CHARLES M. CRONER, Ph.D., Geographer and Survey ...Moderator, “GIS in International Settings,”...


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CHARLES M. CRONER, Ph.D., Geographer and Survey Statistician, Office of Research and Methodology, National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and

Editor, Public Health GIS News and Information 1972-2007


Selected biographical information at

CDC/NCHS Website for Public Health GIS News and Information at

"Geographic Information Systems and public health: mapping the future," Public Health Reports 1999;114:359-373 at

"Visualization of disease surveillance data with geostatistics," Papers of Work Session on Methodological

Issues Involving Integration of Statistics and Geography, Statistical Division of the United Nations Economic Commission on Europe, Tallinn, Estonia, September 25-28, 2001

“A Healthy Perspective on Spatial Data Standards and Interoperability”

"Public Health, GIS, and the Internet," Annual Reviews of Public Health, 24:57-82, 2003 at Federal

Geographic Data Committee website and

Featured Health Geographer at

“Geographic Information Systems and Public Health: Accomplishments and Horizons”

CHARLES M. CRONER, Ph.D. (retired) Geographer/Survey Statistician, Office of Research and Methodology

National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1972-2007

and Editor, Public Health GIS News and Information


Recent Awards and Recognition Recipient, 2014 URISA GIS Hall of Fame, Induction, GIS-Pro 2014: URISA’s 52nd Annual Conference New Orleans, September 2014 Recipient, 2007 Health Service Award, ESRI Inc., for serving as editor Public Health GIS News and Information, and other contributions to GIS and Public Health, Las Vegas 2007 Recipient, CCHIS Distinguished Service Award, Hurricane Response Team, Coordinating Center for Health Information and Service, CDC, September 2006 Official Letter of Appreciation, Federal Geographic Data Committee, OMB, “your dedicated service as the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) representative to the FGDC. You have been an advocate and visionary for the development of the National Spatial Data Infrastucture (NSDI). Sincere thanks and appreciation to you, for your distinguished public health representation to the FGDC.” July 2006 Book Acknowledgement, Geographic Information Systems and Public Health: Eliminating Perinatal Disparity, Idea Group Inc., Hershey 2006 Recipient, Howard University Certificate of Appreciation, “In recognition of your extraordinary commitment to communication in the GIS field and contribution to GIS at HBCU’s,” 22nd Annual HBCU Summer Faculty GIS Workshop, June 2005 Semifinalist, 2005 DHHS Secretary’s Award for Distinguished Service, “For outstanding, dedicated and sustained effort resulting in successful DHHS and public health leadership in the area of Geographic Information Systems” Elected Member of the Board, Multi-sector Crisis Management Consortium, Arlington VA, June 2004-November 2006 Recipient, Outstanding GIS Award, “in recognition of your outstanding contribution to GIS in Maryland,” presented by Towson University, 17th Annual GIS Conference and Exposition, 2004


Nominated [by CDC Associate Director for Science], 2003 CDCIATSDR Honor Award, "for continued development and provision of outstanding geographic science products to CDCIATSDR, state and local public health programs, schools, and other groups" Recipient, 2002 NCHS Equal Employment Opportunity and Civil Rights Award, "for outstanding contributions, continuous commitment and support to the mission of Equal Employment Opportunity programs and activities, National Center for Health Statistics, CDC" Recipient, Certificate of Appreciation, National Geographic Society, for serving as Moderator in the 2003 (and 2002) Maryland State Level National Geographic Bee (and Judge. 2000) Montgomery College, Germantown MD Recipient, Memorandum of Appreciation, Director, National Center for Environmental Health, CDC and Assistant Administrator, ATSDR, for contributions to the CDC Environmental Health Tracking Workgroup, April 2002 Nominated, 2001 CDC Communicator's Roundtable Award for excellence in reporting on Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology in Public Health Nominated, 2000 Secretary's Award for Distinguished Service "for exceptional innovation over time to promote the use of Geographic Information System technology by DHHS and institutionalize its successful adaptation and growth between DHHS and its customers" Nominated, 2000 William C. Watson, Jr., Medal of Excellence "for significantly improving the mission of DHHS and its customers to advance the field of disease surveillance and prevention" Recipient, Vice-Presidents' Hammer Award, National Partnership for Reinventing Government, Steering Committee of the National Atlas of the United States, Washington D.C., December 13, 2000 Recipient, 1999 On-the-Spot Award "for establishing important CDC partnerships with behavioral and social scientists at Historical Black Colleges and Universities, for instruction of GIS in epidemiologic studies, and representing the Behavioral and Social Science Working Group on the CDC Equal Employment Opportunity Advisory Council" Recipient, 1999 NCHS Director's Award "for services dedicated to the advancement of scientific excellence throughout the CDC Geographic Information System (GIS) and public health surveillance communities" Recipient, 1996 CDC/ATSDR Honor Award "for helping CDC/ATSDR establish a leadership role in understanding and facilitating the application of Geographic Information System technology in public health, through enhanced communication and collaboration" Nominated, 1966 Dean's Recognition Award, Towson State University, “for outstanding accomplishments to the field of geography and public health" Nominated, 1996 CDC/ATSDR Honor Award (Group) "for planning and implementing the 1995 Symposium on Small Area Statistics in Public Health"


Nominated, 1996 NCHS Director's Award "for sustained excellence in developing the CDC/ATSDR GIS Users Group and GIS News and Information" GIS News and Information electronic bimonthly report nominated for the 1995 Award for Excellence in Health Communication at the 1995 Second Annual CDC/ATSDR Communicator's Roundtable Award Ceremony Recipient, 1995 DHHS On-the Spot Award "for the key role played in the 1995 CDC Statistical Methods Symposium and as an example of efficient coordination to the benefit of federal agencies" Recipient, 1994 NCHS Group Service Award "for contributions to the first- ever preparation and publication of national mortality maps in the NCHS vital statistics monthly reports" Recipient, 1993 "Tapped For Excellence" NCHS Director's Award for assistance "in developing the Center's reimbursable technical assistance program in survey methodology" Nominated, 1993 NCHS Director's Award for Program and Policy Development "for sustained commitment to the establishment and improvement of extramural relationships to further the scientific goals of the National Center for Health Statistics" Recipient, 1991 NCHS Director's Award for "outstanding contributions to the field of health statistics and the mission of the National Center for Health Statistics" Recipient, 1991 Outstanding Alumnus Award, Department of Geography and Environmental Planning, Towson State University, for "outstanding contributions to the field of geography"

Prior Awards and Recognition Nominated, Spiegelman Gold Medal Award, Statistics Section, American Public Health Association, 1977, for developing and authoring the first national report on health care utilization, The Nation’s Use of Health Resources Recipient, DHEW Fellowship, Summer Institute of Statistics, Harvard University, 1976 Member, Board of Directors, Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers, Pan American Institute for Geography and History, 1975-1978 Recipient, Foreign Area Fellowship grant for doctoral field research, 1971-72, leading to the Doctoral dissertation "Spatial Characteristics of Internal Migration to San Pedro Sula, Honduras" Recipient, Ford Foundation grant for doctoral field research on internal migration in Honduras, 1971 Recipient, National Science Foundation grant for pre-doctoral field research in Guatemala and Costa Rica, 1970 Recipient, Pilot Teaching Excellence Award, Michigan State University, 1969


School Record for Men's Varsity Lacrosse, Towson State University, most assists in one game, Washington College, 1962

SERVICE TO HHS and CDC Member, Geography and Geospatial Science Working Group (GeoSWG), Atlanta, August 2007-present. Member, CDC Geospatial Expert Panel: Planning to Promote Healthy Communities with Geospatial Science, July 2007 Member, Core Values Review and selection Committee, Coordinating Center for Health Information and Service (CCHIS), June 2007. Designer (with Jon Sperling, DHUD), CDC/NCHS-DHUD Interagency Agreement on Geocoding, successfully implemented July 2007. CDC Advisory Team, appointed to four-member CDC-wide advisory team, by Director, CDC, to develop the GIS Roadmap for CDC public health science, November 2006-May 2007. Moderator, “GIS in International Settings,” GIS Day 2006 at CDC/ATSDR, CDC Global Communications Center, Atlanta, November 2006. Review Panelist, “CDC as a Model Workplace for People with Disabilities,” National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, Atlanta, May 2006. Moderator, Commemoration Program for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., National Center for Health Statistics, January 2006. CDC GIS Senior Leadership, Member, CDC Enterprise GIS Roadmap and Geospatial Science Initiative, Atlanta, November 2005. CDC Diversity Task Force Initiative, Appointment as Member, CDC-wide Diversity Plan Working Group, June 2005. NCHS Mentoring Program, Mentor, Northwestern High School, 2004, Hyattsville, MD. DHHS Point of Contact, President’s Geospatial One-Stop E-Government Initiative, Office of Management and Budget (OMB), 2002-present, Hyattsville MD. DHHS Consultant to Geospatial data activities including development of Task Order to build comprehensive metadata in HHS web databases and prepare annual Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) and OMB geospatial data activity and investment reports, 2002-present, Hyattsville MD. DHHS Organizer and Chair, GIS Workshop to Reduce Minority Health Disparities, 2002, Washington D.C.


