CHAPTER –I · 2015-12-04 ·...


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The general notice of education a few thousand years ago was that of someone assigning

lessons to a group of young people and punishing them for their mistake. But now with the

introduction of several communication media in transferring the sophisticated knowledge into

swipe and understandable form and with substantial change in the education norms as well is

moving towards a speedy evolution.

Education is absolutely necessary for each and every individual if he or she is to lead the

life successfully. Education enables a man to find solutions of the problems of his life easily.

This is the reason that importance of education has been realized since the very drawn of history.

Human beings are unequally endowed with many abilities. The intellectual and cultural

aspects of animals unlike other creatures, human beings are capable of learning and of being

educated. Education is able to install in the child a sense of maturity and responsibility by

bringing in him the desired changes according to his needs and demands of even changing

society of which he is an integral part. Education ensures survival of human race maintains his

intellectual and cultural conditions and helps in developing enlightened civilizations that history

has witnessed through ages.


Education is that conductive process which draws a person from darkness, poverty and

misery by developing his personality in all aspects as physical, mental, social, emotional, cultural

and spiritual. As a result he becomes a resourceful and enlightened citizen, who contributes all

his society and nation. This world would have been enveloped in intellectual darkness, if it had

not been illuminated by the light of education.

Education develops the individual like a flower which distributes its fragrance all over

the environment. As Locke has aptly remarked, “plants are developed by cultivation and men

by education”.

Education makes individual fit for their environment both natural and socio-cultural

through the development of their abilities. The process of education which makes human beings

successful in their respective environments continues throughout the life. In other words,

education becomes a lifelong process. Man learns from birth to death. It is axiomatic that he

learn something from our experience, activities and social environment, thus, education is not

only preparation for life but also synonymous with life.

Now the question arises, what is education? Thinkers, philosophers and educationists,

through different periods of human civilization have attempted to define education and in doing

so they have left the mark of their own values and philosophers on the definition they have


Education is an abstract entity and its concept is dynamic. Society can’t remain static, as

the society changes, the function of education also changes and this is the reason that education

is a continuous process. It has gone through different periods and stages in the process of

evolution and at each and every stage in the process on evolution and at every stage it has had a

different meaning according to the needs and circumstances prevailing in the goals, values and

desirable of individual and society.

Education is the process of bringing desirable change into the behavior of human beings.

It can also be defined as the process of importing or acquiring knowledge and habits through

instruction and study. When learning is progressive to words goals that have been established in

accordance with a philosophy which has been defined for and is understood by the learner it is

called “Education”.

Etymological Meaning of Education:-

Etymological, the term education is believed to be taken from the Latin word “educare”

which means “to nourish”. In other words it means that the education is to brought up or to

nourish the child physically as well as mentally. The other word in the same language is

“Educere” which mean “to bring forth” “to draw out” or the propulsion from the internal to

external. The main purpose of education is to develop the inborn qualities of a child to the full

and to provide guidance.

There are still others who believe that the word had been derived from another Latin

word “Educatum” which means to teach or to train.

Latin words Meanings

1. Educare To bring up, nourish

2. Educere To bring from, to draw out

3. Educatum Act of teaching or training

The word “Education” is composed of two terms “E” implies a progress from in- ward

to onwards while “duce” means developing or progressing. Thus the term education means to

provide a nourishing environment that would facilitate or bring out and develop the potentialities

of a child.

Suitable Definations of Education:-

According to RigVeda : - Education is something which makes a man self-reliant and


According to Dr. Jakir Hussain : - “Education is the process of individual mind

getting to its full possible development. It is a long school which lasts a life time.”

According to M. K. Gandhi:- “Man is neither mere intellect, nor the gross animal

body, nor the heart or soul alone. A proper and harmonious combination of all three is

required for the making of the whole man and constitutes the ………..economics of


According to Tagore:- “Education means enabling the wind to find out ultimate

truth which emancipates us from the bondage of dust.”

According to Swami Vivekananda:- “Education is the menifestation of divine

perfection already existing in man.”

Synonyms of Education:-

In India there is a rich tradition of education dating back to the dawn of human

civilization, where the “Gurukulas” and “Guru-shishya parampra” developed thousands of

years ago. The synonyms of education are given below:-

1. Shiksha:- It is divided from the root word “Shas” mean “to discipline” or “to control”.

2. Vidya:- It is derived from the root “vid” meaning “to know”.

3. Pedagogy :- Sometimes the word pedagogy is used for education. This word is composed

of two words - “paides” and “as-gein” which means “boy” or “girl” and “to lead”. It

means to lead the boy. Thus is the science of instruction for the purpose of leading the

pupil. In this may education is a process of development.

