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CHAPTER: 10ALLIANCE OF PROLETARIAN CLASS WITH PEASANTRY AND OTHER TOILING MASSESDue to uneven growth of capitalism with development monopoly capital and finance capital, Capitalism was transformed into imperialism. This occurred gradually at the end of 19th century and early of the century. In this era of imperialism, it is not possible to develop class struggle into the revolutionary movement by proletariat class alone. So, proletarian class needs allies with other paternal classes. The peasantry is the natural allies of proletariat. The consolidation and solidarity of proletariat with peasantry is the foremost task of proletariat class. This theory was developed and practiced by V.I Lenin. The application of this theory of Lenin, Bolshevik Party of Soviet Russia developed mass movement and class struggle into the revolutionary epoch of October Revolution while it is termed as Ten Days That Shooks The World, a famous book written by John Reed. After many struggles with failure and success for two decades Revolution meets success in the month of April (November according to general calendar) and seizure of power from feudal, noble and capitalist class. The ruling government of Ozar Romanov (feudal authoritarian government and Kerensky government of capitalist class were replaced successively in February and October revolution according to Russian calendar). Was October revolution total class leadership had gone in favor of proletarian class with its allies peasantry directed by Bolshevik party with demand of all power to Soviet with call of bread, land and peace. The class exploitation was the first line of history. This theory of proletarian class with the peasantry was named Marxism and Leninism. In other words Leninism is Marxism in the era of imperialism. There were enormous changes in the international situation in last century. Imperialism takes different shapes and methods to continue their exploitation from colonial, semi-colonial time to present time of globalization. During this period we have seen contradiction and conflict of imperialism resulting two World Wars. At present globalised liberal economic phase, imperialist forces have more cooperation rather than conflict and contradiction. Overall process of exploitation deepens day by day. In other side the struggle of the proletariat class and toiling peoples are progressing for the aspiration of establishing socialist system in many new ways with different strategies and tactics. Apart from European countries vast country like China and Vietnam, Cuba establishes socialist system through people revolution in different ways. One third of World population came under socialism in last century. This gives birth to so many contradictions and problems within socialist system. This gives us some light that reconstruction of socialist system is not an easy thing. Mere nationalization, statization of private property by changing social base of economic structure is not enough to achieve socialism. Previous super structure and class relations have immense influence in the society as base (mainly economy) and superstructure (beurocracy state organization culture) have dialectical relations. They influence each other and can change each other. Misunderstanding this dialectical relation of base and superstructure of a society, crisis developed in the so called socialist states. Crisis deepens and progressed in between and within the states. Ultimately counter revolution occurred in USSR and east European countries where socialism was destroyed and capitalist production relation system were reestablished. In Asia, countries like China, Vietnam, communist parties are ruling till date but entering in globalized market economy, they also destroyed socialist system and its values. In these so called socialist states, mass exploitation taking so severe form that great country like China now is a country of maximum inequality apart from Nepal in Asia. Detailed discussion about this counter revolution is not possible here. But what we want to say that this counter revolution of socialist states creates immense depression among the working class of the world. But at the same time searching for alternative ways and thoughts for new socialist system is evolving throughout the world. In Latin America, Cuba is able to maintain socialist order. Apart from Cuba, many new experiments for social changes are going on at Latin America. Some government made by leftist parties have established South America, these are Bolivia, Venezuela etc. a strong wave of anti-imperialism is flowing in countries like Brazil, Argentina, Chili etc. some alternative thoughts and actions are practicing in this countries within capitalist system to increase working class representation in different sectors of states. These practices are uplifting the consciousness of working class and general people of these countries for socialism. We have to remember the contribution of Late Hugo Chavez in Venezuela for developing new practices in ideology and practice cooperating with their peoples traditional values and culture to from popular Leftist government.Now, we have to think about other classes apart from proletariat and peasantry. New subject arising from worldwide crisis and problem. This development of middle class and petty bourgeois of the people. This heterogeneous