Chloe Fell in the Well



5SL Short Stories

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Chloe And The Well

There was a girl named Chloe. She was only 12 years old. Chloe

asked her mother if she could go to the store but her mother said,


Chloe screamed as loud as she could and her mother got upset..

Her mother shouted, “NO Chloe! No means no!”

“But Mom” shouted Chloe.

Her mother said grumpily,

enough of your foolishness!”

Then Chloe asked her father. Her father says yes and then

Chloe squeezed her father and kissed him on the cheeks.

Chloe responded to father,

“I love you dad”.

When Chloe rushed down stairs her father spoke softly,

“I love you too”.

After that Chloe was on her way to the store Chloe whispered,

“what a beautiful New York day”. It was afternoon in New York

City. After that Chloe saw this pink frisbee with sparkles. she ran into


“How much does this cost?” asked Chloe. The man with the big

beard screamed in Chloe’s ears because he thought there was a bug

in her ear. Chloe just went to get the frisbee and paid for it with her

money. She went to her best friend Lola house.

“Do you like my frisbee?” Chloe said.

“yeah where did you get it from? That weird beard guy”

Lola acted sassy.

“department the yelled to Chloe.

“Hello!” Chloe answered back she was frightened. “Are you a

tooth fairy or santa claus or Taylor Lautner?Yeah how did you

know?” responded Chloe.

Lola responded, “It’s just that he’s weird. Do you know he goes to

work barefooted. “what”

Chloe said strangely.

“ goes to work barefooted?”

repeated Lola.

Chloe laughed at Lola because she had been talking about the

weird dude at this store “Would you stop talking about that weird

dumb barefooted crazy guy?”

“Okay,” said Lola softly..

“Now do you want to frisbee or not?”.

Chloe demanded

While they were walking Chloe smelled Cheerios so Chloe

grabbed lola on her fist. Chloe read from the menu in the restaurant.

She ordered a chocolate milkshake with whipped cream with a cherry

on top. While Chloe was drinking her milkshake her eyes popped, and

she rolled her tongue around her lips.

“Oh my gosh this is the best milkshake in the whole entire world”.

bursted Chloe. Chloe was jumping thats how hyper Chloe was.

Lola was very upset with Chloe. It took like five minutes to calm

Chloe down.

“Can we go to the park now?” Lola asked really upset.

“Okay fine,” Chloe answered.

Chloe and Lola were walking to the park. When they got there

they noticed a well there. They decided to play frisbee finally.

Lola threw the frisbee and it hit Chloe on her head “Ahhhhhhhh,”

screamed Chloe like she was frightened. She fell backwards right into

the well and hit her head. Lola called to Chloe straight down the well.

She found out it was deep. Instead going in after her Lola Called the

fire department. The fire department came. The leader of the fire ”

“Shut up Chloe you're getting annoying!” said Lola.

“Hey ! was gonna say that!” said one of the fireman.

While the fireman and Lola were arguing about who was gonna

say what, Chloe said, “Who are you and why are you here?”

“Oh I’m Bob. I’m from the fire department. I am here to rescue


Bob the fireman went to get the ropes to pull Chloe up. “Wow

that’s all I got to save me? I thought it will be Spiderman or Captain

America. The rope was way to. small for the well, so instead Bob went

to get a ladder. He put the ladder down the well. The ladder fell and hit

Chloe’s head.

“HEY!” said Chloe very upset and then the fireman went to get

the hose. He sprayed on chloe’s hair

“well that didn’t work” he said. They tried and tried and tried and

tried. They tried everything that they could use to save her, but there

was one thing they thought of at last finally Bob the fireman decided

to climb down the rope to reach to her and bring her back up. He

limbed down and he found her sitting there with a bloody head. Chloe

was rescued by the fireman. After Chloe thought of bringing the

frisbee back to the weird beard guy. the weird guy said “there are no


“So! i’m just here to return” said Chloe

“okay do you have your receipt” said the weird beard guy

“you know why we came here because this frisbee hit friend

Chloe and we bought shoes no offense but your feet stinks” said Lola

“thank you i always wanted shoes for my birthday and feet


The weird beard guy smells his shoes. “Oh my god my does stink

Do you have bathtub”

“yeah but we don’t are bathtub to stink like feet”

At the end Chloe and walked home together and started a

conversation. When they went Chloe and Lola Saw their parent’s

arguing. But it isn’t over yet Chloe and went there house’s Chloe’s

mother squeezed her like a pillow. Her mother whispered in Chloe’s

and said “I love you.” “I love you to like hershey kisses” said Chloe