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Which animal has bright pink


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The Grizzly is a very big

bear! It eats fruit,

berries fish and meat.

They are very strong

and can be quite

dangerous so you

should stay away if you

see one. Their claws

can be as long as your


These bears are the

biggest meat eaters on

land! They live in the

Arctic and hunt and eat

seals. They are great

swimmers and have

thick fur so they don’t

get cold.

This small flying insect

is the most dangerous

animal on Earth. It

drinks blood which it

uses to grow eggs. They

are tiny but cause so

many problems, luckily

bats, birds, lizards and

spiders help us by

eating them!

There are a few types

of crocodiles. The

biggest is the Saltwater

Crocodile. It can live in

rivers and the sea. They

eat meat. They are very

good swimmers and

can stay under the

water for 2 hours.

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There are over 300

kinds of shark, and the

biggest is the whale

shark. It swims slowly

with its mouth open to

catch tiny plants and

animals called plankton

to eat.

The koala is not a bear,

it is a marsupial ( mar –

soup – ee – al) which

are animals that keep

their babies in a pouch.

Koalas live in trees and

eat leaves. They look

slow and cute but are

quite fast if scared

Dolphins are sea

mammals not fish. They

are very clever animals

and live in groups

called pods. They like

to eat fish and squid

which they find by

using sound.

Penguins are cute birds that live in the cold.

They can’t fly and have a funny walk. They are black and white. They can swim fast to catch fish and to get away from killer whales.

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Komodo Dragons are

the biggest lizards in

the world. They live on

five islands (can you

guess the name?) They

eat meat, lots of it! and

they catch their food by

using their great

eyesight and sense of


Wolves live in groups

called packs. These can

have up to 36 wolves

but the average size

pack has 6 wolves.

Wolves eat meat and

can run for a very long

way each day. They

look like dogs but you

don’t want to pet one!

This is the fastest

animal on land. They

have long legs which

help them run and

catch their food. They

can’t roar like a lion but

they can purr like a cat!

These are the worlds

biggest bird. They can’t

fly but they can run

very fast. They are

black and white and eat

seeds and insects. They

have the biggest eye of

any land animal!

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Giant Pandas are only

found in China. They

like to eat bamboo and

are black and white.

They look cute but they

have a strong bite!

They are bears after all.

The Fruit Bat is the

biggest of all the bats.

It can be called the

Flying Fox because of

its orange fur and its

face looks a little like a

dog. It looks scary but

luckily just eats fruit!

Golden eagles are meat

eating birds. They use

their feet, called talons,

to catch mice, rabbits

and even foxes. They

have amazing eyesight

so they can see their

food while flying very


People are animals as

well! We live all over

the Earth and like to

live together in groups

and families. We can be

very dangerous to

other animals even

though we are not the


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Camels are perfect for

living in the got sandy

desert. They have

humps that they keep

fat in, wide feet for the

sand, and they have

three eyelids to stop

sand getting in their


Hippos (Hippopotamus)

are the third biggest

land animal. They are

also the most

dangerous! They spend

their life in water and

eat mostly grass and

fruit. They have really

really big teeth!

These little guys are

cute. People like to

keep them as pets. In

the wild they like to

come out at night to

look for seeds and nuts

to eat. When we keep

them as pets they like

to run on a hamster


Rabbits are cute

animals that eat grass.

They live in groups and

dig holes to live in.

They have long ears so

they can hear animals

coming that might want

to eat them. They then

hit their foot on the

floor to warn others.

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Pigs are big animals

that people farm and

eat. They are clever

animals and have great

sense of smell. They

have baby pigs called

piglets. Pigs are actually

very clean animals.

There are many different

snakes. This picture is the

Anaconda (an – a – con –

da). It is one of the

biggest. It is not

poisonous like smaller

snakes. It catches animals

by wrapping around them

and squeezing.

Elephants are the biggest

animal on land. They are

grey in colour. They have

long noses called trunks

and big ears to help keep

cool. They eat bushes and

trees. They can live for 70


Giraffes are the tallest

animals. They have a long

neck and a long tongue.

They use these to eat the

tops of trees where other

animals can’t reach. They

only live in Africa.

Lions are big cats. They like to live in groups

called prides. They are a yellow – brown

colour and eat meat. A baby lion is called a

cub. A male lion has a lot of hair on his head

which we call a mane.

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Dogs can be called

peoples best friend.

They can be all shapes

and sizes. They like to

eat meat and play

outside. We keep dogs

as pets, but there are

wild dogs in some


Kangaroos are animals

that live in Australia.

They have long legs

that help them jump.

They eat grass and

leaves and have a baby

that lives in their


Zebra look like black

and white horses. They

live in Africa and eat

grass and bushes. They

live in large groups

called herds and can

run very fast.

Which animal has bright pink


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Orangutans are big

apes. They can live for

over 50 years. They

spend most of the day

high in the trees. They

eat leaves and fruit.

They are in danger

because people cut

down their homes.

Tigers are the biggest

cats. They are orange

and black so they can

hide in the jungle and

long grass. They like to

eat meat. Unlike lions

they like to live on their

