Chavez Letters to General Assembly


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  • 8/3/2019 Chavez Letters to General Assembly


  • 8/3/2019 Chavez Letters to General Assembly


    66th session of the United Nations General AssemSeptember, 2011

  • 8/3/2019 Chavez Letters to General Assembly


    Our commitment to peace and justice in the world


    "Peoples of the world, the future of a multipo

    world, in peace, resides in us, in the organizat

    of the majority of the people on earth to def

    ourselves against the new colonialism, in order

    achieve a balance in the universe that is capable

    neutralizing imperialism and arrogance."

    Hugo Chvez Fr

    Our commitment to peace and justice in the worldHugo Chvez Fras

    Letters from President Hugo Chvez to the United Nations. September, 2011

    Coleccin Claves


    Alcabala a Urapal, Edificio Dimase, La Candelaria, Caracas-Venezuela - Rif: G-20009059-6


    Hugo Rafael Chvez FrasPresident of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

    Andrs IzarraMinister of People's Power for Communication and Information

    Alejandro BoscnVice-minister of Communication Strategy

    Ldice AltuveVice-minister of Communication Management

    Edited byEmbassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the U.S.Department of International Communication - Ministry of People's Power forCommunication and Information.

    Design: Ingrid Rodrguez

    Photo by: Nstor Snchez CorderoEmbassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the U.S.

    Printed in the Bolivarian Repub lic of Venezuela.Legal deposit: lf26920113203526

    ISBN: 978-980-7426-16-9October, 2011

  • 8/3/2019 Chavez Letters to General Assembly


    Our commitment to peace and justice in the world


    Acknowledgment ofPalestinian sovereignty:Act of historic justice

    Miraflores Presidential P

    September 17, 2

    His Excellency

    Ban Ki-Moon

    Secretary General of the United Natio

    Mr. Secretary General:

    Distinguished representatives of the peop

    of the world:

    I address these words to the United Natio

    General Assembly, to this great forum t

  • 8/3/2019 Chavez Letters to General Assembly


    Hugo Chvez Fras


    Our commitment to peace and justice in the world


    We dont need memories

    because we carry within us Mount Carmel

    and in our eyelids is the herb of Galilee

    Dont say: If only we could flow to my coun

    like a river!

    Dont say that!

    Because we are in the flesh of our countryand our country is in our flesh.

    Against those who falsely assert that w

    has happened to the Palestinian people is

    genocide, Deleuze himself states with unfalter

    lucidity: From beginning to end, it involv

    acting as if the Palestinian people not only m

    not exist, but had never existed. It represents

    very essence of genocide: to decree that they

    not exist as a people; to deny them the rightexistence.

    represents all the peoples on earth, to ratify,

    on this day and in this setting, Venezuelas full

    support of the recognition of the Palestinian

    State: of Palestines right to become a free,

    sovereign and independent state. This represents

    an act of historic justice towards a people who

    carry with them, from time immemorial, all the

    pain and suffering of the world.In his memorable essay The Grandeur of

    Arafat, the great French philosopher Gilles

    Deleuze wrote with the full weight of the truth:

    The Palestinian cause is first and foremost the

    set of injustices that these people have suffered

    and continue to suffer. And I dare to add that the

    Palestinian cause also represents a constant and

    unwavering will to resist, already written in the

    historic memory of the human condition. A will

    to resist that is born of the most profound love

    for the earth. Mahmoud Darwish, the infinitevoice of the longed-for Palestine, with heartfelt

    conscience speaks about this love:

  • 8/3/2019 Chavez Letters to General Assembly


    Hugo Chvez Fras


    Our commitment to peace and justice in the world


    against Palestine. It is worth mentioning that an

    Semitism is a Western European scourge in wh

    the Arabs do not participate. Furthermore, l

    not forget that it is the Semite Palestine peo

    who suffer from the ethnic cleansing practiced

    the Israeli colonialist State.

    I want to make myself clear: One thing is

    denounce anti-Semitism, and an entirely differthing to passively accept that Zionistic barbari

    enforces an apartheid regime against the Palestin

    people. From an ethical standpoint those w

    denounce the first, must condemn the second.

    A necessary digression: it is frankly abusive

    confuse Zionism with Judaism. Throughout ti

    we have been reminded of this by several Jew

    intellectuals such as Albert Einstein and Er

    Fromm. And today there is an ever increas

    number of conscientious citizens, within Isr

    itself, who openly oppose Zionism and its crimi

    and terrorist practices.

