CHAPTER 1 (Autosaved)


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  • 7/31/2019 CHAPTER 1 (Autosaved)



    Arx et vires

    Book 1 : the amulet of savarn

    Part 1


  • 7/31/2019 CHAPTER 1 (Autosaved)





    Life in an orphanage is not easy. Hayley knew this very well. She hatedevery inch of the wretched place. Every day began the same way. The bell for

    breakfast would ring loud enough to wake the entire street. Once Hayley

    choked down the burnt toast and disgustingly sour orange juice, she had to go

    to her lessons. The first was always arithmetic, which Hayley was surprisingly

    strong in.

    She and her classmates (other orphans of the same age group as Hayley) then

    had to endure an hour of droning by Mrs.Railey about literature, which always

    ended in Mrs.Railey giving them all homework. Then after lunch (again an

    awful serving of what the cooks called soup, but which suspiciously lacked

    vegetables or taste), they were free to roam about. It would have been a very

    comfortable life, if it werent for the warden Burt Fletcher.

    Burt Fletcher was a tall and thin man, in his fifties. He was balding and had a

    large bulbous nose; he was also psychotic. He loved to harass them all. He

    would lock them in their room for fun, or would make them clean the entire

    orphanage and would follow, clicking his tongue whenever anyone missed a

    spot. He also had a long whip in his office, which he never refrained from

    using. They were powerless under his rule and did as he commanded.

    One morning, Hayley was in her arithmetic class taught by her favorite

    teacher, Xavier Hughton. Hughton was a large, genial man with a long beard.

    He adored Hayley, and would laugh in delight whenever she solved a problem.Now, he was conducting a test. He stood next to the blackboard; his grey eyes

    surveying them like a hawk, when the door burst open and the cook Mrs. Flit

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    ran across the room and whispered into Hughtons ear. Hughton nodded and

    followed her out the door.

    The class immediately started buzzing excitedly. They were all curious, and

    Lesra, Hayleys best friend, stood and opened the door slightly. They couldhear raised voices, and everyone huddled next to the door. They recognized

    the smooth voice of Fletcher immediately.

    Humiliation! Thats what this is How dare you do this to me?

    Do you mean to tell me you didnt see this coming, Burt? asked a woman


    There was a crash, and they heard Fletcher yell in pain.

    Burt Fletcher you are hereby relieved of your responsibilities as the warden of

    Myrons Orphanage the woman said. Fletcher was whimpering, but the

    woman ignored it and continued. You are sentenced to prison for torture of

    the occupants of the orphanage.

    GUARDS! the woman yelled suddenly. They heard approaching footsteps and

    scrambled back to their places, wishing they had heard what happened next.

    The door opened and Hughton walked in. He looked terrified, his face was livid

    and his hair was matted in sweat. He went to his desk and sat with his head in

    his arms. He sat like that for five minutes, all of them staring breathlessly at

    him. Without raising his head he called sharply, Fifteen minutes left.

    Hayley immediately started answering the questions. She wondered what the

    row outside was about.

    She found out soon enough. After the test they were all led into the living

    room by Hughton. The living room was a large rectangular room, with a cozy

    fireplace and few armchairs. One of them was currently occupied by a woman.

    She was tall and thin, with grey hair tied in a bun. She had warm brown eyes

    that reflected the blazing fire from the fireplace. She was wearing a long dark

    robe and sat cross legged. She smiled as they entered.

    Hello children, I am Augustine Delofer. I am your new warden; I wanted to

    meet you all and get to know you. I am sure we will have an amicable

    relationship. Your previous warden has been cruel and monstrous to you, and

    my sympathies and admiration for your courage are unbounded. I wish tobring about a change to this orphanage. I want you all to have a proper

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    education, good manners and most importantly good morality. She paused

    and titled her head slightly to the left and smiled.

    Any questions? she asked.

    Dean raised his hand nervously. Delofer nodded to him.Wh-what sort of changes? he mumbled, turning a furious red.

    The woman looked at him gently. Dont be afraid, dear. What changes, you

    ask? Well I have a few ideas but itll have to wait. After all this is my first day.

    Hayley raised her hand.

    What happened to Fletcher?

    Delofer turned and looked at her for a moment. He will not be troubling you


    Lesras hand shot up. Where is he?

    Delofers mouth compressed into a thin line, she suddenly looked frightening,

    and Lesra dropped her hand quickly.

    You may resume your classes, Delofer said and with a last dazzling smile, she

    left the room.


    Hayley and Lesra were talking about Delofer in Hayleys room, when the there

    was a knock and Rose, a cheeky ten year old entered. Delofer wants to see

    you, Hayley.

    Hayley stared at Rose.

    Why? asked Lesra incredulously.

    Rose shrugged and said, I dont know, I was walking past her office, when she

    called me and asked to call you. She didnt look angry though, so I guess you

    arent in trouble.

    Hayley looked at Lesra miserably. She left the room, a sinking feeling in her


    The wardens office was in the ground floor. Hayley descended the stairs,

    wondering why she was being called. She soon reached the wardens office.

    She knocked on the door, entered and froze.

    When Fletcher had been there, the office was dark and the only source of light

    was a small oil lamp; the room had been barely furnished, and only had asmall chair and a shabby table. On the wall hooked to a nail, a whip would

    hang. But now, the room was bright and spotless. In the four corners of the

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    room, a torch was suspended in midair with dazzling silver flames; there was a

    large circular table over which many books were strewn. The nail that usually

    hung the whip now had a portrait of a girl with long braided hair. Delofer sat

    at the table. She was reading a parchment and after she finished, rolled it upand placed it gently in the desk drawer. She raised her head and smiled at her.

    Hayley, puzzled didnt show any emotion.

    How are you Hayley? Please sit down, her voice sounded different now.

    When she had talked to the entire orphan body in the morning, her voice was

    sharp and cold, but now her voice was gentle and soft.

    Hayley startled by the sudden change in the voice and the sudden concern she

    was being shown could respond only with, Huh? as she sat.

    I asked you how you were.Delofer repeated.

    Hayley nodded quickly. Fine she said breathlessly.

    Good, very good. Now Hayley I want to educate you personally. Will you be

    willing to that? Delofer asked her.

    Hayley stared at Delofer. Why did she want to teach Hayley? Why only her?

    Um, why me? Hayley asked her. She was gaining confidence now and

    decided to speak her mind.

    Lets just say you remind me ofsomeone, Delofer replied slowly.

    Educate me how? Hayley shot at her.

    Delofer raised her eyebrows, Here in my office, once a week you will come

    and I will teach you.

    About what?

    Delofer leaned back in her chair. Her eyes surveyed Hayley. Everything, she

    replied simply.

    Hayley frowned. What was she talking about?

    Listen to me Hayley; I am not giving you a choice. You will come here every

    Friday at seven. That is all.

    Hayley knew that if she argued or said anything, she would be crossing a line.

    So, she simply nodded and left.


    What does she want to teach you? Dean asked her again.I told you she wouldnt tell me Hayley replied patiently.

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    Hayley, Lesra and Dean were huddled in Hayleys room. Dean was perched on

    the windowsill, while Lesra was sitting on Hayleys bed. Hayley sat on the

    floor. She had rushed out of Delofers room, and called Lesra and Dean to her

    room immediately. Dean had come, grumbling and shooting her annoyedlooks for she had disturbed him while he was talking to Penelope, whom he

    had a soft spot for. This better be important, he had growled at her as he

    stalked into her room.

    But now he was genuinely curious. Hayley looked at him, admiring his looks.

    He had a lean body, with short golden hair. His eyes were a vivid grey, and

    they always sparkled. Hayley wondered for the umpteenth time who were his

    parents and what had happened to them. But she didnt dare to ask, parents

    were the one topic that the orphans cautiously avoided.

    Hayley had never known her parents. Fletcher had once told her gleefully that

    she had been left at the gates of the orphanage by a man, who had fled before

    anyone could see him. When Hayley tried to pursue the subject with Mr.

    Hughton, Fletcher had overheard and he went berserk, and tried to hit her.

    Mr. Hughton had stepped in between and threatened to have Fletcher

    arrested. Hayley, from that time had always been loyal to Mr. Hughton, but

    she was also cautious enough to never bring up the topic of her parents again.

    But now Fletcher was gone, maybe she could ask Mr. Hughton tomorrow, if

    only she knew why she was left here

    Hey you there with us? Deans voice cut her thoughts short.

    Yeah, yeah Hayley replied.

    She looked at the two of them and a warm glow spread inside her. She

    remembered the first day she met Dean vividly. She was ten and she was

    outside playing in the garden, when a large man stepped in front of her. He

    looked at her and suddenly picked her up and threw her over his shoulders

    and started walking away from the orphanage. She had screamed and hit him

    with her tiny fists, but it seemed to have no effect on her. Suddenly the

    orphanages door flung open and rushing towards her was a boy of thirteen

    brandishing a knife. He yelled at the man and blocked his path. The man flung

    him aside like a rag. Dean picked himself up and rushed towards the man andstabbed the mans leg with the knife. The man bellowed in pain and crumpled,

    his hands wildly searching for the small boy. All the screaming had attracted a

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    lot of neighbors, and Fletcher had come running out a wild look in his eyes.

