Chapter One: Lucy looks into a Wardrobe. air raid- Attack by aircraft on a city


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Chapter One:

Lucy looks into a Wardrobe

air raid-Attack by aircraft on a city


stags-male deer


wireless- a radio

trooped-to move or march together

Suit of armor- Protective covering worn in battle

wardrobe-large free standing closet


moth balls-small balls containing a chemical to keep away moths

queer-strange or unusual

inquisitive-asking questions



faun-half man half goat; from Roman mythology

Chapter Two:

What Lucy found there

daughter of Eve-human female child

son of Adam-human male child

Sardines-small salty fish

English tea-custom of afternoon refreshments

melancholy-sad or depressed

geography-studying the features of the earth

tongs-handles to grasp

nymphs-beautiful maidens living in springs, rivers or cool caves

Silenus-woodland deity, friend of Dionysus; has horse’s ears and tail

dryad-spirit living inTrees; harmless



Bacchus-Greek god of wine

jollification-merrymaking, celebrating


bawled-cried out

lulling-soothe, relax

heartily-with energy, enthusiastic, firmly


Handkerchief-A small piece of linen, for wiping one’s nose

Chapter Three:

Edmund and the wardrobe

hoax-to trick, to play a trick

spiteful-to shame, to be mean or hateful

sneer-laughing with facial expressions usually negative


heather-open area with small purplish flowers

wretched-bad, depressed, rejected

groping-to feel one’s way

accord-without being asked or told;voluntarily

pax-to call for a truce, peace

sulking-moody, silent, pouting

gilded-overlaywith gold

scarlet-colors of red

sledge- sleigh

stern-strict, rigid

harness-gear strapped on animal to control it

Dwarves-mythical beings, short, long beards, work in mines

Shetland ponies

Chapter four:

turkish delight

dominions-nations, kingdom,territory



wrappings-layers of clothes

enchanted-charmed, magic

Turkish Delight-type of very sweet candy


foamy-whipped or creamy

courtiers-members of royal court, servants

Shovel down-expression for eating food quickly

snappish-speech that is rude or spoken from annoyance


Chapter five:

back on this side of the door


superior-best, more powerful

beastly-rotten, bratty

jeer-to openly make fun of someone

logic-to think orderly

disposal-orderly placement

consideration-time to think about

spectacles-eye glasses

inclined-tending or leaning toward

trippers-travelers, tourists

Reliable-with trustworthy qualities

Nobles-a person of noble birth or rank, like a Duchess.

Chapter six:

into the forest

camphor-fragrant oil from wood or bark



jove-expression of surprise or agreement

prigs-thief; one who offends or irritates

wrenched-twisted suddenly;jerked

crockery-pottery, dishes

shreds-torn off strips

occupant-person living there



chatelaine-mistress of a castle

harboring-providing a place of security and comfort

fraternizing-to be friendly with; to mingle

larder-pantry where food is stored

castellan-warden of castle

Chapter seven:

a day with the beavers

beckoned-to call out to

bough-branch of tree

token-object used as a symbol for something else

trifle-small thing of little importance

festoons-decorative chain hanging between two points

burring-a sound like humming

oilskins-oiled cloth to make it waterproof

mortar- cement to put bricks together

trowels- flat bladed tool used to apply or spread

marmalade-thick fruit jelly

contentment-to be satisfied

Chapter eight:

what happened after dinner

stratagem-to make or have a plan

peddlers-one who sells goods along a roadway

mane-long hair growing on neck of animals

treacherous-unreliable, betraying, hidden danger

prophecy-prediction of future events

reign-period of time when someone rules a nation

plunging-falling off

decoy-to lure someone into a trap


Chapter nine:

in the witch’s house

Giantess-very large and powerful

shins-front of leg below the knee

Jinn- spirit that takes human form and serves the one who called it

cinema-movie, theater

schemes-crafty plan

Dunce’s cap- cone cap

used for punishment

turret-little tower

Satyrs-Greek creature with horse or goat features



half manhalf horse

lithe-easily bent, gentle, silent


threshold-door, a place of beginning

spoils-ruins, destroys

reckon-to figure out

eerie-creepy, scary

shuffle- Move feet on ground slowly without lifting them

gloat-feel good about something at expense of others

tread-to walk, step on


Chapter ten:

the spell begins to break

plaguey-troublesome, irritating, annoyance

flask-small bottle

hilt-handle of sword

sheath-holder on belt for a sword blade

frowsty-musty, uncared for, stale


curtsey- ladies respectful bow

Sluice-gate-artificial passage for water with a gate

cordial-warm medicine or drink

splutter-spitting or choking sound

brambles-prickly brush

quiver-long case for arrows

Fire flowers

Chapter eleven:

aslan is nearer

repulsive-disgusting, cold, forbidding

plucked-snatched or picked

gaiety-merrymaking, finery

gluttony-to eat or drink too much

Self-indulgence-pleasing one’s self, usually too much

shafts-beams of light

alighting-to land


councillor-(counselor)one who gives advice

glade-open space surrounded by woods

chirruping-chirp, short sound of an insect

crocuses-single long tubed flower

vicious-Dangerous, can cause harm

vermin-offensive animal




Chapter twelve:

peter’s first battle

currant-small seedless fruit

thickets-tangled growth of trees or bushes

grim-stern appearance

awkward-shy, uncomfortable

pavilion-part of a building, tent

Rampant-rearing on hind legs

fidgets-restless, nervous

Alsatian-German shepherd

bane-slayer, kill







Chapter thirteen:

Deep magic from the dawn of time

renounced-to give up

Safe conduct-protection given to someone to pass through


traitor-someone disloyal or double-crossing

offense-breaking a rule

engraved-carving or etching on a hard surface

scepter-rod used by an authority

yew-evergreen tree or bush

Minotaur-mythical half bull half man

claim-declaring as owner

forfeit-loss because of not fulfilling obligation

werewolf-person believed to turn into wolf

ghoul-evil and terrifying spirit

boggle-goblin; ghostly, awful

ogre-evil giant or monster who eats people

hag-bad old women; witches

spectre-a ghostly presence

Chapter fourteen:

The triumph of the witch

campaign-organized actions planned to accomplish a goal

siege-to surround and cut off from outside access

Gibber – chatter, to speak foolishly

assault-to attack

rabble-bad crowd, assault by a mob


enrage-to become mad

encamp-to set up a camp

hoist-raise or lift

whet-to sharpen a blade by rubbing a stone


appeased-to bring about peace

surged-move or push forward


efreet-mythical fire Jinn who resents humans

incubus-a male demon

wraith-ghost of a dead person

ettin-3-headed giant in English fairy tales

sprite-small spirit being like an elf or a fairy


Chapter fifteen:

Deeper magic from the dawn of


vermin-offensive person or animal

vile-awful, disgusting, worthless

stroke-move hand over lightly in a loving way

fondle-to handle tenderly

spitefulness-mean or cruel

peer-to look at carefully

lashing-quick back and forth movement

romp-to play in high spirited way

battlements-protective walls

skirling-sound loudly,rattle


incantation-words or chants to produce magic

giddy-rugged, jagged



Chapter sixteen:What happened

about the statues

bound-move quickly and energetically

whisked-quick sweeping motion


indigo-blue color

plumage-Feathers of bird

concealed-to keep hidden


ransacking-to search, plunder

liberating-to set free

surged-to move like a wave in a sudden rush

rubble-pieces of destroyed building

deformed-unshapely form, spoiled, hideous looking

din-loud, harsh continuing noise

fusty-moldy, musty

saccharine-very sweet, sugary


Chapter seventeen:

The hunting of the white stag

foreboding-To have an inward ill feeling

signification-to give signs or symbols

revelry-lively celebration

piercing-intense sound

remnants-small part left over or survivors

quarry- hunted animal or bird

lurking-hiding and waiting

alliance-close connection;partners

array-beautiful clothing or to set in order


thicket-thick growth of shrubs, bushes, or small trees


