Chicken Nd Egg-epayments


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  • 8/13/2019 Chicken Nd Egg-epayments


    CIT 245


    By Mohammed A. Saleh

  • 8/13/2019 Chicken Nd Egg-epayments


    The Payment RevolutionUsing Payment Cards Online

    Smart Cards

    Store-Value Cards



    E-Bill Presentment and Payment

    B2B E-PaymentsThe Sales Tax Issue

    PKI Infrastructure2

  • 8/13/2019 Chicken Nd Egg-epayments


    FlyLady adopts PayPalThe Problem

    Marley started an email group created toprovide one to one coaching to helpsubscribers with their organization skills.

    Group grew to 60,000 members.

    Organization was put online to offer products

    and the company was Payments were processed through mail-order

    and fulfill order and a merchant account.

    Problem was the processing fees.3

  • 8/13/2019 Chicken Nd Egg-epayments


  • 8/13/2019 Chicken Nd Egg-epayments


    The Solution Anyone who has used eBay is familiar with


    - It acquired PayPal in Oct. 2002.

    - PayPal has a use base of over 50 millionmembers

    - Member accounts are linked with bank

    accounts/ credit cards and can be used totransfer funds to and from an individual orbusinesses.


  • 8/13/2019 Chicken Nd Egg-epayments


    In 2003, PayPal processed $12.2 billion inpayments, 70% involved buying and selling ononline auctions.

    For a small medium-sized business, PayPal is

    easy to set up and integrate into an existingsite. PayPal handles credit card payments but it is

    not a credit card gateway.

    Businesses that offer PayPal as a paymentalternative do not need to pass a credit check,install a special software or deal with complexbanking agreements.


  • 8/13/2019 Chicken Nd Egg-epayments


    No need to gather credit card numbers frombuyers or collect sensitive financialinformation.

    Online merchants get started by setting up a

    PayPal business account, logging into theaccount and create a payment button.

    It takes minutes to do that.

    PayPal charges merchants a fee of 30 cents,plus 1.9% to 2.9% of each transaction.


  • 8/13/2019 Chicken Nd Egg-epayments


    The Results FlyLady was able to implement a BuyNowpayment button.

    Its fulfillment process is based on PayPals

    reporting tools. Each day the company logs onto PayPal and

    downloads the transaction file, which are then

    imported into a desktop software for forsorting the data and creating shipping labels,which are then handed over to the warehousefor fulfillment.


  • 8/13/2019 Chicken Nd Egg-epayments


    Lessons Learnt

    B2C purchases are paid for by credit card.

    For merchants the costs of servicing cardpayments are high.

    Steep transaction costs, potential chargebackfees for fraudulent transactions and costs ofcreating and administering a secure EC site.

    PayPal is the most successful e-paymentalternative there is.


  • 8/13/2019 Chicken Nd Egg-epayments


    Sapsford (2004) A currency can be anythingthat all members of a society agree it should be.


    Shells 10th

    Century B.C Mal coins 10th16th Century



    (Middle Ages)

    In 1960, PaperMoney


    In 1950 CreditCards



  • 8/13/2019 Chicken Nd Egg-epayments


    Still in the midst of the revolution with cardsand e-payments taking the place of cash andchecks.

    In 2003, the combined use of credit and debit

    cards for in-store payments exceeded thecombined use of cash and checks.

    Facts from Federal Reserve System 2004

    - In 1999, debit card payment went from 21% to31% while cash dropped from 39% to 32%.

    - E- payments in the US exceeded checkpayments for the first time in 2003.


  • 8/13/2019 Chicken Nd Egg-epayments


    Implications of these trends make onlinebusinesses have the support for credit cardpayment.

    Soon, debit card payments will surpass credit

    card payment. Merchants having international markets need

    to support a variety of e- payment methods e.g.

    bank transfers, e-checks, gift cards, instantcredit and so on.

    CyberSource (2004) merchants supportingmultiple payment types have higher order

    conversions resulting in increased revenue.12

  • 8/13/2019 Chicken Nd Egg-epayments


    Despite the early introduction of a paymentsystem, it take years for it to gain a widespreadacceptance.

