Chapter 9 Drugs and Toxicology (PBS-secrets of dead –executed by error -56 min)


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Chapter 9

Drugs and Toxicology(PBS-secrets of dead –executed by error -56 min)

A bottle of Bayer's 'Heroin'. Between 1890 and 1910 heroin was sold asa non-addictive substitute for morphine.It was also used to treat children suffering with a strong cough.

Produced by the Maltine Manufacturing Company of New York . It was suggested that you should take a full glass with or after every meal. Children should only take half a glass.

A paperweight promoting C.F. Boehringer & Soehne ( Mannheim , Germany ). They were proud of being the biggest producers in the world of products containing Quinine and Cocaine.

At 40% alcohol plus 3 grams of opium per tablet. It didn't cure you... but you didn't care!

Cocaine Tablets (1900).

All stage actors, singers, teachers and preachers had to have them for a maximum performance. Great to 'smooth' the voice.

Very popular for children in 1885. Not only did they relieve the pain, they made the children very happy!

Opium for newborns.I'm sure this would make them sleep well. (not only the Opium, but also the 46% alcohol)


A natural or synthetic substance that is used to produce physiological or psychological effects in humans/animals

75% of evidence in crime labs is drug related

Drug Dependence

Is dependent on the personal characteristics of the users, societies attitudes and setting that the drugs are used in


Psychological Dependence(table 9-1)

The conditioned use of a drug caused by underlying emotional needs

Created by continued use of a drug Psychological dependence greater w/ :

• Heroin, nicotine, amphetamines, cocaine

Psychological dependence less w/:• Marijuana, LSD, codeine

Physical Dependence

Occurs when a user abstains from a drug and a physical illness occurs

The desire to avoid “withdrawal sickness” causes the physical dependence

Develops when user adheres to a regular schedule of intake (drug never wears off)

Narcotics, depressants have higher amounts of physical dependence than stimulants and hallucinogens

Kids and Drugs

10% of American 8th graders report using an illicit drug in the last month

$6,120 per second is the $ lost to the US society because of drug use (loss of productivity, health care cost)

Every day, approximately 4,700 American youth under age 18 try marijuana for the first time.

Wisconsin state- drug info

Source: From the laboratories of Drs. N. Volkow and H. SchelbertAddiction is similar to other diseases, such as heart disease. Both disrupt the normal, healthy functioning of the underlying organ, have serious harmful consequences, are preventable, treatable, and if left untreated, can last a lifetime.

Decreased Dopamine Transporters in a Methamphetamine Abuser


By: Dan, Tylor, Johnny

What is it?

Substances that bind at opiate receptors; refers to opium, opium derivatives, and semi-synthetic substitutes

Street Names: Mr. Brownstone, Horse, Scat, Smack, China White, Hard Stuff, Crank, Jive, Junk, Shag, Dope

Often smoked, sniffed, or injected; can be taken orally, transdermally (skin patches)


Effects: Drowsiness, inability to concentrate, apathy, lessened physical activity, constriction of the pupils, dilation of the subcutaneous blood vessels, constipation, nausea, vomiting, and respiratory depression

Produce a general sense of well-being by reducing tension, anxiety, and aggression

Effects depend heavily on the dosage

Dangers (Addiction)

Risk of infection, disease, and overdose Street drugs have unknown compositions, may

contain adulterants; non-sterile injection Hepatitis and AIDS in narcotic abusers No way to determine drug purity, may be fatal Confusion, convulsions, respiratory depression for

overdose Tolerance and Dependence develop, need to

consume larger doses to obtain desired effect Shorter acting narcotics produce shorter, more

intense withdrawal symptoms, longer acting ones produce less severe withdrawal syndrome

Pictures of Heroin


Substance that induce changes in mood attitude, thought or perception

Marijuana Marijuana is a plant that is grown in tropical

regions. There are many street names for Marijuana

such as Pot Mary Jane Weed Ganja

Dope Bud THC is the cause of most of effects. Marijuana is smoked in as a joint, blunt, in a

bong or pipe. The effects are felt in 10 to 30 minutes and may linger for up to three hours.

Low doses may enhance your sense of sight, of smell, taste, and hearing.

Stronger doses intensify your reaction time, fluctuating emotions, fragmented thoughts, impaired memory, and some illusion.

Higher doses can lead to image distortion, memory loss, and hallucinations.

EFFECTS Increased Heart rate, dryness of the mouth, reddening of the eyes,

impaired motor skills, concentration, and a desired hunger for sweets. Excessive use can damage your lungs and reproductive system as well as

suppression of the immune system. Many have reported hallucinations, fantasies, and paranoia.

