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  • 1. Its amazing that the amount ofnews that happens in the worldevery day always just exactly fitsthe newspaper. Jerry SeinfeldCopyright 2010, 2006 Pearson Education, Inc.

2. 1. Uses and gratifications2. Selective exposure3. Agenda setting4. Cultivation theoryCopyright 2010, 2006 Pearson Educatiaon, Inc. 3. 1. Uses and gratifications2. Selective exposure3. Agenda setting4. Cultivation theoryCopyright 2010, 2006 Pearson Educatiaon, Inc. 4. 1. Entertainment2. Personal identity3. Integration & social interaction4. InformationCopyright 2010, 2006 Pearson Educatiaon, Inc. 5. 1. Entertainment2. Personal identity3. Integration & social interaction4. InformationCopyright 2010, 2006 Pearson Educatiaon, Inc. 6. 1. media immersion enculturates people to shared beliefs about the world.2. media distort images of the world.3. media are dominated by large corporations.4. media set cultural agendasCopyright 2010, 2006 Pearson Educatiaon, Inc. 7. 1. media immersion enculturates people to shared beliefs about the world.2. media distort images of the world.3. media are dominated by large corporations.4. media set cultural agendasCopyright 2010, 2006 Pearson Educatiaon, Inc. 8. 1. uses and gratifications2. cultivation theory3. agenda setting research4. linear model researchCopyright 2010, 2006 Pearson Educatiaon, Inc. 9. 1. uses and gratifications2. cultivation theory3. agenda setting research4. linear model researchCopyright 2010, 2006 Pearson Educatiaon, Inc. 10. 1. Media event2. Media text3. Media broadcast4. Media agendaCopyright 2010, 2006 Pearson Educatiaon, Inc. 11. 1. Media event2. Media text3. Media broadcast4. Media agendaCopyright 2010, 2006 Pearson Educatiaon, Inc. 12. 1. it involves media representations2. it is a means of social construction of self and other3. we can freely opt out of participation4. it outlines what is acceptable and even idealCopyright 2010, 2006 Pearson Educatiaon, Inc. 13. 1. it involves media representations2. it is a means of social construction of self and other3. we can freely opt out of participation4. it outlines what is acceptable and even idealCopyright 2010, 2006 Pearson Educatiaon, Inc. 14. 1. be an active agent2. be steadfast in your beliefs3. broaden your media horizons4. critically evaluate messagesCopyright 2010, 2006 Pearson Educatiaon, Inc. 15. 1. be an active agent2. be steadfast in your beliefs3. broaden your media horizons4. critically evaluate messagesCopyright 2010, 2006 Pearson Educatiaon, Inc. 16. 1. confirming social identities2. understanding the world3. predicting media economics4. interpreting media events5. monitoring media violenceCopyright 2010, 2006 Pearson Educatiaon, Inc. 17. 1. confirming social identities2. understanding the world3. predicting media economics4. interpreting media events5. monitoring media violenceCopyright 2010, 2006 Pearson Educatiaon, Inc. 18. Dont forget to post a comment onMyClasses if you want further clarification or explanation of a topic!