    The man dropped Hayley and ran, with a speed that was surprising for his size.

    Now six years later, Hayley trusted no one else more that Dean. He had always

    cared for her and was determined to protect her at any cost. He looked at hernow and grinned.

    Hayley smiled and leant on the wall and stretched her legs. This was their

    usual routine. The three of them would gather in one of their rooms and

    spend half the night talking or lazing around or on very rare occasions do their

    homework or study.

    Hayley looked around at her room. It wasnt very impressive, but Hayley felt it

    was home. It had a large bed and a huge window, with a closet next to it.

    There was no other furniture in the room, except for a stool that had a lamp

    which was the only source of light in the room fixed onto it. Lesra was staring

    into the lamp, lost in thought. Hayley was looking at the ceiling wondering

    what Delofer was going to teach her.

    It was very late when they decided to go to bed. Hayley was lying on the bed

    and staring at the ceiling. She tossed and turned and fell into a restless sleep.

    She was up before the morning bell rang; she got dressed and went out of her

    room. She entered the girls bathroom and brushed her teeth. She always

    woke early, no one was there to disturb her or fight with her for the

    bathroom. She remembered her decision to ask Hughton about her parents

    and got excited. She went out into the garden. It was misty and cold outside.

    She saw her neighbors houses and the rare feeling of resentment at her

    parents crept up to her. She had always wanted to live in a house with her

    family. She sighed and stood there in the garden for an hour, when the

    deafening morning bell rang. She went back inside shivering. She was already

    in the dining room. It was large and had a large rectangular table with twenty

    chairs arranged on each side. She sat on one farthest away from the door and

    waited patiently. Ten minutes later Dean came in saw her and began walking

    with a purposeful stride in her direction.

    I have been thinking, he said as he dropped into the seat beside her. You

    shouldnt wander off alone in the morning.Hayley grinned. Cant find a knife in time?

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    Dean chortled. He waved at Lesra who had just entered the room. She rushed

    towards them and sat on the other side of Hayley.

    Why the hell do you wake up so early? At least cant you wake me up? I had

    to literally wrestle with Emma for the bathroom, and you know shes like, sheheld her arms out wide, this big.

    Dean stared at her reproachfully. Lesra shrugged and said Well it is true. So

    dont stare at me like that. Oh by the way Penelope is not so gentle either she

    added gleefully.

    Dean turned crimson and turned away from them quickly. Hayley and Lesra


    Oh I knew sitting next to you would be a mistake, he snapped at Lesra and

    got up and was about to leave when Hayley grabbed him by his shirt and

    forced him to sit again.

    Come on! Lighten up already. Lesras just fooling around. she told him


    Dean didnt respond but sat fuming. Hayley noticed that lately any comment

    about Penelope set him off. She wondered what was going on with him. They

    slowly finished their breakfast (except for Dean, who shoved his eggs into his

    mouth very fast and left without a word) and got up.

    Why did you say that? Hayley asked annoyed, as she picked up her plate and


    Oh come on, how was I supposed to know that he would react like that?

    Besides you didnt say anything when I said that, you laughed with me. Lesra


    Hayley was silent. She knew Lesra had a point, she too had laughed so she

    didnt have the right to admonish Lesra. They dumped their plates into a huge

    sink and left the dining hall.

    The first class was arithmetic. Hayley eagerly waited for Mr. Hughton to come.

    The door opened and a wispy woman wearing a long robe came in. She stood

    in front of the class and said Hello children, I am your new arithmetic


    The whole class gasped. They had adored Mr. Hughton and were shocked thathe was gone. Hayley was furious. She recalled Delofers words.

    I am going to make some changes.

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    Was this the change? Firing one of the nicest teachers they ever had?

    What happened to Mr.Hughton? Lesra asked the new teacher.

    I am sorry to say Mr. Hughton quit. He felt that he had given everything he

    could to the class, the woman replied, clearly annoyed at the interruption.She resumed writing formulas on the board, ignoring the rapidly increasing

    whispers that had broken out in the class.

    You really think Hughton quit? Lesra whispered to her.

    Are you serious? He loved his subject and he loved teaching us here. There is

    no way he quit, Delofer must have fired him. Hayley whispered back.

    To the classs horror, the woman was nothing compared to Hughton. While

    Hughton tended to teach them arithmetic based on real life applications, the

    woman droned on purely about the formulas. She didnt seem to care that

    none of them were listening, but ploughed on as if her life goal was to finish

    the lesson.

    When the bell rang to indicate the end of the class, the woman practically ran

    out the class and slammed the door behind her. The class sat there stunned

    and sad. Hayley was determined to confront Delofer about this. Seething, she

    realized that the only person who could tell the truth about her parents was


    The day passed on uneventful and soon the evening arrived. Hayley was

    dressed up, she was wearing a dark blue robe and had her brown hair tied up.

    She looked in the mirror in the girls bathroom. Her bright green eyes were

    puffy. She had barely slept the previous night. The lavatory door opened and

    Lesra came in.

    Dean and I will wait up in his room. She said.

    Hayley nodded and left the lavatory towards Delofers office, a feeling of

    dread slowly seeped through her. She realized that she was very nervous. She

    soon reached Delofers office. She knocked. Come in, she heard Delofers

    voice say.

    Hayley went inside. The room looked the same, except there were books on

    Delofers table. Delofer was sitting at the desk and Hayley occupied the chair

    without waiting for permission.Good evening Hayley Delofer said pleasantly.

    Hayley just nodded. Why did Hughton leave? she asked Delofer.

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    Delofer looked surprised. He quit. She said.

    Why? Hayley asked.

    You know Hayley, I dont need to share everything about the orphanage with

    you Delofer said a tone of anger in her voice.Yes you do. Especially if you replace a wonderful teacher with a cranky

    dingbat who doesnt know anything Hayley snapped.

    Delofer looked at her sharply. Her brown eyes were not calm anymore, but

    glowing in fury.

    I will not have anyone talk to me like that Hayley. Mind your tongue, or I will

    make sure you do she growled.

    Hayley stared at her. She was frightened; this woman was creepy.

    Professor Nelly Moon is a wonderful woman. Delofer continued She has

    volunteered to teach your class. Hayley I would expect you to show more


    You fired Hughton, whispered Hayley.

    Delofer was taken aback. What? Of course not. I have great respect for

    Professor Hughton. I would never insult him like that. He gave his letter of

    resignation yesterday evening.

    Hayley looked at her with disbelieving eyes. Delofer sighed and opened the

    drawer at the table and took out the parchment she had been reading


    Read it, she said.

    Hayley took the parchment opened it and started to read.

    Dear Augustine,

    It has been a pleasure meeting you again. It is with great regret

    that I inform you that I am leaving for the city tomorrow to meet my son. I am

    afraid I would not be returning. It has been my immense pleasure teaching

    those wonderful children, but I am afraid I cannot continue. Other things have

    arisen, things that require my immediate attention. I apologize for the

    inconvenience I might have caused due to my sudden departure.

    Yours truly,

    Xavier Hughton.P.S Hayley is a wonderful girl. Teach her about our glorious history. She will go

    a long way.

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    Hayley read the letter again and again. Tears swam in her eyes as she read the

    last line. Hughton had thought she was wonderful. Affection for her teacher

    swelled up inside her.She handed the letter back to Delofer who kept it carefully in the drawer

    again. Silence prevailed in the room for a few moments.

    I am sorry, Hayley said after a few moments.

    Delofer nodded and leaned back in her chair.

    I am obligated to Professor Hughton, Hayley, I owe him that. This is why I

    decided to educate you.

    Hayley nodded. She felt ashamed that she had accused Delofer like that. She

    mumbled an apology again.

    Delofer smiled this time. Apologize no more; I would have done the same

    thing for my favorite teacher.

    Hayley nodded.

    Delofer took a book from the collection on her table and handed it to her.

    History of the Arx et Vires by Sir Ferard Forren, Hayley read the title aloud.

    Read the book Hayley. It will be of interest to you.

    The silver flames flickered and shadows danced on the wall. Delofer sat quietly

    for some time, while Hayley read the first chapter.



    Rumlin Myron was born on a full moon. In those days it was considered an

    ominous sign. But that wasnt what caused Rumlins mother to cry in despair

    as she looked at her baby with growing horror. Rumlin was born without ears.

    Where the ears should have been, there were huge green flaps that moved as

    if with a will of their own.

    Abomination! screamed the midwife, as she stared at the monstrosity that

    lay now innocently next to his mothers bosom. The mother was devastated.

    She loved him in spite of his deformity. Butfearing the societys cruelty andbigotry, she decided to end his life. The midwife agreed enthusiastically to the

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    idea. She even offered to finish the ordeal. The mother nodded, and kissed the

    boys forehead gently and gave the baby weeping to the midwife.

    The midwife walked out of the hut and went to the nearby river. Forgive me,

    she whispered to the baby and flung him into the river. Inside the sound of themother weeping grew louder.

