€¦  · Web viewKANSAS CITY. STUDENT HANDBOOK. 2019-2020. We,...


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We, the director and staff of Charis Bible College Kansas City, welcome you! As you are prepared for service in the kingdom of God, we understand that a vital part of your training will be growing in grace, servant-hood, and character, so that you will fulfill the plans that God has for your life.

At Charis Bible College, you will notice an emphasis has been placed on character development as well as practical ministry. Academics are important, but in many instances people do not know how to do the work of the ministry, nor have the character to sustain it. A balance between academics, character development and practical ministry is essential.

The guidelines and policies presented in this handbook are here for you as a gauge to examine your heart as you relate to your fellow students and the staff of CBC. The stated policies have been set after strong con-sideration, and adhere strictly to Charis Woodland Park guidelines. By implementing these guidelines you will be developing your character and respecting fellow students as well as those in positions of leadership. We trust the Lord will do a great work in your life during your time here. We look forward to serving you!

Revised June 2019

Revised June 2019

Table of Contents

CHARIS BIBLE COLLEGE KANSAS CITY LEADERSHIP....................................................3CHARIS ACADEMIC CALENDAR 2019-2020..........................................................................4

FALL TERM 2019-2020........................................................................................................................................4WINTER TERM 2019-2020...................................................................................................................................4SPRING TERM 2019-2020.....................................................................................................................................4SUMMER SEMESTER 2020 - WINTER - ENROLLED FIRST YEAR STUDENTS ONLY.....................................................4

WELCOME TO CHARIS BIBLE COLLEGE!............................................................................5VISION AND MISSION STATEMENT......................................................................................6


STATEMENT OF FAITH.............................................................................................................6DOCTRINAL STATEMENT........................................................................................................7

THE SCRIPTURES:.................................................................................................................................................7GOD:.....................................................................................................................................................................7JESUS CHRIST:......................................................................................................................................................7HOLY SPIRIT:........................................................................................................................................................7SALVATION:.........................................................................................................................................................7HEALING:.............................................................................................................................................................7THE RESURRECTION:............................................................................................................................................7THE SECOND COMING:.........................................................................................................................................7THE CHURCH:.......................................................................................................................................................8GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT:...........................................................................................................................................8

DEFINITION OF A CHARIS STUDENT....................................................................................8ACADEMIC GUIDELINES..........................................................................................................8

TESTS...................................................................................................................................................................8GRADING SYSTEM................................................................................................................................................9ONLINE TESTING..................................................................................................................................................9TEST RESULTS......................................................................................................................................................9FAILED TESTS.....................................................................................................................................................10MISSED TESTS....................................................................................................................................................10TEST RETAKES...................................................................................................................................................10ESSAY TESTS......................................................................................................................................................11TEST PROTOCOL FOR CHARIS SPONSORED MISSION TRIPS/GTC/ETC...............................................................11GRADE CORRECTIONS........................................................................................................................................11

FINANCIAL POLICY.................................................................................................................12STUDENT POLICIES AND PROCEDURES............................................................................14

STUDENT IDENTIFICATION CARD.......................................................................................................................14

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ATTENDANCE POLICY........................................................................................................................................14FULL TIME DAY/NIGHT SCHOOL.......................................................................................................................15PART TIME DAY/NIGHT SCHOOL.......................................................................................................................15HYBRID SCHOOL................................................................................................................................................15ATTENDANCE EXCEPTIONS – EXCUSED ABSENCES/TARDIES............................................................................16WINTER TERM STUDENTS (FIRST YEAR ONLY)................................................................................................17

DRESS CODE.............................................................................................................................17DRESS CODE POLICY:........................................................................................................................................18

CONDUCT AND CORRECTION..............................................................................................19DISCIPLINARY PROCESS:....................................................................................................................................20PROBATION:.......................................................................................................................................................20ACADEMIC PROBATION......................................................................................................................................21

An attendance grade that has dropped to less than 80%................................................................................21Failure to pass (or attempt) a test by the cutoff date......................................................................................21Details about Academic Probation................................................................................................................21

CAMPUS SAFETY.....................................................................................................................22FIREARMS AND WEAPONS..................................................................................................................................22EMERGENCY EVACUATION................................................................................................................................22EMERGENCY SITUATIONS...................................................................................................................................23SOLICITING.........................................................................................................................................................23SMOKING AND DRUG USE..................................................................................................................................23STUDENT RELATIONSHIPS..................................................................................................................................23

CLASSROOM POLICIES AND REGULATIONS....................................................................24VISITORS ON CAMPUS........................................................................................................................................25CHILDREN AND MINORS ON CAMPUS................................................................................................................26BREAK TIME POLICY....................................................................................................................................26MEDIA ORDERING..............................................................................................................................................27DISCIPLESHIP......................................................................................................................................................27

SERVICE HOURS PROGRAM (FIRST YEAR STUDENTS ONLY)......................................29DAY SCHOOL AND HYBRID FIRST YEAR STUDENTS..........................................................................................29THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SERVICE HOURS PROGRAM ARE:.........................................................................30

CHARIS BIBLE COLLEGE MISSION TRIPS..........................................................................30FUNDING A MISSION TRIP..................................................................................................................................31

Mission trips are paid for in the following ways:..........................................................................................31Mission Trip Payment Deadline....................................................................................................................31Location Selection for Mission Trips............................................................................................................32Mission Trip Requirements...........................................................................................................................32Important Information...................................................................................................................................33

PRIVATE POSTSECONDARY COMPLAINT PROCESS.............................................................................34

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT....................................................................................36

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Charis Bible College Kansas City Leadership

Andrew Wommack - President and Founder

Paul Milligan - CEO

Billy Epperhart - Senior Vice President

Mike Pickett - Vice President

Carrie Pickett - Assistant Vice President

Thomas Heinig - Regional Director

Charla Eastwood - Director, Kansas City

3Revised June 2019

Charis Academic Calendar 2019-2020

Fall Term 2019-2020

Labor Day September 2 2019 No Classes

Fall Term Begins September 3 2019 Normal Class Hours

End of Fall Term November 24 2019 No Classes

Thanksgiving Break November 25-29 2019 No Classes

Winter Term 2019-2020

Classes Resume December 2 2019 Normal Class Hours

Christmas Holiday Dec. 22-Jan. 10 2019-2020 No Classes

Classes Resume January 11 2020 Normal Class Hours

MLK, Jr. Day January 20 2020 Normal Class Hours

Presidents’ Day February 17 2020 Normal Class Hours

Winter Term Ends February 23 2020 No Classes

Spring Term 2019-2020

Spring Term Begins February 24 2020 Normal Class Hours

Easter Break March 23–27 2020 No Classes

Classes Resume March 30 2020 Normal Class Hours

Good Friday April 10 2020 No Classes

End of Spring Semester May 15 2020 No Classes

Graduation TBD 2020 To Be Determined

Summer Semester 2020 - Winter - enrolled First Year students only

Summer Term Begins May 18 2020 Normal Class Hours

Memorial Day May 25 2020 No Classes

End of Summer Term August 7 2020 Normal Class Hours

4Revised June 2019

Note: All dates and times are subject to change

Welcome to Charis Bible College!

