Chapter 10, Section 4 The Coming of the Civil War p. 373-377 Abraham Lincoln’s election leads...


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Chapter 10, Section 4

The Coming of the Civil Warp. 373-377

Abraham Lincoln’s election leads seven southern states to leave (secede from)

the Union.

The Nation DividesMain Idea: The election of 1860 led to the breakup of the Union.

• Democratic Party splits into northern & southern sections– Stephen Douglas - Northern

Democrat – “will NOT support slavery”

– John C. Breckinridge -Southern Democrat – “supports slavery”

• Whig Party becomes Constitutional Union Party - Nominates John Bell – “heal

the Union”• Republicans nominate

Abraham Lincoln – “Stop the spread of slavery”

Stephen Douglas John C. Breckinridge

John Bell Abraham Lincoln

• Democratic Party splits:– Stephen Douglas on the Northern Democratic ticket– John C. Breckinridge on the Southern Democratic ticket

• Whig Party becomes Constitutional Union Party (John Bell)• Republicans nominate Abraham Lincoln (wins with 59% E-votes)

Election of 1860• Republicans nominate

Abraham Lincoln– Opposes the SPREAD of

slavery– Favors protective tariffs– Receives less than 40% of

the popular vote, but wins majority (59%) of votes in Electoral College

How unpopular is Lincoln in the south?

• His name doesn’t even appear on the ballot in most Southern states! President-elect Lincoln

Feb. 23, 1861

Republican Candidate

Lincoln: 1860

Southern States Secede!

• Lincoln’s election leads south to believe President & Congress were against them.

• South Carolina secedes on December 20, 1860.• Lame-duck President Buchanan does nothing.

The Confederate States of America• Six other states follow South

Carolina to form the Confederate States of America (The C.S.A.).- Mississippi, Florida, Alabama,

Georgia, Louisiana, & Texas

• Confederacy meets in Alabama, forms a government, trains an army, and elects a president.

• All before Lincoln takes officeJefferson Davis: President of the C.S.A. (Confederate States of America) in office February 18, 1861 – May 10, 1865

The Civil War BeginsMain Idea: President Lincoln’s assurances of friendship in his inaugural address are rejected by the South.

• At his inauguration, Lincoln makes 3 promises, trying to keep the Union together:1. Will NOT interfere with

slavery where it already exists

2. WILL enforce the Fugitive Slave Law!

3. Will NOT allow any further extension of slavery

“If I could save the Union without freeing ANY slave, I would do it,…” - A. Lincoln 1862

Lincoln’s First Inauguration: - March 4, 1861

Fort Sumter

• Federal fort located in the mouth of Charleston Bay, South Carolina

• April 12, 1861: South Carolina militia attacks!

• After 34 hours of bombardment the fort surrenders to the Confederacy.


Bombardment of Fort Sumter