    In this regard, the great Spanish writer Juan

    Goytisolo is quite right when he forcefully states:

    The biblical promise of the land of Judea and

    Samaria to the tribes of Israel is not a notarized

    property contract that authorizes the eviction

    of those who were born and live on that land.

    This is precisely why conflict resolution in the

    Middle East must, necessarily, bring justice to thePalestinian people; this is the only path to peace.

    It is upsetting and painful that the same people

    who suffered one of the worst examples of

    genocide in history have become the executioners

    of the Palestinian people: it is upsetting and painful

    that the heritage of the Holocaust be the Nakba.

    And it is truly disturbing that Zionism continues

    to use the charge of anti-Semitism as blackmail

    against those who oppose their violations and

    crimes. Israel has, blatantly and despicably, used

    and continues to use the memory of the victims. And they do so to act with complete impunity

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    Hugo Chvez Fras


    Our commitment to peace and justice in the world


  • 8/3/2019 Chavez Letters to General Assembly


    Hugo Chvez Fras


    Our commitment to peace and justice in the world


    Read and reread the document historica

    known as the Balfour Declaration of 1917:

    British Government assumed the legal author

    to promise a national home in Palestine to

    Jewish people, deliberately ignoring the presen

    and wishes of its inhabitants. Christians a

    Muslims lived in peace for centuries in the H

    Land up until the time when Zionism beganclaim it as its complete and exclusive property

    Lets not forget that beginning in the seco

    decade of the 20th century, Zionism started

    develop expansionist plans by taking advanta

    of the colonial British occupation of Palesti

    By the end of World War II, the tragedy of

    Palestinian people worsened, with their expuls

    from their territory and, at the same time, fr

    history. In 1947, the despicable and illegal U

    resolution 181 recommends dividing Palest

    into a Jewish State, an Arab State, and an aunder international control (Jerusalem a

    We must spell it out: Zionism, as a world

    vision, is absolutely racist. An irrefutable proof

    of this can be seen in these words written with

    terrifying cynicism by Golda Meir: How can we

    return the occupied territories? There is nobody

    to return them to. There is no such thing as a

    Palestinian people. It is not as people think, that

    there existed a people called Palestinians, whoconsidered themselves as Palestinians, and that

    we came and threw them out and took their

    country. They didnt exist.

    It is important to remember that: from the

    end of the 19th century, Zionism called for the

    return of the Jewish people to Palestine and the

    creation of a national State of its own. This

    approach was beneficial for French and British

    colonialism, as it would later be for Yankee

    imperialism. The West has always encouraged

    and supported the Zionist occupation ofPalestine by military means.

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    Hugo Chvez Fras


    Our commitment to peace and justice in the world


    transnational media outlets, what happened a

    continues to happen in Palestine using Sa

    words is not a religious conflict, but a politi

    conflict, with a colonial and imperialist stamp. It

    not begin in the Middle East, but rather in Euro

    What was and continues to be at the heart

    the conflict? Debate and discussion has prioritiz

    Israels security while ignoring Palestines. Thicorroborated by recent events; a good exampl

    the latest act of genocide set off by Israel dur

    its Operation Molten Lead in Gaza.

    Palestines security cannot be reduced

    the simple acknowledgement of a limited s

    government and self-policing in its enclav

    along the west bank of the Jordan and in

    Gaza Strip. This ignores the creation of

    Palestinian State, in the borders set prior to 19

    with East Jerusalem as its capital; and the rig

    of its citizens and their self-determination a

    people. This further disregards the compensat

    Belem). Shamefully, 56 percent of the territory

    was granted to Zionism to establish its State. In

    fact, this resolution violated international law

    and blatantly ignored the will of the vast Arab

    majority: the right to self-determination of the

    people became a dead letter.

    From 1948 to date, the Zionist State has

    continually applied its criminal strategy againstthe Palestinian people with the constant support

    of its unconditional ally, the United States of

    America. This unconditional allegiance is clearly

    observed by the fact that Israel directs and sets

    US international policy for the Middle East.

    Thats why the great Palestinian and universal

    conscience Edward Said stated that any peace

    agreement built on the alliance with the United

    States would be an alliance that confirms Zionist

    power, rather than one that confronts it.