Charis’ vision is to transform lives, train leaders, and change the world. The policies in this handbook are an important part of that vision. Even though Charis is a “Grace school,” God is a God of order. Rules and boundaries are not a necessary evil, they are an important facet of discipleship. Policies help remove distractions and create an environment of unity, so that the focus can be on spiritual growth.

Students are required to follow all policies within this handbook and conduct themselves in agreement with it at all times while enrolled as a student—both on and off campus. In rare cases the Director/Coordinator or Regional Director may make exceptions, but exceptions should not be expected or demanded. Students are encouraged to take ownership of their success at Charis and to be proactive. The staff wants to help students who are struggling or falling behind, but it’s important for students to reach out to staff before probation or dismissal are the only options.

Important Note:

It is impossible for any handbook to cover every single situation that may arise. If something is not specifically mentioned, students should follow the heart and intent of these policies. If there is any doubt, students should ask the appropriate staff member. They should not make assumptions or look for policy loopholes that may jeopardize their success at Charis. The Director and Regional Director may amend, add, or clarify any policies, if needed.

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Vision and Mission Statement

VisionTransforming lives, training leaders and changing the world.

MissionEquip faithful men and women for the work of the ministry by teaching spiritual truths, imparting biblical knowledge, providing practical ministry opportunities, and grounding them in the message of God’s unconditional love and grace.

Statement of Faith

•We believe the Bible is inspired and empowered by God, infallible and authoritative.

•We believe in one eternal God who exists as three separate persons; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

•We believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God, born of a virgin, lived a sinless life as He walked among men, demonstrated the authority and power of God in works and speech, died on the cross, rose from the dead on the third day, and is now seated at the right hand of God having accomplished all that is necessary for man's salvation.

•We believe it is essential for man to repent of sin and by faith receive the finished work of Christ by confessing Him as Lord with his mouth and believing in his heart resulting in regeneration by the Holy Spirit.

•We believe the Holy Spirit is continuing the work He started at Pentecost, empowering believers to live a godly life and continue in all the works of Jesus.

•We believe in the imminent return of Jesus and that those who have believed in Him will be resurrected to a heavenly dwelling in an incorruptible body, and those who do not believe will join Satan and his host in everlasting punishment.

•We believe the true Church is composed of all born-again believers in Christ, regardless of denominational affiliation.

•We believe all born-again believers have been commissioned to share the complete Gospel to all the world.

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Doctrinal Statement

The Scriptures:We believe that all of Scripture (i.e. both the Old and New Testament) is verbally in-spired by God, and is our final authority in all matters pertaining to doctrine, reproof, cor-rection, and instruction in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16,17).

God:We believe in only one true God; One in essence, nature, and attributes, but existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (1 John 5:7).

Jesus Christ:We believe in the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, of His shed blood on Calvary for the forgiveness of our sins, of His bodily resurrection and ascension to the Father's right hand. We do not believe that He is a way to the Father, but rather the only way through which we can receive righteousness, regeneration, sanctification, and glori-fication. He is, in fact, our salvation (1 Corinthians 1:30-31).

Holy Spirit:We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, expressed with speaking in tongues accord-ing to Acts 1:8; 2:4; 9:17; 10:44-46; 11:15-16; and 19:6. We believe this experience is distinct from, and subsequent to, the new birth, and can be received by faith (Galatians 3:2).

Salvation:We believe that all who, in repentance and faith, receive the Lord Jesus as Savior and Lord are born again (Acts 20:20-21; Romans 10:9-13).

Healing:We believe that the redemptive work of Christ on the cross has provided healing for the human body (Matthew 8:16-17; Isaiah 53:4; 1 Peter 2:24).

The Resurrection:We believe in the resurrection of the just and the unjust; one to everlasting life and one to everlasting damnation (Matthew 25:46).

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The Second Coming:We believe in a literal, physical second return of the Lord Jesus Christ (1 Thessalonians 1:10; 4:16-17).

The Church:We believe that the universal church is comprised of all true believers who have received salvation through Christ (Ephesians 1:22-23). We also believe in and encourage fellow-ship with a local church (Hebrews 10:25).

Gifts of the Spirit:We believe that spiritual gifts and manifestations of the Holy Spirit are for the common good and building up of others today (1 Corinthians 12:7).

Definition of a Charis Student

A student of Charis Bible College is one who has fully completed an official application, has been accepted by the Registrar, has completed the enrollment process, is current in payment of tuition and any other required fees, has received a copy of this handbook, and has an identification badge for the current school year. All students must also sign the form stating that they have read and agree to follow the policies in this handbook.

Student status will continue throughout the academic school year until promotion, graduation, withdrawal or dismissal. Charis students, as defined above, are subject to the policies found in this Student Handbook.

Academic Guidelines

The school year at Charis is divided into 3 Trimesters: Fall, Winter and Spring. First Year students who begin in the Winter term have the option of completing the Fall term by attending the Summer term. Each student must successfully complete each term in order to promote/graduate.

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Though Charis’ main goal is to help with spiritual growth and maturity, tests and grades are used to evaluate understanding of the material. All tests must be passed with a minimum score of 70%.

Grading System

A = 90 - 100%B = 80 - 89%C = 70 - 79% D = 60 - 69% (failing grade)F = less than 60%

Online Testing

Charis Bible College uses online testing through the Desire2Learn (D2L) website. It can be accessed through a link in the CAMS student portal, or directly by going to Students will receive an email after enrollment to set up their D2L account; this email will include their unique username and a link to set up a password. Students must set up their D2L account prior to taking their first test. Once set up is completed, they will have access to the test for each course they are enrolled in.

