chapter 18 solutions manual


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  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual


    Chapter 18

    Cost Behavior and Cost-Volume-ProfitAnalysis


    1# Cost-volume-profit analysis is espe$ially useful in the plannin% phase for a &usiness#This phase involves predi$tin% the volume of sales a$tivity' the $osts to &e in$urred'

    revenues to &e re$eived' and profits to &e earned# t is also useful in (hat-if)sensitivity* analysis#

    +# A varia&le $ost is one that varies proportionately (ith the volume of a$tivity# ,oreample' dire$t materials and dire$t la&or )(hen the (or.ers are paid for $ompletedunits* are treated as varia&le $osts (ith respe$t to the num&er of units produ$ed#

    /# Varia&le $osts per unit stay the same )remain $onstant* (hen output volume$han%es# This is &e$ause ea$h unit $onsumes the same amount of varia&le $osts(ithin the relevant ran%e of a$tivity#

    0# ,ied $osts per unitde$rease (hen output volume in$reases# This is &e$ause thetotal amount of fied $osts remains the same (hile it is &ein% divided amon% moreunits (ithin the relevant ran%e of a$tivity#

    # A step-(ise $ost remains $onstant over a limited ran%e of output a$tivity' outside of(hi$h it $han%es &y a lump-sum amount' then remains $onstant over another limitedran%e of output a$tivity' and so on# A $urvilinear $ost %radually $han%es in anonlinear manner in response to $han%es in sales volume#

    2# Definition:Unit $ontri&ution mar%in 3 Sales pri$e per unit - Varia&le $osts per unit#Unit $ontri&ution mar%in is the per unit dollars availa&le to $over fied $osts' (iththe remainder &ein% profit#

    4# Definition5 Contri&ution mar%in ratio 3 Contri&ution mar%in 6 Sales pri$e per unit#The $ontri&ution mar%in ratio tells (hat per$ent of ea$h sales dollar is availa&le to$over fied $osts' (ith the remainder &ein% profit#

    8# Contri&ution mar%in ratio means that for ea$h sales dollar a spe$ified per$ent isavaila&le to $over fied $osts and $ontri&ute to profits# To illustrate' if a $ompanyhas a 47 $ontri&ution mar%in ratio' then 47 )or 4* of ea$h sales dollar isavaila&le to $over fied $osts and $ontri&ute to profits#

    # A CVP analysis for a manufa$turin% $ompany is simplified &y assumin% that theprodu$tion and sales volumes are e9ual# This is the same as assumin% no $han%esin &e%innin% and endin% inventory levels for the period#

    1:# The first is that althou%h individual $osts $lassified as fied or varia&le mi%ht not&ehave pre$isely in those patterns' some variations of individual $omponents in the

    McGraw-Hill Companies, 2007

    Solutions Manual, Chapter 1 1!1

  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual


    %roup of fied or varia&le $osts may tend to offset ea$h other# The se$ond is thatmana%ement mi%ht reasona&ly assume that $osts are either fied or varia&le (ithinthe relevant ran%e of operations )or at least the period under analysis*#

    11# By assumin% a relevant ran%e for operatin% a$tivity' mana%ement $an more;ustifia&ly assume either fied or varia&le relations &et(een $osts and volume' and&et(een revenue and volume# The assumption also helps limit the $onsideration of

    alternative strate%ies to those that $all for volume levels that fall (ithin the relevantran%e#

    1+# Three $ommon methods for measurin% $ost &ehavior are5 the s$atter dia%ram' thehi%h-lo( method' and least-s9uares re%ression#

    1/# A s$atter dia%ram is used to display the relation &et(een past $osts and salesvolumes# s $urrent $apa$ity )relevant ran%e*# )"ote5The total $ost line $onsists of mied $osts#*

    12# ,ied $osts are depi$ted as a hori=ontal line on a CVP $hart &e$ause they remainthe same )$onstant* at all volume levels (ithin the relevant ran%e#

    14# Company A has a $ontri&ution mar%in of :7 ?)@+:'::: @1:':::* 6 )@+:':::* andCompany B has a $ontri&ution mar%in of 8:7 ?)@+:'::: @0':::* 6 )@+:':::*# Thismeans Company B (ill ma.e more profit on ea$h additional dollar of sales $omparedto Company A# This is also seen &y at operatin% levera%e )fied $osts6total$osts*# Company B>s operatin% levera%e is hi%her#