    Contrary to what Israel and the United States

    are trying to make the world believe through

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  • 8/3/2019 Chavez Letters to General Assembly


    Hugo Chvez Fras


    Our commitment to peace and justice in the world


  • 8/3/2019 Chavez Letters to General Assembly


    Hugo Chvez Fras


    Our commitment to peace and justice in the world


    Commitment to justice,equality and peace

    Miraflores Presidential Place

    September 27, 2011

    Mr. Secretary General:

    Distinguished representatives of the peop

    of the world:

    I address these words to the United Natio

    General Assembly, to this great forum wh

    all the peoples of the earth are represented,

    express Venezuelas truths and to reassert o

    inalienable commitment to justice and equal

    that is to say, to peace.

    I would like to conclude with the voice of

    Mahmoud Darwish in his memorable poem On

    This Earth: We have on this earth what makes

    life worth living:

    On this earth, the lady of earth, Mother of all


    Mother of all ends. She was called


    Her name later becamePalestine.

    My Lady, because you are my Lady, I deserve life.

    It will continue to be called Palestine: Palestine

    will live and overcome! Long-live free, sovereign

    and independent Palestine!

    Hugo Chvez Fras

    President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

  • 8/3/2019 Chavez Letters to General Assembly


    Hugo Chvez Fras


    Our commitment to peace and justice in the world


    We have to look directly at the terrify

    reality of the world we live in. It is necess

    to ask a series of questions on the basis of

    risks and threats we face: Why is the Uni

    States the only country that fills the plan

    with military bases? What does it allocate su

    a staggering budget for increasing its milit

    power? Why has it unleashed so many waviolating the sovereignty of other nations wh

    have the same rights to their own fates? H

    can international law be enforced against

    United States insensible aspiration to milit

    hegemony of the world in order to ensure cont

    over energy sources to sustain their predat

    and consumer model? Why does the UN

    nothing to stop Washington? If we answ

    these questions sincerely we would understa

    that the empire has awarded itself the role

    judge of the world, without being granthis responsibility by anyone, and, therefo

    imperialist war threatens us all.

    Peace, peace, peace We do not look for the

    peace of the cemetery, as Kant said ironically,

    but a peace based on the most zealous respect

    for international law. Unfortunately, the UN,

    throughout its history, instead of adding and

    multiplying efforts in favor of peace among

    nations, has ended up supporting, sometimes

    through its actions and other times by omission,the most ruthless injustices.

    We should always remember that saving future

    generations from the scourge of war is mentioned

    in the Preamble of the Charter of the United

    Nations but its just dead letter. From 1945 on,

    wars have done nothing but inexorably increase

    and multiply. We see, once again, Libya destroyed

    and bloodstained by the will of the powerful.

    I call on the governments of the world to

    reflect: Since September 11th, 2001, a new and

    unprecedented imperialist war has begun, a

    permanent war, in perpetuity.

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    Hugo Chvez Fras


    Our commitment to peace and justice in the world


    Washington knows that a multipolar worl

    already an irreversible reality. Its strategy cons

    of stopping, at any price, the sustained rise o

    group of emerging countries, by negotiating gr

    interests with its partners and followers in ord

    to guide multipolarity along the path the emp

    wants. What is more, the goal is to reconfigure

    world so it is based on US military hegemonyHumanity is facing the very real threat o

    permanent war. The empire is ready to cre

    the political conditions for triggering a w

    anywhere, and the case of Libya is proof. Wit

    the imperial view of the world, Clausewitzs axi

    is being reversed: politics are the continuation

    war by other means.

    What is behind this new Armageddon? T

    absolute power of the military-financial leaders

    that is destroying the world in order to accumul

    even more profits; a military-financial power t

    is subordinated, de facto, to an increasingly lar

  • 8/3/2019 Chavez Letters to General Assembly


    Hugo Chvez Fras


    Our commitment to peace and justice in the world


    the conquistadors Cortes and Pizarro, as

    influential French thinker Edgar Morin righ

    pointed out, leads to continuously degrad

    and destroying. Energy and food crises

    sharpening, but capitalism continues to tresp

    all limits with impunity.

    Given such a meager outlook, the great

    scientist Linus Pauling, awarded the Nobel Pron two occasions, continues enlightening our pa

    I believe that there is a greater power in the wo

    than the evil power of military force, of nucl

    bombs there is the power of good, of mora

    of humanitarianism. I believe in the power of

    human spirit. Let us mobilize all the power of

    human spirit. It is time now. It is imperative that

    unleash a great political counter-offensive in or

    to prevent the powers of darkness from find

    justifications for going to war, from unleashin

    widespread global war through which they attemto save western capital.

    group of States. Keep in mind that war is capitals

    modus operandi: war ruins the majority and

    makes only a few wealthier.

