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H.Q. Mitchell - J. Scott


Contents of Student's Book 2

Student's Book and Teacher's Notes

Unit 1 6

Unit 2 12

Unit 3 18

Revision (Units 1-3) 24

Unit 4 26

Unit 5 32

Unit 6 38

Revision (Units 4-6) 44

Unit 7 46

Unit 8 52

Unit 9 58

Revision (Units 7-9) 64

Unit 10 66

Unit 11 72

Unit 12 78. .

Revision (Units 10-12) 84

Unit 13 86

Unit 14 92

Unit 15 98

Revision (Units 13-15 ) 104

Pairwork Activities : : 106

Songs 109

Grammar Reference 110

Listening Transcripts 120

Word list 127

Outline of the course

: - annel your English Intermediate isan innovative course,, en smoothly takes teenage learners of English from

e e enta ry to a higher level of fluen cy. It has been-"t culously designed to boost students' existing knowledge=-0 build their ability to communicate their ideas accuratel y='" confident ly. The main concern of the writers of th is book-a s been to explicitly demonstrate how English is used in~~o~life situations. thus, enablingstudentsto use it in-"aningful contexts. Other important factors such as theea rners' age and interests have been taken intoconsiderat ion in the planning and design of this book . The:,:," cs have been carefully selected to attract stud ents'":erest and motivate learning.

:"annel your English Intermediate uses an integratedeooroach to all four language ski lls (reading, listen ing,soeaking, writing) in a well-organised. user-fr iendly syllabus:o'Tlbining functions, structures. vocabulary and:0 municat ion sk ills. The book is divided into 15

e i-developed and carefully stru cture d units. each of which5 cased on a general topic and divided into three lessons.xabulary and grammar are systematical ly categorised and

_ esented in each lesson helping teachers to manage andy ganise their time efficiently. Communicative language-- aching is viewed as a practical activity rather than atr eoret ical notion.

:-annel your English Intermediate is suitable for- :ermediate level students . By the end of the book,

5:udents will have mastered the functions and structures:~tJi ned in the contents. Addit ionally, they will haveo",eloped all four skills, having been given adequatec-acuce throughout the book. The mate rial included can be: ered in approximately seventy-five hours. The precise- ......e needed will varyaccord ingto factors such as school:rganisation. class size, learner ability and motivation.

- 'ere are certain key features in the book tha t add to the:-allenging and motivating materi al of the course, such as

e dialogues presenting real spoken English, and thesoecial emphasis given on vocabulary building, including:'"' rasal verbs, collocations. lexical sets. idioms, words easilycontused and derivatives. Useful tips also facilitate skillsoeveloprnent and help students deal with new task types .

Course components

• Student's Book

--e Student's Book contains:• able of contents presenting the topics, vocabu lary,Sir ctu res, functions as well as the microskills practised inea h unit.• Fifteen six-page units, each divided into three lessons.arranged in five modules.

• Five two-page revision units appearing at the end of eachmodule.

• Pairwork speaking activities.• Lyrics of the songs.• A Grammar reference section with useful tables, examplesand explanations of the grammatical structures dealt with ineach unit.

• Workbook

The Workbook is divided into units and lessons inaccordance with the Student's Book and contains exercisesfor further pract ice of the items dealt with in the Student 'sBook . The exercises may be done in class or assigned forhomework. In some units. short texts thematically linked tothe topic of each unit offer further reading comprehensionpractice. Each unit also contains an exercise for furtherwriting practice.

• Class cassettes or CDs

The Class Cassettes or CDs contain all the recorded materialfrom the Student's Book: the dialogues. the intonat ionsections. the listening exercises and the songs.

• Study Companion

The Study Companion contains the words and expressionsintroduced in each lesson together with pronunciation.definitions in English, example sentences. their translation inthe student's native tongue and vocabulary exercises. It alsoincludes notes on grammar and usage in the student'snative tongue.The Study Companion is available in a numberof different languages.

• Interleaved Teacher's Book

The Teacher's Book contains:• An introduction.• Table of contents as it appears in the Student 's Book.• Teacher 's Notes inte rleaved with the Student's Bookpages. The notes include tables wit h the funct ions,structures and active vocabulary introduced in each lesson,useful tips and notes for lesson planning, answers to allexercises, the transcripts for the listening exercises andideas for optional activities.• Pairwork activities, lyrics of songsand the Grammarreference sect ion as they appea r in the Student's Book.

• A word list.

• Test Booklet and CD·ROM

The Test Booklet conta ins:

• Fifte en Quizzes (one per unit)• Five Revision Tests correspondingto the Revision Units.• A Final Exam.The CD·ROM includes all the mater ial in the Test Booklet inelect ronic form. which gives the teacher the possibi lity toadd, omit or change the order of items and/ or exercisesaccordingto the needs of each class.


Introduction .'. '"7\'-7"

The structure of the units(units 1·15)

Each of th e fifte en units is divided into three two-pagelessons, which are discussed in detail below.

• Lesson One

Lesson One is divided into three basic sections : presentation(dialogue), words and phrases and grammar. Some units alsohave an oral practice activity while for others it is incorprorated

in the Teacher's book.

PresentationThe aims of this section are to present vocabulary. structures

and functions in the context of a dialogue and to exposestudents to natural spoken English through a meaningfu lcontext.

. The presentation is divided into four stages :

Stage one: This is a lead-in to prepare students for the

dialogue they will hear later. A short discussion is generatedthrough visual and verbal informat ion with t he aim ofintroducing the topic of the dialogue that follows to thestudents. Moreover. students are encouraged to get involved

personally in an activity that creates expectations andmotivates them to move on to the next stage. As this isactua lly a warm-up activ ity, it is advisable that studentsshould not spend more than a few minutes doing it.

Stage two: In this stage students listen to the dialoguewithout looking at the ir books. All the dialogues have beenspecially designed to fami liarise students with spokenEnglish in a variety of different real-life situations as well asto present the functions , vocabulary and structurespractised further on. These dialogues motivate students'ineterest through witty exchanges with up-to-date modernEnglish, the objecti ve of which is to promote learn ing in acommunicative way. The aim of this stage is to facilitate the

understanding of main ideas .

Stage three: In this stage stud ents listen and read at thesame time in order to carry out a variety of task types.Thesecover T/ F sentences , open ended questions, ordering events.ident ifying speakers and their tone of voice, extractingspecific information. etc. This stage aims at enhan cingstudents' understand ing of detailed/specific informa tion.

Stage four: This final stage of the presentatio n is actually adiscussion expanding on the topic of the dialogue . requiringstudents to relate it to personal preferences and experiences

and/or demo nstrate some critical think ing.

IntonationThe intonation practice appearing at the end of thepresentation stage is in the form of a listen-and-repeat drill,

thus providing controlled practice of sentence stress andintonation patterns (of a variety of funct ionallanguage).Sinceintonation is an important feature of natural, native-like

delivery of speech, it is essential that it be practisedsystematically. Teachers are advised to encourage repetit ion

either individual or in pairs or chorus.

Words and phrasesElaborating on the dialogue. the purpose of this activity is toexpose Ss to real/actual examples of the English language inuse. The activity focuses on various kinds of words and

phrases (i.e. phrasal verbs, conversational English,collocations, differences between British and AmericanEnglish) introduce d in the.dialogue. Ss are once moreexposed to diffe rent instances of spoken English as well aspract ising important and widely used phrasal verbs andcollocations. In this way, English is viewed as a languagedirectly linked to contem porary English culture not designedto simply serve th e purposes of a textbook.

GrammarThe grammar section in this lesson dea ls with a majorgrammatical phenomenon appearing in the presentation

stage, and is clearly presented, while usage is illustratedthrough notes and/or examples. However. Ss are alwaysactively involved in the understanding of grammar through

various language awareness activities. Ss are asked to referto the dialogue and the information provided in the grammarsection in order to make inferences about the functions andusage of grammatical phenomena. The accompanying tasks

vary, and require Ss to complete tables, match structureswith functions and find more examples or make their own.The grammar section always ends with a short exercise giving

Ss the opportunity to practise the grammatical phenomena incontext. If time is scarce, we suggest that it be assigned forhomework. A more detailed presentation of the grammaticalphenomena is included in the Gramm ar Reference at theback of the book. which Ss may refer to whenever necessary.

Oral practiceThis section appears either in the Student 's Book or theTeacher's depending on the unit. The aim of this section is toprovide students with furt her practice of the functions,

structures and vocabulary already presented in the dialoguethrough visual and verbal stimuli. It is advisable that everylesson be rounded up with the oral practice activity and thatreasonable time be allowed for students to carry out the





• Lesson Two

. esson Two focuses on recept ive sk ills (read ing andstenlng) and deals with the target language (grammar ande is) appearing in the read ing text. Lesson Two is divided-to four sections; reading. vocabulary. grammar andstenlng,

Reading- :.his section studentsare exposed to a wide veriety of~eading material, such as magazine and newspaper articles,terary texts and encyclopaedic extracts.The texts have been

soecially adapted to suit teenage learners' needs and--erests.They cover a broad range of motivating and: "temporary topics and provide students with interesting,..... LJ ti -cult ural information about the real world. The main- ..en ion is to provide intensive reading practice although

--eo, also lend themselves to presenting target vocabularya-c grammar in context. Each module focuses on specifics"oskills. The tasks approximate exam type tasks (such as=CEl and they are graded in terms of diffi culty but do not'each FCE level. There are also tips as to how to approach,-a handle each task type.The reading section is divided into~ ..Jr stages:

Stage one: A pre-reading task always precedes the reading-:? 1. Its main aims are to introduce the topic of the reading--\1 with questions that relate it to the students' personalevoerience and to activate topic-related vocabulary students, -eady know.!t may appear in the form of questions that;-e"'erate a short discussion or visua l/verbal stimuli in order• students to predict the content of the readingtext. As it is, arm-up activity it is advisab le that it be done syternat ically:J€"ore the actual reading task. · .

Stage two: In this stage students read the text for the first. """"Ie in order to perform a task. The main aim of this stage is- " elp students understand the gist of the text or th e mainoeas. The tas k types vary and include matching headings

• paragraphs, check ing predictions. reordering jumbled.evts. multiple choice. matchingparagraphs with pictures and -,--atching summary sentences with paragraphs, It issa isable that students be given some time to perform the:ask and that teachers point out to' them that unknown wordss.-ould not worry them at this stage .

Stage three: In thi s stage students are asked to read the textagain in order to do the reading activity. The aim of th is stages to help studentsdevelopcertain microskills such asscanning for specific information, understanding textx gsntsat lon and making inferences, The task types varyand' elude multiple matching. multiple choice, gapped texts with

.....,·ssing sentences or paragraphs. open-ended questions and;;ap filling_ The tasks intend to familiarise students with=CE-type tasks. Students should be given ample time to carrytr ese tasks out in class, especially when they appear for th e"rst time, When classroom time is scarce. they can beassigned for homework.

Stage four: This stage appears only in the teacher's book asan optional post-reading activity but it is recommended that itbe done systmatically to round up the reading sect ion. Itsaim is to help students expand on the topic of the readingtext relating it to personal preferences and experience.Students should be encouraged to use as much of the topicrelated vocabula ry in the text as possible.

Words and phrasesAswith the activity under the same heading in Lesson One.this activity gives students further practice with variouslexical items, such as phrasal verbs, expressions. wordseasilyconfused. prepositional phrases. collocations andderivatives appearing in the readingtext.The tasks varyandexpand on the vocabulary introduced in the text.

GrammarIn this section a minorgrammatical item introduced in thereading text is dealt with, similarly to what has beendescribed in the corresponding section in Lesson One.

ListeningThe process of listening is verysimilar to that of reading.There is always a direct or indirect thematic link between theliste ning and the reading text. A variety of spoken text typesand task formats have been employed, through whichimportant listening microskills are developed. In most unitsthe listening section is also divided into three stages, whereas in others. where students listen to short extracts, there isonly the liste ning stage focusing eithe r on gist or specificdetail. Wherever there are three stages they appear asfollows :

Stage one: A pre-listen ing activity smoothly int roduces thetopic of the listening activity act ivati ng Ss' backgroundknowledge and preparing them for the task at hand.

Sta ge two: The main aim of this stage is to focus on gist andunderstanding main ideas. Students listen once to performthe task. There are various task types includingmultiplematching, checking predictions. and multiple choice .

Stage th ree: The main aim of this stage is listening for detailor specific information. Students listen to the text again or toa sequel and carry out the task . Task types vary and includeT/ F exercises. multiple choice, muitiple matching, notetaki ng, blank filling, correct ing incorrect sentences andmatc hing speakers to what they said.Most activities in th isstage also familiarise Ss with exam type tasks such as thoseof the FCE examination.

It is advisa ble that the teacher ask students to read theinstuctions and tip carefully before they do each activitymaking sure they full y understand what they are expected todo. After making sure tha t Ss have understood theinstruct ions and the language included in the tasks, theteacher can playthe tape. When answers are elicited fromSs, we suggest that students should be asked to justify theiranswers. Then. if necessary. the tape may played again andany points that have not been understood can be clarified.

- ':'V"'-.,,,,

Introduction "~:~' .• Lesson Three

Lesson Three focuses on the productive skills (speaking andwrit ing) and lexical items.

Words and phrasesThe lexical items presented in this lesson are usuallysemantically grouped and clearly presented. Ss are asked tocarry out one or two tasks (matching. labelling. classifying.word building. blank filling. multiple choicej .Thus. theypractise usingthe lexical items presented in controlledpractice activities. The lexical items practised includecollocations. derivatives. idioms. verbs with prepositions,similes. compound nouns, nouns with prepositions andlexical sets.

SpeakingThe aim of the speaking section in Lesson Three is to enableSs to use some of the vocabulary. grammar and funct ionsintroduced in the unit in a meaningful context. The activitiesare interesting. they closely approximate real-life tasks andthere is always a goal to be achieved through the activity. Ssalways work in pairs and perform a variety of tasks . Theydiscuss or exchange information, make suggestions. makedecisions or express personal opinion in order to achievethei r goal. Other tasks include speculati ng and narrating astory, prioritising and comparing.and contrasting picturesThe speaking tasks are based on visual and/ or verbalsti muli. In some of the speaking act ivit ies. each of the twostudents is provided with different information found in aspecial sect ion at the end of the book. For some of theactivities there are useful tips for the students. relatingtohow to hand le the task and enhance their performance.

To achieve optimum results. it is advisable to set a time limitfor the activity. During the activity. the teacher should goround the classroom and listen to the discussions takingplace and make sure that Ss speak only in English. Ifnecessary. help and support should be provided. As the aimof the activity is to enhance Ss' fluency. it is notrecommended to interrupt them to correct their errors. It ispreferable that the teacher keep a record of common orbasic mistakes and comme nt on them at the end of theactivity. There is ample opportunity to focus on accuracy andcorrect errors while doing other types of exercises.

WritingLike speaking. writing is a productive skill and one that Ssoften have difficulty with. Students are int roduced to differentexam type writing tasks: story writing. informal letters, formalletters, articles, reports and discursivecompositions. Thissection is also divided into stages. There are three or fourpre-writ ing stages dependin g on the unit In the first .pre-writing stage students are asked questio ns related to thetopic of the writ ing task . In the second stage students areintrodu ced to a sample text in most units and elaborate on itin a variety of ways. The tasks at thi s stage focus onunderstandi ng gist and ident ifying style. register. purpose

and target reader as well as elaborat ing on format/layout . Inthe next stages labelled Plan and Improve your style variousactivities focusing on a number of sub-skills (planning andorganising ideas. editing to improve writin g style) prepare Ssfor the actual Writing task. the final stage. which should beassigned for homework. Concise tips provide useful guide­lines for students to base their writing on. It is very importantto make sure that students have fully understood what theyare expected to do. Moreover. they should be fami liarisedwith a correction code. like the one suggested below. whichwill help them identi fy and correct their own mistakes.

WW: wrong wordS: spellingP: punctuationT: tenseA: artic le

WO: word order1\ : something missing

Revision Units

The five Revisions Units with exam type tasks could be doneeither at home or in class depending on the time available.The exercises thoroughly revise the functions, grammar andvocabulary that have been taught in the preceding units.Since the Revision Units are not tests. we suggest that youallow Ss to refer to the relevant units and/or the grammarreference sections when doing the exercises if they need to.

Each revision units consists of non-fictional readingcomprehension texts. which are lengthier than the readingtexts appearing in the preceding units. and which derive fromauthent ic sources. The aim is to consolidate the sub-skillsalready practised in the module.There is also a Use ofEnglish sect ion. which famili arises Ss with FCE-type tasks .There are two tasks appear ing in the Student's Book andthree in the corresponding unit of the Workbook. togetherwith other tasks. some of which can be done in class orassigned for homework . Each revision unit ends with a popsong. which aims at helping Ss practise their listening skillsin a highly communicative and enjoyable way. Ss shouldlisten to the song and carry out the tasks involved (i.e.completing missing words from the lyrics. making andchecking predictions, answering comprehension questions).

Optional activities and projects

In the Teacher's Book there are various optiona l activ itieswhich help Ss get a beller understanding of the dialogue andthe reading or listening texts and give them further practicewith various grammat ical st ructures or forms. In theTeacher's Book there are f ive projects. each of whichcorresponds to a Revision Unit These projects arecommunicat ively designed. as the main idea is to induce Ssto be creative with the language rather than simply revisegrammar and vocabulary. Through project work Ss arerequired to use language for a purpose.

LinlOS Points to rememberj

Ss • Whether a task is carried out in class or assigned for homework it is advisable that every effort be made to ensure that-e students fu lly understand the rubrics, in order that they comprehend what they are expected to do,

• For most act ivit ies, it could prove helpful to demonstrate through examples what the task demands students to do, by:a nt doing the fi rst item,~y • Whenever a task requires understanding gist. it is recommended that the teacher should not explain unknown words,

thus encouraging students to focus on gist only. Wherever necessary, however, ceratin key words that block understanding:h could be explained,

• Regarding the grammar section , students will feel more confident if unknown words are explained before they do thegrammar activities.• For the listening tasks it should be ensured that students have no unknown words before they procede to the listeningtask,• When explaining new lexical items a variety of techniques could be employed such as example sentences, mimicry.definitions, antonyms, synonyms, enumeration and/ or translation. Atthis level. discovery techniques on the students' partcan also be encouraged.• Wherever elicitation procedures are required it should be ensured that everybody speaks before corrections are made byme teacher,• In cases where students are asked to do guesswork, no answers should be revealed before students precede to theactua l task and check predict ions". '.• All t ips should be read and explained thoroughly so that task performance is enhanced ,


Abbreviations used in Teacher's BookI,

adj - adjecti ve

adv - adverbe.g, - for example

etc. -0. et ceteran -0. noun

p, - pagepp, - pages

prep - preposition

sb - somebody

sth - something

Ss - studentsv -0. verb

TB - Teacher's Book


1 Sports • Phrasal verbs • Present Simple • Talking about habit ca

and hobbies • Words easi lyconfused • Present Progressive actions• Lexical sets (sports) • Stative verbs • Distinguishingbetweer

PAGE 6 • Collocations (verb + noun) • Adverbs of frequency temporary and permarM On your situations

marks • Expressing interestandsurprise

LU Adventure • Phrasal verbs • Past Simple • Referring to time

2 • Adjectives describing • Past Progressive • Narrating pastevents....I situations andfeelings • Prepositions of time

• Adjectives ending• Expressing feelings

:::l PAGE 12 in -ed and-IngGo for it! • Word building

Cl (adjective suffixes)


3People • Phrasal verbs • Present Perfect Simple • Giving news and

• Adjectives describing • Present Perfect responding to it

::?:: personality Progressive • ComparingPAGE 18 • Words easilyconfused • Comparisons • Expressing agreement

What are • Word building anddisagreement

you like? (adverbs, negativeprefixes and suffixes)

Revision Units 1-3 PAGE 24

4Education • Phrasal verbs • Future will • Talkingabout future plans

• Collocations (verb + noun) • Future goingto • Making arrangements• Adjectives expressing • Future Progressive • Making predictions

PAGE 26 like anddislike • Future Perfect • Expressing obligation,

N Learning • Adjectives with • Must, have to, need prohibitionand necessityprepositions • Expressing likeanddislike



5 Places • Collocations with take • Defining and Non-defining • Referring to place• 'Strong' adjectives Relative Clauses • Definingandgiving

....I • Collocations additional information

PAGE 32 (adjective+ noun) about people, things:::l The place and places

• Makingpolite requestsCl to be andresponding

0 6 Environment • Phrasal verbs • Zero, First and Second • Talking about• Prepositional phrases Conditionals possibilities and

::?::referringto place • Articles futureor imaginary

PAGE 38 • Word building situations

What on (noun suffixes) • Referring to


• Giving information

Revision Units 4-6 PAGE 44


7 Mystery • Phrasal verbs • Past Perfect Simple • Sequencing past• Prepositional phrases • Past Perfect Progressive actions andevents

including the word • Time linkers • Reacting positivelyor

LU PAGE 46 time negatively to what is

That 's • Collocations with make being said

....I Spooky! • Idioms

:::l • Expressions withgo • Had better • Expressing


• Verbs + prepositions • Would rather preferencesCl • Should + present • Expressing opinions

and perfect infinitive • Making suggestions0 PAGE 52 • Asking for andgiving

Teen age advice::?::

2 Channel your English




• :oosing headings for",-agraphsFocus: skimmingfor gist' soeringopen-ended

: .esnons=ocus: readingfor specific:etails

• = ~ac - r.g to check_ ecc ions

• - D e matchings: scanningfor specific

-' abo"

• '2:c, -ng headings with~~3?aph s

s: skimmingforgist_- De matching

5: scanningforspecific-' ation

• - Die choice~s: global understanding3~'" readingforspecificdetails

• = ~a : ngto check_ eccuons

• :J~e choice: transferring from verbal

. risual information

• ~~: 'aeringjumbl ed textss: understanding text

_ 53 isationa::o-ngtexts with pictures

::. 5: transferringfrom verbal.~ risual information

• ' . tiple choice-ocus: summarising

• :;Coned text=Dals: understanding text


• = ~a cng to check: ecictions

• : oea-enoed questions=ocus: readingfor specific~ : ation

• MultiplematchingFocus: understandinggist

• True/FalseFocus: understanding specificdetails

• Whichspeaker said what?Focus: understanding specificdetails

• MultiplechoiceFocus: understandinggist

• Multiple matchingFocus: identifying speakers,understanding mainideas

• Listening to checkpredictions

• True/FalseFocus: listeningfor specificinformation

• MUltiplechoiceFocus:identifying thespeaker'smainpoint, listening forspecificinformation

• Listening to checkpredictions

• Gap fillingFocus: listeningfor specificinformation

• Listening and doing apersonality quizFocus: emphasising listening fora purpose

• Speculatingand makingadecision

• Making suggestions andjustifying them

• Telling a story based onvisual and verbal prompts

• Comparing andcontrasting pictures

• Discussing issues relatedto family and friends

• Speculating and making adecision

• Discussing issues relatedto education

• Exchanginginformation,discussingand making adecision

• Expressing preferences andopinions

• Making decisions• Prioritising

• Speculating about the missingpartsof a comic stripandnarratingthe events

• Discussing problems andmaking suggestions

• An e-mail message

• Ashort story with agiven title

• An informal leitergiving­news

• An informal leiterincluding plansandarrangements

• A brochure for a placebased on giveninformation

• Atransactional leitergivinginformation

• Astory beginningorendingwith given words

• An informal leiter givingadvice

Channel your English 3


9Humour • Collocations with do • May, might. could, • Expressing possibility

• Word building must. can't. couldn't + • Making deductions about• SimBes with as... as... present present and past

PAGE58 and perfect infinitive • Expressing contrast

What a • Clauses ofconcession

laugh!Revision Units 7-9 PAGE64

10Culture and • British andAmerican • Passive Voice I • Making and accepting

lifestyles English • Present Participle apologies• Compound nouns • Participle clauses

'<t PAGE66

That's life!