    Hayley! called Delofer sharply as Hayley eagerly turned the page.

    Hayley looked up. Yeah?

    Delofer took the dusty yellow book back from her. This book is a treasure and

    very rare. Dont handle it like a barbarian.

    Hayley nodded and asked the question that was puzzling her. Why me?

    Pardon? Delofer asked.

    Why didyou choose me? There are so many students here.

    Delofer opened her mouth and was about to open when the door burst open.

    Hayley almost toppled off her chair. Delofer too looked shocked.

    Mrs. Flit was standing in the doorway looking terrified. She was gasping for

    breath, and her wispy hair was matted with sweat.

    They are here, she whispered.

    Delofer stood up immediately and Hayley had to admit, she looked terrifying

    as she walked out the door. Hayley decided that it was best for her to go back

    to her room. She took the book with her.

    Hayley had almost reached her room when a deafening bang resounded

    through the building. She rushed into her room placed the book on her bed

    and ran towards the noise. It was coming from the garden. Everyone was

    gathered there. Dean was standing next to the door and Hayley rushed to him.

    Lesra stood next to Dean, she was watching the garden intently. Hayley looked

    out and gasped.

    Delofer stood in the center of the garden, she had a staff in her hand. A man

    was skulking towards her, an axe in his hand. Delofer waved her staff, and a

    BANG and a flash of light later, the man was flung backwards screaming.

    She turned and looked at the hundred faces staring back at her. She was about

    to enter when a flaming arrow whizzed out of nowhere and struck Delofer inthe back. She was thrown forward at the momentum and fell face down. She

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    didnt move. The students screamed and were about to rush towards their

    fallen warden when they noticed him.

    The man was slowly walking towards them. His long cloak brushed his knees.

    He had short hair and cruel cold eyes. They were as dull as stone. His lips werecurved in a sneer. He was tall and thin and walked with a casual pace. His

    hands were aflame. He had fired the arrow.

    Dean rushed towards Delofer and shook her gently. Delofer didnt move.

    Panicking everyone shut the door and ran blindly. Dean was still outside.

    Horrified, Hayley pushed the door open and ran towards Dean who was

    standing now facing the man. The man seemed amused by Dean, he smiled

    and raised his hand again, a glowing arrow appeared near his fingertips and he

    pointed it at the now panicked Dean.

    The arrow launched itself with a whirr.

    Dean leapt aside as the arrow zoomed past him and hit the wall behind him,

    which burst and was reduced to mere rubble. The door opened and Lesra

    came running out.

    NO ! GO BACK ! screamed Dean, noticing the two girls .

    The man fired again and this time the girls jumped out of its way. It hit the

    door and the door exploded wooden shards and splinters flying everywhere.

    Lesra was running now, away from the man and towards Dean. The man kept

    firing again and again. Hayley picked herself off the ground and ran towards

    Delofers unconscious body and knelt next to it, her back to the man. Lesra

    was running towards Hayley, when there was another flash and an arrow

    whizzed past Hayleys ear .

    There was a terrible scream

    Hayley looked up and all the air went out of her. Lesra was clutching her chest

    where the arrow had struck. Her eyes were wide, and her mouth was open in

    a silent scream. She crumpled to the ground.

    NOOOO ! Deans voice cut the air like a knife.

    Hayley screamed and struggled to her knees and crawled slowly towards

    Lesras writhing body. She reached her and her stomach clenched. Lesras

    chest was charred beyond recognition. Lesra looked at Hayley and her eyesslowly lost its shine and she stopped moving.

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    Lesra! Please, please be okay please Hayley cried and her throat caught. Her

    eyes were swimming with tears. She didnt want to be here, she wanted to be

    alone, she wanted to die

    There was another flash of light behind her. Dean had missed an arrow by aninch.

    Anger boiled her blood. She turned and faced the man . She wanted him to

    die, she wanted him to burn

    The man noticed her standing and fired another arrow directly at her. Hayley

    wanted to move, but all she could do was stare at the arrow and praying that

    it would turn.

    Then it turned.

    The arrow stopped in midair and turned and with the same force retraced its

    path. The man dodged it easily. He looked at Hayley shock registered on his

    face. He raised his hand again.

    Suddenly, there was movement behind her, and she saw Delofer stand up

    with such agility that it was unbelievable that she had been unconscious just

    seconds ago. She swung her staff in a graceful arc. There was disturbance in

    the air and something soared towards the man. He was flung twenty feet into

    the air and he fell with a sickening crunch.

    Hayley was exhausted, she felt the garden spinning around her and she lost

    herself in the enclosing blackness.

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    Hayley, please open the door Dean whispered.

    Hayley ignored him. She sat on the floor staring at the bed where Lesra had

    sat just four days ago;She felt like crying again but the tears wouldnt come.

    She lay on the floor and after a long time fell into a dreamless sleep.

    When she woke up, it was dark outside. The sky was black, reflecting her



    All she could think about was Lesra; how she had been killed.Four days ago,

    Hayley had woken up to find herself in Delofers office. Two hours had passed

    since Lesras death. Hayley was lying on a couch, that she had never seen

    before in Delofers room; Delofer walked in. She looked exhausted, her robes

    were singed and her face was covered in soot.

    Is Dean alright? Hayley asked immediately.

    Yes. He is fine, although stupid but fine Delofer said.

    What were you three thinking? The man was dangerous, Hayley how could

    you endanger yourselves like that? she asked her.

    Hayley didnt say anything.

    It was her fault. Lesra was dead because of her

    Lesra? Hayley whispered slowly.

    Delofer looked at her, her expression softened .

    I am so sorry, Hayley she said kindly.

    Hayley just sat there choking back tears.

    Who was that man?

    Delofer sat down at her desk. That is not the concern now Hayley

    THEN WHAT IS?! Hayley yelled getting on her feet. HE JUST WALKED IN HERE


    Delofer didnt seem shocked at all. She sat there looking at Hayley as shebreathed heavily.

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    I was going to say Lesras funeral is more important now. Delofer told her


    Hayley sat down. The word funeral made it seem so real. The fact that she

    would never see Lesra again, she would never hear her laughFuneral?. Who is going to come for her funeral? We are all orphans right? So

    who cares?We have no one Hayley said furiously. She walked out and locked

    herself in her room.

    Now, Hayleys stomach growled. She didnt care, she knew she couldnt eat

    anything. Maybe forever.. There was a knock again.

    Dean please leave me alone! Hayley cried.

    Its me, Hayley and Hayley recognized Hughtons voice. Sheer shock made her

    open the door and Hughton stood there, wearing a long coat and having a

    suitcase by his legs. He looked at her with so much affection that Hayley flung

    herself into his arms and sobbed. He patted her gently and let her cry herself


    Its not your fault Hughton said gently after she had told him what had


    Yes it is! She followed me into the garden Hayley cried. They both were

    sitting on Hayleys bed now, his luggage having been carried to the guest room

    by an irate Mrs.Flit.

    No. She came on her own,you didnt drag her out. She was worried about

    Dean just like you

    Hayley looked at him blankly. She stopped crying and rubbed her face using

    her sleeve.

    Thank you, sir for coming

    Oh dont mention it Hayley. It was one of the most shocking news I had ever

    heard Attacking an orphanage Barbaric Hughton muttered to himself. He

    kept looking at her with a strange expression.

    Are you okay sir? Hayley asked him.

    Oh yes, yes. I am fine He didnt look fine though.

    Dean entered the room and stared at Hayley furious. He came so fast towardsher that Hayley thought he was going to hit her and flinched. But he just stood

    next to her, his arm on her shoulder.

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    Is the man dead? Hayley asked Dean.

    Dean slowly shook his head.

    Hayley was seething now. So the man had escaped ? She vowed to kill him.

    She would avenge Lesra.Dean seemed to be handling Lesras passing away better than Hayley. His eyes

    were red, but he held himself in a dignified manner. He couldnt bear to show

    the grief that had filled him for the last three days. He was the one who

    supposed to be strong and he was the one who was supposed to protect


    Hughton stood up and kissed Hayley gently on her forehead and nodded

    politely to Dean and left. Dean immediately sat on the bed and faced Hayley.

    Dont ever lock me out he growled at her.

    Hayley nodded numbly. How was the funeral? she asked in a determinedly

    brave voice.

    Oh, yeah it was fine. I mean as far as funerals go it was alright, but I only saw

    through the window in my room. I couldnt go down Dean said and his hands

    clenched into fists. He clenched them so tight that his knuckles turned white.

    What is it Dean? Hayley asked him.

    I am sorry Dean muttered and bit his lip.

    Understanding dawned on Hayley. Dean was feeling guilty. He was the one

    who ran outside first.

    Its not your fault Hayley whispered to him.

    Dean didnt seem to listen. He just stared at the ground for some time and got

    up and left without even saying good night.


    Hayley left her room two days later. She was nauseous and giddy and felt like

    she couldnt even open her eyes. She went to Deans room. She entered and

    found Dean sitting on the bed his head in his arms. His shoulders were shaking

    . He was crying very hard. He hadnt even noticed her entering. Hayley

    immediately left, she didnt want to be reminded of the sadness again. She

    decided to go to Delofers office.

