Chapter 2 city life vocab




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Chapter 2/Interactions 2

City Life A City That’s Doing Something Right

creative imaginative/inventive , full of ideas

collection bringing things together

issue a subject or problem that is often discussed or argued about, social issues

urban relating to towns and cities ≠ rural

pollution the process of making air, water, soil etc dangerously dirty and not suitable for

people to use

limit to control something so that it is not greater than a particular amount, number or


outdoors outside, not in a building [≠ indoors]

to address if you address a problem, you start trying to solve it

variety many different types of things or people

aspiration something that you hope to achieve

pride a feeling of pleasure for something you have achieved

advantage something that helps you to be more successful than others

common belonging to or shared by two or more people or things

solution the answer to a problem

feature a quality or an important part of something

modern made or done using the most recent designs or methods [= up-to-date]

growth an increase in the size or the importance of something

predict expect, foretell

nightmare an unpleasant event or experience

population all the people living in a particular country, area or place

overcrowded containing too many people or things

due to because of

crime an illegal activity

gridlock a situation where roads in a town become so blocked by cars, traffic jam

horrible very unpleasant or bad

commute to regularly travel a long distance to get to work

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access the right to enter a place, use something, see someone etc

worsen to become worse or make something worse [≠ improve]

mayor the person who has been elected to lead the government of a town or city

affluent rich

prove to show that something is true

resident living or staying in a place

former happening or existing before, previous

architect someone whose job is to design buildings

practical a practical person is good at dealing with problems, reasonable

leadership the position of being the leader of a group

priority something that is very important and must be dealt with before other things

income money that is earned from doing work

exchange the act of giving someone something and receiving something else from them

trash garbage

neighborhood an area of a town or city


(noun) food or other things that have been grown or produced on a farm to be sold

recycle to put used objects or materials through a special process so that they can be used


environment the air, water and land in or on which people, animals and plants live

mass-transit methods of transport by which large numbers of people can travel around a city

subway a railway system that runs under the ground below a big city [= underground]

load to put a large quantity of something into a vehicle or container [≠ unload]

pleasant enjoyable or attractive and making you feel happy [= nice]

crop the amount of wheat, rice, fruit etc that is produced in a season [= harvest]

a drug addict someone who is unable to stop taking drugs

volunteer to offer to do something without expecting any reward

cultivate to plant and take care of a particular crop [= grow]

herbal made of herbs

syrup a type of sweet liquid medicine

to counsel to advise someone

encourage to give someone the courage or confidence to do something

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allow permit

willing prepared to do something, or having no reason to not want to do

incorporate to include something as part of a group, system, plan etc


advantage to use a particular situation to do or get what you want

pedestrian someone who is walking




to say that something or someone is good for a particular purpose or job

dweller a person or animal that lives in a particular place

symbol a sign, shape or object which is used to represent something else

bloom a flower or flowers: beautiful red blooms

imply suggest

infer to form an opinion that something is probably true because of information that you


consist to be made of or formed from something

symptom something wrong with your body or mind which shows that you have a particular

illness, sign

syndrome an illness which consists of a set of physical or mental problems

tiredness feeling tired

infection a disease that affects a particular part of the body and is caused by bacteria or

a virus

mysterious difficult to explain or understand, strange

expert someone who has a special skill or special knowledge of a subject

investigate to examine a crime, problem, , etc. carefully to discover the truth

nationwide happening or existing in every part of the country, everywhere

smog dirty air that looks like a mixture of smoke and fog

mold a soft green or grey growth which develops on old food or on objects that have been

left for too long in warm wet air

pollutant a substance that pollutes



a very small piece of something: dust particles


source origin

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synthetic man-made, artificial

lack when there is not enough of something, or none of it [= shortage]



to let fresh air into a room, building etc

a disease that affects a particular part of the body and is caused by bacteria or a


leak to escape from a hole or crack in a pipe or container

release to let a substance flow out

toxic poisonous

tight firmly attached and difficult to move

seal to close an entrance or a container with something that stops air, water etc from

coming in or out of it

defoliate to make the leaves drop off a plant, especially by using strong chemicals

interaction a process by which two or more things affect each other

sore painful

combination mixture

accidentally happening without being planned or intended, by chance