Chapter 2 The English Colonies. Section 1-The Southern Colonies -pg 36 1.Tell about Jamestown (2)...


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Chapter 2

The English Colonies

Section 1-The Southern Colonies -pg 36

1. Tell about


• Formed by an English joint-stock company called the London Company

• Founded in present-day Virginia on April 26, 1607

2. Tell how John Smith helped Jamestown to survive (3)

• Men of Jamestown lacked farming & useful skills to survive

• Jamestown located on a marsh full of disease-carrying mosquitoes

• Smith forced settlers to work & to build better housing

3. How did Powhatan

Confederacy help


• Powhatan led by Wahunsonacock, father of Pocahontas

• Brought food to Jamestown

• Taught them to grow corn

4. Explainheadright

system (2)

• English colonists who paid their own way to Virginia received 50 acres of land

• An additional 50 acres could be earned for every additional person brought from England

5. Tell about indentured servants (1)

• English colonists who received a free trip to North America by agreeing to work without pay for a period of seven years

6. Tell about Bacon’s Rebellion (2)

• Nathaniel Bacon led Jamestown colonists against governor of Jamestown due to his not taking care of problems with some Native Americans

• Bacon burned Jamestown

7. Tell about Maryland


• England’s Catholics came to America to escape religious persecution

• George Calvert received a charter to start a new colony, Maryland, for Catholics

8. Tell about Toleration Act of 1649


• The growing number of Protestants moving to Maryland began to have religious conflicts with the Catholics

• Toleration Act made it a crime to restrict religious rights of Christians—1st law passed in colonies to support religious tolerance

9. Tell about North Carolina


• Carolina started as one colony, but was later separated into North and South Carolina

• Most North Carolina colonists were just small farmers

10.Tell about South Carolina (1)


• Made up of colonists who could afford their own way to America, were given large sums of land, & often brought over African slaves

11. Tell about Georgia (2)

• Olgethorpe was granted a charter to start Georgia

• Georgia was:

1--to shield rest of

British colonies from

Spanish Florida

2--a place for jailed

English debtors to

make a new start

12.? are cash crops?


• Southern colony crops sold for profit such as tobacco, rice, & indigo

• South enjoyed long growing season due to warm climate

13. How did the South deal with the large work force that was needed to grow cash crops? (1)

• Enslaved Africans

14. Tell about Olaudah Equiano

• Former slave who recorded his brutal experiences as a slave

15. ? were the slave codes? (3)

• Southern colony laws to control slaves

• Colonists afraid slaves would revolt

• Slaves could not hold meetings or own weapons

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Section 2-The New England Colonies -pg 42

1. Who were the


• Protestant group that wanted to purify, or reform, Anglican Church

• Thought bishops & priests had too much power over church members

2. Who were the Pilgrims?


• Separatist group that left England to escape persecution

• Moved to Netherlands then later to America on the Mayflower in 1620 as a joint stock company

• They were immigrants

3. ? are immigrants?


• People who have left the country of their birth to live in another country

4. ? was Mayflower Compact?


• Pilgrims landed north of their granted charter at Plymouth Rock

• Decide to establish their own laws

• Legal contract in which they agreed to have fair laws to protect the general good

5. Who were Samoset & Squanto


• Indians who helped the Pilgrims

• Squanto taught Pilgrims to fertilize using fish remains & establish relations with local Indians

6. ? was the Great Migration?


• Due to England’s economic, political, & religious problems, thousands of English left England for English colonies

• Massachusetts Bay Company formed

7. Tell about


Bay Company(3)

• Charter given to Puritans to settle New England

• Led by John Winthrop

• Believed they had a covenant or promise with God to build an ideal Christian community

8. Which New England Puritan colony did Thomas Hooker start?


• Connecticut

• Allowed men who were not church members to vote

9. ? Puritan colony did Roger Williams form? (2)