DHHS Representative, Steering and Coordination Working Groups, FGDC, OMB, 1992-2006, Washington D.C. (Original HHS representative and responsible for guiding HHS into formal FGDC membership). DHHS Member, Subcommittee on Cultural and Demographic Data, FGDC/OMB, 1992-2004. CDC Representative, US Geological Survey (USGS) Natural Science and Public Health Conference, 2003, Reston VA. CDC Representative, Interagency Task Force on Environmental Health Tracking Network, 2001-2002, Atlanta GA. CDC Representative, Planning Committee of the USGS National Atlas of the United States, 2001-present, Reston VA. CDC Member, Planning Committee and Training Subcommittee, Seventh Biennial Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) Symposium on Statistical Methods: "Symposium on Emerging Statistical Issues in Public Health for the 21st Century," 1999. CDC Representative, Behavioral and Social Science Working Group (BSSWG) to the CDC/ATSDR Equal Employment Opportunity Advisory Counsel (EEOAC), February 1998, Atlanta. CDC Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Counselor for CDC and ATSDR, January 1998, Hyattsville. CDC Vice Chair, Professional Liaison Committee, Behavioral and Social Science Working Group, 1997, and Chair, 1998, Atlanta. CDC Representative, Advisory Board, and Lecturer, GIS Summer Workshop for Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Howard University, 1997-present, Silver Spring, MD. CDC Representative, Steering Committee, Annual GIS Conference, Towson University, 1997-present, Baltimore MD (Invited Plenary Speaker, March 2005). CDC Member, Planning Committee, 1995 CDC/ATSDR Symposium on Statistical Methods, Small Area Statistics in Public Health: Design, Analysis, Graphic and Spatial Methods", Atlanta. Co-Instructor (with Broome, FW and Sperling J.) and Organizer, "GIS Short Course", 1995 CDC/ATSDR Symposium on Statistical Methods, January 24, 1995, Atlanta. CDC Member, Abstracts and Publications Committee, 1995 CDC/ATSDR Symposium on Statistical Methods, Atlanta. Founder and Editor, CDC’s Public Health GIS News and Information, electronic and Web-accessible bimonthly report serving the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, U.S. State and Local Public Health


Departments, and a global GIS and public health audience interested in disease surveillance and prevention, using Geographic Information Systems technology, 1994- present, Hyattsville MD.

PUBLICATIONS MAJOR REPORTS Health Resources Statistics, National Center for Health Statistics, Office of Health Research, Statistics, and Technology, 1976-77 edition, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1979. The Nation's Use of Health Resources, National Center for Health Statistics, Health Resources Administration, No. 151O, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1976. ELECTRONIC Croner CM, Editor, GIS News and Information, National Center for Health Statistics. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, bimonthly, 1994-present (Internet beginning 2000). Croner CM, "NCHS Public Health GIS News and Information: 1994-2003," in GIS Solutions for Health and Human Services, CD-ROM, ESRI, Redlands CA, 2003. Croner CM and Givens JG. 2001. "NCHS Public Health GIS News and Information: 1994-2001," in GIS Solutions for Health and Human Services, CD-ROM, ESRI, Redlands CA, 2002. Richards TB, Henriques WD, Croner CM, Gerzoff RB. Brown CK., Saccenti JC, Berry P. Bialek R, Wulf HS, Howie MM., and Silva A. "Geographic Information System Sampling Frame for Surveys of Local Health Departments and Local Boards of Health," (March 1998) Proceedings of the 1997 Joint Meeting of the Public Health Conference on Records and Statistics and the Data Users Conference, Partnerships, Technologies & Communities: Evolving Roles for Health Data (CD- ROM, 14 pages). McKay FW, Croner CM, Pickle L Wand White AA. (June 1993). "Interactive County Mapping of U.S. Mortality, 1980-1989," PC software mapping program, Office of Research and Methodology, Hyattsville. ARTICLES, PROCEEDINGS AND MANUALS Croner CM, Cromley EK and McLafferty S, Practical Applications of Mapping and Geographic Analysis in Public Health, GIS Workshop and Manual, 11th International Medical Geography Symposium, Ft. Worth TX, July 5, 2005. Croner CM, Lenahan T, Salling MJ, Weiner GD, "Geographic Information Systems and Public Health: Accomplishments and Horizons," in Proceedings of GeoHealth 2004 [eds. Skelly C, White P], Institute of Environmental Science & Research, Porirua, New Zealand,


NOV 2004, pps. 22-31. Croner, CM, “Public Health GIS and the Internet,” in: Journal of Map & Geography Libraries (ML Larsgaard and PG Andrew, eds), Binghamton: The Haworth Press, Inc. Issue 1, JUL 2004. Croner CM. 2003. “Public Health, GIS, and the Internet,” Annual Reviews of Public Health, 24:51- 82. Croner CM. “A Healthy Perspective on Spatial Data Standards and Interoperability,” Directions Magazine, July 30, 2003; Croner CM and De Cola I., "Visualization of disease surveillance data with geostatistics," Papers of Work Session on Methodological Issues Involving Integration of Statistics and Geography, Statistical Division of the United Nations Economic Commission on Europe, Tallinn, Estonia, September 25-28, 2001. Croner CM. 2001. "Integrating Geographical Infonnation with Statistical Programs: Challenges and Opportunities." Statistical Policy Working Paper 32, Office of Management and Budget, Federal Committee on Statistical Methodology, pp. 244-251. Albert DP, Gesler WM, Croner CM. 2000. Master GIS/RS Bibliographic Resource Guide. In Spatial Analysis, GIS, and Remote Sensing Applications in the Health Sciences, ed. DP Albert, WM Gesler, B Levergood, pp. 171-196. Ann Arbor, MI: Sleeping Bear Press. Croner CM, Gesler WM, Albert DP. 2000.Glossary. In Spatial Analysis, GIS, and Remote Sensing Applications in the Health Sciences, ed. DP Albert, WM Gesler, B Levergood, pp. 197-203. Ann Arbor. MI: Sleeping Bear Press. Croner CM, Stroup DF. 1999. “GIS and EIS: Geographic Information Systems and the Epidemic Intelligence Service,” EIS Bulletin Fall/Wnter: 1 0-3. Richards TB, Croner CM, Brown CK and Fowler L. "GIS for Community Health Planning: A Guide for Software Developers," Proceedings. 1998 GIS in Public Health Conference, San Diego, September, 1999. Richards TB, Croner CM, Rushton G, Brown C.K. and L Fowler. 1999. "GIS in Public Health Planning and Practice: Mapping the Future," Public Health Reports, 114: 359-373. Richards TB, Croner CM, and LF Novick. 1999. "Geographic Information Systems in Public Health, Part 2," J Public Health Manage and Pract 5(4): 1-6. Richards TB, Henriques WD, Croner CM, Brown CK., Saccenti JC., and L Berry. 1999. "Towards a GIS Sampling Frame for Surveys of Local Health Departments and Local Boards of Health," J Public Health Manage and Pract 5(4): 65-82. Richards TB, Croner CM, Novick L, ed. 1999. J Public Health Manage and Pract, Geographic Information Systems in Public Health, Part II, 5(4), July 1999, Aspen Publishers.


