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“Tang and Song China”I. The Tang Dynasty

a. timeline (p.513): 618 A.D. Tang Dynasty unites China; 960 A.D. Song Dynasty begins; 1271 Kublai Khan declares the Yuan dynasty; 1368 Ming dynasty is founded by a rebel general

A. Tang Rulea. Han dysnasty falls in 220 A.D.b. 626: Tang Gaozu and his sons, all military, reunite China and declare emperorshipc. Taizong revived bureaucracy (defined: gov. with many dept. and bureaus led by officials)d. the government remained the core of China until the 1900se. Wu Zhao was the only ruler to rule China on her own

B. A Flourishing Capitala. Chang’an capital had over one million inhabitants in the year 742 A.D.b. largest planned city 5 miles by 6 miles rectanglec. Turks, Indians, Jews, Koreans, and Persians filled the streets and marketsd. foreigners were welcome but had their own living sections

II. Rise of the Song DynastyA. Fall of the Tang

a. Drought, famine, high taxes, and fighting with neighboring peoples left problems at homeb. in 700s, military and local leaders rebelled and took power; however, the bureaucracy survived

B. A New Dynasty Risesa. Song Dysnasty: 960-1279b. huge army used for protection from neighbors

III. The Examination Systema. civil service examinations were tests required for people to work for the gov.b. Scholar Officials: highly educated men who passed the civil service examc. Confucius: civil service exams were based off of ideas and few ever passed. Wealth allowed for years of studyingd. Merit System (Song Dynasty): people are hired and promoted based on talent and skill, rather than wealth and social status. Schools for the poor were opened. Jobs required that the work be done well. During Ming Dynasty, officials were not allowed to serve in the district they lived because they didn’t want favor.

IV. Tang and Song ProsperityA. The Emperors and the Officials

a. Emperor was under mandate from heaven, meaning he was all powerful and had heavenly support

b. By giving more power to the scholar-officials, the Song dynasty received loyal supporters and surpassed the nobles and wealthy families in societyc. By 1100, China had numerous cities (mostly in south) and were heavily populated which is known as urbanization

B. The Song Dynasty Shifts Southa. the Song dynasty was being pressured in the north by the Jin dynasty, so they moved their attention to the southern capital of Hangzhou (hahn JOH) which was described as the richest place on earth

C. Land Tenurea. the farms went from governmentally owned to wealthy Tang family ownershipb. peasants worked the land as tenant farmers

D. Advances in Farming a. farming advancement = population growthb. because the north was not as populated, wheat and barley were not in demand, but instead rice which grew well in humid and wet south c. a flooded fields where rice grew was called paddiesd. irrigation was developed to keep the paddies wet and so was a strain of rice that allowed for two or three crops a year e. 750-1100 the population doubled from 50 to 100 million

V. Trade Fuels ProsperityA. The Grand Canal

a. the largest and longest human built canal in the 600sb. connects China’s largest rivers: the Huang in the north and the Chang in the southc. carried barges carrying rice and other goods for thousands of miles

B. Currencya. money economy: consumers carry money rather than barter for goodsb. Tang dynasty: copper coins, called cash, were the main money. But they were heavy and large to manage in large amountsc. Song Dynasty: paper money (the world’s first)

C. Expanding Industriesa. Silk: the industry grew because the farmers were using advanced technology and had more food than they needed; therefore, they were able to trade for craft itemsb. Ceramics: extremely fine quality. Porcelain was a hard with potteryc. Iron: was used for weapons, tools, nails, and religious artifacts

D. The Growth of Tradea. 1. farms and factories production increaseb. 2. Canalsc. 3. Money Economy

VI. China’s Golden Age
