Chapter 19 and 22 test review Page 524-529 And Pages592-610


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Chapter 19 and 22 test review

Page 524-529And


4 classifications of Medicine

• 1. pain relief: OTC things like Tylenol or icy hot or prescription things like Morphine or Codeine

• 2. Prevent illness- vaccines• 3. Fight germs- antibiotics, anti-fugals• 4. Manage Chronic Conditions- like allergies ,

High Blood pressure or Diabetes

4 categories of Psychoactive Drugs

• 1. Hallucinogens- change mind by altering our senses. Sight, hearing, smell taste-LSD

• 2.Depressents Slow down body– alcohol• 3. Stimulants– caffeine, Methamphetamine

speed up body processes• 4.Opiates- block pain. Narcotics like

Morphine, Codeine, Herorine

Ways to take medicine

• 1. oral– by mouth• 2. injection- by needle• 3. topical- soak through skin• 4. inhale- breathe


• Chemical we use to fix a problem. All medicines are drugs.


• Not all drugs are medicines. Some are illegal. They are not used as a medicine.


• Food and Drug Administration monitors all OTC (over the counter) drugs and prescription drugs.

• They do not monitor or test Vitamines, herbal teas, protein supplements. Thus consumers should use caution when using these products and talk to their medical doctor about them.

Drug interactions

• Additive- good. Work as it should

• Antagonistic- drama– problems. Maybe fighs wit you and gives you side effects that you do not want, maybe fights with food or cancels the effectiveness of other meds.

• Synergistic- 2 or more medicnes working together on the same problem for a good result.

Designer drugs

• Are made in a lab to imitate the effects of other drugs. There often is no good medical purpose for these. K2, Extacy, Roofies, GHB are all examples.

• These are often used in clubs thus called club drugs. They are used to commit crimes to people who may have them added to their food or beverage without their knowledge.

Physical addiciton

• Nicotine, Alcohol, Methamphetamine

• All make the physical body need more and more of the drug. You would feel sick

• (withdrawal) if you did not have the drug.

Psychological addiciton

• Only in the mind. Marijuanna Is an example.

• Science has not found that it causes physical need. Only in our thinking do people need the drug.

Reyes Syndrome

• People under 20 years old are recommended to use use Asprine or products containing aspririn as it might lead to Ryeses Syndrome.

• I flue like symptoms or chicken pox and under 20 you may have troubles with liver disease or even death if you use aspirin.
