Chapter 14 Opener: How can an adaptationist approach be applied to humans? Can general concepts of...


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Chapter 14 Opener: How can an adaptationist approach be applied to humans?

Can general concepts of adaptation be applied to humans given our tremendous diversity?

14.1 Cultural traditions are powerful influences on human behavior

Traditional garb for men in the Dani tribe in New Guinea consists of a penis sheath only.

Sociobiology Controversey:

Debate on whether the evolutionary analaysis of HUMAN behavior is warrented.

Problems suggested by sociobiology:

We humans do not do things just to raise our inclusive fittness.

Not all human behavior is biologically adaptive

Evolutionary approaches to human behavior may be based on politically reactionary doctrine that supports social injustice and inequality.

14.3 Adoption occurs in nonhuman animals

14.7 Men and women from different cultures show similar mate preferences

14.8 Age and the market value of men

Measured by the # of “Personals” ads by women for a male of particular age divided

by the number of men of those ages announcing availability.

14.9 Higher income increases male copulatory success

NPC = number of potential conceptions

14.10 Fertility declines as family income increases in the United States

14.13 Sex differences in mate selectivity

14.14 Sex differences in the desire for sexual variety (Part 1)

14.14 Sex differences in the desire for sexual variety (Part 2)

14.19 Parental favoritism

14.21 Marriage requires bridewealth payments in many traditional African cultures

14.22 Inheritance decisions

14.24 Homicide rates are highly correlated with male life expectancy