Data of education:-

The data of education consists of following three factors:-

1. The child

2. Heredity

3. Environment

Narrow meaning of education:-

The education or knowledge which a child acquires from various schools, colleges and

universities is considered as total educational concept. According to narrow concept of education

the total education is that which a person acquires at a particular place, from particular persons in

a stipulated time period. In narrow concept education is only confined to 3R’s or Reading,

writing and arithmetic.

Broader meaning of education:-

In a broad concept education is a life-long process. Most of the educationists have

explained it as a never ending process. In its broader meaning all those experiences are involved

which inferences an individual from birth to death. The aim of this type of education is not only

mental development of a person but it includes all the aspects of his personality. This type of

education includes 4H-Head, Heart, Hand,and Health.

Types of education:-

With the development of society, education has taken many shapes, such as: (a) child

education (b) Adult education (c) Technical education (d) Education in the humanities and social

science (e) Education in the arts and crafts (f) Health education (g) Physical classification of

education could be :-

1. Formal education

2. Informal education

3. Non-formal education

1. Formal education:-

Formal education starts from a theoretical or conceptual frame work and leads to

practical or actual field work. In this type of education there is a fixed or pre-decided

curriculum. The audience in this type of education is homogeneous with common goals.

Teaching is vertical and curriculum centered. In this type of education there is strict

adherence to institutional norms and no free choice for the learners. This education is of

specialized nature, i.e., class-oriented, subject centered once degree oriented. In this type of

education, learners are taught directly by the teachers.

In other words, formal education is basically an institutional activity, uniform and subject –

oriented, full-time, sequential, hierarchically structured, leading to certificates, degree and


2. Informal education:-

In this type of education there is a lack of planning and programming as found in

formal education. In this education the learner remains unaware whether he is learning

something or not. He learns from the experiences. For this education no set curriculum, time,

goals and place are fixed. It is no exams are conducted and no certificates are given,

3. Non-formal Education:-

This is a new concept of education. This type of education is a midway between both

the above types of education. In this type of education, the curriculum is prepared by

keeping in view the needs of learner. So, it can be considered as learner centered. In it exams

are held and certificates are also given to the students.

Concept of Teaching:-

The process of teaching and learning keeps an important place in the field of education.

Teaching and learning are the two component of education.

These cannot be separated from each other. There are mainly two concepts of teaching:-

1. Traditional concept :-

Teaching is the act of imparting instructions to the learners is the class room situation.

According to this concept the teacher gives instructions to the students or one student

reads from the text book and others follow him silently. But this concept of education is

not accepted by the modern educationists and philosophers.

2. Modern concept :-

According to modern concept teaching is to cause the child to learn and acquire the

desired knowledge, skills and also desirable ways of living in the society. It is a process

in which learner, teacher, curriculum once other variables are organized in a systematic

and psychological way to attain some pre-determined goals.

Some expert’s views about concept of teaching:-

In Ryburn’s view, “teaching is a relationship which keeps the child to develop all

his powers.”

1. According to H.C. Morrison:- “Teaching is an intimate contact between a more

mature personality and a less mature one which is designed for the further

education of the later.”

2. According to Edmund Amidon:- “Teaching is defined as an interactive process

which takes place between teacher and pupils and occurs during certain

definable activities.”

Phases of Teaching:- So, according to the above definitions we can say that teaching is a tri-

polar divided in the following phases :-

1. Pre-active phase:- The pre-active phase or stage of teaching refers to all that the teacher

does pertaining to teaching but before entering into the class. It is the first and the

beginning phase of his teaching.

2. Interactive phase:- Teaching is sometimes defined as an interaction of the teacher with a

group of students in a contrived setting. In ordinary language this is known as classroom


3. Post active phase:- This is the last and final phase of teaching. It is more formal stage

involving tests, measurement and evaluation. The teacher judges the students on the

adequacy of his ability to have done the job satisfactorily.

Levels of Teaching:-

The child acquires knowledge and simultaneously develops certain mental abilities. But

this kind of learning does not occur uniformly at the same level in case of all teachers teaching in

the school. Depending upon the point, that there is an essential correspondence between the

levels from this point of view there have been identified three levels of teaching:-

1. Memory level of Teaching:-

Bigge describes this level of learning as “Committing factual materials to memory.”

