Chapter 4 Workbook Questions Review Collins Standard 3:1


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Chapter 4 Workbook Questions ReviewCollins

Standard 3:1

Two issues leading to war?

States’ rights


Why did some people favor a strong national

government?They felt a strong national government would unify the nation economically

A strong national government would provide infrastructure

What did leaders in the south fear?

Leaders feared a strong national government

Leaders in the south feared the anti-slavery feelings that were growing in the North – feared the North (the U.S. government) would pass laws to limit slavery

Why did southerners advocate states’ rights?

They felt that the government did not have the power to pass laws about tariffs and slavery since the Constitution did not specifically give the national gov’t that power

Nullification Crisis Review

The crisis was over high tariffs on imported manufactured goods from England and Europe

SC Exposition and Protest

SC argues for states’ rights to nullify or cancel laws they felt were unconstitutional –

In this case – it was the high tariff of 1828

SC and Jackson

SC threatened to secede

President Jackson threatened to send troops

Issue was resolved through a lower compromise tariff

Compromise of 1850

California enters as a free state

Fugitive Slave law is passed

Popular sovereignty will be used to decide slavery issue in new territories/states

Northerners resent FSL

Law required regular citizens to help in discovering and telling on people they suspected were runaway slaves – they didn’t like being a part of returning people to those harsh conditions

1854, Congress passes…

Kansas-Nebraska Act – this act allowed the territories to decide the issue of slavery through voting – deciding the issue for themselves

Vocabulary term?

Popular Sovereignty

What happened in K/N?

Fighting broke out in Kansas because pro-slavery people and abolitionists rushed into the states – on voting day, fighting broke out.

Fighting lasted for 10 years.

Disagreement so intense…

The disagreement over the issue of slavery in the states and representation was so intense that there was even fighting in the Senate! Preston Brooks beat Charles Sumner with a cane.

Dred Scott decision

Dred Scott, a slave sued for his freedom after his owner died

Case went to Supreme Court – Court decided:

1. Scott was property so he could not “sue” for freedom

2. Court called Missouri Compromise and Compromise of 1850 - unconstitutional

John Brown’s Raid –N vs. S

Many Northerners considered Brown a hero, some saw him as crazy

Southerners saw it as a sign that they were going to have to shed blood to defend their way of life

Where did free blacks live?

They lived in the North and the South

They often identified themselves with badges and papers

Grimke Sisters

Sisters from southern slave owning family in SC who opposed slavery and moved to the north to become a part of the abolitionist cause

They were unusual because they came from southern slaveholding family

William Lloyd Garrison

Northerner who published an abolitionist newspaper in the North called the “The Liberator”

Frederick Douglass

Runaway Slave who made his way to freedom, wrote his autobiography and became a famous abolitionist speaker

How did Uncle Tom’s Cabin influence people

in the North?Uncle Tom’s Cabin was a work of fiction that became extremely popular, especially among women.

It described the cruelty of slavery and convinced many people to support the abolitionist movement.

What political parties came together to form the Republican Party?Some of the Northern Democrats

The Whigs

The Free Soilers

What was their platform?The platform of this party was to stop the spread of slavery.

What was the political party of the South?

The political party of the South was the Democrat Party.

Until the 1950’s, this will be the party of farmers

they have the same agenda that Democratic Republicans from the era of Thomas Jefferson – small government, states’ rights, farmers are the backbone of the nation, strict interpretation of the Constitution

What did the South fear about Lincoln?

The South feared that Lincoln would try to end slavery

How did SC and 11 other southern states react to Lincoln’s election?

They seceded from the Union

What happened at Fort Sumter?

Big Idea: First shots of the Civil War fired here

What led to shots being fired at Fort Sumter?

