Chapter 4 ShSL Lexicon - ·...


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Chapter 4

ShSL Lexicon

As mentioned earlier in Chapter 1, this study focuses on the

development of a multi-media lexicon of ShSL. :'The lexicon 1 consists of

the lexical items that belong to the lexical categories, each with its

phonological, semantic, and syntactic properties. It also contains rules of

word formation that delimit the class of lexical items and express items

from the lexicon into the abstract phrase markers generated by the

categorical component, giving the initial phrase markers". (Chomsky,


4. 1 Lexical Expansion of ShSL Lexicon

Jepson (1991) in his study of urban and rural sign language in

India, points out that urban Indian sign language (UISL) is lexically rich

with a high degree of syntactic complexity. In contrast to this, rural

Indian sign languages (RISL) are syntactically limited, lexically

impoverished and do not have any productive mechanisms. He also

points out that, UISL utilizes two basic mechanisms for lexical expansion

namely, through the combination of two basic signs and through

borrowing from spoken language. In contrast to UISL, he points out that

RISL appears to possess only a limited syntax. In his corpus of RISL he

found only a few general regularities viz, verbs are sel}tence final and

that questions are marked by a question marker at the end of a

sentence and even this pattern is not rigidly followed. However, this is

not the case with ShSL. It is prevalent in the communication system of

young deaf signers in Shillong who are deprived of adult input of sign

language and therefore, there is the absence of a proper linguistic

1 Chomsky, Noam (2002) On Language; Penguin Books,


model for young deaf children to follow. Their language possesses a high

degree of gestural communication. It is also the case with those Deaf

people2 who have no contact with the deaf community, and those who

have remained isolated with no education. However, ShSL data shows a

highly productive lexicon which is rapidly changin_g under the influence

of education and technology. It also shows a high degree of syntactic

complexity, which needs a further in- depth analysis.

The basic vocabulary of ShSL may be comparatively small and

some signs are not easily translated by a single word in English. This may

be the case with other rural sign languages as well. However ShSL, unlike

other rural sign languages, has the required means of expanding its

vocabulary based on the data collected. There ore thousands of

lexicalized signs in ShSL representing concepts of a full range of levels of

abstraction. You (1990) points out that "The lexicon of sign language

can be expanded in two ways: (a) by modifying the morphology of the

basic signs; (b) by combining two or more existing basic signs to form a

compound sign or a lexical pantomimic sequence to denote a notion or

object new to that language. These lexical improvisations might

become established as compound signs and they are further reduced

to complex signs or even simple monogesturol signs"3 (p.261 ). Similarly,

ShSL lexicon is expanded mainly through:

• the process of compounding,

2 This case of isolation of the deaf people was evident from one deaf person whom I happened to meet during the process of data collection. His name is Timothy and he is l9yrs of age. He had contact with other deaf people in the school for only a year at the age of ten and then he went back to his village. At present he is working in Sr.

Merley's school as a daily labourer.

3Vau, Shunchiu (1990) Lexical branching in Sign language in. Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research Vol.l: Fischer, S. Susan & Siple, and Patricia (eds) University of

Chicago Press. http:/ /books,


• the process of morphological modification of basic signs. For

example, in the sign READ and STUDY, the difference between these

two signs is that STUDY is signed with a repeated movement of the

Handshapes up-down, including the NMA feature of eye gaze

fixation on the handshapes. The sign READ is c,:m initialised sign, which

also has the some location and one single movement but it excludes

the NMA features.

• the process of utilizing fingerspelling for proper names and referents

which have no appropriate sign. Fingerspellings for proper names or

referents can either be complete representation of all the alphabets

or con be in the form of Initialized signs as mentioned above. An

example of complete representation of fingerspellings is when all the

letters of a word is spelled out like in the word MARY is fingerspelled as


• the process of borrowing which is revealed in the presence of loan

signs in ShSL is usually done from English in the form of initialised signs,

(more details included in chapter 3) and

• the influence of other sign languages viz, the ASL and varieties of ISL

as used in some of the neighbouring states such as Assam, Mizoram,

and Nagaland (details included in chapter 3).

The process of word formation in ShSL is presented in this section.

Many new signs are created through an iconic association of meanings

which are represented through mime and gestures. As mentioned in

chapter 3, these new signs eventually developed into highly complex

signs. In ShSL the phonological units of each sign constitute one whole

meaning and a change or an addition in one of the phonological units

will give a different meaning. Stokoe (1960) demonstrated that ASL like

all other languages, combines meaningless elements to compose a

meaningful symbol. Similarly, any sign language including ShSL also

combines meaningless elements to form a single meaningful symbol.


Apart from the influence of iconicity in the process of word

formation in ShSL new signs are also created through a process of

compounding. A compound is a case of portmanteau formation. which

is a blend of two or more words or a blend of two or more function

words. Compounds are of two types viz, endocentric compounds and

exocentric compounds. Endocentric consist of a head, which is the

categorical part that contains the basic meaning of the whole

compound, and modifiers which restrict this meaning. They are also of

the same word class. Exocentric compounds do not have a head, their

meaning is not transparent. and they are usually not of the same word

class. In spoken languages, the rules of formation of compounds are

different from one language to another. The same is with sign

languages. Compounds are formed in a combination of Noun + Noun,

Noun+ Verb, Verb+ Verb, Adjective+ Noun, Adjective+ Adjectives, etc.

Compounding is one of the productive devices in the expansion of ShSL

Lexicon. ShSL exhibits the following types of combination which are

illustrated below:

Classifiers in ShSL


Bottle + Chillies= Pickles Man + Write= Author

Night + food= Dinner Write + Necktie= Office

Cousin + brother = Cousin brother Pray + Etc= Religion

Person + Story= Biography Meat + have= Non-vegetarian

Pen + Stand = Pen stand Sports + run= Stadium

Man + Birth= Son Adj + N

Woman + Birth = daughter Old + place= Pakistan

Morning+ Food= Breakfast Green + bird= parrot

Place + School = Bethany Black + white + Horse= Zebra


Red + Intestines= Dohjem (Pork Green + Jump= Frog


Father + side= Paternal Sticky + fruit = blackberry

Mother + side=Maternal Fat + fish= whale

Man + ring= Husband Sour + lemon= bitter

Woman + ring= Wife Sweet + bee = Honey

India+ Language Name+ next= Title/Surname

Train + Station= Railway station V+V

Ship + Police = Navy Write + take= Note

FS + Noun/FS + Adj/ FS + VI Cut + cry= Onion

J + drums + dance= Jowai N+N+V

P + M + important= Prime Minister Pig + head+ Cut= Pork

M + Cold= Meghalaya FS +Classifier (Cl)

S + Cold= Shillong H + CL= hall

T + Hot= Tripura P + B + CL = Police bazaar

U + Water + Mountain= Umiam N+Cl

L +Cathedral+ big= Laitumkhrah Woman + CL= girl

S + mountain + rood= Silchar Book + CL= book shelf

P + important= Principal Man+ CL= boy

D + Cold + Snow= Darjeeling Cl + Adj

J + Y + rain = July CL +open= window

J + rain= June

T + V + new= News -M +hot= May Cl+ V

P + Pray= Presbyterian CL + eat= biscuits

P + bhangra dance= Punjabi

N + Diwali= November


Based on the ShSL data, fingerspellings also play a major role in

inventing new signs, which are mostly proper names. The data also

reveals that compounds in ShSL came into existence by combining

single signs which already exist in the lexicon. These combinations may

reflect directly the meanings of its constituent part~. However, there are

compounds that do not directly reflect the meanings of its parts.

Therefore, two different and unrelated words can combine to form a

whole new meaning. ShSL data shows that compounds have two/three

HS, two/three different Locations, and two/three different Orientations.

4.2 Syntactic Structures of ShSL

Stokoe4 (1980) points out that "sign language grammar has its

own rules as well as its own lexicon of signs with different meanings; and

the rules and lexicon of ASL differ from the rules and lexicon of English"

(p. 20). Zeshan (2003) in her description of Indo-Pakistani Sign Language

(IPSL) classified lexemes into two major classes and these are open word

class and close lexical classes. The open word class are further sub­

divided into three different classes: " (a) signs that cannot be modified in

space, (b) signs whose place of articulation can change, and (c)

directional signs" (p-161 ). Similarly, this study will present the lexicon

according these three classes of lexemes.

The syntactic structure of ISL is given in all the four dictionaries

developed by Vasistha, Woodward and Wilson (1978, that focus

on the four major cities of India. All sign languages in the world follow

systematic rule-governed structures. It is generally believed that there

are unique sets of rules for making a sentence in ISL just as there are

distinct sets of rules for making a sentence in spoken languages like

4 StoKoe. W. C (1980), (ed). Sign and Culture: A Reader for Students of American Sign

Language. Linstok Press. USA


Hindi, English, etc. The focus of the present study is the lexicon and the

sign language dictionary. I do understand that even for a lexicon some

basic understanding of the syntactic structure of the language is

essential. In this section, a brief syntactic analysis and description of ShSL

is being written separately. The following points sum up some of the

syntactic features of the language. An understanding of these features

is absolutely essential to be able to appreciate the structure of the

dictionary provided.

A. Word-order:

A striking feature of ShSL is the word -order. The following points

show how the word order in sign language is different from the spoken


l. In ShSL subjects are placed before the verbs in sentences. i.e. the

subjects always preceded the verbs For example,

i. In ShSL: Masc Index eye-gaze---------3rd PER -M-A-R-Y -LOVE


He loves Mary

ii. Index self--------Index 2nd PER- LOVE


I love you

2. Word order shows which element is the subject and which is the

object. In ShSL the word order is 'Subject object and verb' (SOV).

Given below are a few examples with single and double objects:

i. In ShSL: MANGO--Masc Index eye-gaze---------3rd PER CL5 EAT

mouth open


He eats a mango


• In ShSL: CLB self------SISTER -BOOK---Index self give:j5


I give the book to my sister

3. Negatives in ShSL also occur at the end of the sentence. For


• In ShSL: Index se/f-----SCHOOL---1 ndex down--GO: d6 __ _

· Neg:hm7:shake


I will not go to school today

4. WH-questions are usually placed at the end of a sentence. WH­

questions are also accompanied with the Non-manual features i.e.

the 'raised brow'. WH-questions are compounded. These are

illustrated as follows:

i. In ShSL: 2ndPer:j-NAME Wh-CL5 raised brow


What is your name?

ii. Index :j ---2nd Per-PLACE Wh-CL5 raised brow


Where are you from?

iii. lndex:j------2nd Per-- Index semicircle (fst)Fut--COME Wh 1-- Index



At what time you will come tomorrow?

5 Referent is receiving the action in the spatial location.

6 Directional signs

7 Head shake movement


5. Like the WH-questions, the NMA feature 'raised brow' also occurs

with Yes/No questions. Yes/No questions are also sentence final. For


2ndPer: j-MOTHER HOME: y-nqB


Is your mother at home?

The Non Manual features of 'Head nod' and 'Head shake' play a

vital role in question sentences. For example, a head nod is sufficient

for a sign YES, and a head shake from side to side is sufficient for a

sign NO, but in a sign sentence these NMA features ore obligatory.

6. The order of adjectives is different from one language to another. In

ShSL adjectives are place after the noun, except for colour

adjectives, which is similar to ISL. For example:

i. Index Face----BEAUTIFUL


She is beautiful

ii. Index self---- BLUE RIBBON CLV


I cut the blue ribbons

B. Simultaneity of the Signs:

Just as the word order is important, in sign languages it is

important to note that there are signs occurring simultaneously like the

prosodic features occurring together with segmental in spoken

languages. A single word is a combination of sound segments

according to the syllable structure pertaining to a specific language.

Simultaneity means that grammatical features of a sign are performed

together at a given time. In English, the plural markings are commonly

a y-nq- Yes/No question


marked with a /s/ morpheme. However, in ShSL plural markings are

marked by adding the sign ETC and a repeated movement. For

example, CAR + ETC. Another example, the sign PEOPLE the /C/HS is

repeated UP-Down, but for a single person the same handshape is used

but with a single movement. This is a sample of simultaneity in ShSL.

C. Temporality and Deixis:

1. Topic is also established first before the conversation, and then the

discourse of the conversation will follow. Topic can be a theme, a

person, a thing, etc in a conversation. The topic positions the

referents in the signing space. For example, a signer in his story

about his teachers and his Principal. The signer will place the topic

(the teacher) in his right side of the signing space and the

Principal in the opposite direction. Similarly, for an event and an

object, the topic is established first before the conversation.

2. Time grammatical tenses are deictically referred to by the

proximity to the signer. The time-line in ShSL stretches from behind

the signer's right shoulder to the neutral space. Temporal markings

are marked within this stretch of space. TODAY is signed just in

front of the signer, TOMORROW is signed which a short and fast

movement and YESTERDAY/BEFORE and PAST is signed by

extending the handshape upwards way back from the signer's

right shoulder. The sign of BEFORE is not index based. It is signed

with /B/ HS. A sign like LONG TIME AGO is signed as the sign -

YESTERDAY, but with a bigger movement that stretches a little

further along with an eye-gaze fixation. Types of calendric units in

ShSL are:



Index semicircle (fsf? :ci(J_)---WEEK


Index down Pres----WEEK


Index back (a) Pst----WEEK


Index semicircle (fsf'' :c'2)--- YEAR Index (t-in)


Index down Pres----YEAR lndex---(t-in)


Index back (a) Pst---YEAR Index--- (t-in)

3. Tense: In contrast with English language where the tenses are

marked by adding morphemes to the verbs however, ShSL tense

marking is different. In ShSL tense are marked in combination with

lexical items such as YESTERDAY, TODAY, and TOMORROW.

Similarly, it uses the same mechanism for the present and future

tenses. This is similar to BSL13. Tense in ShSL is preverbal. Based on

ShSL data, the differences between the past, present, and future

tense in the verbs like SLEEP/SLEPT, SEE/SAW. GO/WENT are

indicated by actions emphasising with a head movement. NMA

feature of eyegaze and head lift are used to show future tense.