• Providence that later became Rhode Island

• Supported the separation of church from state in making laws

10. Who was



• Considered a radical for speaking publicly about her religious ideas

• Felt people’s relationship with God did not need guidance from ministers

• Put on trial for her ideas

• Forced from colony

• Helped found Portsmouth which later became part of Rhode Island

11. Since the New England soil & weather was not good for farming, ? was their economy dependent upon? (4)

• Merchant trade

• Fishing

• Shipbuilding

• Skilled craftspeople

12. Why was education important in New England?


• Parents wanted their children to be able to read the Bible

• To be sure future generations would have educated ministers

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Section 3-The Middle Colonies -pg 49

1. Tell about



• Founded by Dutch

• New Amersterdam, a town, became the fur trading post of New Netherland

• Generous land grants & religious tolerance

• Led by Peter Stuyvesant

2. How did New York City come about? (2)

• English fleet captured New Amsterdam without a fight

• New Amsterdam renamed New York City

3. Tell about Quakers (4)

• Aka Society of Friends

• Made up one of largest religious groups in New Jersey

• Did not follow formal religious practices & dressed plainly

• Believed in equality of men & women, nonviolence, & religious tolerance for all

4. Tell about William Penn (1)

• A Quaker who founded a safe home or colony, Pennsylvania, for Quakers, who were persecuted in both England & America

5. ? kind of government did William Penn set up in Pennsylvania?


• Representative self-government--- a government that reflects its citizens’ will using an elected assembly

6. Tell about staple crops in the Middle Colonies (1)

• Good climate & rich land allowed farmers to grow large amounts of crops that are always needed such as wheat, barley, & oats

7. Describe role of women throughout colonies (3)

• Ran farms & businesses: farms, clothing, grocery, bakery, drugstore

• Some practiced medicine, nursing, midwives

• Colonial laws limited women’s economic opportunities

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Section 4-Life in the English Colonies -pg 54

1. Who had ultimate authority over all of the colonies? (2)

• The English monarch

• A group of royal advisers called the Privy Council set English colonial policies

2. Contrast royal vs proprietary colonies (2)

• Royal: English king or queen selected governor & council members

• Proprietary: proprietors chose all of these officials

3. Explain assemblies


• Some colonies elected representatives to help make laws and set policy-----these officials served on assemblies

4. Explain Virginia’s colonial legislature


• Made up of 2 houses:

---1st house known as the Council of State selected by governor & London Company

---2nd house known as House of Burgesses elected by colonists

5. Explain the town meeting (2)

• Center of politics in New England colonies

• People talked about & decided on issues of local interest, such as paying for schools

Different Forms of Colonial Government• Monarch ****** ultimate authority over all

English colonies• Privy Council ***royal advisors; set English

colonial policies• Governors ***appointed by crown, or

proprietors, or elected by people

• Assemblies ***elected representatives• Town Meetings ***center of New England

politics• Courts ****provided control over local

affairs;protected individual freedoms

6. Tell about English Bill of Rights (2)

• Parliament replaced the unpopular King James during the Glorious Revolution

• Parliament then passed this act/law that reduced the powers of the English monarch giving Parliament more power

7. Explain mercantilism


• System of creating & maintaining wealth through carefully controlled trade

• One of England’s main reasons for controlling the colonies was to earn money from trade

8. How did England plan to control trade over the colonies? (1)

• Navigation Acts

9. Explain the Navigation Acts (3)

• Forbid colonists from trading with any other country except England

• Colonists could only use English ships to transport goods

• All trade goods had to pass through English ports

10. Explain triangular trade (1)

• System in which goods & slaves were traded among the Americas, Britain, & Africa

11. Explain the Middle Passage (1)

• Name given to terrifying slave voyage & trade that brought millions of Africans across the Atlantic Ocean to America

12. Explain Great Awakening


• Religious movement that swept through colonies in 1730’s-40’s

• Ministers held revival, emotional gatherings, for people to hear sermons

• Affected social & political life in colonies

13. Who was Jonathan Edwards? (2)

• One of the most important leaders of the Great Awakening

• told sinners to seek forgiveness for their sins or face punishment in Hell forever

14. Who was George Whitefield? (2)

• Great Awakening minister

• Emphasized personal religious experiences over official church rules

15. Did the Great Awakening practice equality for all? (3)

• It drew people of different regions, classes, & races

• Women, minority groups, & the poor took part in services

• Ministers from different colonies shared ideas

16. How did the Great Awakening affect future government?


• Sermons were about spiritual equality for all people leading colonists to begin demanding more political equality