It was a federal fort in Charleston harbor

Running low on supplies

When federal ship tried to resupply, Confederates fired on fort, forced federals to surrender

Review of steps leading to War

High tariffs and Nullification Crisis

Compromise of 1850 – Fugitive Slave Law

Kansas Nebraska Act

Dred Scott Decision

Growing abolitionist leanings

Lincoln running for President

Advantages of North v. South


More railroad lines

More factories

Experienced government

More people for more troops


Better military commanders

Motivation – protecting land and homes

Defensive war – didn’t have to win, just don’t lose – war of attrition – wear downt the enemy

Manassas/Bull Run

Confederates won, had better commanders

Second Manassas/Bull Run

Confederates won…..

This led to General Lee’s overconfidence and his decision to invade the North - Gettysburg


Single bloodiest day of battle in the Civil War

Because the Confederates left the field, it is considered a Union victory

BUT….Union General did not pursue Lee’s troops after the battle and lost a critical advantage


Confederate Victory

Confederates won because the North had poor leadership

It was late in the afternoon and the Northern troops were setting up camp

Lee divided his forces and attacked


Located along the Mississippi – used to guard the Mississippi River by the Confederates

Union won the battle after several weeks of bombarding the city and starving out the people of the city

Union victory – captured partial control of the Mississippi River and essentially “cut the Confederacy in two…”

Sherman’s March – Total War

Sherman gave the order to burn everything in his path

Burn cities, homes, and crops

Wage war on the civilian population – something not done before

Burned Atlanta and then marched towards the sea destroying many cities along the way, including Columbia, SC

Why Total War?

Grant and Sherman felt that this would make the South surrender quicker

Importance of Naval Battles?

First war where we see “Iron Clad” ships at war

Why keep Maryland from joining

Confederacy?If Maryland had been allowed to join the Confederacy, the Capital of the Union would have been surrounded by Confederate states

Lincoln decided to put Maryland under martial or military law and occupation

Lincoln suspended Habeas Corpus

Jailed Maryland leaders who sympathized with the Confederate cause…

Legal? Probably not, but it set a precedent for future Presidents to suspend Civil Rights during war time

Again, Why did Lincoln do this?

To keep Maryland from joining the Confederacy

Border States





West Virginia – a state that became a state during this war

Why southern sympathizers in border

states?Many people in these states either grew cotton

Many people in these states were slave owners

Why was the draft controversial in the

North?Men with money could pay $300.00 to the government to get out of the draft

Many immigrants and poor people who could not afford to pay their way out had to serve – this caused bad feelings

There were riots in NYC because of this


Union Democrats who criticized Lincoln and created a fear among poor Northerners that freed slaves would come to the North and take factory jobs

What did Lincoln hope to achieve with E.P?

He hoped to strip the South of its slave labor, labor which was providing for the South’s supplies by keeping the cotton trade going

Slaves kept plantations running while owners were away at war

Slave grown cotton was traded for war supplies with Europe

Significance of 54th Mass?

First all black regiment – attacked Fort Wagner in SC and while many died, they fought bravely and sacrificed themselves for the Union cause

Grant’s goal?

To wage total war and bring war to a quick end

Why did Lee surrender when he did?

He wanted to spare his mean from more death and harm….


Anaconda Plan

With the Union preserved, the nation entered a period

known asReconstruction

What did the government attempt to do during this

era?Rebuild the South

Punish the South for the war

How did Lincoln feel about the south after the war?Lincoln’s goals never really changed, he wanted the Union back together

He did not want the South to suffer – the suffering during the war had been bad enough

What happened to Lincoln?

Lincoln was assassinated shortly after Lee surrendered at Appomattox Courthouse

President after Lincoln?

Andrew Johnson

Johnson’s feelings towards the South?

He was sympathetic towards the South because he was a Southerner

What was his plan called?

Presidential Reconstruction

How did Radical Republicans in Congress

view Johnson’s plan?They felt that Johnson’s plan was too lenient or easy on the South

What kind of Reconstruction did the radical Republicans

want?They wanted to see the south punished

They wanted Republican governments in each state – fair elections were to be held, giving rights to newly freed African Americans

Past Confederates could not vote or hold office

Each state was to write a new Constitution

Why did Radical Republicans want a harsher plan?