9 fast movement

10 small movement

11 fast movement

12 small movement

13 Woll & Spence (1998). The Linguistics of British Sign Language: An Introduction. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge (p.ll7)


i. In ShSL: Index back (a) Pst-------lndex self SCHOOL-GO:d!!14


Yesterday I went to school

ii. Index down Pres----SCHOOL-Index self -GO:d

Today School I go

I am going to school today

iii. Index semicircle(fst)Fut----SCHOOL lndex--self-GD:d:hm 15:heod


I will go to school tomorrow

D: Spatial Deixis:

Deixis in ShSL are indexical signs. Deictic function in a language is

described by Lyons (1977, 637) as follows: "By deixis is meant the location

and identification of persons, objects events, processes and activities

being talked about, or referred to, in relation to the spatiotemporal

context created and sustained by the act of utterance and the

participation in it, typically, of a single speaker and at lea one

addresseel6" (p-167). Deictic elements can be described as pointing to

something in the situation or context of utterance. What are pointed to is

time, location, and person. Meier (1990) points out that "deictic

morphemes and their accompanying gestures anchor the reference of

an utterance in space and time".

In ShSL persons are deictically ref~rred to by their location. The

right and left side of the Neutral space act as the point-of reference. In

a conversation, usually the second person SHE is pointed to the right side

14 emphatic form

15 hm: head lift

16 Ahlgren. Inger (1990). Deictic Pronouns in Swedish and Swedish Sign Language ln. Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research Vol.l: Fischer, S~ Susan & Siple, Patricia (eds) University of Chicago Press. http:/ /books.


of the signer's body. The difference of THIS /HERE and THAT /THERE, is a

difference of propinquity to the signer. The sign THIS occurs in close

proximity to the signer, whereas the sign THAT is extended away from the


E: Classifier

Classifier is a word or a morpheme which classify a noun

according to its meaning. Spence & Woll (1998) pointed out that the

term 'classifier' meet the following criteria: (a) they refer to a group that

shares some common features; (b) they are proform (that is, they

substitute for more specific signs); and (c) they occur in verbs of motion

and or location" (p-47-48). Sinha (2000) in his description.of ISL points

out that classifiers are compounded (as it is shown above) as well as

included in the verbs. There are several categories of classifiers in ShSL

such as surface, shape, tracing and quantifiers, etc. ShSL lexicon shows

that signs with similar meanings have similar handshapes configurations.

These classifiers are broadly categorized as follows:

• Classifier I AI is used to show objects like, vehicles, bicycle, etc. It is

also incorporated in the verbs like for example RUN, etc

• Classifier I A&/ is used to demonstrate the importance of public

figures, heads of office, heads of schools, etc.

• Classifier /C/ is used to show person, and it is also used to show

objects, for example, CUPS, etc.

• Classifier/G/ is used for pronouns, and various shapes. For

example, nouns like ROOM, COMPUTER etc.

• Classifier /B/ is used to show square shape like TABLE, etc. it is also

used to differentiate between younger sister and elder sister, etc.

• Classifier /0/is used to show objects like for tube-like shapes like


• Classifier /VI is used to show two people walking, for double, etc.


• Classifier /4/ is used to show objects like GATE, STRIPES (black &

white stripes) etc.

• Classifier /5/ is used like the classifier /4/. It is also used for plural

markings, etc.

• Classifier /1/ is used to show THIN, WEAK, etc.

• Classifier /Y I is used for AEROPLANES, etc.

• Classifier /L/ is used to represent shapes like PICTURES,

PHOTOGRAPHS, a plot of land etc.

F: Open- word class

l . Directional signs: ShSL exhibits the presence of directional signs.

Directional signs are for some verbs. For example, GIVE, TAKE,


2. Signs with changing place of articulation: ShSL also consists of

signs that do not occur in a single location. That is at the initial

position a sign may originate in one location and completed in

another, in its course of articulation. For example signs like,


3. Nouns receiving an action: There are nouns receiving an action,

which can be built into the verb in BSL. (Spence & WoiL 1998). In

such cases, the sign order is not relevant, for instance whether

WASH-FACE OR FACE-WASH is the right order because FACE­

WASH is signed as a single unit. In ShSL such signs also exist in the

lexicon. For example, in words like SMOKE-CIGARETIE (as it is in


4. Signs that cannot be modified in Space: There are several signs in

ShSL that cannot be modified in space. These are signs that have

fixed location either through contact with the body or in relation

to the body. For example, MOTHER COLOUR, WOMAN, GIRL



5. Signs with changes in handshape: There are signs where

handshape changes. For example signs like DELETE, COMPLETE,

MORNING, etc. These signs begin with I AI handshape which is

subsequently released to a /5/ handshape. MORNING starts with

/sA/ HS and released to a /5/.

G: Numerals

Cardinal numbers from one to ten in ShSL are represented by the

following handshapes. These are /G/, /V/, /W/, /4/, /5/, /1/, /bC/, /8a/,

/9/ (this is similar to HS /A&/ but with a different orientation) and /G/ +

101 respectively. The cardinal numbers are also included in the


Numbers in ShSL are incorporated in the nouns and the verbs. For

example, the verb WALK is signed with a V/2 HS classifying two people

are walking, and if three people are walking, it is sign with a 3/W HS are

walking. If a single person is walking, it is signed as with a /G/ HS,

classifying one person is walking. In nouns, the numbers occurs in the

final position. For example:

In ShSL: Index self-BOOK TEN HAVE

I have ten books

ShSL grammatical structures is similar to other sign languages, for

instance it does not possessed signs like articles, conjunctions, etc which

are the essential elements in any spoken languagesl?. For example, THE

GIRL GAVE THE BOOK TO THE BOY, in ShSL, the articles are omitted like

GIRL BOY BOOK GAVE. These grammatical elements are usually

articulated through fingerspellings in classroom instructions on English


17 A comparative analysis with other sign languages based on literature.


These structures mentioned above reveal that ShSL is not derived

from the spoken languages, but bears a resemblance to ISL syntactic

structures. Stokoe (1980) points out that "generative-transformational

grammar is inadequate for sign-'all grammars leak' is a common

linguistic saying. No theorist of language has yet adequately described

the way languages work inside their own systems, let alone the way

they work socially, in human groupings. The point is instead that sign, far

from having no grammar, has such interesting structure and so unusual

a system that it challenges all theories of grammar based only on

spoken language. Equally important is the fact that languages are

much easier to learn and use than to describe or explain" (p 30). It is

important to mention here that young children differ in the articulation

of sign structure, but this is part of the process of sign language

acquisition. Moreover, this is a regular process of language acquisition

where children move from a single sign to two signs and so on.

Schools for the deaf students focus on teaching English assuming

it will be their native language. The structure of sign language is more

influenced by English. Therefore children with mild hearing loss and

those children who acquired deafness at a later stage with no exposure

to sign language differ in their use of sign language.


4.3 The Lexicon

Word Handshape Location Movement Orientation Non Manual

1 . put B# Neutral space Downwards ORI7 (Opening Elliptical)

2. get 5 Neutral space From (clasp) ORI3 3. down G Neutral space Downwards ORI7 4. off FS + 5 Middle base Separate ORI7 5. up G Neutral space Upwards ORI10 6. again v Neutral space Downwards ( ++) ORI7 7. here G orB Neutral space To + Downwards ORI7 8. near B Middle base From (c) ORI7 9. fO Mouth To ORIS Frown

Face 10. little fO Neutral space Upwards (twisting ORI10 Eyes

c) slightly I close

11. . yes A orB Neutral space Downwards (ftc) ORI7 12. much B Neutral space ' Upwards (sl) ORI7 13. author G+fO Above upper G: Twisting+ fO: To ORI7

lips + Inner palm (c ++) + fO: surface

14. feel 8b Chest Upwards (t-fng) ORI4 15. stop B Inner Palm Downwards (t -sd ft) ORI10

surface 16. close 2 BA Chest From (c ++) ORI7


17' he 8/\ + 8 Above Upper Twisting (c)+ To (b) 8/\ :ORI2- eye gaze lips+ Chest 8:0RI3 fixation

18. story Y+ U Middle base Y: Alternate Up- Y:ORI13-Down+ U: Up- U:ORI7 down

19. biography C+Y+U Neutral space + C: Up-down+ Y: C:ORI12-Middle base Alternate Up-Down Y:ORI13-

(Separate) U:ORI7 20. improve 8/\ Neutral space Upwards (Climbing) OR17

21' develop 8 Neutral space Upwards (sl) ORI3 22. single G Neutral space Upwards (twisting ORI17


23. double 2 Neutral space Upwards (twisting ORI17 C)

24. memorize fO Inner palm Downwards+ ORI7-0RI6 surface + Side Upwards of the Forehead

25. need WH 8& + DH c8 Outer palm DHTo(++) WH:ORI17-surface DH:ORI4

26. hate DH Y + WH: 8 Inner palm DH To (t-pn) WH:ORI3-surface DH:ORI4

27. join F- Middle base Right-Left (interlock) ORI7. 28. front H ** Middle base RH: To (c) ORilO 29. answer A& Mouth To (t-th) ORI17 30. air 8 Neutral space+ Right-Left ( sl) + ORI17

Nose From 31' write fO (2S) Inner palm To (c ++) 8:0RI3-

surface fO:ORI7


32. pain B Side of the Upwards (t-plm) ORI17 Eyes close forehead

33. rest B Chest Downwards ORI16 Head slightly tilt to the riQht

34. summer bC Forehead Right-Left ( sl, t-in) ORill 35. winter A Neutral space Approach (shaking ORil Eyes

c) slightly I close

36. wood DH B& + WH 5 Outer wrist To (t-plm ft ++) B&:ORI17-5:0RI7

37. soap cB Forearm Up-Down ORI6 38. run A Shoulder Alternate Up-Down ORI9 39. play y Neutral space Alternate Up-Down ORI13 40. plant G- Neutral space Alternate Up-Down ORI17 410 empty F Neutral space Circular (c ) ORI15 42. look v Eyes To ORI3 Eye gaze

fixation 43. touch B Outer palm Up-Down (r-plm) ORI5

surface 44. turn G Neutral space Upwards (semi- ORI17'

circle) 45. sound G Ear Up-Down ORI17 46. wool DH G + WH c5+ G Neutral space G:Circular (c)+ G & c5:0RI7-

c5:static + G: Up- G:ORI5-5:0Ril Down (t-in)+ 5: Opening (sl)

47. war LH L + RH G Shoulder Upwards (static) ORI17


48. test LH B + RH fO ** Eyes + Neutral B: Upwards + fO: B:ORI4- Eyes close space Alternate To-From fO:ORI7

49. knife G Index finger Up-Down (r-in) ORI7 50. flag B Elbow Upwards (waving) ORI12 51. garden c5 Neutral space Alternate Up-Down ORI17 52. bridge B Shoulder Upwards+ To ORI12

(semicircle) 53. simple F Middle base Approach+ ORI15

SeQarated 54. compact disc FS CD+ G Inner palm Circular (c) ORI7

surface 55. protect BA + B Waist + Neutral BA: From+ B: BA:ORI3- Head

space Upwards (Cross B:ORI4 slightly tilt hand) to the right

56. complete A Middle base To (Cross Hand ORI7 Opening)

57. opposite G Middle base Approach ORilO Eye gaze (Contact) fixation

58. smell B Nose Upwards ( ++) ORI4 Head forward

59. sometimes fO+G Neutral space + fO: Twisting (c) + f0:0Ril7-Outer wrist G: Downwards G:ORI7

60. walk v Neutral space To (Flickering) ORI18 61. she G Side of the Nose Upwards (t-in)+ To ORI2 Eye gaze

or ears fixation 62. finish B Inner palm To (r-plm ft) ORIS



63. exercise B Shoulder Upwards+ ORI17 Downwards

64. practice DH A+ WH B Inner palm To-From (c r-fst) B:ORI3-surface A:ORI17

65. agree G Side of the Upwards+ ORI4-0RI5 Forehead+ Approach Middle base

66. engagement fO Ring finger Insert ORI6 67. concentrate B Side of the To (ft) ORI12 Head

forehead forward 68. patience 5 Neutral space Up-Down ORI4 69. belt cV Waist Approach (t-in-md) ORI4 70. necktie u Neck Upwards (t-th-in) ORI4 Head lift 71' sky B Vertex Upwards (Waving ORI17 Head lift

a) 72. toilet I Neutral space Upwards ORI17 73. accident B Middle base Approach (ft t-fng) ORI7 Torso

movement 74. line 2 B Middle base Separate (sl ++) ORI17· Wrinkled

Forehead 75. dirty 5 Chin Upwards ORI5 Frowned

(Fiickerino) face 76. thread F Middle base Separated ORI15 77. needle G Index finger Upwards ( ++ c) CDRI17 78. knit G Middle base Up-Down ( ++) + ORI5

Cross finger


79. land L Neutral space To (Separate) ORIS 80. traffic jam A+B Neutral space A: Alternate Up- A:ORI1-B:ORIS Wrinkled

Down+ B: To (RH: Forehead Se_2orate sl).