    She climbed down. The rooms were all closed, she guessed it was very late.She reached Delofers office and knocked.

    Delofers voice sounded exhausted as she said Come in.

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    Hayley entered and saw Delofer sitting at her desk. She had her eyes closed

    and she opened them now.

    Hayley, what is the matter?

    I cant sleep Hayley replied and sat down in her usual chair. Delofer nodded.Where is Lesra now? Hayley asked.

    Near Bradfor Hill. The graveyard there is the closest here.

    Hayley nodded numbly. Would you like to rest here? Delofer asked.

    Hayley nodded. She didnt know why but she wanted to sleep in Delofers

    room, she felt safe here. Hayley walked to the couch and slumped onto it and

    Delofer took out a small flask out of her cupboard and poured some drops into

    a glass and mixed it with water and handed it to Hayley.

    Hayley raised the glass to her mouth and drank. She instantly felt drowsy and

    she slowly drifted to sleep.


    Hayley woke to raised voices.

    You will not take her she heard Delofer shout.

    A deep male voice spoke The law is the law, now I will wait for her tonight.

    You will send her. She belongs there

    The voices faded and Hayley sat up, her heart pounding. Where was she being


    She crept out of the room and reached Deans. He looked up and smiled.

    I am being sent somewhere Hayled told him frightened.

    Dean looked startled. What? Where? he asked her.

    I don know! Dean, I cant go. Hayley cried. I dont want to leave you. She

    wanted to say, but the words died in her throat.

    Dean came to her and put his arms around her. Lets talk to Delofer He

    whispered into her ear.

    Together they went to confront Delofer and found her in the garden.

    She turned and looked at them with a strained smile.

    We need to talk Hayley she said darkly.

    The feeling of dread worsened and Hayley felt as though cold hands were

    squeezing her throat.Dean, you can go inside Delofer said.

    Dean shook his head vehemently. I am not going anywhere

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    Delofer closed her eyes and spoke through gritted teeth. I am not going to tell

    you again. You will go inside. Hayley and I are going for a walk.

    Hayley opened her mouth to protest, but Dean only glared at Delofer and

    stalked back through the hole that had been the door.

    Delofer started walking along the road and Hayley followed her hastily.

    Hayley, do you know what is Arx et Viers? asked Delofer.

    Thats the books title. The book you gave me she added as Delofer had

    raised her eyebrows quizzically.

    I dont remember giving it to you she said.

    Hayley blushed and looked away.

    Ah here we are Delofer said after a few moments of walking in silence.

    They had reached a hilltop. The trees grew so close that sunlight didnt reach

    most places. There in the middle of the trees was a large clearing. It had rocks

    strewn everywhere. As they approached, Hayley realized that they were not

    rocks but gravestones. Hayley felt cold all of a sudden. She suddenly realized

    where they were.

    Delofer led her to the edge of the land. A small granite headstone glittered in

    the sun. It had an inscription.


    Death is a new journey

    Delofer stood a few feet away giving her privacy. Hayley knelt next to the

    grave. Lesra would have hated this. She had always wanted to be buried at

    sea. Hayley felt her eyes sting and she felt tears roll down her cheek.

    Hayley knelt there for a few minutes and then she got up and looked at


    Who was the man? she asked her, her mind yearning for answers.

    They were thugs, often called the Extranei Tembri, tembri for short. They are

    thieves and murderers who werent captured. They scour towns for money

    and of course, recruitment she added bitterly.Recruitment? Hayley repeated blankly.

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    Oh for gods sake Hayley, understand Delofer said exasperated. Remember

    what happened that night?

    You fought them off

    Exactly! How did I do that? Delofer asked her, her eyes gleaming.Hayley remembered the silver streaks of light, the invisible force that had

    flung the man into the air.

    I dont know

    alright, Sit down Delofer said and they both sat under a tree.

    The Arx et Vires are a group of people who have abilities. Hayley, I am one of

    them. I am a Mage

    Hayley was shocked. What was Delofer saying?

    Ok she replied hesitantly.

    You too are one of us. You also have abilities Hayley Delofer said calmly.

    A sudden image flashed through her mind; the arrows turned on their own

    and hurtled towards their caster..

    What? No way Hayley replied. She didnt want to believe it at all,she had no

    abilities she would not be carted off because she was a freak.

    Hayley, I know that you are aware of that. Please dont fight it. You have to

    leave, you have to go there

    Where?Hayled asked her impatiently.

    Myrons Fortress. Hayley thats the place where the Arx gathers and they

    learn to train their powers. You cannot stay here, you are a danger to you and

    others around you.

    Hayley could not believe what she was hearing. No she cant go anywhere. She

    would not leave Dean alone, not now

    Hayley no listen- time is running out. The Guard of the Fortress will be here

    tonight. You have to leave with them

    Hayley shook her head and stood up. She glowered at Delofer.

    I will not leave Dean she snarled.

    Delofer sighed. Dean will be fine, Hayley. But if you stay here, your powers

    can cause harm. Please understand

    Hayley shook her head. No. I will not leave. She turned and walked backtowards the orphanage.

    Suddenly there was a bang and Hayley fell to the ground paralyzed.

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    Delofer walked to her slowly. Hayley couldnt move, but out of the corner of

    her eye, she could see Delofers shoes. Anger swelled inside her. She could not

    believe Delofer would humiliate her like this. She felt so powerless and

    weak. Without warning there was a burning sensation and Hayley could moveher body again. She sat up her face covered in sand. She glared at Delofer,

    who knelt next to her and titled her head.

    You have to go Hayley. I am not giving you any choice

    You never seem to give me any Hayley said furiously.

    will you go? Delofer asked her.

    Hayley didnt reply.

    Hayley, If you train properly, you will be able to fight against the man who

    killed Lesra

    That convinced Hayley. Yes, she would go and train. All she wanted was the

    mans head.

    Fine. I will go


    Hayley had her clothes packed and was about to close her trunk when she

    noticed the book, History Of Arx et Vires, on the floor ,where she had flung it

    in anger on that fateful night. She picked it up and packed it along with her


    There was a knock and Hughton came in.

    Hayley smiled at him. Evening sir

    Hughton nodded absently. He looked worried.

    Hayley, you are going to a new place. Be careful. There is evil afoot. I can

    sense that. Please be careful

    Hayley, frightened now, shut her trunk and went next to him.

    Whats wrong sir?

    Nothing my dear. I will bid you farewell with a warning. Locklear is a teacher

    at the Fortress. Never trust him He hugged her and left her more puzzled than


    I cant believe you are leaving Dean told her for the fifth time.

    Hayley gave him a sad smile. I dont want to, but Delofer says its foreveryones protection

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    Man, I knew that you had something to do with the arrows He seemed awed.

    When Hayley had told him that she had powers and was going to the Fortress

    Dean had stared at her blankly. But he seemed to have absorbed the news

    well. He was grinning now.Write to me he said.

    Of course

    Her trunk was packed and left in the garden. She was sitting in Deans room

    waiting for Delofer, who came few minutes later.

    They are here she said looking flustered. She nodded to Dean and beckoned

    her to follow as she left.

    Dean hugged Hayley tightly.

    I am going to miss ou Hayley

    Me too, Dean Hayley whispered back tearfully. She wrenched herself from

    his grip and walked slowly to the garden without looking back. Outside Delofer

    was waiting for accompanied by a large man. The man was too tall and too

    wide. He had small blue eyes and a lopsided mouth; he was wearing a long

    black cloak and a dusty boots. Delofer smiled at her and as Hayley walked

    towards the man Delofer placed a hand on her shoulder and guided her to a

    clearing away from the mans ears.

    Hayley, you will reach the Fortress within a few hours. Do not be scared, it

    will be fine. Please take care Delofer then gave her a tentative hug and

    walked with her back to the man.

    You ready, miss? He asked her.

    Hayley nodded. The man raised a silver staff from his cloak and suddenly the

    air around him shuddered. A carriage slowly appeared out of thin air.

    Hayley gazed in amazement. The carriage was huge, enough to seat ten

    people. It was dark blue and had ornately decorated doors. It was being pulled

    by a majestic steed. A black horse, it looked at her curiously. Hayley turned

    and waved at Delofer and saw Dean looking out through his window, and she

    waved even more furiously. Dean waved back and Hayley turned and stepped

    into the carriage. As she sat on the huge sofa inside, she saw that her trunk

    was already inside. The man sat in the front and the carriage lurched tomotion.

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    Hayley looked out the window. The sun was slowly setting and cast a weird

    orange glow on the streets. Houses whirred past the window . The carriage

    turned left and ascended a winding road. Hayley could see her orphanage at a

    distance, its brown roof glittering. Then the carriage crossed a hairpin bendand all Hayley could see was the mountain. The carriage climbed for hours.

    Hayley felt the air turn cold and shivered. The air was becoming lighter and

    the road even more winding. At last after six hours, by that time the sun had

    completely set and it was pitch dark as the carriage lurched to a stop. Hayley,

    who had dozed off three hours earlier, woke with a start. The carriage door

    opened and the man appeared.