• Revivals became popular places to talk about political & social issues

• Democratic ideas & systems were shared

17. Explain the Enlightenment


• After Europe’s Scientific Revolution came the Enlightenment:

• 1--Idea that reason and logic could improve society & how government should work

• 2—believed in a social contract between government & citizens

• 3—it was thought that people had natural rights such as equality & liberty

• 4—ideas of Scientific Revolution & Enlightenment influenced colonial leaders

18. Tell about King Philip’s War (1)

• Wampanoag Indian leader, Metacomet, aka King Philip, was against colonists taking his people’s land which led to a war bx colonists & Indians

19. Why did American Indians trust French more than the English? (1)

• French were less threatening & respected Indian way of life

20. Explain French & Indian War

• Britain & France go to war for control of North America

• George Washington built Fort Necessity in Ohio Valley, but had to surrender to French starting French & Indian War

21. Explain Treaty of Paris (3)

• Officially ended French & Indian War

• Terms of treaty gave Canada, land east of Mississippi, & Florida to Britain

• Colonists now began to move westward to new lands

22. Explain Pontiac’s Rebellion (1)

• Chief Pontiac, an Indian leader, led attacks against colonists as they tried to settle on Indian land

23. Explain Proclamation of 1763 (2)

• Britain feared more fighting with Indians if colonists continued to move westward

• King George III issued a law banning any British settlement west of Appalachian Mountains

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Section 5-Conflicts in the Colonies -pg 64

1. Why did Prime Minister George Grenville have Parliament pass the Sugar Act on the colonies? (2)

• Parliament had to pay for the French & Indian War

• Britain had to pay for the army in the colonies that was protecting the colonists from Indian attacks

2. ? did the Sugar Act tax?


• Molasses & sugar imported by colonists

3. ? was




• Slogan in colonies

• Parliament upset colonists passing a tax without their consent

• Colonists had no direct representation in Parliament

4. Tell about Samuel Adams (1)

• Founded the Committee of Correspondence for colonies to share ideas & information against Parliament

5. Explain “boycott” (2)

• Method of protest in which colonists refuse to buy British goods

• Colonists hoped their boycott efforts would hurt British economy enough for Parliament to end new taxing

6. Tell about Stamp Act


• Parliament under Prime Minister Grenville, required colonists to pay for an official stamp, or seal, when they bought paper items

• Colonists protested this tax

7. Tell about Sons of Liberty (3)

• Sam Adams formed this secret society among colonists

• Sometimes used violence

• Organized as a result of discontent about Stamp Act

8. Tell about Declaratory

Act that was not a tax (3)

• Colonists’ boycott of British goods was effective

• Parliament repealed Stamp Act

• Upset about the repeal, Parliament passed Declaratory Act to let colonies know Parliament had the power to make laws for the colonies “in all cases whatsoever”.

9. Tell about Townshend Act (4)

• Another tax passed by Parliament

• Taxed glass, lead, paints, paper, & tea

• Colonists respond with another boycott

• Britain responds by sending soldiers to Boston

10. Tell about Boston Massacre (3)

• March 5, 1770

• British soldiers fire into a taunting Boston crowd killing 3 colonists

• Propaganda used to build anger against British

11. Tell about Tea Act (2)

• Parliament allows British East India Company to sell tea directly to colonists reducing price of tea

• Angers colonists because this allowed a company a monopoly on tea market

12. Tell about

Boston Tea Party (3)

• 3 British tea ships arrive in Boston Harbor from British East India Company

• Sons of Liberty board & dump the tea into the harbor during the night

• Bostonians watch & cheer

13. Tell about Intolerable Acts (2)

• New Prime Minister, Lord North, furious about Boston Tea Party

• Parliament punishes Boston by passing the Coercive Acts which the colonists refer to as the Intolerable Acts

14. ? was included in the Coercive aka Intolerable Acts that increased colonial anger at Britain? (4)

• Boston Harbor closed until tea paid for

• Governor of Massachusetts would decide when legislature would meet

• Royal officials accused of any crimes would be tried in Britain

• Gen. Gage made new Mass. governor

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