Characteristics of Life & The Scientific Method Vocabulary


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Characteristics of Life & The Scientific Method


1) Biology = study of life 2) Cell = basic unit of structure and function of all living things 3) Science = A body of evidence-based knowledge gained through observation and

experimentation related to the natural world and technology. 4) Homeostasis = the regulation of an organism’s internal environment to maintain conditions that allow it to

live 5) Hypothesis = testable explanation; written in “ IF… THEN ” format 6) Theory = is an explanation based on many observations (hypothesis is repeatedly verified over time and

through may separate experiments) 7) Principle (scientific) = A concept based on scientific laws and axioms (rules

assumed to be present, true, and valid) where general agreement is present. 8) Law = describes relationships under certain conditions in nature; Describes but does

not explain a natural event 9) Agriculture = The artificial cultivation of food, fiber, and other goods by the

systematic growing and harvesting of various organisms. 10) Embryology = The branch of zoology studying the early development of living

things. 11) System = A set of interacting or interdependent components, real or abstract, that form an integrated whole.

An open system is able to interact with its environment. A closed system is isolated from its environment. 12) Mechanism (scientific) = The combination of components and processes that serve a common function.

Classification Vocabulary:

1) Eukaryotic cells = have membrane-bound nucleus and organelles; usually more complex than prokaryotic cell

2) Prokaryotic cells = does NOT have a nucleus or other membrane-bound organelles


Chemistry of Life Vocabulary:

1) Atom = Smallest particle of an element that has the characteristics of that element

2) Nucleus = Center of atom; contains protons & neutrons

3) Molecule = a group of covalently bonded atoms with no charge

4) pH = how acidic or basic a substance is

5) Freezing Point = The temperature at which a liquid changes state to a solid.

6) Macromolecules = extremely large compounds made of smaller ones.

7) Carbohydrates = Compounds used for storage and release of energy; Made of C, H, O atoms; Ratio is 2 Hydrogen atoms : 1 Oxygen atom

8) Lipids = Commonly called fats & oils; Contain more C-H bonds and less O atoms than carbohydrates; Basic building blocks: 3 fatty acids + 1 glycerol

o Functions of lipids in our body:

a) Long term energy storage (used when carbohydrates are NOT available)

b) Insulation

c) Protect body tissue (cushioning)

9) Proteins = Large complex polymer composed of C, H, O, N, & sometimes S; Basic building blocks: Amino acids

o Functions of proteins in our body:

1. Muscle contraction

2. Transport oxygen in the bloodstream

3. Provide immunity (antibodies)

4. Carry out chemical reactions

46) Peptide bond = a covalent bond that joins amino acids to each other

47) Adhesion = The intermolecular attraction between unlike molecules. Capillary action results from the adhesive properties of water and the molecules that make up plant cells

48) Specific heat = The measure of the heat energy required to increase the temperature of a unit quantity of a substance by a certain temperature interval.

49) Temperature = A measure of the average kinetic energy (energy of motion) of particles in a sample of matter. This physical property can determine the rate and extent to which chemical reactions can occur within living systems. It is commonly measured in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit.

50) Enzymes = A specialized type of protein; acts like a catalyst = substance that speeds up the rate of a chemical reaction but it is not used up in the reaction.

51) Nucleic acids = Complex polymer that stores information in cells in the form of a code; Monomer: nucleotides, which consist of C, H, O, N, P

• 2 types of nucleic acids:


1. DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) contains all the instructions for an organisms development…..AKA genetic information

2. RNA (ribonucleic acid) forms a copy of DNA and is used for protein synthesis (production)

Cell Vocabulary: 1) Tissue = a group of cells functioning together to perform and activity

2) Organs = groups of two or more tissues that function together

3) Eukaryotic cell = cells that contain a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles

4) Prokaryotic cell = cells that lacks a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles

5) Organelles = carries out specific functions in a cell

6) Nucleus = Control center of the cell

7) Ribosomes = produces proteins

8) Intracellular = Located inside a cell.

9) Golgi body = Temporary storage, secretion and packaging of proteins and fats

10) Mitochondria = Powerhouse of the cell (energy production →ATP)

11) Lysosomes = Contains digestive enzymes that break down molecules; ONLY in animal cells

12) Pumps (ion or molecular) = Any of several molecular mechanisms in which ions or molecules are transported across a cellular membrane requiring the use of an energy source (e.g., glucose, sodium [NA+], Calcium [CA+], and potassium [K+]).