81' jealous I Side of the Downwards (c t-pn) Frowned mouth face

82. speech B# Mouth Circular ( ++) ORI17 Rounded therapy lips

83. pick s Neutral space From (Closing) ORI16 84. size y Middle base Approach ORIS

(contact) 8S. birth BA orB Stomach or To (sl) ORIO

Neutral space 86. dress fO + S Neutral space fO: From+ S: f0:0RI4-

Downwards (sl t- S:ORI3 fng)

87. earthquake s Neutral space Right-Left Shaking ORIS Head shake+ Torso movement

88. matchbox F + G Middle base RH F:To (ft) + G: F:ORI12-(Square) G:ORI7

89. ant F Neutral space To (Wiggling) ORIS 90. magic fO(IC) Face To (ft) ORI17 Widened


91' briefcase C (IC) Middle base Upwards ORI7 92. box B (IC) Fingertips Up-down (contact ORI7

~ c)


93. Sikh A Head Circular ( ++) ORI17 Head forward

94. New Delhi FS ND 95. bun B+C5+G Inner palm B: Downwards (t-sd) B:ORI12-

surface+ + c5: Twisting (c)+ c5:0RI5-Neutral space G: Circular G:ORI6

96. Papaya BA Middle base Downwards ORIS (Elliptical)

97. Mango G + c5 Side of the Face G:Circular (c sl) + G:ORI4-0RI17 + Neutral space c5:Upwards

(Twisting c) 98. number G- Neutral space Upwards (opening) ORI17 99. house B Middle base Approach+ ORI17

Downwards 100. boil A&+ c5 Mouth + Neutral A&:Upwards + A&:ORI4-

space c5:Up-down (ft) c5:0RI17 101' perfect G+A& Side of the G:Downwards + G:ORI4- Wrinkled

Forehead+ A&:Upwards (ft) A&:ORI1 Forehead Neutral space

102. but G Neutral space Downwards ( c ) ORI10 103. fever B Forehead Upwards ORI6 Head

Shake 104. distribute cB Neutral space To (a++) OR13 105. throat u Neck From (t-in-th) ORI4 Head lift 106. Andhra FSAP

Pradesh 107. Jammu and FS JK +A Neutral space Upwards (shaking ORI4

Kashmir C)


108. Goa FSG + B Middle base To (Contact sl) ORI3 Rounded liQs

109. Kerala FS K + c5 Side of the Upwards (shaking ORI17 Head Forehead c) slightly tilt

to the left 110. Lakshwadeep FS L +A&+ 5 Mouth + Middle A&: Upwards+ 5: A&:ORI4-

base Separate 5:0RI5 (Flickering)

1 11 . sweep A Waist** Right-left ( ++) ORI1 112. train B Middle base RH:Circular (c)+ LH: ORI17 Rounded

Static lips 113. noodle v Mouth UP-Down ORI4 Mouth

open 114. America 5 Middle base Circular (Insert++) ORI17 115. England FS E + 5 Neutral space Downwards (ft) ORI7 116. Australia BA Middle base To(++) ORI7 117. chef B+A Head + Neutral B: Upwards + A: B:ORI17-

space Circular (c) A:ORI7 118. problem u Forehead Upwards (t-th~in) ORI4 Head

shake 119. worry c5 Head Upwards (Circular ORI4 Head

c) shake 120. forget 4 Forehead Right-left (t-fng ORI4

OpeninQ) 121. confuse c Face Right-left++ ORI15 122. lemon G +C5 Tongue+ G: Upwards (t-in)+ ORI4

Neutral space c5: Flickering


123. serve B + B# Shoulder+ B: Upwards (t -fng) + B:ORI4-Neutral space B# :To(++) B# :ORI3

124. miser v Neutral space To (ft) ORI7 Head back+ Wrinkled forehead

125. bell fO Neutral space Wiggling ORI7 126. meeting G Middle base Approach ORI17

(Circular) 127. meet B Fingertips Approach ORI1

(contact) 128. tablet u Mouth Upwards ORI4 Mouth

open 129. scissors v Neutral space To (ft) ORI12 130. loose Aorl Middle base Approach ( ++ ft) ORI7

131' lose fO Neutral space To (Opening, ft) ORIS Widened eyes

132. enjoy B Middle base To-From (r-plm) ORI12 Widened eyes

133. kneel cV Inner palm Downwards ORI7 surface

134. Khasi H Shoulder Upwards (t-in-th) ORI4 135. Jainsem 1 2 (2HD) Shoulder Upwards (Contact) ORI6 136. lungi BA Waist To-From (r-plm) ORI6 137. Jainsem 2 B + 2 (2HD) Waist + Shoulder B:From (Approach) ORI6

+ 2:Upwards (contact)


138. fine 2 B + fO Inner palm B:Approach B:ORI10-surface+ (Separate t-fng) + fO:ORI2 Neutral space fO: Flickering (c)

139. find v Eyes Right-Left ORI17 Eye gaze ~' fixation

140. king 5 Vertex Upwards (t-plm) ORI17 141. queen bC + B Nose + Vertex bC: Upwards (t-in) G:ORI4-

+ B: Upwards) B:ORI17 142. carrom v Inner palm Flickering (c) ORI2

surface 143. surprise A Middle base Separate (ft ORI17 Widened

OpeninQ) eyes 144. cough A** Mouth Upwards ORI4 Head

Forward+ Mouth Open

145. angry c5 Side of the Separate (ft) ORI10 Forehead

146. ice-cream G+A Teeth + Mouth G:Upwards +A: Up- ORI4 down

147. coolie B + C Shoulder+ B:Upwards (t-fng) + B:ORI4-Vertex C:Up-Down (a++) C:ORIP

148. station c5 Inner palm Downwards (t-fng) ORI5 surface

149. servant B# Shoulder Upwards (t-sd) ORI17 150. discuss G Middle base Alternate To-From ORI17


151. certificate A+G Inner Palm A:Downwards (t-fst A:ORI17-Surface+ ft) + G: Square G:ORI7 Middle base

152. squeeze c Neutral space Up-down (sl ++) ORI9 Eyes slightly close

153. mirror B Neutral space Upwards (static) ORI17 Eye gaze fixation

154. roof B Vertex Upwards (From) ORI5 Head Lift 155. sweet F Mouth Upwards ORI4

(Flickering) 156. telephone RH G + LH Y Ear + Index base G:Circular (c ++) + G:ORI7-Y:ORI4

Y:Upwards 157. Africa A Face + Middle Downwards (r-plm) ORI6

base 158. break A Middle base Separate ORI4

(downwards) (ft) 159. guitar cB Neutral space Upwards (Separate ORI4

a) 160. piano 8b Neutral space Alternate Up-Down ORI7 161. drums A Neutral space Up-Down ( ++) ORI4 162. saxophone C+G Mouth + Middle C:Downwards (semi C:ORI7-G:ORI5

base circle)+ G:Aiternate Up-Down

163. season FS S + B# Middle base Circular (c) ORI17


164. onion G+V Middle base + G:Up-down (++) + G:ORI7-V:ORI4 Eyes Eyes V:Up-Down slightly

close 165. potato c5 Outer wrist To-From(++ t-fng) ORI17 166. tomato G + c5 Lower lip+ G:Right-Left + ORI4

Neutral space c5:Fiickering 167. green chilli B + G- Neutral space B:Upward B:ORI17- Eyes

+Tongue (Wiggling) + G: G:ORI4 slightly Upwards (t-in) close

168. pickles c5 + G + 5 Middle base + c5:Upwards c5:0RI7- Wrinkled Mouth (Twisting c)+ G:ORI4-5:0RI7 Forehead

G:Upwards + 5: Upwards (Shaking}_

169. coriander leaf B Nose Middle B:Upward (++ sl) + 0Ril7 i base Approach

(Contact) 170. dol fO+ G Neutral space + fO: Upwards f0:0RI16

cheeks +G:Upwards (t-in) 171. angel G+B Teeth+ G: Upwards + B: Up- G:ORI4-B:ORI7

Shoulder down(++ sl) 172. mother Mary G Nose+ Upwards (t-in) + ORI4

Forehead Semicircle 173. choir 4+G Middle base + 4:Separate + ORI17 Head

Neutral space G:Right-Left shake 174. mistake G- Index base (IC) Cross movement ORI7 175. minister FS M +A& Neutral space Upwards Raised brow


176. East Khasi Hills B Shoulder+ To (Right)+ Cross ORI2-0RI4-Neutral space hand + Up-Down ORIS

0/i_avy) 177. West Khasi Hills B Shoulder+ To (Left)+ Cross ORI2-0RI4-

Neutral space hand +Upwards ORIS (Wavy)

178. Mawkyrwat cS + FS MY Neutral space To (a) ORIS 179. Jowai FS J + 8b +A Inner palm 8:Downwards (t-in) 8:0RI7-A:ORI1

surface+ + A:Aiternate Up-Neutral space Down

180. Guwahati FS G + BA Vertex Upwards ORI17 (Flickering)

181. Mizoram FS M + U Shoulder + Waist Upwards+ ORI4 Downwards (t-in-th)

182. Police Bazar FS PB + G Middle base Circular (b) ORI7 183. momo v Mouth Alternate Up-down ORI4 184. humble B Chest To (r-plm) ORI6 Head

forward 18S. snow G+S Teeth+ Vertex G:Upwards (t-in)+ G:ORI4-S:ORIS

S:Downwards . (Flickering)

186. criticize y Middle base Up-down (t-pn ++) ORI17 187. trouble c Forehead Upwards (t-th-in) ORI4 Head

shake+ Eyes slightly close

188. snake cB Elbow (IC) Right-left ORI12


189. lizard L Neutral space To (Wiggling) ORI5 190. mosquito fO+ B Outer palm fO: Downwards (t- ORI7

surface th-in)+ B:Downwards (t-plm)

191. tiger !

c5 Face + Forearm From + Up-down (sl) ORI4 Raised brow

192. kiss b + FS B Cheeks (2S) Upwards (t-in) 193. invent c5 Middle base Up-Down (Circular ORI10

++) 194. decide G +A- Side of the G:Upwards +A: G:ORI4- Eyes

forehead+ Downwards (ft t-fst) A:ORI17 slightly Inner palm close surface

195. responsible FS R Inner Palm To (t-in) ORI1 Head surface forward

196. foolish G Side of the Upwards (Twisting ORI4 forehead c)

197. blind V+5 Eyes +Neutral V:Upwards (Right- V:ORI4-5:0RI5 Eyes close space Left) + 5:Fiickering

198. butterfly 5 Middle base + From (Cross hand ORI6 neutral space Flickering

199. chicken X Nose Up-Down(++) ORI4 200. complain c Mouth Upwards ORI7

. (Semicircle) 201. jam G+ B Lower lip+ Inner G: Downwards (t-in) G:ORI4-B:ORI7

palm surface + B:Up-down ( sl c) 202. cap A Head Upwards ORI4


203. vote G+ B Thumbnail or G:(t-in ++) + G:ORI4-Index fin_g_er B:Downwards B:ORI16

204. profit fO + BA Neutral space fO: Flickering (c) f0:0RI2-' +BA:Upwards (t-fng BA:ORI6

++) 205. gossip bC Middle base Approach (contact ORI2

++) 206. Rajasthan 8b + BA Inner palm 8:Downwards (t-in) 8:0RI7- Head lift

surface+ + BA: Upwards (a sl) BA:ORI5 Mouth

207. Tamil nadu 4 Forehead Right-left (sl) ORI4 208. price fO Neutral space Flickering ORI3 209. prime minister FS PM+ A& Neutral space Upwards ORI17 Raised

brow 210. politician fO+ A& Inner palm fO: To (c ++) + f0:0RI7- Raised

surface+ A&:Upwards A&:ORI17 brow Neutral sQace

211. syllabus FS SY + C Inner palm From(++) ORI1 surface

212. skip A Waist' Up-Down ( ++) ORI1 213. duster I C** Neutral space Alternate Right-Left ORI5

(sl) 214. chalk G Teeth + Neutral Upwards+ To ORI17 Eye gaze

space fixation 215. communicate c Mouth Alternate Up-Down ORI7 216. baby B Forearm Right-Left (sl ++) ORI4 217. world 5 Middle base Approach ORI17



218. regret A. Sternum Circular (r-fst) Wrinkled Forehead

219. France v Middle base Upwards (sl a) + ORI17 Approach (t-in-th)

220. village FS v + BA Middle base To (Contact ORI10 Circular) ++

221' sweat bC Forehead Downwards (sl t-in)_ ORI4 Ey_es close 222. eat B# Mouth Upwards(++) ORI4 223. duck 8b Mouth Up-Down (Flickering ORI1S

++) 224. parrot BA Neutral space + Up-Down ( ++) ORI13-0RIS

Shoulders 22S. peacock 4 Neutral space Right-Left (sl ++) ORI1S Torso

movement 226. anklet v Inner palm Downwards+ ORI7

surface Circular (t-in) 227. chappal G Between Index To-From (t-in) ORIS

and Middle finger

228. sandal DH C + WH B + G Outer palm C:From + B:Static + C:ORI17-surface Outer G:Circular (c) B:ORIS+G:ORI7 Wrist

229. strike 0 Neutral space To(++ a) ORIS 230. bandh B# Middle base Approach (t-sd) ORI1S 231. deaf-blind G+V Ear+ Mouth+ G:Downwards (t-in) ORI4

Eves + V:RiQht-Left 232. busy B# Outer palm To-From (r-fng) ORI7



233. eraser fO Inner palm Up-Down (c) ORI7 surface

234. pencil G Cheeks Upwards (t-in) ORI4 235. calm B& Chest Downwards (r-plm) ORI4 Eves close 236. student B# Mouth Upwards+ ORI17 +ORIS Pursed Lips

Downwards 237. stick fO Middle base Separate (a) ORI7 238. thin G Neutral space Downwards (spiral) ORI17 239. tea fO Mouth Upwards ORI11 240. think

I G- Side of the Upwards (++t-in) ORI6

Forehead 241' tension u Forehead Upwards (t-th-in) ORI4 Head

' forward 242. then G Neutral space Downwards (ft) ORI7 243. thousand G+3 Neutral space G:Upwards + 3:To G:ORI17-

3:0RI5 244. hundred G+2 Neutral space G:Upwards + 2:To G:ORI17-

2:0RI5 245. daughter G + B (2HD) Side of the nose G:Upwards (t-in)+ G:ORI4-

+Stomach B:To B:OR11.0 246. travel I +V Eyes + Neutral !:Upwards (t-in)+ V: ORI17 Eye gaze

space Circular (C++) fixation 247. ticket c Inner palm Downwards ( ++ t- · ORI10

surface in-th) 248. try A Inner palm To-From (c ++) ORI1 Wrinkled

surface forehead 249. l.JQIY 5 Face + Neutral Upwards+ ORI5-0RI16 Wrinkled

space Downwards (ft) forehead


250. university u Neutral space Upwards (Circular ORI17 c)

251. veil G+5 Teeth+ Head G:Upwards + ORI4 Head 5:Downwards forward

252. van BA +A Vertex + Neutral BA:To (a)+ BA:ORI5-space A:Aiternate Up- A:ORI1

Down 253. vegetables G+5 Index finger G:To-From (c t-in)+ G:ORI5-5:0RI3

5:Separate (++) 254. venue 8b Inner palm Downwards ORI7

surface 255. wash A Inner palm Up-Down (c t-fst) ORI9

surface 256. wet A+5 Mouth + Vertex A: Upwards+ ORI4-0RI16

+Shoulder 5:Downwards (Flickering) + 5: Up-down (c)

257. weep V- Eyes Downwards ( ++) ORI4 258. weight A+5 Neutral space+ A:Upwards + A:ORI1-5:0RI3