Teaching which emphasize only this aspect of students learning is therefore, termed as memory

level teaching. In other words emphasis on rote learning characterizes memory level teaching. It

is just acquits on and retention of the learning material through mechanical procedures such as

analysis, synthesis etc.

ii. Understanding level of Teaching:-

Biggs proposes three basic criteria of understanding level learning:

(i) Seeing relationships (ii) Usability of learned material, and

(iii) Seeing both relationships and loot use of the material learned.

Seeing relationships implies that the learner has come to know where the learned material

belongs, how it is related to other things, ideas and principles, what its cause or effect may be,


Another criteria of understanding level of learning as laid down by Biggs is the use of

learned material. Understanding involves analysis, application and synthesis of the various units

of information or knowledge of things learned. Progress in all walks of life is largely dependent

on understanding. Knowledge is in completed without understanding.

iii. Reflective level of Teaching:

Teaching at reflective level requires to structure the learning situation in an entirely a

different manner. In order to reflective thin king in the student the teacher has to structure the

teaching-learning situation in such a way that- students act of reflection, scruting, analysis,

reasoning and imagination all can have a free play join that. Student should be provided

opportunities to evaluate and critically examine the given experience.

Concept Teacher Education:

Teacher education programme is must in order to have efficient and really capable

teachers. The saying “Teachers are born not made” is an out dated saying now. That does not

hold good use in the present day situations when we need a large number of teachers for ever

expanding education-countries.

According to Indian education commission: “A sound programme of professional

education of the teachers is essential for the qualitative improvement of education.”

Meaning of teacher education:-

Teacher education involves all those educational experiences which prepare an individual

to teach in a school. For this, course is fixed in an institution according to which people

interested in teaching ability.

Types of teacher education:-

(i) Pre-service education:- it is given to the people who want to be teachers.

Emphasis is given on theory and practice of teaching.

(ii) In service education:- This education is given to the people who are already

working in schools. The aim is to further develop professional skills and

professional growth.

Concept of teacher behavior:-

Behaviour:- The term ‘behaviour’ may be defined as all the activities which an individual

performs generally. It is goal oriented, it contains the goals which an individual selects and the

means one chooses to achieve these goals and as such it is action oriented.

A theory of action was propounded by Parsons and shills (1965) which could serve as a

conceptual model for the analysis and observation of human behavior.

They say that:-

(i) Behaviour is oriented to the attainment of ends or goals or other anticipated state

of affairs;

(ii) It takes place in a situation;

(iii) It is normatively regulated; and

(iv) It involves expenditure of energy or effort or motivation.

According to Iagans (1961) behavior refers to what an individual knows (knowledge)

what he can do (skills-mental and physical) what he things (attitudes) and what he actually does


Behaviour is therefore a function of the person in interaction with the situation.

In the experimental analysis of human behavior three fundamental problems arise:-

(i) Determining the significant factors which influence the behavior under


(ii) Determining how these factors determine the behavior; and

(iii) Deciding the ways in which these factors react.

In order to the bring about an all – round development in the personality of a student, a

trainee or extension worker must devote attention to change in knowledge skills attitudes beliefs

etc. merely increasing knowledge or perfecting skills well not make a man educated.

Teacher behaviour:-

It is a moral duty of a teacher to help his students in attaining the fixed objectives of

teaching learning process and to motivate and to guide them on the right path. So, to fulfill this

duty a teacher teaches his students in different situation.

So, the role which a teacher plays to bring the desirable change in the student’s duty a

teacher teaches his students in different situation.

So, the role which a teacher plays to bring the desirable change in the student’s behavior

and for all over development of them is broadly considered as teacher behavior. The behavior of

a teacher includes all the teaching activities all the learning experience given to the pupils. In

reference to teaching learning process the scope of teacher behavior can be confined (limited) to

the instructions given to the pupils.

A teacher performs many reactions and observation while teaching in the class room. He

makes interaction with the students to achieve the goals of education. So, all those activities

which a teacher performs in the class room are known as teacher’s class room behavior.

So, the term teacher behavior may be considered as the role which a teacher plays for all

over development of his pupils. With this role (behavior) he also tries to modify the student’s

behavior derivable.