LUEmployment • Collocations withget11 • Infinitives and -ing • Asking for... • Words easilyconfused forms clarification and

• Word building • Passive Voice II clarifying

:;) PAGE 72 (noun suffixes referring to

Job-hunting people)



12 Technology • Phrasal verbs • Causative • Expressing and• Idioms • Infinitive of purpose, acceptingthanks

:2: • Collocations for + -ing form • Expressing purposePAGE 78 (adjective + noun)


Revision Units 10-12 PAGE 84

13 Entertainment • Phrasal Verbs • Reported speech • Reporting• Reporting verbs (statements, questions, • Asking for

commands and requests) information



LUMedia • Phrasal Verbs • Wishes and unreal • Makingwishes14... • Lexical sets (media) past • Expressing ca use and

• Nouns with prepositions • Clauses of result result

:;) PAGE92

ConnectingCl people0 Travel • Phrasal verbs • Third conditional • Expressing regret15:2:

• Words easilyconfused • Wishes in the past • Complaining• Lexical sets (holiday)


Travellers'talesRevision Units 13-15 PAGE 104

Pairwork Act ivit ies PAGE 106

Songs PAGE 109

Grammar Reference PAGE 110

4 Channel your English

= ~-DING

... Dole choice= s: identifyingthe

ter' s purpose• ~~Ded text

: 5: understandingtextsa isation

_' J e choice: s: interpreting, deducing- eaning

_' ore matching: s: scanninga text to

specific information

2::"" g paragraphs.- ~ etures

: transferring from verba lal information

:.=: r "og- : readingforspecific


:~-:","ng the topics: sc. ssec"'= lI1derstandinggist

• ' :0e choice"'= readingforspecilic

" , infening

~, ." ",g summary~-:=- ces with paragraphs= :understanding main: , :s

• :O':"'€nded questions- s: understandingspecific- :ta S

• :~:, ', "ngthemain point of' - ~ ca -agraohs of a text= :understanding gist:.=:oec text (missing: -=g-aphs)- : understandingtext: :.3 .sation


• Multiple choiceFocus: identifying thespeaker'smainpoint

• Gap fillingFocus: listeningforspecificinformation

• Listeningto checkpredictions

• True/FalseFocus: listeningforspecificinformation

• Multiple matchingFocus: identifying speakers

• Which items arementioned?Focus: identifyingthemainideas

• CorrectingstatementsFocus:listeningforspecificdetails

• MUltiple choiceFocus:understanding gist

• Multiple matchingFocus: identifyingthetopicsdiscussed

• Multiple matchingFocus: identifyingspeakers


• Speculatingabout pictures

• Comparing andcontrastingpictures

• Discussing lifestyles

• Speculating and makingadecision

• Discussing advantagesand disadvantages

• Exchanging information,discussingand makingadecision

• Speculating andmaking adecision

• Prioritising

• Comparingandcontrastingpictures

• Discussingholidays


• An article (personal)

• Anews report

• A letter of application

• Areport

• Atransactional letteraskingfor information

• A discursive composition(advantages anddisadvantages)

• Atransactional letter ofcomplaint

Channel your English 5

Lesson One

presentationo Before you read the dialogue, look at the picture

and discuss the following:• What do yo u think the boys are talking abo ut?• Why are they ha ppy?

EJ Listen and check your a nswers in 1 .S

o Read the dialogue an d a nswer the followingquestions:

a . What do es Paul want to do?b . What day is it?c. Who ca n't play football tonight? Why?d . What are the three boys doin g to n ight?e . Who's playing as a goa lke eper?

The expressions below show interest or su rprise. Listen a nd repeat them.

Really? Are you serious? You're kidding!Are you? Do you? How interesting!




I'm a goalkeeper.Are you?You're kidding ! We need a goalkeeper. Can youplay for us tonight?Tonight! Why? What's up with yourgoalkeeper?He's ill. I think he's got the flu or something.He's a load of rubbish, anyway. He always dropsthe ball.That's true. The only thing he can catch is acold!So Paul. what do you think?What time's kick-off?Nice one !








Hey guys! What are you up to?Not muc h. We're ta lking about what to dotonight .Listen . I'm glad I ran into you two. I'm thinkingabout joining the football team. How can I findout more about it?Ask Steve . He's the captain.Really?Ju st turn up at training with your boots, Paul.OK, whe n's training?On Mondays, and we play matches onWednesdays .Are you playing tonight then?No, the match has been called off because oneof the players is... Hang on a minute! Whatposition do you play?

D Discuss the following:

• How po pu lar is football in yourcountry?

• Do yo u like it? Why/Why not?

6 Channel your English


~ o-essing surprise-- mg interest-a· - g abo ut routines, temporary situations and future2""crgements-a · - g about spo rts and hobbies


- esent Simple / Present ProgressiveS;:a:, ,e verbs


s andphrasesrelated to football: xxs goalkeeper kick-off position t raining;-.a:;:a "n join a tea m match t rain (v)

- ersallonal English

- cac of rubbish What are you up to?- e JOU serious? What's up with ...?

ce one! You're kidding!something

:0;,,;, 501verbs=<; off fin d out hang on run into turn up

):werwords and expressions:G::- (a cold/ the flu ): -::0 ): --~ 1.door

resentation:0 present vocabulary, structures and functions in• e context of a dialogue about football betweenteenagers

'm: to use visual information to predict the contentof the dialogue

..,;. Ss to look at the picture and discuss the questions.

:: : i ona l: _ "-'a, also ask Ss a few more questions:

_ e- -row old do you think the boys are?,~hat is the relat ionsh ip between them?,~ha t are they wearing?•~here are they?

lms: • to listen to the dialogue and check predictions• to unders ta nd the gist of the dialogue

-,5, Ss to cover t he dialogue, look at the picture and

'-:- careful ly. Play t he tape. S• ... scuss answers.

teacher's notes 01

They are talk ing about footbal l.Because one of them is joining their team for toda y'smatch .

EJ Aim: to check com prehens ion of specific informationin the dia logue

• Ask Ss to read questions a-e.• Ask Ss to uncover the dialogue so that they can readand listen at the same ti me. Play the tape again.• Ask Ss to underline words and expressions they are notfami liar.with , but teli them not to worry about unknownwords at this stage .• Give Ss time to work out the answe rs to the quest ions.• Check Ss' answers and ask them to providejustification.

a. He wants to join the football team.b. Wednesday.c. The team's goal keeper. Because he is il l.d. They're playing a football game .e. Paul.

• When this act ivity is over. ask Ss some more questio ns.e.g. When do the boys train?

What position does Paul play?What do Steve and Stuart think about the team 'sgoalkeeper?

• Encourage Ss to guess th e meaning of new vocabularysuch as join , position and kick·off.

IIAim: to encourage Ss to relate the topic of thedialogue to personal experience and preferences

• Ask Ss to look at the questi ons and discuss them.

optionalIf there is t ime, you may ask Ss more questions .e.g. What age groups usually watch football matches?

Do girls like football in your country?

intonation SAim: to present and practise intonati on in expressions

showing interest or surprise• Play the tape and pause after each express ion.• Ask Ss to repeat th e expressions whi le you makemovements with your hand to show the rising or fal lingtone in each expression .

Channel your EnglishTB 6



Lesson One (continued)

words and phrases1 Phrasal verbs

Alms: 0 to Introduce the concept of a phrasal verbo to match the phrasal verbs In the dialogue with

their meaningso Read out and explain the introducto ry comment.o Ask Ss to do the activ ity.o Check answers.

a. run into b. f ind out c. turn up d. call off e. hang on

optionalIf there is time, ask Ss to make their own sentencesusing the phrasal verbs and check them.

2 Conversational EnglishAims: • to introduce expressions used in conversational

Englisho to match the expressions with their meanings

o Ask Ss to do the activity.o Check answers.

Nice one! -+ Great!What are you up to? -+ What are you doing?You're kidding! -+ Are you serious?a load of rubbish -+ very badWhat 's up with...? -+ What' s wrong with ...?

grammaro Aim: to elicit some of the uses of the Present

Simple and the Present Progressive aspresented in the dialogue

o Ask Ss the first set of questions .o Tell Ss to refer to the dialogue.o Elicit and check answers.o Do the same for the rest of the sets of questions.

o They're tal king about what to do tonight.Present Progressive.Because it is an action happening now.

o On Wednesdays.Simple Present.Because it is a habitual action/ routine .Tonight.Present Progressive.Because it is a future arrangement.Tonight.Present Simple.Because need is a stative verb.

EJ Alms: 0 to revise the basic uses of the PresentSimpl e and the Present Progressive

o to give Ss pract ice making their ownexam ple sentences

o Ask Ss to read the uses of the two tenses. Ensure thatthey understand the terms used. If necessary, provideexplanations.o Ask Ss to work individually and make their ownexamples.o Check answers.

o Aim: to revise stative verbs and present some newones

o Ask Ss to read the note and explain the meaning of anyunknown words.o Ask Ss to find two examples of stati ve verbs in thedialogue (we need a goalkeeper, I think he's got the flu)and check answers.o Point out that think can be used in the PresentProgressive when it means process in one's mind (e.g.I'm thinking about j oining the football team).

optionalAsk Ss to write a set of sentences or a short paragraphincluding as many stative verbs as possible .

D Aim: to practise the uses of the Present Simple, thePresent Progressive and the stative verbs

o Ask Ss to read through the e-mail and complete theblanks.o Check answers and ask Ss to provide justification.o If time is scarce, assign the exercise for homework.

(1 ) understan d (3) lives (5 ) is playing (7) hope(2) Do you know (4) plays (6 ) are training (8 ) don't mind

optional oral practiceAims: 0 to practise the structures, funct ions and

vocabulary presented in this lesson in thecontext of a dialogue

o to exchange personal informationDivide Ss into pairs.

o Tell Ss to talk about their hobbies and the sportsthey do/play and discuss them in relation to the irplans for the weekend.o If necessary, write some prompts which they canuse in their questions on the board.e.g. what / sport / you / play?

how often / you / train?what kind / music / you like?you / play / musical instrument?what / you / do / weekend?

o Point out to Ss that they should use the PresentSimple and the Present Progressive. They shouldalso try to use expressions which show surprise orinterest while discussing.o Have Ss do the activity.

ords and phrases , . - ; .1 PIlrasaI verbs

- • -rasal verb consists of a verb (e.g, give, make) and an__ e.g. forward, back) and/or a preposition (e.g. for,- --e ~eani ng of the phrasal verb is differentfrom the

Y -g the verb it includes.

• actions happening nowe.g. Stuart, Paul and Steve are talking about the game.

• temporary situationse.g. They're playing for the same team this season.

• future arrangements

e.g. Paul Is playing with the team tonight.

:- : - e phrasal verbs in the dialogue and match them- -. _ meanings given.

- • by chance _




EJ Read the note below and find two examples ofstative verbs in the dialogue.

Thefollowing verbs are not normally used In progressivetenses:• see, hear, smell, taste, notice, seem, look(= seem)• like, dislike, love. hate, want, need, prefer, mind• believe, think (=believe), know, understand, remember,

forget, hope, mean, imagine• be, have (=possess), belong, cost

• at e examples of conversational English fromgue and match them with the meanings on

D Read the e-mail Stuart has sent to the team'sgoalkeeper. Complete the blanks with the PresentSimple or the Present Progressive of the verbs inbrackets.

.~K at the dialogue and answer the following= estions.

"ead about the uses of the Present Simple and theesent Progressive and th ink of one more example

:J ~ each use.

Hi David

I'm really sorry to hear that you caught the flu.

1 (1) (understand) how you

feel. Guess what! (2) (you

know) Paul Watson who (3) _

(live) next door to Steve? He (4) -------­

(play) in goal as well and he (5) - - --- -­

(play) with us in tonight's game. At the moment he's

with Steve and they (6) (t rain)

for the match. 1 (7) (hope) that

you (8) (not mind), and that

you'll be better soon.

See you around



Sent: Wednesda~ 2 MayTo:

Page 1 of 1

What's w ro ng w i th ...?

very bad

Great !

What are you doing?

Are yo u se rious?

- . are yo u up to?

';' .idd inq t

- of rubbish

• 5 up with ...?


t2 ne!

3: are Stuart and Steve doing at the moment?:- tense is used? Why?

--e- do they play matches?- :- tense is used? Why?

-ers Paul playing his firs t game with the new team?:~ ense is used? Why?

-e- do Stuart and Steve need a goalkeeper?:- tense is used? Why?

• ~nent situations

-.; - >J<3rt and Steve live in the same town.

- nes / habitual actions· ;. - --e) ' usually play matches on Wednesdays.

• ;;",""""al truths

=;;. "eople play football all over the world.

ChannelyourEnglish 7


b . Family suppo rt

b . Appearances don't count

b . Heavier but stronger

b . J ust another teenager

b . A talen ted artist

o Before you read the textanswer these questions:

• Do yo u know of anyteenage sports champions?

• What sports do theydo/play a nd w hat awardshave they w on?

• What so r t of pe rson do youthink you need to be tobecome a cham pion?

EJ Read the text qu ickly a nd decide which of the two headings a or b is moresuitable for each of the paragraph s 1-5.

1 a . An unhapp y g ir l

2 a. Great achi evements

3 a. Tra ining and re laxation

4 a . Dieting habits

5 a . Rich and famo us

""",'" Read the text quicklV. Jlou don't need to understand ellerv detail, [ustr the main point of each para9raph. Find the keV Ulords/phrases in eachpara9raph and choose the headin9 Ulhich includes words similar in meanin9

or refer to the same topic.

When Chervl Haworlhwas vounger,everybody used 10lease her for beingchubby! Well, she'sfound a way 10 makeIhe whole world lookbeyond her size...

1 When Cheryl was atprimary school, nobody evercalled her by her real name.There was always someonemaking fun of her size. Butone day, when she waseleven, as she was building atree hou se in her garden. she

realised she had morephysical power than all theboys. She could lift heavylogs and do things thatother kids couldn't , So, shedecided to go to the gymand try weightlifting.2 Cheryl was really good

at weightlifting, so her coachencouraged her to take partin competitions. She soon

became a weightliftingphenomenon. She holdsevery American record in herclass and she also won abronze medal at the 2000

Olympic Games, when shewas only sixteen.

3 Cheryl is not onlystrong but also very dedicatedto her sport. She usuallyworks out for three hours aday including Saturdays.However, this doesn't meanthat weightlifting is her onlyinterest. Just like otherteenagers Cheryl enjoysspending her free time withfriends and her two sisters.They don't always go out,but when they do, theyoften go to the cinema or aseafood restaura nt. Cherylalso likes drawing andpainting and she's a verytalented artist. Her portraitsmade in pencil have won

prizes in contes ts.

4 One reason why Cherylhas become the kind of

person she is today is herupbringing. Her mother says"1 never made food an issuewhen Cheryl was a younggirl. She was born to be big.The important thing is thatshe is self-confident andfeels good aboutherself."

5 Cheryl's fame andinternational success havemade her an idol, especiallyamong oversized teenagers.She says: "Hopefully, I canset an example to otherpeople who feel they are farfrom normal and encouragethem to do things that arechallenging. We're not allgoing to be supermodels.I don't want to look likethat. What's important ishow you feel and how youact towards others."

IE] Read the text again and answer the followingquestions.

a . How did people behave towards Cheryl w hen shew as younger?

b. vvnat has she ach ieved so far?c. What doe s Cheryl do in her free time?

8 Channel your English

d . Ho w does Cheryl' s m other fee l about herdaughter's size?

e. What does Cne, yi think is more important th ana person's size ?

teacher's notes 01


ords related to sportsandhobbiesoeat (an opponent ) prize

petition weight lifti ngtest win (a medal, a game)

-edal work out (v)

optional post-reading activity

Ask Ss questions of personal response related to thetopic of the reading text.e.g. What is your impression of Cheryl now that you

have read the text?Do you know anyone like her?

1.b (making fun of her size, she had more physicalpower, she could lift heavy logs... other kids couldn 't)

2 .a (phenomenon, holds records, won a bronze medal atthe 2000 Olympic Games)

3.a (works out, spending her free time, go to the cinemaor a seafood restaurant, drawing and painting)

4.b (upbringing, her mother, "I never made food anissue... 0)

5.b (set an example, we're not all going to besupermodels, I don 't want to look like that. What'simportant is how you feel... ")

Note: Do not expect Ss to supply all key words/phrasesand do not explain any unknown words at this stage.

a. They never called her by her real name and theyused to make fun of her size.

b. She holds every American record in her class andwon a bronze medal at the 2000 Olympic Games.

c. She spends it with friends and her two siste rs. Whenthey go out , they go to the cinema or to a seafoodrestaurant. Cheryl also paints in her free time.

d. She th inks that what is important is that Cheryl isself-confident and feels good about herself.

e. How you feel and act towards others.

Note: You do not need to ask detailed questionsat thi s stage as you will also ask some at thepre-listening stage.

• Ask Ss to read the text again paragraph by paragraphand ask them comprehension questions.e.g. How did Cheryl realise she was stronger than all the

boys?How did she start taking part in competitions?What is Cheryl's hobby?

Explain unknown words.

EJ Aim: to read for detail and understand specific

inform ation• Assign th is activity for homework.

raiseself-confidentsupport (n)

lift (v)logoversizedphenomenonprimary school

Other wordsoronze: nallengingcnubbyJedicated



Aim: to read for gist and choose an appropriateheading for each paragraph in the text

Read and explain the t ip.o -'sk Ss to read the fi rst paragraph and choose the mosts; table heading.o heck answers,o Point out to Ss the key words/ phrases in paragraph 1,o -'sk Ss to read the text paragraph by paragraph and dotr.e rest of the act ivity.• -'sk Ss to look out for key words/phrases.o Check answers.

Aim: to introduce the topic of the reading text

through an oral acti vity involving personalexperience

o -'sk Ss the questions and generate discussion.o -'sk Ss to look at the heading and photograph and;;.055 what the text is about.

I Other phrases andexpressionsoe far from normal-o ic a recordoak beyond someone's size-iake fun of-,ake something an issuese an examplescene free timetake part intake place


ys :re

Channel your English T8 8

Words easily confused

Nicole: surf ing (wave, balancing on your board,watching the shore, beach, catch the perfectwave) . '

Laura: paragliding (taking off from small hills, heights,a bird 's eye view, from up there, great deal ofclimbing, avoid trees, crash-free landing)

Sarah: kickboxing (self-defence, martial art, karate,judo, kick, punch throw, contact sport, bruises,broken bones)

optional post-listening activityYou may ask Ss further questions of persona l responserelated to the listen ing text.e.g, Which sport do you think is most unusua l for a gir l?

a. F b. T c. T d. F e. T f. T


EJ Aim: to listen for specific information

• Ask Ss to read sentences a-t.• Explain any unknown words in the sentences.• Play the tape again.• Ask Ss to do the exercise. Check answers and ask Ssto provide just if icat ion.

EJ Aim: to practise using adverbs of frequency in anextended activ ity

• Ask Ss to read the information and tick the boxeswhich are t rue for them .• Have Ss make fu ll sentences using the informat ion inthe table or, if t ime is scarce, assign it for homework.

listening SII Aims: • to expand on the topic of the reading text

• to present the topic of the listening text• Refer Ss back to the reading text. Ask Ss:How do you feel about a female weightlifter?What did this text make you think?• Elicit answers.• Ask Ss the questions in the Student's Book andgenerate discussion.