class was overlooked in the past. According to classical Marxism and Leninism, petty bourgeois and middle class people are opportunist, vacillating, successively vulnerable, some time progressive and other time reactionary, the same time heterogeneous, divided politically and ideologically. All these characteristics of petty bourgeois and middle class may hold well till today. But after centuries of time it is observed that this successively vulnerability of petty bourgeois and middle class had not occurred. With the metamorphosis of capitalist and imperialist forces and limitation of socialist camp, this class has increased both quantitatively and qualitatively. Now they have established them as most important class in all sphere of society, that is in cultural, economic, political and even in the state power. Ruling class operate state power through different organizations like parliamentary democracy, judicial system, different cultural work, educational system and beaurocracy. Not simply by state coercion. By all these organizations, ruling class forms chains of safeguard for the state system. People give their support to ruling class till they are able to prove themselves as effective leader of masses. In this way people give their consent to the ruling class to rule for class exploitation. The dynamics of the class is that all classes are not fixed. According to leading class with leading ideology, capitalism is propagating the idea of upliftment of private property. This causes a bourgeois dynamism in between different dominating class from subaltern class to middle class. Majority members of these classes try to reach the higher strata, though few of them become successful. This causes the growth of petty bourgeois and middle class, giving birth too many sub groups like skilled labor, technicians, cybertariat (previously discussed in brief), beaurocrats of both state system and private enterprises, cultural workers, intellectuals and even most of the political leaders of different political parties and groups. This middle petty bourgeois are taking major role in all parts of state system. In petty bourgeois and middle class there are some progressive ideas due to their knowledge of modern sciences, history, economics and politics. This knowledge and consciousness makes some of them some of them progressive, on the other hand for personal benefit, luxury and private property, majority of this class are being supporters and propagators of ruling class. In one side they have cult of individual aspiration for freedom and democratic rights, on the other side craving for money power makes them inhuman, undemocratic, reactionary force for the interest of ruling class. This is the result of isolation in the era of capitalism, progressing more in period globalized imperialism. So, a bigger number of middle class are becoming he savior of present eroded society. In the previous chapter, I have shown that Indian proletariat class is struggling for their own existence in this crisis moment of history when socialist camp is divided and temporarily paralyzed due to lack of updated political ideology. Unity and solidarity of peasantry and proletariat was said in classical Marxism and Leninism. This unity and solidarity of proletariat and peasantry was theorized and practiced in the Bolshevik party under the leadership of comrade Lenin. He had shown that due to uneven development of capitalism, there was development of monopoly and finance resulting imperialism. For this reason, capitalists loses their developing and progressive character and came to a moribund stage. Worldwide conflict and contradiction was raised among the imperialist forces resulting the First World War. This was for capturing wide colonial market. This necked the dangerous inhuman character of imperialist and capitalism and vice-versa. This conflict of imperialist camp and victorious proletarian revolution in Soviet Russia influences greatly the national struggle for freedom in semi-colonial and colonial countries. The contradiction between imperialist power and democratic nationalist forces of colonial countries was sharpening greatly with existing main contradiction f capital and labor. There is little more major contradiction which became manifested and sharpens in the era. Apart from the contradiction of labor and capital, other major contradictions are;1. Contradiction within imperialist forces2. Between imperialist forces and nationalist forces and democratic forces of colonial and semi-colonial countries3. Contradiction between the feudal system and its remnants and peasantry4. Contradiction between national capital, and5. Contradiction between socialist camp and imperialist camp

This above mentioned five can operate separately and simultaneously in different phases of history, like in period of two world war contradict within imperialist camp was the main contradiction. Sometime within this contradiction may antagonize other line it may agonistic. It may be vice-versa with the change time and class interest. For example, in the colonial and semi-colonial phase, the contradiction between national capitalist and proletariat is not antagonistic; rather agonistic both of them have common enemy, i.e. imperialistic force. But after national liberation, antagonistic conflict changed into antagonistic character as class interest of both classes becomes antagonistic.

