Chapter 11



Chapter 11. Section 1- Resources, Strategies, and Early Battles. QOTD. How did the economies of the North and South differ?. Union Advantages. Population Industry supported war Coal and iron mines West- gold and silver. Union Advantages. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 11Section 1- Resources,

Strategies, and Early Battles

How did the economies of the North and South differ?



Industry supported war

Coal and iron mines

West- gold and silver

Union Advantages

Union had factories to produce ammo, guns, uniforms, med supplies, RR cars

Move troops and material on RR

Union Advantages

Navy- 250 warships plus more under construction

South had no navy, vulnerable to blockade

Est. gov’t with good leaders

Union Advantages

Fight for survival

Believe in the cause

“The War of Northern Aggression”

Confederate Advantages

Strong leaders- Robert E. Lee

Did not need to conquer the North

Home field advantage/ defensive war

Confederate Advantages

The North had to defend D.C.

Only the Potomac River separated Confederacy from the US capital

Confederate Advantages

Preserve small army

Erode the Union will to fight

Win recognition from France and GB

Confederate Strategies

Trade with GB and France

South needs textiles

GB and Fr. need cotton

Confederates want military aid from GB and France

Confederate Strategies

Gen. Winfield Scott

Anaconda Plan- blockade Southern ports to starve South of income and supplies

Drive south along MS River

Union Strategies

Union control of MS would split the Confederacy in 2

Union Advantages

What is a border state?


Border states- allow slavery but have not joined the Confederacy.

Missouri, Kentucky, Delaware, Maryland

Union wants to prevent their secession

Lincoln Avoids the Slavery Issue

Felt he had no right to free the slaves, nor did he want to

Only goal: save the Union

Outcome: kept border states loyal to Union

Lincoln Avoids the Slavery Issue

July 1861- battle outside D.C.

2 armies met at a creek called Bull Run

Stonewall Jackson makes a stand against the Union

Bull Run/Manassas

South wins, Union retreats

War would not be quick

Lincoln calls for more troops and places George McClellan in charge

Bull Run/ Manassas

Feb. 1862- MS valley part of the Anaconda Plan

Captures Ft. Henry and Donelson

Boost Northern morale

Drove Confederates from western KY and TN

U.S. Grant and Tennessee

April 1862- SW Tenn.

2 day battle

25,000 Confederate and Union soldiers wounded or dead

Damaged Grant’s rep


David Farragut captures New Orleans

Farragut and Grant attempt to capture Vicksburg, MS

Both are stopped by Confederates

The Union captures New Orleans

1862- Confederates march up Rio Grande to force Union out of SW

Defeated at Glorieta Pass

Confederate supply chain destroyed

Fighting in the Southwest

March 9, 1862- Monitor battles against the Virginia

Naval Warfare

Who do you think has the edge in the Civil War so far?

Text Me

How do you think that slaves in the North and South reacted to the Civil War?


McClellan plans drive on Richmond (Confederate capital)

Lincoln wants him to act

Peninsular Campaign- sail across the Chesapeake, march on Richmond

Fighting in the East

June 26-July 2

Union repelled by Lee’s forces

McClellan retreats to D.C.

The Seven Days

Lincoln replaces McClellan with Ambrose Burnside

Stonewall outmaneuvers Union

South crushes North

Lincoln reinstates McClellan

Second Battle of Bull Run
