Chinese History Modern Edition. How did Imperialism Impact China? China tried to shut itself off....


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HistoryModern Edition

How did Imperialism Impact China?

• China tried to shut itself off.

• Europeans forced China to give them access to their country.

• This made some people want to free China by making it modern.

Who was Sun Yat-sen?

• Overthrew the emperor, formed a republic.

• Wanted to make China modern & strong.

• Also wanted to kick Europeans out & make life better for Chinese.

Why did China have a Civil War?

• The Communists were fighting for control of China.

• Mao Zedong was Communist leader.

• Communists win, Nationalists flee to Taiwan.

Who was Mao Zedong?

• This guy.

• Leader of Chinese Communist Party.

• Led China from 1949-1976.

What was life like in Communist China?

• Some things got better at first.

• Communist officials ruled more fairly, land given to peasants, etc.

• Less corruption than under Emperor.

• This did not last.

What was the Great Leap Forward?

• Mao wanted to make China very modern & industrial.

• His idea? Catch up with Europe very fast.

• Forced people to make steel in their back yards.

• Led to death by starvation of millions because of collective farming.

• Successful? No!

The peoples’ communes are good.

Long live the General Line! Long live the Great Leap Forward! Long live the Peoples’ Communes!

What was the Cultural Revolution?

• Mao wanted to reshape Chinese society.

• Encouraged students to rise up against their teachers, parents.

• Went against Confucianism.

• Then he sent students to work with peasants in the countryside.

• It got out of control, disrupted society, nothing got done for years.

Educated youth must go to the countryside to receive re-education from the poor and lower-middle peasants!

Warriors love reading Chairman Mao’s books most

What happened after Mao Died?

• Deng Xiaoping took over.

• He makes changes, makes China more capitalist.

• China grows and becomes wealthier.

• Today, China is Communist in name only…they are pretty much a dictatorship now.

What was Tiananmen Square?

• Protest by students in 1989.

• They wanted jobs and democracy.

• Thousands gather in Tiananmen Square to protest and strike.

• Chinese gov’t sent tanks & troops in to crush protest.

• At least hundreds were killed.