According to Leninism the proletariat class alone cannot able to perform revolution actively, class struggle and socialist program. So, proletarian class needs fraternal class support to continue and complete socialist revolution. Peasantry is the nearest fraternal class of proletariat. In Russian Revolution this theory of solidarity of peasantry and proletariat was practiced successfully by giving call of land to tilter who will be able to consolidate majority peasantry being allotted force of proletarian class. Though this call of land to the tilter was not properly a communist approach. It was rather a programmatic step taken experience and knowledge of peasant movement in the rural areas. When torrent of social upheaval started and went to revolutionary epoch, Bolsheviks had to take this pragmatic call for consolidating peasantry in favor of democratic and socialist revolution. For this pragmatic call, majority of peasantry in the backward rural areas of Russia was consolidated in favor of Russian revolution. This program of land to the tilter was become a great problem and obstructing in later days for reconstruction of socialist economy by formation of cooperatives, collective and state farming. So, Stalin had faced great problem when communist party took the program of formation of collective and state farming. To implement this revolutionary program, CPSV under the leadership of J.V. Stalin took strong governmental action. Sometime, it was revealed as accelerated state coercion on the reactionary forces. It create great controversy among stall ward of Bolshevik party from Trotsky, then Zinoviev, Kamev, Bukharin. There was great impact in internal level many of stall wards communist revolutionary and communist intellectuals did not agree with Stalin. Western capitalist world had taken this opportunity and amplified in such a manner that Russia would soon collapse and socialism is great fiasco.

In spite of all these drumbeating propaganda of western capitalist world, Russia under the leadership of Stalin was able to overcome all obstacles for continuing its development and progressed into reconstruction of different economic system and states, which was devoid of private property as in capitalist country. Taking lesson from Russian class struggle and revolution in China, land to the tilters was not the call to the peasantry; rather main call was cooperative and collective farming to form agricultural commune in greater aspect for Chinese revolution was a prolonged new democratic revolution under the leadership of Chinese communist party and comrade Mao-Ze-Dong. The geographical, economic and cultural aspect of China was quite different from that of Russia. Abolition of feudal economy and exploitation being main task of the communist party to develop class struggle in China. So, it progressed in a prolonged struggle where collectivization of land to form commune enabled proletariat class to unite with peasantry. After all, the concept of Leninism, that is solidarity of proletarian class with peasantry was practiced for this prolong revolutionary process and it became successful. It should be remembered that Chinese Revolution was neo democratic revolution. Main class enemy of this revolution were feudal lords, comprador bourgeois and imperialist forces. Revolutionary class forces were proletariat-peasantry solidarity made coalition with national bourgeois and petty bourgeois classes. So, it was alliances of four classes. So, Mao-Ze-Dong depicted this revolution as neo democratic revolution which leads to socialist reconstruction of China.

The national and international situation and condition have lots of changes occurred during the last half century like progressive forces, reactionary forces takes lesson from history. So this reactionary force changes their style of action to continue exploitation and ruling process. This is the metamorphosis of exploiter, i.e. imperialist capitalist class for maintaining their hegemony. In this respect petty bourgeois and middle class intellectuals, as a whole the middle class people, are being acted as a main effective safeguard of capitalist and imperialist exploitations, and getting consent from the common people for their change of style of exploitation with their metamorphosis. In the era of globalization, all the actions in favor of neo-liberal economy on not only the action of the state power was applied, but also the different institutions, organizations, EGOs like parliamentary democracy, judicial system, print-media and electronic media, educational system which are the safeguard of capitalist exploitations are acting in favor of metamorphosis of exploitations. The intellectuals and middle class people are placed as a leader and propagators of these safeguarding institutions. So this is the way by which the capitalist and imperialist forces are able to win the interest of middle class people. In the same way, these middle classes continue the ideology and action of exploiters to be acceptable for common people including all toiling masses. When the exploitation and class rule becomes unbearable for the common people, then there is a need of state coercion. This is evidenced repeatedly in the history. The