EJ Aim: to listen for gist

• Ask Ss to look at the photographs and ask:Have you heard of any of these sports?Would you like to try any of them?• Read and explain the tip.• Play the tape .• Ask Ss to do the exercise. Check answers and ask Ssto provide justif icatio n.e. big

f. greatg. taking parth. take place

a.wonb. beatc. understandd. realise

Aim: to practise disti nguishing betwe en words that canbe easily confused

• Refer Ss to the text to the word win (a medal/a prize).Ask Ss: What else can you win?• Ask Ss to do the exercise, one set at a t ime. For eachset explain the difference through definit ions or examples.beat an opponentwin a game/matchunderstand the meaning of somethingrealise the meaning and the importance of somethingbig in sizegreat in importancetake part parti cipatetake place happen• Check answers and ask Ss to make their own examples.

Note: Explain to Ss the difference between other wordseasily confused, which will be practised in the Workbook.e.g, spend/waste size/ number

among/between norma l/physical

Lesson Two (continued)

words and phrases

always / usually / often / occasionally / hardly ever /never

grammarII Aim: to practise the correct sequence of adverbs

of frequency• Refer Ss to the text. Ask them questions:

e.g.: How often does Cheryl go out?How often do you go out?

• Elicit adverbs of frequen cy.• Draw Ss' atte ntion to hard ly ever and occasionally.• Have Ss do the exercise and check answers.

EJ Aim: to present the position of adverbs of frequencyin a sentence

• Ask Ss to comment on the sentences and do theactivity.• Tell Ss that usually and occasionally can also be placedat the beginning of the sentence.

ListeningTranscript (see page 120)

9 TB Channel your EngliSh



bungee jumping~.,

_ _ _ _ ----"11 -

listening So Discuss the following:

• Can you think of some spo rts whic h a regenera lly believed to be mo re su ita ble formen than for women?

• Do you agree w ith this? Why/Why not?

EJ You will hear three teenage girls Nicole, Lauraand Sarah talking about extreme sports they do.Listen and write the correct nam e under thepictures. You will not use one of the pictures.

I 1....:D While listening to the tape try to understand~,r the main points, not erlerlJ sinljfe word. Listen

(or key words or phrases which can guide youto the correct answer.


:Amplete the chart below with the following words.

::<6ooa lly hardly ever never usually always


ords and phrases

e the word that best completes each sentence.


e has won / beaten seve ra l cham pionships5 season.

"ialy w on / beat Ge rm any in the fina l.

do n't really understand / realise this exercise.

: m sorry, I didn't understand / realise you were

here .

me people think that we ight lifte rs need to be

/ great . but that 's not t r ue .

toliy Karpov was a big / great chess playe r

wo rld cham pion.

ill" son is taking part / taking place in a

-""lIrlITl ing compe t it ion .

5e .era l sport ing events take part / take place in

town every year.

Words easily confused

"ead the following extracts from the text.

-...." as always someone making fun of her size.always go out, but when they do, they often

' -e cinema or a seafood restaurant.

00 you notice about the position of the adverbs of""",:""ncy in these sentences? Complete the rules.

of frequency appear:

_ _ _ _ _ _ the main verb (e.g. play, go)

_ _ _ _ _ _ the verb be (e.g. is , are, was)

___ _ _ _ the auxilia ry/modal verb (e.g. don't, will) EJ Listen agai n a nd decide if the sentences a-f are Trueor False. Write T or F in the boxes.

the boxes which are true for you. Then, make58 tences using the information from the table.

, m::J mnI~'


-" """ ' 0< schoolL ;necinema


a;::- txxnallon TV_-...., -"in my mum

a . Nicole started this sport recently.b . Nico le likes to show the boys that she's

as good as they a re .c. Laura was a little scare d when she had her

first le sson .d . Laura is pleased because lots of people

her age are int e rested in the sport she does.e. Sarah has take n part in com pe t it ions .f. Sarah has hurt herself a few times.

Channel your English 9

words and phrases1 Collocations

A collocation is a combination of two words (e.g. verb + noun, adjective + noun) which are often used together.

Complete the coll ocations using th e verbs in the box. Sometimes more than one verb can be used.

do go join play take part in win

win/p/qy a gam e skiing w indsurfi ng a championshij

a competition a cup a cl ub a prize

swimming gymnastics a m edal a tournament

ath le t ics a race jigsaw puzzles for a team

2 Lexical sets

Comp lete the tab le below using the appropriate places and equipment from the boxes. You wi ll need to use some ofthe words more than once.





water polo






bait. boots: d-crt s: , tir t slope







ball boots board gloves

goggles net racquet

shirt shorts swimwear

T-shirt trainers vest

speakingWork in pai rs. The three people in the pictures below want tota ke up a new sport/hobby. Look at the pictures and the notesand discuss whi ch sports/hobbies would be suitable for each ofthem and why. Use the ideas and the expressions in the boxes.

1-1-1.'1' When lJou do pairulork, look at lJour

r partner, listen careful/lJ, show interest inWhat he/she ;S sQljinq, express lJour opinion

and ask him/her questions.

.. .

Tim (42)

GlasljOul, Scotlandbank manaljer

Esmeralda (/8)Acapulco, Alexico

bio'o student


~,.-----~---,\'=-'~~ ./t::\:c--r~~£~( ~T

i..>: /~- --JA.\Mitch (26)

Los Anqeles, USA


b i rd-w atchingj et -s ki inggarden ing

beach vo lleyba llbasket ball cl imbing

w indsu r fi ngskyd iving

10 Channel your English

• •

The m ost suitabl e spor t/hobby for... wou ld be.. .. because.. . W hat do you think?.. . is/lives.... so I think... Do you agree?In my op inion. .. . shou ld t ake up ... I agree. bu t I also believe.. .

.- -

teacher's notes 01


Words related to sports and hobbiesat hlet ics courtbird-watching glovesboard (n) goggleschampionship gymnastics

Otherwordsand phrasesarts and crafts lifegua rdcreat ive personalin my opinion scrapbook

words and phrases1 Collocations

jet-ski ingj igsaw puzzlenetpitch

stufftake upt ime consuming

raceracquetshoot hoopsskydiving




Aims: • to introduce the concept of a collocation• to match verbs and nouns to form collocations related to sports and hobbies

o Read the def inition of a collocat ion and ensure that Ss understand what it means. Give them an example and askthem to make their own.o Explain any words Ss might not know. '. ..o Have Ss do the exercise and check answers.

in/play a gam ein/ take part in a competition

go swimmingdo athlet ics

go skiingwin a cupdo gymnasticswin/take part in a race

go windsurf ingjoin a clubwin a medaldo j igsaw puzzles

win a championshipwin a prizetak e part in a tournamentplay for a team

::Jti ona l• "sk Ss to work out some more collocat ions with the verbs in the box.• "sk: What else can you do/join/ play/win/ take part in?o Elicit answers e.g. do aerobics/the long jump, take part in a play/contest, go fishing/yachting, play golf/chess/a match

2 Lexical sets. : to form lexical sets

• \1ake sure th at Ss know what t he sports·-.a t appear in the table are.• "sk Ss to use the words in the first box., complete the table with the places

- ere each sport takes place.• Explain any un known words in the:. iornent box.• -tave Ss do the exercise.• : . eck answers.

peakin g




water polo

snow boarding

basketba ll

windsurf ing









ball, racquet. net. shorts. trainers, I -shl rt

boots, gloves, shorts

ball, goggles, swimwear

boots, board, goggles, gloves

ball , net, shorts , t rainers. vest

swimwea r, board


: 0 to give Ss practice using vocabulary related to sportso to discuss and make a decision

. 'de Ss into pairs."-SK Ss to look at the pictu res and the notes below them.E.. p1ain any words and/or expressions in the tabl es that s s might not know.~ead and explain the t ip.-' - e Ss do the act ivity.

Channel your English T8 10

Lesson Three (continued)

writingo Aims: • to act ivate background knowledge

• to prepare 5s for the writi ng task• Ask Ss the questions and generate discussion.

Background Note:A website is a collection of webpages on the Internet. There are millions of websites to choose from.

EJ Aim: to identi fy purpose, audience and stylistic features of a teena ger's website

• Ask Ss to read through the website and answer the questions a-c.• Check answers.

Explain any words Ss might not know.

a. To give information about himself.b. Teenagers visiting his website and interested in answering back.c. Informal: e.g. Hello, that's not true, loads of fun, good workout, stuff, e-mail me.

optionalAsk 5s comprehension quest ions related to the website.e.g. Where is Sebastiao from? What does he like doing in his free time?

mmAim: to help Ss plan their writi ng and encourage them to include relevant information in it• Ask Ss to do the exercise.• Checkanswers.

name 0age 0

where you live 0 school subjects you like 0things you do with your friends 0 hobbies 0

4 Linking ideasAim:to give Ss practice linking sentences with and, so, but• Ask Ss to fi nd sentences from 5ebastiao's website including and, but and so.

e.g. but that's not true, and a good workout, so I don't have much time to see my fr iends.• Read and explain the tip and ask Ss to do the exercise.• Check answers.

a. There was no food in the fridge , so we ordered a pizza.b. Luke likes playing the guitar and going to the theatre.c. Jude heard a noise so/and he called the police.d. The car is very old, but it's in good condition.e. I'd love to come to your party. but I'm busy tonight.

5 Writing taskAim: to give Ss practice writing an e-mail about their hobbies• Read and explain the t ip.• Assign the writ ing task for homework.• Remind Ss that they need not divide the ir writ ing into paragraphs.


w rit ingDiscuss the following:

Imagine that you've decided to write an e-mail to Sebastiao .Tick which of the following you would include.

Do yo u use the Int ernet ? W hy/Why not ?• W hat is a webs i te? name age where you live

Read the website and answer the questions below. things you do with your fr iends

, Why has Sebastiao cr eated t h is webs i te?~ Who is going to read i t?

Do es Sebas t ia o use formal or in formallanguage? H ow do yo u know ?

family details schoo l subjects you like

hobbiesfuture plans places you've visited

- I!!IElD


Link your ideas. Use:

• and to join tUlo similar ideas.• but to join two opposite ideas.• so to show result .

4 Linking ideas

j~----------- --'-


Home.. G @]

ack Forward Slop Refresh

3e .Edit Y:iew F2vorites 100ls !:ielp

-,pess I~~~~ebast iaosao .com ::::J



'. y name is Sebastiao

and I'm 17. Welcome

to my website. I live

Sao Paolo, Brazil.

eenagers here love

oarties, music and

dancing. Most people

ink that football is the only sport we play here, but

that's not true. We also like to shoot hoops. I usually

olay basketball with some kids from my

"8ighbourhood. It's loads of fun and a good workout.

I also do creative stuff like arts and crafts. At the

moment, I'm working on a personal scrapbook, so I

don't have much time to see my friends. Maybe it's

"me consuming, but I love it' What about you?

E-mail me,

Join the sentences below using and, but or so.

a. There w as no food in the fr idge. We ordere d a pizza.

b. Luke likes pl aying the guitar. He likes going t o the

theatre .

c. Jude heard a noise downstairs. He called the police.

d . The car is very old. It's in go od condi t ion.

e. I'd love to com e to yo ur party. I 'm busy tonight.

5 Writing taskNow write an e-mail to Sebastiao, tellin g him about yourhobbies. Mention what teenagers in your country like todo in their free time, too. Use the ideas you have tickedin the plan , as well as linking words. Your e-mail shouldbe between 80 and 100 words.

When lJOU write an e-mail:• Use informallan9uage.• Include only relevant information.• Link lJour ideas.

•iii 17---- - ------ --'-'

Channelyour English 11

Lesson One

presentat ionIIBefore you read the dialogue, look at the

picture. Which of the girls do you thinksays the following? Why?

It was fantastic! II don't want another go. IIIt was ho r rible ! I {Iwa s so embarrassedi]

\y"ot a very good idea]

EJ Listen and check your answers in 1. SEJ Read the dialogue and put th e foll owing

events in the order in which they happened.Write 1-7 in the boxes.

a . The roller coaster jolted.b . Alice bought a hot dog .

c. Alice refused to get on the roller coaster.d . The roller coaster stopped upside down.e . Alice started eating the hot dog.f. Alice covered the boy with mustard and


g. Alice and Hannah got on the roller coaster.









Well, Alice, shall we have another go?I don't want to go on a roller coaster everagain. It was horrible!What are you talking about? It was fanta stic!The bit where we stopp ed and were hang ingupside down was wicked!Hannah, I don't think that was supposed tohappen. Something went wrong .Maybe you're right , but who cares? It was greatfun .Anyway, you wer e sitt ing at the back. It was alot more scary at the front, believe me.Was it? I'm going to sit at the front this time,then.We're not going on it again! Anyway, I'm not , Ican't.Why not? Are you still scared?It's not only that. Remember the hot dog Ibought before we got on the roller coaster?




Ha nnahAlice

Yeah... You finished it before we got on, didn't you?No, I didn 't have time, so I hid it inside mycoat .You didn't!When we started moving, I tried to eat it.Not a very good idea.Tell me about it! As I was eating, theroller coaster jolted suddenly and I dropped thehot dog on the boy next to me .Not that cute guy in the whit e shirt !It's not white anymore. I covered him inketchup and mustard. I was so embarrassed!How funny!Don't laugh. While you were having fun, I wasmaking a fool of myself. And there's more .The roller coaster operator went nuts andthreatened to throw me out of the amusementpark. Now, maybe you understa nd why I don'twant another go.

The expressions below show feelings. Listen and repeat th em.

intonationD Discuss th e following:

• Should Alice go on the roller coasteragain? Why/Why not?

• Have you ever been in a situationwhere you felt embarrassed?

12 Channel your English

It was fantastic!How funny!

It was horrible!How awfu l!

I was so embarrassed!It was great fun!

teacher's notes 02Functions t"

HannahIt was fantastic!Not a very good idea.

intonation SAim: to present and practise intonation in expressions

showing feelings• Play the tape and pause after each expression.• Ask Ss to repeat the expressions while you makemovements with your hand to show the rising tone (forpositive expressions, situations or feelings) or falling tone(for negative expressions, sit uations or feelings) in eachexpression.

It was fantastic! (rising tone)How funny! (rising tone)How awful! (fa lling tone)It was hor rible ! (falli ng tone)I thought it was great! (rising tone)I was so embarrassed! (falling tone)

optionalIf there is time, you may ask Ss more questions.e.g. What age groups usually go to amusement parks?

Are amusement parks popular in your country?

l.b 2.g 3.e 4.a 5.f 6.d 7.c

• When this activity is over, ask Ss some more questions.e.g. Why does Hannah want to sit at the front?

Why was Alice embarrassed?What did the roller coaster operator threaten to doto Alice?

• Encourage Ss to guess the meaning of newvocabulary such as roller coaster and amusement park.

AliceIt was horrible!I don't want another go.I was so embarrassed!

EJ Aims: • to check overall comprehension of thedialogue

• to sequence• Ask Ss to read sentences a-g.• Ask Ss to uncover the dialogue so that they can readand listen at the same time. Play the tape again .• Ask Ss to underline words and expressions they are notfam iliar with , but tell them not to worry about unknownwords at this stage.• Ask Ss which of the events a-g happened first.• Give Ss time to put the rest of the events in order.• Check Ss' answers and ask them to providejustification.

Note: Draw Ss' attention to the question: Remember thehot dog I bought before we got on the roller coaster?Point out to Ss that the personal pronouns andauxiliary verbs are sometimes omitted in questionsin everyday speech.a Aim: to enourage 5s to relate the topic of the

dialogue to personal experience andpreferences

• Ask Ss to look at the questions and discuss them.

resent at ion

Showing feelingsExpressing opinions

arrating past events

:::i ona l: J may ask a few more questions:_ Where are the girls?

What are they doing?hat might they be talking about?

Aims: • to listen to the dialogue and check predictions• to understand the gist of the dialogue

• -- Ss to cover the dialogue, look at the picture and3-:. caref ully. Play the tape. S• _ s uss answ ers.

• . to present vocabulary, structures and functions inthe context of a dialogue between two teenagerstalk ing about a day at an amusement park

Aim: to use visual and verbal information to predictthe content of the dialogue

• -- Ss to look at the picture and discuss the questions.can also introduce the girls' names to Ss (Alice is

- - ~ ieuer one wearing the red top).


Vocabulary related to feelings and opinions

a vful nastyrilliant nervous

dlsgust tng sca ry / sca redembarrassed super

orrible terrific

Conversational Englishgo nuts Who cares?

"ell me about it wicked!

" at are you talking about?

therwordsand expressions

- usement park hide

ce supposed to jolt

: ase (v) make a fool of oneself

: 'e operator

(n) roller coaster-;~ vrong throw out-ang upside down

Channel your English 18 12

Lesson One (continued)

1 Conversational English

(8) started(9) took

(10) ran(11) were chasing(12) stoppe d(13) saw

(1) happened(2) were walki ng(3) had(4) caught(5) were(6) were enjoy ing(7) came

oral practice

PAST SIMPLE• Completed actions in t he pastThe bit where we stopped... was wicked!Something went wrong.I covered him in ketchup and musta rd.

• Actions that happened one after ano t her...the hotdog I bought before we got on the roller coaster?You finished it before we got on, didn't you?I didn 't have time, so I hid it inside my coat.When we started moving, I tried to eat it.The roller coaster operator went nuts and threatened tothrow me out of the amusemen t park.

PAS'y PROGRESSI VE• Incomplete actions in the past...we were hanging upside down...As I was eating...

• .Act ions t hat were happening at t he same time inthe past

While you were having fun, I was making a fool ofmyself.

• Background informationAnyway, you were sitting at the back.

Aims: • to practise the st ructures, funct ions andvocabulary prese nte d in this lesson in thecontext of a dialogue

• to excha nge personal information• Divide Ss into pairs .• Tell t hem to choose one of t he places at theamusement park and engage in shortconversations using the prompts in the box.• Ma ke sure that Ss unde rstand what the words on themap mean and provide explanat ions if necessary.• Point out to Ss that they should use the Past Simpleand the Past Progressive. They shou ld also tr y to useexpressions which show thei r feelings whi le discussing.• Have Ss do the activity.

EJ Aim: to practise the uses of the Past Simple and thePast Progressive

• Ask Ss to read the part of the letter to get the gistwithout worr ying about the missing words .• Have Ss do t he activity.• Check answe rs and ask Ss to provide ju stifi cati on.• If t ime is scarce, ass ign the exercise for homework .

I was/telt.;sca redangryem bar rassedgladnervous

It was badhorribleawfuldisgust ingnastyterrible

It was goodfantasticbrilliantsuperterrificwonderful

a. What are you talking about?b. was wickedc. who cares?d. tell me about ite. went nuts

Aim: to match the examples of conversationalEnglish in the dialogue with the ir mea nings

• Ask Ss to do the act ivity.• Check answers.

2 Adjectives expressing opinionsand feelings

words and phrases

Aims: • to introduce adjectives expressing opinions andfee lings

• to practise the usage of these adjectives• Ask Ss to read the adjectives in the box.• Explain any words Ss might not know and/or provideexamples.• Tell Ss that in the f irst two columns they sho uld includeadjectives describing situations, people or t hings , wh ile inthe thi rd one they should include adjectives desc ribinghow people feel. Demonst rate this by using the adjectiveswhich have already been given as examples.• Have Ss do the exercise .• Check answers.

qrammarIIAims: • to present some of the uses of the Past

Simple and the Past Progressive as shownin the dialogue

• to demonstrate the differences between thetwo tenses

• Ask Ss to read through the cha rt. Ensure that Ssunderstand the terms used . If necessary, provideexplanations.• Ask Ss to complete the chart with examples from thedialogue.• Elicit and check answers .

13 TB Channel your English

ords and phrases1 Conversational English

EJ This is part of a letter a girl has written to a friend.Complete the blanks with the Past Simple or thePast Progressive of the verbs in brackets.

--=-: : ..

: - :. ground information

W here / y ou / be / when / power cut?What / you / do?What / happen?

How / you / feel?

Now, you'll neverguess what (1) \(happen) to me yesterday. As we (2)----­(walk) home from school, Joan (3)----­(have) an idea. "Let 's go to the beach, girls,"shesaid. "It's a warm day and we could have a swim."50 we (4) (catch) the bus

andafter30 minutes we (5) -------­

(be) in the sea. As we (6) -------­(enjoy) ourswim, a gTVuP ofboys (7)----'--

(come) along and (8) ,(start) making fun ofus. They even (g)----(take) ourclothes and (10) --

(run) off As we (11)__----­(chase) them across the street, a car (12)----

(stop) and I (13) (see)

that it was my dad.

Work in pairs. Imagine that you went to an amusementpark with a friend and that you were in two differentplaces when there was a power cut. Now, you have metyour friend again. Look at the map below, choose whereyou were and ask and answer questions using theprompts in the box.

oral practice


I was/felt...


It was bad• was good

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

0:-- ns that happened one after the other

~:-- ~ s that were happening at the ,same time in the past

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

OTE: Do not "use the Past Progressive to::: : ":J€ habits in the past. Use the Past Simple or

rien I was young, we went / used to go on~ Iiday by the sea.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

: : ....plete actions in the past

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

:e the adjectives in the box under the correct heading.

~ I d examples of the Past Simple and the Past:l ogresslve in the dialogue and use them toc mplete the chart below.

1'11fJm~ ---,leted actions in the past

angry awful brilliant disgustingem bar r assed glad nasty nervoussuper terrific terrible wonderful--_....

