Choosing Wisely: Evidence Based Practice - Boston … · Choosing Wisely: Evidence Based Practice...


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22nd Annual Northeast Regional Nurse Practitioner Conference – May 6-8, 2015

Choosing Wisely: Evidence Based PracticeGene Harkless, DNSC, APRN


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Boston College Connell School of Nursing Continuing Education Program is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing education by the American Nurses Association Massachusetts, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation.

22nd Annual Northeast Regional Nurse Practitioner Conference – May 6-8, 2015


• Discuss the use of research in making clinical decisions.

• Summarize recent evidence that changes standard practice.

Less is More: Choosing Wisely 2015

Lessons for Nurse Practitioners

Gene Harkless DNSc, APRN, FNP, C., FAANP Associate Professor and Chair

Department of Nursing University of New Hampshire

Evidence-based medicine is an approach to health care that promotes the collection, interpretation, and

integration of valid, important and applicable evidence.

The best available evidence, moderated by patient circumstances and preferences, is applied to improve

the quality of clinical judgments.

McMaster University

Preference sensitive care


“American healthcare is seriously broken. We have a system that under treats large numbers of people who need more and better care, and over treats equally large numbers of people with ill-considered, wasteful, unnecessary care. These are really two sides of the same coin.”

Dr. Vikas Saini 2012

Unnecessary care as a maker of poor quality?

How much care in the US is avoidable?

Can we quantify its consequences, in terms of financial impact and harms?

What factors drive over utilization and inappropriate medical services, how can we curb it, and do nurse practitioners have an ethical duty to do so?

Why is there overuse?

Magical thinking—convictions that individuals tend to hold despite evidence that should lead to contradictory or more nuanced beliefs.

New technology is good.

Natural is good.

Uncertainty is intolerable

Misunderstanding evidence

Misplaced trust

Becky 26 yo

Makes $35000

Pays $2500 for health insurance/ co-pays

Company will pay $5700

This means she is actually worth over $43000 to the company

Pay stub: $35000

Taxes $7781

State $1276


SS $2170

Medicare $508

Other deductions

Medical $1932

Dental $114

Vision $66 Goldhill, D. (2013) Catastrophic Care.

Cost of healthcare


More health spending in taxes

Becky pays $508 and company pays $508

Income tax – 20% of her taxes will go to health spending

State tax – 10% to health spending

So, out of the company’s real compensation of $43000 for Becky’s work, over $10,050 has gone into health spending.

23% of her gross income

Works for 30 years without a raise

Never marries or has kids

Never really gets sick

Health care prices do not rise

She will have paid out over $300,000 into our health care system during her working career. And, then she will pay Medicare premiums.

If Becky…

Becky gets married, her premiums will increase by $9225 per year

With kids, another $7231 per year

As her income grows, she will pay more into Medicare and taxes.

As a senior citizen she will pay about $1600 per year for Part B and D premiums in addition to a Medigap insurance policy of $2800 and $1200 in out of pocket expenses

Gets married at 30, has 2 children

Works until 65 and then dies at 80.

Income grows at 4% so that at retirement she is earning $180,000. For simplicity, husband has left and joined an ashram, she is responsible for her own Medicare premiums

Her dependents stay healthy, no large out of pocket expenditures

Health care only grows at 2%, half of Becky’s income growth. This has not been true for 45 years but we can hope.

Becky will earn $3.85 million over her career.

How much will Becky contribute into the health care system for her and her dependents over her lifetime?

The answer is $1.9 million

If health care costs grow at 4% (still lower than recent growth), Becky will have contributed $3.2 million – one out of every two dollars she earns into our health care non-system

Then lets assume..

Choosing wisely exemplars Primary care

Jan 28, 2013 Less Is More JAMA Internal Medicine Kale, M. et al. Trends in the Overuse of Ambulatory Health Care Services in the United


“Yet some of the largest medical associations selected rare services or ones that are done by practitioners in other fields and will not affect their earnings. "They were willing to throw someone else's services into the arena, but not their own,"

Dr. Nancy Morden

The Society of General Internal Medicine recommended against the annual physical exam,

a mainstay of American healthcare.

83% of the items targeted radiology, medications, and cardiac and lab tests -

- not physician services.

The overtreatment of mild hypertension

The overtreatment of mild hypertension

Lifestyle changes and effect on BP

A model of gains in life expectancy with HTN treatment

crimination among multiple cardiovascular risk scores in a modern multiethnic coho

Richard Lehman Journal Watch

NEJM 11 Mar 2010 Vol 362 886

This study looked at nearly 400,000 elective coronary angiographies performed in US hospitals over 4 years.

Although preliminary investigations had been done in 84% of cases, the pick-up rate for significant coronary stenosis on angiography was 37.6%. Even these patients may have had little benefit, since COURAGE tells us that in stable angina, people do as well with optimal medical treatment as with percutaneous intervention.

So 250,000 of these angiographies were definitely of no value to the patients, and that probably applies to most of the rest too. We need much better case selection for the catheter lab, with all its attendant risks of radiation and bleeding, not to mention cost in money and cardiologist time.

Statins and women

Jupiter study analysis 2010

Introduction: “Statin therapy in women without CVD is controversial given the insufficient evidence of benefit.”