Waist 5:Aiternate Up-down (a)

259. wife G+ B Side of the nose G:Upwards + G:ORI4-or ears+ Ring B:Approach (t-fng) B:ORI10 finqer

260. wolf 5 Forehead+ Upwards+ Upwards ORI17 Rounded Mouth (Opening) lips+ Head



261' apple I G+C5 Lips + Neutral G:Upwards (t-in)+ ORI17 space c5:Upwards (

ShakinQ) 262. banana DH fO + WH A** Middle base DH: To-From+ WH: ORIS

Upwards (static) 263. building B Inner Palm DH: Up-down ++ ORI15

Surface 264. grandfather BA +A Above Upper BA :Twisting (c)+ A: ORI4 Chin raise

lips+ Chin Twisting 265. grandmother G+A Side of the nose G:Upwards (t-in)+ ORI4 Chin raise

+Chin A: Twisting 266. cat B Side of the Separate (sl) OR14 Chin raise

mouth 267. Chennai X Side of the nose Upwards (t-in) OR14 268. child B Neutral space To OR15 269. chocolate b Middle base Separate (sl c) ORI9 270. clerk 8b+A Neutral space 8:Aiternate Up- ORI7

Down+ A:Right-Left 271' exercise book B + B# Middle base B:Approach + fG: B:ORI3-

Alternate To-From fG:ORI11 272. crocodile B Middle base Separate (a) ORI10 · Mouth

Open+ Head lift

273. dark 5 Middle base Approach (Closing <JRI1 0 Eyes close Cross hand) (a)

274. gift FSG Middle base To Twisting (c) ORI10


275. grow DH BA + WH C + fO Middle base DH: Upwards DH:ORI17-f0-(insert) + fO: Up- ORI7 down (c)

276. heavy 5 Neutral space Up-Down (sl) ORI17 Shoulder lift+ Pursed Lips

277. horse A Neutral space Up-Down (ft) ORI7 278. hour G Outer wrist + Upwards (t-in) + ORI17

Neutral space Circular (c) 279. minute A+fO Outer wrist + Upwards (t-in) + ORI17

Neutral space Flickering (c) 280. jackfruit 5 + c5 Middle base 5:Upwards 5:0RI10-

(Circular) + c5:0RI7 c5:Seperated ( ++ ft)

281' key A** Neutral space Twisting ( c ) ORIS 282. lock X Between thumb Downwards (t-in) ORI7

and Index finoer 283. Pakistan A+ 8b Chin+ Inner A:Twisting (t-ft) + 8: A:ORI4-8:0RI7

palm surface Downwards (t-in) 284. lunch A+ 5 + fO Mouth + Neutral A: Upwards+ A:ORI17-

space 5:Upwards From 5:0RI17-(++) + fO: Upwards fO:ORI4

285. dinner 5+ fO Neutral space + 5:Downwards 5:0RI17-Mouth (Closing) + fO: fO:OR14

Upwards 286. marry B Inner phalanx Approach (t-fng) ORI10


287. cousin c Neutral space To ORilO Mouth open

288. cousin brother fO+ C Above Upper fO: Twisting+ C:To fO:ORI4-lips + Neutral C:ORilO space

289. me G Chest From (t-in) ORI4 290. myself G Chest From + Upwards ORI4 291' herself G Nose + Neutral To+ Upwards ORI5

space 292. himself G Above Upper To+ Upwards ORI5

lips + Neutral space

293. quiet G Lips Upwards (t-in) ORI17 294. puri B + c5 Middle base B:Twisting (t-plm) + ORI5

c5:Upwards (ft) 295. traffic police C+A+ U Side of the C:Upwards-A:Cross C:ORI17- Protruding

Forehead+ hand + U:Upwards A:ORi7-U:ORI4 lips Outer Wrist + (t-in-th) Mouth

296. rabbit BA + v Neutral space + BA:To (++c)+ BA:ORI7-Side of the V:Upwards V:ORI17 Forehead (Flickering)

297. result A& Neutral space Downwards ( ++) + ORI17 Alternate Up-down

298. geometry B# Neutral space Twisting (c) ORI3


299. rag fO + B Forearm fO: Downwards (t- ORI6 in-th) + B: Downwards (Re_g_eatedl'L t -plm)

300. relation F- Middle base Right-Left (Inter- 0Ril8 lock)

301' remember G Side of the Upwards (Grasp t- ORI1 Forehead in)

302. national FS NH + G + B Head+ Neutral G:Upwards (t-in)+ G:ORI4-highway space B:To (a) B:ORI12

303. railway station B +C5 Middle base RH Circular ( ++ c) + B:ORI12- Rounded c5: Downwards c5:0RI7 lips . (AQQ_roach_2_

304. island G Inner palm Downwards (t-in) + ORI7 surface Circular

305. note A+ cB Inner palm A:To-From + cB: A:ORI7-cB-surface+ From(++) ORI5 Neutral space

306. meat A Mouth To (Grasp ++) ORI4 Mouth Open

307. neighbour B + BA Fingertips+ B: Approach (t-fng) B:ORI17- Eye gaze neutral space + BA :To (Semicircle) BA:QRI5 fixation

308. nice 5 Face Downwards (sl) ORI4 309. Zebra 2 G +f0 Teeth+ Head+ G:Upwards + fO: fO:ORI7

Middle base Up-down 310. ten 2 G+O Neutral space Upwards ORI15 311. Lakh G + L Neutral space To-(Upwards a) OR115


312. six I Middle base Downwards ( c) ORI7 313. slow BA Outer palm Up-Down (sl r-plm) ORI7

surface 314. twelve G+ 2 Neutral space Upwards ORI15 315. how (many) A+5 Neutral space Upwards ORI3' Eyebrows

raised 316. sick 8b Chest Upwards ORI9 317. behind G or B Shoulders Upwards (a) ORill 318. rainbow 5 Chin + Vertex Right-Left 5:0RI10-0RI17 Mouth

(Wiggling) + open Upwards (a)

319. storm B Neutral space Right-Left ( ++ a) ORI10 Puffed Cheek

320. twenty 2 + 0 Neutral space Upwards ORI15 321. daughter 2 fO + B (2HD) Ear + Stomach fO: Upwards (t- fO:ORI4-

in) + B:To B:ORI10 322. eight Bb Neutral space Upwards OR It 323. him B" + B Aboue Upper Twisting ( c) + To B" :ORI2-

lips + Neutral (b) B:ORI3 space

324 brinjal BG-+ bC Middle base Upwards ORI10 · (Elliptical)

325. cauliflower G + c5' Teeth + Nose + Upwards G:ORil-Middle base (Opening) + c5:0RI1-

Circular c5:0RI10 326. boss AG- Inner Palm Upwards ( ++ ft) ORil

surface 327 broom A Waist ** Right-left ( ++) ORil


328. bus A Middle base 'To-From ORil Puffed / (Circular a) Cheek 329. chili fO + 5 Mouth+ fO: Upwards + fO:OR 11- Eyes

Neutral space 5:(ft) 5:0RI7 slightly close

330. lightning G 'UerteH Downwards ( a ORI17 Torso Wiggling) mouement

+Eyes close

331. wind B Neutral space From ORI9 Puffed Cheek

332. put B# Neutral space Downwards OR17 (Opening Elliptical)

333 get 5 Neutral space From (clasp) ORI3 334. down G Neutral space Downwards ORI7 335. off FS + 5 Middle base Separate ORI7 336. up G Neutral space Upwards ORilO 337. again v Neutral space Downwards ( ++) ORI7 338. here G orB Neutral space To + Downwards ORI7 339. near B Middle base From (c) ORI7 340. fO Mouth To ORIS Frown Face 341. little fO Neutral space Upwards (twisting ORilO Eyes slightly

c) close 342 yes A orB Neutral space Downwards (ft c) OR17 343. much B Neutral space Upwards (sl) OR I?


344. author G+fO Above upper G: Twisting+ fO: To ORI7 lips + Inner palm (c ++) + fO: surface

345. feel 8b Chest Upwards (t-fng) ORI4 346. stop 8 Inner Palm Downwards (t-sd ft) ORilO

surface 347. close 2 8/\ Chest From (c ++) ORI7 348. he 8/\ + 8 Above Upper Twisting (c)+ To (b) 8/\ :ORI2- eye gaze

lips+ Chest 8:0RI3 fixation 349. story V+ U Middle base V: Alternate Up- V:ORI13-

Down+ U: Up- U:ORI7 down

350. biography C+V+U Neutral space+ C: Up-down+ V: C:ORI12-Middle base Alternate Up-Down V:ORI13-

(Separate) U:ORI7 351. improve 8/\ Neutral space Upwards (Climbing) ORI7 352. develop 8 Neutral space Upwards (sl) ORI3 353. single G Neutral space Upwards (twisting ORI17

c) 354. double 2 Neutral space Upwards (twisting ORI17

c) 355. memorize fO Inner palm Downwards+ ORI7-0RI6

surface + Side Upwards of the Forehead

356. need WH 8& + DH c8 Outer palm DH To(++) WH:ORI17-surface DH:ORI4


357. hate DH Y + WH: B Inner palm DH To (t-pn) WH:ORI3-surface DH:ORI4

358. join F- Middle base Right-Left (interlock) ORI7 359. front H ** Middle base RH: To (c) ORilO 360. answer A& Mouth To (t-th) ORI17 361. Air B Neutral space+ Right-Left ( sl) + ORI17

Nose From 362. write fO (2S) Inner palm To (c ++) B:ORI3-

surface fO:ORI7 363. pain B Side of the Upwards (t-plm) ORI17 Eyes close

forehead 364. rest B Chest Downwards ORI16 Head

slightly tilt to the rioht

365. summer bC Forehead Right-Left ( sL t-in) ORill 366. winter j A Neutral space Approach (shaking ORil Eyes

c) slightly close

367. wood DH B& + WH 5 Outer wrist To (t-plm ft ++) B&:ORI17-5:0RI7

368. soap cB Forearm Up-Down ORI6 369. run A Shoulder Alternate Up-Down ORI9 370. play y Neutral space Alternate Up-Down ORI13 371. plant G- Neutral space Alternate Up-Down ORI17 372. empty F Neutral space Circular (c) ORI15


373. Look v Eyes To ORI3 Eye gaze fixation

374. touch B Outer palm Up-Down (r-plm) ORI5 surface

375. turn G Neutral space Upwards (semi- ORI17 circle)

376. sound G Ear Up-Down ORI17 377. wool DH G + WH c5 + G Neutral space G:Circular (c)+ G & c5:0RI7-

c5:static + G: Up- G:ORI5-5:0RI1 Down (t-in)+ 5: Opening (sl)

378. war LH L + RH G Shoulder Upwards (static) ORI17 379. test LH B + RH fO ** Eyes + Neutral B: Upwards+ fO: B:ORI4- Eyes close

space Alternate To-From fO:ORI7 380. knife G Index finger Up-Down (r-in) ORI7

381' flag B Elbow Upwards (waving) ORI12 382. garden c5 Neutral space Alternate Up-Down ORI17 383. bridge B Shoulder Upwards+ To ORI12

(semicircle) 384. simple F Middle base Approach+ ORI15

Separated 385. compact disc FS CD+ G Inner palm Circular (c) ORI7

surface 386. protect BA + B Waist + Neutral BA: From+ B: BA:ORI3- Head

space Upwards (Cross B:ORI4 slightly tilt hand) to the right


387. complete A Middle base To (Cross Hand ORI7 Opening)

388. opposite G Middle base Approach ORilO Eye gaze (Contact) fixation

389. smell B Nose Upwards ( ++) ORI4 Head forward

390. sometim~s fO+G Neutral space + fO: Twisting (c) + fO:ORI17-Outer wrist G: Downwards G:ORI7

391' walk v Neutral space To (Flickering) ORI18 392. she G Side of the Nose Upwards (t-in)+ To ORI2 Eye gaze

or ears fixation 393. finish B Inner palm To (r-plm ft) ORI5

surface 394. exercise B Shoulder Upwards+ ORI17

Downwards 395. practise DH A+ WH B Inner palm To-From (c r-fst) B:ORI3-

surface A:ORI17 396. agree G Side of the Upwards+ ORI4-0RI5

Forehead+ Approach Middle base

397. engagement fO Ring finger Insert ORI6 398. concentrate B Side of the To (ft) ORI12· Head

forehead forward 399. patience 5 Neutral space Up-Down ORI4 400. belt cV Waist Approach (t-in-md) ORI4 401. necktie u Neck Upwards(t-th-in} ORI4 Head lift 402. sky B Vertex Upwards (Waving ORI17 Head lift



403. toilet I Neutral space Upwards ORI17 404. accident B Middle base Approach (ft t-fng) ORI7 Torso

movement 405. line 2 B Middle base Separate (sl ++) ORI17 Wrinkled

! Forehead 406. dirty 5 Chin Upwards ORI5 Frowned

(Flickering) face 407. thread F Middle base Separated ORI15 408. needle G Index finger Upwards(++ c) ORI17 409. knit G Middle base Up-Down ( ++) + ORI5

Cross finoer 410. land L Neutral space To (Separate) ORI5 411' traffic jam A+B Neutral space A: Alternate Up- A:ORI1-B:ORI5 Wrinkled

Down+ B: To (RH: Forehead Separate sl)

412. jealous I Side of the Downwards (c t-pn) Frowned mouth face

413. speech B# Mouth Circular ( ++) ORI17 Rounded therapy lips

414. pick 5 Neutral space From (Closing) 0Ril6 415. size j y Middle base Approach ORI5

(contact) 416. birth BA orB Stomach or To (sl) ORIO

Neutral space 417. dress fO + 5 Neutral space fO: From+ 5: f0:0RI4-

Downwards (sl t- 5:0RI3 fnq)


418. earthquake 5 Neutral space Right-Left Shaking ORI5 Head shake+ Torso movement