Tests are scheduled to begin on the day of the review or the last day of the course. Students will have 7 days to take the test. Once a test has been started, students have 90 minutes to complete it. Tests can be taken using any computer with an internet connection: home, the local library, etc. Students are discouraged from using a smartphone to take their tests as they are more prone to errors. Students can email the Director if they have any issues or questions regarding testing or the D2L website. Assistance with tests is not available 24/7, so waiting until the last available evening to take a test is not recommended.

Our online testing is based on the honor system. We trust that every student will conduct themselves with honesty and integrity. Unless otherwise indicated by the instructor, all tests are to be taken without using class notes or the Bible. Sharing test questions and/or answers with other students is

9Revised June 2019

not permitted. Abuses of the honor system will be addressed. Probation and dismissal are possible consequences for deceitful behavior.

Test Results

Students can see their grade in D2L immediately after taking the test. If the grade is below 70%, the test was failed. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your Director/Coordinator. Please do not contact D2L directly.

Failed Tests

Students are required to pass every test in order to continue at Charis. If a student gets a failing grade on a test, they will automatically be given one more opportunity to retake the test within the original 7 day testing window. Students may study again and attempt to pass the test in a second attempt before the original deadline. The maximum score on the second attempt is 70%.

If a student is struggling to pass a test, they are encouraged to ask for help from the Director, so that assistance can be provided.

Missed Tests

Not taking a test during the 7 day period is considered failing that test and will receive a 0%. As stated above, all tests must be passed in order to continue at Charis.

Test Retakes

If a test is missed or failed for any reason, the only way to change that to a passing grade is to retake and pass the test. The maximum score on any retake is 70%, meaning that any score above 70% will be reduced to 70%.

If students have a failing grade after the testing window closes, they must pay a $15 administration fee for each test that needs to be reopened. It will then be available again during the following testing window. Typically, retakes are allowed up to two weeks after the original testing window. If a test hasn’t been passed by then, the student will be placed on Academic Probation.

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If the test still hasn’t been passed (or attempted) while on Academic Probation, the student will be dismissed. See section on Probation for more details about Academic Probation.

Tests at the end of a term have fewer opportunities for retakes. This is because retakes are not allowed after a term has ended, so all tests must be passed before the semester is over. If someone attempts the test but fails due to struggling with the content, exceptions to this can be made in order to provide assistance.

Any exceptions to the testing policy above must be approved by the Regional Director. Examples of reasons for exceptions include: jury duty, military service, bereavement absence, and emergency medical situations that involve short-term hospital care. Documentation must be presented to receive an exception for the above mentioned reasons.

It is the responsibility of each student to know when their tests are due. Students are encouraged to be proactive and contact their Director as soon as possible if they fall behind on a test.

Essay Tests

Some courses require a paper or essay to be written for the final grade instead of a standard multiple choice or true/false test. The deadline to submit these papers/essays is the same as it is for regular tests; they are due the following Monday (after the course ends) by 11:59 p.m. Any exceptions to the deadline will be decided by the Regional Director.

The instructor will also communicate if the papers/essays must be submitted in D2L, by email, or by turning in a physical copy. Students who fail to turn in their papers during the established test window will be subject to the $15 test reopen fee and a 70% maximum grade as previously stated.

No test will be made available to any student before the scheduled date of the test.

Test Protocol for Charis Sponsored Mission Trips/GTC/etc.

Students who participate on a Charis sponsored trip (e.g. Mission trip, GTC or other school sanctioned trip) will be emailed new dates to take the test(s) after they return from their trip. Students must listen to the lessons they missed and will have full grade potential. The tests are still closed book.

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Any tests that are not taken during the dates that have been established will be subject to the $15 test reopen fee protocol previously stated.

Grade Corrections

If students have questions or concerns regarding grades they received on a test, they may email the Director/Coordinator. Every effort will be made to respond within 1 business day of the inquiry.


Financial responsibility is an important part of spiritual growth and maturity.

Students will not receive monthly updates or reminders to pay tuition. Each student is responsible for checking their tuition status.For students who choose to pay monthly, tuition is due on the first calendar day of each month. Fall term students must pay the full monthly tuition amount starting at enrollment in August (September’s payment) and continue through April 1st (9 monthly payments total).

For First Year students who enroll in the Winter term , monthly payments will begin on December 1st (at enrollment) and run through August 1st.

The tuition amount is divided evenly over this period of time. It is not related to the number of class days in each month. Regular, monthly tuition payments will continue through vacations and breaks during the school year.

Please make tuition checks payable to Charis Bible College Kansas City. A drivers’ li-cense number is required for all payments by check. A four part receipt must be com-pleted for all payments. Turn in all four parts and the last page will be marked as pay-ment received and returned to you. Tuition will be returned to you if not accompanied by the four part receipt and is late until received complete. For non-tax deductible payments, acceptable forms of payment are: Personal or company check (with drivers’ license num-ber), credit or debit cards. We prefer not to take cash or money orders. For your conve-nience, you can purchase reloadable credit cards. This is for tuition, fees, mission pay-ments, and product. For donations, all forms of payment are still accepted, as they go through a different system. Tuition payments are not tax-deductible.

12Revised June 2019

There is a grace period until the 15th of each month for late payments. Any student who has not paid the full month’s tuition by the 15th of the month will no longer be able to attend class on campus or view classes on D2L until the balance has been paid. If the monthly tuition hasn’t been paid by the end of the current month, the student will be dismissed.

If tuition is paid by the end of the current month, the student will be reinstated.

Students with unpaid financial obligations (including mission trip payments) will not receive a Certificate of Completion, diploma, degree, or ministers license, nor will they be able to participate in the promotion or graduation ceremonies. If late tuition and fees are paid in full after the conclusion of the school year, a Certificate of Completion, diploma, degree, or ministers license will be issued and mailed to the student. Students with unpaid tuition may not return to Charis until it has been paid in full.

Students who withdraw or are dismissed from school are responsible for paying their past due tuition.


At this time, we cannot accept VA benefits for tuition assistance.

TUITION REFUND POLICY If a student officially withdraws and has submitted a staff-signed withdrawal form, they may be granted a tuition refund as follows:

Second week of term - 100% refund of tuition paid for term Third week of term - 50% refund of tuition paid for term Fourth week of term - 25% refund of tuition paid for term Fifth week (and on) of term - 0% refund of tuition paid for term *The student application fee, books and miscellaneous materials are independent and unrelated to tuition. Refunds include tuition only and do not include these fees.


