Chapter 7 Yield & Price Factor. Objectives Upon understanding this chapter students Will be able...


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Chapter 7

Yield & Price Factor


Upon understanding this chapter students

Will be able to : Define Yield and Price Factor Calculate the Yield % Calculate the Yield Factor Plan consumption cost for Banquet

Definition - Yield

To produce something as a result of work, activity, or calculation.

The weight of cook food is called:

Processed weight Or


Yield %

Processed weightYield % = 100% X

Purchased weight

Yield Factor

Processed weightYield Factor =

Purchased weight


6LB of oranges were purchased to make

Freshly squeezed orange juice. 5Lb Orange juice produced.

Yield % = 5Lb / 6LB X 100%

Processed Weight Processed Weight = Purchased weight X Yield FactorExample:The yield factor of veal is .80,

calculateThe processed weight of 3lb 7oz of


Processed Cost

Purchased Cost – is the cost of unit of weight of the raw product.

Processed Cost – is the value of one cooked weight.

Total CostProcessed Cost =

Processed Weight

Example (imperial Units) 10 lb of meat were purchased at

$3.59/lb. Find the processed cost. Step 1 – Total cost =3.59 X 10


Step 2 – Processed cost = 35.90/ 8lb = 4.49/lb

Price Factor

Processed Cost Price Factor =

Purchased Cost

Example: Cost purchased = $4.30Processed cost = $5.00

Price Factor $5 divided by $4.30 =1.163

Example 2.5 kg chicken purchased @$10.60 Processed Cost =Unknown Price Factor = 1.125Step 1 – Purchased cost/kg =

$10.60/2.5kg = $4.24/kgStep2 - Proc. Cost= Purch Cost X Price

Factor $4.24 X1.125 = $4.77