2 Adjectives expressing opinions andfeelings

- = don 't agree

- . as great

- ~ doesn 't matter

_ - com plet ely agree with you _

- ;ot an gr y

five examples of conversational English in the: - ogue and match them with the meanings given.

Channel your English 13

­~..--•! -_ .;re':7~~ ': ~~"£

• ~ T_ ~ •

Lesson Two

readingo Read the title, the introductory paragraph and the

headings of the three paragraphs of the text. Try toguess what each paragraph is about.

Read th e text quic kly and check the predictionsyou made in 1.


Nick and Jill Robertson were bored

with spending their holidays in a

bungalow by the beach every year.

So, last year they decided to stay in

an igloo in the Antarctic for twelve

months instead. "Before we set off,

we had to promise that we wouldn't

ask to be saved because rescue

operations during winter months are

impossible," said Jill. After full training,

they were given all the necessary

equipment, including a satellite

communication device to keep in

touch."The only sound we heard

was the wind. It was always dark and

we got very lonely," said Nick.


Eric Dijon's dream was to go on a

trip to space. The closest he could

get to it was flying in a Russian

MiG-2S.This is actually a rocket

with wings and two seats. Back on

the ground, after his exciting

experience, Eric said:"1 was feeling

nervous while I was waiting with

my crash helmet and oxygen mask

on, ready for the big take-off at

seven in the morning. The engines

started roaring and in a split

second the rocket shot up in the

air. It was brilliant but terrifying. My

heart was in my mouth when the

pilot did one of those loops."


It's amazing how some people's nightmares

can be other people's dreams.Take Kim Jones,

for example. Most people would stay on

board - not dive into the sea - around

Walker's Cay in the Bahamas, especially when

there are sharks about. "You might say I'm out

of my mind," said Kim,"but swimming with

sharks is my idea of fun." Kim didn't dive in a

safe cage as most of us would. She went down

wearing only her scuba gear.That way she was

free to touch the sharks, even feed them. Of

course, they were only Caribbean Reef sharks,

not Great Whites, but what if they took a

liking to her legs?That didn't see m to bother

Kim at all.'They were lovely. I wou ldn't mind

having one as a pet," she added.

a. had fun doing something which others consider crazy?b . couldn't be reached if help was needed?

c. had one dream, but tried somet h ing else instea d?d. didn't think the holiday experience \ 'as dangerous at all ?e. got fed up with always doing he same hing?f. felt scared and excit ed at the same time?

~D Read each paratjraph carefulllJrand (ook for the specific

information which is mentioned in eachof the questions. TrlJ to find words orphrases which are related to thequestions.

EJ Read the text again and answer the following questions. Write the correct letter (R for Nick and Jill Robertson , 0for Eric Dijon, or J for Kim Jones) in the boxes provided.

Which holiday-maker(s) .. .

14 Channel your English

teacher's notes 02

.Voca bulary 0

- 0o . ~

bulary relatedto feelings andopinions. ~

~~ zed / amazing~--oyed / annoying:: 'ed / boring?"~~ rrassi ng

= : O,ed / exciting

• Ask Ss to read the text again paragraph by paragraphand ask them comprehension quest ions.e.g. How long did Nick and Jill Robertson stay in an

igloo in the Antarctic?How did Eric Dijon feel before the take-off?Why didn 't Kim Jones drive in a safe cage?

o Explain unknown words.

EJ Aim: to read for detail and understand specificinformation

o Read and explain the t ip.o Ask Ss to answer one or two of the questions andassign the rest of the activity for homework.

a: Jb: Rc: Dd: Je: Rf: D

optional post-reading activityAsk Ss questions of personal response related to thetopic of the reading text.e.g. What do you think of these people?

Would you ever attempt any of these?Note: You do not need to ask deta iled questions aboutNick and Jill Robertson at th is stage as you will ask Ssmore questions about the m at the pre-listen ing stage.

loopoxygen maskrescue operationroar (v)satell iteta ke-off

ords andphrasesunicat ion

=.::- helmet

=-::: g point

__ :e

asal verbs andotherexpressions

:; split second set offsearch of shoot up

=-=:::: On touch take a liking to-eart is in my mouth the closest I get to_ ard

.: ~ ; my mind

: • to int roduce the topic of the reading text

through written prompts• to make predictions based on headingso read the t itle, the introductory paragraph and

- - ~ :; ~ 'ngs of the three paragraphs of the text.• e . Ss 0 guess what each paragraph is about and

-= :::e discussion.

- . to read for gist and check predictions

- - :::::: 0 read the first paragraph and check the ir-: ::.:; s.- c . :'5 ·0 do the same with the remaining paragraphs.=. ~:- answers.

_ -. ~ '$<: paragraph is about a t rip to the Antarct ic._ - . ~ - - nd paragraph is about a tri p in a Mig-25 .

- . := . - ord paragraph is about scuba diving with sharks.

Channel your English TB 14

2 Adjectives ending in -ed and -ing

What gave you the idea to do such a thing?Why would you want to do someth ing like that?Were you scared at all?Did you have any contact with the outside world?Did you feel lonely at all? (Though this doesn't appear asa question in the interview, it is actually implied.)

ListeningTranscript ~SA8 oage 120)

EJ Aim: to listen for specific information

• Read and explain the tip.• Ask Ss to read sentences a-f.• Explain any unknown words in the sentences.• Play the tape again.• Have Ss do the exercise. Check answers and ask Ss toprovide justification.

listening ®o Aims: • to expand on the topic of the reading text

• to present the topic of the listenin g text• Tell Ss to refer to the first paragraph in t he text onp.14 . Ask Ss to th ink of some questions that they wouldask Jill and Nick Robertson about the ir t rip.e.g, How did you find th is kind of experience?• Generate discussion and elicit answers.

EJ Aim: to listen fo r gist and check predictions

• Explain t he purpose of the act ivity to Ss. Tell them theyshould focus on the questions the interviewer asks theRobertsons to see if he includes any of t heir questions.• Play the tape.• Ss can take notes if they wish.• Ask Ss if any of their questions coincide with theinterviewer's.• Elicit and check answers.

• Before ea-,;; ea 2' :-3-e.g, s ge: ' u5e::-e- :E::-e e ;--: c ; cc-

• After mea ns a:e '-a- .e.g. l am ra er ~JsJ:c-& ' -: - :::ur: e gettogether after :1 '" - c cc-

• Ago is used it • e ::>cs' S~: e. : 3 a.s g s at th eend of the sentence.e.g. I got back from sc .' J -~J "- a",

• By means not later thae.g. I will have finished doirg ""J - ) six o'clock.

EJ Aim: to practise th e use of pre . ' 0 s of t ime

• Have Ss do the exercise and c ec ' a s• If time is scarce , assign t he exerci e fo

d. amazinge. annoyedf . excit ing

d. shot upe. on boardf. took a liking to

a. set offb. keep in touchc. in a split second

a. embarrassingb. worr iedc. te rrified

words and phrases

at six o'c lock / the age of six / Christmason Monday / 8 Novemberin May / spr ing / 1999 / the 20th centuryin the morning / the afternoon / th e eveningat noon / night / midday / midnighton a winter night / a cold morning / a Sunday morning

Aim: to present and practise the differences betweenadjectives ending in -ed and -ing

• Ask Ss to read the examples and discuss the way thetwo adjectives are used .• Point out to Ss that adjectives ending in -ing describesomeone or something, while adjectives ending in -eodescribe how somebody feels . Point out theexamples.• Ask Ss to do the exercise.• Check answers.

• Introduce the rest of the prepositions of time, explaintheir use and give examples.• for + a period of time (to show how long someth ing lasts)

e.g. I have been learning English for six years.• during + a definite period of time e.g. We met Jane andPaul during our holiday.• from + a point of time toj until + a point of t ime

e.g. I work from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm every day fromivionday to Friday.

Aim: to match phrasal verbs and other expressions fromthe text with their meanings

• Ask Ss to refer to the text.• Have Ss do the exercise individually or in pairs.• Check answers.

1 Phrasal verbs and other expressions

Lesson Two (continued)

grammaro Aim: to revise the use of prepositions of time

• Tell Ss to refer to the text and underline all theprepositions of time in it .• Ask them to complete the table.• Check answers and discuss the use of on, in and at.

15 18 Channel your English

ords and phrases1 Phrasal verbs and other expressions

- d phrasal verbs and other expressions in the text on- ge 14 and match them with the meanings given.

3. be gan a journey

:; stay in contact

- in a very short time

- m oved quickly upwards _

c on a ship or p lane

','ere attracted to

2 Adjectives ending in -ed and -ing

- ead the following sentences. What is the difference- - een bored and boring?

_.ick and Jill Robertson were bored withspen din g their holidays in a bungalow by thebeach every year.Sally' s husband is the most boring person I haveever met.

_.'de the correct word in each sent ence.

3. t 's so embarrassing / embarrassed when my

fat her shows my childhood pictures to my


. Diana has trouble sleeping at night because

she is very w orrying / w orried about her job

inter v iew .

c. John was terrifying / t errified when he heard a

scr eam .

. David Beckham is an amazin g / amazed player

to w at ch live.

e. Craig gets annoying / annoyed when his little

sist er wants to go ou t with his friends .

s: Bungee jumping is an excited / excitingexper i en ce.

rammarLook at the text on page 14 and underline all theprepositi ons of t ime. Then, complete the table belowwith on, in or a t.

six o'clock / the age of six / Christmas

Monday / 8 November

May / spring / 1999 / the 20th century

the morning / the afternoon / the evening

noon / night I midday / midnight

a winter night / a cold morning/ a Sunday afternoon

Other prepositions of time:for during from to until before after ago by


EJ Complete the sentences with prepositions of time.

a. Dad decid ed to change careers the

age of 40.

b. I'm leaving for Venice 16 Octobe r.

c. There were no computers the 19th


d. We always exchange presents _


e. Mum usually prepares a light dinner _

the evening.

f. She used to work 9:00 am _

9:00 pm when she was younger.

g. They only got here twenty minutes _

h. I'm af raid you must have th is ready _


i. The sto ry begins a cold winter night

in a snow-covered city.

listening ®o Imagine that you are

interviewing Jill and NickRobertson , the couple youread abou t, who spenta year in the Antarct ic.Wha t questions would youask them about th eir t rip?

EJ You wi ll hear an interviewwith Jill and Nick Robertso nabout th eir t rip. Whatquesti ons does theinterviewer ask? Does heinclude any of your questi ons?

EJ Listen again and answer the fo llowing questions bywriting N for Nick, J for Jil l or B for both .

l~~,. Read the questions carefulflj beforef /istenintj. This will tj;,/e ljou an idea of what

ljou are tjointj to hear and wilf make it easier for ljouto find the answe rs.

a. Who sent an e-mail?

b. Who doesn't like being asked why they went?

c. Who enjoyed the tra ining course?

d. Who had a problem with the communication device?

e. Who fell into an ice-hole?

f. Who was scared by the light?

Channe l your English 15

words and phrases

A lot of adjectives are formed by adding a suffix to a verb or a noun.

o Look at the adjectives below a nd write how they are formed as in the example.

enjoyable verb len jOIJI + able








EJ Complete the sentences below with adject ives. Use the words in capitals and the correct suffix (-y, -ful , -able , -aI,-ous, -ive, -ea or -ing).

a . Your hands are very ! Go and wash them.

b. The film we saw last night was not very _

c. I decided to make some changes to the house.

d . Britney Spears is a talented and po p singer.

e. You have to be very when you drive in the rain.

f. Eating too much chocolate can be to your health.

g. Mrs Glenda Wizz claims to have powers .

h . We don't know much about him; he's so _









speakingWork in small groups. Make up a story using as many of the pictures and prompts in the box as possible. Then, tellyour story to the class and listen to the other groups' stories.



be lost







16 Channel your English

- ----- - - ------- - - - - - - - - - -

teacher's notes 02

Words related to feelings and opinionsdisappointed enjoyable impressive relieved shocked thrilled

Otherwordsandexpressionsabrupt ly captureacting claim

reak down driveway

words and phrases

Word building

Aim:to introduce adjective suffixes

go out (lights)hurtinvite sb over

knock overmesspull into

reactsmash againstspoil

trip overunfortunately

• Read and explain the introd uctory comment.• Discuss the example given and ensure that Ss understand how adjectives are formed .• Explain any words Ss might not know.• Have Ss do the exercise and check answers.

noun (success) + fulnoun (luck) + ynoun (music) + alnoun (danger) + ous

verb (disappoint) + edverb (annoy) + ingverb (impress) + ive

Aim: to practise adjective formation

• Ask Ss to comp lete each sentence with an adjective by adding the correct suffix to the end of the wordscapitals.

• Explain any unknown words.• Have Ss do the exercise.• Check answers.• Point out to Ss that the final -n in fun is doubled before -y is added, while the fina l -y in mystery ischanged to an -i and then we add the suff ix -ous.

Key •a. dirtyb. fu nnyc. usefuld. attract ive


e. carefulf . harmfu lg. magicalh. mysterious

Aim: to make up a story using visual and written prompts• Make sure that Ss kriow all the words which appear in the box. Provide any explanat ions if necessary.• Ask Ss to make up a story using as many of the pictures and prompts in the box as possible.• Allow Ss some t ime to come up with a story. Tell them to take notes and expand on them in order to tell the ir sto ry.• Have Ss do the activity.

Channel your English TB 16

Lesson'Three (continued)

writingEI Aim: to prepare 5s for the writing task through discussion related to personal experiences

• Ask 5s the questions and generate discuss ion.

EJ Aims: • to read for gist• to identify the stylistic features of a story

• Ask 5s to read the story and answer quest ions a-c.• Check answers.• Explain any words Ss might not know.

a. The introductory paragraph sets the scene/ describes the background of the story.The f irst paragraph of the main part describes how the story sta rted.The second paragraph descr ibes how the story developed.The f inal/concluding paragrap h ends the story and makes a short comme nt on it.

b. The writer uses the Past Simple and the Past Progressive since the story is about a past event. Time linkers such aswhen, while and as are used throughout the story.

c. She makes her story more interesti ng by using the following:direct speech , adjectives showing feeli ngs (bored, shocked, disappointed), other interestin g expressions / phrases(unfortunately, but there was more to come), phrasal verbs emphasising some kind of motion (invite over, knockover, flow up, trip over, pull into).

optionalAsk Ss comprehension questions about the story.e.g. Why did she invite some friends over?

What happened while they were dancing?

Aim: to help 5s organise their ideas and plan their writing• Read and explain the t ip.• Have Ss do the exercise.• Check answers .

What happened when the lights went out?Did her parents punish her in the end?

How did you feel?

What happened?

What happened in the end?

What were you doing?

••·.r•.. ' ..:.When did thestory take place? :' :' : '. : •

.t .t ;{

.t .tWhatdid you/the other peopledo?

Who were you with?

Where were you?

Has it changed your life?



Aim: to introduce and practise some narrative techniques• Read and explain the tip .• Ask Ss to find sentences from the story in 2 including while and as.

e.g. While we were dancing... As I was trying to clean up... As my friends were leaving...• Ask Ss to do the exercise.• Check answers.

a. While we were driving to the airport, the car broke down.b. The music was terrific, but the acting was terrible.

c. As I was trying to ope t r e ::: :'d. "What an awful f ilm! ~e - - c.

Aim:to give ss practice writing a story• Assign the writing task for homework .• Remind Ss that it is important to follow the plan they have made and vrite tr-e r s.c ~ s ~ s:_ ::c acestyle.

17 TB Channel your English

writingD Discuss the following:

• What could go wrong in yournormal routine and spoil yourday?

• How do you usually reactwhen something goes wrong?

EJAgirl has taken part in a short storycompetition organised by her school.She had to write a story entitledA day at home when everything wentwrong. Read her story and answerthe questions below.

a. What is the main point of each of

the paragraphs in the story?

b. What tenses and time linkers does

the writer use in the story?

c. What does the writer do to make

her story more in te rest in g?

LastSaturday evming myparents were away and I was homealone. I was bored, so I invited some[riends over:

Whm they came they broughtsome CDs with them, and wedecided to have a small party.While we were dancing, my best[riend Lisa knod<ed over a smalltable. Mum's [avoutite vase flew upin the airandsmashed against theTV. "I'm so sorry! I didn 't see itwas behind me,"she said. I was soshocked!

As I was trying to dean up themess, the lights went out and wecouldn't see anything. UnfOrtunately,Lisa 's brother Neil tripped over themess andhurt his knee. I wasdisappointed my partyendedabruptlv, but then was even moreto come...

As my ji-imds were leaving, myparents ' car was pulling into thedriveway. My 5atll1day wasspoiled andso werr the next ftwdays.


UD Before LJou start writintJ, plan LJour stonj carefu((LJ andr:~,r which points to include in each paraqraph, _'

- ~

You have decided to take part in a short story competition organised bythe local Youth Club. You will have to write a story entitled A day out withfriends when everything went wrong. Look at the following questions anddecide in which paragraph each of them should be answered. Somequestions are related to more than one paragraph.

•.•.~.•~ .•..: ' .. " .. • I" ..: I. . .. .... ..". .." . .. ..

When did the story take place?How did you fee l?What happened?What happened in the end?What were you doing?What did you / the other people do?Who were you with?Where were you?Has it changed your life?

4 Improving your style

U D When LJou write a storq, use past tenses, (mostlLJ Past Simple~'r and Past Proqressiue), as we((as time linkers ( when,

white, as). rrLJ to make LJour stonj interestinq to the reader bLJusinq:• a rlarietLJ of adiectiues and adverbs• questions and exclamations• direct speech

Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets and makingall the necessary changes.

a. We were driving to the airport and the car broke down. (wh i le)

b. The music was very good, but the acting was very bad. (terrible, terrific)

c. I tried to op en t he door an d at that m om en t my key broke. (as)

d. H e said the film w as awfu l : (w h at )

5 Writing task

Now write your story for the comp etiti on. Use the plan you have madein 3 and wr ite it in an appropriate style according to the tips given.Your story should be between 120 and 150 words.

Channel your English 17

Lesson One

Chloe I suppose so. Now, you have a go.Ryan Erm .. . Let me see .. . Yellow, I think.Chloe Just a minute, you're cheerful and creative.Ryan Too right!Chloe And you love artistic things .Ryan That's not me.Chloe You're right, that 's Simon. He's the artistic type ,

isn't he?Ryan He doesn't often wear yellow, though.Chloe Speak of the devil! Hi Simon!Simon Hi guys, what 's up?Ryan What have you been doing? You're covered in

paint !Simon I've been paint ing my room.Ryan What colour?Simon Yellow, why?Chloe What else!

Did you know that the colouryou like reveals loads aboutyour character? Spend tenseconds focusing your

mind on the colours below..~,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~Which one att racts yourattention?

a . People w ho like red are

usually shy.b. Chl oe 's school parties were

a success.c. Ryan thinks that Chloe is

a leader.

d . People who like ye lloware good at art .

e . Ryan and Chl oe aresurprised that Simonpainted his room yellow.

Ryan You've been reading that magazine for ages now.What's in it?

Chloe I'm doing a quiz about colours and personality.Ryan Let me see . Ah, I've done one of those before.

Which colour did you choose?Chloe Red.Ryan And what does it say?Chloe It says I'm confident and outgoing, but I'm also

bossy.Ryan That's true .Chloe It also says that I'm a leader.Ryan What? I don't know about th at.Chloe Why not? I've organised every school party since

the first year.Ryan And everyone was a right mess!Chloe I see what you mean, but at least I did my best.Ryan That makes you ambitious, not a leader.


• Which colour did you choose?• Do yo u t h in k that the colour yo u

chose can really reveal a lot aboutyour personality?

EJ Listen to two people talking 1!!1abou t the quiz. Do they agreewith the results of the quiz?

EJ Read the dialogue and decide if thefollowing statements are True orFalse. Write T or F in the boxes.

o Look at the colour quiz fro m amagazine, follow the instructionsand discuss the following:

D Turn to page 106and check what thequiz says about thecolour you chose.Do you agree withthe results?

intonationThe expressions below show agreement or disagreement. Listen and repeat them.

I agree . That's t rue . You 're right. Too right! I s uppose so .I don 't know about that. I see w hat you mean, but... I'm afraid I don't agree.

18 Channel your English

Funct ions

:>::scribing one's personality~press i ng agreement and disagreement

:>'esent Perfect Simpl e:>'esent Perfect Progressive


ords describing personality:; bit ious art isti c bossy cheerful confidenteader outgoing shy stubborn

Expressions showingagreementor disagreementcon't know about that. I suppose so....., afraid I don't agree. That 's t rue.see what you mean, but.. . You're right.

teacher's notes 03EJ Aim: to check comprehension of specific information

in the dialogue• Ask Ss to read statements a-e.• Ask Ss to uncover the dialogue so that they can readand listen at the same time. Play the tape again.• Ask Ss to underline words and express ions they are notfamiliar with , but tell them not to worry about unknownwords at t his stage.• Ask Ss to decide on the fi rst statement.• Ask Ss to work out the answers to the rest of thestatem ents .• Check Ss' answe rs and ask them to providejustification.

a. Fb. Fc. Fd. Te. F

Aim: to generate discussion related to personalopinion and preference

k Ss to do the colour quiz.• Ask Ss to look at the questions and discuss them.

- : to present vocabulary, structures and functions inthe context of a dialogue between two teenagerstalking about the relation between colour choicesand personality

nversational English:; right mess: J one's best


er wordsand phrases:;::ract one's attention:' ss one' s mind::J one's best:= austed


'.Speak of the devil!That's not me.What 's up?

focus onrevealscenetake a break

• When th is activity is over, ask Ss some more questions.e.g. What does the quiz say about people who like red?

