ChemInform Abstract: Substitution Reaction of N,N′-Diphenylurea by Amines to Unsymmetric...


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2000 urea derivatives

urea derivatives (benzene compounds)Q 0640

11 - 084Substitution Reaction of N,N’-Diphenylurea by Amines to Unsym-metric Phenylureas. — Primary as well as secondary amines (II) reactvery well with diphenylurea (I) in a sealed autoclave without any catalyst togive unsymmetric phenylureas (III) (15 examples) in good yields. — (YANG,YING; LU, SHIWEI; Org. Prep. Proced. Int. 31 (1999) 5, 559-561; DalianInst. Chem. Phys., Chin. Acad. Sci., Dalian 116023, Peop. Rep. China; EN)

