in many valuable ways, and

enjoy a wide range of new and improved benefits for 2018 including:

• Friends receive 20% discount on all concert tickets.

• Subscribers to the 2018 Concert Series receive 1 concert free.

• Reserved seating at concerts upon presentation of the Friends of Music membership card.

• Invitations to special events, including open rehearsals and cocktail parties.

• Monthly newsletters.

• 17.5% discount on wine orders from Coriole Vineyards, 15% discount at Subsolo Spanish

Restaurant and Bar, and 10% discount at Fish Fine Music.

Pick up a Friends of Music at St James’ brochure at the door as you leave.

For more information: call 8227 1308

or Email:




t here



The St James’ Foundation Ltd. manages two charitable trusts that assist the Parish of St James with its music ministry and the maintenance and preservation of the Church building. The St James’ Foundation is independent of parish control.

The St James’ Music Foundation

The Music Foundation provides financial assistance to the Parish to enable production and performance of:

a. Sacred and secular music with a particular focus on choral and pipe organ music,

b. Sacred and secular dramatic works and artistic performances, and

c. Sacred and secular performances of dance and movement, at or in association with the Parish of St James.

The Music Foundation allows two kinds of donations; those toward current expenditure and those toward capital. Donations toward Current Activities Fund are intended for immediate use. This is the way that people support the Orchestral Masses and other projects. Donations to the capital are invested and the income distributed to the Parish. Donations to the Music Foundation are tax deductible.

St James’ Church Building and Property Foundation

The Building Foundation provides financial assistance to the Parish for: a. The restoration, preservation, maintenance, improvement, enhancement and

upkeep of the church building, its fixtures, fittings and ornaments, and b. The preservation, protection, maintenance, improvement and enhancement of

any property which the Trustee determines is or could be trust property of St James’.

The Building Foundation is principally a capital fund, the income of which is distributed to the Parish. Donations to the Building are not tax-deductible.

Donations and Bequests

These two foundations are vital for the ongoing ministry of the Parish. You are therefore encouraged to consider making either a donation or bequest to them. A brochure giving details of how to do this is available in the Baptistry or in the Parish Office.

The Right Reverend Richard Hurford OAM Chairman


Please consider paying your offering directly into the church account. Details are: BSB 032 007, A/C 250025, Churchwardens St James’ Gen. A/C. Offering cards are available from the office if you use direct debit.



Next meeting Tuesday 6 Feb., 6:15pm


Next meeting Wednesday 7 Feb., 10:30am


28 JANUARY 2018













Office: Level 1, 169–171 Phillip St, Sydney NSW 2000

Telephone: 8227 1300 Fax: 9232 4182 E-mail:

Rector: The Reverend Andrew Sempell E: T: 8227 1303 (Mobile: 0419 018 225)

Associate Rector: The Reverend John Stewart E: T: 8227 1304 (AH 9410 3077)

Director of the St James’ Institute: Christopher Waterhouse E: T: 8227 1305

Head of Music: Warren Trevelyan-Jones E: T: 8227 1306

Churchwardens: Sidney Blairs, Holly Raiche and Kumar Rasiah. E:


Please send any notices for inclusion in the Parish News to the office by Tuesday morning.


Tuesday, resumes 6 February, 2018

Wednesday, resumes 7 February, 2018

Friday, resumes 9 February, 2018


Monday to Friday

12:30pm, Holy Eucharist

Wednesday Choral Evensong resumes on

7 February, 2018.


Wednesday 24 January, 1:15pm

Alistair Nelson – organ