    18# s primary varia&le $osts in iPods are5 $osts of the $omponent parts)$hips' $asin%s' ele$troni$ parts*' and dire$t la&or# The $ost of operatin% the plantand e9uipment are fied &e$ause re%ardless of produ$tion levels these produ$t$osts are in$urred# dentifi$ation of many other varia&le and fied $osts is possi&le#

    +:# Best Buy offers a full line of ele$troni$s' $omputer soft(are' applian$es' and otherprodu$ts# To ade9uately understand its operations' Best Buy should $ompute&rea.-even points for all types of produ$ts sold#

    +1# A 27 in$rease in the sale of a popular model of

  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual



    Qui$. Study 18-1 )1: minutes*

    1# Varia&le 0# Varia&le 4# ,ied

    +# Pro&a&ly

  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual


    Qui$. Study 18-0 )1: minutes*

    Varia&le $osts 3 3 @+: per maintenan$e hour

    Usin% the lo( point' @/'2:: 3 )@+:6maint# hr# 2 maint# hrs#* F fied $ostTherefore' fied $ost 3 @+'1::

    Qui$. Study 18- )1: minutes*

    Contri&ution mar%in @'::: @/'::: 3 @+':::

    Contri&ution mar%in ratio )@'::: - @/':::* 6 @'::: 3 :#0: )or 0:7*

    nterpretation5 This result indi$ates 0: $ents of ea$h sales dollar is availa&le

    to $over fied $osts and $ontri&ute to profit#

    Qui$. Study 18-2 )1: minutes*

    1# Contri&ution mar%in per unit 3 @: - @/2 3 @0

    +# Brea.-even point in units 3 3 /'::: units

    Qui$. Study 18-4 )1: minutes*1# Contri&ution mar%in ratio 3 3 2:7

    +# Brea.-even point in dollars 3 3 @+4:':::

    McGraw-Hill Companies, 2007

    #inancial an$ Mana%erial &ccountin%, 2n$ '$ition1!!


    @: - @/2@:


    @8'1:: - @/'2::+0 - 2

  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual


    Qui$. Study 18-8 )1: minutes*

    Preta in$ome 3 @10:'::: 6 )1 - :#/:* 3 @+::':::

    n$ome taes 3 @+::'::: :#/: 3 @2:':::

    Units to &e sold 3 3 2'4:0 units )rounded*

    Qui$. Study 18- ) minutes*

    Corre$t )true* ans(er is 2#

    Qui$. Study 18-1: )1 minutes*

    Company B is li.ely to have a hi%her de%ree of operatin% levera%e )!G*#

    Eplanation5 Company B has a relatively lo( proportion of varia&le $osts tototal $osts# This means that the $ontri&ution mar%in )sales - varia&le $osts*for Company B is relatively hi%h# Also' %iven that the fied $osts forCompany B ma.e up a hi%h proportion of its $osts' the in$ome)$ontri&ution mar%in - fied $osts* for this $ompany (ill &e relatively lo((hen sales volume is lo(' &ut hi%h (hen sales volume is hi%h# The de%reeof operatin% levera%e is $omputed as a ratio of the $ontri&ution mar%in to

    preta in$ome# n the $ase of Company B' &e$ause the numerator)$ontri&ution mar%in* is a relatively hi%h num&er' the !G is also li.ely to &erelatively hi%h# The reverse is true for Company A#

    Qui$. Study 18-11 )1: minutes*

    Brea.-even point in $omposite units 3 3 28: $omposite units

    "um&er of &eepers at &rea.-even 3 8 28: 3 '00: individual &eepers

    Hreen5 28: 3 /'0:: &eepersHold5 28: / 3 +':0: &eepers

    McGraw-Hill Companies, 2007

    Solutions Manual, Chapter 1 1!)