theory of liberal economic policy and globalization which is taken by imperialist forces with hegemony of US was mainly supported by intellectuals coming from middle class peoples. The majority of the population of most of the countries (both advanced and under developed countries) welcomed this theory and action of globalized liberal economy due to drum-beating of the middle class intellectuals through their propaganda in education system, mass organizations and news media, etc. so, most of the countries have taken the program of reformed economy very aggressively in state and economic system. But slowly, people have seen the naked bad character of this system instead of the words of welfare of liberalized economy. Successively, we have seen the economic inequality, unemployment with stagnation of economic development become more and more deepened. Ultimately, the fantasy of globalization became a destroyed dream. The working people of all countries including advanced countries of Europe and US protesting vigorously against this bad effect of neo-liberal globalized economy. In this situation, imperialist ruling class is taking various tactics to dissolve this peoples protest through their different political and hypocritical diplomacy. Now coming to the main discussion that the changes and metamorphosis of ruling class is going on for the last half centuries, detailed discussion in this subject is not possible in this book. But we have to put forward some important issues in this respect:

1. According to Leninism, the uneven development of capitalism through imperialism is continuing 2. Imperialism through moribund stage of capitalism was not destroyed at all3. The contradiction between imperialist forces became very apparent and aggressive in the time of two World Wars resulting two successful great revolutions, first in Russia and second in China. This causes contradiction among imperialist forces was due to colonialism. British imperialism was the greatest force among the imperialist camp. British imperialism was failed to establish their hegemony among imperialist camp by reducing their inner conflict and increasing cooperation among them due to colonial market interest. So, British imperialism though the greatest force before second World War, was not able to make her leader of imperialist camp, instead, at the end of Cold War, US imperialism is able to placed her as the leader of imperialist camp by applying globalized liberal economy and maintaining cooperation among them by reducing their inner conflict. So, by this way they are continuing their exploitation and ruling. At present, imperialist countries with their allies under developed and developing countries are able to maintain their exploitation by consolidating themselves under the hegemony of political, economic and military power of US. This is in brief the characteristics of globalized imperialism or rather we may rename as international imperialism.4. The aspiration of people both in advanced and developing countries like democracy, freedom, and civil rights are well-established presently in all countries of the world. These are capitalist values being a safeguard of capitalist and imperialist exploitation were not deep-rooted in the pre-revolutionary period of socialist countries. During the revolutionary and post revolutionary period of socialist countries, the communist parties became monopoly in their political power and established themselves as a supreme authority of socialist reconstruction. As a result of this theory of the dictatorship of the proletariat was transformed into dictatorship of communist party. More in brief, this dictatorship became the dictatorship of the central committee of the communist party. If we analyze the history of USSR after revolution it was apparent that this theorization of role of the communist party was constructed under the leadership of great Lenin. But in course of time, he was aware about the danger of this totalitarianism and proposed for establishing democratic system by giving freedom for other leftist political groups even to the Mensheviks. But he was not able to practice this democratic outlook within a socialist framework due to his serious illness and pre-mature death. We can recall the serious debate regarding democracy and freedom of press between two great leaders of Europe as Lenin and Rosa Luxemburg of Germany. The great German communist leader Rosa Luxemburg advocated in favor of democracy and freedom of the press. According to her, socialism was never possible without democracy. Though the concept of Rosa is still relevant today, but in post Lenin socialist camp did not show any importance for establishing wider and greater democracy in socialist reconstruction proving themselves as a higher and greater democratic system with active participation of the people to be compared with capitalist democratic system. One of the major causes of crisis and failure of socialist system is due to lack of wider democracy, in other word, totalitarian outlook of communist parties. In socialist countries led by communist parties censored the freedom of common people as right for freedom of speech, freedom of press and also right for self-determination.

