Chapter 12 Section 1 Landforms and Resources Test Tuesday, December 8th


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Chapter 12 Section 1Landforms and Resources

Test Tuesday, December 8th

Peninsulas and Islands

Europe is a large peninsula known as “Peninsula of Peninsulas”

Most locations in Europe are no more than 300 miles from an ocean or sea

European way of life involves using bodies of water for both business and pleasure

Northern Peninsulas

Scandinavian Peninsula

Norway and Sweden

Bounded by the Norwegian Sea, North Sea, and Baltic Sea

More than any other place in Europe, this peninsula shows the results of the movement of glaciers during the Ice Age

Glaciers cut away the rich topsoil leaving thin, rocky soil that is hard to farm

Northern Peninsulas

Norway- glaciers carved out fjords (fyawrdz) – steep U-shaped valleys that connect to the sea and that filled with seawater after the glaciers melted

Provide excellent harbors for fishing boats

Often separated by narrow peninsulas

Southern Peninsulas





Great Britain




All located in the North Atlantic

All European islands have depended on trade

Mountains and Uplands

May be viewed as walls- separate groups of people

Difficult for people, goods, and ideas to spread

Affect climate

Mountain Chains

Most famous- Alps

France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, and the northern Balkan Peninsula

Cut Italy off from the rest of Europe.

Pyrenees Mountains restrict movement from France to Spain and Portugal

Both ranges provide skiing, hiking, etc…

Isolated various ethnic groups from each other


Uplands- different from mountains.

hills or very low mountains that may also contain mesas and high plateaus

Eroded remains of ancient mountain ranges

KjØlen (CHUR*luhn) Mountains of Scandinavia

Scottish highlands

Low mountain areas of Brittany in France

Central plateau of Spain called Meseta (meh*SHE*tah)

1/6 of French lands are located in Massif Central

(ma*SEEF sahn*TRAHL)

Resources Shape Life

Distribution of resources creates regional differences within Europe

EX: Ireland lacks energy resources-so they use Peat – partially decayed plant matter found in bogs

Coal- plentiful in other parts of Europe. EX: Poland

Chapter 12 Section 3Human-Environment Interaction

Test December 15