DANGERS Long-term use may result in Amotivational Syndrome: apathy,

impairment of judgment, memory and concentration, and loss of interest in personal appearance and pursuit of goals. (lazy)

Marijuana contains known toxins and cancer-causing chemicals. Marijuana users experience the same health problems as tobacco smokers, such as bronchitis, emphysema, and bronchial asthma.

Addiction is controversial. There are 300 million users world wide. Marijuana is not addictive physically, but is known to be mentally

addictive. Among younger Americans, 17.5 percent of 8th graders and 46.1

percent of 12th graders had used marijuana in their lifetime.

Weird Facts The profits made in 2004 by selling marijuana in the United States

exceeded 9 Billion dollars. California, Hawaii, and Kentucky are the three states that illegally grow

the most pot in the United States. The marijuana leaves are the part of the plant that is illegal, however

the seeds to the plant are not illegal.

LSD and Mescaline

What is it?

Known as Lysergic Acid Diethylamide It’s a Hallucinogen- Mood altering drug Also known as

• Acid

• Window pane

• Microdots

How is it taken?

When in liquid form, added to absorbent paper that is eaten.

Different liquid and gelatin forms are taken through the eyes.

Can also be found in tablet and capsule form, and taken orally.

Effects Psychological

• Depression, anxiety, fear, and panic

• Feels indestructible

• Isolation

• Warped self perception and visual perception

• Physical

•Increased heart rate, blood pressure, and body temperature

•Dilated pupils

•Loss of muscle control

•Heightened awareness of sensory input

Dangers and Addiction

There are over 200 different forms of LSD that appear on over 350 different types of “paper”

May cause psychosis, and later in life have flashbacks.

Very common in clubs, so underestimate dangers.

Not physically addictive, but do develop tolerance so need more.

Other Information

Is odorless, colorless, and tasteless Made from a fungus that grows on rye and

other grains Mescaline comes from the mushroom


PCP & Ketamine

PCP (Phencyclidine), commonly referred to as angel dust, ozone, wack, rocket fuel, is a dissociative drug because it distorts perceptions of sight and sound and produces feelings of detachment from the environment and yourself.

Ketamine, also called Special K, green, K, cat valium, is a powerful hallucinogen that is taken from animal tranquilizers.

Basic Information How to use it PCP starts as a white crystalline powder and is turned into many

forms such as tablets, capsules, and colored powders. It is snorted, smoked or ingested.

Ketamine comes as either a clear liquid or powder. It is usually snorted, but some users smoke it.

Effects and Dangers PCP creates a slight increase in breathing rate, blood pressure,

and pulse rate. Breathing is shallow and users sweat profusely. High doses can cause vomiting, nausea, seizures, coma, and even death.

Ketamine can cause anesthesia, immobility anesthesia, cataplexy, immobility, tachycardia, increased blood pressure, nystagmus, hypersalivation, increased urinary output, profound insensitivity to pain, amnesia, slurred speech, and lack of coordination.

Ketamine (animal tranquilizers)

Ketamine comes as either a clear liquid or powder. It is usually snorted, but some users smoke it.

Ketamine can cause anesthesia, immobility anesthesia, cataplexy, immobility, tachycardia, increased blood pressure, nystagmus, hypersalivation, increased urinary output, profound insensitivity to pain, amnesia, slurred speech, and lack of coordination

Addictiveness and Other Info. Ketamine hasn’t shown that the users are addicted or have any sort of

dependency. PCP is addicting, but only psychologically.

Abuse of PCP seemed to peak in the late 1970s. Because it is inexpensive to produce, PCP is sometimes sold on the streets as delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the active ingredient in marijuana; lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD); or other exotic designer hallucinogens.

Ketamine was developed in the min 1960’s and is an anaesthetic drug legally produced for use in human and animal medicine, although it is rarely used in humans due to the side effects.

The possession and use of Ketamine is currently not illegal.The unauthorized manufacture or sale of Ketamine is an offence under the Medicines Act.

Mescaline Peyote- cactus Usage:

Generally, from 4-20 buttons, are eaten or made into tea. 500 mg is considered a standard hallucinogenic dose of mescaline.

Peyote users experience color as distinctly brilliant and intense. Delurium.

Physical Dependence: NonePsychological Dependence: Moderate


Street names: Boomers, Silly Putty, Musk, and God’s


What is it and How is it taken?

A hallucinogenic substance obtained from certain types of mushrooms found in tropical areas.

The mushrooms contain 0.2 to 0.4 percent psilocybin and a trace amount of psilocyn.