    Come out miss he said.

    Her stomach squirming, Hayley got off the carriage and turned and froze.

    When Delofer had called it a fortress, she had imagined a large castle. But this,

    this was completely unexpected.

    The fortress was actually a tower. It rose majestically into the sky. It was

    amazing. Made of red and black granite, it sparkled and at the same time

    stood dark and foreboding. It had railings and windows every few feet and as

    Hayley stepped closer she felt her breath leave her. The fortress was too

    broad. It almost covered the entire rock it was perched upon.

    The rock

    Hayley gazed at in fear and awe. The rock was actually a circular base that the

    Fortress was standing on. But, after just a few feet, the circular rock converged

    to form a long and thin jagged line. Hayley wondered how it could support the

    weight of the Fortress. The fortress was actually a separate island on its own.

    It was connected to the mountain that Hayley stood on, by a long stone


    Welcome to Mount Apole, miss The man said behind her.

    How is it still standing? Hayley asked hm.

    The man chuckled. Everyone asks me that. Myron was a genius, miss, he

    enchanted the rock so that it would never break. Its a very powerful spell, it

    has been in place for thousands of years.

    WowThe man nodded in understanding and dragged her trunk towards the bridge.

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    Hayley followed him and as she came closer to the bridge, she realized that

    they were very high above the ground. Directly below the bridge, stretched an

    abyss so dark that Hayley couldnt even see a piece of rock. The man walked

    steadily over the bridge, Hayley followed very slowly. She passed many archesof pure marble. At last after a few minutes they reached an iron door. A

    woman was standing next to the door.

    Hello, Sven she told the man.

    Hello Madam. The woman smiled. She was plump and had a very kind face.

    She smiled at Hayley.

    welcome to Myron, Hayley. You can go in now. Go to the top most floor Still

    smiling she opened the door.

    Goodnight Hayley said to the man and stepped inside.

    Goodnight, miss she heard the man say before the door slammed shut

    behind her.

    She was in a large courtyard. Two sets of stairs were in two corners, each

    climbing like long snakes. There was a large pillar in the middle that rose to

    the full height of the Tower. There was a door on the pillar. She walked

    towards the door and stood in front of it. Hayley started as the door suddenly

    became gaseous. It looked like smoke now, golden smoke. She stepped inside

    gingerly. Suddenly Hayley felt as if she was thrown from the sky. Her stomach

    plummeted and she felt dizzy, when suddenly it stopped and the smoke

    around her solidified to form a tiny room, with a golden door. She opened the

    door and stepped out.

    She was standing in a long corridor. There was a signboard that bore the


    The signboard had three columns. The first one had various room numbers in

    golden letters, and the next two columns had various names. Hayley found

    hers soon. In room 25 along with Danielle Lorentz. She walked along the

    corridor and passed many rooms. At last, when she came to 25, she opened

    and stepped in. The room was dark. She could make out the outlines of two

    large beds. She heard gentle breathing an guessed that it must be Danielle.

    She lay on the unoccupied bed and promptly fell asleep, filled with dreams offire and the man who had killed her best friend.


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    When Hayley woke up, the sun was shining on her face. She squinted and sat

    up. She was noticing the room clearly now. There was a window facing the

    door, sunlight streaming through it. The door opened and a very pretty blonde

    girl walked in. She had dark blue eyes, and blonde hair that fell in gentle wavestill her shoulder. She was wearing a dark robe. She smiled at her.

    I see you are finally awake

    Youmust be Danielle Hayley said sleepily.

    Danielle nodded and sat on her bed. Go on brush your teeth. There is a door

    hidden in the wall here she added as Hayley looked at her inquiringly. She was

    right. Nest to the window, Hayley found a door handle that was painted the

    same color as the stone wall. She opened and stepped inside. She looked at

    the tiled floor and walls and shrieked in excitement. This was amazing.

    Ten minutes later, Hayley and Danielle stepped out of their room. Girls were

    coming out from every room, some still half asleep and others excited. One

    particular girl caught their attention. She was dressed very differently and was

    absolutely stunning. Her skirt was very short and her hair was loose and fell till

    her waist. Her red hair danced merrily every time she moved her head. As they

    moved towards her they noticed that she had shockingly violet eyes. She was

    talking to another girl who had just emerged from her room.

    We need to go, come on the red haired girl was saying. Her voice was soft

    and had an arrogant tone.

    The other girl nodded and together they left to join the cue of girls standing

    before the pillar with the golden door.

    What is that? Hayley asked Danielle , as they joined the queue, pointing at

    the pillar.

    That is the Pendulum Danielle replied as she stood on tiptoe to look at the

    length of the queue.

    The what?

    Its like an elevator, except that it knows where you need to go

    Hayley nodded. This place was just extraordinary. Magic was everywhere.

    Some ten minutes later, they were next to the Golden door.

    You first said Danielle and stepped back.Hayley stepped into the tiny room and felt the swooping sensation again and

    she emerged into a huge dining hall. Tables were laid out everywhere. Dishes

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    of every kind imaginable were arranged elegantly on the table. Danielle

    entered after her and together they went and sat at a corner table. They

    spotted the red haired girl sitting next to a round faced boy. They were talking

    animatedly. Hayley saw that a very handsome boy was sitting opposite theround faced boy. He caught her eye and gave a casual smile. Hayley felt

    herself turn red, she quickly looked away. Danielle was eating very fast,

    neither caring to look at the others or the large hall. Hayley couldnt eat at all.

    She gazed around at the room. There were huge windows on all sides. She

    could see the sky outside and the mountain that was their neighbor. She

    sighed, she was happier than she had intended to be.

    After breakfast, the newest students were asked to assemble outside in the

    grounds by an older student. The students filed out immediately. Hayley and

    Danielle looked around as they went out through the large iron door. They

    were standing in front of the Tower, and the view was impressive. The bridge

    that connected the two mountains was far away from where they were

    standing. The red haired girl was standing next to them.

    She looked at Hayley and extended her hand. Lea Esran she said as Hayley

    took it.

    Hayley she replied.

    Hayley what? the girl asked.

    Delofer Hayley replied. She didnt want to lie, but she was not going to be

    pitied especially by this girl. Danielle gave her a sharp look but didnt say


    My father is a knight Lea Esran continued I am the first one to become an

    Arx in my family she finished proudly. She looked at Danielle and asked her


    Danielle Elroy Danielle said causing Hayley to give her a sharp look. She had

    seen her name on the board and was sure it was Lorentz. Danielle smiled at

    Lea politely and dragged Hayley to a corner.

    Your father is not Delofer she said.

    I am pretty sure Elroy is not your father either Hayley retorted.

    I had to lie because I swore I would not tell my real name, but you are lyingDanielle said airily. I mean, Delofer didnt have kids, she didnt even get


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    You know her? Hayley asked her shocked.

    Of course, every Arx has heard of her. She is an extremely powerful Mage

    Danielle said and looked at Lea Esran. Knight, huh?? she murmured to

    herself. She whipped her head and faced Hayley again. Why did you lie?Hayley didnt reply. Why had she lied? Was it really that she didnt want pity?

    Or was she ashamed? A deep voice interrupted her thoughts.

    Good morningeveryone A man greeted them. He looked old and strong. He

    had an amazing mane of brown hair, and a strong jaw. He was tall and lean,

    and had fiercely blue eyes. He was wearing a long brown cloak and carried a

    wooden staff.

    I am Raticus Myron The crowd stirred in excitement. I am the heir ofMyron,

    and it is my duty to train all of you the man continued. Who can tell me why

    you need training?

    Danielle raised her hand. To channel our powers. Without a proper device,

    our powers will radiate from us randomly

    Raticus nodded.Excellent. And can you tell me the devices?

    Wands, Staffs and Bracelets.

    The man looked delighted. Can you explain? he asked her hopefully.

    Danielle continued rapidly. Wands and Staffs are made from trees in the

    Otten Circle. They are used to channel the energy radiating from us in a

    particular direction. Bracelets are used as an omnidirectional channel.

    The man clapped and a few others joined him. Danielle turned pink.

    Excellent, excellent. Whatever she said was right of course. Wands and Staffs

    are the most preferred devices. But wands are weak in the amount of energy

    they can channel, so staffs came into existence. But even staffs have a huge

    limitation , who can say that?

    This time Leas hand shot up before Danielle could even move her hand.

    I f one chooses a staff, then all his energy is absorbed by the staff. So, if the

    staff breaks, the wielder will lose his powers she answered and gave a

    triumphant look at Danielle who looked furious.

    Yes. Staffs are tricky weapons. But they give the wielder tremendous power.

    Raticus walked and perched himself on a rock.The Arx are divided into Aroni and Mages. Mages are our traditional spell

    casters, but Aroni are the most powerful of all. Their powers are limited, they

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    cannot cast spells but their powers can destroy an entire town The man

    looked grave. He seemed to relive a bad memory.

    The crowd listened in absolute silence.

    You will be labeled as a Mage or Aronis by nightfall. When the three moonsrise over the horizon, I want you all to gather here. With that he stood and

    walked past them into the Fortress.