    @12+'::: F @+::':::@0

  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual



    Eer$ise 18-1 )+: minutes*

    The s$atter dia%ram and its estimated line of $ost &ehavior appear &elo(

    The $ost line appears to refle$t a varia&le $ost &e$ause it in$reases at areasona&ly $onstant rate (ith $han%es in sales an$it appears to interse$tthe $ost ais at =ero )the ori%in*#

    Eer$ise 18-+ )1 minutes*

    1# Hraph K1# Varia&le $ost

    Hraph K+# ,ied $ost

    Hraph K/#

  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual


    Eer$ise 18-/ )1: minutes*

    1# A

    +# E

    /# B


    # ,

    2# C

    Eer$ise 18-0 )1 minutes*

    Series A Varia&le $ost

    Series B

  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual


    Eer$ise 18-2 )+: minutes*

    The s$atter dia%ram and its estimated line of $ost &ehavior appear &elo(#









    $0 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,000



    The $ost pattern appears to ehi&it a step-(ise pattern#

    McGraw-Hill Companies, 2007

    #inancial an$ Mana%erial &ccountin%, 2n$ '$ition1!

  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual


    Eer$ise 18-4 )/: minutes*


    )a* Contri&ution mar%in per unit 3 @18: @1/3 @0 per unit

    )&* Contri&ution mar%in ratio 3 @0 6 @18: 3 +7

    )$* Brea.-even point in units 3 @2+':: 6 @0 3 1+':: units

    )d* Brea.-even point in dollars 3 @2+':: 6 +7 3 @+'+:':::

    )Alternatively5 1+':: units @18: 3 @+'+:':::*

    +# CVP $hart

    McGraw-Hill Companies, 2007

    Solutions Manual, Chapter 1

    $ 0








    0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000



    Total costsBreak-even point


  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual


    Eer$ise 18-8 )+: minutes*


    BG!!< C!

  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual


    Eer$ise 18- )+ minutes*

    Preliminary $omputationsPreta in$ome 3 After-ta in$ome 6 )1 Ta rate*

    3 @81:'::: 6 )1 - :#+:*3 @81:'::: 6 :#8:

    3 @1':1+'::

    n$ome taes 3 Preta in$ome Ta rate3 @1':1+':: :#+: 3 @+:+'::

    1# Unit sales at tar%et in$ome 3

    3 @2+':: F @1':1+':: @0

    3 /'::: units

    ,ied F Preta+# ollar sales at tar%et in$ome 3 $osts in$ome

    Contri&ution mar%in ratio

    3 @2+':: F @1':1+':: +7 3 @2'/::':::

    )Alternatively5 /'::: units @18: 3 @2'/::':::*

    McGraw-Hill Companies, 2007

    Solutions Manual, Chapter 1 1)1

    ,ied Preta$osts in$ome

    Contri&ution mar%in


  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual


    Eer$ise 18-1: )+: minutes*

    BG!!< C!

  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual


    Eer$ise 18-1+ )/: minutes*


    )a* Total epe$ted varia&le $osts3 Varia&le $osts per unit units produ$ed and sold3 @2:M +::'::: units

    3 @1+':::':::

    MThe @2: varia&le $osts per unit is $omputed &y determinin% )i* salespri$e per unit and )ii* su&tra$tin% $ontri&ution mar%in per unit5Sales pri$e per unit )@14':::'::: 6 +::'::: units*################################# @ 8Gess5 Contri&ution mar%in per unit )%iven*########################################### )+*Varia&le $osts per unit############################################################################## @ 2:

    )&* To solve' set up a &rief $ontri&ution mar%in in$ome statementSales )%iven*#############################################################################@14':::':::

    Varia&le $osts )from part a*#####################################################)1+':::':::*,ied $osts###############################################################################) N *

    Preta in$ome )%iven*##############################################################@ 1'+:':::

    Thus5 ,ied $osts 3 @ /'4:':::

    +# CVP Chart

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    $ 0






    0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 300,000



    Total costs

    Break-even point


  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual


    Eer$ise 18-1/ )/: minutes*

    nstru$tor note5 This eer$ise is solved in / steps1# Prepare a $ontri&ution mar%in in$ome statement for Co# A to $ompute its !GO+# Prepare a $ontri&ution mar%in in$ome statement for Co# B to $ompute its !GO/# Analy=e and interpret (hi$h $ompany &enefits more from a +:7 sales in$rease#

    Step 1#

    Company AContri&ution

  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual


    Eer$ise 18-10 )+ minutes*

    1# Sellin% pri$e per $omposite unit

    8 (indo(s @+:: per unit###############################################################@1'2::

    + doors @:: per unit##################################################################### 1':::

    Sellin% pri$e per $omposite unit#######################################################@+'2::