Richards TB, Croner CM, Novick L. 1999. "Atlas of State and Local Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Maps to Improve Community Health," J Public Health Manage and Pract 5(2): 2-8. Richards TB, Croner CM, Novick L. ed.:1999. J of Public Health Manage and Pract. Geographic Information Systems in Public Health, Part I, 5(2), March 1999. Aspen Publishers. Croner CM, Public Health Geographic Information Systems (GIS) News and Information, Cognitive Methods Staff Working Paper Series, Report 23, Office of Research and Methodology, National Center for Health Statistics, 1998. Croner CM and Sperling J. 1997. "GIS Emerges in Public Health," GIS World, Vol. 10, No.9, September, 1997, p. 86. Croner CM and Givens J. NCHS Cartography and GIS Guest Lecture Series: List of Presentations 1988-1997, National Center for Health Statistics, Hyattsville, 1997. Feder J, Croner CM and Pickle LW. 1997. Geologic and hydrologic data in epidemiologic analysis, 1996 Proceedings of the Epidemiologic Section, American Statistical Association, Chicago, pp. 19- 22. Croner CM, Sperling J and Broome FR. 1996. Geographic Information Systems (GIS): New perspectives in understanding human health and environmental relationships, Stat in Med. 15(17/18): 1961-1977. Hastie R., Hammerle 0, Kerwin J, Croner CM, and Herrmann, DJ. 1996. Human performance reading statistical maps, J Experimental Psych: Applied. 2(1): 3-16. White AA., Pickle LW , Herrmann DJ, Croner CM, and Wilson BF. 1995. Map Design Preferences Associated with Professional Discipline, Proceedings of the Government Statistics Section, American Statistical Association, Toronto, Canada. Croner CM, Sperling. J. and Broome. FR. 1995. Geographic Information Systems: Concepts and Perspectives for Small Area Analysis in Public Health. GIS Short Course Training Manual. 1995 CDC/ATSDR Symposium on Statistical Methods. Atlanta. Croner CM, Herrmann, DJ, Pickle, LW and White, AA. 1995. "A Cognitive Model of Statistical Map Reading: Implications for GIS", in Pickle and Herrmann (Ed.), Cognitive Aspects of Statistical Mapping, Working Paper Series, No. 18, National Center for Health Statistics. Hastie R., Hammerle 0, Kerwin J, Croner CM, and Herrmann, DJ, 1995. "Data Display Format Compatibility and Human Performance Reading Statistical Maps", in Pickle and Herrmann (Ed.), Cognitive Aspects of Statistical Mapping, Working Paper Series, No. 18, National Center for Health Statistics. White AA, Pickle LW, Herrmann DJ, Croner CM, Wilson BF. Map design preferences associated with professional discipline. Proceedings of the Statistical Graphics Section, American Statistical Association 1994 Meeting, Toronto, Canada 1995;54-59.


Croner CM, White A., Johnson D, Klein R. LeClere F, McLemore T, Murphy R, Pickle LW, Sloss R., Stakes K, Tomkins L and Wagener D. 1994. Report of the NCHS TIGER Planning Committee, National Center for Health Statistics. Herrmann DJ, Kerwin J, Pickle LW, Croner CM, White AA, Jobe JB, Jones GK. Cognitive processes in statistical map reading. Proceedings of the Statistical Graphics Section, American Statistical Association 1993 Meeting, San Francisco, CA 1994;51-54. Pickle LW, Herrmann DJ, Kerwin J, Croner CM, White AA. The impact of statistical graphic design on interpretation of disease rate maps. Proceedings of the Statistical Graphics Section, American Statistical Association 1993 Meeting, San Francisco, CA 1994;111-116. Croner CM. 1992. Primary Sampling Units in the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey: 1988-94, Map Supplement, in Ezzati, T. "Sample Design: Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey", Vital and Health Statistics, Series 2, No. 113. Croner CM, Pickle LW, White AA and Wolf DR. 1992. "A GIS Approach to Hypothesis Generation in Epidemiology", Technical Papers-GIS and Cartography, Proceedings of the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping 3:275-283. Croner CM and White AA. 1992. NCHS Cartography Guest Lecture Series: Videotape Library, 1988-1991. Hyattsville, MD. Croner CM and White AA. 1991. "Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Activity in the Department of Health and Human Services". Proceedings of the Government Statistics Section, American Statistical Association, pp. 84-89. Croner CM, Wolf, DR, Jones JW, and White AA. 1990. "Developments in Statistical Cartography at the National Center for Health Statistics". Proceedings of the Government Statistics Section, American Statistical Association, pp. 111-113. Croner CM 1989. State maps "Occupancy rate of nursing homes by State: United States, 1986" and "Number of nursing home beds per 1,000 population 65 years and over by State: United States, 1986" in Sirrocco, A., "Nursing Home Characteristics: 1986 Inventory of Long-Term Care Places", Vital and Health Statistics, Series 14, No. 33. Croner CM and McKay FW. 1988. "Changing Geographies of Cancer Mortality Maps". ACSM Technical Papers. ACSM-ASPRS 1988 Fall Convention, American Congress on Surveying and Mapping. Falls Church, pp. 206-216. Croner CM, Williams PD, and Hsiung S. 1985. "Callback Response in the National Health Interview Survey". Proceedings of the Survey Research Methods Section, American Statistical Association, pp. 164-169. Croner CM. 1984. International Health Data Reference Guide. National Center for Health Statistics, DHHS Publication No. (PHS) 84-1007. Saliceti JA, Femandez N, Croner CM and Watzman N. 1982. Visual Care in Puerto Rico, 1980-81, Health Resources and Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C.


Croner CM. 1980. "Data Presentation Methods," Proceedings, Forum on Allied Health Data, Health Resources Administration, Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, D.C., pps.13-17. Croner CM. 1979. "Health Resources Statistics: One Approach to National Health Manpower and Facility Data Collection," in The Workshop on Allied Health Manpower: A Cooperative Approach to Data Collection and Analysis, Analysis, Management and Planning, Inc. (Contract No. 233-78- 2015), Alexandria, VA, pps. 6-12. Croner CM. 1976. The Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Area Geographer Contact List, No. 1, Association of American Geographers, Washington, D.C. Croner CM and Steinberg E. June 1976. "Changes in Selected Aspects of Health Care among the Disabled, 1966-69". 1969 Followup Survey of Disabled Adults. Report No.5, Office of Research and Statistics, Social Security Administration, DHEW Publication No. (SSA) 76-11715. Thomas RN and Croner CM. 1975. "Migrant Paths to Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula: The Role of Accessibility", Social and Economic Studies. 24(4): 445-457, Institute of Social and Economic Research. Croner CM. 1975. "Selected Health Characteristics". 1971 Disability Survey of Recently Disabled Adults. Report No.2, Office of Research and Statistics, Social Security Administration. DHEW Publication No. (SSA) 76-11716. Croner CM. 1974. "Distance and the Propensity of Movement in the Migration System of San Pedro Sula, Honduras", MAD-CAP Newsletter and Journal 6(1), Association of American Geographers, pp. 12-18. Croner CM and Haber LD. 1974. "Declining Mortality Rates among Disabled-Worker Beneficiares", Research and Statistics Note, No. 13, Social Security Administration, DHEW Publication No. (SSA) 74-1170 Croner CM. 1973. "Youth and Internal Migration: Some Social Planning Implications for Latin America" in Youth and Employment in Latin America, Vol. II, General Secretariat, Organization of American States, Washington, D.C. Croner CM. 1972. Sesenta y Uno: Algunas de las investigaciones preliminares sobre el sistema migratorio de la ciudad de San Pedro Sula, Honduras, lnstituto Geografico Nacional, Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

PRESENTATIONS Croner CM. "Population Growth and Economic Development in Quintana Roo Territory, Mexico", presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Arts, Sciences and Letters, Ann Arbor MI, March, 1969.


Croner CM. "Ejido Development in Quintana Roo Territory, Mexico", annual meeting of the East Lakes Division of the Association of American Geographers, East Lansing MI, 1969. Croner CM. "An Inventory and Assessment of Onion Production in Santa Ana Canton, Costa Rica", presented at the Organization of Tropical Studies, San Jose, Costa Rica, 1970. Croner CM. "Sesenta y Uno: Some Preliminary Findings on the Migration System of San Pedro Sula, Honduras", presented at the Centro Universitario Regional del Norte, San Pedro Sula, Honduras, 1971. Croner CM. "Highlights of a Sample Survey: The Honduran Experience", presented to a special meeting of the Division of Health Resources Statistics, National Center for Health Statistics, Rockville MD, 1973. Croner CM and RN Thomas. "Directed Bias in Urban Migration Streams of Honduras", presented at the annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Atlanta GA, 1973. Croner CM. "The Sample Survey Experience in a Latin American City: One Geographers Input", presented at the annual meeting of the Middle Atlantic Division. Association of American Geographers, Washington D.C., 1973. Croner CM. "Distance and the Propensity of Movement in the Migration System of San Pedro Sula, Honduras", presented at the annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, College Park MD, April 1974. Croner CM. "Guidelines for Survey Research in Latin America", presented at the annual meeting of the Conference for Latin Americanist Geographers, Boca Raton FL, Dec.1974. Croner CM. "A Means of Examining Health Care Resource Utilization in the United States", presented at the annual meeting of the Population Association of America, Montreal Canada, April-May 1976. Croner CM. "Improving the Chances of Obtaining Federal Employment as a Geographer: A Fundamental Curriculum Strategy and 'Inside' Referral System", presented at the annual meeting of the Middle Atlantic Division of the Association of American Geographers, Fredericksburg VA, Nov. 1976. Croner CM. "Report on the Nation's Use of Health Resources", NCHS Director's Staff Meeting, Rockville MD, Dec. 1976. Croner CM. NCHS University Visitation Lecture Series: (1)"The Use of Maps in Exploratory Data Analysis", presented to the College of Arts and Sciences; (2)"Field Data Collection Strategies to Assess Internal Migration in the Republic of Honduras", presented to geography majors, Department of Geography; and, (3)"The Geographer's Perspective on the Graphical Presentation of Statistical Data", presented to Geography faculty, special evening session, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green OH, March 1977.