13) Centrioles = Moves chromosomes during cell division; ONLY in animal cells

14) Cell wall = supports and protects; ONLY in plant cell; outside the plasma membrane

15) Chloroplast = site of photosynthesis; ONLY in plant cells

16) Passive Transport = movement of molecules across the membrane by using the molecules kinetic energy. The cell exerts NO energy!

17) Diffusion = the net movement of particles from an area of HIGHER concentration of particles to an area of LOWER concentration of particles.

18) Osmosis = the diffusion of water molecules from an area of HIGH water concentration to an area of LOW water concentration

19) Facilitated Diffusion = type of passive transport that increases the rate of diffusion with the use of carrier proteins

20) Active Transport = transport of materials against the concentration gradient and requires cellular energy

21) Endocytosis = type of active transport by which a cell surrounds and takes in material from its environment

22) Exocytosis = type of active transport that expels materials out of the cell, reverse of endocytosis

23) Homeostatic Mechanism = A regulatory mechanism that contributes to maintaining a state of equilibrium (e.g., thermoregulation, water regulation, and oxygen regulation)

24) Impermeable = Not permitting passage of a substance or substances.


Cellular Division & Mitosis Vocabulary:

1) Chromosomes = made of protein & a long, single, tightly coiled DNA

molecule visible only when the cell divides 2) Interphase = longest part of a cell's life cycle; DNA is replicated, more

cytoplasm and organelles are being made in preparation of diving

Photosynthesis & Cellular Respiration


1) ATP = (adenosine triphosphate); energy storing molecule

2) Photosynthesis = the process that provides energy for almost all life

DNA & Protein Synthesis Vocabulary:

1) DNA = blueprint of life (has the instructions for making an organism)

2) Chromosome = coiled DNA

3) Gene = a segment of DNA that codes for a protein, which in turn codes for a trait (skin tone, eye color, etc); a gene is a stretch of DN

4) Semiconservative replication = parental strands of DNA separate, serve as a template, and produce DNA molecules that have one strand of parental DNA and one strand of new DNA.

5) Transcription = is the process through which DNA transfers the code to mRNA 6) Translation = is the process through which mRNA is decoded and forms a protein 7) Ribosomes = tiny organelles where proteins are assembled 8) Protein = a polymer made up of amino acids


Meiosis Vocabulary: 1) Gamete = sex cell 2) Crossing over = when nonsister chromatids of homologous chromosomes exchange genetic information,

results in a new combination of gene 3) Meiosis = a two stage type of cell division that results in gametes with half the number of chromosome

number as the body cells 4) Endosymbiosis = A theorized process in

which eukaryotic cells were formed from simpler prokaryotes.

Mendelian Genetics Vocabulary: 1) Genetics = study of heredity 2) Alleles = two forms of a gene (dominant & recessive) 3) Dominant = stronger of two genes expressed in the hybrid; represented by a capital letter (R) 4) Recessive = gene that shows up less often in a cross; represented by a lowercase letter (r) 5) Genotype = gene combination for a trait (ex: RR, Rr, rr) 6) Phenotype = the physical feature resulting from a genotype (e.g. tall, short) 7) Gene expression = The process in which a nucleotide sequence of a gene is used to make a functional

product such as protein or RNA. 8) Sex-linked traits = traits that occur more frequently in one sex than the other because the genes are on the

sex chromosomes 9) Allele Frequency = The measure of the relative frequency of an allele at a genetic locus in a population;

expressed as a proportion or percentage.

Patterns of Heredity Vocabulary:


1) Incomplete dominance = neither allele for a gene dominates � Notation:

• Alleles are all capital letters because NEITHER one dominates the other. So one of the alleles has a prime ( ‘ ) on it to represent an alternate expression of the gene.

2) Codominance = both alleles are expressed equally � Notation:

• 2 different alleles (capital letters) are used

3) Multiple alleles = more than 2 alleles for a single gene can control a trait; example = blood types

4) Polygenic inheritance = traits are determined by many genes

5) Sex-linked crosses = traits are carried on the sex chromosomes � Notation:

• The alleles for these traits are written as superscripts on the X chromosome ONLY. • No alleles are written on the Y chromosome!