    +# Varia&le $osts per $omposite unit

    8 (indo(s @1+ per unit###############################################################@1':::

    + doors @/: per unit##################################################################### 4::

    Varia&le $osts per $omposite unit####################################################@1'4::

    /# Brea.-even point in $omposite units ,ied $osts #3 Contri&ution mar%in per $omposite unit

    @::'::: #3 @+'2:: - @1'4::

    3 1'::: $omposite units

    0# Unit sales of (indo(s and doors at &rea.-even point

    indo(s5 8 1'::: units )from /*##################8'::: units

    oors5 + 1'::: units )from /*##################+'::: units

    McGraw-Hill Companies, 2007

    Solutions Manual, Chapter 1 1))

  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual



    Pro&lem 18-1A )+ minutes*

    4arts 1 an$ 2

    Tom Thompson CompanyContri&ution

  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual


    Pro&lem 18-+A )0: minutes*

    4art 1

    )a* nstru$tor note5 Use the e9uation in Ehi&it 18#11

    Brea.-even in sales units 3 ,ied $osts 6 Contri&ution mar%in per unit

    3 @+4:'::: 6 @2:M

    3 0':: units )1 unit 3 1:: yards*

    MContri&ution mar%in per unit 3 @+:: @10: 3 @2: per 1:: yards

    )&* nstru$tor note5 Use the e9uation in Ehi&it 18#1+

    Brea.-even in sales dollars 3 ,ied $osts 6 Contri&ution mar%in ratio

    3 @+4:'::: 6 /:7M

    3 @::':::

    )Alternatively5 3 0':: units @+:: 3 @::'::: *

    MContri&ution mar%in ratio 3 @2: 6 @+:: 3 /:7

    McGraw-Hill Companies, 2007

    Solutions Manual, Chapter 1 1)7

  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual


    Pro&lem 18-+A Continue$

    4art 2

    CVP Chart for I$ite E9uipment Company

    4art (


  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual


    Pro&lem 18-/A )0 minutes*

    4arts 1 an$ 2

    The s$atter dia%ram and its estimated line of $ost &ehavior appear &elo(

    4art 2 5 Calculation of 6aria3le an$ fie$ costsVaria&le $osts 3 3 @:#2: per dollar of sales

    Usin% the lo( point5 @20'::: 3 ,ied $osts F )@:#2:6@ of sales @8:':::*Therefore' fied $osts 3 @12':::

    4art (

    The estimates in Part + $an &e used to predi$t the total $osts that (ill &ein$urred at sales levels of @+::'::: and @/::':::#


    Sales )%iven*###################################################################@+::'::: @/::':::

    ,ied $osts )from part 2*###############################################@ 12'::: @ 12':::

    Varia&le $osts )from part 2*########################################### 1+:':::M 18:':::MM

    Total $ost#########################################################################@1/2'::: @12':::

    M )@+::'::: sales* )@:#2: per sales dollar*#MM )@/::'::: sales* )@:#2: per sales dollar*#

    McGraw-Hill Companies, 2007

    Solutions Manual, Chapter 1 1)+

    @++:'::: - @20':::@/0:'::: - @8:':::

  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual


    Pro&lem 18-0A )4 minutes*

    4art 1 nstru$tor note5 Use the e9uation in Ehi&it 18#1+

    +::8 &rea.-even in sales dollars 3 ,ied $osts 6 Contri&ution mar%in ratio

    3 @+:'::: 6 +:7M

    3 @1'+:':::

    MTo $ompute $ontri&ution mar%in ratioSales pri$e per unit )@1':::'::: 6 +:':::*#################################################################@:Varia&le $osts per unit )@8::'::: 6 +:':::*###############################################################@0:Contri&ution mar%in ratio )@:- @0:* 6 @:*###############################################################+:7

    4art 2 nstru$tor note5 Use the e9uation in Ehi&it 18#1+ (ith predi$ted num&ers

    +:: &rea.-even in sales dollars 3 ,ied $osts 6 Contri&ution mar%in ratio

    3 @0:':::M 6 2:7MM

    3 @4:':::

    MTo $ompute predi$ted fied $osts+::8 fied $osts plus +:: in$rease )@+:'::: F @+::':::*###################################@0:':::

    MMTo $ompute predi$ted $ontri&ution mar%in ratioPredi$ted sales pri$e per unit )no $han%e in sales pri$e*#######################################@:Predi$ted varia&le $osts per unit )@0: :7*#########################################################@+:Predi$ted $ontri&ution mar%in ratio )@:- @+:* 6 @:*##############################################2:7

    4art (

    ASTJ! C!