Croner CM. "Improving the Marketability of the Geography Major: Several Strategies", presented at the annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, New Orleans LA, 1978. Croner, CM. “Status Report on NHIS Cost and Time Study,” presented at the NCHS/Census Joint Projects Committee meeting, Suitland MD, April 1985. Croner CM. "Design Considerations in the Spatial Analysis of Data from the National Health Interview and Health Examination Surveys", presented at the Department of International Health, School of Hygiene and Public Health, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore MD, Jan. 1985. Croner CM. "Mean-Square Error Analysis of Callback Response in the National Health Interview Survey", presented at a NCHS Director's Staff, Hyattsville MD, July 1985. Croner CM, Callback Response in the National Health Interview Survey,” presented at the annual meeting of the American Statistical Association, Las Vegas NE, Aug. 1985. Croner CM. "Cartography at the National Center for Health Statistics", presented at the annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Portland OR, April 1988. Croner CM and McKay FW. "Changing Geographies of Cancer Mortality Maps", presented at the annual meeting of the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping, Virginia Beach VA, Sept. 1988. Croner CM and Beu D. “Introduction to Mapping with Atlas Graphics,” presented to Long-Term Care Statistics Branch, NCHS, Hyattsville, 1988. Croner CM. "Geographic Research Funding and Fellowship Opportunities with the Federal Government", Panelist, annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Baltimore MD, March 1989. Croner CM. "Maps: Spatial Processes and Dimensions", presented at the Department of Statistics, NCHS University Visitation Program, N.C. State University, Raleigh NC, April 1989. Croner CM. "Medical Geography and Its Relationship to Vital Registration”, seminar presented to the Office of Program and Evaluation Planning, International Visitation Program, NCHS, Rockville MD, 1989. Croner CM and White AA, "Statistical Mapping and Graphics Applications for Administrators and Analysts", Health Resources and Services Administration, Rockville MD, 1989. Croner CM and McKay FW Jr., "Cancer Mortality Maps of the U.S. and 3-Dimensional Views of Cancer Mortality", NCHS Mapping Display Module, annual meeting of the American Statistical Association, Washington D.C., August 1989. Croner CM. and Wolf DR. "Prospects for Integrating Health and Earth Science Databases in a GIS Environment", presented at annual meeting of the Middle Atlantic Division, Association of American Geographers, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston VA, March 1990.


Klein, RK and Croner CM. "Residence vs Occurrence: A Spatial Perspective of Vital Events and HIV Deaths", presented at the 118th annual meeting of the American Public Health Association, New York NY, Sept. 1990. Croner CM, Pickle LW Wolf DR, and White AA. "New National Health Surveillance Opportunities with Geographic Information Systems (GIS)", presented at the CDC Symposium on Statistical Methods for Evaluation of Intervention and Prevention Strategies, Atlanta GA, Nov. 1990. Klein RK and Croner CM. "Residence vs Occurrence: A Spatial Approach to Vital Events and HIV Deaths", presented in the NCHS Cartography Guest Lecture Series, Hyattsville MD, Nov. 1990. Croner CM and White AA. "Cartographic Activities at the National Center for Health Statistics", presented to medical staff of the Walter Reed Army Research Center, Silver Spring MD, March 1991. Croner CM. "Geographic Perspective of Activities at the National Center for Health Statistics", presented to members of Gamma Theta Upsilon Honorary Society, Department of Geography and Earth Sciences, George Mason University, Fairfax VA, March 1991. Croner CM and White AA. "GIS Activity in the Department of Health and Human Services (Federal Government)", presented at the annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Miami FL, April 1991. Croner CM and White AA. "Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Activity in the Department of Health and Human Services", presented at the annual meeting of the American Statistical Association, Atlanta GA, Sep. 1991. Croner CM. "GIS Activity in Other Federal Agencies", presented at the CDC Epidemiology Program Office (EPO) "Mapping Morning" program, Atlanta GA, Sept. 1991. Croner CM. "STS at the GIS Crossroads", unpublished report, Office of Research and Methodology, NCHS, Hyattsville MD, Feb. 1992. Croner CM. "Analytic GIS Developments in the Statistical Technology Staff, ORM", 1992 NCHS Data Users Conference, Bethesda MD, Aug. 1992. Croner CM, Pickle L, Wolf D and White AA. "A GIS Approach to Hypothesis Generation in Epidemiology", annual meeting of the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping, Washington D.C., Aug. 1992. Croner CM. "An Overview of Ecological and Human Risk Assessment Approaches to Disease Surveillance", meeting of the NCHS/USGS Interagency Committee on Water Quality and Health Statistics, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston VA, Sept. 1992. Croner CM. "An Overview of Geographic Information Systems (GIS)", meeting of the Subcommittee on State and Community Health Statistics, National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics, Washington D.C., Oct. 1992.


Croner CM. "Geographic Information Systems: New Possibilities for Epidemiologic and Public Health Analysis," Presented at the monthly meeting of the NIH Users of Public Use Data, Rockville MD, February 1993. Croner CM. "Public Health applications using GIS." Discussant, Sixth Annual Geographic Systems Conference, Towson State University, Towson MD, March 1993. Croner CM. "Career Options and Strategies", Roundtable discussant, Middle Atlantic Division of the Association of American Geographers, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, May 1993. Croner CM. "Demonstration of Interactive Mortality Mapping software, U.S., 1980-1989." Presented at the NCHS Public Health Conference on Records and Statistics, Washington D.C., July 1993. Croner CM. and Davis M. "Federal Geographic Data Committee: statistical issues concerning digital cultural and demographic datasets." Roundtable discussant, Annual meeting of the American Statistical Association, San Francisco CA, August 1993. Herrmann D, Kerwin J, Pickle LW, Croner CM, White AA, Jobe J and Jones G. "Cognitive Processes in Statistical Map Reading", annual meeting of the American Statistical Association, San Francisco CA, August 1993. Pickle L W, Kerwin J, Croner CM., Herrmann D, White AA. "The Impact of Statistical Graphic Design on Interpretation of Disease Rate Maps", annual meeting of the American Statistical Association, San Francisco CA, August 1993. Croner CM. "Rediscovering the Science of Geography in the Federal Government." Meeting of the Board on Earth Sciences and Resources, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences, Washington D.C., January 1994. Croner CM., Pickle LW, and Herrmann DJ. “A Cognitive Model of Statistical Map Reading: Implications for GIS", CDC/ATSDR GIS Applications in Public Health and Risk Analysis Workshop, Atlanta GA, February 1994. Herrmann D and Croner CM. "An Interactive Test of Map Cognition", poster presented at CDC/ATSDR GIS Applications in Public Health and Risk Analysis Workshop, Atlanta GA, February 1994. Croner CM. "Summary of the Report of the NCHS TIGER Planning Committee", presented at NCHS Executive Staff Meeting, Hyattsville MD, February 1994. Croner CM. "Take This Test: A Cognitive Experiment in Map Design", poster presented at annual meeting of the Middle Atlantic Division of the Association of American Geographers, Arlington, VA, March 1994. Croner CM. "The Washington D.C. Area Geographer's Contact List". Luncheon address, annual meeting of the Middle Atlantic Division, Association of American Geographers, Ft. Myers VA, March 1994.


Croner CM. "GIS Activity in the Department of Health and Human Services: 1994 Status", annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, San Francisco CA, March 1994. Croner CM. "GIS Developments at the National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention", NCHS University Visitation Lecture, Department of Geography, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore MD, April 1994. Croner CM. Pickle L Wand Hemnann DJ. "Visualizing Mapped Data", First annual International Conference on Environmental Computing and Information Technology. Washington. D.C., June 1994. Croner CM and Sperling J. "Geographic Infonnation Systems (GIS): New Potential for Health Research Using TIGER and Census Summary Tape Files", 1994 NCHS Data Users Conference, Bethesda MD, July 1994. Croner CM, Pickle LW and Herrmann DJ. "The Effect of Statistical Graphic Design on the Interpretation of Disease Rate Maps", 1994 NCHS Data Users Conference, Bethesda MD, July 1994. Pickle L W, Croner CM, White AA, and Herrmann DJ. "The Effect of Graphic Design on the Perception and Memorability of Statistical Maps", The Third Practical Aspects of Memory Conference, University of Maryland, College Park MD, July-August 1994. White AA, Croner CM, Herrmann DJ, Pickle LW and Wilson BF. "Map Design Preferences Associated with Professional Discipline," 1994 annual meeting of the American Statistical Association, Toronto Canada, August 1994. Herrmann DJ, Croner CM, Pickle LW and White AA "Statistical Graphic Design and the Interpretation of Disease Rate Maps,. NCHS Director's Staff Meeting, Hyattsville MD, November 1994. White AA, Croner CM, and Pickle LW. "Geographic Information Systems: The Public Health Potential," University Visitation lecture, Yale University School of Medicine, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, New Haven CT, November 1994. Croner CM, Broome F and Sperling J. A Short Course on Geographic Information Systems. Presented at the 1995 CDC Statistical Methods Symposium, Atlanta GA, January 1995. Herrmann DJ, Pickle LP, Croner CM and White AA. "Statistical Maps and Human Cognition: A New Approach," International Symposium on Computer Mapping and Epidemiology, Tampa FL, February 1995. Croner CM, NCHS University Visitation Lecture Series: (1)"ln Sickness and In Health: Geography's Contribution to the Study of Disease, Department of Health and Allied Sciences, Tennessee State University, Nashville (2)"Environmental Risk Exposures: Preventable Disease Mortality and Morbidity,. Department of Health and Physical Education, Austin Peay State University (APSU), Clarksville (3)"Geographic Information Systems: Environmental Epidemiology and Statistical Map Cognition, Department of Geology and Geography, APSU, Clarksville TN, April 1995.


