Characteristics Useful for the Diagnosis and Classification of Non-Lymphoid Neoplasms Gross...


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Characteristics Useful for the Diagnosis and Classification of Non-Lymphoid Neoplasms

Gross Pathology Counts and Cytology

Blood Bone Marrow

Lineage Assessment Flow Immunophenotyping Cyto- and

Immunohistochemistry Immune Receptor Gene


Genetics Clonality Alterations in

Oncogenes/Tumor Suppressors

Gene Expression Patterns Biological

Characteristics Disease Course Transplantation

Gross Pathology Organ Size, Color, Appearance

Particularly Spleen, Liver, Lymph Nodes

Color of Bone Marrow Presence of Inflammatory Lesions Presence of Non-hematopoietic


Counts and Cytology Peripheral Blood

Total White Blood Cell Count White Blood Cell Differential Count including

Presence of Young Forms (Blasts) Presence of Abnormal Leukocyte Morphology Hemoglobin

Bone Marrow Nucleated Cell Differential Count Percentage Young Forms (Blasts) Presence of Abnormal Megakaryocytes, Erythroid

Cells, or Granulocytes

Lineage Assessment of Young Forms and Accompanying Cells Immunophenotyping of Blood, Bone Marrow Cytochemical & Immunohistochemical Stains

Histopathology of Bone Marrow, Organs and Other Tissues

Amount, Appearance, and Location of Myeloid Cells

Disappearance of Normal Cell Types Disruption of Normal Architecture Spread into Adjacent Structures

Genetics Assessment of Clonality:

Karyotype, Proviral Integrations, Immune Receptor Gene Rearrangements

Alterations in Oncogenes/Tumor Suppressor Genes

Gene Expression Patterns

Biological Features-Disease Course Time from Detection of Illness by Observation

and Physical Examination Time from Detection of Illness by Peripheral

Blood Abnormalities

Biological Features-Transplantation Variables include

Number of cells injected Route of injection Character of disease in recipient

(localized vs. disseminated) Type of recipient

Immunodeficient, Nude Immunodeficient, Other Histocompatible, lethally irradiated Histocompatible, sub-lethally irradiated Histocompatible, unirradiated

Time from transplantation to illness