� Ex: Colorblind male = XbY and Normal male = XBY

6) Mutation = a random error or change in the DNA sequence that may affect whole chromosomes or just one gene

7) Nondisjunction = failure of homologous chromosomes to separate during meiosis resulting in gametes (egg or sperm) with too few or too many chromosomes

8) Translocation =occurs when part of one chromosomes breaks off and is added to a different chromosome 9) Point mutation = a change in a single base pair in DNA

10) Frameshift mutation = error in the DNA sequence that adds or deletes a single nitrogen base, causing nearly all amino acids following the mutation to be changed

Biotechnology Vocabulary: 1) Genetic engineering = (biotechnology) manipulating DNA 2) Gene therapy = A "normal" gene is inserted into the genome to replace an "abnormal," disease-causing

gene 3) Gene splicing = Rejoining cut fragments of DNA 4) Genetically modified organisms = organisms with artificially altered DNA 5) Forensics = The science of tests and techniques used during the investigation of crimes. 6) Gene recombination = A natural process in which a nuclear acid molecule (usually DNA but can be RNA)

is broken and then joined to a different molecule; a result of crossing over.


Evolution Vocabulary:

1) Natural Selection = a mechanism for change in populations that occurs when organisms with favorable variations for a particular environment survive, reproduce, and pass these variations on to the next generations

2) Evolution = change in the gene pool of a population in response to various stimuli exhibited by a species OVER TIME

3) Homologous Structures = Similarities in structure and arrangement—likeness indicates a genetic relationship through a common ancestor

4) Punctuated Equillibrium = A proposed explanation in evolutionary biology stating that species are generally stable over long periods of time. Occasionally there are rapid changes that affect some species which can quickly result in a new species.

5) Selective Breeding = The process of breeding organisms that results on offspring with desired genetic traits. 6) Vestigial structure = any body structure that is reduced in function in a living organism but may have been

used in an ancestor 7) Genetic Drift = change in allele frequencies in a gene pool due to chance.

8) Founder Effect = random effect that can occur when a small population settles in an area separated from the rest of the population and interbreeds, producing unique allelic variations.

9) Speciation = splitting of 1 species into 2 or more 10) Migration (genetics) = The permanent movement of genes into or out of a population resulting in a change

in allele frequencies. 11) Nonnative Species = A species normally living outside a distribution range that has been introduced

through either deliberate or accidental human activity; also can be known as invasive, alien, nonindigenous, or exotic.

12) Gradualism = A proposed explanation in evolutionary biology stating that new species arise from the result of slight modifications (mutations and resulting phenotypic changes) over many generations.

13) Isolating mechanism = Features of behaviors, morphology, or genetics which serve to prevent mating or breeding between two different species (e.g., temporal isolation, in which individuals are active at different times of the day, seasons, or mating periods; ecological isolation, in which individuals only mate in their specific habitat; behavioral isolation, when there are no sexual cues between representatives of the species; mechanical isolation, when there is no sperm transfer during an attempted mating; and gametic incompatibility, when there is sperm transfer without fertilization occurring).


Ecology Vocabulary:

1) Ecology = the scientific study of interaction between organism and their environments 2) Biotic factors = all the living organism that inhabit an environment 3) Abiotic factors = the nonliving parts of the environment 4) Ecosystem = the interacting system of a biological community and its nonliving

environment 5) Community = is a collection of interacting populations 6) Terrestrial = A term that describes an organism associated with a land environment. 7) Habitat = place where an organism lives 8) Producer = organisms that produce their own food are called autotrophs 9) Consumer = they obtain food by eating other organisms 10) Decomposers = organisms that break down the remains of other organisms 11) Food chain = shows only one prey-predator relationship and how each living thing gets its food 12) Food web = shows a better picture of interrelationships between plants and animals 13) Trophic levels = link represented by each organism in a food chain 14) Symbiosis = permanent, close association between two or more organisms of different species 15) Succession = orderly, natural changes that take place in the communities of an ecosystem 16) Energy Transformation = A process in which energy changes from one form to another form while some

of the energy is lost to the environment. 17) Aquatic = A term that describes an organism associated with a water environment. 18) Biochemical Conversion = The changing of organic matter into other chemical forms such as fuels. 19) Bioenergetics = The study of energy flow (energy transformations) into and within living systems. 20) Biogeochemical Cycles = The movement of abiotic factors between the living and nonliving components

within ecosystems; also known as nutrient cycles (i.e., water cycle, carbon cycle, oxygen cycle, and nitrogen cycle).

21) Biosphere = The zone of life on Earth; sum total of all ecosystems on Earth. 22) Limiting Factor = Chemical or physical factor that limits the existence, growth, abundance, or distribution

of an individual organism or a population. 23) Extinction = A term that typically describes a species that no longer has any known living individuals. 24) Population dynamics = The study of short- and long-term changes in the number of individuals for a given

population, as affected by birth, death, immigration, and emigration. 25) Endemic Species = A species that is found in its originating location and is generally restricted to that

geographic area. 26) Biomes = a large group of ecosystems that share the same type of climax community

� Two factors that will determine which biome will be dominant on land: Temperature and precipitation