What does the quiz say about people who likeyellow?

• Ask Ss to underline the expressions used in thedialogue to show agreement or disagreement.• Encourage Ss to guess the meaning of new vocabularysuch as ambitious, bossy, cheerful , confident, creative ,outgoing, speak of the devil. Provide any furtherexplanat ions if necessary.

o Aim: to encourage Ss to relate the topic of thedialogue to personal opinion and preference

• Ask Ss to do the quiz. Tell them that they are notsupposed to choose their favourite colour but the onewhich attracts their attention.• Have Ss read the results on p. 106 and expla in anywords they might not know. Ask Ss if they agree ordisagree with the results.• Generate discussion.• Encourage Ss to use some of the express ions show ingagreement and disagreement.

intonation SAim: to listen for gist '

• -\sk Ss to cover the dialogue, look at the colou r quiz:;~d listen carefully. Play the tape .S• Discuss answers .

-~ ey agree on some th ings but not on everything.

Aim: to present and practise intonation in expressionsshowing agreement and disagreement

• Play the tape and pause after each expression .• Ask Ss to repeat the expressions.

Channel your English TB 18

Lesson One (continued)

words and phrases1 Conversational English

Aim: to match the examples of conversational Englishin the dialogue with their meanings

• Ask Ss to do the act ivity.• Check answers.

EJ Aim: 0 present the basic uses of the PresentPe ec Simple and the Present PerfectProgressive as shown in the dialogue

• Ask Ss ~ reac ~ rough th e tables and ensure that theyund ers and tr-e ~e' s used. If necessa ry, provideexplanat io s.• Tell Ss · 0 ree r · 0 ~ e extracts in 1.• Ha e Ss do ~ e e .ercise.• Check ans vers.

Present Perfect Simple:I've done one of those before.I've organised every school party since the first year.

Present Perfect Progressive:You've been reading that magazine for ages now.I've been painting my room.

• Point out to Ss that the Present Perfect Simpleemphasises the result of an act ion , whi le the PresentPerfect Progressive emphasises the duration of anaction.e.g, I have written three letters this morning.

I've been writing letters all morning.• Read and explain the note. If necessary, providefu rther examples or ask Ss to make their own.

(1) have always wanted(2) crossed(3) got(4) have played(5) have done(6) have been working(7) have ever played(8) have been doing

EJ Aim: to practise the uses of the Present PerfectSimple, the Present Perfect Progressive andthe Past Simple

• Ask Ss to read through the extract of the interview toget the gist.• Explain any words Ss might not know.• Ask Ss to complete the blanks. .• Check answers and ask Ss to justify them.• If time is scarce, assign the exercise for homework.


I & • I·


Aim: to introduce adjectives describing personalityand distinguish between positive and negativemeaning

• Ask Ss to do the act ivity.• Check answe rs.

• No, we don 't. Ryan is talking about something he hasdone inhis life before.The Present Perfect Simp le

• No, she hasn't.The Present Perfect Progressive

• No, she hasn 't.The Present Perfect Simple

• Because he has been paint ing his room.No, he isn 't.The Present Perfect Progressive

a. a right messb. did my bestc. have a god. What 's up?

grammaro Aim: to elicit some of the uses of the Present

Perfect Simple and the Present PerfectContinuous as presented in the dialogue

• Ask Ss the first set of questions.• Tell Ss to refer to the dialogue.

Elicit and check answers.• Do the same for the rest of the sets of questions.

19 TB Channel your English

words and phrases1 Conversational English

Find four examples of conversational English in thedialogue and match them with the meanings given .

a. a disaster

b . t r ied as hard as I cou ld

c. try

d . How is it going?

EJ Complete the tables below with an example of eachuse of the Present Perfect Simple and the PresentPerfect Progressive. You may refer to the extracts in 1.

• an act ion which happened in the past, but the exactt ime is not mentioned.

e.g. _

• an action which started in the past and continues up tothe present (emphasis on the action).

e.g. _

• I ~ •

I ' • I'• an action or situat ion which started in the past and

cont inues up to the present (emphasis on the duration).

Write the words in the box in the correct category.



ou t goingshy

bossy cheerfulstubborn lazy-_.-


e.g. _

• an action which happened over a period of time in thepast and may have finished, but its results are obviousin the present.

e.g. _

NOTE: Use the Past Simple for act ions which happenedin the past and the exact time is mentioned.

e.g. Ryan did the quiz yesterday.

EJ Read the extract from an interview with a film star.Complete the blanks with the Present PerfectSimple, the Present Perfect Progressive or the PastSimple of the verbs in brackets.

grammarLook at the extractsfrom the dialogue andanswer the questionsthat follow.

e done one of those before.

) 0 we know exactly when Ryan did one of those tests?, hich tense is used?

• ou've been reading that tnegezine for ages now.

as Chloe finished reading the magazine?hich tense is used?

e organised every school party since the first year.

-ias Chloe stopped organis ing school parties?,hich tense is used?

• ' hat have you been doing? You're covered in paint! "-/ e been painting my room."

y is Simon covered in paint?s he st il l painting his room?, ich tense is used?

...Th e trut h is th at I (I) (always

w ant ) to be an actor.T he idea first (2) _

(cross) my mind when I (3) _

(get) a role in a schoo l play back in the eighties.

Since th en I (4) (play) in many

films and I (5) (do) several plays

too... I (6) (work)

on my new film for several

months now and I'm really

enjoying it. It's one of the most

interesting ro les I (7) _

(ever play). It's hard work,

though. Today I feel exhausted

because we (8) _

(do) the same scene all day.

Anyway, we 're finish ing soon,

so I can take a break...

Channel your English 19

readingo Before you read the text, discuss th e following :

• W hat are the advantages an d disadv ant ages ofbe in g t he oldest/youngest ch ild in the family?

• W hat are the advan tages and disadvantages ofbeing an only ch ild?

EJ Read the text quickly and decide whi ch head ing issuitable for each paragraph by writ ing 1-4 in the boxes.There is one extra heading which you do not need to use.

a. Responsib le but under pressureb . Super-con f ident and ambitiousc. Rel axed and outgoingd. Shy but fr ien dlye. D et er m ined and spoiled

F.I<.- _ IL ORWhether you're the only child, the eldest or the baby of the family

can say a lot about you and your future.

II If you 're the eldest,you 're multi-talented andcreative and you like to keepyourself busy. You believe inyourself and you were bornto lead and organ ise others.

You're a perfectionist andyou always want to be thebest, which means you cangive yourself a hard time ifyou don't succeed .Remember, nobody isperfect, so try not to worrytoo much .

You like to hang out withyour friends and you 're theleader of your group.However, you can be bossyand sometimes you forget toask your friends for theiropinion .

EJ If you 're in the middle,you 're good at keepingeverybody happy . As youhave to deal with older andyounger siblings, you'remore easy-going and youdon 't like to cause trouble.You are a good listener andany job that involves dealingwith people suits you.

Usually you don 't get asmuch attention as yourbrothers or sisters do , soyou have to fight for it. Youworry that you 'll be left out ifyou keep quiet.

You love meeting newpeople and you've got loadsof friends . Whatever plansyour friends make, you 'rewilling to agree with them.

EJ If you 're theyoungest, you like beingthe centre of attentionand you get a lot of itfrom your parents,perhaps too much. Thegreatest thing abouthaving older siblings isthat they pass oneverything they havelearnt.

You're much morecompetitive than yourbrothers and sisters andyou always want to proveyou are as good asthem.

You always think yourfriends have better ideasthan you. Why not speakup and surprise them?

II If you're an only child,you 're more mature thanpeople from larger families.You've got no problemsdealing with your teachersbecause you're alwaysaround adults. You lovebeing in charge, sowhatever job you do, you 'llbe a success in no time.

However, your parentscan give you a hard timebecause they always expectyou to do well. Why notremind them you can't beperfect all the time?

You're not very good atdealing with lots of peopleat once, so you preferhanging out with oneperson.

e. tries very h ar d to be like t h e others?

f. puts too much pressure on herself/himself?

g. talks to oth ers in an 'adu l t' way?

h . gains from ev eryone else's experien ce?

EJ Read the text again and answer th e following questions. Write E for eldest child, M for middle chil d, Y for younges tchild or 0 for only child in the boxes.

Which per son ...

. a. doesn' t like bein g in a large group of friends?

b . is very friendly with people?

c. doesn' t ask others what they think?

d . doesn ' t like to cause pr oblem s?

20 Channel your English

Vocabulary related to familyadult only child the eldest / middle / youngestchildfamily order sibling

fight (v)gaininclude

Words describingpersonality


Otherwordsachieveencloseexperience (n)


singlesuit (v)transportation

teacher's notes 03Key words and phrases

1. b. (you believe in yourselfyou always want to be the best)

2. c. (you're more easy-going and you don't like tocause troubleyou love meeting new people and you've go t loadsof friends )

3. e. (you like being the centre of attentionyou always want to prove you are as good as them )

4. a. (you're more maturethey always expect you to do well)

• Ask Ss to read the text again paragraph by paragraphand ask them comprehension questions.e.g. What do eldest children seem to worry about the

most?Why do middle child ren tend to willingly agree withtheir friends ' plans?What is the best thing about having older siblings?Why does an only child prefer hanging out withjust one person?

• Explain unknown words.

Otherphrases and expressionsat once keep oneself busybe in charge leave outbe under pressure pass ondeal with speak updo well Take it easy!Give me a break!give oneself a hard timehang out with

readingIIAim: to introduce the topic of the reading text

through an oral activity involving personalexperience and opinion

• Ask Ss the questions and generate discussion.

EJ Aim: to read for gist and match the headings withthe paragraphs in the text

• Ask Ss to read the headings.• Ask Ss to read the f irst paragraph , look out for keywords and choose the most suitable heading.• Check answers.• Ask Ss to read the rest of the paragraphs and matchthem with the remaining headings (Do point out to Ssthat there is one extra heading they do not need to use).• Ask Ss to look out for key words and phrases.• Check answers.

EJ Aim: to read for detail and understand specificinformation

• Assign this activity for homework.

a: 0b: Mc: Ed: Me: Yf: Eg. 0h:Y

optional post-reading activityAsk Ss some questions of personal response to theideas expressed in the reading text.e.g. Do you agree/ disagree with what the text says

about being an eldest!middle/youngest! onlychild?

Note: This should be a short discussion focus ing only onpersona l response to the ideas of the text, since youhave already held a similar discussion at thepre-reading stage.

Channel your English TB 20

Lesson Two (continued)

words and phrases1 Phrasal verbs

Aim: to match phrasal verbs and other expressions fromthe text with their meanings

• Tell Ss to refer to the text.• Have Ss do the exercise.• Check answers.

a. The comparatives and superlat ives of one-syllableadjectives are formed by adding the endings -er and-est.

b. The comparatives and superlatives of mult i-syllableadjectives are formed with more/most + adjective.

2 Words easily confused

a. hang outb. left outc. pass on

d. speak upe. in no tim ef. give yourself a hard t ime

EJ Aim: to present the structu re as... as... incomparisons

• Ask Ss to look at the example sentence from the text.• Then, ask them to read sentences a and b and decidewhich of the two has the same meaning as the examplefrom the text.• Elicit answers.

Sentence a has the same mean ing.

1. b (It's Pauline, you know, from next door)2. b (Sometimes I feel like he has no time for his littlebroth er with all that work he's got at Uni)3. a (Well, he has this know-it-all air and thinks thateveryone has to listen to him and follow his orders )

Aim: to identify speakers' roles, relationships andopinions

• Ask Ss to read through the quest ions and the opt ions.• Explain unknow n words if necessary.• Play the tape tw ice.• Have Ss do the exercise.• Check answers and ask Ss to provide justi ficat ion.

listeninq S

Suggested answers:

Trevor Jones is the oldest of all.Leroy White is younger than Trevor Jones.Leroy White is not so/as old as Trevor Jones.Mariah Spencer is the shortest of all.Trevor Jones is the most successful of all.Mariah Spence r is not so/as successful as Trevor Jones.Mariah Spencer is more popular than Leroy White.Leroy White is not so/as rich as Trevor Jones.

EJ Aim: to practise comparisons

• Ask Ss to read the adjectives in the box and then readthe informat ion in the table.• Provide Ss with an example if necessary.• Ask Ss to produce thei r own sentences. Tell them tothink of as many examples as possible using all theadjectives and the info rmation provided.• Have Ss do the activity and check answers.

c. believef. onlyi. achievedI. enclosed

b. Thinke. singleh.succeededk. involve

a. imagined. lonelyg. managej. includes

Comparativesolder, younger, more competitive , better, more mature,larger, more easy-goingSuperlativesthe best , the eldest, the youngest , the greatest

• Ask Ss to look at the underlined examples. Ask themthe questions.• Elicit and check answers.

Aim: to practise distinguishing between words that canbe easily confused

• Ask Ss to read the words in the boxes. Provide themwith examples and/or definit ions.only = no otherlonely = alone and unhappysingle = not mar riedsucceed in + gerundmanage + full inf init iveachieve somethinginvolve = to be a necessary part of sthinclude = when sth is part of a wholeenclose = to put something inside an envelope• Have Ss do the exercise.• Check answers .

grammarIIAim: to present the comparative and superlative

degree of adjectives• Ask Ss to underline the comparatives and superlativesin the text on p.20.• Have Ss do the activity.

ListeningTranscript (see page 121)

21 TB Channel your English


words and phrases grammar1 Phrasal verbs

Find phrasal verbs and other expressions in the text onpage 20 and match them with the mean ings given.

o Underline the: comparatives a~d superlatives in thetext on page 20 and then answer the followingquestions:

a. spend a lot of time in a place

b. not included

c. give to people who are younger _

d. express your opinion

e . soon

f . make thi ngs difficult for you

2 Words easily confused

a. How are the comparatives a nd superlatives ofone-sylla ble adjectives formed?

b. How are the comparatives and superlatives ofmulti-syllable adjectives formed?

EJ Look at the following sentence from the text anddecide which of the two sentences a or b meansthe same.

You don't get as much attention as your brothers orsisters do.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of thewords in the boxes.

believe think imagine

a . Your brothers and sisters get more attention than youdo.

b. Your brothers and sisters get less attention than youdo.

... . Mr and Mrs Martin felt when

a. Close your eyes and that

you 're lying on the beach .

b. Don't make a decision now. _

about it first.

. The people want a leader they can _

in .

only lonely single

EJ Look at the table below about three singers andmake true sentences. Use the adjectives in the box,comparatives, superlatives and not so/as... as... .

old young tall short successful popular rich

NAME AGE HEIGHT RECORDS SOLDLeroyWhite 27 1.85 1,000,000

Mariah Spencer 23 1.68 1,500,000

Trevor Jones 46 1.79 3,000,000

their chil dren m oved away.

e. Is Sheila or is she married?

Dave is the person who ca n

answer yo ur question.

listening SYou will hear people talk ing in three different situations.For questions 1-3, choose the best answer a. b or c.

card as a gift.

;. How do you to stay so slim?

a. Tim othy in getting into one

of the best universit ies in the country.

.. Trudy has a lot in her career

so far.

The price of the holiday a

return ticket, and transportation to and from

he ai rport .

. Does the job a lot of travelling?

He a cheque in the birthday

1. Listen to a woman talking on the phone. Whois she talking about?a . a friendb . a neighbourc. a colleague at work

2. Listen to a conversation between two teenagers.Which of the three is true? "a . John is the eldest child.b. John is the youngest child .c. John is an only child .

3 . Listen to a girl telling her friend about a boy.What do es she think of him ?a . He is bo ssy.b . He is confide nt.c. He is a good listener.






Channel your English 21

words and phrases

• The opposites of many adjectives are formed by add ing a negative pref ix (e.g. un-, in-, im -) to them , or a suffix (-less)to the noun that they come from. .

• Adverbs are usually formed by adding -Iy to the correspond ing adject ives.

EI Complete the table below with the missing words.

• I .


opposite adjective




• I - •



opposite adverb



EJ Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the words in capitals.

a . Don't be afraid of the dog; he's _

b . I hate it when people are _

c. Mary hadn't studied for the test, so she answered most of the



d . I was so bo red by hi s speech that I fell asleep . END

e . Don't drive so ; you're going to have an accident! CARE

f. Congratulations! You did the job PERFECT

g . Don't s it on this chair; it' s very COM FORT

Read each sentencecarefullLJ and decide if themissinq word should har/ea positir/e or a neqativemeaninq.

speakingEICompare pictures A and

B discussing the similaritiesand differences betweenthem. Think about thefollowing:

• where the people are• how old they are• what situation they

are in• who they are w ith• how they feel

questions _ CORREC T

Use some of the words and phrases in the boxes.


22 Channel your English

I think/believe that...It seems that .In my opinion, .The girl in picture NB looks .. .In both pictures ...In picture A" , while in picture Boo .

EJ Discuss the following:

• How do you get on with your family/classmates?• What are some of the th ings that usually make

teenagers fe el w orried?• Have you ever felt proud of yourself or a

person you love? What was the situation?

teacher's notes 03

comfortconcent rated

Phrases andexpressionsa couple of t imesBest wishescatch up withget on withget used to


degree harm (n)graduate (v) high-rise

hear fromI have to go nowsay hello tosettle downThat's all for now.


proudsatis f ied

words and phrases

Aims: • to introduce negative suffixes and prefixes for adjectives• to introduce the formation of adverbs

• Read and explain the introductory comment.• Discuss the examples given.• Have Ss do the exercise and check answers.

adj ectivecorrectcarefulpossiblesuccessful

oppos ite adjectiveincorrectcarelessimpossibleunsuccessfu l

adverbcorrectlycaref ullypossiblysuccessfu lly

opposite adverbincorrect lycarelesslyimpossiblyunsuccessfu lly

Aim: to practise the formation of adjectives and adverbs

• Read and explain the tip.• Explain any words Ss might not know.• Have Ss do the exercise.• Check answers.

a. harmless b. impolite c. incorrectly d. end less e. carelessly f. perfectly g. uncomfortable

speakingAims: • to compare and contrast two pictures

• to ta lk about people and express personal opinions• Divide Ss into pairs.• Ask Ss to look at the two pictur es and the prompts.• Have Ss read the words and phrases in the boxes. Explain any words/ phrases Ss might not know.• Have Ss do the activity.

Aim: to discuss issues related to family and friends

• Ask Ss to read the questions and generate discussion.

Chan nel your English TB 22

Lesson Three (continued)

writingEJ Aim: to prepare Ss for the writing task through a discussion related to personal experience

• Ask Ss the quest ions and generate discussion.

EJ Aim: to identify the purpose and stylistic features of an informal letter giving news

• Ask Ss to read the letter and answer questions a-c.• Check answers.

Explain any words and phrases Ss might not know.

a. Marion is writ ing to Sharon to tell her her news.b. First paragraph: reason for writing.

Second paragraph: giving news.Third paragraph: asking for news.Fourth paragraph: end ing the lett er.

c. Dear Sharon (Dear + f irst name). Sorry, we've, haven't, Mum , You know, You see, What about you?, What are you up to?,OK, Love, Ma rion .

Aim:to introduce the structure of an informal letter giving news

• Ask Ss to do the exercise and ident ify the parts a-g in Marion's letter.• Check answers.

l. b 2. d 3.a 4.g 5.e 6. c 7. f

4 Opening and closing an informal letter

Aim:to familiarise Ss with appropriate opening and closing phrases for an informal letter

• Ask Ss to read the phrases in the box. Explain any phrases they might not know.• Tell Ss to read the examples from Sharon's letter.• Have Ss do the exercise.• Check answers.

• Point out to Ss that these phrases can be used alternately.

Greet ings _J-

Set phrases for -1.. opening paragrap."J

- Set Phr;~~;f~~closing paragraph


Dear Uncle Charles

It was nice to hearfrom you

That 's all for now

Best wishes

Hello Tony

Thanks for yourletter

Keep in touc h

Lots of kisses

• After complet ing the table, draw Ss' attent ion to the two phrases that have been left out. Ask Ss the reason why.Elicit answers.

The phrases "Dear Sir" and "Yours faith full y" are not appropriate for an informal letter. Both of them are appropriate forformal letters only.

5 Writing taskAim: to give Ss practice writing an informal letter giving news

• Read and explain the ti p.• .A'3'3 ig~ the writing task for homework.

23 TB Channel your English


writingEJ Discuss the following:

• Do you ever w r i te letter s to frien ds and/or

relatives?• Why do you wri te letters to them?

EJ Marion has recently left England and moved toShanghai, China, with her fam ily. Read her lette r toher best f riend Sharon and answer the questionsbelow.

Look at Marion 's letter and write th e order in which thefollowing parts of an informal letter appear.

a. Greeting

b . Address

c. Closing paragra ph

d . Date

e. M iddle paragraphs

f . Signature end ing

g . Opening pa ragraph

a. W hy is Mar ion w r i t ing to Sha ron?

!J. What is t he purpose of each paragraph?

c. What exam ples of informal language can yo u find?

4 Opening and closing an Informal letterComplete the tabl e below wit h the phrases given. Whichtwo phrases are nof appropria te for an informal lett er?


Dear ~haron

I have t o gor"OW

=-r~ I haven'twr it.ten for


Write a letter to a friend of yours who has recentl ymoved away tell ing him/her your latest news. Your lettershould be between 120 and 140 words.

Best w ishes That 's all for nowDear Uncle Char les Keep in t ou ch

Lot s of kisses D ear Sir Hello TonyThanks for yo ur letter Yours faithfully

It w as ni ce to hear from you

1...:" When lJOU write an informal lett er:-rtr . Write vour address in the top ritjht -hand

corner and the date befoul it.• Diflide 'Jour letter into paraqraphs and

start a new paraqraph for each majorpoint.