Psilocybin mushrooms are ingested orally. They may be brewed into tea, added to other foods or covered in chocolate to be disguised as candy and also to hide their bitter taste.

Effects and Dangers

Physical effects: appear 20 minutes within ingestion and last 6 hours, nausea, vomiting, muscle weakness, drowsiness, and lack of coordination.

Psychological effects: hallucinations and an inability to discern fantasy from reality.


Ecstasy, go, X, Adam, hug drug


What is it?• A human-made stimulant and hallucinogen, often

associated with raves How is it taken?

• Usually ingested in tablet form, but can also be crushed, snorted, injected, or suppository form

What type of addiction?• Physiological and Psychological

What does it cost?• As high as $40 a tablet, but usually between $20-$30


What are short-term effects?• Severe dehydration

• Heat stroke

• Rapid heartbeat

• High blood pressure

• Faintness

• Muscle cramping

• Panic attacks

• Loss of consciousness

What are long-term effects (dangers)?• Hypothermia

• Muscle breakdown

• Seizures

• Stroke

• Kidney and cardiovascular failure

• Permanent damage to brain

• Death


Substance used to depress the functions of the central nervous system

Calm irritability and anxiety and may induce sleep


Ethanol, a colorless, flamable compound with molecular form C2H60 is the active ingredient in alcohol.

Alcohol, a depressant, is also known as booze, liquor, grandpa’s cough medicine, and several other regional nicknames.

It is consumed orally.


Depending on consumption amount alcohol can lead to dehydration, feelings of relaxation, blurred vision, coordination problems, and slowed reactions.

Overuse of alcohol can lead to vomiting, asphyxiation, unconsciousness, coma, dependency or death.

Long term use can lead to cirrhosis of the liver, delirium tremens, among other fatalities.


Alcohol is psychological addictive, physical addictive, and a neurochemical, meaning misuse of alcohol becomes a learned, socially accepted addiction.

Alcohol use dates back to 9000 B.C.


Use this website to summarize

What is it?

Barbiturates act to depress the central nervous system and are often called sleeping pills.

Barbiturates have been used extensively in the past as sedatives

Street Names

Yellow Jackets, Blues, Reds


Barbiturates at high doses act to remove inhibitory behavior

A major problem with barbiturates is that they may lead to tolerance and dependence


Barbiturates can lead to excessive sedation and cause anesthesia, coma and even death.

Barbiturate overdoses may occur because the effective dose of the drug is not too far away from the lethal dose.


Users become tolerant and dependent Tolerance occurs when a greater and

greater amount of the drug is required to get the desired effect

Dependence occurs when a person feels like he or she must use the drug and withdrawal symptoms occur when the person stops using the drug



Use this website to summarize

Tranquilizers are drugs used to treat anxiety or problems with sleep. There are two types:

Major- referred to as Neuroleptics and are most commonly called “anti-psychotics” Minor- are the more common of the tranquilizers.

Libs, Tranks, Benzos, Vees, Happy Pills, BZD’s, and Downers

Oral, Swallowed as a tablet, capsule, or liquid.




Memory Loss



Difficulty Concentrating

A “floating” or disconnected sensation

Depressed Hearbeat

Depressed Breathing

Excessive Sleep or Sleepiness

Mental Confusion

Addiction (Psychological)

They are particularly dangerous in combination with other depressants because they magnify each other’s effects. Long-term use of some of these drugs has been associated with increased aggressivity and significant depression. Tranquilizer use may be associated with memory problems and cerebral atrophy (brain shrinkage). The effects of sedation are a continuum from relaxation to significant sedation to coma to death.

Tranquilizers are the most widely prescribed psychotherapeutic agents in the world and are most involved in suicide attempts and accidental overdoses.


Difference between Tranquilizers and Barbituates

The main difference lies in their chemical structure. In general, tranquilizers and barbiturates have

similar effects, but barbiturates are stronger and more addictive

Barbiturates are prescribed less often now that doctors have a greater number of tranquilizers and sleeping pills to choose from.

Tranquilizers normally treat anxiety and can be taken in low doses during the day (not as much sleepiness), where barbiturates being stronger are for inducing sleep for chronic insomniacs.


Inhalants (Huffing)

Inhalants are legal products abused by those who sniff or inhale for the purpose of getting high.

Street Names• Laughing gas

• Whippets

• Poppers

• Spray

• Poor man’s pot

How It is Taken!

Breathed in through the nose and mouth in a variety of ways.

Common Inhalants:

Rubber cement, paint thinner, nail polish remover, gasoline, correction fluid, bleach, spray paint, aerosol whipped cream

Headache, ringing in ears, coughing, vomiting, chest pain

Possible sudden DEATH! Strong Hallucinations Lack of coordination

Highly Addictive!!!!!

Effects! Act on the brain and destroys the outer lining of

brain cell, making it impossible for those cells to communicate. Symptoms of use include dilated pupils, blisters or rash around the nose or mouth, chronic cough, nausea, and headaches, disorientation, and chemical odor on the breath. After only six months of use lungs, brain, nerves, liver, kidneys and bones may be permanently damaged.

Atrophy of the Brain- Inhalants

2006 survey- 9.1 % of US 8th graders admitted using inhalants in the previous year (compared to 4.5% of high school seniors)


Substance taken to increase alertness and activity


What is it? -Psychomotor StimulantStreet Names: -Ice, Speed, “Pep Pill”How is it taken? -sniffed, snorted, swallowed, injectedEffects: -Intensified feelings, diminished sleep and hunger,

feeling power, strength, energy, self-assertion, focus, enhanced motivation, aggression

Dangers: -depression, fatigue, depressive disorders,

violent behaviors, depletion, neuronal stores of dopomine in pleasure centers of the brain

-causes paranoia, anxiety, confusion, insomnia, and could lead to suicide

Addictive: - a chronic addiction - causes of relapsing disease which creates

functional and molecular changes in the brain making people crave the drug

Other Information

- related to ephedrine

- structurally related to adrenaline

- once used for asthmatics, hay fever sufferers, and anyone with a cold

- once prescribed for depression

- used for Parkinson's Disease, epilepsy, travel sickness, night blindness, hyperactivity, obesity, narcolepsy, impotence, apathy

- was used by the soldiers in World War II


By: Cara Broeker and Hilary Kopczenski

What is it?

CrackIs cocaine that has been

processed from cocaine hydrochloride to a free base for smoking.

Sold in small forms known as “rocks.”

Cocaine Appears as a white crystalline

powder or off-white chunky material

Cocaine is a powerful drug made from the leaves of the coca plant.

Mostly found in South America The leaves produce a paste

the paste is then purified to produce a white powder, the powder is often weakened with sugar, cornstarch or talcum powder.

Street Names

Snow, C, Flake, Coke, Blow, charlie, toot, nose candy, cola, white dust, and crack.

How is it Taken?

Sniffed or snorted through the nostrils and absorbed into the body through the respiratory tract

Sometimes it is smoked or injected by dissolving the powder cocaine in water,

What are the Effects?

Increase activity in nervous system. Produces increased alertness, high energy, and Euphoria. These affects are followed by agitation, anxiety and decreased appetite. Causes high blood pressure, rapid heart rate, rapid breathing and sweating

With a large amount you can experience violent behavior, twitching, hallucinations, chest pains, blurred vision, vomiting, and even heart attacks.

Dangers Over long period of time can leave users agitated and

cause mood swings and depression. Loss of appetite, not being able to sleep, and sexual

problems. When snorted – can cause tissue damage in nose,

chronic snorting causes stuffed, running chapped or bleeding noses and holes in the barrier separating the nostrils, can result in ulceration of the mucous membranes of the nose that can damage the nasal septum to cause it to collapse.

People who smoke it can develop lung and breathing problems, some cough up black phlegm or even blood.

People who inject, especially if you share needles, you are at risk for infectious diseases like hepatitis and HIV.


Cocaine changes people’s brain chemistry and creates a craving that makes it very difficult for them to stop using cocaine.

Crack reaches the brain quickly, causes brief high that is followed by severe low, that low leads people to use more crack to get to that high and that pattern leads to addiction.

Interesting Facts

Adults 26 and older have highest rate of current cocaine use compared to other groups

It was originally used in South America in the mid-19th century by natives of the region to relieve fatigue.

Crack, got its name from the crackling sound made when heating the sodium bicarbonate or ammonia used during production.

The most potent stimulant of natural origin.

Anabolic Steroids


Anabolic Steroids closely related chemically to the male sex

hormone testosterone. These artificial substances were developed in the

1930's Street names include roids and juice. Anabolic steroids can be taken orally or injected. This drug causes muscle growth and addiction in

the people who use it.

Anabolic Steroids (cont.)

Dangers of anabolic steroids include the following: shrinking of the privates, infertility, baldness, development of breasts, liver tumors, jaundice (yellowing of the skin), and aggression.

Anabolic steroids cause a psychological addiction with withdrawal symptoms such as mood swings, fatigue, restlessness, loss of appetite, reduced sex drive, and depression.

Results from the 2007 Monitoring the Future Study, which surveys students in eighth, tenth, and twelfth grades, show that 1.5% of eighth graders, 1.8% of tenth graders, and 2.2% of twelfth graders reported using steroids at least once in their lifetimes. 6

the ease by which one can obtain steroids, 17.0% of eighth graders, 27.7% of tenth graders, and 40.1% of twelfth graders surveyed in 2006 reported that steroids were "fairly easy" or "very easy" to obtain. Furthermore, 57.4% of twelfth graders surveyed reported that using steroids was a "great risk” during 2007.7

Club Drugs

GHB /Rohypnol

(date rape drugs-depressants)


Gamma hydroxybutyrate Sold in liquid form at bars/raves- $5-$25

per capful, or as powder than can be dissolved in liquid (clear/colorless/slightly salty taste)

Used to be used to treat narcolepsy Slang: Georgia Home Boy, Liquid X,

Grievous Bodily Harm

Effects: decreased anxiety, confusion, memory impairment, slowed heart rate/breathing, nausea

Produces serious physical addiction


Flunitrazepam, sedative/muscle relaxant, prescribed outside US as treatment for insomnia

White or green tablet, mixed in drinks it is colorless/tasteless/odorless

Slang: roofies, forget-me-not pill, mexican valium, lunch money drug

Effects: slows down functioning, drowsiness, sleep, amnesia, decreased reaction time, confusion, slurred speech, loss of motor coordination• When combined with alcohol, produces an

exaggerated intoxication

Can produce physical dependence

Mythbusters- poppy seed cake

Drug Control LawsControlled Substance Act

Establishes schedules of classification on the basis of the drugs potential for abuse, physical/psycho. dependence and medical value

Also assigns penalties (Federal)

Schedule I

(no medical use)

Heroin, opium, LSD, marijuana

15 yr/ $ 120,000

(5 yr/$50,000 –marijuana)

Schedule II

(some medical use)

Morphine, cocaine, amphetamines, methamphet., PCP

15 yr/ $125,000

Schedule III

(moderate dependence)

Codeine, steroids 5 yr/ $ 50,000

Schedule IV

(limited depend.)

Barbiturates, lithium, valium

3 yr/ $25,000

Schedule V Cough syrup, over the counter

1 yr/ $10,000

Schedule 1 and 2 drugs not listed below

Up to 3 ½ years in prison and $10,000 in fines.

Cocaine First Offense Up to 1 year in jail and $5,000 in fines.

Cocaine 2nd Offense Up to 3 ½ years in prison and $10,000 in fines.

LSD and other hallucinogens, 1st Offense

Up to 1 year in jail and $5,000 in fines.

LSD and other hallucinogens, 2nd Offense

Up to 3 ½ years in prison and $10,000 in fines.

GHB , any offense Up to 6 years in prison and $10,000 in fines.

Methamphetamines, any offense

Up to 6 years in prison and $10,000 in fines.

Other substances not listed Up to 30 days in jail and $500 in fines, misdemeanor

Wisconsin- Schedule of Drug Offenses

Drug Identification

1. No middle ground- it either is or isn’t the drug

2. Screening tests (like color) used for initial eliminations

• Then pinpoint it w/ chemical/instrumental tests

3. Confirmation is made w/ IR spectrophotometry or mass spec.

Color tests (screening purposes)Opium Marquis test Turns purple

Marijuana Duquenois-Levine test

Turns purple

LSD Van Urk Test Turns blue/purple

Cocaine Scott Test (3 step –3 solns)

Blue then pink then blue

Barbiturates Dillie-Koppanyi test

Turns violet-blue

Photo 7 Methamphetamine



Marquis Reagent



Sodium Nitroprusside



Photo 8 Heroin



Marquis Reagent



Mecke Reagent

Microcrystalline Test

More specific Add chemical to drug sample to produce

a crystalline precipitate Look at size and shape of crystals

Cocaine Methamphetamine

Other tests Chromatography Spectrophotometry Mass spectrophotometry Identification of marijuana:

• Look at botanical feature

• Chemical tests

• Microscope- look on upper side of leaf for short hairs that resemble “bear claws”

• Also can do thin layer chromatography (TLC)



Heroin (I) (dilute w/quinine)

Morphine (II)

Codiene (III)

Marquis test-purple

Hallucinogens Marijuana (I)




Duquenois-Levine(purple)Van Urk (blue/purple)

Depressants Alcohol (ethyl alcohol)

Barbiturates (III)

Tranquilizers (IV)

Inhalents (glue/gasoline)

Physical depend.

Physical depend.

Psych.- valium/librium



Amphetamines (II)

Cocaine/crack (II)


Sodium nitroprussideScott test (blue/pink/blue)

Steroids (III)

Faces of Meth