  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual


    Pro&lem 18-0AContinue$

    4art ! nstru$tor note5 Use e9uations in Ehi&it 18#18 and 18#+: (ith predi$ted num&ers ),ied $osts F Tar%et preta in$ome*

    Je9uired sales in dollars 3 Contri&ution mar%in ratio

    3 )@0:':::M F @+::':::MM* 6 2:7MMM3 @2:'::: 6 2:#:73 @1':8/'/// )rounded to (hole dollars*

    ),ied $osts F Preta in$ome*Je9uired sales in units 3 Contri&ution mar%in per unit

    3 )@0:'::: F @+::':::* 6 )@: - @+:*3 @2:'::: 6 @/:3 +1'224 units )rounded to (hole units*


    Je9uired sales in units 3 @1':8/'///6 @: per unit3 +1'224 units )rounded to (hole units*

    M +::8 fied $osts plus +:: in$rease )@+:'::: F @+::':::*##############################@0:':::MM Tar%et after-ta in$ome )%iven*#############################################################################@10:':::

    Preta tar%et in$ome 3 After-ta tar%et in$ome 6 )1 Ta rate*3 @10:'::: 6 )1 :#/:* 3 @+::':::

    MMMPredi$ted $ontri&ution mar%in ratio )@:- @/:* 6 @:*from part +############ 2:7 Ta.en from re9uired sales in dollarsR a&ove

    4art )

    ASTJ! C!

  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual


    Pro&lem 18-A )2 minutes*

    4art 1 nstru$tor note5 Use the e9uation in Ehi&it 18#1+

    Brea.-even in dollar sales 3 ,ied $osts 6 Contri&ution mar%in ratio

    Produ$t T5

    3 @1+'::: 6 +:7M3 @2+':::Produ$t !5

    3 @1'04'::: 6 84#7M3 @1'28'410 )rounded to the nearest dollar*

    MTo $ompute $ontri&ution mar%in ratioSales pri$e per unit Produ$t T )@+':::'::: 6 :':::*############################################################################### Produ$t ! )@+':::'::: 6 :':::*##############################################################################



    @0:Varia&le $osts per unit Produ$t T )@1'2::'::: 6 :':::*###############################################################################

    Produ$t ! )@+:'::: 6 :':::*#################################################################################


    @ Contri&ution mar%in ratio Produ$t T )@0:- @/+* 6 @0:*####################################################################################### Produ$t ! )@0:- @* 6 @0:*########################################################################################


    4art 2

    ,ore$asted $ontri&ution mar%in in$ome statements for ea$h produ$t assumin%sales de$lines to /:'::: units (ith no $han%e in unit sales pri$e

    VA""A C!#,ore$asted Contri&ution

  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual


    Pro&lem 18-A Continue$

    4art (

    ,ore$asted $ontri&ution mar%in in$ome statements for ea$h produ$t assumin%sales in$rease to 2:'::: units (ith no $han%e in unit sales pri$e

    VA""A C!#,ore$asted Contri&ution

  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual


    Pro&lem 18-2A )0 minutes*

    4art 1 nstru$tor note5 Use the e9uation in Ehi&it 18#1+

    Brea.-even in dollar sales 3 ,ied $osts 6 Contri&ution mar%in ratio

    Plan 15

    3 )@+::'::: F @/+':::* 6 4:7M3 @4:':::Plan +5

    3 )@+::'::: F @/+':::* 6 47M3 @4::':::

    MTo $ompute $ontri&ution mar%in ratioSales pri$e per unit Plan 1 )no $han%e*################################################################################################### Plan + ?@+#:: )1 F +:7*######################################################################################

    Plan 1@+#::

    Plan +

    @/:#::Total varia&le $osts per unit )&oth Plans 1 and +*

  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual


    Pro&lem 18-4A ): minutes*


  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual


    Pro&lem 18-4AContinue$


  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual



    Pro&lem 18-1B )+ minutes*

    4arts 1 an$ 2

    Hilmore CompanyContri&ution

  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual


    Pro&lem 18-+B )0: minutes*

    4art 1

    )a* nstru$tor note5 Use the e9uation in Ehi&it 18#11

    Brea.-even in unit sales 3 ,ied $osts 6 Contri&ution mar%in per unit

    3 @0+'::: 6 @10:M

    3 /:: units

    MContri&ution mar%in 3 @/: @+1: 3 @10:

    )&* nstru$tor note5 Use the e9uation in Ehi&it 18#1+

    Brea.-even in dollar sales 3 ,ied $osts 6 Contri&ution mar%in ratio

    3 @0+'::: 6 0:7

    3 @1:'::: )Alternatively5 3 /:: units @/: 3 @1:'::: *

    MContri&ution mar%in ratio 3 @10: 6 @/: 3 0:7

    McGraw-Hill Companies, 2007

    #inancial an$ Mana%erial &ccountin%, 2n$ '$ition1*

  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual


    Pro&lem 18-+BContinue$

    4art 2

    4art (

    XP-X!P C!#Contri&ution

  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual


    Pro&lem 18-/B )0 minutes*

    4arts 1 an$ 2

    The s$atter dia%ram and its estimated line of $ost &ehavior appear &elo(

    4art 2 Calculation of 6aria3le an$ fie$ costs

    Varia&le $osts 3 3 @:#0: per dollar of sales

    Usin% the hi%h point5 @11: 3 ,ied $osts F )@:#0:6@ of sales @+1*

    Therefore' fied $osts 3 @+0

    4art (

    The estimates in Part + $an &e used to predi$t the total $osts that (ill &ein$urred at sales levels of @1:: and @14:#


    Sales )%iven*#############################################################################@1:: @14:

    ,ied $osts )from part 2*#########################################################@ +0 @ +0

    Varia&le $osts )from part 2*##################################################### 0:M 28MM

    Total $osts#################################################################################@ 20 @ +

    M )@1:: sales* )@:#0: per sales dollar*#MM )@14: sales* )@:#0: per sales dollar*#

    McGraw-Hill Companies, 2007

    #inancial an$ Mana%erial &ccountin%, 2n$ '$ition

    Dyo Company








    0 50 100 150 200 250




    @11: - @8@+1 - @8

  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual


    Pro&lem 18-0B )4 minutes*

    4art 1 nstru$tor note5 Use the e9uation in Ehi&it 18#1+

    +::8 &rea.-even in dollar sales 3 ,ied $osts 6 Contri&ution mar%in ratio

    3 @+::'::: 6 +:7M

    3 @1':::':::

    MTo $ompute $ontri&ution mar%in ratioSales pri$e per unit )@4:'::: 6 +:':::*####################################################################@/4#:Varia&le $osts per unit )@2::'::: 6 +:':::*###############################################################@/:#::Contri&ution mar%in ratio )@/4#:- @/:* 6 @/4#:*##################################################### +:7

    4art 2 nstru$tor note5 Use the e9uation in Ehi&it 18#1+ (ith predi$ted num&ers

    +:: &rea.-even in dollar sales 3 ,ied $osts 6 Contri&ution mar%in ratio

    3 @/:':::M 6 2:7MM

    3 @8/'//0 )rounded to the net dollar*

    MTo $ompute predi$ted fied $osts+::8 fied $osts plus +:: in$rease )@+::'::: F @1:':::*###################################@/:':::

    MMTo $ompute predi$ted $ontri&ution mar%in ratioPredi$ted sales pri$e per unit )@4:'::: 6 +:':::*###################################################@/4#:Predi$ted varia&le $osts per unit ?)@2::'::: :7*6 +:':::*#################################@1#::Predi$ted $ontri&ution mar%in ratio )@/4#:- @1* 6 @/4#:*#################################### 2:7

    4art (

    JVEJA C!