According to Ryans:-

“The term teacher behavior in this may be defined as the behavior or activities of

persons as they go about doing whatever is required of teachers particularly those activities

which are concerned with the guidance and direction of the learning activities of the


According to M.C. Nergency and carner:-

“Teacher behavior may be regarded as a function of the characteristics of the teacher

his environment and the tasks in which the teacher engages.”

Types of Teacher Behaviour: - The teacher behavior is of the following types:-

1. Direct behaviour :-

Direct behavior of a teacher is that behavior under which he directly gives

instructions and directions to his pupils to bring desirable change in their behavior and to

achieve the objectives of teaching learning process. It includes lecturing giving

instructions information’s and demonstration etc.

2. Indirect behaviour :-

Indirect behavior is such behavior which includes such activities and behavior

which a teacher performs indirectly rather than directly. In this type of behavior a teacher

works as a motivator or catalytic agent. It includes the satisfaction of students’ curiosity

to solve the questions asked by pupils and to analyse the work done by them.

The medium which is chooses for the expression of above said activities and

behavior may be verbal or non verbal.

3. Teachers’ verbal behavior :-

This type of behavior is such behavior which is expressed through the medium of

language. Most of the times the expression of this type of behavior is held in oral form

but sometimes it may be written form. It includes previous knowledge lasting

recapitulation and asking understanding questions.

4. Teachers’ non-verbal behavior :-

It is that of teacher behavior in which no language is used. It includes the use of

chalk board to draw painting to use various types of teaching aids physical movements

gestures etc.

Characteristics of teacher behaviour:-

1) Teacher behavior depends upon the characteristics of teacher his environment and the

tasks in which the teacher engages.

2) It may change from time to time with the teaching learning situations.

3) It can be observations.

4) It may differ from teacher to teacher.

5) It may direct as well as indirect.

6) It may be verbal and non verbal.

7) It also depends upon the classroom situation.

Concept of Teacher Effectiveness:-

The term teacher effectiveness is very ambiguous and it is very difficult to define it.

It is relative term. It consists of two words ‘teacher’ and ‘effectiveness’.

Teacher means a person who has teaching skills and possesses certain professional qualities of

teaching. The following is the important definition of teacher given by Ravinder Nath Tagore:-

The Word ‘Teacher’ refers to a person who is:

Truthful (T) Energetic

(E) Affectionate (A)

Co-operate (C)

Humble (H) Efficient

(E) Resourceful (R)

The term effectiveness refers to some criteria. The effectiveness of a teacher can be

ascertained by employing some criteria.

“Teacher is effective to the extent that the teacher acts in ways that are favorable to

the development of basic skill, understanding, work habits, desirable attitude, value

judgment and adequate personal adjustment of pupils”.

The definition of teacher-effectiveness is given by D.G.Ryans. It involves three criteria of

teacher-effectiveness. Mitzel has also given the criteria of teacher effectiveness:-

1. Presage Criteria

2. Process Criteria

3. Product Criteria

1. Presage Criteria:-

Presage Criteria of teacher effectiveness involves the personal qualities of a teacher such

as; Cognitive abilities intelligence, aptitude, educational and vocational abilities non

cognitive abilities, personality value, interest, moral attitude etc. the Non-cognitive

abilities of teacher can be improved by providing conducire situation in training


2. Process Criteria:-

Process criteria of teacher effectiveness include the practical teaching abilities and skills.

It concerns with teaching activities and teaching skill or teacher-behaviour. The teaching

skills can be developed by interaction analysis. The quality of content can be improved

by training of programmed instruction. The process criterion may be dependent on

presage criterion for some extent but teaching efficiency can be developed by use of

feedback devices.

3. Product Criteria:-

Product Criterion of teacher effectiveness is the result of teaching in terms of student

achievement and attitude. This is dependent criteria on presage and process criteria but

the teaching efficiency of teacher effectiveness is usually evaluated in terms of student

performance. The improvement in teaching behavior will ultimately influence the product


There are number of variables which are related to teacher effectiveness. Some of these

variables are not measurable but they are very important for teaching efficiency. The following

two are most popular:

a) Confidence of teacher in classroom.

b) Communicative competency of teacher.

The confidence of teaching may be developed by experience and the use of simulated and

micro-teaching. The observation tool can be used for this purpose. The communication

competency is also developed by the use of these devices.