    Right now, there is a very serious threat to

    global peace. A new cycle of colonial wars, which

    started in Libya, have the sinister objective of

    reviving the capitalist global system which is going

    through a structural crisis today. There are nolimits to its consumerist and destructive voracity.

    The case of Libya should alert us to the attempt

    to implement a new imperial kind of colonialism,

    that of military interventionism backed by the

    antidemocratic organs of the United Nations and

    justified on the basis of prefabricated media lies.

    Humanity is on the brink of an unimaginable

    catastrophe. The world is marching inexorably

    towards the most devastating ecocide. Global

    warming and its frightening consequences are

    announcing this, but world perspective on the

    ecosystem, which resembles the ideology of

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    Hugo Chvez Fras


    Our commitment to peace and justice in the world


    Remember that the Libyan Case w

    brought before the Security Council on the ba

    of an intense propaganda campaign by west

    mass media, who lied about the alleged bomb

    of innocent civilians by the Libyan Air Force,

    to mention the grotesque media manipulation

    Tripolis Green Square. This premeditated bun

    of lies was used to justify irresponsible and hadecisions by the Security Council, which pav

    the way for NATOs military regime chan

    policy in Libya.

    It is worthwhile to ask: What has the no

    zone established by Security Council resolut

    1973 become? How could NATO perform m

    than 20,000 missions against the Libyan peo

    if there was a no-fly zone? After the Libyan

    Force was completely annihilated, the continu

    humanitarian bombings show that the W

    through NATO, intend to impose their interein North Africa, turning Libya into a colon


    Venezuela calls for the establishment of a broad

    alliance for peace and against war, with the supreme

    aim of avoiding war at all costs. Warmongers, and

    especially the military-financial leadership that

    sponsor and lead them, must be defeated.

    Lets build the balance of the universe foreseen

    by the Liberator, Simon Bolvar the balance that,

    according to his words, cannot be found withinwar; the balance that is born out of peace.

    Remember that Venezuela, alongside the

    member countries of the Bolivarian Alliance

    for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA), was

    actively advocating for a peaceful and negotiated

    solution to the Libyan conflict. That is also what

    the African Union tried. However, in the end, the

    logic of war decreed by the UN Security Council

    and put into practice by NATO, the armed wing

    of the US empire, was imposed. And, the logic

    of war is spearheaded by corporate mass media,

    do not forget.

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    Hugo Chvez Fras


    Our commitment to peace and justice in the world


    By the way: the Residence of the Venezue

    Ambassador in Tripoli was invaded

    looted, and the UN did nothing, remain

    ignominiously silent.

    We call for the immediate cessation of bombi

    operations in Libyan territory. Similarly, we w

    continue calling for respect for internatio

    law in the case of this sister nation. We wnot remain silent in light of the evil intent

    of destroying the basis of its sense and reas

    Therefore, we ask this Assembly: Why is

    Libyan seat in the UN granted to the natio

    transition council, while the admission

    Palestine is blocked by ignoring, not only

    lawful aspiration, but also the existing will of

    majority of the General Assembly? Venezu

    hereby ratifies its unconditional solidarity w

    the Palestinian people and its total support

    the Palestinian national cause, which naturaincludes the immediate admission of Palestine

    a full member state within the United Nation

    How can we say that an arms embargo was

    imposed on Libya when it was NATO itself

    that introduced thousands of heavy weapons to

    support a violent upheaval against that countrys

    legitimate government?

    The embargo was, of course, meant to

    prevent the Libyan government from defending

    its sovereignty.

    This demonstrates, once again, the cruel logic

    of international relations, where the law only

    applies to the weak. What is the real reason for

    this military intervention? Recolonizing Libya in

    order to capture its wealth.

    Everything else is related to this goal. Nobody

    colonizes innocently, as the great Martinican

    poet Aime Cesaire said, quite rightly, in his

    extraordinary essay called Discours sur le


  • 8/3/2019 Chavez Letters to General Assembly


    Hugo Chvez Fras


    Our commitment to peace and justice in the world


    And the same imperialist pattern is being

    repeated regarding Syria. If some permanent

    members of the Security Council had not taken

    the firm stance that was missing in the case of

    Libya, it would have authorized shooting missiles

    and bombs at Syria.

