Chapter 7 Integration of Information The Strategic Management of Information Technology


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Chapter 7Chapter 7Integration of InformationIntegration of Information

The StrategicManagement of


Transaction Processing Transaction Processing SystemSystem

Input OutputProcess



Steps Toward IntegrationSteps Toward Integration

Windowing Operating System– OS/2 Presentation Manager– Windows– X-Windows (Sun)

Transaction Processing Systems– Payroll Services– Sales Order Processing Systems– Process Control Systems– Corporate Accounting Systems

Steps Toward IntegrationSteps Toward Integration

Multi-Tasking– Allow Users to run different programs at the

same time– Windows– OS/2 (Presentation Manager)– XWindows

Networks– Enable Dynamic Integration from Several



Vertical– Different Levels of Production– ex: Oil Company

Horizontal– Retail Stores– ex:WalMart

Object-OrientationObject-Orientation Different than Transmitting Raw Bits of Data

– Hardware Connections– Access Controls– Simple Data Formats

Software Agents– object-oriented programs written to perform specific tasks in

response to user requests– agents know how to exchange object attributes– agents have the ability to activate object functions in other

agents Multimedia

– Integration of Text, Video, Sound, Pictures, Animation

Integration/LinksIntegration/Links Static

– Hard-Coded– Import

Dynamic– Linked– Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)– Hot-Linked– Object-Linking and Embedding (OLE)

Original Software Package Automatically started when chosen

Systems Project ProposalsSystems Project Proposals Feasibility Factors

– Technical

– Economic

– Legal

– Operational

– Schedule Strategic Factors

– Productivity

– Differentiation

– Management

Systems PlanSystems Plan Business Plan

– Document Company’s Goals and Objectives– Align Systems Project with Company’s Business

Plan Enterprise-Wide Model

– Entity Relationship Diagram showing relationship between organization’s entities and their relationship to supporting strategies of Business Plan

– View of Future Organization of Enterprise under a Business Plan

Two Levels of PlanningTwo Levels of Planning

Systems Planning– Gives Managers, Users, and Information

Systems Personnel Projects– Establishes what should be done– Sets a budget for the total cost of these

projects Systems Project Planning

– Setting a plan for the development of each specific systems project

Systems Professional SkillsSystems Professional Skills Systems Planning

– Form project team after proposed systems project is cleared for development

Systems Analysis– Business Systems Analysts knowledgeable in business

General Systems Design– Business Systems Analysts

Systems Evaluation and Selection– Business Systems Analysts

Detailed Systems Design– Wide Range of Systems and Technical Designers

Systems Implementation– Systems analysts, programmers, and special technicians

Effective Leadership StyleEffective Leadership Style Autocratic Style

– Crisis-Style Management– Used to Correct Major Problem, such as Schedule

Slippage Democratic Style

– Team-oriented Leadership– Gives each team member the freedom to achieve goals

which he/she helped set Laissez-Faire Style

– Highly-motivated, Highly-Skilled Team Members– People who work best alone

Project Management SkillsProject Management Skills Planning

– States what should be done– Estimates how long it will take– Estimates what it will cost

Leading– Adapts to dynamics of enterprise and deals with setbacks– Guides and induces people to perform at maximum abilities

Controlling– Monitors Progress Reports and Documented Deliverables– Compares Plans with Actuals

Organizing– Staffs a Systems Project Team– Brings together users, managers, and team members

Project ManagementProject Management

Gantt Chart Pert Chart

Gantt ChartGantt Chart

Compares Planned Performance against actual performance to determine whether the project is ahead of, behind, or on schedule

Schedule a complete systems project by phases

PERT ChartPERT Chart Program, Evaluation and Renew Technique Estimate, Schedule, and Control a network of

interdependent tasks Shown by arrows, nodes, or circles Determine minimum time needed to complete a

project, phase, or task Critical Path

– Minimum time needed to complete a project or phase

– Total of the most time-consuming chain of events

PERT ChartPERT Chart

Four Steps– Identify Tasks– Determine Proper Sequence of Tasks– Estimate the Time Required to Perform

each Task– Prepare Time-Scaled Chart of Tasks

and Events to Determine the Critical Path

CASECASE Computer-Aided Systems and

Software Engineering Increase Productivity of Systems

Professionals Improve the Quality of Systems

Produced Improve Software Maintenance Issue


Includes:– workstations– central repository– numerous modeling tools– project management– Systems Development Life Cycle Support– Prototyping Applications– Software Design Features

Central RepositoryCentral Repository Models Derived from Modeling Tools Project Management Elements Documented Deliverables Screen Prototypes and Report Designs Software Code from Automatic Code Generator Module and Object Libraries of Reusable Code Reverse Engineering, Reengineering, and

Restructuring Features

Software MaintenanceSoftware Maintenance

Reverse Engineering– Extract original design from spaghetti-like, undocumented

code to make maintenance change request– Abstract meaningful design specifications that can be used

by maintenance programmers to perform maintenance tasks Reengineering

– Examination and changing of a system to reconstitute it in form and functionality

– Reimplementation Restructuring

– Restructures code into standard control constructs sequence, selection, repetition

Work Group TechnologiesWork Group Technologies

Suite of Products Groupware

Suite of ProductsSuite of ProductsExamplesExamples

Microsoft Corporation– Word – Excel– PowerPoint

Lotus Development Corporation– AmiPro– Lotus 1-2-3– Freelance

Novell/Borland– WordPerfect– Borland– dBaseIV

Suite of ProductsSuite of ProductsAdvantagesAdvantages

Integrated Document Economies of Scale Consolidated Training Shared Files Across Group

Suite of ProductsSuite of ProductsDisadvantagesDisadvantages

Choice Based upon Group Rather than Advantages of Individual Product

“Locked In” to Product Company Difficulty in Matching Client


Today’s OrganizationToday’s Organization

Enterprise-Wide Development Object-Oriented Definition Implementation of Suite Approach