• Use informal ianquaqe .• Use a qreetinq, set phrases to beqin and

end your letter and a siqnatureendlnq.

5 Writing taskCW~at about ~ou? CW~at me ~ou

Jp to? Is se~oo~ Ok? .A. d ~0l<J about our, ~ie.ds? Ma~e sure ~ou l<J~ite to ...e osd t e~t ...eell~~t~i.g about elI~~bod~. I l<Ja. t to wte~ upl<J it ~ a~~ ~OUl ~atest .ewS. . ,

I ~eo~~~ ~alle to go . 0l<J as Its~u.e~ ti...e. Sa~ ~e~~o to el)~~o.e a.d l<J~ite

bae~ soo•.


Deo~ S~aAO' ,

So~~~ I ~alle.'t l<J~ijte. trN so.o. g but l<Je'lIe bee. ua~~~ bUS~ t~~i.g to sejt~e10''". .A'~ l<Ja~ , I'oe got so e tr~ee ti ...e '0l<J, so~ ... l<J~iti.g to te~~ ~ou aH ~ .ewS.

~ou ~'0l<J l<Je'lIe bee. ~~e tyolabout six l<J ee~ , but I ~Ol)e.'t got used to it~et. S~a.g~ai is a lI~~ big eit~. trut~ °trDeop~e a.d bie~des, ~ighise bu& a.ds...a~~ twdit io.a~ s~ops . Mu... a.d I ~alle bee.;0 t~e stud ...m~et a eoup~e 0tr ti a.d itl<JOS quite a. ~ou see, I Wze t~eD~aee a.d t~e ~itrest~~e ~m, but I st&~ ...iSS

Channel your EngliSh 23

see anything around you, you have to keep walking:'Le ne says. "The biggest danger was falling off theedg e of a cliff."

II The wi nd was blowing at 100 kph a nd thetemperature was a ch illing - 30"C; it was im possible tohear a nything because of the noi se . They soo n ra n ou tof oxygen and started shaking wi th co ld. Th ey hadbeen up there without food , drink or sleep for 24hours . Eventually the sto rm died down , but by thattime eight me m bers of th e team had lost thei r live s .

a "You learn a lesson from tragedies but, a bove a ll,you learn you are pow erl ess next to nature, " Leneadm its. "Be ing in a team makes yo u feel stronger andsafer. Of co urse, w hen you're in a team, you stay in ateam; but in the e nd, you ' re responsible for your owndecision s . And to te ll yo u the truth, it 's n ot heroic toris k yo ur life to save anothe r. I know it 's terrible tosay this, but it is a really stupid thing to do."

mSince this t ragedy there has been a lot ofdiscussion abou t the risks involved w hen climbingMou nt Everest, e sp ecia lly now that a nynon -professiona l w ith eno ug h money can get a permita nd e quipment to take on the climb, Reach ing the topof the wo rld is something incredible that most peoplewou ld love to say tl:~'i ".;:va ac hieved . But thequestion is, are the risk s to o high?

The dream of most mountain climbers is toreach the top of Mount Everest. Sometimes,however, this dream can turn into a nightmare.

a . Killer stormb . You ca n' t buy life

c. Facing danger aloned . Weather condit ions cha ng ee . How it a ll started

Read the text an d match the headings a-<! with theparagraph s 1-5 of the text.

Revision 1·3reading

II Len e Gammelgaard is the firs t Sca ndin av ianwoman to reach the top of Mount Everest. Shewas asked to jo in a team of professiona l a ndnon-professional climbers on a n Everest cl imbin May 1996. At midnight on 9 May the teamset off for the roof of the world . The climb waspainful and difficult , but everybody was thri lledto finally m ake it . It was a magnificentac hievement, but Lene knew that on ly ha lf thejob had been done, as she says "On a big climblike that, going back do wn is the mostdangerous part ."

EI What Lene feared most was not far fro mthe truth . As the tea m began the cl imb down,Le ne noticed dark clo uds belo w. With in 45minutes, a terrible storm had hit them andsnow up to a m etre deep covere d the ir ro uteand ropes . The team members we re ex ha ustedand had trouble staying on their feet . All ofthem were trying hard to keep moving andstarted using oxygen . "It's really scary bei ngt ra pped in a snowstorm. Even though you ca n' t

24 Channel your English

teacher's notes Rev 1-3

readingAim: to read for gist and match the headings with the paragraphs of the text

• Ask Ss a few pre-reading quest ions related to the topic of the text and generate discussion.e.g. What do you know about Mount Everest?

How difficult do you thInk it Is to reach the top of Mount Everest?What problems can mountain cumbers face?

• Ask 5s to read through the text for gist.• Ask 5s to read the text again paragraph by paragraph. look out for key words and/or phrases and match each

paragraph with one of the headings a-e.• Have Ss do the exercise.• Check Ss' answers and ask them to provide justificat ion.

1: e ( 5he was asked to join a team..., the team set ofL)2: d (Len noticed dark clouds below, a terrible storm had hit them and snow up to a metre deep covered their route

and ropes)3: a ( ran out of oxygen .., shaking with cold,...eight members of the team had lost their lives)~ : c ( but in the end, you 're responsible for your own decisions)5: b ( the risks involved, ...with enough money you can get a permit and equipment, ...are the risks too high?)

ote: When th is act ivity is over, you may explain any unknown words if necessary.

~ p t i on a l post-reading activity-\sk Ss questions of personal response related to the top ic of the reading text.e.g. Would you like to try to reach the top of Mount Everest? Why?/ Why not?

Do you agree that "it 's not heroic to risk your life to save another", as Lene says?

Channel your English ra 24

Revision 1-3Use of English

IIAim: to revise various language form s through a multiple choice cloze exercise

• Ask Ss to read through the text for gist.• Have ss complete the blanks .• Check answers.

l. b 2.b 3. c 4 . c 5. b 6. a ~ b 8.a 9. c 10 . a

Note: When this activity is over, you may explain any unknown words if necessary.

EJ Aim: to revise word formation through a word-building exercise

• Ask Ss to read throu gh the text for gist.• Point out to Ss that. before completing the gaps, t hey should decide on what part of speech is needed each t ime. In

some cases, opposites are required.• Check answers.

(1) wonderful (2) embarrassing (3) careful (4) impolitely (5) useless (6) angrily (7) funny (8) uncomfortable

Note: When th is activity is over, you may explain any unknown words if necessary.

song SAim: to listen and check predictions

• Ask Ss to read through the song for gist without worrying about the missing words.• Ask Ss to guess what the missing words are.• Ask Ss to listen to the song carefully and complete the blanks.• Play the tape.• Check answers.

character, sister, hurt, advise, disagree

Note: When this act ivity is over, you may explain any unknown' words if necessary.

optional project• Divide Ss into pairs or smal l groups.• Refer Ss to the Colour Quiz on p.18 and the quiz answers on p.106.• Ask Ss to work in pairs or groups and come up with a similar persona lity quiz. They should think of four to six items(e.g. free-time act ivit ies, sports, holiday types, animals or anything else they wish), and, decide what each of themreveals about a person's character. Ss should draw or stick pictures on a piece of paper. Then, they should ask Ss inother pairs/groups which their favourite sport , animal , etc, is and tell them what this reveals about thei r personali ty.• Encourage 5s to make their quiz answers sound funny and use a variety of adjectives describing personal ity.

25 TB Channel your English

Use of EnglishoRead the text below and choose the best word a, b, c or d

for each blank.

I'm not really an adventurous person. In fact, t he most

(1) thi ng I do is to (2) _

fishing with my friend Stan. However, the other day I ran

(3 ) an old colleague and he told me

about an Adventure Weekend he was taki ng part

(4 ) . The trip (5 ) _

food and accommodat ion, (6) I decided

a give it a try. (7) I thought it would be a

weekend walking in the hills, (8) it

turn ed out to be full of extrem e sports and act ivities. To my

surprise, I enjoyed it a lot. Now I'm even thinking about trying

bungee jumping! If I take a liking (9) _

it , I may even (10) a bungee jumping


song SYou will hear a song called Be good . Before youlisten, read the lyrics and try to guess what themissing words are , Then, listen and check yourpredictions.

Be goodResponsible, loyal , honest, friendly

I wonde r w hat you are like

and w hether w e are al ike

To hav e a of your own

And not be anybo dy's clone

1. a) boring

2. a) do

3. a) on

4. a) on

5. a) enclosed

6, a) so

7. a) Final ly

8 . a) so

9, a) about

10, a) joi n

b) excit ing

b) go

b) in

b) at

b) involved

b) but

b) At fi rst

b) because

b) in

b) take part in

c) annoying

c) have

c) into

c) in

c) included

c) because

c) Later

c) but

c) to

c) take place

d) embarrassing

d) play

d) about

d) about

d) had

d) also

d) Then


d) into

d) play


Be good to each other

Like and brother

Be go od it's a virtue

Be good it w on' t you

Ambitious, confident, cre at ive, easy-going

You needn't analyse

Cr i t icise or _

To agree or _

To be or not to be ...

EJ Complete the blanks with th e correct form of the words in capitals,

Bringing up chi ldren is a (1) experience, but children

can be really (2) sometimes, For example, when

I'm out shopping with my three-year-old son

lan, I t ry to be very (3) so that he doesn't ta lk

or behave (4) . However, it doesn 't

always work. For example, when he 'started shouting in a shop

last week, it was (5) t rying to tell him to stop.

I was very angry, but then I came up with a good idea, When about forty people

started looking at me (6) , I turn ed to Ian and said:

"I' ll tell your mum all about it when we go home, young man!" This really

confused him and he gave me a (7) look, but it seemed

to work. It made me feel less (8) , anyway.









Channel yourEnglish 25

Lesson One


a . generally gets go od m arks?

b . has bad m arks in maths ?

c. likes m aths ?

d . likes the m aths teacher?


8 . likes go ing to concerts? 0f. is looking forward to this even ing? 0g. is going to stay at h om e to n ight? 0

= - =

" Which of t he two teenagers do youthink has go t a p roble m ?

" What kin d of probl em is it?

EJ Listen and check your a nswers in 1. SEJ Read the dialogue a nd an swer the

following questions. WrIte T for Teri,S for Scott or B for both .


o Before you read the dialogue, look atthe picture and discuss the following:







It 's going to be a grea t concert ton ight. Are youup for it?Sorry, I can't make it .Excuse me ?Look, it 's not that I don't feel like it ...What then ?Well, it 's parents ' evening" tonight. Have youforgotten?Oh yes, it slipped my mind. Anyway, we' ll havefinished by seven o'c lock and th e concert does n'tstart till eight.Well, have fun! At eight o'clock I'll be sitti ng in 'my room on my own.I don't get it .Of course you don't. Little Miss Perfect alwaysgets straight 'A:s 'I see, but your marks aren 't th at bad , are they?








No, they're wors e actually, especially maths. Lookat my last test.Oh dear, I th ought you liked maths .I do. but I just can't stand Mr Dean . He 's sostrict.I'm quite fond of him. At least he makes us [earn .Well, me anyway.You're not helping, Teri . My pare nts will groundme for life. I'll be stuc k in my room, no morebasketball. no more part ies and I can forgetabo ut concerts.Never mind. You 've got a TV in your room,haven't you?Yes, I couldn't live without it.OK th en . The concert 's going to be broadcast liveon Channel 5. You can watch it there .Tha nks a bunch.

* At paren ts ' even ings the st ude nts' pa rents are invited to school to discus s their children's progress withthe teache rs.

D Discuss the following:

Do you think that parents 'even in gs help? Why/Why not?

intonationThe express ions below s how like or dis like. Lis len an d repeat them,

I'm really keen on her. I'm quite fond of hi m. I cou ld n 't live withou t it .I don't fee l like it. I just can't stand him. I don 't thin k much of her.

26 Channel your English

FunctionsExpress ing like and dislikeTalking about futu re eventsMak ing arrangementsMaking predict ions


Future WillFuture Going toFuture ProgressiveFuture Perfect


Words and phrases that showlike or dislike

bored with fond ofcan't live without impressed by/wit hcan't sta nd interested indisgusted by keen on "

fed up with sick offeel like t ired of "

Conversati onal EnglishI can forget abo ut I don't get it

I can't make it it slipped my mind

Otherwordsactually mark (n)

broadcast (v) progress

especially straight (adj )

ground (v) strict

live (adj ) subject

Other phrasesat least on one's ownbe stuck pick sb upbe up for Thanks a bunchlook forwa rd to

present at ionOm: to present vocabulary, structures and functions in

the context of a dialogue between teenagersabout school and le isure activities


Aim: to use visual information to predict the contentof the dialogue

• ~sk Ss to look at th e picture and discuss th e questi ons,

op t i on a lou may also ask Ss a few more quest ions:

e.g. Where are they?Why do you think they are there?What do the objects on the table reveal about theteenagers?

teacher's notes 04EJ Aims:' to listen to the dialogue and check predict ions

• to unde rsta nd the gist of the dia logue• Ask Ss to cover the dialogue , look at the picture andlisten carefu lly. Play the tape .S• Discuss answers. _

The boy has got a problem. His marks are not good andhe is afraid that his parents will ground him and t herewil l be no more basketball, part ies and concerts for him.

EJ Aim: to check comprehension of specificinform ati on in the dia logue

• Ask Ss to read questions a-g.• Ask Ss to uncover the dialogue so that they can readand listen at the same ti me. Play the tape again.• Ask Ss to underline words and expressions t hey are notfami liar with , but tell them not to worry about unknownwords at th is stage.• Give Ss time to work out the answers to the questions.• Check Ss' answers and ask them to providejustificat ion,

a. T b. S c. B d. T e. B f . T g. S

• When this activ ity is over, ask Ss some more quest ions.e.g. Why Is Scott calling Teri "Little Miss Perfect"?

What does Terl think about Mr Dean?Does Scott like watching TV?

• Encourage Ss to guess the meaning of new vocabularysuch as can't stand, fond of, ground, broadcast .

a Aim: to encou rage 5s to relate the topic of thedia logue to personal op inio n and experie nce

• Ask Ss to look at the quest ion and discuss it.

optionalIf th ere is t ime, you may ask Ss more questions .e,g. Are parents ' evenings a common practice at your

school?How do parents usually react after a parents'evening?

intonation SAim: to present and practise intonation in express ions

show ing like or dislike• Play the tape and pause after each expression .• Ask Ss to repeat t he express ions.

Channel your EngliSh TB 26

'''."~:~ ..

Learnin zoneLesson One (continued)

words and phrases1 Conversational EnglishAim: to match the examples of conversat ional

English in the dialogue wit h their meanings• Ask Ss to do the activity.• Check answers.

a. I can't make itb. It slipped my mindc. I don't get itd. I can forget about

2 Adjectives with prepositionsAlms: • to int roduce adjectives showing feelings

followed by prepositions• to give Ss practice using these adject ives

• Ask Ss to read the adjecti ves in the table .• Explain the meaning of any adjectives Ss might notknow and/ or provide examples.• Have Ss do the activity. Point out to Ss thatsometimes more than one answer is possible .• Check answers.

L bored with / sick of2. fed up with / ti red of / bored with / sick of3 . intereste d in / keen on / fond of4. impressed by / with

optionalIf there is t ime, ask Ss to make thei r own sentences andcheck them.

grammaro Aim: to elicit the basic uses of the Future Perfect

and the Future Progressive as presented in thedia logue

• Ask 5s the fi rst set of quest ions.• Tell Ss to refer to the dia logue.• Elicit and check answers.• Do the same with the second set of quest ions.

27 T8 Channel yourEnglish

• Yes, it will.No, it won't

• Yes, he will.Yes, he will.

EJ Aims: • to present the basic uses of the futuretenses

• to give Ss practice making their ownexample sentence s

• Ask Ss to read throug h the tables and ensure that theyunderstand the terms used. If necessary, provideexplanat ions.• Ask Ss to work individually and make their ownexamples .• Check answers.

Suggested answers :

The Future Wilt• offers e.g, I'll help you with your homework.• promises e.g, I'll do my best.• th reats e.g, I'll call the police if you don 't turn the

music down.• on-the-spot decisions e.g, I like these trousers. I'll buy

them .The Future Going to

• future plans e.g, I am going to buy a new car soon.predictions based on evidencee.g, Look at the clouds! It 's going to rain.

The Future Progressivee.g. This time next month I'll be lying on the beach.

The Future Perfecte.g. I will have finished doing my homework by the time

you come.

D Aim: to practise the uses of the future tenses

• Have Ss do the activity.• Check answers and ask Ss to provide justification.

If time is scarce, assign the exercise for homework.

a. am going tob. will helpc. is going tod. will be travellinge. have fi nished

words and phrases1 Conversational English

EJ Compl ete the tables below with examples of theuses of the tenses. You may refer to the dialogue,but you also have to make your own examples forsome of the uses mentioned.

Find four examples of convers ational English in thedialogue and match them with t he meanings given.

a. it's impossible for me to come

b. I forgot abo ut i t

c. I don't understand

d . t her e w ill be no m ore

• predictions e.g. My parent£. wm grOJnd me for life.

• offers e.g. _

• promises e.g. _

2 Adjectives with prepositions

'lead the table below and complete the sent ences withsome of the adject ives. Sometimes more than onea swer is possible.

Expressing like Expressing dislike

• threats e.g. _

• on-the-spot decisions e.g. _

• actions that will be completed before a specific time oranother action in the future

• actionsthat will be in progress at a specific time in the future

e.g. _

• predictions based on evidence e.g. _

• future plans e.g. _

e_g. _

D Read the short exchanges below and circl e th ecorrect words.

a. "I hear you're going to Manc hester University in


"Yes, I am going to / will study French and German ."

b. "How can I carry these bags home?"

"Don't worry. I will have helped / will help you carry

t hem."

c. "What are all these people doing here?"

"Well , a pop star will / is going to give an interview."

d. "Are you doing anything special tom orrow afternoon?"

"Actually, I will be t ravelli ng / will have travelled to Paris."

e. "Is that report I gave you ready yet?"

"Not yet. but I'm sure I'll have finished / be finishing it

by 6 o'clock tonight."

Look at the extracts from the dialogue and answerthe questions that follow.

• - 'JYWay, we'll have finished by seven o'clock.

I the parents' evening start before seven o'clock?I it fini sh after seven o'clock?

fond of bored withkeen on tired of

interested in fed up with

crazy about sick of ",impressed by/with disgusted by

r'--"'~"-"""~r I'm rea lly (1 ) this h ist ory

test. [ don't know anything about World War I.

~ I st ar t ed reading t he books but I got

r: (2) t he subject really

qu ick ly. I'm more (3) _

Rom an H istory ; that's much more interest ing .

r [ w as r eally (4 ) g la d iators

after I saw t hat fi lm with Russell Crow e. I 'm

o e I'd m ake a great gladiator ! 0

• ' ~eigh t o'clock I'll be sitt ing in my room on my own.

Scott be in his room before eight o'clock?he be in his room after eight o'clock?


Channel your English 27


Whic h sentence summarisest he w hole t ext?

means that there will always be studenwho will do anything for a better mark.

It has never been easier to cheat thait is today.With all the technologyavailable, students needn't cheat bylooking over their shoulders anymore.They use mobile phones to send answersto each other during a test. There is alsothe Internet. With hundreds of websites.students don't have to worry because thecan find lots of material which they cancopy and use in projects. There are eventips on the art of cheat ing in exams.

Obviously, if you get caught cheating,you fail the exam or the SUbject. But itdoesn't really matter whether you getcaught or not. What's important is thatit' s wrong. You mustn't cheat becausecheating is a lie. It deceives people intothinking you know more than you actualldo. How can you be proud of somethingyou've achieved through cheating? In theend. it's not about deceiving yourteachers and your parents, but aboutfooling yourself that you can do somethiyou really can't.

..J...·D Before answerinq~,r multiple choice

questions, read thequestions and the optionscarefulllj. When a questionrefers to the whole text, MoMoptions which ere true butrefer onllj to part of thetext .

• Have you ever cheatedin an exa m?

• What m ad e you cheat?• What can be done to

preve nt chea t ing?

a. Students cheat to get into

un iversity.b. Techno logy has m ade

cheating easie r.c. Che at ing can be explained

but not exc used.

EJ Read the text quickly andanswer the followingquestion. Choose a, b or c.

D Before you read the text,discuss the follow ing:

It's five minutes before the exam andyou are in a state of panic. You just haveto pass it. but how? You didn't even openthe book the night before and you hear avoice in your head saying "Cheat. cheat.,"So what are you going to do. ignore it andfail or go for it? It's a tough decision manystudents must make.

Most young peopie believe thatcheating is wrong. However. they havecheated at least once in their high schoolyears. So, why do they do it? Are they toolazy to study? Perhaps, it's not as simpleas that. According to some experts, onemain reason why students cheat isbecause they see their friends get awaywith it. It's an easy way out. They avoidembarrassment and their parents' angerfor not doing well in an exam. Research,which was recently carried out in the USA,also shows that students think it's OK tocheat if the subject isn't important fortheir future career or if they just don'tunderstand it. What's more, most studentshaveto put up with the pressure of gettinginto university. They need to get goodmarks to carry on with their studies. This

EJRead the text again and answer the following questions. Choose a, b or c.

J...:D Remember that the~,r correct option must

answer the questionin full and the idea it expressesmust be in the text. Afloid usint}options ulhich:• sound ioqical, but are not

mentioned in the text• include a word/phrase from

the text, but do not meanthe same thin9

• overqeneralise usinqwords like alwaljs, all,etlerlj etc.