419. matchbox F + G Middle base RH F:To (ft) + G: F:ORI12-(Square) G:ORI7

420. ant F Neutral space To (Wiggling) ORI5 421' magic fO(IC) Face To (ft) ORI17 Widened

eves 422. briefcase C (IC) Middle base Upwards ORI7 423. box B (IC) Fingertips Up-down (contact ORI7

c) 424. Sikh A Head Circular ( ++) ORI17 Head

forward 425. New Delhi FS ND 426. bun B+c5+G Inner palm B: Downwards (t-sd) B:ORI12-

surface+ + c5: Twisting (c)+ c5:0RI5-Neutral space G: Circular G:ORI6

427. Papaya BA Middle base Downwards ORI5 (Elliptical)

428. Mango G+ c5 Side of the Face G:Circular (c sl) + G:ORI4-0RI17 + Neutral space c5:Upwards

(Twisting c) 429. number G- Neutral space Upwards (opening) ORI17 430. house B Middle base Approach+ ORI17

Downwards 431' boil A&+ c5 Mouth + Neutral A&:Upwards + A&:ORI4-

space c5:Up-down (ft) c5:0RI17


432. perfect G+A& Side of the G:Downwards + G:ORI4- Wrinkled Forehead+ A&:Upwards (ft) A&:ORI1 Forehead Neutral space

433. but G Neutral space Downwards ( c ) ORI10 434. fever B Forehead Upwards ORI6 Head

Shake 435. distribute cB Neutral space To (a++) ORI3 436. throat u Neck From (t-in-th) ORI4 Head lift 437. Andhra FSAP

Pradesh 438. Jammu and FS JK +A Neutral space Upwards (shaking ORI4

Kashmir c) 439. Goa FSG + B Middle base To (Contact sl) ORI3 Rounded

lips 440. Kerala FS K + c5 Side of the Upwards (shaking ORI17 Head


Forehead c) slightly tilt to the left

441. Lakshwadeep FS L +A&+ 5 Mouth + Middle A&: Upwards+ 5: A&:ORI4-base Separate 5:0RI5

(FiickerinQ) 442. sweep A Waist** Right-left ( ++) ORI1 443. train B Middle base RH:Circular (c)+ LH: ORI17 Rounded

Static lips 444. noodle v Mouth UP-Down ORI4 Mouth

open 445. America 5 Middle base Circular (Insert++) ORI17 446. England FS E + 5 Neutral space Downwards (ft) ORI7 447. Australia BA Middle base TO(++) ORI7


448. chef B+A Head + Neutral B: Upwards + A: B:ORI17-space Circular(<:) A:ORI7

449. problem u Forehead Upwards (t-th-in) ORI4 Head shake

450. worry c5 Head Upwards (Circular ORI4 Head c) shake

451' forget 4 Forehead Right-left (t-fng ORI4 Opening)

452. confuse c Face Right-left++ ORI15 453. lemon G+ c5 Tongue+ G: Upwards (t-in)+ ORI4

Neutral space c5: Flickering 454. serve B + B# Shoulder+ B:Upwards (t-fng) + B:ORI4-

Neutral space B#:To(++) B#:ORI3 455. miser v Neutral space To (ft) ORI7 Head

back+ Wrinkled forehead

456. bell fO Neutral space Wiggling OR I? 457. meeting G Middle base Approach ORI17

(Circular) 458. meet B Fingertips Approach 0RI1

(contact) 459. tablet u Mouth Upwards ORI4 Mouth

open 460. scissors v Neutral space To (ft) ORI12 461. loose A or L Middle base Approach ( ++ ft) ORI7 462. lose fO Neutral space To (Opening, ft) ORI5 Widened



463. enjoy B Middle base To-From (r-plm) ORI12 Widened eyes

464. kneel cV Inner palm Downwards ORI7 surface

465. Khasi H Shoulder Upwards (t-in-th) ORI4 466. Jainsem 1 2 (2HD) Shoulder Upwards (Contact) ORI6 467. lungi BA Waist To-From (r-plm) ORI6 468. Jainsem 2 B + 2 (2HD) Waist + Shoulder B: From (Approach) ORI6

+ 2:Upwards (contact)

469. fine 2 B +fO Inner palm B:Approach B:ORilO-surface+ (Separate t-fng) + fO:ORI2 Neutral space fO: Flickering (c)

470. find v Eyes Right-Left ORI17 Eye gaze fixation

471. king 5 Vertex Upwards (t-plm) ORI17 472. queen bC + B Nose + Vertex bC: Upwards (t-in) G:ORI4-

+ B:Upwards) B:ORI17 473. carr om v Inner palm Flickering (c) ORI2

surface 474. surprise A Middle base Separate (ft ORI17 Widened

OpeninQ) eyes 475. cough A** Mouth Upwards ORI4 Head

Forward+ Mouth Open

476. angry - c5 Side of the Separate (ft) ORilO Forehead


477. ice·cream G+A Teeth+ Mouth G:Upwards + A:Up- ORI4 down

478. coolie B+C Shoulder+ B:Upwards (t-fng) + B:ORI4-Vertex C:Up-Down (a++) C:ORI17

479. station cS Inner palm Downwards (t·fng) ORIS surface

480. servant B# Shoulder Upwards (t-sd) ORI17 481. discuss G Middle base Alternate To-From ORI17 482. certificate A+G Inner Palm A:Downwards (t-fst A:ORI17-

Surface+ ft) + G: Square G:ORI7 Middle base

483. squeeze c Neutral space Up-down (sl ++) ORI9 Eyes slightly close

484. mirror B Neutral space Upwards (static) ORI17 Eye gaze fixation

48S. roof B Vertex Upwards (From) ORIS Head Lift 486. sweet F Mouth Upwards ORI4

(Flickering) 487. telephone RH G + LH Y Ear + Index base G:Circular (c ++) + G:ORI7-Y:ORI4

Y:Upwards 488. Africa A Face + Middle Downwards (r-plm) ORI6

base 489. break A Middle base Separate ORI4

(downwards) (ft) 490. guitar cB Neutral space Upwards (Separate ORI4

a) 491. piano 8b Neutral space Alternate Up-Down ORI7


492. drums A Neutral space Up-Down ( ++) ORI4 493. saxophone C+G Mouth + Middle C:Downwards (semi C:ORI7-G:ORI5

base circle)+ G:Aiternate Up-Down

494. season FS S + B# Middle base Circular (c) ORI17 495. onion G+V Middle base + G:Up-down (++) + G:ORI7-V:ORI4 Eyes

Eyes V:Up-Down slightly close

496. Potato c5 Outer wrist To-From(++ t-fng) ORI17

497. tomato G+C5 Lower lip+ G:Right-Left + ORI4 Neutral space c5: Flickering

498. Zebra 2 G+fO Teeth+ Head+ G:Upwards +fO: G:ORil-Middle base Up-down (c) fO:ORI7

499. ten 2 G+O Chest Upwards ORI7

500. Lakh G + L Chest To-(Upwards a) ORil

501' six I Middle base Downwards ( c) ORilO·

502. daughter 2 fO + B (2HD) Ear + Stomach fO: Upwards (t-in) + fO:ORI4-B:To B:ORilO

503. slow B"' Outer palm Up-Down (sl r-plm) ORI7 surface


504. eight 8b Chest Upwards ORI1'

505. twenty 2+0 Chest Upwards ORI1'

506. twelve G+2 Chest Upwards ORI1

507. him BA + B Above Upper Twisting (c)+ To (b) BA :ORI2-lips+ Chest B:ORI3

508. how (many) A+5 Chest Upwards ORI3' Eyebrows raised

509. brinjal B&+ bC Middle base Upwards (Elliptical) ORI10

510. cauliflower G+c5' Teeth + Nose + Upwards (Opening) G:ORI1-Middle base +Circular c5:0RI1-


511. boss A& Inner Palm Upwards ( ++ ft) ORI17 surface

512. sick 8b Chest Upwards ORI9

513. broom A Waist** Right-left ( ++) ORI1

514. behind G orB Shoulders Upwards (a) ORill


515. Bus A Middle base 'To-From (Circular ORI10 Puffed a) Cheek

516. chili fO + 5 Mouth + Chest fO: Upwards+ 5:(ft) fO:ORI1- Eyes 5:0RI7 slightly


517. rainbow' 5 Chin + Vertex Right-Left 5:0RI1 O-ORI17 Mouth (Wiggling)+ open Upwards (a)

518. lightning G 'Vertex Downwards ( a ORI17 Torso Wiggling) movement

+Eyes close

519. storm B Chest Right-Left ( ++ a) ORI10 Puffed Cheek

520. wind' B Chest From ORI9 Puffed Cheek

521. Zebra 2 G+fO Teeth + Head + G:Upwards + fO: G:ORI1-Middle base Up-down (c) f0:0RI7

522. ten 2 G+O Chest Upwards 0Rl7


523. Lakh G + L Chest To-(Upwards a) ORI1

524. six I Middle base Downwards ( c) ORI10

525. daughter 2 fO + B (2HD) Ear + Stomach fO: Upwards (t-in)+ fO:ORI4-B:To B:ORilO

526. slow Bl' Outer palm Up-Down (sl r-plm) ORI7 surface

527. eight 8b Chest Upwards ORI1'

528. twenty 2+ 0 Chest Upwards ORI1'

529. twelve G + 2 Chest Upwards ORI1

530. him BA + B Above Upper Twisting (c)+ To (b) BA :ORI2-lips+ Chest B:ORI3

531' how (many) A+5 Chest Upwards ORI3'

532. brinjal B&+ bC Middle base Upwards (Elliptical) ORI10

533. cauliflower G+c5' Teeth + Nose + Upwards (Opening) G:ORI1-Middle base +Circular c5:0RI1-



534. boss A& Inner Palm Upwards ( ++ ft) ORI17 surface

535. sick 8b Chest Upwards ORI9

536. broom A Waist** Right-left ( ++) ORI1

537. behind G or B Shoulders Upwards (a) ORI11

538. Delete C5 lr.mer Palm To (fst) ORI5 Surface

539. explain G Neutral Space To-FROM ORI13 Mouth Open

540. Yoga G** Nose Upwards (t-in) ORI4 Brow raised

541. Operation BA Stomach Downwards ORI11

542. Oxygen C5 ** Nose Upwards (sl) ORI4 Head nod


Non Word Handshape Location Movement Orientation Manual

543. after B& Neutral space To (ft) ORI2 544. Age B# Waist Upwards (sl) ORI5 545. All B& Neutral space To ORI3 546. animal C5 +V Head+ Forearm c5:Upwards c5:0RI4-V:ORI7

(Semicircle)(sl a)+ V:To (Flickering)

547. April 8b- Palm surface Approach (t -md) 0Ril2 548. scold WH B + DH G Middle base To-From (ft) ORilO Brow freeze 549. ash v Mouth Upwards+ 0Ril7-0RI3

Downwards (Flickering c)

550. ask bC Lower lip To ORI3 551' august FS A+ B Elbow Upwards (waving) ORilO 552. bad 9 or fO (2S) Neutral space 9:Downward fO: To ORI7

I (ft)

553. bank DH:BA + WH: Palm surface DH BA Up-Down the DH:ORI7-WH: ORI3 B# WH (r-pm)

554. bark hG+C5 Mouth hG: Flickering (ftc)- hG:ORI3-c5:0RI5 c5 To(++)_

555. beach BA Neutral space To (Wavy) ORI5 556. bear G + B& Head +Neutral G:Upwards + G:ORI4-B&:ORI18

space B&:Right-left (a) 557. cut G Index finger Up-Down ORI7


558. beard 2 +G Chin + Upper lip 2:Up-Down + ORI11 G:Upwards (t-in)

559. bedspread fO Neutral space To (b) + B& (t -bk) ORI7 Head slightly tilt to the right.

560. bedroom G Index base Circular (t-in) ORI1 Head slightly tilt to the right

561' bee fO Neutral space Upwards (Wiggling c ORI6 Tongue out )

562. before BA or G Side of the Upwards (a) ORI6 forehead

563. believe B& Side of the Upwards (t-fng) ORI12 Wrinkled Forehead+lnner +Downwards (ft, t- forehead Palm surface sd)

564. belly 5 Belly Circular (c) ORI12 565. big 5 Neutral space Upwards (a) ORIS Eyes big 566. ladle DH A+ WH 5 Inner Palm Up-Down ( ++) DH:ORI1 0- 5:0Rr3 Mouth

surface open 567. bite C5- Outer Wrist Right-left (Grasp (ft) ORI4 Mouth

open 568. blood G+4 Lower Lip 4:Downwards (r-fng) G: ORI1- 4:0RI 2

+Forearm G: Downwards (r-in) 569. black G head Upwards(t-th-in) 6DOWN-570. body BA Chest Downwards ORI11


571. bone u LH Outer Wrist Downwards (t-th-in) ORI7 572. book B Middle base Approach (Contact) ORI2 573. book shelf B& Middle base+ To (ft) (++) OR17

Neutral space 574. boy G +B& Above Upper lips Twisting (r-in) + B&: G:ORI4-B&:ORI7

To 575. breastbone B&~ Breastbone Upwards (r-pm) ORill 576. brown G Forearm Up-Down (t-in) ORI7 577. buffalo u Side of the Upwards (Elliptical a) ORilO

forehead 578. bus stop A+ A- Chest + Inner A:Aiternate Up- A:ORil-A:OR117

Palm surface Down (a)+ A:Downwards (t-fst)

579. bye 5 Chest Waving 0Ril2 580. camel U+B Shoulder U:Upwards + B:To- ORI7 Head back

From (c) 581. careful C + B" Neutral space C:Upwards + B": C:ORil 0- B" :ORI2

From 582. carpet fO + B& Neutral space fO: To(ft) + 8&: fO B&:ORI7 Head

Separate slightly tilt to the right

583. catch C5 Neutral space From (grasp) Torso movement

584. chimpanzee A Chest Alternate UP- Down ORI4 (t-fst)

585. cloud G+C5 Teeth +Vertex Upwards (t-in a) G:ORI3-c5:0Ril7


586. choose fO Neutral space Up-Down(++) ORI7 587. church A& (IC) Forehead Upwards + Down ORill 588. claw C5 Chest Upwards ORI7 589. clean B& Inner Palm To (r-plm sl) ORI7

surface 590. clever G- Side of the Upwards (t-in) Head tilt to

forehead the Left + Eyes gaze fixation

591' close B Middle base Approach ORI13 592. coat fO Chest Upwards ORil Shoulder

Lift 593. coffee c Mouth Upwards ORill 594. cold A Chest Shaking ORI8 Eyes slightly

close 595. college FS C +B Chest Upwards ORI2 596. call B# Chest From ORI7 597. commute B# Chest Alternate To-From ORI7 598. computer G+5 Middle base+ G:Seperate (Square) ORI7