Methods of observing teacher behaviour:-

Since independence number of teacher training institutions and collage of education have

been established, but they could not produce effective teachers. There are two main reasons:-

1) The criterion for admission of pupil teacher is not adequate. Therefore, the candidates

who have the aptitude for teaching are not admitted in the training institutions.

2) The strategies which are employed by teacher education institutions in teaching skills

cannot be developed by these devices. The major assumption of training technology is

about the effective teachers are not only born but they can also be prepared by the use of

feedback devices. There are various feedback devices which are used for the observation

as well as for the modification of teacher behavior. These are considered new innovations

and current practices in teacher education program me.

The following are the main devices which are commonly used to observe the teacher


i) Simulated social skill teaching

ii) Micro teaching

iii) Programmed instruction

iv) Interaction analysis

v) T.Group training.

1) Simulated social skill teaching :-

A number of techniques are being used currently in India as well as in other countries for

the observation of teachers’ behaviour.

The simulated social teaching is one of them. Cruick Shank (1968) has developed a

teacher training system. This system of training is being denoted by several terms such as; role

playing artificial teaching pilot training laboratory method clinical method and inductive

scientific method. The simulation technique is used to induce certain behaviours in artificial

situation. A pupil teacher has to play several roles as a teacher, as a student and as a supervisor;

Cruick Shank considers that this teaching paradigm also includes three elements:-

i. Diagnosis

ii. Prescription

iii. Evaluation

This technique is used for developing the social skill of teaching in class room situations.

When a student performs his role as a teacher, he is observed by observer. So it is a good method

of observing teachers’ behaviour.

2) Micro teaching:-

Micro teaching is one of the most important developments in the field of teaching. It is

originated in stand Ford University in 1963. It is also like a simulated social skill teaching to

provide feedback to teacher trainee for the modification of teacher behaviour.

According to Prof. Allen:-

“Micro teaching is a scaled down teaching encounter in class size and period.”

Basically, Micro teaching is a “scaled down teaching encounter” in which a teacher

teaches a small unit to group 5 to 10 students for a small period of 5 to 10 a student for a small

period of 5 to 10 minutes and one teaching skill is practiced during the teaching. It is a new

training design for pupil teachers which provide an opportunity to practice one teaching skill at a

time and with information about their performance immediately after completion of their lesson.

So, it is a clinical teaching program me which organized to explore the trainee to an organized

curriculum of miniature teaching encounters, moving from the less complex to the more


In this type of teaching the pupil teachers behaviour is observed and after of his lesson a

feedback is provided to him so that he can modify his behaviour. It is also a good technique of

observing teacher behaviour.

3) Programmed instruction:-

The programmed instruction is a new strategy of teaching. It is highly individualized

instructional strategy for the observation and modification of teacher behaviour. It is used for

instructional purpose but it can also be employed as a machanism of feedback theoretical

knowledge of programmed instruction is essential to use it as feedback device for the

modification of teacher behaviour.

According to Susan Markel:-

“It is s method of designing a reproducible sequence of instructional events to

produce a measurable and consistent effect on behaviour of each and every acceptable


Programmed instruction includes the following Principles :-

1. Principle of small steps

2. Principle of active responding

3. Principle of immediate feedback

4. Principle of self- pacing and

5. Principle of student testing

The procedure of development of programmed instruction provides the deep insight and

understanding about the elements structure and their sequence.

During teaching practice the pupil teachers are asked to teach a lesson by following the

traditional approach of lesson planning. The classroom teaching is recorded or evaluated. After

that they are asked to develop the programmed instruction frames on the same topic and asked to

re-teach the same topic to another class of same level. The same criterion measure should be

used to record and evaluate the classroom teaching.

4. Interaction analysis:-

The interaction analysis is a technique for analyzing and observing the classroom

behaviour. It provides the structure, components and flow of behaviour of classroom activities.

The interaction analysis can also be used as a mechanism of feedback device for the observation

and modification of teacher behaviour.

The pupil’s teachers are trained in both theory and practice of interaction analysis for use

in it as observation and feedback device.

They should be well acquainted with encoding and decoding process of interaction

analysis. During the teaching Practice program me, classroom teaching of teachers trainees are

observed by using the interaction analysis. The record sheet of classroom observation should be

given to the teacher concerned and he is asked to decode his own behaviour by preparing the

matrix table. The decoding process provides him own teaching components and flow of


Characteristics of interaction analysis -:

The interaction analysis as an observation device may be useful for developing the

following teaching behaviour:-

1. The verbal interaction of the classroom can be made more effective and interesting.

2. Students’ participation can be increased by the teacher in his teaching.

3. The teacher may shift his direct behaviour into indirect behavior.

4. The creative behaviour patterns can be developed by giving the awareness and the

practice of interaction modes.

