Charity Briefing 2019€¦ · Email - Your past fundraisers, donors, volunteers, colleagues....


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Charity Briefing 2019

What we will cover

❖ Event Overview

❖ Bridge to Brisbane Trends

❖ Fundraising Set up

❖ Charity and Fundraiser Support

❖ 3 Step Fundraising Guide

❖ Summary

❖ Logistics

❖ Questions

Event Overview

Bridge to Brisbane Trends

Key stats

Key stats

Key stats

Key stats

Fundraising Setup & Integration

VIP Charity Places

● VIP Fundraising Runners who receive free entry into the race, dedicated start wave + other benefits

Registration Entries

● Select one charity only

● VIP Charities listed above dropdown of all participating charities

● Participants are able to select from all QLD and National charities

included in the event.

● API page creation upon completion of registration

Fundraising Setup + Integration

Registration Entries

Deep Link - Fundraising

A unique link, which we can give to you for each event.

Supporters can create a fundraising page within the event and not need to see charity selection - because you are already pre-selected!


Think about how to use it in your acquisition communications.

NB: Note this link creates a fundraising page only. Be sure to encourage all of your fundraisers to register for the actual event.

Fundraising Website

● Links to start fundraising & donate

● Fundraiser search

● Fundraising results

● Fundraising leaderboards

Leverage Fitness Apps

Leverage Fitness Apps

Leverage Fitness Apps

When someone creates a page in

Bridge to Brisbane they will be

prompted in our Onboarding Wizard

to connect their fitness app. This is

new this year.

● Connecting and sharing their apps means that supporters are publicly committed to the


● If you can inspire more fundraisers to start using their fitness app connections, you

could significantly increase page activation and help participants raise more for your


● Acknowledging fitness activities can go a long way in building relationships between

your organisation and your supporter. Include in your messaging.

Leverage Fitness Apps

Charity Support


● Bridge to Brisbane page on our Charity Resource Website

● Email Communications – Launch eDM and 8 weeks out

Fundraising Update eDM

Email if you don’t receive these emails

● Support Team available via phone and email

● Account Manager for strategic advice – Ask us if you don’t know

who that is

Fundraiser Support


● Bridge to Brisbane featured on our Consumer Website

● Fundraiser Communications Program (see next slide)

● Fundraiser Coaching Campaign on Social Media 2 weeks

out from the event

● Fundraiser Thanking Campaign on Social Media for 1

week post event

Fundraiser Communications Program

● Behavioural On-boarding – 1, 3, & 7 days after page


● Event Lead In & Post Event

● Milestones – 25%, 50%, 75%, 100% of fundraising goal

● View full program overview on our Bridge to Brisbane


● Option for Charity Branding - will discuss later

Event Lead In & Post Event Communication Dates

3 Step Fundraising Guide

● How much do you want to raise?

● How many supporters do you need to recruit to hit your target?

● The more you put in the more you’ll get out of the event

● Make a plan, assign owners, schedule regular catch ups

Set your goal

Step 1: Recruitment

Step 1: Recruitment

● What is your messaging?

○ How will funds raised be used in your organisation?

○ Do you have an incentive?

○ Are you creating a charity team or investing in an Impact Board?

○ Do you have a corporate partner that would like to get involved?

○ Give supporters simple instructions on how they can get involved

○ Use friendly competition to boost results

● When it comes to rewards, less is more A gift with a high perceived value creates a market relationship.

● Gifts you offer should be branded and, ideally, wearableAsking supporters to label themselves as such in public is a powerful exercise as it encourages them to identify as an advocate for your cause. Eg. T-shirts, wristbands.

● Ensure gifts are exclusive Gifts don’t have to be high value to have value – giving supporters something that can only be obtained by supporting your cause is an easy way to reward them for their involvement without making the relationship transactional.


Recruitment Toolkit

Focus on your warm audience first (those that already know who you are) then cold audience (those who aren’t familiar with

your brand) to grow your brand awareness and fundraiser recruitment.


