Characteristics of Filipino Adolescent


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Characteristics of

Filipino Adolescent

Defining the Adolescent • Young people are also referred

to as adolescents, teenagers and youth. The United Nations World Health Organization (WHO) defines adolescents as all individuals between the ages of 10 and 19. Within this age range, the category from 10-14 years old is classified as early adolescence while that from 15-19 years old is classified as late adolescence.

A. The Family•  The family is seen as the major

socializing agent for the adolescent.

• A content analysis of 10 interviews of adolescents revealed that themes revolved around the family is still considered central to their lives. The absence, the weakening or breakdown of the nuclear family structure is a major contributory source of adolescent problems.


• The significant increase in prayer meeting or bible study participation among young people indicates the intensity of the youth’s search for certainty and protection in a world where so many institutions have broken faith.

C. School

• Today’s youth claimed to enjoy school a lot but when seen against their performance and grades, studying had very little to do with why they enjoyed it. Over two-thirds said they were average performers with passing grades as the objective. They hardly showed any desire to do better, demonstrating little value for excellence

                    AGREE OR DISAGREE?

• Females performed better in school, studied longer and applied words with actions more than males despite the fact that they had more responsibilities at home.


• The media has truly become a surrogate parent to the youth providing programs to watch, music to listen to, favorite pop idols and reading materials.


The MEDIA has the most pervasive influence on the youth.It is through mass that most respondents have gotten their sexual information and have experienced sexual activities such as phone sex and cybersex. It has also been able to penetrate the homes through the VHS, VCD and the Internet.


• Adolescents’ participation in organizations has two major functions, namely, as a socializing agent for the development of self-identity and values and as a venue for social contribution.


• The peer group reproduces the dominant, adult culture by providing anticipatory socialization to students to learn the values of loyalty, trust, commitment, camaraderie, cooperation and the drive for excellence. 

• This, of course, is not to downplay the negative results that might ensue from peer association. Bad habits such as smoking, taking prohibited drugs, drinking alcoholic beverages and sex-related experiences are learned mostly from the peer group (Lanuza, 2000).

F. Values

• Moral values seemed to have deteriorated and social acceptance rather than principle had become the norm for behavior • (McCann Erickson,


                      MALES VS FEMALES

• Sex differences regarding core values were apparent. Males valued the family, religion and nation and appeared to give more importance to social awareness than females. Females, on the other hand, valued family attachment, social mobility, friendships, autonomy, moral orientation and social consciousness

(McCann Erickson, 1993).

G. Goals, Dreams and Aspirations

• Most of the time, adolescents’ goals, dreams and aspirations are focused on finishing education, helping their families and being gainfully employed (Co, 1990). Obtaining a degree is viewed to be highly important in the competition for jobs and for the improvement of one’s quality of life.

H. Courtship 

• In a study done on college students, courtship was defined as: 1) a part of the process in forming a romantic relationship; 2) a way for two people to get to know each other well; 3) a way to express/show affection for a person; and 4) a form of deception.

• Courtship may lead to a relationship but not necessarily to a marriage (Billedo, et al, 1997). Physical intimacies (such as holding hands, hugging and kissing) happen towards the latter part of to after the courtship, once the couple has formally committed themselves to a relationship

I. Sexuality

• Although teachers have been perceived to be the best source of information regarding sex, adolescents preferred their peers. They did not see virginity and pre-marital sex in absolute terms anymore and were open in discussing family planning methods.

                      DID YOU KNOW?!

• Fifty-seven percent of Filipino youth saw nothing wrong with masturbation shown to be more common among males. Thirty-eight percent thought it “okay” to have homosexual relationships. Attitudes on abortion remained elusive as only a few studies had been done at that time

THAT’S ALL!Thank You


                                                                                                -MICHAEL JOHN LABOG