1. What's the tough decision that m any students have to make before an exam:a. how to cheatb . w hether to cheat or notc. w ha t to do if t hey fai l

2. A ccording to research . w hat's the st uden ts ' opinion about chea t in g?a. Cheating is easy, but a little em bar rassing .b . Cheating is always the right thing to do.c . Cheating isn't wrong in some cases .

3. What can students w ho w ant to cheat fi nd on the Internet?a. usefu l in fo rmatio n w h ich can help themb . suggested an sw ers to te stsc. other st uden ts ' proj ects about che ating

4 . What 's the w ors t th ing about chea t ing?a. You can get caug ht and fai l.b . You cheat others and yourself.c. Your teacher will inform your pare nts.

-28 Channel yourEnglish

Wordsangerartavailableavoidcheat (v)deceivedecisionembarrassmentexcuse (v)expert

PhrasalVerbscarry on withcarry outget away withgo forput up with

fai lignoremainmaterialmobileobviouslypanicperformpressureprevent

proudreasonresearchshoulderstate (n)tiptoleratetopictoughunforgettable

teacher's notes 04• Ask Ss to read the text again paragraph by paragraphand ask them comprehension quest ions.e.g. Why might some students be in a state of panic

before taking an exam?What do most young people believe about cheating?Why might some students use their mobile phoneswhen taking an exam?

Explain unknown words.

EJ Aim: to read for detail and understand specificinformation

• Read and explain the tip .• Assign this act ivity for homework .

1. b 2. c 3 . a 4. b

optional post-reading activityAsk Ss questions of personal response to the ideasexpressed in the reading text.e.g. Do you think that cheating is someth ing reaily

bad?Do you think that your parents ' and teachers 'expectations may make you cheat?Would you ever use a mobile phone or the Internetto cheat? Why / Why not?

Phrases and expressionsaccording todo well ineach otherfool oneselfit doesn't matterway out

readingoAim: to introduce the top ic of the reading text

thro ugh an oral act ivity involving personalexperience

• Ask Ss the quest ions and generate discussion.• Ask Ss to look at the heading and the photograph andguess what the text is about.

EJ Aim: to identi fy the mai n idea

• Read and explain the tip.• Ask Ss to read the text paragraph by paragraph andchoose the most suitable answer. Tell t hem not to worryabout unknown words at this stage.• Check answers.


Channel your English TS 28

Lesson Two (continued)

words and phrasesPhrasal verbs

Aim:to match phrasal verbs from the text with theirmeanings

• Have Ss do the acti vity individual ly or in pairs.• Check answers.

a. go forb. get away withc. carry outd. put up withe. carryon with

listening So Aims: • to expand on the topic of the reading text

• to present the topic of the listening text• Ask Ss the quest ions and generate discussion .

EJ Aim: to ident ify the speaker's roles

• Play the tape.• Ask Ss to do the exercise. Play the tape.• Check answers and ask Ss to provide justification .

grammarSpeaker 1 is a teacher. (I spend most of my free time

marking)Speaker 2 is a student. (the deadlines for projects,

a terrible mark)Speaker 3 is an ex-student. (Three generations of my

family went there and we ali benefitted from it)

optional post-listening activityYou may ask Ss further questions of personal responseto the listening text.e.g, Does your school offer the sam e facilities as

Farnham Hill School does?

Speaker 1: c (some of them seem to spend ali theirbreak time in the gym)

Speaker 2: a (the gym is a big bonus)Speaker 3: b (We didn 't have ali that in my days)

ListeningTranscript (see page 121)

EJ Aim: to identify main ideas

• Ask Ss to read the phrases a-d.• Explain any unknown words in the phrases.• Play the tape again.• Ask Ss to do the exercise. Check answers and ask Ssto provide justif ication.It 's a tough decision many students must

make.You j ust have to pass it, but how?Then, there is the pressure of getting intouniversity most students have to put up with.This means that they need to get good marksto get on with their studies...You mustn't cheat because cheating is a lie.With ali the technology available, studentsneedn 't cheat by looking over their shoulders

With hundreds of websites, studen ts don 'thave to worry because they can find lots ofmaterial which they can copy .

Read and explain the note.


have to:



don 'thave to:

o Aim: to introduce som e uses of must, have to andneed as presented in the text.

• Ask Ss to read through the table and ensure that theyunderstand the terms used. If necessary, provideexplanations.• Ask Ss to refer to the text and do the act ivity.• Check answers.

EJ Aim: to practise using must, have to and need

• Have Ss do the exercise and check answers.• If t ime is scarce, assign the exercise for homework.

a. have to / need tob. mustn 'tc. had tod. need to / have toe. don't need to / don't have to

29 TB Channel yourEnglish

UNI T 04


Phrasal verbs

Find fi ve phrasal verbs in the text on page 28 and matchthem with the meanings given.

words and phrases

listening S

EJ Read the situations below and com plete the blanksusing the correct form of must, need or have to.

a. Fred has just seen the doctor. He says: "I've sprained my

ankle. I stay in bed for two days."

b. You are always late for school and your teacher says:

"In fut ure you be late or you'll be

punished. "

c. You're talking to a friend about a trekking holiday last

year. You say: "We carrya ll the

equipment on our backs:

d. it's absolutely necessary to call your boss. You say:

"I call my boss right now:

e. It isn't necessary for the students to finish the project

th is week. The teacher says: "They f inish

the project th is week:



a. choose

b. avoid being punished

c. do or perform

d . tolerate without com pla ining

e. continue doing

EJ Find examples with must, have to and need in thetext on page 28. Then, compl ete the table below withthe missing words and the examples you have found .

rnu,,1 is used when you

personally feel that something

is the right thing to do.

is used when you

are obliged to do something.

EJ Discuss the foll owi ng:

• What is the bes t/worst thing about your school?• Have yo u got any un forgettabl e schoo l m emories?

EJ You wi li hear th ree people talking about FarnhamHili School. Listen and match the speakers with thewords a-d. There is one extra word which you do notneed to use.

Speaker 1 is a(n)

is used when it is

necessary for you to do something,


is used when you

aren't allowed to do something.

..J...&" Don't be in a hurrlJ to answer a question*r"'r immediatelq: Listen carefulllJ till the end of the

piece and check all the options beforelJour final decision. j~

a. student

b. t each erSpeaker 2 is a(n)

c. ex-student

d . ex-teacher

Spe aker 1

Speaker 3

Speaker 2

Speaker 3 is a(n)

EJ Listen aga in and match the speakers with thephrases a-d to make statements. There is one extraphrase which you do not need to use.

a. only likes one thingabout Farnham Hill .

b. has n ot iced someimprovement atFarnham Hill .

c. thinks the gym atFarnha m Hill is notused properly.

d . talked to someoneabout a problem atFarnham H il l.

and don 'I need 10 are used

when it isn't necessary for you

to do something.

NOTE: Had to is used to express obligation in thepast and didn 't have to and didn 't need to are used toexpress absence of obligation in the past.e.g. The students had to finish the exam in one hour,

but they didn't have to answer all the questions.

Channel yourEnglish 29

words and phrasesCollocations



an exam



a language




a coursea class or a lessonschool

./ ./

go to ./ ./


teach ./take ./fail

a. Whi ch sc hool did yo u say yo u ?

b . I'm not surprised Sa lly the exa m aga in . Sh e neve r st udies anyway.

c. Robert Eng lish classes at this sc hool. but he only _

English well after he had spent a year in the UK.

d. Mr Smith French at Wilsdo n High Schoo l.

e . I'm go ing to a su m mer course this year so I can fini sh university sooner.

speakingoLook at the plan of the school below. In pa irs, discuss a nd decide which two of the three facilities a, b or c should

be built. Then , decide which of the two areas marked A and B on the map is more suitab le for eachfacility. You can use some of the words , phrases a nd express ions in the boxes.

II swim m ing pool canteen II computer room

AEJ Discuss the following:

• What sort of facilit ies do you think yo ur school needs?• What wo u ld yo ur ideal sc hool be like?• How important are computers in e ducation?


convenientne ce ssarypractica lhave a snacktake exercisehave access to the Internet

I •

It 's a go od idea to. .. because ...I th ink it would be better. ..It wouldn't be a good idea to...Don 't you th ink that ...I su ggest a rea ... for. .. as ...

....t..//J U'hen discussinq somethinq «lith-r'r someone, don't hesitate to ask

them to repeat or clariflJsomethlnq you hatle not understood. Whenit 's 'Jour turn to speak, avoid (on'l pauses, asuJell as comments and answers which are tooshort. £~press 'Jour opinion and gille reasons.Don't worrlJ if 1J0U disatjree with theother speak er.

30 Channel your English

teacher's notes 04Vocabulary

Words related to school and educationattendcanteencourse-acilities

Other wordsaccommodat ionareaarrangearrangementolockconvenient

Other phrasesand expressionsas foras long as...ave access to-ave a day off

vords and phrases

ideallendplan (n)practicalresort

have a snackrun a coursetake exercise

~: to present and practise collocations related to school and education

• Check Ss' background knowledge of what a collocation is (see unit 1).• .l.skSs to look at t he ta ble. Clar ify any questions 5s may have.• ave Ss do the activity ind ividuall y or in pairs.• Check answers.

_ go to / at tend (went to / att ended): 'ailed

attended / went to, learnt- :eaches / taught_. atten d / take

peakingAim: to speculate and make a decision

J ivide Ss into pairs..l.skSs to look at the plan of the school.Explain any words/ phrases and expressions in the boxes that ss migh t not know.~ead and expla in the ti p.-lave 5s do the act ivity.

Aims: • to expand on th e topic of the previous act ivity• to express personal opinion

• Ss the questions.• Generate discussion.

TB Chann el your English 30

Lesson Three (continued)

writingIIAims: 0 to activate background knowledge

o to prepare 55 for the writing task

o Ask 55 the questions and generate discussion.

EJ Aims: 0 to present a transactional letter giving informationo to match extracts from the letter with th e notes given

o Allow 55 some time to read through Alex's letter.o Explain any words 55 might not know.o Have 55 do the exercise and check ,i)nswers.

You see, my family and I are going to Scotland for New Year's Eve, so the days around Christmas are more convenient.As for accommodation, you don't need to worry. We'lI stay at my uncle's country house which is quite close to the skiresort .You don't need to worry about equipment either. My brother will be pleased to lend you his.

EJ Aim:to help 55 plan their writing and encourage them to include relevant information in it

o Ask 55 to do the exercise.• Check answers.

(These are the feat ures that should be ticked)a. Use of linking words, e.g. and, so, butd. Expanding on the notes given and using your own words, (see the key answers in exercise 2 )e. Use of appropriate future tenses, e.g. My family and I are going to Scotlan d for New Year's Eve, we'll be staying, my

brother willbe pleased, he won't need it, we'll have a great timef. Including an opening and a closing paragraph

Opening paragraph: I got your letter yesterday... I've really missed you.Closing paragraph: I really hope... we'll have a great time.

4 Writing taskAim:to practise writi ng an informal letter giving informationo Read and explain the tip .o Assign the writ ing task for homework .

31 TB Channel yourEnglish

writingo Discuss the following:

• What do you usu ally m ak e p lans/ arrangementsfor?

• What things do you need to consid er w hen youmake plans/arrangements?

EJ Read part of the letter Mil es has sent to his fri endAlex, the notes Alex has made and Alex's answer toMiles, Then, under line the senten ces in Alex's lette rwhich are relevant to the notes he has mad e.

wlLl be awa tjC f1vls tvoeas OK?

-~-­So I was thinkin'l, of \'isiting you or New Years EV(

c; ,- ,- da What do youand , V( couldgo skiillg tor a ,(IV . , .

think? Could you am11lge CC011l11l0datlOlI~nd. ' '' ', b 'k to let meknow., eqlllpt/1mt, vvl1 e a"

Take care.Miles

"'-tj CiV\.cle'sborrow "'-tj bvotf1ev's COCiV\.tVtj f10Cise

::21.s.t November

Dear M lLes,

I got tJ0CiV Letter aV\.eI I was H1VlLLeel tohear that tJ0Ci 're cO>1A.l"'"0 ove« t o speV\.c\ a fewelatJs wlt h L<.$ . It's beeV\. a L0"'"0 tl>1A.e s lV\.Ce we Lastsaw each othev aV\.eI I've reaLLtJ >1A.lsseel tJ0Ci.

W eLL, a sk.ll"'"0 hoLlelatJ sOe<V\.elS gveat,bCit 1'>1A. V\.Ot veaLLtJ SCire aboCit th e elates. y OCi see,>1A.tJ fa>1A. lLtJ aV\.eI I are gol"'"0 t o ScotLaV\.c\ fovNew y ear's Eve, so the elatJs aVoCiV\.eI Chvlst>1A.asare >1A.ove coV\.veV\.leV\.t. I k.V\.ow tJ0Ci CisCiaLLtJ haveso>t<e elatJs offat th ls tl>1A.e of tJear, so >1A.atJbetJOe< caV\. avva"'"0e Lt.

As fov aCCO>1A.>1A.oelatloV\., tJ0Ci elOV\.'t V\.teelt o wovrtJ. W e'LL sta tJ at >1A.tJ CiV\.cLe's COCiV\.tVtJhOCise, whlch ts q Cilte close t o t he sk.l vesort. I'veask.eel hl>1A. aV\.c\ he satJs we caV\. «se It fov as L0"'"0as we Wee. Y OCi eloV\."t V\.teel t o wovvtJ aboCiteqCilp>1A.eV\.t elt hev. MtJ bvoH,er wlLL be pLeaseel t oLeV\.eI tJ0Ci hls . He's got other pLaV\.s f orChvlst >, so he wOV\.'t V\.teel It a V\.tJwa tJ·

I reaLLtJ hope tJ0Ci caV\. >1A.ak.e Lt . W vlteback. to telL >1A.e If tJOCi agree. I pvo>1A.lse we'LL havea gveat tl>1A.e.

S ee tJ0Ci sOOV\.,A Lex

UN IT 04

D Read Alex's letter again and look at the check-listbelow. Which of the features a-g should you bear inmind when you write a letter making plan s orarrangements? Tick the correct featu res and findexam ples of each in Alex's letter.

a. use of linking w or ds

b. use of appropriat e past t enses

c. asking appropriate question s

d . ex panding on t he notes given and using

your own wordse. use of ap propria te futu re t enses

f. includ ing an opening and a clo sing para graph

4 Writing task

A fr iend of yours from England is interested in doing alanguage cours e in your country. Read the part of theletter he has sent you and the notes you have made,and write a letter to him . Your letter should be between120 and 150 words.

21st) CiV\.e-21st) Ciltj

\Could you please check whid,:ethe local c,,/lege

I1Ins lan'l,uage c"ur5(Sand what kind"f

acc"t/1m"datioll 't "ficrs?

Tha1l11-' a lot. I'll Jokillg fOnvmd to y"ur later:Take care.


• fvee t l>1A.e pla V\.S• sta tj OV\. aftev COCiVse eV\.els

."",., When 'I OU are asked to write a letter based onsome material (part o( a tet ter, notes etc.):

• Think about who lJOU are writ intj to and use anappropriate stvle.

• rrv to make vour letter have a positive effect on thereader.

• A-fake sure 'l OU cover a(( the necessarq points.• Plan and orqanise vour letter in para9raphs.• Expand on the information tjit/en usin q lJDur

own words and ideas.

Channel your English 31

'~ .

"".\ l..:1:_.

.",;... .~ l

a . Both the m a n a n d the w om a n like the vie w

from the Londo n Eye . 0b . Westminster Ab bey has got a d om e . 0c. The w om a n h asn' t hea rd of Sir Walter Ra leigh

before . ,--,,-

d . The woman thinks tha t Big Be n is t he nam e

of the tower.

e. The woman is inte rested in the informationthe man is g iving her.

f. The woman wants t h e man to take h e r picture

as soon as possible .

Lesson One

presentationEJ Before you read the dialogue , look at the picture and

discuss the following :• Which s ig h t s of London do you know of?• Wh ich of t hem do you th ink the two people

in the picture can see?

EJ Listen to a man a nd a woman talking and find Swhich sights of London the ma n mentions.

D Read the dialogue a nd decide if the following statementsa re True or False. Write T or F in the boxes .


IIDiscuss the following:

Which sights of London w ould yo u like to visit? Why?

The expressio ns in bo ld a re used for making poiiterequests an d res ponding. Listen a nd repeat.

Wou ld you mind taking m y pi ctu re?Of course not .

Could you pass m e t he sa lt ?Certa inly.

Do you think you cou ld lend me you r b ike?All r ight.

Can you te ll m e t he way to the st a t ion please?I'm sorry but I don't know.











Excuse me ? Would you mind taking mypicture?Of course not . Is this you r first t ime on theLondon Eye ?Yes, it 's a great view from up here, isn't it?Oh, it take s your breath away. Would you likeme to get St James's Park in the photo?It doe sn 't matter. Could you try to ge t as mu chof Lond on in the backgroun d as possible beforewe move down too much?All righ t, I' ll do my be st . I can ge t Westmins terAbbey in nicely.Is that th e church with the dome?No, you're thinking of St Paul 's Cathe dral.Westminster Abbey is a church where lots offamou s people are bu ried, Sir Walter Raleigh ,for example . You know, he 's th e man whobro ught potatoes to the UK.Really? Do you think you could take th e photo ,now? Don't take too long becau se we 're losingthe nice view.Certainly. Let me see ...Look, just try to get a photo of the river andBig Ben .You mean, th e tower that holds Big Ben .Yes, that tall bui lding there .




The building you' re talking about is not BigBen. Big Ben is just th e bell which is insidethe tower, not th e tower itse lf.That's very int eresting, bu t can you ta ke thephoto, please?And anot he r thing .. .Thanks a lot. I think I' ll ta ke the photo myself.

32 Channe l your English

presentat ion:Jm: to present vocabulary, structures and functions in

the context of a dialogue between two peopleabout sights in London

Background Note: The British Airways London Eye is thearid's largest observation wheel (135m high), It was

ouilt for the mi llenium celebrations in London, It isocated on the so uth Bank of the River Thames, Thereare 32 capsules, each holding up to 25 people. It offersird's eye views of London for over 25 miles in all


Expressions andphrasesas soon as possibleDo you think you could ",?hear ofon a tourtake a breaktake a long ti me

teacher's notes 05

a. T b. F c. T d. T e. F f. T

The man mentions: the London Eye, 5t James 's Park,Westminster Abbey, 5t Paul's Cathedral and (the towerholding) Big Ben.The man and the woma n are on t he London Eye andthey can see all the othe r sights mentioned from there.

intonation S

• When t his activity is over, ask Ss some more questions.e.g. Who was Sir Walter Raleigh and where is he buried?

Why did the woman want the man to take her pictureas soon as possible?Why did she decide to take the photo herself in theend?

Encourage 5s to try to guess the meaning of newvocabulary.

D Aim: to encourage Ss to relate the topic of thedialogure to personal experience andpreferences

• Ask 5s the question and discuss it.

D Aim: to check comprehension of spec ificinformat ion in the dia logue

• Ask Ss to read statements a-f.• Ask 5s to uncover the dialogue so that they can readand listen at the same time. Play the tape again.• Ask Ss to unde rline words and expressions they are notfamiliar with, but tell them not to worry about unknownwords at this stage .• Give Ss time to work out the answers.• Check Ss' answers and ask them to provide

justification .

slipperytowerview (n)


take a risktake care oftake photos/picturestake sb's breath awaytake your timewould you mind ",?

certainlydomefamil iar

Wordsbackgroun dbellbury


Aim: to use visual informat ion to pred ict the contentof the dialogue

.\sk Ss to look at the picture and discuss the questions.

opt i o na l'au may ask 5s a few more questions:~.g. What do you think the relationship between

these two people is?What do you think they are talking about?

Aim: to present and practise intonation in expressionsused for making polite requests and respondingto them

• Play the tape and pause after each exchange .• Ask Ss to repeat in pairs.

Aims: • to listen to the dialogue and check predictions• to understand the gist of the dia logue

• .\sk Ss to cover the dia logue, look at the picture ands:en carefu lly. Play the tape . S

• Discuss answers.

Channel yourEnglish 18 32

The lace!ito BeLesson One (continued)

words and phrases

CollocationsAim: to present and practise collocations with take• Ask Ss to read the collocat ions in the box. Provide

explanat ions if necessary.Have Ss do the exercise and check answers.

a. take a breakb. take care ofc. took our breath awayd. take part ine. take your timef. took a riskg. took me a long timeh. take photos/pictures

grammaro Aim: to involve Ss in realising how defining relati ve

clauses are used th rough examples fro m thedialogue

Read and explain the def inition of Defining relativeclauses.• Ask Ss to complete the table. Tell them to refer to thedialogue.• Elicit and check answers.

Whoe.g. He's the man who brought potatoes to the U.K.Whiche.g. Big Ben is just the bell which is inside the tower...Thate.g. You mean, the tower that holds Big Ben.Wheree.g. Wes tminster Abbey is a church where lots of famouspeople are buried...

• Read and explain the notes. If necessary, providefuther examples or ask Ss to produce their own.

EJ Aim: to give Ss pract ice with defin ing relativeclauses.

• Have Ss do the acti vity.• Check answers .• if t ime is scarce, assign the exercise for homework.

33 m Channel your English

1. There was a beautiful girl at the party whose brotherworks at the bank on West Street.

2. I was reading a book last night that/which was sogood I couldn't put it down.

3. I saw a man yesterday who/that looked exactly likeyou.

4. The Browns bought a house where a famous poetused to live.

5. Show me the book (which/that) you bought last week.6. Ian gave a speech (which/that) many people were

interested in.

oral practiceAim:to pract ise the structures, function s and vocabulary

presented in the lesson in a pairwork act ivity• Divide Ss into pairs.• Ask Ss to go to page 106 and look at the prompts andthe example.• Have Ss do the act ivity.