    - credit cards were introduced in the 1950sbut

    did not reach widespread use until the 1980s A crucial element in the success of any e-payment method is the chicken-and-egg



  • 8/13/2019 Chicken Nd Egg-epayments


    Factors come into to play in determiningwhether a particular e-payment methodachieves a critical mass.

    Crucial factors:

    Independence- Some forms require specialized H/W and S/W

    to make the payment.

    - Requires a seller to install specialized S/W toreceive and authorize payment.

    - Less likely to succeed.


  • 8/13/2019 Chicken Nd Egg-epayments


    Interoperability and Portability- All forms of EC run on specialized systems

    that are linked with enterprise systems andapplications.

    - An e-payment method must mesh with theexisting systems and be supported by standardcomputing platforms.

    Security- How safe is the transfer?

    - What are the consequences of the transferbeing compromised?


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  • 8/13/2019 Chicken Nd Egg-epayments


    Ease of Use- In B2C credit cards offer the ease of use.

    - In B2B payments, the question is whether e-payment methods can replace the existing off-

    line methods of procurement. Transaction Fees

    - A merchant pays a fee of up to 3% of the items

    purchase price.- It prohibits the support for smaller purchases.


  • 8/13/2019 Chicken Nd Egg-epayments


    Regulations- All methods are governed by international,federal and state regulations.


  • 8/13/2019 Chicken Nd Egg-epayments


    Electronic cards that contain information thatcan be used for payment purposes.

    Come in three forms:

    Credit cards

    - Provides the holder with credit to make up to alimit fixed by the card issuer

    - Rarely have an annual fee.

    - Charged with high interests on their unpaidbalances.

    - Predominant cards are Visa, MasterCard andEuroPay.


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    Credit Card


  • 8/13/2019 Chicken Nd Egg-epayments


    Charge cards- Balance on a charge card is supposed to bepaid in full upon receipt of the monthlypayment.

    - Holders receive a loan for 30 to 45 days equalto the balance of their statement.

    - They have an annual fee.

    - Such cards include, American ExpresssGreenCard and the DinersClub card


  • 8/13/2019 Chicken Nd Egg-epayments


    Debit cards- Money for a purchased item comes directly

    out of the holderschecking account.

    - Actual transfer takes place within 1 to 2 days.

    - Predominant types are MasterCard, Visa andEuroPay.


  • 8/13/2019 Chicken Nd Egg-epayments


    Involves two major phases: authorization andsettlement.

    Authorization: determines whether a buyers

    card is active and whether the customer has

    sufficient funds.Settlement: involves transfer of money from

    the buyersto the merchantsaccount.

    Performance of these phases varies dependingon:


  • 8/13/2019 Chicken Nd Egg-epayments


    type of payment card system configuration used by the merchant toprocess payment.

    Three basic configuration for processing

    online payments. Merchant may:i. Own the payment software

    - Purchase and integrate a payment-processing

    module with its EC software.- Module communicates with a payment

    gateway run by an acquiring bank or 3rdparty.


  • 8/13/2019 Chicken Nd Egg-epayments


    i. Use a POS operated by an acquirer- Merchants can redirect card holders to a

    POS run by an acquirer

    - The POS handles the complete payment

    process and directs cardholders back to themerchant site once payment is complete.

    - Merchant only deals with order information.

    - Find an acquirer that handles multiple cardsand payment instruments.


  • 8/13/2019 Chicken Nd Egg-epayments


    i. Use a POS operated by a payment serviceprovider

    - Merchants can rely on servers operated bythird parties known as payment service

    providers (PSPs)- PSPs connect to appropriate acquirers and

    must be registered with various card

    associations they support.PSP is Payment Service Providers and NOT Portable Sony PlayStation


  • 8/13/2019 Chicken Nd Egg-epayments


    Payment cards and processing system forboth offline (card present) and online (carnot present) have similar processes andparticipants.

    Based on the comparison, the keyparticipants in processing credit cardpayments online include:

    Acquiring bank offers a special a/c calledInternet Merchant Account for cardauthorization and payment processing

    Credit card association financial institution

    providing the credit and debit card27

  • 8/13/2019 Chicken Nd Egg-epayments


    Customer the individual processing thecard

    Issuing bank financial institution providingthe customer with the card

    Merchant company selling products andservices

    Payment processing service service

    providing connectivity among merchants,customers and financial networks

    Processor data centre that processes creditcard transactions and settles funds.