    Hayley and Danielle walked around the huge courtyard, after everyone had

    rushed inside. Lea and the round faced boy were also waiting near the door.

    Danielle glared at Lea and dragged Hayley away from them. They were next to

    the stone bridge now, and beneath them they could see an abyss of rocks, it

    was a terrifying sight. Hayley suddenly felt light and as wind blew past her, she

    felt she would be swept off into the abyss.

    Get back they heard a man shout. They turned and Hayley saw the man who

    had escorted her last night striding towards them. They walked towards him.

    Do not walk to the edge, miss He told Hayley.

    Good morning Danielle greeted him.

    The man looked surprised for a minute. Good morning miss, I am Tobias the


    Sir, what is a guard? Hayley asked him.

    Call me Tobias, miss. I am the Guard. No one can see our fortress, you see.

    The Guards are the only ones who can see them. We escort each and every

    one here, and only with our permission, the fortress becomes visible to all

    Wow Hayley said, but Danielle looked bored.

    Can you come with me miss? Tobias asked her.

    Call me Hayley, not miss and all and call her Danielle Hayley said and

    Danielle nodded in agreement.

    They walked with him around the fortress and reached a spectacular garden.

    It had all sorts of plants and trees, bigger than anything Hayley had seen,

    towered over them. Birds flew around them chirping happily.

    Tobias led them through the garden and stopped next to a stone well, which

    was hidden from view by all the plants. He looked around and retrieved asmall bucket from a thicket of bushes. He gave the bucket to Hayley, and

    stood next to the well.

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    As soon as I tap the well, nymphs will come out.Catch them he said and took

    his staff.

    Er-what?asked Hayley, who hadnt understood a word.

    Oooh, nymphs are in the well? asked Danielle eagerly.Tobias nodded and tapped the well with a stick. There was a humming noise,

    and they heard water splashing from inside the well, and suddenly water

    drops rushed above the well. Well what seemed like water drops. The water

    drops grew in size and nymphs emerged. The water spirits looked like little

    children, squealing and spinning. They were completely transparent and

    Hayley stared at them in awe. Suddenly she heard Tobiass voice roar.


    She was suddenly brought back to reality, and she gasped. She was standing

    over the well, teetering on its edge. Hayley had no idea how she had got


    The bucket was on the ground, where Hayley had stood earlier. Danielle

    picked it up and rushed towards the well, she kept her eyes closed and swung

    it madly over the well. The nymphs all screamed as the bucket squished them

    all together.

    Hayley fell back and landed hard on the grass.

    Tobias came quickly and helped her to her feet. Panting, Hayley brushed mud

    off her dress.

    What the hell was that? she asked him.

    Nymphs. They are water spirits. They are harmless if found in rivers or lakes,

    but when they infest drinking water it is dangerous. They infect the water

    unknowingly and the water becomes toxic. But getting rid of them is always

    difficult because of their Mesmer.

    Their what?

    They can enchant people and drag them to their deaths said Danielle.

    Tobias nodded. Thats why you climbed the well

    Now they are dead? asked Hayley looking at the bucket.

    Tobias shook his head. No, its a sin killing nature spirits. They will be dropped

    into a lake Hmmm Hayley said weakly. She heard squealing from the bucket and

    stepped hastily away.

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    Anyway, I have to go to the lake now. With that he picked he bucket and

    walked away.


    When night arrived, the three moons shone upon the courtyard where eagerstudents were waiting. Excited whispers flew around them. Hayley , who was

    standing next to Danielle asked her a question that had been nagging at her

    for some time.


    Hmm? Danielle responded. She was looking at Leah, who was leaning against

    a wall talking to the round faced boy.

    Your name, Lorentz, is there on the board Hayley said.

    Danielle looked at her alarmed. What?

    Well, you lied about your name. I knew it was a lie because I had seen your

    name on the board showing the room arrangements. Didnt you notice?

    Danielle turned and ran back to the Fortress without replying.

    Guess not Hayley said to herself.

    Hayley right? someone sad behind her.

    Hayley turned and went scarlet. The very handsome boy was standing there.

    He had long black hair and piercing blue eyes. Hayley nodded numbly.

    Christopher He extended his hand and Hayley shook it. She felt a jolt as she

    touched him.

    He waited next to her and after a few moments of awkward silence, Danielle

    came running. She was red faced and sweaty.

    What were you- Hayley began to ask but was silenced as Danielle shook her

    head warningly.

    The iron door behind them opened once more and Raticus Myron stepped

    out, wearing a magnificent red robe. His staff was by his side, and he walked

    quickly towards the front of the crowd. There he turned and faced them.

    Good evening. Now, with haste, lets proceed He tapped his staff on the

    ground .

    Immediately, a goblet materialized itself out of the ground slowly. They

    watched fascinated, as white smoke swirled and spun, slowly solidifying onto asilver goblet, shining with precious stones that were etched into it. A few girls

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    gasped and boys stood on tiptoe to get a closer look. The goblet then filled

    itself with a thick and shiny liquid. It shone like pearls.

    He then asked the student closest to goblet to step forward.

    Each of you will put your hand into the potion. Be warned, you will a slightpain. Thats because, the goblet takes your blood. Then it will decided whether

    you are an Aronis or a Mage He looked at the boy who had stepped up. The

    boy looked very nervous and almost backed off, before he was pushed ahead

    by the crowd behind him.

    He looked miserable as he slowly dipped his hand into the goblet. He flinched,

    as if in pain. The liquid began to glow, casting an eerie light upon the boys

    face. The liquid suddenly turned a bright blue.

    MAGE yelled Raticus.

    They all went one by one after that. The potion turned a bright red if someone

    was an Aronis, as it did for Lea, the round faced boy and Christopher. Danielle

    then stepped up and as soon as her hands were in, the potion turned blue.

    At last, it was Hayleys turn. She hurried towards the goblet and plunged her

    hand into the goblet.

    It felt as though she was dipping her hand into ice. Then without warning, she

    felt a sting in her arm, and winced. The potion stirred around her arm and

    suddenly turned red.

    ARONIS Raticus declared.


    An hour later ( after everyone were declared) Hayley stepped out of the

    pendulum. She looked the Room Arangement board.

    Her row showed Danielle Elroy. Confused Hayley walked to her room. Danielle

    had gone for dinner, but Hayley had said she was not hungry. She looked

    around her room, feeling happier than she had ever been. So, she was an

    Aronis? What were her powers? She couldnt wait for the next day, as Raticus

    had told them that they would begin their training in the morning. She looked

    at her arm and gasped. On her arm, slightly below her knuckles was a small

    mark. It was in the shape of a diamond. It looked like a birthmark. Hayley had

    just now noticed it.

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    By the time Danielle walked in, Hayley was half asleep. She woke as Danielle

    closed the door and sat on her bed.

    Elroy eh? Hayley asked her.

    Danielle smiled. Thank you, Hayley. I didnt notice it yesterday because I hadarrived very late and was exhausted. No one else noticed it, I guess

    But why are you hiding your name?

    I cant tell you. I am sorry Danielle said sadly.

    Fine. So a Mage ? she asked her, eager to know more.

    Yeah. My whole family are Mages, so I guess I should not be surprised.What

    about you? An Aronis, Thats cool

    Hayley nodded happily. So, how did you find out you had powers? she asked


    Danielle looked at her puzzled. What do you mean?

    I found out accidentally Hayley said and with a pang of anger, she saw the

    man kill Lesra.

    What?! Our powers are manifested when we are born. There is no way to

    hide it

    Hayley was puzzled. Had Fletcher known all along? Had Delofer known too?

    Why would they hide it from her? What else had they hid from her? Did they

    know about her parents?

    -and it all depends on lineage too Danielle was saying as Hayley came out of

    her reverie.


    Your heritage is also crucial. If your ancestors are Arx, then surely you will be

    Danielle said.

    But Lea said no one in her family were Arx? Hayley asked Danielle,

    remembering that unpleasant conversation.

    Danielle glowered at the mention of Leas name. Then she is obviously lying,

    wouldnt be the first for her Muttering darkly she walked to the bathroom.

    Hayley leaned back on her bed. She felt excited and scared. After all,

    tomorrow she would first find out what her powers were and then she would

    hunt the man who had killed Lesra*

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    The next day, everyone assembled on the third floor. They were in a large

    classroom. Benches were placed in a neat circle. Danielle and Hayley chose the

    one closest to the door. To Danielles displeasure, Lea and the round faced boy

    sat next to them.Damien said the boy extending her hand to Hayley.

    After Hayley and Danielle made formal introductions, Hayley looked at the

    boy. Up close, he looked very soft. He had warm brown eyes, and a benign


    The door opened and a man wearing a long brown cloak rushed in. He had

    short hair and a large moustache. His dull grey eyes looked around as he stood

    in the center of the room.

    I am Locklear he said and Hayleys eyes widened. I am here to extract your

    true potential He then turned and asked a sandy haired boy in the front row

    to approach him. The boy stood and walked towards Locklear.