Croner CM, Panelist and presenter, Careers in Geography Day, "Preparing Geographers for Employment Opportunities in the Federal Government and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention," Department of Geography, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore MD, April 1995. Croner CM, An Overview of GIS,” NCHS Public Health Conference on Records and Statistics, Washington D.C., July 1995. Croner CM, "Emerging GIS Surveillance and Analysis in Protecting the Public Health,. Second annual Geographic Technology in Government Conference, Reston VA, September 1995. Croner CM, Pickle, LW, Mungiole M, Jones GK and White AA. “Atlas of United States Mortality," Cartography Specialty Group: The NCHS Atlas of United States Mortality, annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Charlotte NC, April 1996. Croner CM. "New Opportunities for Disease Detection and Health Promotion with Geographic Information Systems," National Conference on Health Promotion and Health Education, Washington D.C., April 1996. Foley BW, Park CH, Croner CM and Pickle LW. “Experiment on the Design of State Statistical Maps: Findings from the NCHS Map Design Laboratory, poster, annual meeting of the Population Association of America, New Orleans LA, May 1996. Feder GL, Croner CM and Pickle LW. "Geologic and Hydrologjc Data in Epidemjologic Analysis," annual meetings of the American Statistical Association, Section on Epidemiology, Chicago IL, August 1996. Croner CM. "Spatial Patterns of U.S. Mortality: Disease Surveillance and GIS Analytic Opportunities at the National Scale," 93rd annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Ft. Worth TX, April 1997. Richards, TB, Henriques, WD, Croner CM, GerzoffRB, Brown, CK, Saccenti JC, Berry, P, Bialek R, Wulf HS and Howie MM. "Pilot Project to Develop a Geographic Information Systems-Based Sampling Frame for National Surveys of Local Health Departments and Local Boards of Health," 1997 Joint Meetings of the Public Health Conference on Records and Statistics, and the Data Users Conference, NCHS/CDC, Washington D.C., July 1997. Croner CM, "Minority Health Issues and GIS," 14th Annual Historical Black Colleges and Universities GIS Summer Faculty Workshop, Urban Environment Institute, Howard University, Silver Spring MD, July 1997. Croner CM, "GIS Activities at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR)," annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Session on Spatial Epidemiology, Boston MA, March 1998. Croner CM, Richards TB and Henriques WB, "Challenges to Building a National Sampling Frame of Local Health Departments," Towson University's 11th annual GIS Conference, Baltimore MD, June 1998.


Croner CM, "GIS at CDC/ATSDR: Activities in Disease Surveillance and Prevention," and Panelist, Howard University, Summer Program in GIS for Historical Black Colleges and Universities, Silver Spring MD, July 1998. Croner CM, "GIS Research Activities at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention," Federal Leadership Forum, GIS in Public Health Conference, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, San Diego CA August 1998. Richards TB, Croner CM, Brown CK and Fowler L. "Geographic Information Systems for Community Health Planning." GIS in Public Health Conference, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, San Diego CA, August 1998. Croner CM and Richards TB, “Towards a Working Atlas of Model GIS Maps for State and Local Public Health Planning," NCHS Cartography and GIS Guest Lecture Series (12th Annual Geography Awareness Week), Hyattsville MD, December 16, 1998. Croner CM, "Geography and Epidemiology," Program for Advanced Placement Biology Juniors and Seniors, Northwestern High School, Hyattsville MD, January 11, 1999. Croner CM, "GIS Mapping of Community Public Health Concerns," US Geological Survey Guest Lecture Series, Reston VA, February 17, 1999. Croner CM and Richards TB, "Working Models of State and Local Public Health GIS Maps, annual meetings of the Association of American Geographers, Hawaii, March 24, 1999. Croner CM and Richards TB, "GIS Mapping of Community Public Health Concerns: Results from a National Map Competition," 12th Annual Geographic Information Systems Conference, Towson University, Baltimore MD, June 3, 1999. Croner CM, "Approaches to Disease Surveillance and Prevention Cost Efficiencies at the Local Level with GIS," Annual Historical Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) GIS Summer Training Program, Shepardstown WV, June 16, 1999. Croner CM, "Disease Surveillance and Health Prevention Opportunities with GIS, 1999 CityMatCH Urban MCH Leadership and National League of Cities joint conference, Baltimore, September 15, 1999. Croner CM, "Improvements in Disease Surveillance and Prevention at the Local Level, using GIS," 1st Annual NSDI Day for the D.C. Metropolitan Area, Washington D.C., November 18, 1999. Croner CM, "Introduction to Spatial Data and Uses of GIS Technologies," Data's Spatial Dimension: A Symposium on Uses of Spatial Data Analysis and Geographic Information Technologies for Health and Human Services Policy and Planning, DHHS, OASPE, Washington D.C., December 2, 1999. Croner CM, Givens JG. and KimJH, "New Developments and Research Opportunities in Disease Surveillance and Prevention using GIS," Department of Epidemiology and International Health, School of Public Health, Birmingham, AL (NCHS University Visitation Program), April 26, 2000.


Croner CM and Kim J.H. "GIS: Improving Disease Surveillance and Prevention in Minority Communities," 17th Annual Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Summer Faculty GIS Workshop, Howard University, June 15, 2000. Givens, J.D., Thompson, D., Huang, C.Y., Kim, J.H. and Croner CM, "Automated Mapping of NCHS Mortality Data for Research,. GIS Session, NCHS 2000 Data Users Conference, Bethesda MD, July 27, 2000. Croner CM. "Scale and Spatial Integration." Discussant, Session on "Integrating Geographical Information with Statistical Programs: Challenges and Opportunities." FCSM Statistical Policy Seminar- Integrating Federal Statistical Information and Processes (hosted by COPAFS). Bethesda. MD, November 8-9, 2000. Thrall G, Thrall S, and Croner CM, "A Preliminary Examination of Potential Discrimination in Hospital Admissions in Long Island, New York, using Spatial Analytic Techniques," Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, New York, March, 2001. Croner CM, "GIS Applications in Disease Surveillance and Public Health Planning at the State and Local Levels of Government," CityMatCH Urban Maternal and Child Health Leadership Conference, Nashville TN, August 26, 2001. DeCola L. and Croner CM, "Modeling Disease in Space and Time," USGS Research Seminar, U.S. Geological Survey, Reston VA, October 3, 2001. De Cola L. and Croner CM, "Spatial Forecasting of Lyme Disease, 1990-2005," Annual Meeting of the Mid-Atlantic Division, Association of American Geographers, Frostburg MD, October 5, 2001. Croner CM, "New Approaches to Disease Surveillance and Prevention using Geographic Information Systems (GIS)," 1st Annual GIS Meeting of the MD Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Plenary Speaker, Baltimore MD, November 7, 2001. Croner CM and De Cola L, "Kriging and GIS: Improving the Visual Communication of Public Health Data," 24th Annual Applied Geography Conference, Ft. Worth TX, November 15, 2001. Croner CM and De Cola L, "Visualization of an Exploratory Spatio-Temporal Search for a Disease Structure: The Case of Lyme Disease," NCHS 14th Annual Geography Awareness Week, Hyattsville MD, November 27, 2001. Croner, CM, "Geography in the Digital Age: Advances in Disease Surveillance and Prevention," 2002 NCHS Mentoring Program for NW High School Science Majors, Hyattsville MD, February 13, 2002. De Cola L and Croner CM, "Visualization of Disease Surveillance Data with Geostatistics," Paper Session: GIS and Spatial Analysis in Public Health III: Methodological Debates," Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles CA, March 20, 2002.