They wanted to punish the South for the war

They were outraged that these ex-Confederates could walk back into Congress after the war and hold office as if nothing had happened – Radicals wanted to see these men suffer

Outline the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments

13th – abolished slavery

14th – gave citizenship to African Americans

15th – gave African American men suffrage

The way we can remember this for the EOC is:

Free, citizen, vote – you can’t be a citizen if you aren’t free, you can not vote if you aren’t a citizen – so – free, citizen, vote

Why did Congress vote to impeach President Johnson?

They did not like his Reconstruction plan – they felt that it was too lenient/easy on the South

They used a technicality to impeach him – he misused the Tenure of Office Act

He was impeached, but he was not removed from office

Was Congress successful in removing Johnson?


What activity did many “freedmen” turn to in order

to make a living?Many of them turned to sharecropping

What was bad about this system?

This system tied poor people to the land, they often became trapped in a cycle of debt

They were using the landowners land to grow cotton, they had to give a portion of their profits to the landowners

Landowners provided land, and sometimes tools, but the sharecropper often had to buy other supplies on credit.

If sharecroppers could not pay the bill at the end of the season, they would have to work the next farm season to pay the debt.

What was tenant farming?

Tenant farmers rented the land from the landowners so they were less at the mercy of crooked landowners.

Purpose of Freedman’s Bureau

It provided clothing, medical care, meals and education for newly freed persons

Greatest Success of F. Bureau?

Public Education/Public schools

Purpose of churches for African Americans during

this period?Centers for Social and political life

Encouraged African Americans to become more politically active

African American participation on politics after

the war?Some served in state government offices and state legislatures

Some served in Congress representing their states

Conflicts within the African American communities?“Elite” African Americans – many of whom had been free before the war, did not want to see land taken from landowners

Elite felt they were superior to poor, uneducated African Americans

Freed people resented seeing Northern African Americans holding public offices and being elected to office in southern states

What were black codes?

Southern states passed these to restrict the rights of newly freed blacks AFTER the war but BEFORE strict Reconstruction was imposed on the south by the federal government/Radical Republicans

Some whites respond…

With violence – groups such as Ku Klux Klan to intimidate blacks who tried to participate in government, vote, and be free

They also intimidated white Republicans and carpetbaggers

Carpetbaggers and Scalawags

Carpetbaggers – northerners who came to the South to profit from the South's misery

Many ran for state offices, bought up lands, resources, etc.

Scalawags – Southerners who cooperated with northern Reconstruction Republicans

Ten or so years between end of war and 1876?Military occupation of south – five military districts to stop violence against Republicans and African Americans

After those ten years?

North grew tired of hearing about the South – wanted Reconstruction to end

Many northerners felt like they could not “REFORM” the south

Violence continued even after occupation

Compromise of 1877:

Democrats in SC agreed to let Republican candidate Hayes become President IF

1. Military would be removed from South

2. Democratic candidates could hold office – Wade Hampton III became Governor of SC

After Reconstruction…

Much of the South returned to their old ways of doing things….farming – using sharecropping labor

South was poor for a very long time after the war and Reconstruction – it will not emerge from economic depression until WWII

After Reconstruction….

Many southern states passed Jim Crow Laws

Segregation - African Americans had to use separate facilities

Poll taxes, literacy tests and grandfather clauses were used to keep African Americans from voting

Intimidation of African Americans returned

Segregation?Established by the Supreme Court Case – Plessy vs. Ferguson

In the South – southern states had de jure segregation – laws on the books – Jim Crow laws to limit rights of African Americans

In the North and west – segregation was de facto – it was practiced – it wasn’t official or in the laws but many facilities did not allow African Americans to share certain facilities

W.E.B. DuBois vs. B.T. Washington


First black grad from Harvard

Did not believe in segregation

Felt African Americans should be very active politically


Tuskegee Institute

Segregation okay – can achieve integration through education and hard work

Excel in teaching and white collar jobs – eventually they would be recognized