Neutral space + 5:Aiternate Up-I

Down(++) 599. Stove G + fO + V Middle base+ G- Separate G & fO: ORI7- V:ORI2

Neutral space (Square)n + fO: Twisting (c) + V:FiickerinQ


600. cousin sister c Mouth+ Side of From+ Upwards (t- ORI7-0RI4 the Forehead th-in)

601' credit card fO + H Neutral space fO: Flickering + H: fO:ORI1-H:ORI12 downwards (ftc)

602. cry A orV Eyes Up-Down ORI4 Frowned face

603. cupboard A +B& Middle base+ A: From+ B&: To(++) A:ORI11- B&:ORI10 Neutral space

604. cup fO ore Mouth Upwards ORI11 605. curd LH:B&+ Inner Palm To-From (sl c) B&:ORI2- BA :ORI9

RH:BA Surface 606. milk 0 Neutral space Alternate Up-Down ORI12 607. soft u Chest Flickering (sl) ORI7 ' 608. chop B# inner Palm Downwards ( ++) ORI10

surface 609. bicycle A Arms Circular ( ++ ). ORI7 610. 611' day G Forearm Downwards+ ORI17

Upwards 612. tomorrow G or BA Neutral space To (Semicircle) ORI2 613. deaf G Ear+ mouth Upwards (t-in) 614. deaf school G + B# Ear+ mouth+ G:Upwards-B# :To B# :ORI3

Neutral space


615. December FS D +A Middle base Approach (Shaking ORil Eyes slightly c) close

616. deer G Side of the Upwards (a) ORI10 forehead

617. die G Neck Right-Left ORIS Head slightly tilt

: to Right+ Eyes close

618. difficult B&, Forehead+ Upwards ORI6 Head Shoulder Shake

619. dining room G+fO Index base+ G:Circular (t-in) + fO: G: ORI1-f0: ORil mouth Upwards

620. documents DH 5 + WH Palm surface DH:Downwards (++) DH:ORI7- WH: ORI2 B&

621' dog hG Neutral space Flickering (Closing) ORI3 622. dolphin B& Neutral space To (Semicircle a) ORI7 623. door A Neutral space To ORI9 624. dressing B& +A Chest+ Head B&: Downwards B&:ORI17 -A: ORM

table (Semicircle Flickering c)+ A: Up-Down

625. drink c Mouth Upwards ORI7 626. dry u Neutral space Downwards ( ++SI) ORil 627. earth C5 Middle base Circular 0Ril3 628. egg 0 Neutral space Shaking (c) ORil


629. eo~ tO Nose Downwards ORil 630. eleQhant B& Nose To-From (Waving sl) 0Ril8 631' English G Place between Right-Left (Flickering) ORI7

thumb and index finger

632. eternal G Temple Upwards (a) ORIS Eyes gaze

' fixation 633. exchange to Neutrals space To-From (circular++) ORIS 634. eye G Nose U12_wards (t-in) ORIS 63S. expensive to +S Chest Upwards (sl) ORI3 Rounded

liQ_S 636. fail A& Middle base Downwards ORI7 Frowned

face 637. fair B& Cheeks UQwards (r-in) ORI4 Head back 638. far cB Chest Upwards-To (a) ORilS Eyes gaze

fixation 639. fat A Arms Separate ORill Torso

movement 640. fear A Breastbone Upwards (Shaking) 0Ril3 Widened

eyes 641' feather 8a Chest 8a:Upwards ORI2 Eyes focus

(Wiggling) on the movement

642. February FS F Middle base · Separate ORIS 643. foot B Outer Phalanx To-From (c r-plm) ORI7


644. Fox C5 Mouth C5:Downwards C5:0RI4 Rounded lips and head back

645. Friday B& Neck Upwards(t-sd) ORI7 646. few u Neutral space RiQht-Left (fl) 0Ril3 647. fiqht A Outer phalanx Approach ORI4 648. file fO IC Chest fO: Upwards ORilO 649. fire fO + c5 Chest fO: Separate+ c5: fO: ORI7- C5: ORI3 Head back

Alternate Up-Down 650. fish 5 Outer palm To (Thumb Wiggling) ORI5

surface 651. floppy disk G + B Middle base G: Square + B: To G:ORI5 + B:ORI3 652. flower C5 Nose Upwards (Opening) ORI5 Head

forward 653. fly 5 Shoulder Up-Down (b) ORI7 654. food fO Mouth + Inner Upwards fO:ORI4 Mouth

Palm surface open 655. First G Neutral space Upwards 0Ril3

656. foolish G Side of the Circular ORIS forehead

657. frighten B& Breastbone Upwards (t-sd) ORI2 Torso movement


658. full BA Neck Upwards ORI7 . 659. future BA Neutral space To(++ a) ORI7 Head lift 660. generous BA Neutral space Upwards (t-sd) ORI4 661. giraffe FS G + B& Neck Upwards+ ORI4 Head back

(Separate a) 662. Qive B# Neutral space To ORI3 663. glass B& Neutral space Upwards (Twisting) ORI10 664. God B# Mid point of the Downwards (a) ORI10

Face 665. good For A& Neutral space Upwards ORI17 666. hair fO Head Upwards (t-th-in) ORI4 667. hand 5 Outer Palm Downwards (t-plm) ORI7-

surface 668. happy A& orB& Neutral space Alternate Up-Down ORI4 Smiling

face 669. hard u Shoulder Upwards (t-f) ORI6 f Eyes slightly

close and wrinkle forehead

670. have 5 Neutral space Downwards ORIS 671. head G Head Upwards (t-in) 672. hear c5 Ear Upwards (t-sd) ORI15 673. heart G orcB Breastbone Circular (t-in) 674. hen 5+7 Shoulder + Mouth 5:Up-Down +7: Up- ORI7 Head back

Down (c) 675. Hindus BA Forehead Upwards (c) ORI2.


676. hippopotam 5 Middle base Upwards (Opening) RH:ORI5- LH:ORI3 us (a)

677. holiday B# Middle base Approach (Contact) ORI15 678. home B& Fingertips Approach (t-fng) ORI7 679. room G Index base Circular (t-in) ORI1 680. horn 0 Side of the Upwards (Semicircle ORI15

forehead c) 681. hot B& or 7 Forehead RiQht-Left (c t-in) ORI7 682. hotel B& Side of the Downwards ORI5

forehead 683. hostel B& (2S) Side of the Downwards ORI5.

forehead 684. how A Neutral space Upwards ORI9 Eyebrows

raised 685. i G Chest From (t-in) ORI4 686. Ill cB Chest + Side of cB: Downwards (r-fg) ORI4-0RI6 Head

the face +Upwards slightly tilt to the right

687. India G+l Forehead+ G:Upwards (t-in)+ ORI7 Middle base I: Upwards(Separate) '

688. east B& Neutral space Upwards (Left a) ORI3 689. south G Neutral space Downwards( a) ORI9. 690. north G Neutral space Upwards(a) ORI10 691. west G Neutral space Upwards(RiQht a) ORI3 692. invite fO Neutral space From ORI3


693. Iron A Inner Palm To-From (++c) ORI7 surface

694. January FS J Place between (r-in) thumb and index finger

695. Jesus 8b Inner Palm Approach (Contact 0Ril7. surface t-md)

696. joy 5 Neutral space Upwards (sl) (r-plm) ORI3. Smiling face

697. July Sng. FS J + FS Middle base J shape ORilO. y

698. June FS J or with Middle base Up-Down ORilO B&

699. ·kangaroo BA + cB Neutral space B:To ( ++) + cB: Right- BA :ORI5-cB:ORil-+Stomach Left ORI2

700. kill 5+A+BA Neutral space 5:To (Grasp) + ORI4 Head +Neck A:To(ft)BA :Right-Left slightly tilt

to the left 701. kind G orcB Chest Circular (t-in) ORI6. 702. know G Side of the Upwards(t-in) ORI6.

forehead 703. Kolkata 5 Waistline Alternate To-From ORI3 704. language L2HD Neutral space To (a) 0Ril6


705. Lazy B/\ Shoulders Upwards (t-th) ORI17 Torso '· movement

+Frowned face

706. Leaf B Middle base Upwards (Shaking) ORI6 Mouth movement

707. Learn WH B + DH Inner Palm To-From (Closing c) WH B:ORI3-DH fG: Head B# surface ORI7 forward

708. library B& Neutral space Toi++) ORI10 709. lie sA+ L Chin sA: Upwards+ L:To sA:ORI4-L:ORI7 Frowned

face 710. life L Waistline Upwards ORIS. 711' like F Chest UQwards (t-plm) ORI10. 712. line fO Middle base Separate ORI15 713. lion c5 Vertex Circular (a) ORI6 Rounded

lips+ Widened Eyes

714. lip G Lips Circular (r-in) ORI4 715. lip-read G +3 Lips + Neutral G:Circular (r-in) + G:ORI4-3:0RI5

space 3:Fickering 716. live B Temple+ Neutral B: Upwards (t-sd) + B:ORI17-0RI5 Head

space Downwards forward 717. liver G Waist Downwards ORI7


718. loan cB Neutral space To ORI3 719. long G Middle base Separated (a) ORI7 720. Lord L Shoulder Downwards ORI1S. 721. loss fO Neutral space Downwards ORIS

(Opening) 722. louse fO** Head + Neutral Upwards+ up-down ORI10

space flickering 723. love A orB Chest Upwards (t-fst) ORI4 724. make c Middle base Approach (Grasp) ORI7. 72S. man G Above Upper Lips Upwards (t-in ORI4

twistinQ c) 726. many s Middle base Separate ( ++) ORI3 727. March FS M + Neutral space DH:Upwards (t-fst) WH:ORI2-DH:ORI7

WH:BA+DH:A 728. Mawiong 8b + FS Neutral space + Downwards

Inner palm surface

729. fog s Neutral space Approach ( ++) ORI1S 730. read B& Or FS R Middle base Approach+ ORI3 Head

Alternate Up-Down forward (t-sd)

731. study B& Middle base Approach (Contact) ORI3 Head forward

732. May FS M +B Side of the face Upwards (r-plm) ORIS 733. meaning v Neutral space Flickering ORIS


734. mentally G side of the Circular (t-in) ORI5 challenged forehead

735. Monday G Place between From (t-in) thumb and Index finger

736. monkey BA Middle base Up-Down (ft) ORI4 737. Month A& Inner palm Contact ORill

surface 738. more B# Neutral space Upwards (sl) ORI2 739. morning sA+ 5 (2HD) Neutral space Upwards (Opening) 0Ril7 740. mountain B# (2HD) Neutral space Upwards 0Navy) ORI5 741. money fO Neutral space Flickering (c) ORI3 742. Mumbai F Middle base Approach (Contact) 0Ril7 743. mouth G Mouth Circular ORI4 744. music 8b Neutral space Up-Down (c) 0Ril6 745. murder RH B+ LH A Side of the neck Downwards (ft) ORI5 746. moon G + L (IC) Teeth +Vertex G:Upwards (t-in)+ ORI17

cl: Upwards (Right-Left Semicircle)

747. name fO or G (2S) Chest or Forearm G:Upwards (t-in)+ fO: To (t-in-th)

748. neck u Neck Upwards (t-th-in) ORI4 749. Nepal FS N+G Frontalis Upwards (Cross ORI17



750. new 0 Neutral space Downwards(sl) ORI7 751' News FS TV+ 0 Neutral space Downwards_ (sl2_ ORI7 752. next G Neutral space To (ft) ORI3 753.· night DH:C5 + WH: Neutral space DH:Upwards (Insert) DH: ORI1-WH:ORI11

cB + WH:Static 754. non- FS N + 5 Mouth+ Neutral 5:Ficikering (ft) ORI1

vegetarian S_Q_aCe 755. noon c5 Vertex Up-Down. (sl a) ORI17 }56. not fO orB Neutral space Upwards (Flickering) ORI5 757. November fO Waist Alternate To-From ORI7 758. October FS 0 +A Neutral space Separate (a) ORI17 759. one G Neutral space Upwards ORI17 760. only G +5 Neutral space Upwards ORI15 761' open B# Fingertips Approach (separate ORI15

ft) 762. orange C5 Mouth Down (sl) ORI5 eyes slightly

j close 763. Orissa 0 Neutral space + Circular ORI10

Inner palm surface

764. ox u Side of the Upwards(Ciosing a) ORI6 forehead

765. office fO + U or 0 Inner palm fO: Up-Down(c) + U: fO:ORI7-U:ORI4-or Rounded surface + neck + Upwards (t-th-in) or O:ORI15 lips Neutral space O:Upwards


766. page B# Inner Palm From(++) ORI14 surface

767. paper G+F Teeth+ Neutral To-From (a) G:ORI6-F:OR17 space

768. pen stand A+V Inner Palm Downwards (t-in- ORI18 surface md)

769. person c Neutral space To (Up-Down) ORIS 770. photo L Middle base Downwards (ft)_(c) ORI15 771' picture L Vertex Upwards(++) (a) ORI15 772. people c Neutral space Up-down ( ++) ORIS 773. pillow B# Middle base Up-Down (ft) ORI12 774. place c5 + 8b Neutral space + Downwards c5:0RI5

Inner palm surface

775. plane y Neutral space Upwards (a) ORI12 776. plate fO middle base Circular (b) ORIS 777. please B# (2HD) Neutral space From ORI3 778. police B# Frontalis Upwards+ To (c) ORI7 779. poor B# or cB Inner Palm B# :Downwards (t- B# :ORI3 or cB:ORI4

surface or Elbow plm) or cB: Up-Down (fls)

780. pray B&** or A** Neutral space B&:Contact-A:(r-fnQ) B&:ORI17-A:ORI6 Eyes close 781' principal FS P +A& Inner Palm A&:Upwards(++ ft) ORI17



782. proud 7 Nose tip Upwards (t-in) ORI5 783. push B# Neutral space To-(ft) ORI17 784. pull A& Neutral space From ORI17 785. quick fO Neutral space Up-Down (ft) ORil 786. 787. rain cB Neutral space Up-Down (ft) ORI7 788. rot u To- wiggling To (Wiggling) ORI7 789. Rhino U +'L Neck+ Nose Upwords-(t-th-in) + L: U:ORI6- L:ORI7