5. The technique can be used with another feedback device like micro teaching and

simulated teaching.

T-group Training:-

T-group training is also an observation device for the modification teacher behaviour. It

has been developed by Bethel and Mine in 1947. It is a leaders group which meets without any

agenda or schedule. T-Group consists of eight to twelve trainees and its meeting continues for

two or three hours. The trainees discuss solutions on the basis of their experiences.

It is used as a mechanism of observation and feedback device for the modification of

teacher behaviour. During teaching practice programmer t-group meeting should be organized by

the subject teachers. The subject teaching groups should meet informally to discuss the problems

of teaching practice. This unplanned group discussion emerges real problems and solutions of

clasroom teaching practices. It may provide deep insight into the problems of teaching. The pupil

teachers realize their own mistakes and try to improve them. This device is helpful for

developing social relations.

Characteristics of t-group as a feedback device:-

1. The trainee becomes more sensitive towards his own feeling and other behaviour.

2. Their behaviour becomes more flexible.

3. The pupil – teacher is sensitive towards the group discussion and its decisions.

4. The diagnostic ability is developed among the trainees.

Importance of observation Methods or Devices:-

Education commission (1964-66) has emphasized the need for the improvement of

teacher – education program me so that effective teachers can be produced are the innovations

and current practices for the development of teacher education program me and teaching

practices. These methods are effective in bringing excellence in teaching. The various methods

deals with the different problem of teaching practice and are useful developing different skills

and behaviour pattern.

In the form of conclusion we can say that these devices have different purpose. The

selection of feedback device is based upon the purpose and needs of the trainess. These devices

are useful for developing effective teachers.

Concept of classroom interaction:-

Teaching is an interactive process between a teacher and the taught. It may be

considered as a sort of communication. A teacher is supposed to communicate new ideas,

attitudes, information, behaviour skills etc to the students by interacting with them. The students

are also supposed to participate actively in the process of teaching and learning. So the teacher

and the students interact with each other in the classroom. So, all the verbal and non-verbal

activities with the students are known as classroom interaction.

Types of classroom interaction:-

1. Verbal classroom interaction: - Verbal interaction refers to the message sent or

received verbally. It means conveyance of messages, information’s, instructions and

directions through the words spoken. It requires the knowledge of language. There has to

be a common language for such interaction. It takes place through talks, lectures,

conversations, discussions, story- telling, narration etc.

2. Non-verbal classroom interaction: - Non – verbal interaction is behaviour that conveys

meaning without words. It may be symbolic, non-symbolic, and spontaneous or managed

expressions, eye-contact, body postures, gestures, touch, conversational silences and

human adornment also takes place through auto-sensory methods.

Classroom interaction analysis:-

Interaction analysis is specialized research procedure that provides information about

only a few of the many aspects of teaching. It is an analysis of spontaneous communication

between teacher and pupils, and it is of no value if no one is talking or if teacher talks

continuously, or if student reads from a book.

Classroom interaction analysis refers to a technique consisting of objective and

systematic observation of the classroom events for the study of the teacher’s classroom

behaviour and the process of interaction going inside the classroom.

It assists a teacher to bring desirable modification in his behaviour and improve his

interaction with his pupils for making his teaching more purposeful and more effective. A system

of interaction analysis essentially consists of the process of encoding and decoding. By the

process of encoding the classroom events are recorded in a meaningful way; while the process of

decoding arranges the data into a useful display and then analysis the results in order to study

patterns of teacher behaviour and classroom interaction. Thus interaction analysis works as a

standardized observation tool and analysis technique for identifying the patterns of teacher

behaviour and analysis classroom interaction between the teacher and the students.

Some of well-known definitions of classroom interaction analysis are as follows:-

Thakurs’ view :-

According to Dr. S.K. Thakur classroom interaction analysis “may be defined as an

instrument which is designed to record categories of verbal interaction during, or form,

recorded teaching learning sessions. It is a technique for capturing qualitative and

quantative dimensions of teachers’ verbal behaviour in the classroom.”

