Chicken Mousseline Quenelles



Its a main course dish which can be eaten with salad and sauce

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Chicken Mousseline QuenellesPoul t ry ,  Second course

1kg chicken,

4 egg whites,

15g salt,

nutmeg to taste,

white pepper to taste,

hot red pepper to taste,

about 600ml whipping cream,


Mousseline quenelles, light as mousse, made from meat and heavy cream, whipped in

a blender or with a mixer. Egg whites were often added to this mixture, to lighten and

enrich. Mostly they are made from minced fish, but can also be prepared with veal,

pork, or chicken. The ratio of fish or meat to egg whites and cream is very important: If

using too much egg white, the mix will be hard and rubbery; but if this protein is

insufficient, the mince will not stick together, it will fall apart. If too much cream is used,

these little delights will be too soft and fall apart during cooking. I will show you how to

make wonderful chicken quenelles. Light and airy chicken mousseline quenelles, with a

gentle and delicate taste. The recipe is from the book “On Cooking” (p.994).



1. Grind the chicken fillets in a meat grinder.


2. Separate the egg whites from the yolks.


3. Then, in a blender or with an electric mixer, start beating the minced meat. I have a

very weak blender, so I use a regular mixer.


4. Slowly add the egg whites, as you are beating the mince. Once the egg whites are

added, start pouring in the cream. I pour it in a thin stream while continuing the beating

process. We watch the minced meat become light and airy, like a mousse. It is very

important not to add too much cream.


5. Season with salt, herbs and spices.


6. Next, boil some water in which to cook our little quenelles. You can boil them in water

alone, but you can also add mirepoix, parsley, bay leaf, and black pepper to taste; the

quenelles will become more rich and flavorsome.


7. Once the water boils, put your mirepoix and herbs into the water, and let them boil for

a little while.


8. Since the mince is very light and fluffy, it’s not possible to shape it with your hands.

Instead, shape patties with two tablespoons.


9. Gently drop each patty into the boiling water, and cook until tender. The elasticity of

these quenelles will tell you whether they’re done or not – if they’re too soft, they are not

ready. Take them out only when they are firm.


10. This stack of quenelles was produced by 1kg of meat. Do not pour out the broth, it

can be frozen if necessary, and made into a wonderful sauce.


11. Voila! Your delicate, light and airy mousseline quenelles are ready to eat! The book

recommends making a veloute sauce with it, such as sauce Allemand, but I prefer it

with oyster sauce and tabasco.

Bon Appetit!


Potato PancakesBreakfas t ,  Second course ,  S ide d ishes

1kg potatoes,

3 lightly beaten eggs,

1 medium onion,

60g flour,

1 teaspoon baking powder,

120ml vegetable oil,





Potato pancakes are usually connected with traditional cuisine from Luxembourg,

Latvia, Lithuania, Austria, Belarus, Germany, Poland and Ukraine, Hungary, Slovakia,

the Czech Republic and Persia, also in other countries (including India and Korea) that

serve similar dishes. In Germany potato pancakes are often know

as Reibekuchen Kartoffelpuffer, they can be eaten by them selves, as a side dish, or

served with sweet apple sauce. I discovered this recipe by accident one day in the book

On Cooking (p. 810), I’ll show you how to make this ingeniously simple recipe! I was so

surprised when I found this recipe in a professional cookbook, I was delighted. There is

nothing complicated about this dish, just like traditional potato pancakes, there’s just

a pleasant sweet combination of flavours.



1. Peel the potato and grate coarsely.


2. To the potatoes add the egg, chopped onion, flour mixed with baking powder,

nutmeg, salt and pepper.


3. Stir



4. Heat the oil in a frying pan. Form the pancakes, and cook over a medium heat until

golden brown.


5. Cook on both sides.


6. Voila! The potato pancakes are ready. Quick, easy and delicious with sweet apple

sauce, which can be prepared in advance or while you cook the potato pancakes.

Bon Appetit!