Study: 6801 women 60 years of age and older with high-sensitivity C-reactive protein 2 mg/L and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol <130 mg/dL received either high potency statin or placebo.

Findings: There was significant reduction in revascularization/unstable angina. Absolute CVD rates (per 100 person-years) in JUPITER women for rosuvastatin 20 mg was 0.57 per 100 person-years and placebo 1.04 per 100 person years for the two years of the trial.

Absolutely no difference in mortality.

EKGs and exercise stress tests for heart disease

Those follow-up tests can include CT angiograms, which expose you to a radiation dose equal to 600 to 800 chest X-rays, and coronary angiography

 Imaging tests for lower-back pain

One study projected 1,200 new cancer cases based on the 2.2 million CT scans done for lower-back pain in the U.S. in 2007

Option grid for lung

cancer screening

  people each year die or have liver transplantations because of the disease.9 13 Th

Hep C screening ???

Prostate Cancer

Also from Consumer Report March 2013…

Researchers presented 412 doctors with what appeared to be data from two tests.

The first showed a five-year survival rate that improved from 68 percent to 99 percent; the other, that the mortality rate dropped from two deaths per 1,000

people screened to 1.6 deaths.

The doctors were three times more likely to recommend testing based on the first set of data than the second.

But here’s the kicker: The data applied to the same test, PSA screening for

prostate cancer. Many doctors didn’t understand that the five-year survival rate could make a test look better than it really was.

Breast cancer screening

Survival statistics also tend to be inflated by overdiagnosis or by finding cancers that won’t become deadly.

The more cases detected, even harmless ones, the more

people are designated as survivors

That leads to the popularity paradox. “The more overdiagnosis, the more effective a test appears and the

more popular it becomes,”.

“It’s a vicious cycle.”

Consider this message from a 2011 promotional campaign run by the breast-Save your life;

Cancer screening is oversold. Know the tests to get--and those to skip. Consumer Report March 2013.cancer nonprofit Susan G. Komen for the Cure: “Early detection

saves lives. The 5-year survival rate for breast cancer when caught early is 98%. When it’s not? 23%.”

Imagine that 100 women receive a diagnosis of breast cancer after feeling a lump at age 67 and die at age 70. Their five-year survival rate is 0 percent. Now imagine that their cancer is detected at age 64 but they still die at age 70. Their five-year survival is now

100 percent, “even though,” Woloshin says, “no one lived a second longer.”

“Just because you are diagnosed earlier doesn’t mean that you will ultimately live any longer,”


Mehrotra 2007

“The extent to which beliefs are based on evidence are very much less than believers suppose.”

Bertrand Russell 1927

Empowering patients through shared decision-making.

Lee & Emanuel. Shared Decision Making to Improve Care and Reduce Costs. N Engl J Med

2013; 368:6-8

“Studies also illustrate the potential for wider adoption of shared decision making to reduce costs.

Consistently, as many as 20% of patients who participate in shared decision making choose less invasive surgical options and more conservative treatment than do patients who do not use decision aids.3

In 2008, the Lewin Group estimated that implementing shared decision making for just 11 procedures would yield more than $9 billion in savings nationally over 10 years.

In addition, a 2012 study by Group Health in Washington State showed that providing decision aids to patients eligible for hip and knee replacements substantially reduced both surgery rates and costs — with up to 38% fewer surgeries and savings of 12 to 21% over 6 months.4

The myriad benefits of this approach argue for more rapid implementation of Section 3506 of the ACA.”

Process for Motivational Interviewing

Develop Discrepancy - between actual and ideal behavior; between behavior and larger values

Roll with Resistance – never meet force with force; avoid “righting reflex”

Express Empathy - even (especially?) in the face of resistance

Support Self-efficacy - actively support and affirm client strengths; allow maximum freedom and choice


Affirmations - to support strengths, convey respect and appreciation, deflect resistance

Reflective listening – to explore concerns, convey understanding, deflect resistance; elicit change talk

Open-ended questions – to explore concerns, promote collaboration, understand client’s perspective

Summaries - to organize discussion, clarify motivation

Elicit change talk – get the client to tell you what the target problem is Adapted from: Jonathan Krejci, Ph.D., Princeton House Behavioral Health Version 01/24/06

How to empower consumers Health coaching / applying motivational interviewing skill building (very MD oriented – we need an NP friendly video of the same quality…)

More resources

- Brownlee, S. (2008). Overtreated: Why Too Much Medicine Is Making Us Sicker and Poorer.

- Tricoci, P., J. M. Allen, J. M. Kramer, R. M. Califf, and S. C. Smith. 2009. Scientific evidence underlying the ACC/AHA clinical practice guidelines. JAMA 301(8):831-841.

- Wennberg, JE. Tracking medicine: a researcher’s quest to understand health care. Oxford University Press, 2010:185-6.

- The “Top 5” Lists in Primary Care: Meeting the Responsibility of Professionalism. Arch Intern Med. 2011;171(15):1385-1390. doi:10.1001/archinternmed.2011.231

- Sirovich et al., “Too Little? Too Much? Primary Care Physicians’ Views on US

Health Care,” Archives of Internal Medicine 171, no. 17 (September 26, 2011): 1582– 85.

- Welch, H. Gilbert (2015). Less Medicine, More Health: 7 Assumptions That Drive Too Much Medical Care (p. 198). Beacon Press. Kindle Edition.










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