    I am your trainer. I will help you control your abilities, increase your energy

    and help in choosing your Device He raised his arm and everyone noticed a

    silver bracelet on his wrist. He looked at the boy. Whats your name? he

    asked the boy.

    Tillan the boy replied, his voice quavering. He looked hardly twelve.

    All right, Tillan you are an Aronis right? Locklear asked. The boy nodded and

    Locklear turned and faced his students.

    Many of you might be wondering how I found out. The potion you dipped

    your hand into, will burn a mark onto your arm. A diamond mark represents

    Aronis and a circular mark represents mage. Now, who can tell me why these

    marks are made?

    To separate us from the non-Arx Lea answered.

    Exactly. Our existence was kept a secret for a long time, but now we coexist

    with normal people. But the marks are a way of showing the people that we

    are not looming in secret among them. They need to know whether the

    neighbor they are talking to is an Arx or not. So, we came up with the system

    of marking our palms.

    He turned to Tillan. What can you do?I can read minds Tillan replied so calmly, that for a moment Hayley thought

    he was joking.

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    Everyone sat up straight.

    Locklear simply looked at Tillan serenely . Good. Any volunteers? He looked

    around and pointed at Damien.

    Damien got up, smiling slightly. He stood next to Tillan. Tillan closed his eyes. I dont think he can read my mind. What the hell is he going to do?Tillan

    spoke, his voice unnaturally high.

    Damien gasped. Wow. Thats exactly what I was thinking He looked awed

    and frightened at the same time. Locklear applauded and the students joined

    in enthusiastically. Tillan turned a bright red. Locklear then pointed at Hayley.

    As soon as Hayley had stood next to Tillan, he closed his eyes again. Hayley felt

    as though something cold was filling her head, it wasnt an unpleasant feeling,

    but it still made her uneasy.

    I wonder who my parents are Will they figure out that Delofer is not my

    name? And what are my powers?-

    Before he could finish, Locklear walked forward and shook Tillan. He seemed

    to come out of a trance. He looked horrified. I am so sorry he whispered to


    Hayley, whose face was drained of color, didnt reply. She could feel

    everyones eyes on her. She turned and sat back next to Danielle staring

    fixedly at a cupboard on the far end of the room.

    So, her secret was out. Now everyone would know that she was from the

    orphanage. Damn that Tillan. But she couldnt blame him, he really didnt

    seem to know what he was saying.

    Locklear stared at her, an unfathomable expression on his face.

    Hayley- Danielle started to say, but stopped when Locklear started speaking


    Now, all of you would be aware of what you are able to do. But you need to

    control it. So, next week we will get our supplies of Devices. Your classes will

    be starting from next week. Till then, you can explore the Fortress He gave

    them a small bow and left the class. Hayley rushed after him.

    Sir? she called after him.

    He stopped, but didnt turn.Sir, I do not know my powers. What am I supposed to do?

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    He turned slowly, his pointed face livid. We will see tomorrow Hayley He

    walked away.

    Hayley wondered how he had known her name.

    Students filed out of the classroom and Hayley crept back to her room, closelyfollowed by Danielle.

    Hayley, are you ok? she asked her gently.

    Hayley nodded and sat on her bed. She reached for her trunk and retrievedA

    History of Arx Et Vires. Danielle gasped and gingerly touched the book.

    This is the original edition, how did you get it?

    Delofer gave it to me. Hayley replied. Danielle looked at her for some time,

    an uncomfortably understanding expression on her face. When Hayley didnt

    look at her, she just sat next to her and together they began to read.

    When the midwife had flung the wailing baby into the sea, little did she know

    that the baby would survive. The green growth where his ears were, wrapped

    around him as soon he touched the surface of the river. He floated away, in a

    cocoon made of his own skin, until he reached the land of Dharren. He was

    picked up by a farmer and was raised by him.

    Myron grew up to be a very handsome boy,( his green ears having fallen off to

    reveal a normal pair) and he exhibited abilities very early. His friends were

    frightened, when he made trees bloom or animals dance. He could control any

    living thing and everyone saw this as a danger. He was shunned along with his

    adopted father. Myron, being gentle, let all this pass. He was happy living

    alone with his father, whom he loved dearly.

    But all that changed.

    In the dead of the night, the People of Dharren set fire to Myron house.

    Myron, who had gone to the Xentas river, to collect water had rushed back to

    the house to find his fathers charred corpse. Anger consumed him. He roared

    in rage, and he chased after the fleeing villagers. He used his powers, and

    everyone assembled obediently in the Town Square. They were under his

    control and anger fuelling him, he made everyone drown themselves in the

    river or walk into his own burning house. But Myron spared the children. Hemade them go back to their houses and sleep. He then walked away from the

    Dharren towards Mount Apole. He climbed for days, feeding on wild fruits and

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    drinking from small streams. He often encountered wild animals, but they were

    no match for his powers. He reached the peak and was met by a stranger.

    They stopped reading as the door opened and Tillan came in. He looked

    terrified.I am so sorry he whispered.

    You didnt do it on purpose and anyway the damage is done.

    Tillan nodded, looking relieved. He ran out of the room.

    Hayley, why didnt you tell me? Danielle asked her.

    You didnt ask. Said Hayley simply. Danielle looked at her, a strange

    expression on her face. But before she could open her mouth, the door

    opened and a large boy stepped in. He had a throaty voice, and plain features.

    Hayley? he asked enquiringly. Hayley rose from the bed. Mr.Tobias said he

    wants to see you, he is waiting for you in the Courtyard. He nodded to

    Danielle and left.

    Want to come? Hayley asked Danielle, who immediately stood up and

    nodded. They headed for the courtyard.Hayley saw everyone look at her and

    whisper to each other. She suddenly wished she was back at the orphanage.



    Delofer was staring out the window when Dean knocked.

    She turned and looked gravely at Dean.

    Does she know? He asked her. He had lost weight and looked haggard.

    Delofer shook her head. No. I promised you I wouldnt tell her, and I will stay

    true to my word. But I want to know the whole truth. Who was the man?

    She looked angry and Dean slowly closed the door.

    I will tell you everything


    Tobias was waiting for them in the courtyard. He smiled gently at them as they

    approached him. He led them to the bridge connecting the tower to the

    Mount Alope. They walked along the bridge until its end, where it just

    seemed to melt into the mountain. They turned left and headed through

    bushes to a large house. It had a huge golden door and large windows. A smallpath made of black granite led to the door. They walked along this path and

    Tobias led them inside to his house.

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    There was a bedroom to the left of the living room they were standing in.

    Hayley realized that even though from the outside the house looked big, from

    the inside it was brutally narrow. A table was squeezed into the room and a

    few cushions were on the floor. Hayley and Danielle each took one and satnext to a small fireplace. Tobias sat in an armchair.

    So Hayley, everyonefound out eh? he asked her.

    Hayley felt her face burn. She didnt say anything, but Danielle nodded.

    Hayley, they are not laughing at you or even pitying you. They are shocked

    because you are the first one from Dharren to come here in a long time he

    said consolingly.

    Hayley looked at him. What?

    The last students who were from Dharren were the Locklears. The two

    brothers were sent here fifty years ago

    Locklear? The teacher? Hayley asked him surprised.

    Tobias nodded. Yeah. Grant Locklear actually never wanted to become a

    teacher. He and his brother went on wild quests together. They fought bravely

    in the Great War, and were actually responsible for our victory

    He stopped talking as Hayley looked at him puzzled.

    You dont know about the Great War? Danielle asked her incredulously as

    Tobias looked pityingly at her.

    I was brought up in an orphanage remember? Hayley asked them annoyed.

    Tobias bit his lip, while Danielle went pink.

    Tell me about the war? Hayley asked quickly. She didnt want them to be

    uncomfortable and she wanted to know about the war.

    Twenty years ago began Tobias Our land was split into eight kingdoms.

    Each was different in every way. The kings and queens of every kingdom

    except one, were happy with their domain. The king of Vilen was a weak man.

    He was controlled by his wife, Arania, or the Queen Of the Wild. She wanted

    all the eight kingdoms under her control and so she declared a war. The other

    kingdoms refused to fight her, and so she forced them to fight.

    How? Hayley asked him eagerly as he paused.

    She burnt an entire kingdom to the ground; The Razed Kingdom, as it is nowcalled

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    She burnt an entire kingdom?Hayley repeated horrified, while Danielle

    looked indignant.

    The kings then declared war; but little did they know about the powers of

    Arania. She destroyed the army of the other kingdoms. Then somethingunexpected happened

    What? Hayley askedwho was hanging on to Tobiass every word. She was

    thrilled to hear about the war.

    The King of Fannister flipped sides. Fannister, was actually the most powerful

    kingdom of all, and when he turned, all hope was lost. Thats when the Arx

    intervened. They joined the Rwan army, and fought against Arania and the

    Fannister army. To their surprise, Arania herself was an Arx. She had the

    power to create monsters. She created surplus, and we almost lost the war,

    when the Locklears entered. They fought against the Wild Queen and along

    with the Head King ( who was responsible for all the seven kings) brought

    down the Queen, but at a terrible price. The King was killed, but the Wild

    Queen fled. She had lost her entire army and her husband. She ran back to her

    palace. Even now, she is trapped there. The Mages cast a powerful spell that

    holds her there. Then the Head Kings son ascended the throne, and our world

    was at peace again. That was the Great War Tobias stopped talking and sat

    back in his chair.