  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual


    Pro&lem 18-0B Continue$

    4art ! nstru$tor note5 Use e9uations in Ehi&it 18#18 and 18#+: (ith predi$ted num&ers

    ),ied $osts F Preta in$ome*Je9uired sales in dollars 3 Contri&ution mar%in ratio

    3 )@/:':::M F @+::':::MM* 6 2:7MMM3 @:'::: 6 2:73 @12'224 )rounded to the net dollar*

    ),ied $osts F Preta in$ome*Je9uired sales in units 3 Contri&ution mar%in per unit

    3 )@/:':::M F @+::':::MM* 6 @++#:3 +0'00 units

    Alternatively 3 @12'2246 @/4#: per unitY3 +0'00 units )rounded up to the net unit*

    M +::8 fied $osts plus +:: in$rease )@+::'::: F @1:':::*##############################@/:':::MM Tar%et after-ta in$ome )%iven*#############################################################################@10:':::

    Preta tar%et in$ome 3 After-ta tar%et in$ome 6 )1 Ta rate*3 @10:'::: 6 )1 :#/:* 3 @+::':::

    MMMPredi$ted $ontri&ution mar%in ratio )@/4#:-@1*6@/4#:from part +############## 2:7

    Ta.en from re9uired sales in dollarsR a&ove######################################################@12'224YTa.en from part +####################################################################################################@ /4#:

    4art )

    JVEJA C!

  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual


    Pro&lem 18-B )2 minutes*

    4art 1 nstru$tor note5 Use the e9uation in Ehi&it 18#1+

    Brea.-even in dollar sales 3 ,ied $osts 6 Contri&ution mar%in ratio

    Produ$t BB5

    3 @1::'::: 6 /:7M3 @///'//0 )rounded up to the net dollar*Produ$t TT5

    3 @2:'::: 6 84#7M3 @20:':::

    MTo $ompute $ontri&ution mar%in ratioSales pri$e per unit Produ$t BB )@8::'::: 6 :':::*############################################################################### Produ$t TT )@8::'::: 6 :':::*################################################################################




    Varia&le $osts per unit

    Produ$t BB )@2:'::: 6 :':::*############################################################################### Produ$t TT )@1::'::: 6 :':::*################################################################################


    Contri&ution mar%in ratio Produ$t BB )@12#:: - @11#+:* 6 @12#::*#################################################################### Produ$t TT )@12 - @+* 6 @12*#####################################################################################


    4art 2

    ,ore$asted $ontri&ution mar%in in$ome statements for ea$h produ$t assumin%sales de$line to //'::: units (ith no $han%e in unit sales pri$e

  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual


    Pro&lem 18-BContinue$4art (

    ,ore$asted $ontri&ution mar%in in$ome statements for ea$h produ$t assumin%sales in$rease to 20'::: units (ith no $han%e in unit sales pri$e

    JVEJA C!#,ore$asted Contri&ution

  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual


    Produ$t TTs assets that are o(ned or o&tained under a lease a%reement&ased on time' and not on asset usa%e#

    McGraw-Hill Companies, 2007

    Solutions Manual, Chapter 1 17)

  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual


    Pro&lem 18-2B )0 minutes*

    4art 1 nstru$tor note5 Use the e9uation in Ehi&it 18#1+

    Brea.-even in dollar sales 3 ,ied $osts 6 Contri&ution mar%in ratio

    Eistin% Strate%y5 3 @:'::: 6 7M3 @1'4+4'+4/ )rounded to the net dollar*

    "e( Strate%y5 3 @:'::: 6 7M3 @1'4+4'+4/ )rounded to the net dollar*

    MTo $ompute $ontri&ution mar%in ratio

    Sales pri$e per unit Eistin% strate%y####################################################################################################### "e( strate%y ?@+:#:: )1 +:7*###########################################################################




    @12#::Total varia&le $osts per unit Unit $osts )@8::'::: 6 1::':::*################################################################################

    Unit $osts ?)@8::':::61::':::* )1 +7*############################################################ Pa$.a%in% )@1::'::: 6 1::':::*############################################################################### Pa$.a%in% ?)@1::':::61::':::* )1 F +:7*###########################################################

    @ 8#::

    1#::@ #::

    @ 2#::

    1#+:@ 4#+:

    Contri&ution mar%in ratio Eistin% strate%y )@+:#:: - @#::* 6 @+:#::*############################################################# "e( strate%y )@12#:: - @4#+:* 6 @12#::*###################################################################


    4art 2

    BEST C!