Upwards (Semicircle a)

790. rice 5 Chin Upwards (Flickering) ORI17 791. spoon A Neutral space Upwards ORill 792. rich 5 Neutral space Upwards (a) ORI3 793. auto A Neutral space Upwards (ft) + Up- ORI8-0RI5

rickshaw Down( c) 794. river F +B# or A Neutral space Up (t-fg) +To F:ORI17-B# :ORI12 795. rood G+ B# (IC) Head + Neutral To I ORI12

space 796. root DH C + WH Outer wrist DH:Up (r-plm) WH and DH:ORI7

CBA WH:Downwords 797. round G Middle bose Circular ORI17 798. rule FS R Inner palm To (ft) ORI12

surface 799. salary fO +A& Neutral space fO: Flickering+ A& (t- fO:ORI4-A&:ORil

+Inner palm fst) surface


800. some B# or G Middle bose Approach (Contact) ORI5 8010 sand fO Neutral space Flickering ORI3 802. sari A& +B# Forehead+ A:Up (t-th) + A&:ORI11-0RI6

Shoulder B# :Upwards 803. Saturday G Neutral space Cross finger ORI5 804. saucer fO +G palm surface + Up (Circular c) fO:ORI4- G:ORI6

Index bose 805. soy G Mouth To (Downwards) ORI3 806. school B# (2HD) Neutral space To ORI13 807. scooter A (2HD) Wrist Up-Down (c) ORI5 808. sea 5 Neutral space To- (sl) (a) ORI5 809. seed fO Neutral space fO: Upwards+ fO:ORI17-0RI7-0RI17

Downwards ( ++ Opening)

810. sentence FS S + U Middle bose Separate ORI10 811. September FS S+B Nose RiQht-Left (c) ORI17 812. shoe cB Inner palm To (Insert) ORI3

surface 813. shy 8/\ Nose Upwards (r-sd) ORI6 814. sin I Middle bose Approach ( ++ t-pn) ORI17 815. sit A Shoulders Downwords(ft) ORI9 816. skin fO Forearm Dow nwo rds(t-th-in) ORI7


817. sleep B# ** Head Upwards ORI15 head slightly tilt to the right and eyes close

818. slipper 5 + 8a Inner Palm 5:To (Insert)+ 5:0RI3- 8a:ORI5 surface +Middle 3:Aiternate To-From base

819. small B# Neutral space Downwards (sl) ORI5 820. smoke H Lips To ORI17 821' snack fO Mouth To (ft) ORJ4 Mouth

open 822. son G + B# Above the Upper G:Twisting +B#: To G:ORI4-B# :ORI7

lip + Neutral space

823. sorry A Breastbone Circular(sl) wrinkled forehead

824. sour fO +5 Mouth Up (Flickering) fO:ORI4- 5:0RI7 pursed lips 825, squirrel BA + G Neutral space To+ Upwards(ft) BA :ORI7-G:ORI17 826. St. Mary's 8b + FS Inner Palm Downwards

school surface 827. stand B# or RH V + Inner Palm V-Downwards (t-in- RH:ORI7-LH: B# :ORI2

LH B# surface or md) Neutral space


828. star c5 Vertex Upwards (Flickering 0Ril7 I

++) (ft) 829. street B# Middle bose To zig-zag ORil 830. stone cV Outer palm Up-Down ORilO

surface 831. start 5 Neutral space To-(ft) ORI3 832. 833. strong A +B" Neutral space A:To (ft a) A:ORI9- B" :ORill Shoulder lift

+B" :Downwards (r-j fg)

834. sun 5 Inner Palm Upwards 0Ril3 Eye-gaze surface

835. Sunday B# Face + Neutral Upwards + Right-Left 0Ril7-0Ril 0 space

836. swim B" ** Clavicle To (Semicircle) ORI5 head slightly tilt left and right

837. television FS T + V Neutral space 838. table B#' Neutral space Separate+ B# :ORI7&0Ril2

Downwards 839. tailor fO Neutral space To (c ft) + Static ORI7 840. toke A Neutral space Upwards ORil


841' talcum c Neutral space Up-Down ORI1 powder

842. talk G Mouth Up-Down ORI17 843. teach 5 Neutral space To-From ORI3 844. teacher L Outer wrist Up-Down ORI12 ' 845. teeth G Teeth Upwards ORI4 846. telephone G+V Ear+ Middle G: Upwards (Square) G:ORI5-V:OR16

booth base + V:Upwards 847. ten 5 (2HD) Neutral space Upwards ORI17 848. thank you B (2HD) Chin or Inner To or Downwards ORI3

Palm surface 849. this B# Neutral space To (c) ORI3 850. ThursdaY' F Neutral space To-From ORI17 851' tire B# +LOr 5 Neutral space B# :Downwards + B# :ORI6-L:ORI17-

L:Upwards (a) + 5: 5:0RI3 Downwards (sl r-fnQ)

852. together c5 Middle base Approach(Contact) ORI17 853. tonQue G Tongue Upwards ORI4 854. tooth brush G Teeth Up-Down ORI11 855. Tuesday fO Index side Up-Down (r-th-in) ORI7 856. two v Neutral space Upwards ORI17 857. umbrella A (IC) Middle base Upwards (separate) ORil Head

back 858. uncle u Neutral space Upwards ORI17



859. water B or F Mouth To-From ORI17 860. we B# Neutral space Semicircle ORI3 861' I

862. weak BA or G Neutral space BA :Downwards r-fng BA :0Rill-G:ORI17 (sl) or G:Downwards(Spiral)

863. Wednesday ForB Neutral space F:To-From or ORI5 or ORil 0 B:Downwards

864. whale A+ B Middle base A:Upwards (a)- A:ORil O-B:ORI9 B:Seperate (a)

865. where 5 + 8 (2HD) Neutral space 5:Upwards 5:0RI3-8:0RI7 Eyebrows +*:Downwards (t- raised md)

866. when 1 G+5 Wrist + Neutral G:Downwards + ORI3 Eyebrows space 5:Upwards (Shaking) raised

867. when 2 cV +5 Side of the Face 5:Upwards + cV: cV:ORI4-5:0RI3 Eyebrows + Neutral space Twisting (c) raised

868. wait B (2HD) Neutral space B:Up-Down or 0Ril6 or ORI15 Upwards

869. White G Teeth Upwards (ft) ORI17 870. which G orB# + 5 Neutral space To (ft) + Upwards ORI3 Eyebrows


871' what 5 Neutral space Upwards ORI3 Eyebrows raised

872. why 5 or A Neutral space Upwards or ORI3 or ORI9 Eyebrows Downwards (ft) raised


873. window A Middle base + To + Approach ORI12 Neutral space (Separate b)

874. with C5 Middle base Contact ORI17 875. woman G + B Nose G: Upwards (t-in) + B:ORI4

B:Upwards (a) 876. word u Neutral space Upwards+ To ORI5 877. 878. watch fO (IC) Outer wrist Circular (t-in-th) ORI10 879. yell C5 Mouth+ Ears To-From (ft) ORI9&0RI10 880. 1

YOU G Index base To ORI5 881' yesterday G Shoulders Upwards (a) ORI11 882. zebra 4 Neutral space Separate ORI11 883. tree BA Neutral space Upwards (Elliptical) ORI17 884. address B Inner palm Downwards ORI2+0RI17

surface+ Middle (contact) base

885. amen B&** Middle base Upwards ORI17 Eyes close 886. Bangalore WH B# + DH Middle base To(++) ORI7

cB 887. beef A Mouth To Cft) ORI5 888. Bethany FS Neutral space 889. Bible DH cB + WH Outer palm Alternate Up-Down ORI17

B& surface 890. biscuits G+fO Middle base + Approach+ G: ORI5-f0: ORI6 Mouth

mouth Upwards open

891' bitter fO + 5 Mouth Upwards + Flickering fO:ORI6-5:0RI5 Pursed Lips


892. blackberry C5+f0 Mouth + Neutral c5:Upwards + fO: c5:0RI6-f0:0Ril2 mouth space Opening open

893. Brazil FS B 894. bread B" + B& Middle base B": Separate + B" :ORIS- B&:ORI12

B&:Aiternate Up-Down

895. breakfast B# (2HD)+ Palm surface + Upwards (Insert) B# :0Ril3-0Ril 0 fO mouth fO:ORI4

' 896. brother G + B Above upper lips G: Upwards+ B: G:ORI4-B:ORI7 + Neutral space Upwards or To

897. cake G + B Inner palm G: Circular (c)- G:ORI7-B:ORI12 surface B:From (c)

898. camera L Middle base Upwards (Flickering 0Ril7 c)

899. Cathedral FS 900. chair A Shoulder Downwards ORilO 901. change 8a or A Neutral space Twisting (cross hand) 0Ril7 902. chapatti 5+A Middle base 5:Twisting (t-plm) + 5:0Ril O-A:ORI17

A:Aiternate To-From 903. 904. Christian A& (IC) Forehead Upwards (Cross) ORI6

+Neutral space 905. coconut c5 Ear Upwards (shaking) 0Ril7 906. coin fO Forehead Upwards(FiickerinQ) 0Ril7 907. comb A Head Up-Down ORI4 908. cook A Neutral space Circular ( c ++) 0Ril6


909. cow L Side of the Upwards(b) ORI17 Head forehead forward

910. crore G+C Neutral space To ORI3 911. doh jem G+A Mouth + Neutral Upwards (Separate) ORI1 7 & ORI1 0

space (a) 912. enter B& Neutral space Separate +From ORI4 913. euro DH 4 + WH 3 Middle base UQ_wards. (contact) ORI9 914. family H Phalanx outer Rounded + Contact ORI5 915. fast tO Neutral space Up-Down (ft) ORI1 916. father B# (2S) Forehead Upwards (t-th) ORI17 917. film DH tO+ WH Neutral space Upwards DH: DH: ORI7- WH: ORI17

B& Circular i++ c )_ 918. fine 1 A& Neutral space Upwards ORI1 !

919. 920. four 4 Neutral space Upwards ORI15 921. free H Middle base From ORI5 922. freedom c Shoulder+ Waist Downwards (t-th) ORI7 923. frog BA Neutral space To_(++) ORI5 924. fruit C5 + Vor 8a Mouth + Neutral Upwards (Flickering) ORI4 + ORI16

space 925. go B#** Neutral space From (a) ORI12 926. health BA +A Chest Downwards ORI11

+Upwards (r-fgs) 927. help A Inner palm From(contact) ORI1



928. gate 4 Middle base Approach ORI10 (Separate)

929. colour 5 Chin Right-Left (Wiggling) ORI2 mouth open

930. black G Head Upwards (t-in) ORI6 931' blue G Chest Upwards (Flickering) ORI3 932. brown G Forearm Downwards _(t-in) ORI6 933. 934. Qreen 5 orB Shoulders Upwards (Shaking) ORI13 935. 936. pink G or BA Cheeks Circular (r-fng) ORI6 or ORI16 937. red G Lower lip Downwards (t-in) ORI4 938. yellow G or BA Cheeks Circular (r-in) ORI4 939. aftershave C+B Cheeks C:UP-Down + C:ORI7-B:ORI17

B: Upwards(r-plm) 940. badminton DH A+ WH U Neutral space Upwards ORI3 941' ball c5 Neutral space Upwards (Shaking) ORI4 942. basketball c5 Middle base Upwards ORI12 Head back

(Approach) 943. bat C+A Middle base C:Seperate (a)- C:ORI7-A:ORI12

A:From 944. bird 5 Shoulders Up-Down ORI5


945. bore B# !! Side of the Neck To-From (a) ORI6 Head slightly tilt to the left

946. body cream DH U+ WH Palm surface + U: Downwards + B# :ORI3- U:ORI7-B# + 5 Forearm B# :Static +- 5:0Rill.

5:Aiternate (r-plm) 947. body spray A& Deltoid Upwards (Flickering) ORI4 948. come B Neutral space From ORI4 Head

forward 949. chess fO Inner palm To-From (c) ORI7

surface 950. Chest B& Chest Upwards (r-plm) ORI:4 951' cricket A Middle base Contact + From ORilO 952. face cream U +A& Inner palm Contact (r-plm) ORI4

surface 953. football DH B+WHB& Inner palm DH: Approach (t- DH: 0Ril6-

surface plm) WH:ORI2 954. goal DH:H+ WH L Neutral sQoce DH: From (fst) DH:ORI5- WH:OR17 955. haircut G+V Head Alternate Up-Down ORI6 956. hockey 0 Middle base To-From Separated OR14

_(ft2_ 957. boxing 5+A Head+ Shoulder 5- Circular ORI9

+A:Upwards (Interchange)


958. kite 7 Neutral space Alternate Up-Down ORilO 959. lipstick U +fO Middle base+ U-Circular (b) & fO: U: ORI8-f0:0RI4

Lower lip To-From(b) 960. lost A& or9 Neutral space Downwards ORI7 961. race 5+A Shoulder Circular (C++) ORI9 Head

forward 962. razor bC Cheeks Downwards (r-in) 0Ril6 963. restaurant B# Mouth+ neutral Downwards ORI7

space 964. shampoo CB+5 Inner palm cB:Downwad- 0Ril7 Head

surface + Side of 5: Upwards (Circular slightly tilt the head r-plm) to the right

965. shaving A Middle base+ Upwards (circular (ft) ORI4 cream cheeks

966. sport 0 Middle base Interlock (Alternate ORI9 Up-Down ++ ft)

967. table tennis DH B" + WH Neutral space Alternate To-From DH:ORilO- WH:ORI12 Head U (IC) (ft) forward

(++) 968. tennis LH C5 (Ball)+ Neutral space RH: Upwards (fst); ) ORilO

RH A 969. tomb H or with G + Neutral space + H:Downwards-G: H:ORil O-G:ORI6-

B Neck Right-Left( ft)- B:ORI5 B:Seperate

970. trophy A+V Head+ Inner A:Upwards + V: From ORill Head palm surface (t-fg2_ forward


971' volley boll A Neutral space Contact (Up-Down) ORI4 972. win A& Neutral space Upwards ORI4 Head

slightly tilt to the left

973. wrestling FSW+A Neutral space Upwords(EIIipticol a) ORI7 (fight)