    What about the King Of Fannister? asked Hayley.

    Augustine Delofer Killed him Danielle said. Hayley stared at her flummoxed.

    Thats why you knew her Hayley said. Danielle nodded. How come Lea didnt

    figure it out then? Hayley asked.

    Danielles face darkened. The Knights fled the Kingdoms as soon as Arania

    declared war she spat.


    Danielle nodded gravely. The Knights felt that the war against Arania was a

    lost cause. So they fled, dragging their families and hid till the war was over.

    After that they returned and resumed a normal life, while their neighbors and

    friends lost loved ones in the war. Knights have been hated ever since. But

    four years after the War, they joined the Royal Court. The King didnt wantthem to join, but the Knights can be compelling. So he reluctantly agreed. Ever

    since, the Knights are living a luxurious life she said bitterly.

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    Hayley couldnt understand. How? I mean , they left you to fight alone and

    still you accepted them?

    Tobias answered this time.

    You have to understand one thing Hayley. The Knights are the most elitewarriors of the seven kingdoms. They are blessed with an unnatural long life,

    and are immune to ageing and have prodigious skills in combat. The Seven

    Knights make a formidable enemy. The King knew this, and so he decided to

    form a truce with them.

    They are immortal?Hayley asked.

    Tobias shook his head. No, they can die, but only in war. That was the main

    reason they fled. They knew that the War was dangerous, and they could die.

    Hayley sat staring into the fire taking in what she had heard. She suddenly

    understood why Danielle despised Lea, they all hated the Knights. Except for

    people of Dharren, who remained ignorant of the War. Myron was raised in

    Dharren, and yet there wasnt a trace of Arx there. The only Arx from there,

    were herself and the Locklears.

    So what happened to Locklear? she asked Tobias.

    Well, after the War, Grants brother disappeared. He was devastated and left

    the Royal Court. He joined the Fortress later after Raticus suggested it

    Tobias looked at her. What is it Hayley? he asked her, for Hayley was still

    looking uneasy.

    He knew my name. I hadnt even mentioned it Hayley replied, feeling

    childish. Locklear was a teacher, he obviously had to know her name. Tobias

    said the same thing.

    They left his house later, promising to visit him again. As they headed back to

    the Tower, they saw that Lea was talking eagerly to Tillan.

    Kissass Hayley heard Danielle mutter, as they proceeded to their room


    As they entered their room, Hayley noticed that something was wrong. Then

    she realized what.

    The book was gone. They had placed it on Danielles bed before they left for

    Tobiass house. But it was goneSomeone took it! They took the book Hayley said shrilly. They searched the

    room thoroughly, but in vain. The book was gone

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    Hayley slumped on the bed, furious and resentful. She looked out the window

    and saw Lea still talking to Tillan. She wondered who would have taken her


    *What Device are you going to choose? Hayley asked Danielle.

    Wand said Danielle immediately. She looked surprised at Hayleys raised

    eyebrows. You thought I would go for a Staff, huh?- when Hayley nodded,

    she smiled Everyone goes for the staff, because it is a perfect channel. Your

    powers will be amplified. But Wands can be made again, but Staffs once

    broken will remain so, and along with it your powers will vanish too

    What about the Bracelets then?

    Danielle laughed. No, Mages cannot choose Bracelets, just like Aroni cannot

    choose anything but Bracelets. Bracelets are uniform channels. They can

    amplify only one kind of power but Mages can cast various spells, each one

    with a different energy pattern. This cannot be tolerated by the Bracelet

    Hayley listened quietly. Are there any weaknesses?

    Danielle shook her head. Bracelets and Wands have no weaknesses, because

    the source of the power still is you, but for staffs you have to transfer your

    powers into it

    Then why does anyone go for a staff?

    Very powerful mages go for staffs. Their exemplary skill will ensure that no

    one is able to break the staff

    They were sitting in the hall now, waiting with the others. Tobias has a staff

    she murmured to Danielle.

    Really? Thats interesting said Danielle and a dreamy expression dawned on

    her face.She seemed lost in thought and Hayley turned and looked at Raticus,

    who had just entered followed by Locklear. Now that Hayley knew something

    about him, she thought that Locklear had a permanent grief in his eyes.

    Danielle came out of her reverie and sat up straight. Lea, on the contrary

    appeared relaxed . Damien looked very nervous and he wasnt the only one.

    Everyone seemed nervous, and Hayley was so nervous that she felt she would

    faint.Raticus smiled at them broadly. He raised his staff and waved it. The room

    immediately went dark. All they could see was a faint light that was emanating

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    from the tip of Raticuss staff. He raised his staff and a ball of light floated into

    the ceiling. That became the only source of light in the room.

    Good evening he said and his voice echoed sharply across the room. He

    waved his staff and two tents appeared from nowhere and crashed into theground. Some in the back stood up to get a better view.

    The first row, stand up he roared.

    The first row sprang to their feet. One by one they entered each tent, the

    Mage to the left tent, and the Aronis to the right.

    They emerged a few minutes later each carrying a wand or wearing a bracelet,

    each paler and sweatier than the next.

    A boy raised his hand and Locklear looked at him enquiringly.

    We dont get Staffs? he asked.

    Locklear chuckled. No, if you get staffs you will tear this Fortress down. Staffs

    are extremely unstable. You will get Staffs only after you are certified for it.

    The boy sat down looking disappointed. Hayley felt queasy. She looked at

    Danielle, who looked pale. Lea on the other hand was relaxed.

    At last, it was Hayleys turn. She walked slowly to the tent on the right and

    entered it.

    She was in a wooden room. Hayley looked around, there was no door and

    shadows crept along the walls. She screamed out for help. But suddenly there

    was a pedestal on the floor. A silver pedestal, with a glowing aura. She walked

    to it. The top of the pedestal had a palm print. Hayley kept her right hand on

    the pedestal. An electrical charge surged through her.

    A rushing noise erupted around her; a sound like someone gasping cut the air.

    Waves of light erupted from the pedestal and wrapped around her hand, and

    the next moment a bracelet appeared on her wrist. A pure white bracelet,

    with a small clear blue stone. The room spun and she was standing inside the

    tent again. She stepped out, her legs shaking. She walked to the now empty

    benches and sat on one exhausted.

    She smiled encouragingly at Danielle who nodded and entered the tent.

    Hayley examined her bracelet. It was amazingly white, and the blue stone

    glittered. Danielle emerged from the tent, carrying a silver wand. She beamedat Hayley. They walked together to their room, to find a visitor.

    Lea was sitting on Hayleys bed. She smiled at them.

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    Hayley, what bracelet did you get? she asked Hayley I got platinum with a

    diamond she extended her wrist towards Hayley, where a grayish white

    glittered, with a fiery diamond.

    Hayley extended her arm, and both Danielle and Lea gasped.You got the Sapphire?! asked Lea, an awed look on her face.

    Danielle looked confused. Hayley just looked shocked. Why is it shocking?

    You are kidding right? Lea asked her. The Sapphire is the rarest of all stones

    She sighed in exasperation when Hayley still looked confused.

    The Bracelets have a stone fixed into it. Each stone represents a particular

    quality. Rubies mean that the Powers are dark and evil. Green or emaralds are

    for powers with influence over nature. Pink are a variation of the rubies. They

    mean that the power is mind related, like Tillans. Diamonds or pure white

    mean raw power. They are the purest forms of power, where the Arx is

    actually able to control energy. While Blue means that their powers are

    invincible. Thats why its so rare,Hayley, your powers are extremely strong

    Hayley looked at her bracelet, where the stone glittered like the morning dew.

    She found herself wondering again what her powers were.

    Why the stones? she asked Danielle. But again it was Lea who replied

    (Danielle looked murderous).

    The channels have to transfer and amplify energy. If the stone is not

    compatible with the wearers power, then it will crack. When this happens,

    excess energy will flow out of the wearer and kill him

    Hayley was about to open her mouth but stopped at Danielles expression.

    After a few moments of silence, Lea got up , bade them goodnight and left.

    Danielle groaned and crashed into her bed.

    God, I hate her she grunted.

    Hayley didnt respond. She just nodded. By the way, what do wands have?

    Danielle smiled. No, wands are classified based on what they are made of.

    Mine is made of the Xelar, a very rare tree

    Even Tobias has a silver staff Hayley observed.

    Really? A silver staff? Thats the second most powerful staff, after the Pearl.

    What is Tobias doing with such a staff? she lapsed into silence.Danielle, do you know of the tembri? Hayley asked. The question had been

    nagging at her for days.

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    Danielle looked surprised. How do you know about them?

    Hayley slowly and painfully told the events that had happened that horrible

    night. By the end of it, Danielle had her hands over her mouth and her eyes

    wide.Oh my god, Hayley I am sosorry.

    Delofer convinced me to come here. I am so glad I listened, there is so much

    that I need to know Hayley said and she lay