Charles & Patricia Lester - Cruise Wear Look Book



Luxurious silks for women to wear. Inspirations of the open seas and far off travel. Sumptuousness for the body to luxuriate in exotic locations. Individual, unique and inspired.

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Charles & Patricia Lester

Cruise Wear Look Book

Square Norma Coat and Pleated Silk Vest Two Piece

Silk Danuta Dress

Pleated Silk Venice Coat

Pleated Silk Jacket, Silk Georgette Bias Skirt and Camisole Top

Silk Georgette Bias Skirt,CamisoleTop and Pleated Silk Jacket

Velvet Cushion

Silk Satin Viscose Vivaldi Coat Crinkle Silk Marbled Jacket

Crepe de Chine Trousers and Tabard


Pleated silk Cushion

Silk Camisole Top, Slim Bias Skirt and Georgette JP Wrap

Silk Rebecca Dress and Georgette JP Wrap

Crepe de Chine Full Bias skirt and Eccentric Top

Crepe de Chine Slim Bias Skirt and Silk Georgette Linda Overblouse

Button Jewellery

Silk Satin Viscose Overblouse

Marbled Silk New Becca Dress and Toni Cardigan

Silk Georgette Danuta Dress

Silk Patchwork Bias Skirt, Tunic Top and Silk Georgette Jacket

Pleated silk Cushion

Silk Satin Viscose Overblouse, Crepe Back satin Slim Bias Skirt and Vest Top

Velvet Cushions

Button Jewellery

Pleated Silk Jacket

Pleated Silk Lily Dress and Georgette Sleeveless Square Coat

Crinkle Silk Marbled Overblouse Cotton Hand Painted T-shirt

Marbled Arthur Coat

Silk Satin Viscose Art Coat, Crepe De Chine Slim Bias Skirt and Vest TopSilk Satin Viscose Scarf

Pleated Silk Tailcoat over Marbled Silk Danuta Dress

Marbled Silk Danuta Dress

Silk Patchwork Bias Skirt, Tunic Top and Silk Georgette Jacket

Crepe Morocain Slim Bias Skirt,Vest Top and Georgette Sleeveless Square Coat

Velvet cushion

Velvet Tapestry

Long Norma Coat and Crepe Morocain Slim Bias Skirt and Tabard Top

Silk Satin Viscose Scarves

Crepe De Chine Opera Trousers, Camisole Top and Silk Satin Viscose Overblouse

Silk Vest Tabard Top, slim Bias Skirt and Marbled Silk Little Jacket

Pleated Silk Tailcoat

Crepe De Chine Slim Bias Skirt, Camisole Top and Marbled Silk Jester Top

Kate Dress and Silk Georgette Jester Top

Pleated Silk Tailcoat and Silk Marbled Danuta Dress

Silk Marbled Danuta Dress

Silk Marbled Danuta Dress and Square Norma Jacket

Silk Marbled Danuta Dress and Little Jacket

Silk Marbled Danuta Dress and Georgette Sleeveless Square Coat

Silk Marbled Danuta Dress and Art Jacket

Kate Dress and Silk Satin Viscose Kimono Coat

Velvet Cushions

Pleated Silk Butterfly Coat

Pleated Silk cushions

Pleated Silk Mary Two Piece

Pleated Silk Jacket, Silk Georgette Bias skirt and Vest Top

Silk Georgette Bias Skirt and Camisole Top

Pleated Silk Cushion

Pleated Silk Jacket

Velvet Cushions

Marbled Square Coat and Velvet Lucy Dress

Danuta Dress

The Workhouse, Hatherleigh Place, Union Road, Abergavenny, Monmouthshire. NP7 7RL Tel: 01873 853559 Fax: 01873 858666


Charles & Patricia Lester


All Pictures and designs in this look book are the property of Charles & Patricia Lester