Sharma’s view:-

In words of Dr. R.A. Sharma “interaction analysis is specialized research procedure

that provides information about only a few of many aspects of teaching. It is an analysis of

spontaneous communication between teacher and pupils ………. Interaction analysis

applies only to the content free characteristics of verbal communication. The entire process

of interaction analysis becomes a measure of teacher influence because it makes the

assumption that most teacher influence is expressed through verbal statements and most

non-verbal influence is positively correlated with verbal.”

Flanders interaction analysis Technique:-

Teaching may be viewed as a system of interaction between the teacher and the pupils.

Educational researchers have been working on the problems of describing teacher’s classroom

behaviour in a systematic manner for several decades. They have used two systems for this


1. Sign system

2. Category system

Sign system:-

A sign system is composed of list of behaviours. The observer simply checks or notes in

some manner behaviour which occurs during a given period of time. The behaviour is marked

only one during the observational period. The sigh system of the Florida taxonomy of cognitive

behaviour consists of fifty five items which are grouped in seven levels as defined by Bloom


i) Knowledge

ii) Translation

iii) Interpretation

iv) Application

v) Analysis

vi) Synthesis

vii) Evaluation

The behaviour is marked only once as it occurs forty minutes observation period. In the

case of sign system the isolated events to be observed are determined and frequencies of

occurance of each of them is recorded, for example, the number of times a teacher asks

questions, number of times he praises etc.

Category system:-

A category system is composed of a discrete set category. A behaviour unit is

classified into categories. An observe simply encodes the classroom events which occur during a

threee second of duration, e.g. flinders’ ten categories system of interaction analysis consists of

three major units of behaviour –A- teacher talks, B-pupils – talk, C-none of these or both. Each

unit of behaviour is calculated in number of categories:-

The category system is of two types:-

a) The reciprocal category system.

b) The equivalent talks categories.

i) Reciprocal category system: - Richard Ober (1967) of the University of Florida

has put forward a modification of the Flander’s interaction analysis system. There

are nineteen categories in this system. The nine categories are applicable to either

teacher or students in reciprocal manner and tenth category is silence or


ii) Equivalent talk categories: - E.L. Bently and E. Milber has developed the

equivalent- talk category (ETC) in (1970). The categories of this system emphasis

the type and degree of intellectual interchange between the teacher and his pupils

enabling us to determine the available opportunities for pupils to think and to inter

in the classroom. It makes possible to observe and measure cognitive interaction

in a classroom between teacher and student.

Development of interaction analysis observation system:-

Ned A. Flanders (1951) was interested to study the classroom influence of teacher on

student’s achievements. He developed a ten category scale for observing the classroom verbal

interaction. His category is most popular in his area.

Richard t-ober (1968) has modified the Flander’s ten categories. Thus, ober has given

nineteen categories. This modified system includes action and reaction both type of categories.

Therefore, it is called reciprocal category system.

Brown, ober and soar (1968) have also developed taxonomy of teacher behaviour.

Meaning and nature of Flander’s interaction analysis category system:- Flanders

interaction analysis system is a category system. In this an an attempt is made to observe and

record systematically the spontaneous act of the teacher leading in the classroom and scrutinize

the process of instruction by talking intoaccount each small bit of interaction. It is a particularly

concerned with the influence pattern of the teacher. Ned A. Flender has developed ten

categories system. The first seven categories are used when teachers are taking and next two

categories are used. When any pupils is taking and the last category is used to indicate the

communication is concerned, these three conditions a) Teacher talk, b) Pupil talk, and c)

silence or confusion are said to exhaust all possibilities. It is main objective and systematic

technique for evaluating the classroom performance of a teacher interaction analysis in nothing

less than an observational technique – which can be used to obtain a fairly reliable record of

spontaneous verbal statements and to determination.

Flanders’ interaction analysis is concerned primarily with verbal behaviour. This can be

observed with high reliability than non verbal behaviour of teacher is an adequate sample of his

total statements of the teacher are consistent with his non – verbal gestures in fact his total

behaviour. This assumption cannot be easily tested since it will take too long period to develop a

reliable measure of non- verbal behaviour.