    It is intolerable that the powerful of this world

    intend to claim for themselves the right to orderlegitimate and sovereign governments rulers to

    step down. This was the case in Libya, and they

    want to do the same in Syria. Such are the existing

    asymmetries in the international setting and such

    are the abuses against the weakest nations.

    It is not for us to bring forward a conclusive

    judgment about the national situation in Syria.

    First, because of the inherent complexity of

    any national reality and, second, because only

    the Syrian people can solve their problems and

    decide their fate in light of the peoples right to

    self-determination, which is an inalienable right

    in all respects.

  • 8/3/2019 Chavez Letters to General Assembly


    Hugo Chvez Fras


    Our commitment to peace and justice in the world


    how much is being spent to destroy Libya. Thi

    the answer of US congressman Dennis Kucini

    who said: This new war will cost us $5

    million during its first week alone. Obviously,

    do not have financial resources for that and

    will end up cutting off other important dome

    programs funding.

    According to Kucinich himself, with amount spent during the first three weeks

    Northern Africa to massacre the Libyan peop

    much could have been done to help the ent

    region of the Horn of Africa, saving tens

    thousands of lives.

    The reasons behind the criminal milit

    engagement in Libya are not humanitarian

    all: they are based on the Malthusian notion t

    there are just too many people in the wor

    and they have to be eliminated by generat

    more hunger, destruction and uncertainty, a

    creating at the same time more financ

    If we direct our eyes to the Horn of Africa we

    will witness a heartbreaking example of the UNs

    historical failure. Most serious news agencies

    report that 29,000 children under the age of 5

    have died in the last three months.

    The great journalist Frida Modak, in her

    article, To Die in Somalia, reveals all the misery

    there, which is worse than that ravaging the restof the vast region of the Horn of Africa, and

    which undermines the role of large international

    organizations, such as the UN. She writes: What

    is needed to face this situation is $400 million,

    not to solve the problem, but just to address the

    emergency that Somalia, Kenya, Djibouti and

    Ethiopia are going through. According to all

    sources, the next two months will be crucial to

    prevent more than 12 million people from dying,

    and the worst situation is in Somalia.

    This reality could not be more atrocious,

    especially if, at the same time, we ask ourselves

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    Hugo Chvez Fras


    Our commitment to peace and justice in the world


    imposed against the Cuban people, but also

    release of the five Cuban antiterrorist fight

    held hostage in the prisons of the US Empire

    the sole reason of seeking to prevent the ille

    actions of terrorist groups against Cuba, un

    the protection of the US government.

    Mr. President of the General Assembly a

    distinguished representatives of the peoples the world, we want to reiterate that it is impossi

    to ignore the crisis of the UN. Before this sa

    General Assembly we expressed, back in 2005, t

    the UN model had been exhausted. Back then,

    also expressed the urgent need for it to be rebuil

    Up until now, nothing has been done. T

    political will of the powerful has prevail

    Certainly, the UN, in its current functioni

    docilely serves their interests. For us, it is obvio

    that the UN is not improving, nor will it impro

    from the inside. If the Secretary General, alo

    with the President of the International Crimi

    profits. In this regard, it is frankly regrettable

    that in the opening address of the 66th General

    Assembly of the UN, an immediate appeal to

    solve humanitarian crisis in the Horn of Africa

    was not made, while instead we were assured

    that the time has come to act on Syria.

    As of 2010, 19 UN General Assembly

    votes confirm the universal will demandingthat the United States stop the economic and

    trade blockade against Cuba. Since all sensible

    international arguments have been exhausted,

    we have no choice but to believe that such cruel

    actions against the Cuban Revolution result

    from imperial arrogance in view of the dignity

    and courage shown by the unsubmissive Cuban

    people in their sovereign decision to determine

    their own fate and fight for their happiness.

    From Venezuela, we believe it is time to

    demand of the US not only an immediate and

    unconditional end to the criminal blockade

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    Hugo Chvez Fras


    Our commitment to peace and justice in the world


    law while the North violates it, destroying a

    plundering us.

    If we do not make a commitment, once a

    for all, to rebuilding the United Nations,

    organization will lose its remaining credibil

    Its crisis of legitimacy will be accelerated unt

    finally implodes. In fact, that is what happened

    its immediate predecessor: the League of Natio

    A crucial first step in rebuilding the Uni

    Nations would be to eliminate the category

    permanent members and veto power wit

    the Security Council. Likewise, the decisio

    making power of the General Assembly must

    maximized democratically. We also demand

    immediate, in-depth revision of the UN Char

    with the aim of drafting a new Charter.