Croner CM and Givens JG. "Geographic Information Systems (GIS): Exciting New Opportunities in Disease Surveillance and Prevention." NCHS University Visitation Program and Department of Policy Analysis and Management, Cornell University, Ithaca NY, March 28. 2002. Croner CM and Givens JG, "Exploratory Space-Time Relationships with Geographic Information Systems (GIS),” NCHS University Visitation Program and Department of Policy Analysis and Management, Cornell University, Ithaca NY, March 28, 2002. Croner CM, "Geographic Information Science: Exciting Spatial Tools for Detecting Inequalities in Public Health," DHHS National Leadership Summit on Eliminating Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health, Washington D.C., July 10, 2002. Croner CM, "Geographic Information Systems (GIS): Static and Space-Time Applications in Public Health," NCHS Data Users Conference, Washington D.C., July 16, 2002. Croner CM. "New Geospatial Management Initiatives for DHHS, Special Joint HHS CIO Council and HHS Data Council Meeting, Washington D.C., November 19, 2002. Croner CM, "Challenges and Response to GIS in Public Health," GeoHealth 2002 Public Health Conference, Plenary Speaker, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand, December 3, 2002. Croner CM, "Geospatial in New Zealand Public Health: Where to From Here?" Panelist, GeoHealth 2002 Public Health Conference, Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand, December 5, 2002. Croner CM, "Challenges to a Web-enabled Public Health GIS Infrastructure," Association of American Geographers, New Orleans, LA, March 6, 2003. Croner CM, “GIS and Public Health: United States, 2003,” 16th Annual GIS Conference Towson University, Towson MD, June 3, 2003. De Cola L and Croner CM, “An Online Health Atlas,” USGS Seminar Series, Reston VA, June 11, 2003. Croner CM and De Cola L, “Building IT Spatial/Temporal Intelligence at CDC,” Special Meeting of CDC IRMO (Information Resources and Management Office), Atlanta GA, June 17, 2003. Croner CM and De Cola L, “Proposal to Build IT Spatial/Temporal Intelligence at CDC,” NCHS Cartography and GIS Guest Lecture Series, Hyattsville MD, July 23, 2003. Croner CM and Givens JG, “Orientation to GIS with a Focus on Map Design Issues,” CDC Epidemiologic Intelligence Service (EIS) GIS Seminar Series, Atlanta GA, December 11, 2003. Croner CM, "GISience in Public Health," NCHS Mentoring Program, Hyattsville MD, March 3, 2004. Croner CM, Lenahan T, Cyran E, McNamara B, Malakar L, Kippes C, Salling


MJ and Marountas R, "Geographic Information Systems and African American Health: Visualizing Disease Burden," 21st Annual Historical Black Colleges and Universities Summer Faculty GIS Workshop, National Capital Planning Commission, Washington, D.C., July 21, 2004. Croner CM, Lenahan T, Salling MJ, “Geographic Information Systems: Revealing Public Health Inequalities in African American Communities,” 1st Annual Conference on Race, Ethnicity and Place, Howard University, Washington D.C., September 17, 2004.

Croner CM, Taylor D, Lenahan T, Salling MJ and Arias E, "Visualizing Health Inequalities with GIS: Exploring Geospatial Issues with IHS Area Planning Officers and Statisticians," DHHS Indian Health Service Area Planning Officers/Statisticians Conference, Washington, D.C., September 23, 2004. Croner CM, "Geographic Information Systems: Where in Time-Space Are We?," GeoHealth 2004 Public Health Conference, Plenary Speaker, Wellington, New Zealand, November 25, 2004. Croner CM, Lenahan T, Weiner G, Salling MJ and Kippes C, "Innovative Uses of Geographic Information Systems Technology to Reveal Health Disparity Burdens in Disadvantaged Communities," CDC's 19th National Conference on Chronic Disease Prevention and Control, Atlanta GA, March 3, 2005. Croner CM, Lenahan T, and Salling MJ, “Sounding the Emerging National Alarm on African American Public Health Inequalities: The Pivotal Role of GIS,” 18th Annual Geographic Information Sciences Conference, Towson MD, March 21, 2005. Croner CM, Lenahan T and Salling MJ, “The Public Health Burden of Cleveland's African American Community," Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Denver CO, April 6, 2005. Croner CM, "Planning for Catastrophe in Public Health: DHHS Geospatial Preparations," Meeting of National Research Council's Study on Planning for Catastrophe, National Academies of Science, Washington D.C., April 12, 2005. Croner CM, Lenahan T, Salling MJ and Weiner GD, “Use of GIS to Help Remediate Public Health Inequalities: The Case of African American ‘Neighborhoods’ in Cleveland, Ohio,” 11th International Medical Geography Symposium, Ft. Worth TX, July 5, 2005. Croner CM, "Geospatial Analysis in Public Health: Issues and Challenges," Geographic Sciences Committee, National Academies of Science, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., September 8, 2005. Croner, CM, Lenahan T, Salling MJ and Weiner GD, “GIS Analysis of African American Public Health Disparities, Cleveland, Ohio," CDC/NCHS Cartography and GIS Guest Lecture Series, Hyattsville, MD, September 27, 2005. Croner, CM, “An Overview of CDC/ATSDR GIS: Current and Future Perspective,” CDC GIS Day conference, Atlanta GA, November 16, 2005.


Croner CM, Lenahan T, Salling MJ and Weiner GD, "Sobering Social and Public Health Disparities in Cleveland's African American Neighborhoods: A Geographic Perspective," University of Maryland Baltimore County-Geography Department Guest Lecture Series, Catonsville MD, November 30, 2005. Croner CM, Lenahan T, Salling MJ, Weiner GD and Kippes C, "Use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to reveal inordinate public health burden in Cleveland's African American neighborhoods," American Public Health Association 133rd Annual Meeting, Philadelphia PA, December 13, 2005. Croner CM, Lenahan T, Salling MJ, Weiner GD and Kippes C, "Sobering public health disparities among African Americans in a major U.S. city," National Leadership Summit on Eliminating Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health, HHS Office of Minority Health, Washington D.C., January 11, 2006. Croner CM, “A Spatial Statistical Perspective on Health Disparities,” meeting of the Planning Committee for the 11th Biennial CDC Statistical Methods Symposium, Hyattsville MD, January 26, 2006. Croner CM, Lenahan T, Salling MJ, Weiner GD and Kippes C, “Geographic analytic power: Revealing health disparities in a major U.S. city,” Office of Research, Development and Information Lecture Series, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), Baltimore, MD, May 8, 2006. Croner CM, Lenahan T, Salling MJ, Weiner GD, “GIS and Public Health Data: Towards a Better Understanding of the Magnitude of U.S. Public Health Disparities,” Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries Lecture Series, Richmond VA, June 8, 2006. Croner CM, “GIS and Public Health 2006: Horizons and Challenges,” Invited Plenary Presentation, 2006 International Conference in GIS and Health: Geospatial Research and Application Frontiers in Environmental and Public Health Systems, Hong Kong, June 27, 2006. Croner CM, "Exciting Geospatial Dimensions of Public Health Research: New Challenges and Mapping Health Inequalities," Harvard School of Public Health, NCHS University Visitation program, Boston MA, October 26, 2006. Croner CM, “Vision for a CDC GIS Roadmap,” GIS Day 2006 at CDC/ATSDR, Atlanta GA, November 15, 2006. Croner CM, “Overview of GIS at NCHS and CDC,” Special presentation to the Director, and Chief Science Officer, NCHS, Hyattsville MD, April 24, 2007. Croner CM, “GIS and Geospatial Science: Challenges and Opportunities,” URISA Annual GIS and Public Health Conference (Plenary Speaker), New Orleans LA, May 21, 2007.

ACADEMIC TRAINING 1963-B.S., Towson State University- Geography Major; Teaching Certification 1967-University of Arizona at Guadalajara, Mexico-Geography and Spanish 1969-M.A., Michigan State University- Geography Major


1972-Ph.D., Michigan State University- Geography Major 1976-Postgraduate- Summer Institute of Statistics- Harvard University 1977-current-Variety of government training courses: Ex: How to Conduct Focus Groups (June, 2004). M.A. Thesis: “Population Growth and Economic Development in Quintana Roo Territory,” Mexico, Department of Geography, Michigan State University, 1969. Ph.D. Dissertation: “Spatial Characteristics of Internal Migration to San Pedro Sula, Honduras,” Department of Geography, Michigan State University, 1972. Continuing Education (selected): Micro-Computers in Medical Geography and Micro-Computers in Cartographic Education (Association of American Geographers or AAG, 1987); Introduction to Programming Using SAS (Parklawn Computer Training, 1987); Statistical Graphics and Information Design (Tufte, 1987); Spatial Statistical and Spatial Econometric Software (AAG, 1989); Desktop Mapping for GIS (AAG, 1992); Hands-on GIS Workshop (Tydac Technologies, 1990); Presenting Data and Information (Graphics Press Seminars, 1993); Advanced Project Officers Course, HHS, 1994); Cleveland- Visualizing Data: The New Frontier of Data Analysis (Joint Program in Survey Methodology or JPSM, 1994); Compensating for Missing Survey Data (Washington Statistical Society or WSS, 1995); Modern Data Analysis (WSS, 1995); Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis and GIS (CDC GIS Short course, 1997); Geographic Information Systems (URISA, 1997); University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS, 1997); Making Effective Presentations through the use of PowerPoint 97 (NCHS Computer Training, 1999); GIS and Spatial Data Analysis (JPSM, Anselin, 1999), Setting-Up Interactive CD’s with Dynamic PDF’s (Institute for Federal Printing and Electronic Publishing, 2002); Focus Groups from Start to Finish (JPSM, 2004); WP Transition to 6.0 and Lotus for Windows for New Users (Government training, 2005);

