China Change Historical Change and the Limits of European Experience Book Review by Nicolaus Shombe


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  • 8/10/2019 China Change Historical Change and the Limits of European Experience Book Review by Nicolaus Shombe


    Global Economic History


    Historical Change and the Limits of European Experience

    Author: Roy Bin Wong

    Publisher: Cornell University Press, 1997

    Book Review by Nicolaus Shombe (PHD14407)

  • 8/10/2019 China Change Historical Change and the Limits of European Experience Book Review by Nicolaus Shombe



    General Summary of the Book

    Economic History

    Agrarian to Industrialization

    Political Comparison

    State formation Ideology and Institutional resources

    Social Protest and Revolutions

  • 8/10/2019 China Change Historical Change and the Limits of European Experience Book Review by Nicolaus Shombe


    General Summary Historical transformation of China V/S Historical pattern of development of Early

    Modern Europe. The history of development of Western Europe has been considered as global


    Patterns of historical change which include similarities and differences of

    economic development and theories of industrialization such as Malthus theory

    and Smithian theory.

    Comparing State Formation and Transformation

    Similarities and Differences between Politics, Protests and Social Change in China

    and Europe

  • 8/10/2019 China Change Historical Change and the Limits of European Experience Book Review by Nicolaus Shombe


    Economic History

    China between 10th 12th Centuries had society with urban culture which engaged in

    expanding commercial economy.

    Chinese could produce surplus for trading same path of Early European development


    In comparing Economic history and problems of development between China and Europe,

    Chinese peasants economic undertakings were similar in fundamental and important to those of


    Both early modern Europe and late imperial China shared Smithian economic growth dynamics,

    Major changes in China began in the area of central China (near Shanghai) where there were

    improvement of productivity in the agriculture.

    The same pattern of growth was observed in Europe which is considered to be Adam Smith

    growth path in which division of labor and specialization led to development in Europe.

    Smithian growth productivity in agriculture surplus production expansion of trade which

    is prerequisite condition for the increase in division of labor and labor specialization in

    production and trading.

  • 8/10/2019 China Change Historical Change and the Limits of European Experience Book Review by Nicolaus Shombe


    Economic History There was an increase in cash cropping and hand craft activities in different parts of

    Chinese empire between the 16th 18th C especially in Yangzi delta and Pearl river


    Apart from products market, the factor market also emerged in Yangzi River where

    there were land market for rental and sales also Labor market developed for both Long

    Term and Short Term labor.

    Textile formed a major rural hand craft centers similar to Europe especially in Jiangsuand Zhejing provinces villages where increases number of peasants began to turn either

    to cotton yarn and cloth production or silk weaving during 16th C.

    both Europe and China experienced cycle of economic growth and contractions which

    led to the division of labor and comparative advantage through the market.

    In the cause of population growth, the Black Death occurred in 14th C reducedpopulation . In China also in 17th C and 19th C, rebellions, natural disasters, general

    crisis of economic, social and political difficulties happened which is similar to the

    Malthusian check

    The author insisted that similarities between Europe and China continued until just

    before Industrial revolution

  • 8/10/2019 China Change Historical Change and the Limits of European Experience Book Review by Nicolaus Shombe


    State Formation and Transformation

    During the time of the Roman Empire both Europe and China had roughly similar (agrarian

    empire) formations, but while China sustained that state formation and the idea of a unified

    polity until the 20thC, Europe experienced disintegration

    After collapse of Roman Empire Europe never again had an imperial political formation of any

    great size with the capacity to exercise centralize control over its territories.

    Both European states and the Chinese empire faced different challenges, claims, and

    commitments, and they did so in different ways

    Chinese expanded its empire through combination of morality, material, and coercive means

    with principal goal in achieving stability

    European dynamics of imperial expansion embraced commercial, political and military

    Chinese political economy was intended to capture the benefits of expanded production andexchange through policies that increased production and stabilized trade

    The crucial distinction between China and Europe: political economies was greater

    adaptability of Europe to industrial possibilities.

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    State Formation and Transformation

    European state lacks institutional strategies to promote social order

    European rulers competed with institutionally distinct and powerful

    aristocracies, cleric and urban elite

    In China the emperor worked to develop sustainable bureaucracy

    while in Europe warfare among European rulers to expand theirpower

    Domestic order in China involved both rural and urban while in

    Europe is urban area

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    Institutions and TaxationStates function is raising revenue, guarding threats against

    external enemies, assuring domestic social stability

    China Taxation agriculture taxation at low rate for provision of

    services and welfare of the people

    Institutional Land was allotted by state so that peasants could

    pay tax to support the state

    State coordinated food supply as governments policy to

    coordinate welfare

    Used society to maintain peace and stability

    House hold records for land, taxes and prevention of crimes

    Use of extended kinship networks organized in cooperate

    fashion to reproduce social order

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    Raising revenue

    China and Europe had different revenue mobilization strategies

    In Europe state makers competed with other power holders(nobles, clerics and merchants) to redefine and expand there

    claims on resources

    In China had system of taxation which was modest and steady

    In Europe borrowed loans against future revenue

    Chines relied on commercial tax and agriculture land

    Chines did not borrow but used its surplus in merchants to earn

    interest rate.

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    Grain seizures

    Tax resistance

    Revolutions in China and Europe- France. 1789 to 1799 during which France went from a monarchy ruled

    by King Louis XVI to a republic ruled by the people

    Chinese Communist Revolution collapse in Qing dynasty in1911 created political crisis

    Social Protest and Revolutions

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    Invasion by foreign

    Fought war increase revenue

    Military strategized in the cost resources were allocated in this area

    1911 1949

    State rebuilding and Nationalism in 20th Century

    - local capacity were expanded

    Anti-Japanese war (1937 -45) - Nationalism and establishment of Peoples

    Republic off China in 1949

    China After 1949

    Communist inherited 1949 economy with modest industrial base

    Socialist country investment decision is done by state (what to produce and

    how much to produce)

    State Bureaucracy

    Cadres system

    Unitary state with effective rule over the entire country

    China managed to continue united because it had no corporate groups, no elite

    with their own bas power and authority

    The China After 1850

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