● Website - Add the event to your ‘Get Involved’ page and homepage for maximum views

● Email - Your past fundraisers, donors, volunteers, colleagues. Segment each email for maximum engagement. See our

communication templates to help. Short on time? Include in your monthly newsletter or email signature.

● Corporate Partners - Team building activity. Email, call, or catch up over a coffee and see how you can help them.

● Social Media - Organic and paid posts asking people to join your charity team. Paid - use the price rise or incentive to

get more bang for your buck.

● PR - If you come across a stand out fundraising page or team contact write a press release and send to relevant media

● Includes your charity branding, tally, individual & team leaderboards, and call to action buttons

● Automatically includes all fundraisers who have selected your organisation


● An effective promotional tool and entry point into fundraising as supporters can sign up or donate directly from the page

● No need to create a charity team page and migrate all pages into the team page, saving you time.

● Drives friendly competition.

Ask your Account Manager or find out more.

Impact Board

● Create a charity team page for your organisation to show the collective effort of your fundraisers.

● Promote it via your website, newsletter, email blasts and social media, and encourage people to ‘join team’ or ‘donate to team’.

● If individuals create pages outside of the team, contact them and ask them if they want to be a part of it.

● How to Create and Use a Charity Team Instructions

Team Pages

● Includes all your events, tally, individual & team leaderboards, and call to action buttons

● Automatically includes all fundraisers who have selected your organisation

● Links to individual Impact Boards for each event


● One destination, maximising exposure to all your events● An effective promotional tool and entry point into fundraising as

supporters can sign up or donate directly from the page● No need to create a charity team page and migrate all pages into the

team page, saving you time.● Helps to build your running community● Drives friendly competition.

Ask your Account Manager.

Running Hub

Step 2: Coaching

Purpose: Get them to start raising money, build relationships with your fundraisers, and make their

fundraising experience fun.


● Email or phone them once they’ve signed up to fundraise for you and see how you can help or

give them more information on how their fundraising will help your organisation

● Create a communications schedule leading up to the event with helpful or interesting

information such as:

○ fundraising tips, cause information, incentives, fundraiser leaderboard, running tips etc

● Create a fundraising pack with downloadable assets such as social media templates, facebook

banners, poster etc

● Ask us about branding the Fundraiser Communications Program (see next slide)

Step 2: Coaching/Activation

● Research shows fundraisers who receive timely and highly

personalised communications reach their fundraising goal quicker.

● As mentioned, we send a Fundraiser Communications Program that’s

aimed to activate fundraisers.

● This can be charity branded to cater to the needs of your organisation

and the profile of your audience.

Talk to your Account Manager.

Behavioural Communications

Event Day

● If possible, go to the event, set up a cheer squad

● Being at the event allows you to:

○ Get some brand awareness

○ Meet your supporters, understand their motivation

○ Get content, photos and videos for your future


○ Talk to participants and recruit for future events

Be present at the event...

● You might not be able to attend the event due to time or resources● You should still acknowledge your supporters taking part, show

them that you care and appreciate what they are doing

❖ Post on social media, encourage and thank your supporters

❖ Send an email on event day, personalise it to include how much was raised by the individual and/or mention their fitness training

Or online

Step 3: Thanking

Step 3: Thanking

● Thank your fundraisers and your opt-in donors

● Research shows that euphoria and positive emotions linked to

fundraising in an MCE peak at the completion of an event

● Keep them engaged by sending a thank you email and

communicate on the impact their effort will have

● Offer them to opt-in to receive further communications and stay

updated on your cause


In Summary...

❖ Define your fundraising goal and make a plan

❖ You will get out what you put in - We can help with Impact Boards, Communications, and

Running Hubs

❖ Make it a fun experience for your fundraisers and they will want to do it again

❖ Don’t forget to thank them afterwards

❖ Talk to your Account Manager or our Support Team if you need help!


Key Contacts

Everydayhero Support Team - Fundraising related enquiries

E: or P: 1300 798 768

Your Account Manager - Ask us if you’re not sure who that is

Rebecca Harwood at Event Management Solutions (EMS) - Event related enquiries



Thank you!