FORMAL COURSES INSTRUCTED -Visiting Professor, Centro Universitario Regional del Norte, Department of Economics, "Field Training Techniques in Conducting a Population-Based Sample Survey", Spring Semester, San Pedro Sula, Honduras, 1971. -Adjunct Professor, University of Maryland College Park, "Introduction to Geography", Fall Semester, Pentagon (Evening College), Washington, D.C., 1972. -Adjunct Professor, University of Maryland Baltimore County, "Political Geography", Spring Semester, Baltimore, 1973. -Adjunct Professor, University of Maryland Baltimore County, "Population Geography", Fall Semester, 1974. -Adjunct Professor, University of Maryland Baltimore County, "Population and Health", Autumn Semester, 1978. -Adjunct Professor, University of Maryland Baltimore County, "Medical Geography", Autumn Semester, 1979.

EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Organization of American States, Demographer, Washington, D.C., May-August, 1972; National Center for Health Statistics, OASH, HHS, Survey Statistician, Rockville, MD, Oct. 1972-August, 1973;


Social Security Administration, Office of Research and Statistics, Social Science Research Analyst/Economist, Baltimore, MD, September 1973-December 1974; National Center for Health Statistics, CDC, HHS, Geographer and Survey Statistician, January 1975-2007.

MILITARY EXPERIENCE Infantry Officer and Forward Air Observer (Helicopter Squadron), U.S. Marine Corps, 1963-1966; highest rank, Captain; certified Aerial Observer, diploma in cartography and navigation, 1965; service stations Quantico, Virginia; Guantanamo, Cuba; Vieques, Puerto Rico; Camp Lejeune, North Carolina; and Arlington National Cemetery.

OTHER SIGNIFICANT ACCOMPLISHMENTS Introduction of Speaker (Dr. Gerry Rushton), “GIS-Based Research to Improve Services for Cancer Prevention and Control,” Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, National Cancer Institute, Rockville, June 15, 2007. Moderator, Session on Hazard Preparedness, Emergency Response and Disease Surveillance: Enhancing Surveillance Systems with GIS and Spatial Analysis, URISA Annual GIS and Public Health Conference, New Orleans LA, May 21, 2007. Panelist, Panel Discussion I: “Current Practices and Way Forward in Health GIS,” 2006 International Conference in GIS and Health: Geospatial Research and Application Frontiers in Environmental and Public Health Systems, Hong Kong, June 29, 2006. Chair, Paper presentations, CDC GIS Day conference, Atlanta GA, November 16, 2005. Organizer and Co-Instructor (with Ellen Cromley, U Connecticut and Sara McLafferty, U Illinois), Workshop on “Practical Applications of Mapping and Geographic Analysis in Public Health,” Ft. Worth, TX, July 5-9, 2005. Invited Plenary Speaker, Panelist, and Steering Committee Member, GeoHealth 2004 conference, New Zealand Ministry of Health, Wellington NZ, November 22-26, 2004. Cited as major contributor to the report "Towards a National Geospatial Strategy and Implementation Plan," Federal Geographic Data Committee, Washington DC., June 2004. Organizer, first-ever NCHS-HUD interagency meeting on enterprise cost-effective geocoding of NCHS surveys, designed to lead to an IAA between CDC and HUD, Hyattsville MD, April 2004 [resulted in geocoding of National Nursing Home Survey, NCHS, June 2006]. Member, NCHS Data Access and Visualization Committee, Division of Vital Statistics, Hyattsville MD, 2004. Conducted HHS review of “Geospatial Information Systems Coordination”, General Accounting Office examination, and received note of appreciation from Associate Director, Information Systems, National Center for Environmental Health, CDC, Hyattsville MD,


April 2004. Chair, "Homeland Security I”, 17th Annual GIS Conference and Workshop, Towson University, Towson MD, March 22, 2004. Invited Plenary Speaker, CDC EIS GIS Seminar Series, Atlanta, December 11, 2003. Organizer and Chair, "Measurement and Visualization of Space-Time Events in Public Health Using GIS," annual meeting American Statistical Association, San Francisco, August 6, 2003. Moderator, “Researcher Panel Discussion,” NASA Public Health Applications Program: Confidentiality & Geospatial Data Workshop, National Academy of Sciences (NAS) and Center for International Health Science Information Network (CIESIN), Washington DC, July 16, 2003. Organizer and Chair, "Geographic Potential of the Internet as a Public Health Resource,” Association of American Geographers, New Orleans, LA, March 6, 2003. Invited Plenary Speaker, Panelist, and Steering Committee Member, GeoHealth 2002, Wellington, New Zealand. Book Reviewer, GIS and geospatial technology themes, Wiley Company and Oxford University Press, 2001-present. Journal reviews include Health Policy, J Geography, J American Medical Association, International J Geography, Public Health Report, J Geographical Systems, American J Public Health,American J Epidemiology, Environmental Health Perspective, Statistics in Medicines and Health and Place; Special Reviews: National Research Council, National Science foundation, Medical Research Council (UK), and Government Accounting Office. Moderator, Maryland State Geography Bee, 2001, 2003. Organizer and Chair, “Geographic Information Systems in Public Health,” NCHS 2002 Data Users Conference, Washington DC, July 16, 2002. Organizer and Chair, Workshop I. “Use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to Reduce Minority Health Disparities," DHHS National Leadership Summit on Eliminating Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health, Washington DC, July 10, 2002. Invited Expert, "Planning for Catastrophe: An Analysis of Data, Tools, and Infrastructure," proposed study review, Mapping Science Committee, National Research Council, Chevy Chase, MD, April 22, 2002. Member, NCHS Metadata Committee, 2001-2002. Organizer (and Co-Instructor with FR Broome and J Sperling), Workshop: Data 204: GIS in Public Health with Lab, 2001 CityMatCH Urban Maternal and Child Health Leadership Conference, Nashville, August 26, 200I. Instructor, NCHS, Mentoring Program to area schools, 2000-present, Hyattsville.


Organizer (and Co-Instructor with FR Broome and J Sperling), Workshop: Basics and Potential Uses of GIS in Public Health, 2000 CityMatCH Urban MCH Leadership and National League of Cities joint conference, Denver, September 13, 2000. Session Organizer and Chair, "Use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Data Analysis," 2000 National Conference on Health Statistics, CDC NCHS, Washington, D.C., July 27, 2000. Chair, "Health Applications," 13th Annual Geographic Information Systems Conference, Towson University, Baltimore, MD, May 2, 2000. Co-Organizer. "Data's Spatial Dimension: A Symposium on Uses of Spatial Data Analysis and Geographic Information Technologies for Health and Human Services Policy and Planning." Department of Health and Human Services, Washington. DC, December 2. 1999. NCHS Representative, Advisory Committee, National Atlas of the United States of America, US Geological Survey, October, 1999. Organizer (and Co-Instructor with FR Broome and J Sperling), Workshop: Basics and Potential Uses of GIS in Public Health, 1999 CityMatCH Urban MCH Leadership and National League of Cities joint conference, Baltimore, September 15, 1999. Organizer and Chair, "Use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for Data Analysis,” 1999 National Conference on Health Statistics, CDC NCHS, Washington, D.C., August 1999. NCHS Member, Planning Committee, 1999 CDC Statistical Methods Symposium, Atlanta, 1999. NCHS/CDC Member, Steering Committee, 1998 "GIS in Public Health Conference, sponsored by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. In addition to two years planning and arranging for publication of conference papers, conference duties included: Panelist, Federal Forum; Organizer and Coordinator, CDC GIS Display Booth; Organizer and Coordinator, GIS Conference Video Theater; Chair, Session on Chronic Disease and Disability, and Methods II Session; coauthor of paper, and; Moderator, Closing Session. Certified Equal Employment Opportunity Counselor, formal training received in Atlanta, CDC/ATSDR, 1998-1999. Organizer and Chair, "Geographic Information Systems: An Exploratory Tool for Disease Surveillance and Analysis," 1997 Joint Meetings of the Public Health Conference on Records and Statistics, and the Data Users Conference, NCHS/CDC, Washington, DC, July 1997. Organizer and Coordinator, Three-day program "Video Theater", 1997 Joint Meetings of the Public Health Conference on Records and Statistics and the Data User's Conference, NCHS/CDC, Washington, DC, July 1997. Moderator, "GIS Applications for Environmental Health", National Environmental Health Association: Annual Educational Conference, Arlington, VA, July 1977.