These all are done in the name of safeguarding the revolution and socialism. The communist party of the socialist country became non-critical and absolute powerful leader of socialist state resulting dissociated from common toiling mass including proletariat. So party beurocracy and traditional beaurocrats became most powerful in most of the socialist states led by communist party. Even inside the communist party the dialectical relation between higher and lower leadership was slowly destroyed. Instead of dialectical relation within the communist party the transmission of self theory as proposed by Stalin was practiced in the post revolutionary both in communist party and even in the society. According to transmission belt theory policy and theory for social change and development should be taken in the higher strata and that should be transmitted to lower strata and grass root level. This is not within the party; it is adopted in all production centres that may be cooperative or state sector. So, in the socialist state higher party member or party beaurocrats and traditional beaurocrats of the production centre were become the conductor of the state and society.The toiling people including proletarian class became the conducted population of the country. In brief, this was the way of destroying the dialectical relation between people of a country with the power holder of the country. The dissociation of the proletarian class leader with their allied force from the state power and social system was aggregated the crisis of 20th century socialism. This isolation of toiling people from state power and social system became manifested in super structural organizations of socialist society. All these factors culminated into counter revolution in socialist world. Declared counter-revolution was occurred in East European countries and USSR during the period of 1982-1990. But undeclared counter-revolution by destroying so called socialist economic system and by introducing market socialism was taken place in China, Vietnam and other socialist state of Asia during the same period. So, we can say that phases of revolution and counter-revolution for traditional socialism was taken place in 20th century and at the same time global imperialism became absolute powerful system established forward the world for this is true for the time being. The reason for writing this book is to search for alternatives that may define new socialist system which will be put forward in later chapter of this book.

The bourgeois and the capitalist forces utilize the weakness and lack of democracy in traditional social system for consolidating the support of petty-bourgeois of middle class and intellectuals in their favor. The question of democracy and freedom of speech is now becoming more important in all countries either developed or developing. Traditional socialism was not able to perform this task of wider and better democracy with active participation of people in all levels of society thus proving themselves as a better and higher social order than capitalist system. The fundamental rights of the system are freedom. Only by solving the problem of poverty and securing employment of the people are not able to get support of the people for prolonged period. Unemployment and poverty are the principle problem of under-developed and developing countries which may be secondary in developed and advanced welfare state. In those countries freedom, democracy, civil rights are more important. From the history of the last century where the revolution took place are basically in backward and under-developed condition. In those countries, the issue of unemployment and poverty were principle target of revolution. In developed country class struggle and mass struggle for revolutionary change was not operating with same vigor as in the backward state. So, communist parties of developed countries were failed to establish in the advanced countries. In this context, how the dictatorship of proletariat and greater democracy will be operated in the large scale throughout the world is so far not clear to communist revolutionaries. In very brief, elimination of poverty, unemployment must be incorporated with peoples freedom, greater democracy, freedom of press , right for self-determination should be the major issues of struggle for revolutionary changes of the society. We shall discuss it in later chapters.

Now, we have to say some words about the allied forces of proletariat in class struggle and revolutionary work and what will be the shape of the greater alliance forces and leadership of proletariat class. We know from Leninism that peasantry is natural ally of proletariat. At present in changed world situation, revolutionary activity and movement cannot be possible with these two major class forces (solidarity of proletariat as per traditional concept of Leninism). We have seen from history that middle class and petty bourgeois became a large force in state and society. Worker of governmental and non-governmental organization (like Bank, Insurance, etc) are basically arising from middle class and are fighting through their trade union for their own interest. These struggles are mainly operating in light of echoism. No greater political philosophy and ideology is guiding this struggle of middle class worker. This is true not only in our country but also in the whole world. From our discussion in this chapter, we have seen that middle class and petty bourgeois along with the intellectuals arising from these classes are being utilized for continuing class exploitation of this globalised international imperialism. They are major supporter and propagator of this present exploitation. Middle class and petty bourgeois have established themselves in key positions in the arena of politics, economic, cultural section of the state and society. With developing chronic crisis of capitalism in globalized economic phase, hopelessness is growing among middle class, petty bourgeois. They are successively taking antagonistic and septic to present world order. So we may conclude that major task of proletarian class and revolutionary class is to win this middle class and petty bourgeois along with intellectuals, technicians, cybertariat, etc, arising from this middle class in their favor and alliances them from the camp of exploiters, i.e. imperialist and capitalist forces. Proletariat and revolutionaries should have to take to form greater alliances with all toiling masses in peasantry middle class petty bourgeois and consolidate them under the flag of new socialist revolution. This will be a long term process, should be in the mind of revolutionaries.