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Donations, financial and gift-in-kind donations, to Charis Bible College Kansas City are accepted and appreciated. Charis Bible College Kansas City carries a 501(c)3 tax-de-ductible status, so donations made may be tax-deductible. Check with your IRS tax preparation professional to find out if you qualify. Donations must be on a separate pay-ment form than tuition – they cannot be combined on a single payment. DO NOT USE THE 4-PART TICKETS FOR DONATIONS. Use the offering envelopes, please.


Student Identification Card

Each student will be issued a colored lanyard and student ID card. Students must wear the student ID card visibly at all times while on any ministry property or ministry event. The colored lanyard must be visible around the neck and not covered up by clothing.

Students who are dismissed or withdraw from school must turn in their student ID card/lanyard.

Students may not deface, decorate, attach a nickname, or punch holes in their student ID card/lanyard.

Procedure for students who arrive without their student ID card/lanyard:

1. Students will be given a visitor badge.

2. Students must pay $15 to replace lost or stolen student ID card/lanyard using check or credit card.

Attendance Policy


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It is expected that you will be in class every day for the program you are participating in, and as stated on your Student Contract. We understand that there are rare circumstances that may keep you from being in school, but please treat attendance as a point of integrity and discipleship, taking it as seriously as you would for a job.

Students are expected to be in class and on time every school day. There are rare circumstances which may prevent students from being able to attend school, but attendance should be considered a facet of discipleship and taken seriously. Consistently sitting under the Word is a key aspect of Charis. • Students may not skip entire class hours or portions of class hours, on or off

campus, without an approved reason.• Students may not sit in on class hours that they are not scheduled for (e.g. a

Second Year student may not sit in on a First Year class).• Students may not use class time to purchase snacks or congregate in the

hallways. This includes printing things needed for class (e.g. outlines for Small IAGs). If something is time-sensitive, the student should prepare in advance.

Situations may come up where a student needs to leave before the school day is over. This is fine, but they need to have approval from the Director/Coordinator before leaving the building. Violating the attendance policy may result in disciplinary action, such as attendance grade point deductions, probation, dismissal, etc.

There will be an attendance grade for each term, and those grades will be included in the GPA for the term.

Full Time Day/Night School The first two excused absences each term will not receive point deductions. An excused absence means that the student has contacted the Director/Coordinator and received approval. After the first two absences, each absence is a 7.5% deduction from the attendance grade.

Part Time Day/Night SchoolThe first excused absence each term will not receive point deductions. An excused absence means that the student has contacted the Director and received approval. After the first absence, each absence is a 15% deduction from the attendance grade.

Hybrid SchoolStudents can not miss more than a total of 6 hours per term.

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Students that are up to 15 minutes late will be recorded as tardy. Any time after 15 minutes the student will be considered absent. Students are allowed 2 tardies per term, subsequent tardies will be marked absent.

A minimum attendance grade of 70% is required to pass attendance. If a student’s attendance grade goes below 70%, they will be dismissed.

Students who miss class for any reason, excused or unexcused, are expected to catch up on the missed material.

Attendance Exceptions – Excused Absences/Tardies

Excused late arrivals or early departures must be authorized by the Director/Coordinator and are only for those situations occurring on a regular basis. Reasons for late arrivals or early departures must be verifiable and could include drop off times for school-aged children and conflicting work schedules. Students need to email the Director/Coordinator with the request and an explanation. The student will be contacted and informed if the request has been approved or denied. If approved, the student’s attendance record will indicate this exception.

The only excused absences (no point deduction) include bereavement leave for the death of a family member, jury duty, temporary military duty (National Guard/Reserve), or a medical condition requiring short term hospitalization. Other absences due to work, family issues, doctor’s visits, transportation issues, trips, or forgetting to sign in are not excused.

Extreme Weather

If you have questions about school closure or delayed opening due to extreme weather making it dangerous to travel to school please contact the directors at 913-549-2460. For standard practice, we will follow the school closing guidelines of the school district where the school is located, which is the Shawnee Mission School District. If question-able weather is forecast or occurring, please watch the local television stations for the lo-cal school closings. If the Shawnee Mission School District is closed due to inclement weather or driving conditions, then Charis Bible College Kansas City will be closed also. Please provide the school with a phone number and active email that you may be reached at, in the event there is something other than this in place for any particular day. If at any time, you genuinely feel uncomfortable about weather conditions, you may be allowed to be excused. We want everyone to be safe.

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General Communication

Directors will make every effort for communication to students to be handled during nor-mal school hours. For most situations where communication between directors and stu-dents is required outside of school hours, we will use email and text. If you do not have access to email or text, please make arrangements with a fellow student who will call you upon receiving an email or text from us, who is willing to be sure you get the informa-tion.

Directors request that most communication from students is also handled during regular school hours. For times when something arises outside normal school hours, the CBC phone accepts texts, and we use the CBC email. Please try to address standard questions, etc. during normal school hours. Should you have an urgent question or emergency, es-pecially an urgent need for prayer, please give information in your message as to the na-ture of your correspondence.

Group texts and after-hours contact

Please do not add the Charis school phone number to group texts or broadcast texts. While we do want to support you, your family and your loved ones in prayer requests, should you have such a request, send it as a dedicated text and not in a group where we will get everyone else’s response. The school phone is used for emergencies, so is closely monitored. Please be respectful of the director’s time by only contacting after hours for things that are of a more urgent nature.

Winter Term Students (First Year Only)

Students who start their First Year at the beginning of the Winter Term must complete the Fall Semester courses either during Summer School or via one of Charis’ Distance Education options. For those choosing the Summer School option, classes are given via D2L. Students who complete their tuition payments after the end of Summer School will have their certificates mailed to them.

Dress Code

Modesty and good taste are to be considered the principle for all students while on campus or at Charis/AWMI functions. Casual dress that is clean and neat is

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appropriate for classes and daily campus activities. Promotion, Graduation Ceremonies and class pictures dictate more formal attire.

Students are not required to agree with every aspect of the dress code, but they are expected to adhere to them. It is important to have a standard for unity on campus.

Good personal hygiene is expected of all students. This includes daily bathing, clean clothes, hair combed, use of deodorant, nice breath, etc. Clothing or bad hygiene should not be a distraction to other students. Dress Code Policy:

1. No spaghetti strap, tank-top, or strapless tops may be worn at school unless covered with a sweater, cardigan, or other shirt. Tops, shirts and blouses must cover the shoulders.