974. addition G Middle bose Upwards+ Cross ORilO 975. and G Middle bose Approach ORI7 976. ore R Lower lip Downwards + To ORI7 977. arts and LH B + RH H; Neutral space B:Up- LH:ORI2-H:ORil 0-

croft LH B + RH V + Down+V:Fiickering + V:ORil 0 3:0RI7 3 Separate

978. Arunachal FS A +FS P + Nose Upwards ORI64 Pradesh c

979. Assomese FS A+ 4 Neutral space Upwards + Flickering 0Ril7 j (++)

980. association FS A+5 Neutral space Circular (sl ++) ORI7 981' Bengali FS B+B$ Waist Alternate To-From ORI2 982. better F Neutral space Upwards ORI17 HEAD

SHAKE 983. Bihori FS B+G Head Upwards (Shaking) 0Ril7 984. Fother2 5 Neutral space Upwards; sl (t-plm) ORill 985. civics FS C Neutral space Upwards ( ++) ORilO 986. conference FS C+C Neutral space Circular (Approach) ORI6 987. culture FS C+A& Forehead Upwards (t-th) ORI6


988. Darjeeling FS D +A+ G Neutral space + A:Shaking A:ORI9-G:ORI4- COLD:EYES +B Teeth +G:Upwards+B:Up- B:ORI7 SLIGHTLY

Down 0fVavy) CLOSE 989. different cV Neutral space To (Separate) ORI5 990. religion FS R + B+ cV Middle base + Upwards+ To ORI15-0RI7 EYES CLOSE

Neutral space (Separate) 991' division G Middle base Upwards (Cross ORI7

finQer) 992. dohkhlieh C+G+V Chin +Head Downwards+ ORI7 -ORI6-0RI1 0

(pork) Upwards+ To (Flickering)

993. drawing RH G +LH B Neutral space G: Upwards 0fVavy) LH:ORI1 O-G:ORI7 994. economics FS E +C5 Neutral space Flickering ( ++) ORI17 995. email C5 +fO Neutral space + Alternate Up-Down ORI7

Middle base (++c) fO: To (Cross hand Opening)

996. example G Middle base Alternate To-From ORI7 997. excite B Neutral space Up-Down (ft) ORil SMILING

FACE 998. Garos FS G+B Waist + Neutral Downwards+ Cross ORI7-0RI6

space hand +Up-Down 999. Geography_ FS G + 5 N~utral space Circular 0Ril7 1000. Geometry FS G + RH:V Inner palm Circular (a) RH:ORI16-0RI2



1001' Grammar FS:G + LH:B&- Inner Palm Up-Down(c) LH:ORI2-RH:ORI7 RH:V surface

1002. hall 1003. handwriting RH:G +LH:B& Neutral space RH:Up-Down (c) RH:ORI7-LH:ORI12 1004. happen G Neutral space Downwards ORI7

(Semicircle) 100S. Health- B&

1+ A&+B Chest Downwards+ B&:ORI6-A&:ORI4-

education Upwards B:ORI2 1006. 1007. History FS H+G Neutral space Upwards-Cross G:ORI7

Finger 1008. important A& Middle base Upwards ORI1 1009. interesting B Middle base Up-Down (Contact) ORI10 SMILING

(ft) FACE 1010. internet 8b Middle base Approach (Contact) ORI17 1 011 ' interpret F +G Middle base+ Twisting (t-in-th)+Up- ORI7-0RI17

Ear Down 1012. is I Chin To ORI 1013. ltanagar FS 1014. Jaintias FSJ + G Place between Upwards (t-in) ORIS

thumb and Index finger + Shoulder

1 01S. joke FS J Place between Up-Down (t-in ++) ORI7 HEAD thumb and Index SHAKE finger

1016. Manipur FS M +fO Forehead + Nose Downwards (sl) ORIS


1017. mobile RH:A+LH:C Neutral space + · Downwards + RH:ORI5-0Ril 0 phone Ear Upwards

1018. multiply G(IC) Index base Cross Finger ORI7 1019. Muslim B Forehead Upwards ORI2 Head

Forward 1020. Nagaland FS N +B (IC) Shoulder + Waist Downwards ORI5 1021. past G Shoulder Upwards ORI17 1022. percentage G (IC) Index base Upwards+ ORI5

Downwards 1023. picnic FS P + B + V Middle base+ Upwards+ Circular B:ORI7-V:OR117

Neutral space (c) 1024. Presbyterian FS P+B (IC) Neutral space Contact ORI17 EYES CLOSE 1025. Punjabi FS P+G Shoulders+ Upwards(++) ORI15

Neutral space 1026. Science FS S+A& Neutral space Alternate Up-Down ORI7

(Semicircle) 1027. Shillong FS S+A Shoulder Shaking (c) ORI1 EYES


1028. Sikkim FS S + B + G Shoulder+ Teeth B:Up-Down (wavy); B:ORI7:G:ORI6:A.:ORI1 EYES j

+A G:UP; A: Shaking (c) SLIGHTLY CLOSE

1029. Silchar FS S + B Neutral space ··· B: Up-Down (wavy}+ ORI7-0Ril0 To

1030. Siliguri FS S + B Neutral space To (a) 0Ril2 Torso movement


1031' sister2 L Side of the Upwards (t-th-in) Forehead

1032. sms A& -t- B Middle base+ A&:Fiickering (c) A:ORI9-B:ORI7 Outer palm +B:To surface

1033. subtract G Neutral space Upwards ORI9 1034. education B Neutral SQace Upwards _(t-sd)_ ORI2 1035. the A Neutral space Upwards (c); ft ORI7 1036. they B Neutral space Upwards (Circle) ORI2 1037. Tripura FS T + 7 Forehead Right-Left (t-in) ORI5

1038. Umiam FS U +A+ B Neutral space A:Upwards-B: A:ORI6-B:OR17 Mouth Upwards (Wavy) slightly

rounded 1039. disabled fO orB Neutral space or Circular (a Cross ORI1

Outer palm hand++) surface

1040. Laitumkhrah FS L + fO+ 5 Forehead+ fO: Upwards (t-in); 5: ORI16 Neutral space 5:Seperate (a)

1041. Meghalaya FS M +A Shoulder Shaking ORI1 1042. newspaper F +A Neutral Space F:Downwards- F:ORI2-A:ORI1

A:Seperate 1043. job fO Neutral space Up-Down (c) ORI7 1044. work fO Neutral space Up-Down _(c) ORI7


1045. wrong Yor G Chin or neutral Upwards ( ++) (t-fst) ORI6 space

1046. shop fO Neutral space Alternate To-From ORI3 1047. stadium A+ F Shoulders+Middle A:Circulor (ft

bose c)+F:Interlock ( ++) 1048. thing c5 Neutral space Downwards(++) or ORI1 OR ORI2

Upwards(++) 1049. that B# Neutral space To (a) ORI12 1050. tortoise RH:A + LH B Middle bose Cross Hand ORI7

(Contact)+ A: r-fnQ 1051' vegetarian FS V + c5 Neutral space Separate (FiickerinQ) ORI2 1052. who G+5 Face + Neutral Circular + Upwards G:ORI4-5:0RI3

space 1053. mother A Cheeks Upwards (r-bk);(c) ORI4 1054. hearing aid BA+G+H Ear + Breastbone BA :TO( a)-G: Upwards BA :ORI17-G:ORI4-H:-

(t -in)-H: Downwards ORI18 1055. hospital H Shoulder Up-Down(Cross) ORI11 1056. friend B& Inner phalanx Approach (Grasp) ORI10 1057. exam A& Neutral space Alternate Up-Down ORI9 1058. good night RH:cB -LH:B Middle bose Downwards (Insert) ORI17 1059. government FS G 1060. honey B# Mouth Downwards ( ++) ORI17 TONGUE



1061' Jaintia hills FS J+f0+5 Middle base fO: Alternate Up- fO:ORI17-5:0RI17 Down + 5: Up-Down (++)

1062. water bottle B or F+ 5 Mouth + Elbow RH:Upwards ORI17 (Circular)-LH :(t-fng)

1063. tutor FS T+B Middle base 1064. Tura FS T +5 Neutral space Up-Down· ORI7 1065. title v Neutral SQace To (c) ORI17 1066. throw 5 Neutral space To (ft) ORI7 1067. thanks B(2HD). Chin To ORI3 1068. temple B Neutral space + Upwards (a) ORI17

Vertex (Contact) 1069. sugarcane A Mouth Right-Left (ft) ORI4 1070. stew C5+f0 Neutral space + c5:Fiickering (sl) + fO: c5:0RI3-fO:OR14

mouth Upwards 1071' St. Anthony's FS +B

school 1072. salt FS G +B# Mouth + neutral Flickering ORI5

space 1073. private RH:U +LH:G Index side Up-Down (c) RH:ORI17-LH:ORI1 0 1074. pound LH:L+RH:G Index side Right-Left (c) RH:ORI17-LH:ORI1 0 1075. paternal B# + B Forehead+ B# :Upwards+ B: To B# :ORI17-B:ORI12

Neutral space (a) 1076. Olympics c Middle base Circular ORI4


1077. obey G Middle bose Approach (Contact) ORI7 HEAD j FORWARD

1078. Headmaster FS P +A& Inner Palm A&: Upwards(++ ft) ORI17 surface

1079. Nongstoin FS N + A+G Neutral space A:Up-Do"Wn + G:To A:OR17-G:ORI17 (a)

1080. Nongpoh FS 1081. no G orB Neutral space To (Rioht-Left) ORI17 1082. navy B& +B# Frontalis Upwards+ To (c) ORI7 1083. Mowkhor FS 1084. Maternal 5 Cheeks + Neutral To (a) ORI17

space 1085. hello 5 Neutral space Upwards (a) ORI2 EYEBROWS

RAISED 1086. jug A Neutral space Left-RiQht OR17 1087. army G+C Frontalis+ Middle G:Cross Finger+ G:OR117-G:ORI6-

bose G:ZIGZAG- C:ORilO I C:Upwords (Shaking)

1088. sister1 c Side of the Upwards ORI4 forehead

1089. girl fO +B Ear + Neutral Upwards (t-ln)-B:To B:ORI7 space (Downwards)


1090. State 8b + c5 Inner palm Downwards ++ ORI16 surface +Neutral


space 1091' District FS D + c5 Middle base + UP-Down++ ORI5

Neutral sp_ace 1092. Country c5 or 8b + C Neutral space Downwards (a) ORI6

1093. Cherrapunjee FS C +G + c5 Neutral space + From + Upwards + C:ORI12-G;ORI4-Teeth Alternate Up-Down c5:0RI5

1094. Laban FS Middle base 1095. Jaiaw FS Middle base 1096. husband A +fO Above Upper lips Twisting+ ORI6-0RI10

+ Ring finger Downwards (insert) ~

1097. warm 8 Shoulders Up-Down ORI4 1098. cold drinks A+C Shoulder + Mouth Shaking +Upwards A:ORI1-0RI4 EYES CLOSE 1099. programme 8 Inner palm From(t-sd) ORI10

surface 1100. Guwahati FS G +8# Neutral space Upwards (Up-Down) ORI17 1101' Hindi A& +L Forehead+ A&(t-th) + L: To (a) L:ORI16

Neutral space 1102. after 8& Neutral space To (ft) ORI2 1103. age 8# Waist Upwards (sl) ORI5 1104. all 8& Neutral space To ORI3


1105. animal C5+V Head + Forearm c5:Upwards C5:0RI4-V:ORI7 (Semicircle)(sl a)+ V:To (Flickering)

1106. April 8b- Palm surface Approach (t -md) ORI12 1107. scold WH B + DH G Middle base To-From (ft) ORI10 Brow freeze 1108. ash v Mouth Upwards+ ORI17-0RI3

Downwards (Flickering c)

1109. ask bC Lower lip To ORI3 f

111 0. august FS A+ B Elbow Upwards(waving) ORI10 1111 ' bad 9 or fO (2S) Neutral space 9:Downward fO: To ORI7

(ft) 1112. Bank DH:BA + WH: Palm surface DH BA Up-Down the DH:ORI7-WH: ORI3

B# WH (r-pm) 1113. Bark hG +C5 Mouth hG: Flickering (ftc)- hG:ORI3-c5:0RI5

C5 To(++) 1114. beach BA Neutral space To (Wavy) ORI5 1115. Bear G+B& Head +Neutral G:Upwards + G:ORI4-B&:ORI18

space B&:Right-left (a) 1116. Cut G Index finger Up-Down ORI7 1117' beard 2+G Chin + Upper lip 2:Up-Down + ORI11

G:Upwards (t-in) 1118. bedspread fO Neutral space To (b) + B& (t -bk) ORI7 Head

slightly tilt to the right.


1119. Bedroom G Index base Circular (t-in) ORI1 Head slightly tilt to the right

1120. Bee fO Neutral space Upwards (Wiggling c ORI6 Tongue out )

1121 ' before B" or G Side of the Upwards (a) ORI6 forehead

1122. believe B& Side of the Upwards (t-fng) ORI12 Wrinkled Forehead+lnner +Downwards (ft, t- forehead Palm surface sd)

1123. Belly 5 Belly Circular (c) ORI12 1124. Big 5 Neutral space Upwards (a) ORI8 Eyes big 1125. Ladle DH A+ WH 5 Inner Palm Up-Down(++) DH:ORI1 0- 5:0RI3 Mouth

surface open 1126. Bite C5- Outer Wrist Right-left (Grasp (ft) ORI4 Mouth

open 1127. blood G+4 Lower Lip 4: Downwards (r-fng) G: ORI1- 4:0RI 2

+Forearm G: Downwards (r-in) 1128. Black G head Upwards (t-th-in) 6DOWN-1129. Body B" Chest Downwards ORI11 1130. Bone u LH Outer Wrist Downwards(t-th-in) ORI7 1131 ' Book B Middle base Approach (Contact) ORI2 1132. book shelf B& Middle base + To (ft) (++) OR I?

Neutral space


1133. Boy G +B& Above Upper lips Twisting (r-in) + B&: G:ORI4-B&:ORI7 To

1134. breastbone B& Breastbone Upwards (r-pm) ORI11 1135. brown G Forearm Up-Down (t-in) ORI7

