CHAPTER 11 The Life Cycle. Changes During Puberty You will go through many physical,...


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CHAPTER 11The Life Cycle

Changes During Puberty

You will go through many physical, mental/emotional, and social changes during your teen years. Adolescence is the stage of life

between childhood and adulthood. Puberty is the time when you

develop the physical characteristics of an adult.

Hormones are the chemical substances produced in certain glands that help regulate the way your body functions.

Changes During Puberty

Coping with Mood Swings Feel like your on an emotional roller

coaster. Some tips for dealing with mood swings

in healthful ways: Do something nice for yourself. Be creative. Get moving. Get some help. Get some rest. Eat well.

Changes During Puberty

Social Changes You will want to spend less time with parents and more

with your friends. You become more aware of the world around you. You change the way you express yourself

Find yourself within the rules of the law and family: Respect. Gain independence

Making choices for yourself takes time and patience. Peer influence

Effect are positive/negative peer pressure choices. Volunteer work

Community Service involves volunteer programs aimed at improving the community and the life of its residents.

This gives you a chance to work on independence, new skills and develop a sense of responsibility.

Male Reproductive System

Reproduction is the process by which organisms produce others of their own kind.

Reproductive System is made up of the body systems and structures that make it possible to produce children.

The male reproductive system has two jobs. One is to produce sperm, the male reproductive cells. The second is to deliver sperm to the body of the

female. Testes are the pair of glands that produce sperm. Semen is a mixture of fluids that protect sperm

and carry them through the male reproductive system.

Male Reproductive System

Male Health Problems Testicular Torsion happens when the cord that holds the testes

together twists around and cuts off flow of blood to a testicle. Which results in pain and swelling.

A hernia occurs when an internal organ pushes against or through the surrounding cavity wall.

Keeping the reproductive system healthy Practice good hygiene.

Bathe/Shower daily. Wear protective gear.

Wear a cup in contact sports. Conduct self exams.

Once a month, check for lumps. Get regular checkups.

Early detection is the key to preventing health problems.

Female Reproductive System

The female reproductive system has two functions. The first is to produce, store, and release

egg cells. The second is to create offspring.

Fertilization is the joining of a male sperm cell and a female egg cell (Ova) to form fertilized egg.

The ovaries are the female endocrine glands that release mature eggs and produce the hormones estrogen and progesterone.

The uterus is a pear shaped organ located within the pelvis, in which the developing baby is nourished and protected.

Female Reproductive System

The Menstrual Cycle is the series of events that prepares the female reproductive system to produce a baby. Cycle varies in days ~

23 to 35 days Begins at puberty, however it takes a couple years to become

regular. The cycle begins with ovulation which is the process by

which the ovaries release mature eggs, usually one each menstrual cycle.

Menstruation occurs with the flow from the body of blood, tissues, and fluids that result from the breakdown of the lining of the uterus. This cycle lasts from three to five days. Two weeks later, the ovaries release another egg, and the cycle

starts over again.

Female Reproductive System

Ovaries hold the female’s eggs. The ovaries also make the hormones estrogen and progesterone.

These control female sexual development and other reproductive organs. The eggs travel from the ovaries to the uterus through the

fallopian tubes. The eggs are usually fertilized in these tubes.

The cervix is the narrow path of the bottom of the uterus. The uterus is the organ in which a developing child is

nourished Vagina is the passage way that leads from the cervix to the

outside of the body. Menstrual Flow leave the body Sperm enters the female reproductive system During birth a baby leave the mothers body.

Female Reproductive System

Female Health Problems Many females experience a set of symptoms known as

premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Headaches, acne, tired, crave certain foods, depression, and

irritability. Cramping during first few days of menstrual cycle. Yeast infections can cause pain and other issues.

OTC medicine will clear it up. Toxic shock syndrome is a rare bacterial infection.

Fever and vomiting Ovarian Cysts are fluid filled sacs that form on the ovaries. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) cause infertility

and cancers. Cancer of the breasts, ovaries, uterus, or cervix.

Female Reproductive System

A gynecologist is a doctor who specializes in the female reproductive system. Females should get their first exam around age 14,

then once a year after that. Staying Healthy

Good hygiene, bathe/shower daily. Regular breast self-exams. Change Tampons or sanitary napkins at least every

4 hours during your menstrual cycle. Keep track of the start days and stop days of your

menstrual cycle. See a doctor if you miss several cycles in a row, severe

pain, or severe bleeding in between cycles.

Infant and Child Development

Every human being starts out as a single cell that develops into a baby over the course of nine months. A cell is the basic unit of life. Tissues are a group of similar cells that do a

particular job. An organ is a body part made up of different

tissues joined to perform a particular function. A group of organs work together to carry out

related tasks, they are a body system. Muscle tissue Brain tissue Connective tissue

Infant and Child Development

An embryo is the developing organism from two weeks until the end of the eighth week of development.

A fetus is the developing organism from the end of the 8th week until birth.

Stages of Life

Stages of Life can be divided into a series of stages. A person needs to master a developmental task, which is an event that

needs to happen in order for you to continue growing toward becoming a healthy, mature adult.

Infancy, the first year of life. Depends on others to meet his/her needs.

Early Childhood A toddler is a child between the ages of one and three.

Walk/talk and to do other things on their own. Middle Childhood

A preschooler is a child between the ages of three and five. Comes up with own ideas and knows right/wrong.

Late Childhood Ages six to eleven, school plays an important part in children’s lives.

Start school and learn new skills. Adolescence

Ages 12 to 18, you are no longer a child, but you are not yet an adult. Explore different roles and develop own identity.

Stages of Adulthood

Early (young) Adulthood A time to establish close personal

relationships Develop intimacy with another person

Middle Adulthood Sense of satisfaction through career,

family, and involvement in society Making a contribution to the world,

leave your mark Late Adulthood (maturity)

Look back on his/her life Find satisfaction in what you have

done with your life

Staying Healthy As You Age

Ways to Measure Age Chronological Age is age

measured in years. This is how long you have been alive.

Biological Age is your age determined by how well your various body parts are working. This depends on the physical

condition of the person’s body and his/her overall health.

Social Age is your age measured by your lifestyle and the connections you have with others. This has to do with the role you play

in the world.

Good Health For Older Adults

Wellness and balanced health is as important for older adults as it is for teens. Be physically active Eat healthy foods Good mental health balance

Depression is a risk Get regular medical care Be involved socially

Better total health when staying involved with friends

Stay engaged in activities they enjoy