2. Wrinkle free, colored T-shirts may be worn, but may not contain any

offensive wording or slogans. Button-up shirts, polo shirts and dress shirts are preferred. Plain white undershirts (T-shirts) are not appropriate for outer wear. No low-cut V-neck shirts for men or women.

3. Shirts and blouses must be long enough to cover the midsection when hands are raised above the head.

4. Pants/jeans must be worn at the hips and cannot have holes or rips that reveal skin underneath. They should also be free from stains.

5. Overly tight pants for men or women are not appropriate and may not be worn.

6. Leggings, jeggings (jean leggings), yoga pants, and any other skin-tight legwear are not considered pants and may not be worn without a skirt or dress of the appropriate length (see #8 below).

7. Shorts or mini-skirts of any kind are not to be worn. Skirts and dresses should be no shorter than 3 inches above the knee.

8. Sweat pants may not be worn.

9. Military uniforms and military styled clothing may only be worn by active duty personnel.

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10. Clothing must not be revealing. Clothing deemed too tight or too revealing is not appropriate on campus or at other school functions. As a general rule, if others can see up it, down it, through it, or it’s so tight they don’t need to, it’s not appropriate for school.

11. Appropriate footwear must be worn at all times.

12. Strongly scented perfumes, colognes, lotions or essential oils are not allowed while in school. Many students have adverse reactions to such fragrances.

If a student ’ s attire doesn ’ t meet the dress code, they may be asked to go home and change. Attendance Guidelines apply, so student will be counted absent if not in class. Compliance is expected.

Conduct and Correction

We expect all students to conduct themselves in agreement with the Student Handbook at all times, both on and off campus.

Immoral behavior, sexual activity outside of marriage, drunkenness, illegal drug use, abusive or threatening talk or behavior, disrespectful or rebellious attitudes, continual rule breaking, or conduct deemed dangerous to others will be grounds for correction, probation, and/or dismissal.

While marijuana is now legal in some states, it is considered unacceptable drug use by Charis students and its use is deemed grounds for dismissal.


It is strongly recommended that you not plan a wedding during the school year. If you are planning to be married, we suggest that you plan the wedding for the summer and, in the meantime, seek premarital counseling.

Privacy and Security

We make every effort to protect your privacy and your secure information.

Mail Boxes

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Mail boxes are provided for each student back in the Student Resource Center. All printed communication between students and staff will be found there. The mailboxes are only to be used by Charis staff and not to be used for student to store things such as bibles, lanyards, snacks, etc.

Spreading false doctrine is not allowed. Charis is a learning environment, and asking questions is part of the learning process. However, it is not appropriate to try to undermine or teach against the doctrines in Charis’ statement of faith. Agreement with the statement of faith and doctrinal statement is a prerequisite for being a Charis student.

Disciplinary Process:

1. Verbal Warning: The Director/Coordinator may speak to a student and bring correction when needed.

2. Written Warning: If a student fails to respond to a verbal warning from the above mentioned staff member, the Director/Coordinator may issue a written warning, suspension, or probation. In some cases, a written warning, suspension, or probation may not be preceded by a verbal warning.

3. Dismissal: If a student fails to respond adequately to correction or if the problem is of a serious nature, they will be dismissed from the campus at the discretion of the Director and/or Regional Director.

The dismissed student may be allowed to re-enroll the following school year if an acceptable change has taken place. That decision is at the sole discretion of the Director and/or Regional Director. The dismissed student must request permission to apply at least 30 days before the beginning of the semester they wish to attend.

Any activity in the life of a student deemed unacceptable by the Director or others in authority will be considered grounds for immediate dismissal from the program without the need to follow the above guidelines.


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Students may be placed on probation by the Director/Coordinator and/or Regional Director. There are various reasons for probation and there are a variety of requirements. In all cases, the purpose of probation is to help the student succeed by giving more structured boundaries. If a student refuses the terms of probation, dismissal may be the only alternative.

In some cases, the terms of probation may be customized for a particular situation, but the primary form of probation is Academic Probation. Staff will attempt to contact the student to inform them they are on Academic Probation, but these policies apply even if the student cannot be reached.

Academic Probation

Students will automatically be placed on Academic Probation for either of these reasons:

An attendance grade that has dropped to less than 80%An attendance grade that drops below 70% results in immediate dismissal, so this is an effort to get the student back on track before dismissal is the only option.

Failure to pass (or attempt) a test by the cutoff dateIn most cases, if a student doesn’t pass (or attempt) a test during its original testing window, they may make up that test on one of the following two testing windows. (This does not apply toward the end of each semester, since there are no testing windows for retakes after the semester has finished.) If the student hasn’t passed the test within 2 weekends of the original testing window, they will be placed on Academic Probation. If a student is struggling with the content, they should contact the Director/Coordinator for assistance before probation is a factor.

Details about Academic Probation

• Academic Probation will normally last 4 weeks.

• While on Academic Probation, students must sign in at the appropriate times. Tardies and absences must be communicated to the Director/Coordinator in advance.

• No tests may be missed. All past-due tests must be passed in the next testing window.

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• Within one week of being placed on Academic Probation, the student must submit an essay to the Director/Coordinator explaining why they want to be at Charis and what they will do differently to avoid this kind of situation again.

• Not meeting any of these requirements may result in immediate dismissal.

Withdrawal Policy

If for any reason you wish to withdraw from Charis Bible College, you must have a per-sonal interview with the Director and give verbal and written notification. In that notifica-tion, you must give your reason(s) for withdrawing from school. The following form should be completed by the student. Tuition will continue to be in effect until official notice is received in the office.

Campus Safety


Building Stewardship

The buildings in which classes are held are referred to as “the campus.” This includes not only the classrooms and kitchen and office areas we use, but also the common areas of the office complex, including the restrooms and parking lot. The entire campus has been entrusted to us by God to steward for His use. Please be mindful that this is a large building and property, and your assistance in keeping it clean is greatly appreciated.

Parking: As a courtesy to other businesses in the complex please do not park directly in front of the office building in the “Visitor Parking” from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm for longer than 15 minutes. All student parking should be west of the building in the large parking lot and not in the front area marked Visitor Parking.

Restrooms: There are two restrooms centrally located on our floor and on each of the other floors in the building.

Telephone: The school cell phone is not available for student use except during emer-gencies. Calls will be made during break time ONLY, not during class (except for emergencies).

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Copies: The copier will be available for “emergency” use only for 10 cents per page. We do not have fax. Items to be copied should be taken to the administration office and will be completed and returned to you before the end of the school day, if possible.

Firearms and Weapons

Firearms are prohibited on campus.

Emergency Evacuation

In the event of an ordered evacuation by Law Enforcement or Charis Staff, students will receive instructions on how to safely exit the campus or property.

Emergency Situations

If a serious injury or perceived emergency situation arises, students should contact the Director/Coordinator. They will assess and handle the situation as they deem appropriate. Please allow adequate space for the Director/Coordinator as they minister to the needs of the affected individual.

Do not call 911 unless the situation is life threatening and it is clear that emergency help is needed.

Students with a medical condition that Charis should be aware of need to give a written description of this condition to the Director/Coordinator. This is so they can respond properly in an emergency.


Students are not permitted to solicit business or money while on campus. Student-initiated offerings may not be taken for any reason.

Personal business (e.g. multi-level marketing, clothing sales, etc.) may not be conducted during school hours. Students are not allowed to promote a business or personal ministry with students or staff while on campus.

Flyers or pamphlets of any sort (whether ministry, business, housing, etc.) may not be passed out or left in the building or on cars. All flyers and other kinds of advertisements must be submitted to the Director and/or Regional Director for approval prior to being posted/distributed.

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Smoking and Drug Use

Charis is a non-smoking, tobacco free, drug free, and alcohol-free campus and facility. Drug, alcohol & tobacco use of any kind, including smokeless tobacco and E-cigarettes, is not permitted on campus or at any AWMI or Charis functions. This also applies to marijuana and any other form of smoking.

Student Relationships

Appropriate Christian behavior is expected on and off campus. Immorality is considered grounds for immediate dismissal from Charis. Sexual harassment will not be tolerated. Students are encouraged to avoid even the appearance of evil and use wisdom in all relationships. Romantic physical contact, even among married couples, can be a distraction and is not appropriate while on campus.

If a student feels uncomfortable with the attention of any other student on campus they should let that person know that the attention is not welcome. If the student is not able to or not comfortable addressing the situation directly with the other student, or if the issue persists, they may speak with the Director/Coordinator and the situation will be addressed. Please keep in mind that Charis students come from different cultures and backgrounds. What may be normal to some may make others uncomfortable.


The following "common sense" policies will help to maintain an appropriate classroom atmosphere for Christian education:

1. All students should be seated in the classroom before the beginning of the class hour. Showing up late is distracting to other students and disrespectful to the instructor. Students must be in their scheduled class and are not to be in any break areas, the bookstore, another classroom, or roaming the halls/campus during class time.

2. Students should be quiet during class.

3. Eating is not allowed in any classroom during class time.

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4. Only covered, non-spill containers are allowed in the classrooms. Beverage bottles and containers left on the premises after school may be discarded.

5. Only authorized personnel are allowed to operate the audio, video, or

lighting equipment.

6. All cell phones and other devices that would cause a disruption should be off or silenced during class hours.

7. Text messaging, internet browsing and posting, and emailing are not allowed during class.

8. Electronic Bibles, laptops and language translators are permitted in class. When using such items students need to be aware of others around them and not disrupt their concentration.

9. The use of Facebook Live or any other livestreaming video technology is not permitted during class. Audio recording devices for personal use are permitted, but must not interfere with Charis filming or disrupt the instructor. All equipment must remain with the student at his/her seat, and no recording equipment is to be placed on the lectern (podium) or within camera range.

10. Bathroom breaks are to be taken during regularly scheduled break times. Students should not leave the classroom unless there is an emergency, or their departure has been pre-approved by the Director/Coordinator.

11. Building Stewardship: The campus has been entrusted to us by God to steward for His use. Everyone’s assistance in keeping it clean is greatly appreciated.

Students are responsible for the conduct and safety of the guests they bring on campus, as well as ensuring they are aware of and adhere to all campus policies.

Visitors on Campus

We encourage visitors and alumni to sit in on lessons at Charis. Please see the following policies:

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1. All are welcome to unlimited visits for:• Praise and worship• Chapel hours and guest speakers

2. Visitors may sit in on up to 5 class days per term in:• First Year

3. Alumni (Second Year Graduates) may sit in on up to 5 class days total per term in:

• First Year• Second Year

Children and Minors on Campus

In consideration of the teachers and other students, children are not permitted in class rooms during class sessions.

Any minors (16 years old and under) on campus must be accompanied at all times by a parent or a legal guardian.


1. Breaks between classes are to be utilized for personal phone calls, use of bathrooms, snacks/food, etc. All students should be in the ir seats before their next class starts.

3. Students should not initiate purchases of snacks or bookstore if it is going to cause them to be late for class. They must allow enough time to be seated in class before it is scheduled to start.

3. If something gets spilled, please ask the director or other staff members for instructions on immediate clean up.

4. Before break is over, make sure the tables are clear and clean.

5. During breaks, no food, and only containers with non-spill lids may be brought into classrooms.

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6. Students are not to take someone else’s food from the refrigerators. Only items which will be used the same day may be kept in the refrigerator, and must be removed at the end of each day.


Appointments: Appointments may be made directly with the director. While I try to be always available for short questions at any time, for longer visits appointments are re-quired. Advanced notice is usually needed, so please try to plan ahead.

Announcements: If you have something you would like to present before the student body, you will need to put it in writing and submit it to the administration office before school begins. Any presentation to any CBC students must approved prior by the direc-tors, including handouts, teachings, or “words” received.

Teaching CD's: Teaching CD's or mp3’sof the class sessions can be purchased for $4.00 per CD or mp3 loaded on student’s flashdrive. Order slips are located in the student ser-vices area. Fill out the slip as instructed (one per session) and drop it in the box, along with payment, in the envelopes provided. This policy also applies in cases of absence.

Standing Order: You may choose to be put on standing order, meaning you will receive every teaching CD of your recorded classes at the school. This is a pre-paid service only. Full-time is $500 (saving ~ $200), Part-time is $250 (saving ~ $100).

Full courses: Full courses may be purchased on CD’s or flashdrives for $32 per course.

Andrew Wommack has made all (there are a few exceptions) of A.W.M.I. Store instruc-tional materials available (except for partnership materials) to the students attending Charis Bible College Kansas City at a reduced donation amount. Materials can be or-dered through our office, once each month, and current students receive a 50% discount off recommended donation.

Audio recordings of teachings offered at Charis may be available for donation to all current Charis students, but are not for sale to the general public.

Media Ordering

Audio recordings of teachings offered at Charis are available for purchase to all current Charis students, but are not for sale to the general public.

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For more information, please ask your Director/Coordinator.


We understand that students often have a desire for personal ministry and discipleship during their time at Charis. It must be understood, however, that Charis is not a local church and we do not have the staff and resources to provide ongoing, personal ministry for our students. We trust students are attending a good local church and therefore have access through their own pastor and church staff. There are no licensed counselors on staff here at Charis.

The Charis Director and Charis instructors may be willing to offer concise ministry and or prayer on a limited basis, but please do not expect them to conduct long term, lengthy sessions with you. We ask that you seek out help from your local congregation and/or pastor when possible.

All student issues concerning interpersonal relationships or difficulties within the student body should be communicated with the directly to the Charis Director.

We strongly encourage students who are contemplating marriage to seek out premarital counseling from their pastor or a qualified Christian counselor.

The following guidelines should be followed when considering a discipleship session with a designated staff member (as listed below).

- Please make your request to see the Director via email.- The Director may respond via email with questions to determine if there is a

need for a personal meeting.- You must be willing to follow the directions of the Director or staff member you are seeing, even if it includes seeking outside counsel.

Please know that our heart is to see you live a victorious Christian life and be set free from any conflict you may be facing. We believe that sitting under and applying the Word of God to your situation is the most effective way to see change in your life.


Refer to Matthew 18:15-20. We believe that biblical principles are the best way to resolve all issues, so we recommend the first step, in accordance with the previously

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mentioned scripture, should a student have a conflict or grievance with an individual, is to take their concern to the individual first. If there is not a satisfactory resolution, take the issue to staff, then to the Director in that order.

A grievance procedure has been established to provide for fairness in treatment for each student. Any student of Charis Bible College Kansas City alleging discriminatory treatment in regard to, but not limited to, race, sex, color, religion, national origin or disability, should first try to resolve it informally by bringing the matter to the attention of the party involved and meeting with the immediate supervisor(s) of said party. If the matter is not resolved by this means, the grievant may initiate a grievance procedure by presenting a written statement of the grievance to the Director of the Charis Kansas City campus within fifteen (15) days of the alleged offense. All grievances must contain the following information: 1. A clear and concise written statement of the grievance which includes name of the person(s) against whom the grievance is made, the date and time of the alleged act, and a statement describing the specific supporting evidence. 2. A brief summary of prior attempts to resolve the matter which includes the names of persons with whom the matter was discussed and the results of previous discussions. 3. A specific statement of the remedial action or relief sought. Upon receipt of the grievance, the supervisor will present a copy of the grievance to the other party, who will respond in writing to the allegations of the grievant within five (5) working days. The Director will arrange to meet with the two parties in an attempt to resolve the difficulty. If the grievance cannot be resolved after this discussion, the Director will present the matter to the Regional Supervisor for review and further investigation.

Further recourse may be available through the Kansas Board of Regents. See attached addendum to the Student Handbook on page 34.

SERVICE HOURS PROGRAM (First Year Students Only)

• Full-Time Students

24 hours per term

• Part-Time Students

12 hours per term

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Day School and Hybrid First Year Students

The Service Hours Program is designed to help each First Year student discover and display a servant’s heart of integrity, accountability, and faithfulness through volunteering, as these are important facets of discipleship. The Service Hours grade carries the same weight as a regular course.

Students will be allowed to complete their Service Hours requirement through an approved church, ministry, or non-profit, including various service opportunities at Charis Bible College Kansas City. Qualifying service is to be done under recognized supervision. Private, one-on-one Bible studies, praying with a fellow student, personal evangelism and other such ministry will not be counted.

The Requirements of the Service Hours Program are:

1. To receive 100% (A), each Full Time First Year student must serve 24 hours per term. Each Part Time First Year student must serve 12 hours per term.

2. A Service Hours report form is due from each student by the last class day of each month. This turn in date is noted on the form.

3. Each form must be filled out legibly and turned in on time, or it will not be counted.

4. Students who are employees of AWMI, Charis Bible College, or other approved non-profit ministries or Churches, are eligible to have their working hours satisfy the Service Hours requirement, but the proper form must be turned in as stipulated above.

5. A maximum of five (5) Service Hours per week may be counted for grading purposes, but students are encouraged to serve as many hours as they desire.

For more information on the Service Hours Program, students may ask the Director/Coordinator.


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Mission trips are a very valuable and important part of training for our Second Year students. It is Andrew’s desire for every Second Year student to take a mission trip, which is why it’s a requirement for graduation from Charis. The purpose of the trip is to give exposure to another culture, to learn how to interact with the people, to deal with a demanding and flexible schedule, and to cooperate with other students as a team. Mission trips have proven to be life-changing for most graduates; hundreds of nationals are born again and Spirit-filled; miracles happen, and the lives of many are changed by the ministry of the Word.

Each trip emphasizes a different kind of ministry depending on the location. Some of the opportunities to minister are: teaching in Bible schools and churches, street evangelism, performing skits and dramas, visiting orphanages, helping with community projects, working with local pastors to disciple, evangelize, minister in healing, etc.

Funding a Mission Trip

Mission trips are paid for in the following ways:

a. Charis fundraising events b. Personal Funds

Attendance is required at all fundraising events. These fundraising events generate the most money to fund the student trips. Charis will also provide fundraising letters to mail out. Students are encouraged not to wait until the last minute to try to raise the required amount.

Another way students can support their mission trip is by putting aside funds each month beginning their First Year at Charis. For more information, please talk to the Director/Coordinator.

Students should plan ahead to ensure that their trip is covered and utilize all of the methods mentioned above.

Mission Trip Payment Deadline

Students will not be able to attend the mission trip if they have not paid the balance due by the date specified by the Director/Coordinator.

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Some mission trips have additional cost. These are paid for by the students taking those trips. Some additional costs might include entry or exit visas, immunizations, some meals, etc. Any additional costs will be made known prior to the trip.

Mission trips must be taken during the Second Year of the program. Any exceptions will be reviewed on an individual basis by the Director/Coordinator and the Regional Director. If, after a one-year absence from Charis, a student who completed First Year does not attend Second Year and take a mission trip, the money the student paid toward their mission trip will be held in their account. The students mission trip money will only be held for one year of absence. If the student does not return after one year, the mission money will be divided among the other students attending a Charis mission trip. If a student decides not to take a trip once their ticket has been purchased or they are dropped from a trip due to past-due tuition, academic or attendance reasons, they must reimburse Charis for the ticket price and any other associated costs. Charis is under no obligation to provide another trip for that student or intern.