The competency of a teacher may be adjudged through the degree o0f effectiveness of his

teaching which in turn may be accessed through his classroom behaviour or interaction. In this

way a systematic or objective analysis of the teacher’s classroom interaction may provides a

reliable assessment of what goes on inside the classroom in terms of teaching and learning. Such

type of analysis of classroom behaviour and interaction is known by the term interaction


Thus the term interaction analysis refers to a technique consisting of consisting of

objective and systematic observation of the classroom events for the study of the teacher’s

classroom behaviour and the process of interaction going inside the classroom. It helps a teacher

to bring desirable modification in his behavior and improve his interaction with his pupils for

making his teaching more effective and purposeful.

Ned. A. Flanders developed it in 1963. The beginning of classroom interaction analysis

may be traced to early research by Kurtlewin, Rohal, Hipit and Ralph White. But the

Flander’s system of verbal interaction analysis is the best known and widely used. It is

basically a category type system involving categorization of all the sets of possible verbal

behavior of a teacher in the classroom while interaction with his students.

The Categories of FIACS:-

In total ten categories are found in this system. Out of these 7 are assigned to teachers’

talk and two to students’ talk. The last category covers pauses, short period of silence and the

talk which is confusing or noisy. These ten categories are given below:

1. Accepting feeling:-

This is the first category of Ned. A. Flander’s category system. In

it the teacher tries to understand and clarifies the feeling of the

students in an unthreatening manner. Their feelings either positive

or negative are accepted by the teacher.

2. Praises:-

In this category the teacher makes praise of the students’ action or

behavior. Jokes, smiling, nodding head or saying ‘good’, ‘yes’,

‘nice’, ‘fine’ go on with what you are saying, ‘tell us more about

your ideas’ etc. are included in this category.

3. Uses Ideas of Students:-

In this category clarifying building or developing ideas as

suggested by the students are included. As teacher brings more of

his ideas into play, he shifts to category fire.

4. Asking Questions:-

In this category a teacher asks questions about content or

procedure with the intent that a student answers.

5. Lecturing:-

In this category a teacher explains the facts or opinions about

content matter or procedure. He expresses his own thoughts and

ideas, asks rhetorical questions etc.

6. Giving Directions:-

In this category giving a teacher gives directions, commands or orders to

the students with which studens are expected to comply.

7. Criticising:-

Statements intended to change students’ behaviour from non-acceptable to

acceptable pattern; bowling some one out; stating why the teacher is doing

what he is doing; extreme self references are included in this cat.

8. Student Talk Response:-

In this category talk by students in response to teacher is included.

Teacher initiates the contact or solicits the student statement or structures

the situation. Freedom to express their ideas is limited.

9. Students Talk Initiation :-

Talk by students which they initiate voluntarily. Expressing own ideas;

initiating a new topic; freedom to develop opinions and a line of thought,

like asking thoughtful questions; going beyond the existing structure are

included in this category.

10. Silence:-

Pauses, short period of silence and periods of confusion in which

communication can not be understood by the observer are included in this

last category.

The procedure of Flanders interaction analysis:-

The procedure:-

The first step of the procedure is to encode the behavior of the teacher teaching in the

classroom. For this the observer sits in the classroom. He observes closely the behavior of the

teacher. At the end of each 3-second period he records the communication event, which is

completed by writing down the number of the category to which it belongs. There are ten

categories in all. The observer decides to which of these categories the behavior event belongs.

He writes this category number continuously to assess communication in the next period.

Need of the Study:

India is a very fast developing country of world. After independence, it has recorded a

remarkable progress in every field of life. In this train of progress, the role of education cannot

be avoided. Since impendence, many educational colleges and institutions have been established.

But these colleges and institutions are not significant on the part of the teachers. The teachers of

present day are not playing their role with dedication and honesty. They do not have proper

methods of teaching. They usually waste about half of their lecture time (classroom time) in

irrelevant things. (For e.g. student’s talk, teacher’s personal talk). So, the wastage of time in

irrelevant things is one of the great drawbacks of our educational system.

In the present day world there are many observation methods. These methods also

provide feedback and modify the teacher’s behaviour as desired. Interaction Analysis is also one

of the observation devices. By using this device we can observe all the activities of a teacher

which he/she performs in the classroom, and his/her drawbacks (limitations) can be removed.

So, to increase the effectiveness of a teacher the need of the study of their topic is felt.


This chapter contains the introduction of the research study. It explains the concept of

education, concept of teaching, phases and levels of teaching along with concept of teacher

behavior and methods of observing it. It also throws light on Ned. A. Flanders’ Interaction

Analysis observation System. It also covers the need and significance of the study.
