Chloe Pledge Contract


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  • 8/18/2019 Chloe Pledge Contract


    C O N T R A C T   O F   P L E D G E


      This contract is entered into by and between:

      ______________ , Filipino, of legal age anda resident of 42 Lizada Street, Uyanguren Daao!ity "hilippines, hereinafter referred as theFIRST PARTY#

    $ %nd $

      &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&, Filipino, of legal age anda resident of 'rgy( )anongol *idapawan !ity,"hilippines, hereinafter referred as the SECONDPARTY(


    +( That the F-.ST "%.T/ is the true and absolute owner of the

    following personal properties, to wit:

      01nuerate 3 Describe 1ach "roperty

    2( That F-.ST "%.T/ intend to delier the said personal properties asa collateral to secure the loan that the F-.ST "%.T/ is applying forfro S1!5D "%.T/ &&&&&&&&&&&&& for an aount of  &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

    6( That F-.ST "%.T/ hereby warrants title and ownership oer theaboe$entioned personal properties and the F-.ST "%.T/ willdefend the possession of the "ledge fro eiction#

    4( That the F-.ST "%.T/ %5D T71 S1!5D "%.T/ e8ecutes this"L1D91 !5T.%!T to attest to the truth of the aforeentioned factsfor a contract of pledge and for any other legal purposes that this%ffidait could sere(

    Done this && day of &&&&&&&&& 2+;, at Daao !ity, "hilippines(


    First "arty Second "arty

  • 8/18/2019 Chloe Pledge Contract


    Signed in the presence of:

     &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 3 &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

    A C K N O W L E D G M E N T

    .epublic of the "hilippines<! - T /   F   D % = % < s(s(8$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$8

      BEFORE ME, a 5otary "ublic for and in the !ity of Daao,"hilippines, this &&&&& day of &&&&&&&&&&&, 2+;, personallyappeared, the parties with their corresponding !o( Ta8( !ert( 5os(as indicated below:


    *nown to e and to e >nown to be the sae persons whoe8ecuted the foregoing instruent and they ac>nowledge to e thatthe sae is their own free and oluntary act and deed(

    ?-T51SS )/ 7%5D %5D S1%L(


    Notary Public until 12/31/2016

    PTR No. 4739816 1/5/2016 D.C.IP No. 60000 1/5/2016 D.C.

    Roll No. 21217

  • 8/18/2019 Chloe Pledge Contract


    Doc. No. ____;Page No. ____;Book No. ____;Series of 2016