Member, Professional Liaison Committee, CDC/ATSDR Behavioral and Social Science Working Group, 1995-present. Moderator and Panelist, "Geographic Information Systems (GIS): Application in Cancer Epidemiology", Workshop, Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, Extramural Program, National Cancer Institute, Chantilly, VA, November, 1996. Organizer and Chair, "Geographic Information Systems: New Approaches to Disease Surveillance and Analysis", Invited Papers, Section on Epidemiology, annual meetings of the American Statistical Association, Chicago, August, 1996. Discussant, Medical Geography Specialty Group: GIS and Analytical Mapping for Health Research II, annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Charlotte, April, 1996. Organizer and Chair, "Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis with GIS", special half-day presentation and workshop by Dr. Luc Anselin, NCHS, September, 1995. Invited NCHS/CDC Discussant, special meeting of the Institute of Medicine and the Mapping Science Committee (National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council) on "Issues in Spatial Data and Health", Bethesda, MD, September, 1995. Reviewer, "Disease, Disability, and Injury Prevention and Control Special Emphasis Panel: Cooperative Agreements for Analytic Studies to Elaborate the Impact of Race, Ethnicity, and Socioeconomic Status upon the Health of Minority Populations", appointed by the Director, CDC, Bethesda, MD, September, 1995. Organizer and Chair, "Public Health Applications using Geographic Information Systems (GIS)", 1995 Public Health Conference on Records and Statistics, Washington, D.C., 1995. Chair, Paper Session "Spatial Statistics in Mapping (I)", International Symposium on Computer Mapping in Epidemiology and Environmental Health", Tampa, 19995. NCHS Representative, Planning Committee, “International Symposium on Computer Mapping in Epidemiology and Environmental Health", Tampa, 1995. Chair, Paper Session "Geographic Information Systems", 1995 CDC/ATSDR Symposium on Statistical Methods, Atlanta, 1995. Member, CDC/ATSDR Communicators Roundtable, Atlanta, 1995. NCHS Member, Program Planning Committee, annual Geographic Information Systems Conference, Towson State University, Towson, MD, 1995-present. Organizer and Coordinator, CDC/ATSDR-wide electronic "GIS Users Group", initiated October, 1994-present. Chair, Paper Session "Medical Geography: Theory and Methods", 1994 annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers.


NCHS Member, Program Planning and Steering Committee, CDC/ATSDR 1994 Conference and Workshop "GIS Applications in Public Health and Risk Analysis", Atlanta, 1994. Co-organizer and Chair, Invited Paper Session "Spatial Statistics in Health Applications", 1993 annual meeting of the American Statistical Association, San Francisco, 1993. Co-Chair, Special Roundtable Session "Federal Geographic Data Committee: An Open Door to the Future", 1993 annual meeting of the American Statistical Association, San Francisco, 1993. Organizer and Chair, Paper Session "Public Health Applications", 1993 fifth annual Geographic Information Systems Conference, Towson State University, Baltimore, 1993. Organizer and Chair, Roundtable Panel "Career Options and Strategies", 1993 annual meeting of the Middle Atlantic Division of the Association of American Geographers, George Mason University, Fairfax, 1993. Chair (with Nancy Lopez), NCHS/USGS Interagency Meeting(s) on Water Quality and Health Information, US Geological Survey and NCHS, Reston, VA and Hyattsville, MD, 1993. Chair, NCHS TIGER Planning Committee, commissioned by Director, NCHS, Hyattsville, 1993. Organizer, Office of Research and Methodology, participation in 1993 Public Health Conference on Records and Statistics, HCRS program with scheduled showings (first-ever) of selected NCHS Cartography Guest Lecture video tapes. NCHS Member, NCHS/NCI (National Cancer Institute) Interagency Coordinating Committee (1991-1994), Rockville MD. Project Officer, 1993 Professional Services Contract “A National Application of Electronic Mapping in Support of the NCHS National Mortality Atlas Project," Hyattsville MD. Coordinated 1993 NCHS/NASA Reimbursable Interagency Agreement between agencies, Hyattsville MD. Chair, "Rural Health Services", paper session, 1992 annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers. Project Officer, 1992 Professional Services Contract "Development of Electronic Mapping Format in Support of the NCHS National Mortality Atlas Project," Hyattsville MD. Coordinated 1992 NCHS/HRSA/ASPE Reimbursable Interagency Agreement between agencies, Hyattsville MD. Panelist, "Geographic Research Funding and Fellowship Opportunities with the Federal Government," annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Miami, April, 1991.


Coordinated 1990 NCHS/NIDR Reimbursable Interagency Agreement between agencies. Coordinator, Summer Intern Program, Statistical Technology Staff, Office of Research and Methodology, NCHS, 1988-1993. Founder, Organizer and Chair, "NCHS Cartography and GIS Guest Lecture Series", and "NCHS Annual Geography Awareness Week Guest Lectures," 1988-present, Hyattsville. Chair, paper session "Computer Cartography II", 1988 annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers. Federal Job Opportunities Advisor for college graduate geographers nationwide, 1988-1998, Designed and successfully implemented first-ever formal Memorandum of Understanding for collaborative GIS research on water quality and human health between NCHS (DHHS included) and U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior, 1988. NCHS Member, Special Interest Group on CD-ROM Applications and Technology, U.S. Geological Survey, 1988-1996, Reston. NCHS Participant, Annual NCHS Observance of the Birth of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. various roles (musical, reading, acting), various years 1985-present. DHEW Representative, Federal Committee on Metropolitan Statistical Areas, Office of Management and Budget, Washington, D.C., 1977-1988. Project Officer, Missouri and S. Dakota, Division of Health, Department of Social Services, NCHS health manpower and health facilities contracts, 1977-1982. Panelist, "Educating the Professional Geographer of the Future", 1976 annual meeting of the Middle Atlantic Division, Association of American Geographers, George Mason University. Director, annual NCHS Holiday Rock and Roll Show (1974-1993). Recipient of 1994 NCHS Director's Citation Award "For Keeping Rock and Roll Alive (20 years) at NCHS", presented at February NCHS Executive Staff meeting. DHEW Representative, Standard Industrial and Standard Occupational Committees, Office of Management and Budget, Washington, D.C., 1976-1980. Chief, Technical Services Branch, Division of Health Manpower and Facilities Statistics, National Center for Health Statistics, Rockville-Hyattsville, MD, 1976-1980. Member, Geography and Government Committee, Association of American Geographers, Washington, D.C., 1976-1978. Chair, Session on Population, Annual conference for Latin Americanist Geographers, Pan American Institute for Geography and History, Boca Raton, 1974.



Foreign Languages: Spanish (fluency); some Tagalog, Italian, Chinese, Hindi, Farci, Arabic, Russian, Romanian, Serbian, Korean, Thai and Vietnamese. Community outreach and volunteer services- ugrade landscape at Oglethorpe Street animal shelter, Washington, D.C., 2006-07; soup kitchen (SOME/So Others Might Eat), Washington, D.C. (2007); Montgomery County ‘Earth Day’ cleanup (2005-2007); Sophia’s House (for battered women), Rockville, MD, 2011-2014; and, volunteer musical presentations to patients at Shady Grove Hospital Rehabilitation Center (2009), Wounded Warriors at Walter Reed Hospital (2010-12) and homeless at Shepherds Table shelter (2013) in Silver Spring, MD. Hobbies: Classical guitar, 5-string banjo, piano, blues harmonica, poetry, vegetable gardening, community and civic participation, weightlifting and conditioning, young men’s basketball coach Montgomery County League ages 15-16 and 17-18 (2004 League Championship). Men’s Lacrosse Player-Coach, Michigan State University, E. Lansing MI (1967-1968).


Birthdate: March I, 1941, Baltimore, MD; Married (Jeanie); 3 Children (Adam, Benjamin and Meghan) Mailing Address: 9417 Crimson Leaf Terrace, Potomac, MD; H: 301-365-8336; C: 240-205-6530; E-mail: Recent (2008-2011): Founder, CM Croner Associates, LLC, GIS instructional consulting. The primary goal to bring 1-day, on-sight and no (direct) cost GIS and public health instructional workshops to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). The first workshop was presented at Morgan State University (2008) and a second at Clark Atlanta University (2009). In 2010-12, volunteer flamenco guitar and 5-string banjo including regular presentations to the Wounded Warrior program, Mologne House, Walter Reed Hospital and recipient of the “Medal of Excellence” from the Army Northern Regional Medical Command.