  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual


    Pro&lem 18-4B ): minutes*


  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual


    Pro&lem 18-4BContinue$


  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual



  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual


    Jeportin% in A$tion BT" 18-1

    1# Some of the $osts of the Hee. S9uad are5

    Varia&le5 Parts used in the servi$in% of a $ustomer>s $omputer' dire$tla&or used to servi$e the $ustomer>s $omputer' indire$t supplies used

  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual


    Ethi$s Challen%e BT" 18-/

    nstru$tor note5 This 9uestion $an serve to %enerate $lass dis$ussion on $ost analysis andestimation# is$ussion $an fo$us on a$$ountin%' &usiness' and other ethi$al $on$erns#

  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual


    Communi$atin% in Pra$ti$e BT" 18-0

    nstru$tor note5 Jeports (ill vary' &ut a typi$al report (ould li.ely in$lude assumptionssimilar to the follo(in%#

    1# Jevenue )salary* assumptions ,ind ;o& that pays a spe$ified amount#

    Deep the ;o& for an entire year#

    Employer stays in &usiness#

    Epe$tations re%ardin% overtime pay#

    +# Cost assumptions

    ,ind livin% a$$ommodations at a spe$ified amount#

    Avoid $ostly entertainment events#

    Stay healthy and do not in$ur e$ess medi$al epenses#

    Cost estimates for food' $lothin%' and other ne$essities# t to the "et BT" 18-

    The site offers many tools for an entrepreneur in assessin% $osts' sales'and profits# Spe$ifi$ally' an E$el (or.sheet is provided that allo(s anentrepreneur to identify the start-up $osts of the &usiness# A ne( &usinessre9uires many different types of $osts for the different resour$es to &ea$9uired )su$h as people' spa$e' e9uipment*' (hi$h sometimes areoverloo.ed &y less-eperien$ed entrepreneurs# This (or.sheet $an serveas a $he$.-list'R promptin% the entrepreneur to at least thin. a&out thedifferent $osts and their amounts#

    Also' many of the tools )su$h as the (or.sheet* are in the form of aspreadsheet# This means an entrepreneur $an modify the spreadsheet and

    use it to $ondu$t various types of (hat-ifR analyses &y $onsiderin%different possi&le s$enarios of &usiness#

    McGraw-Hill Companies, 2007

    #inancial an$ Mana%erial &ccountin%, 2n$ '$ition12

  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual


    Team(or. in A$tion BT" 18-2

    )a* Questions for s$hool administrators )others are possi&le*

    "um&er of students that (ould attend the theater#

    ,re9uen$y of $lass s$heduled sho(in%s#

    Ge%al )lia&ility* issues for field trips and asso$iated $osts#

    Costs of providin% movies to students at s$hool#

    )&* Questions for o(ners )others are possi&le*

    Gist of other potential mar.ets for theater sho(in%s durin% s$hooldays#

    Ga&or $osts to sho( a movie durin% s$hool days#

    Copyri%ht la(s and $osts to sho( a movie#

    nsuran$e' if any' on s$hool $hildren attendin% the theater#

    Any additional heat and li%htin% $osts#

    8usiness9eeA$tivity BT" 18-4

    1# n the past' Sun s $ase' the hope is that the free soft(are (ill do three thin%s5

    nterest $ustomers in Sun>s servers )as stated a&ove*# Sell other Sun produ$ts

    Sell lar%e $ustomer servi$e $ontra$ts

    f Sun $an ma.e a lar%e enou%h profit on the three items a&ove' then it$an more than ma.e up for the soft(are %iven a(ay#

    McGraw-Hill Companies, 2007

    Solutions Manual, Chapter 1 1(

  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual


    Entrepreneurial e$ision BT" 18-8

    1# an% should attempt to o&tain information on $osts and revenues ofany proposed ne( produ$ts# The types of information she should

    sear$h for in$lude5a Chan%es in costs, if an;, associate$ with offerin% the new pro$ucts

    ,or eample' are there $han%es in stora%e' display' or sto$.in% that thene( produ$ts (ill re9uireN ill the ne( produ$ts re9uire refri%erationthat she does not no( haveN ill there &e a need to add additionalshelf spa$eN hat is the shelf life of the produ$tN Xo( often (ill thene( produ$ts need to &e orderedN n (hat 9uantitiesN The use of ana$tivity-&ased $ostin% system $an &e espe$ially useful inunderstandin% ho( $osts mi%ht $han%e (ith the introdu$tion of thene( produ$ts#

    3 e6enues associate$ with new pro$ucts The $ompany must offer anattra$tive pri$e to lure $ustomers#

  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual


  • 8/11/2019 chapter 18 solutions manual


    Hlo&al e$ision BT" 18-1:

