Chapter (8) Design of water tank.doc


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  • 7/31/2019 Chapter (8) Design of water tank.doc


    C h a p t e rChapter 8 : Design of Water Tank

    Design of water tanks8.1Introduction.

    8.2Types of water tanks.

    8.3Cracks in water tanks

    8.4 A Selected example for design of a water tank .


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    Chapter 8 : Design of Water Tank


    Water tanks are the structural elements that store water, liquid

    petroleum, petroleum products and similar liquids. Their shapes may be circular,

    rectangular spherical etc.

    The force analysis of the reservoirs or tanks is about the same irrespective of

    the chemical nature of the product.The designer has to designall the tanks as

    crack free structures to eliminate any leakage.

    Industrial wastes can also be collected and processed in concrete tanks with few

    exceptions.The petroleum product such as petrol, diesel oil, etc. are likely to leak

    through the concrete walls, therefore such tanks need special membranes to

    prevent leakage.

    8.2 Types of water tanks:

    1) Concrete Tanks : These are referred to as underground tanks that are built

    on the site itself, but they can be used above-ground. Concrete tanks are

    generally long-lasting but are subject to cracking if placed underground in clay

    soil. The above ground versions have the advantage of keeping the water cooler

    than other tank types since light can't penetrate.

    Figure 8.1: (Concrete Tank).

    2) Metal Tanks: This variant can either be made from stainless steel or galvanized

    steel. They can be transported and assembled easily and can be situated in any

    place you desire. Metal tanks normally come in standard shapes. If you are havinga Metal tank installed you should inspect it thoroughly when it is in place, as they


  • 7/31/2019 Chapter (8) Design of water tank.doc


    Chapter 8 : Design of Water Tank

    are prone to transport damage (including the breaking of welds if the tank flexes

    too much). Metal tanks are usually not used underground.

    Figure 8.2: (Metal Tank).

    3) Rainwater Tanks: Rainwater tanks are installed for the purpose of collecting all

    the rainwater that runs off your roof via installation of roof gutters. The water

    collected can be used for many things like watering your crops, feeding animal,

    washing your car and the like. However, the water collected by this means needs

    to undergo a certain process before it can be used for drinking.

    4)Fiberglass Tanks: these tanks are strong, durable and able to withstand

    extreme temperatures. However, their popularity has suffered with the advent of

    cheaper poly tanks. They are mostly used for above-ground applications

    Figure 8.3: (Fiberglass Tank).

    8.3 cracks in concrete water tanks:


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    Chapter 8 : Design of Water Tank

    Cracking may be caused due to restraint to shrinkage, expansion and

    contraction of concrete due to temperature or shrinkage and swelling due to

    moisture effects. Such restraint may be caused by :

    (i) The interaction between reinforcement and concrete during shrinkage due to


    (ii) The boundary conditions.

    (iii) The differential conditions prevailing through the large thickness of massive


    To minimize the possibilities of cracking use small size bars placed properly, leads

    to closer cracks but of smaller width.

    The risk of cracking due to temperature and shrinkage effects may be minimized

    by limiting the changes in moisture content and temperature to which the

    structure as a whole is subjected.

    The risk of cracking can also be minimized by reducing the restraint on the free

    expansion of the structure with long walls or slab founded at or below ground


    Restraint can be minimized by the provision of a sliding layer. This can beprovided by founding the structure on a flat layer of concrete with interposition

    of some material to break the bond and facilitate movement.

    In case length of structure is large it should be subdivided into suitable lengths

    separated by movement joints, especially where sections are changed the

    movement joints should be provided.

    Where structures have to store hot liquids, stresses caused by difference in

    temperature between inside and outside of the reservoir should be taken into


    8.4An example for design of water tank:


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    Chapter 8 : Design of Water Tank

    mLx 1.4= , mLy 5.3= ,3

    /81.9 mKNw = ,Mpaf



    Mpafy 420= , mh 0.4= , mmt 400= , mmd 360=

    MpafE cc23025)24(4700)'(



    MpaEs 200000=

    Figure 8.4: (Water Tankdimensions).

    2-way direction

    Capacity = LxBxh

    = 4.1 x3.5x4

    = 57.4 m3

    * Design of Roof Slab:

    Lb/La = 4.1/3.5 = 1.17

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    Chapter 8 : Design of Water Tank

    From table of bending coefficient moment find Ca and Cb for dead and live load :

    M "short direction " = Ca xWDxl2 + CaxWLx l2


    = 5.82 KN.m

    M "Long direction " = Cb xWDxl2 + CbxWLx l2

    =0.009x1.2x8.78x4.1 2+0.014x1.6x2.5x4.1 2

    = 2.54 KN.m

    * According to ACI thickness of two way slab :

    L/30 = h " From table 9.5 C "

    h= 4100/30

    = 136.66mm take it 200mm

    h=200mm then d=160mm

    * Steel Reinforcement:

    1. Short Direction :

    2. Long Direction :


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    Chapter 8 : Design of Water Tank

    * Design of Tank Walls:

    Loading Case: The water tanks empty with external earth pressure:

    = tan2 (45-(30/2))

    = 0.333

    Ps = 20x4x0.333

    = 26.64 KN/m

    * Analysis using computer program " prokon " :

    Required slab depth : assume h=400mm then d=360mm.

    Mu = 72.23 KN.m

    Secondary steel horizontal:


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    Chapter 8 : Design of Water Tank

    In wall design we use

    As = 0.002 x 1000 x 400

    = 800 mm2

    * Check crack:





    * Designs for Base of tank:

    Load roof slab weight = L B t

    = 4.2x3.5x.4x25

    =147 KN

    Total weight = 147 + 616 = 763 KN.

    Actual bearing capacity " q " = weight / area = 763 / (4.7x4)

    = 40.58 KN/ m2

    M =La/Lb = 4/4.7 = 0.85 KN.m

    From table of bending coefficient moment find Ca and Cb for dead and live load :

    M = 0.04 x 40.58 x 42

    = 25.97 KN.m


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    Chapter 8 : Design of Water Tank

    * According to ACI thickness of two way slab:

    L/30 = h "From table 9.5 C"

    h= 4700/30 = 157 mm

    take h = 200mm then d = 200-70= 130 mm .