    Peoples of the World:

    The future of a multipolar world, in pea

    resides in us, in the organization of the major

    Court, take part in an act of war, as in the case

    of Libya, nothing can be expected from the

    current structure of this organization and there

    is no longer time for reform. The UN does not

    accept any reform whatsoever; the illness at its

    core is deadly.

    It is unbearable that there is a Security Council

    that turns its back, whenever it wants to, on theclamor of the majority of nations by deliberately

    failing to acknowledge the will of the General

    Assembly. If the Security Council is some sort

    of club with privileged members, what can the

    General Assembly do?

    Where is its room for manoeuver, when Security

    Council members violate international law?

    Paraphrasing Bolivar when he spoke of

    nascent US imperialism in 1818, we have had

    enough of the weak following the law whilethe strong commit abuses. It cannot be us, the

    peoples of the South, who respect international

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    Hugo Chvez Fras


    Our commitment to peace and justice in the world


    and anti-imperialist governments, seeking w

    to break the prevailing international order a

    strengthening the capacity of the people to fa

    together, the reigning powers. But this does

    prevent its members from making an enthusia

    push for the consolidation of the Union of Sou

    American Nations (UNASUR), a political b

    that federates the 12 sovereign States of So America with the purpose of grouping th

    under what the Liberator Simon Bolivar cal

    a Nation of Republics.

    Furthermore, the 33 countries of La

    America and the Caribbean are curre

    preparing to take the historic step of establish

    a great regional entity that joins us all, with

    exclusions, where we can together design

    policies that will ensure our wellbeing, o

    independence, and our sovereignty, on the ba

    of equality, solidarity, and complementarCaracas, the capital of the Bolivarian Repub

    of the people on earth to defend ourselves against

    the new colonialism, in order to achieve a balance

    in the universe that is capable of neutralizing

    imperialism and arrogance.

    This broad, generous, respectful, and inclusive

    call is addressed to all the peoples of the world,

    but especially to the emerging powers of the

    South, which must assume, with courage, therole that they are called on to play immediately.

    From Latin America and the Caribbean,

    powerful and dynamic regional alliances have

    emerged, seeking to shape a regional democratic

    space, respectful of differences and eager to

    emphasize solidarity and cooperation in order to

    foster the ties that bind us and settle what keeps us

    apart politically. And this new regionalism allows

    for diversity and respects the various rhythms

    of nation. Thus, the Bolivarian Alliance for

    the Peoples of Our America (ALBA) advances

    as an avant-garde experiment of progressive

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    Hugo Chvez Fras


    Our commitment to peace and justice in the world


    I want to conclude by remembering wo

    of the great Venezuelan singer, Ali Prime

    In one of his songs he asks us: What is ma

    struggle to achieve peace? And what peace

    they want to leave the world just as it is? Tod

    more than ever before, the worst crime agai

    peace is to leave the world as it is. If we le

    the world as it is, the present and future willdetermined by perpetual war. On the contra

    to quote Ali Primera again, achieving pea

    involves radically reversing all that impe

    humanity from being humane.

    Hugo Chvez Fras

    President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venez

    of Venezuela, is proud to host, next December

    2 and 3, the Summit of Heads of State and

    Government that will establish, definitively, the

    Community of Latin American and Caribbean

    States (CELAC).

    The people of Venezuela place our hopes

    on a broad alliance among the regional

    organizations of the South, such as the Unionof South American Nations (UNASUR),

    CARICOM (the Caribbean Community), SICA

    (the System of Central American Integration),

    the African Union, ASEAN (the Association of

    Southeast Asian Nations) or ECO (the Economic

    Coordination Organization), and especially the

    cross-regional organizations among emerging

    powers, such as BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India,

    China, and South Africa), which should become

    a pole of influence in coordination with the

    peoples of the South.

  • 8/3/2019 Chavez Letters to General Assembly


    During the UN General

    Assembly 66th Session,

    President Hugo Chvez addressed

    the Assembly through two letters in whichhe pleaded for the inclusion of Palestine as a UNO

    permanent member. He also demanded the establishment

    of true world peace and respect to self-determination of the

    peoples, in the view of the imperialist neocolonialism that

    intends to spread in the world.