Actual dollars earned at one Charis Bible College (not Woodland Park mission points) are transferable to another Charis Bible College for the same student. It is up to the student to notify the Director/Coordinator. The Director will work with the new Charis location to facilitate the transfer.

Location Selection for Mission Trips

Due to location, housing and transportation constraints or other factors, the number of students per trip can be limited. Mission trip locations are based on several factors, including passport status and physical issues/concerns. It’s imperative that students understand that the mission trip is not based on what country they would like to visit, but where they can best serve.

If a Second Year student does not have a valid passport when selections are made in the Fall Term, they will not be placed on a trip until the passport is received and a copy is given to the Director/Coordinator. If they have not missed any trip deadlines specified by the Director/Coordinator, and there is still space available they will be placed on the trip.

Mission Trip Requirements

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The following requirements must be met, and failure to do so may disqualify a student from taking a mission trip:

• Student must have a current and valid passport with at least 6 months of remaining validity after the date of the trip

• Student must be in good academic standing• Student’s tuition must be current• Student must attend all team meetings• Student must demonstrate an overall consistent display of Godly character• Successful completion of the mission trip, including all the above mentioned

criteria is required for graduation. Simply attending does not necessarily meet the requirement. The student must positively contribute to the overall team effort and goal of the mission trip.

Important Information

1. Ample earning opportunities are provided, but students must be assertive and diligent in sending out letters or other fundraising activities. It is advisable that students be creative in their fundraising efforts and develop an effective payment strategy to ensure their trip is fully funded by the deadline.

2. Charis Bible College will not be responsible for unpaid mission trips. There

will be deadlines that every student must meet to go on their mission trip.


Students are encouraged to attend weekly church services. Gathering together regularly with a body of believers is not only scriptural, it’s also a vital part of training for the ministry. Most ministry opportunities flow from church participation.


We take your privacy and security seriously.

All student records maintained at the local campus are secured either in locked file cabi-nets or by passwords on all electronic devices. We do not retain credit card numbers, checking account numbers, driver’s license numbers or social security numbers for future

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use. They will be retained only long enough to fulfill the process they were presented for.

We maintain hard copies of records on site as well as electronic copies of important doc-uments, with an electronic copy held off site for safety in the event of a destructive event at the campus.

An official student transcript copy may be obtained by writing (email is fine) to the Di-rector at There is no charge for a transcript copy.

In the unlikely event the Charis Kansas City campus ever closes, student records will be forwarded to the Woodland Park campus offices. In accordance with the State of Kansas regulations, all student information will be held for a minimum of 50 years beyond the student’s last day of attendance at Charis Bible College Kansas City.Charis Kansas City Student Handbook Addendum to Grievance Policy



Private postsecondary institutions operating in Kansas must meet and maintain certain standards of quality in order to qualify for a certificate allowing them to offer or provide training or course work to Kansas citizens.

It is the mutual goal of the Kansas Board of Regents and the certified institutions to pro-vide quality educational training and programs. When problems arise, students should make every attempt to find a fair and reasonable solution by taking the steps outlined in the complaint process.


Private postsecondary institutions operating in Kansas must meet and maintain certain statutorily established standards in order to qualify for a certificate allowing them to offer degrees, training, or course work to Kansas citizens. It is the goal of the Kansas Board of Regents to insure that the institutions subject to Board authority comply with the applica-ble laws as they provide educational training and programs. Thus, the Board office ac-cepts complaints involving these institutions.

If an individual does not wish to be identified or to put anything in writing, it is very hard for the Board office to investigate the complaint. It is very important that all persons who have a complaint about such a school understand that this agency does not represent indi-

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viduals and cannot act as their legal representative. However, all individuals have the right to seek advice from a private attorney.

When problems or concerns arise, the involved individuals should attempt to reach a fair and reasonable solution by first taking the following steps:

1. Discuss the issue thoroughly with the teacher or other involved school employee(s).If there is no resolution continue to Step 2.

2. Discuss the issue with the manager or director of the school.If there is no resolution continue to Step 3.

3. Present the facts and issue to the owner of the school.

Individuals with a complaint about a private or out-of-state school operating in Kansas must use the online submission form provided below and provide the requested informa-tion. Failure to do so may result in the Board office being unable to accept or process the complaint.

If the Board office receives the completed complaint form together with any other perti-nent written information, Board staff will ordinarily take the following steps:

1.Review the submitted information in order to determine if it is sufficient. If insufficient information has been submitted, the complainant will be so informed and given a dead-line for submitting additional necessary information.

2.Once sufficient information is provided, the Board office will determine if it has juris-diction and authority over the matter. If it does not, the complainant will be so informed and the file closed.

3.If the complaint appears to involve matters over which the Board has legal authority, the Board office will conduct an investigation in the manner that it deems appropriate un-der the circumstances. In most instances the school will be contacted, provided a copy of the written complaint, and given an opportunity to respond to it in writing. In other situa-tions, the Board office may conduct interviews and speak to witnesses including the in-volved parties.

4.Based upon the results of the investigation, the Board office will determine whether the matter has been resolved or requires further action by the Board.

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5.The matter may also be referred to other governmental agencies that may have author-ity over aspects of the complaint such as the Consumer Protection Division of the Office of the Attorney General or a District/County Attorney.

6.The complainant will be notified of any proposed resolution or final action by the Board office, if doing so will not compromise any further investigation or adjudicative actions, and will always be informed when their complaint file is being closed.

These policies are subject to change without notice and are subject to approval by Charis leadership.

Welcome to Charis Bible College!

This Student Handbook is designed to help you become a successful Charis stu-dent. The policies and procedures of Charis reflect the need for Godly order so that our campus environment will provide the greatest possible potential for success and spiritual growth. Please become familiar with the handbook. You are responsi-ble for understanding the policies as set forth.

Acknowledgement of ReceiptCharis Bible College Handbook

I _____________________________________ (please print name), acknowledge I have received a Charis Bible College Student Handbook. I have read it and un-derstand what is expected of me as a Charis Bible College Student.

Signed: ___________________________________________________

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Date: _____________________________________________________

Please complete the above, with signature and return to Charis Administration.This form will become part of your permanent student record.

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