• Oxford Street is the place which /that is full ofdepartment stores .• The Thames is the river which/that flows throughLondon.• The Tower of London is the place where you can seethe Crown Jewels.• Queen Victoria is the person who ruled England for 64years.• Madame Tussaud 's is the place where you can seewax models.• Christopher Wren is the person who built St Paul'sCathedral.


words and phrases

Look at the following collocations with take. Use themto complete the sentences a-h. You may need tochange the form of the verb.

take photos/pictures take a breaktake a risk take a long time take care of

t ake part in take your t im etake my breath aw ay

a. I've been w ork ing so hard all day that I reallyneed to _

b. Who is going to your cat while

you are on holiday?

c. The view from the m ountain to p _

I was amazed!d. H ow m any people are go ing to _

that project ?

e. I won't need t h is book back before the end of

next week, so you can _

f. H e w hen he rode his motorbike

on the slippe ry road .

g. In the m orning it to get to

wor k becau se there's a lot of traffic .

h . W hen I 'm on a tour, I always of

t he places I visit to show my family an d friends.



NOTES: • The relat ive pronouns who, which andthat can be omitted when they refer to the object ofthe verb.e.g, The film (Which/that) we saw yesterday was very


• Preposit ions usually appear at the end of therelat ive clause and the relative pronoun can be omitted.

e.g, The building (which/that) you are talking about isnot Big Ben.

• Def ining relative clauses are not separate d from themain clause by commas.

EJ Join the sentences using Who, Which, that, whose orwhere. In some cases more than one answer ispossibl e. In which sentences can the relativepronoun be omitted?

a. There was a beautifu l girl at the party. Her brotherworks at the bank on West Street.

b. I was reading a book last night. It was so good Icouldn't put it down.

c. i saw a man yesterday. He looked exactly like you.

d. The Browns bought a house. A famous poet used tolive there.

oLook at the dialogue and f ind examples of definingrelative clauses includ ing that, who, which andwhere. Then, comp lete the table with the missingwords and the examples you have found .

e. Show me the book. You bought it last week.

f. Ian gave a speech. Many peopie were interested in it.

Defining Relative Clauses

Defining relative clauses gi ve information which isneeded to understand the sentence,

refers to people. oral practice

can be used instead of who/which .

refers to things, animals and ideas.

Work in pairs. Go to page 106, look at the prompts anddiscuss using who. which, that or where as in the examples.

How mucli do yOIl know about London?

e.g. A: I think Oxford Street is the place which...B: I don 't agree. I think Oxford Street is the

plac e where...

refers to places.

is used to referto possessions.

Whe re

e.g. _

e.g. 71B WI wfow Io:£e i> rex[ to mire ,<: caled Fmc/.

e.g. _

e.g. _

e.g. _

Channel your English 33

'~~fi;~# '" ~. '."",

Lesson Two

readingo Discuss the following:

• Have you read a ny booksor see n a ny film s a boutw izards and wi tc hes?

• Did you like them?WhyIWh y not?

EJ Read the para graph below and guess how Hogwarts School is different fromother schools. Then. read the text and check your a nswe rs .

----~--"""'U""---Do the words H oq w er ts, Quiddi tch or Gryffindor mean anything to you? Ifnot , it' s time you read one of J.K. Rawling 's books abo ut the a mazing HarryPott er. Harry, who was brought up by his unloving uncle and aunt,discovers that he is a wiza rd on hi s 11 th birthday. He becomes a stude nt atHogwa rt s School of Witchcraft and Wiza rdry, where his adven tu res begin.

JJogWar1:s 6chool is a castle at t he top of amountain. lt's hidden in a place where muggles(non-wizards) cannot see it. The nearby forest .where students aren't allowed to go. is fuLL ofdangerous beasts.

The building itself is huge. It has many t owerswhich reach high into the sky. Ii: also has hundredsof rooms and secret passages. There are 142s t aircases . some with diSappearing s t eps . and doorst hat only open if you ask them politely The mostimpressive room is the l\1ain JJaLL. Its enchant edce1ung. which reflects the s ky. is a beautiful s ighton a starry night.

JJogWar1:s is a boarding school and itsstudents are divided into four houses : R.avencLaw.JJuffLepuff. 6lytherin and c:;ryffindor, each with theirown ghost. JJarry is in c:;ryffindor. The entrance tothe C:;ryffindor house is behind a painting of a fatLady in a pink dress. Of course. all the paintings at

JJogWar1:s moVe and speak and sometimes visitpeople in ot her paintings. Once you whisper t hepassword. t he fat lady reveals the entrance to thecommon room. This is a cosy round room full ofarmchairs. in which s tudents meet and do theirhomework. From t here. Two s taircases lead to theboys and girls dormitories.

1\10st s ubjects s uch as Potions and JJist oryof l\1agic are taught in the classroomS. 60meLessons may take place outside. for examplebroomstick flying. or maybe a Care of l\1agicalCreatures less on. which involves a dragon or aunicorn. There are various after-school activities.Like Ouidditch. This team game. which is played onbroomsticks and with four flying balls. takes placeat the Ouidditch 6i:adium at JJogWar1:s.

As you can imagine. Life at JJogWarts is quiteexciting l1:"s definitely the perfect setting for JJarryPotters magical adventures.

EJ Read the text again and answer the following questions. Tick the correct picture a, b or c for each question.

1. Where is Hoqwarts sch ool? 3. What do students do in the Gryffindor common room?

2. What ca n you see in the Main Hall ?

• • •

4 . What takes place at the Qui dditch Stadium?


Giving additional informat ion about peo ple, things andplaces

Describing places and buildings


teacher's notes 0 5• Ask Ss to read the text aga in paragraph byparagraph and ask them comprehension quest ions.e.g. Can Hogwart School be eas ily seen by anyone?

How do the doors of the school building open?Are subjects only taught in classroom s?

Explain any words Ss might not know.

Non-Def inlng Relati ve Clauses


Words relatedto buildingscommon roomcosydormitory

'Strong' adjectivesamazeddelightedexhaustedfasc inati ng

Otherwordsand phrasesact ivityadventurebeastbring upbroomstickcreaturedefinitelydisappeardiscoverdivideenchanted



involveleadnearbypasswordpotionreflectstar ryunicornwhisper (v)


Hogwarts School is a castle at th e to p of a mo untain.It cannot be seen by non -wizards. The building is hugeand has many towers which reach high into the sky.There are sta ircas es with disappearing ste ps and doorsth at only open if you ask them politely.The paintings at Hogwarts move and speak andsometi mes visit peopl e in other paintings.The subjects tau ght are st range (e.g. Potions and Careof Magical Creatures) and some of them take placeoutside.Students play a funny tea m game whic h is played onbroomsticks and with flying balls .

EJ Aim: to read for detail and understand specificinformation

• Assign this activity for homework .

1. b (Hogwarts School is a castle with many towers onthe top of a mountain.)

2. c (In the Main Hall, yo u can see the enchantedceiling, which reflects the sky.)

3. a (In the Gryffindor common room, students meetand do their homework.)

4 . b (A team game, which is played on broomsticks andwith four flying balls, takes place at the QuidditchStadium.)

readingo Aim: to introduce the topic of the reading text

through an oral act ivity involving personalexperience and preferences

Explain the words wizard and witch and generatediscussion.• Ask Ss t he quest ions .

EJ Aims: • to read for gist• to make and check pred ictions

• Ask Ss to read the paragraph.• Guess how Hogwarts School is different from otherschools.• Discuss Ss pred ict ions but don't revea l wha t HogwartsSchool looks like.• Ask Ss to read t hro ugh the text 'A Magical Placeto Learn ' an d check their predic tions.

optional post-reading activity

Ask Ss questions of personal response to the topic ofthe read ing text.e.g. What is your impression of Hogwarts School?

Do you think that students enjoy themselvesthere?

Note: You don't need to ask detaiied questions at th isstage as you will als o ask some at the pre- Iistenlngstage.

Channel your EngliSh TB 34

Lesson Two (continued)

words and phrasesStrong adjectives

The building itself is huge (= very large in size).It's def inite ly the perfect setti ng for Harry Potter'smagical adventures. (= ideal, the best of its kind)

listening S

a. My brother is going to Newcast le. where he is goingto meet our cousins.

b. Cherries. which are rare at this time of year, are myfavourite fruit.Cherries, which are my favourite fruit, are rare at thistime of year.

c. Shakespeare was born in St ratford -upon-Avon.whichis a small town near Birmingham.

d. My roommate . who is from India, can speak fourlanguages.My roommate, who can speak four languages, isfrom India.

e. Britney Spears, whose songs are great hits . is ayoung pop star.

IIAlms: • to expand on the topic of the reading text• to introduce the topic of the listen ing text

• Ask Ss the quest ions and generate discussion.

d. furiouse. exhaustedf. amazed

a. delightedb. fascinatingc. terrified

EJ Aim: to practis e strong adjectives

• Ask Ss to read sentences a-f.• Have Ss do the activi ty.• Check answers.

II Aim: to introdu ce the concept of strong adject ives

• Ask Ss to refer to the text and underline the strongadjectives huge and perfect.• Discuss the meanings of these adjectives.

• Point out to Ss that we don't use very before 'st rongadjectives' .

grammarIIAim: to introduce non-defining relative clauses

• Ask Ss to read the examples and complete the rulesabout non-defining relative clauses.• Elicit answers.

EJ Alms: • to make and check predictions• to listen for gist

• Ask Ss to look at the pictures and make predictions.• Play the tape.• Have Ss do the exercise.• Check answers and ask Ss to provide justificat ion.

Alnwick Castle, Gloucester Cathedral. Leavesden Studios(Goathland was not used for scenes in th e Harry Potterfilm )

by commas, who. which

EJ Aim: to pract ise non-deflnlng relative clauses

• Ask Ss to read through the sentences and join themusing who, which or whose.• Have Ss do the exercise.• Check answers.• If time is scarce. assign the exercise for homework.

EJ Aim: to listen for specific information

• Ask Ss to read sentences a-e.Explain any unknown words in the sentences.

• Play the tape again.• Have Ss do the exercise. Check answers and ask Ss toprovide just if ication.

a. T b. F c. T d. T e. T

optionalYou may ask Ss further questions of personal responseto the listeni ng text.e.g. How difficult do you think it ;s to shoot a film like

'Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone '?

ListeningTranscript (see page 121)

-35 TB Channel your English

words and phrasesStrong adjectives

o Find the 'st rong' adjectives huge and perfect in thetext on page 34. What do they mean?

EJ Read the sentences a-f and use the adjec t ives inthe box to replace the words in bold type.


b. Cherries are my favour ite fru it. They are rare at thist ime of year.

c. Shakespeare was born in Stratfo rd-upon-Avon. It is asma ll town near Birmingham.


ex ha ustedt errified

delightedfascin ating

d. My roommate is from India. He can speak fourlanguages.

A lnwickCastle

a. When Fay fou nd out she had passed t he exam.

she was very pleased.

b . The film we saw yeste rday was v ery interest ing.

c. When the fire broke out. most people were

very scared .

d . The teacher was very angry when he saw me

cheat ing .

e. After the long flight we were all v ery tired.

f. I was very surprised to ge t a present from Bob. '-


o Read the extracts from the text on page 34 andcomplete the rules about Non-<Jefining relat ive clauses.

• Harry. who was brought up by his unloving uncle and

aunt. one day discovers that he is a wizard.

This is a cosy round room full of armchairs. in which

students meet and do their homework.

• Non-defining relativeclausesgive extra information

and are always separated from the main clause

• In non-defin ingrelative clauses

, whose and where are used in the

same wayas in defining relative clauses. but who and

which cannot be omitted or replaced by that.

• Prepositions usuallyappearat the beginning of non-defining

relative clauses and are followedby relative pronouns.

EJ Join the sentences using who. which . where orwhose. In some cases more than one answer ispossib le.

a. My brother is going to Newcast le. He is going to meet

our cousins there.

e. Britney Spears is a young pop sta r. Her songs aregreat hits.

listening SEJ Discuss the following:

• H ave you seen the fi lm Harry Potter and thePhilosopher's Stone?

• I f yes . w hat did you like abo u t i t ?• I f not. wou ld you like to see i t ? W hyIWhy not ?

EJ The pictures below show places which were used forscenes in the Harry Potter film. Tick th e ones youth ink were used for th e scenes at Hogwarts School.Then, list en to two teenagers talking about th e filmand check your answers.

I j ---

B u sten again and decide whether the sentences a-eare True or False . Write T or F in th e boxes.

a. Both Luke and Ellen have read the Harry

Potter book .b . Luke saw some scenes from t he film on

the Internet .c. Lu ke has v is i ted A lnwick Cast le before.d . Real st uden ts w ere used fo r the

classroom scenes .e. Lu ke and Ellen are going to w atc h t he

film later this ev en ing.

Channel yourEnglish 35

words and phrasesCollocations

I] Look at t he adjec t ives below which can be used to describe a person, a town and/ or a building. Decide if theseadjectives have a positi ve, negative or neut ral mean ing. Write + fo r positi ve, - for negati ve and N for neutral in .the last colum n....~...

attractive ./ ./ ./ loneiy

good-looking ./ deserted

plain ./ ./ cosy

ugly ./ ./ ./ luxurious

tall ./ ./ historic

high ./ ancient

chubby ./ unpleasant

weil-built ./ odd

lively ./ ./ famous

EJ Complete the text below by choosing the best word a. b or c for each blank.

It's r ea lly st range how som e people choose to l ive in a place that doesn 't su it their persona lity. Tak e my

aunt Emma. for exa m ple. She's a(n ) (1) woman w i t h a sweet face and she's always

well-dressed . She's so (2) that . desp ite her age. she st i ll p lays tennis w ith her friends

twice a week . A few years ago she sold her huge (3 ) hou se in London and m oved to a

(4 ) li t tl e co ttage in a v i llage up north. The cottage is OK . but the v i llage is quite

(5) . w i t h ve ry narrow st re ets and dull arch i te ct u re. Actually, a lot of the hou ses are

(6) because m any peop le have m oved t o the city. How ever, aunt Emma doesn 't feel

(7 ) . She's go t a few friends and feels much happier t ha n she did w he n she was in

Lon don .

1. a) attract ive b) p lain c) ugly

2. a) chubby b) livel y c) tall

3 . a) lu xu r iou s b) famous c) good-looking

4 . a) w ell- bu i l t b) high c) cosy

5. a) pla in b) unpleasant c) ancient

6. a) desert ed b) odd c) histori c

7. a) odd b) ugly c) lonely

speakingWork in pairs. Im agin e that you are visit ing Hong Kong wit h afriend . Each of you has got a map and information about threeinte rest ing places to go to. Stud ent A, turn to page 107 andStud ent B, turn to page l OB. Exchange inform ation, discussand decide which places you are going to visit today and saywhy. Use som e of the expressions in the box.

36 Channel your t ogusn

I think we shou ld go... because.. .

Let's v isi t . ..Why don 't we...?

What's specia Vinteresti ng about. ..?I t 's a pl ace where/w h ich ...

W hat can w e do a In.. .?

teacher's notes 05Vocabulary


Adjectivesdescribing a person, a townand/or a building

ancient famous livelyatt ract ive good-looking luxuriousdeserted historic odd


Otherwords andexpressions

alien come tru earchitecture cottagebite (n) dance the night awaybrochure dul lcheck out encounter (n)

words and phrases


fi reworkslifetimemagnif icentmeet upnarrow

personalityspectacularterrortheme park

D Aim: to introduce adjectives used to describe people, towns and/ or buildings and practise using them

• Ask Ss to look at the adjecti ves in the tables.• Explain any unknown words Ss might have.• Have Ss do the activi ty.• Check answers.

attract ive (+)

good-looking (+)

olain (-)ugly (-)tal l (N),high (+)

chubby (N),well-built (+)

lively (+)

lonely (-)deserted (-)cosy (+)

luxurious (+ )

historic (+)

ancient (N)unpleasant (-)odd (-)famous (+)

EJ Aim: to practise using adjecti ves describing people , towns and/or buildings

• Ask Ss to read through the text fi rst to get the gist.• Explain any words Ss might not know.• Have Ss do the exercise and check answers.

1. a) 2. b) 3. a) 4 . c) 5. b)


6. a) 7. c)

D Aim: to exchange informat ion and make a decision

• Divide Ss into pairs.• Ask Ss to look at the maps and information on pages 107 and 108 respect ively.• Explain any words and/or expressions in the tables that Ss might not know.• Have Ss do the act ivity.

Channel your English T8 36

Lesson Three (continued)

writingo Aim: to prepare 5s for the writ ing task

• Ask 5s the questions.• Generate discussion.

EJ Aim: to identify purpose, audience and stylistic features of a brochure

• Ask 5s to read the extract.• Ask 5s the questions and check answers.• Explain any words 5s might not know.

• To advert ise a place• The writer uses informal language to sound friendly and add liveleness to the descripti on so as to make the placesound more attractive and persuade the reader to visit it. There is direct address to the reader.

EJ Aim: to practise identifying persuasive devices in a text

• Tell 5s to refer to the brochure.• Give 5s an example of a phrase and an adjective used as persuasive devices in the brochure.• Ask 5s to do the rest of the exercise.• Check answers.

Phrases used to persuade the reader to visit the place:where dreams come true, be prepared for the experience of a lifet ime, go for the ride of your life, what are youwaiting for?, you'll be amazed by, watch out, join us and let the fun begin

Adjectives used to make the place sound more attractive:magical , magnifi cent , wonderful, fantastic, spectacular, amazed, wonderful

4 Writing taskAim: to give 5s practice writing a brochure• Ask 5s to read the information and the expressions given.• Explain any words/ expressions that Ss might not know.• Read and explain the ti p.• Assign the writi ng task for homework .

37 T8 Channel yourEnglish


w rit in gDiscuss the following:

o W hat is t he m ost im pressive pl ace you hav eeve r vis ited?

o W hat was specia l abou t i t ?

EJ Read the following extract from a brochure aboutthe famous theme park Walt Disney World inFlorida , USA and answer the questions below,

o W hat 's the purpose of t he brochure?o Does the w riter use formal or informal language?

W hy? ~~I~~ APPLEVIL~'\~' YOUTH CENTRE \\l'~ ~._ _ _~___ -'- ~ _ , _~:o.: (Top Floor)

ISnack barInternetJukebox

Gym (First Floor)

I Aerobics classes ISportsCompetitions-----

111Main hall (Ground Floor)

ITheatre performancesDisco


. .

4 Writing task

sur f the Nethave a game oftake part in a play/com petitio nm eet up with friendsdance t he night aw ayget fi tcheck outlisten t o t he lat est hits

..L.,·D When 'IOU write a brochure (or a place:~,r 0 Focus on the positive aspects o( the place

onllJ and trlJ to persuade the reader to visitit.

o Re(er to the reader in a (riendllJ walJ. Use theimpera tive and the pronoun 'IJOU' to address the readerdirectllJ,

• Use a varietlJ of adjectives to make lJour brochuf!.-..-- Imore (icte(lJ and catch the reader s attention .

• Don't include unimportant details.

Look at the plan of a local youth centre and write a textwhich will be used for a brochu re, Expand on theinformation given and use some of the expressionssuggested, Your text should be between 120 and 150words .

EJ Read the brochure again. Underline all t he phrasesused to persuade th e reader to visit the place andcircl e the adjectives used to make it sound moreattractive,

<;}j;cv yow uianl/ to.viswa,plare wAet0d!wams' wnW> lwe-?Scv. wl'zayat0 'jOlf/iuailinq:10:1I? cgllle'll

tile- maqicai:WMU

of CVtlalY ({fj;i5IWYall,," e.e- (z,wpa ted. 0'11tl'ze- lWfWl iellCi'/ of a'


V Take a 1('f,t1k dm01.' _Alain Street,.whrrp :"0 11. ( fIl l

e Cinderella $ mngllij lreuf castle or have JOw;clllre taken with )'ollr!avollrite Disney rhame/a.

'ttl 'J1" rr are 101.1 of. o nderfu! rules 10 go Oil .

Why 11 01 take a Irill 10 Nn wrLn;,,!? Ride all CalliaillHook's shill alldflJ 10 PrierPall's world, Or go f or the

ride of .1'0111' lilr all the ., rExlraT EHHOHrslriol Al ien Encounter. It atch 0 111 -

"O ll ll e1. lfr know Hlha! is hiding i ll the dark .

'ttl If yO Il 'rr h llllg l)', II )' ourlas! f ood rrslllIm ll/ls f o:'a qllick bite. Bill if .1'011 walll SO/lld /ll l1g slw(lol, check0 111 Che] Mickri s Restnu rant . wherr Jail ((I II gelclose to WHIr IJislU'J ! rif llds, iohil« fllJOJ111g a[autustu: mea! IhrJ '"r cooked IIll fo r .1'011.

" Il'hm lIigltl fall.l, 1I'alch the skJlighl IIll wilh .1/)fClaClllor jire1l'0rksabov« Falllll.\ylolld. You 'll bea/lloZl'd b,' the 1I'0Ildnf" I I'orld ofcolour. And that's 110/ all...

So, joi ll li S ami let the [un brgitl!

Channel your English 37

Lesson One

presentationo Discuss the following:

• Do you know of a ny enda nge red species?

• Why are t hey in da nge r?

EJ Listen to an Australian guide talking with • •two tou rists, Which a nima ls do they mention?Which of them is an endangered species?

D Read the dialogue a nd the sta tements a-<la nd decide whet her the speaker Is seriousor ironic. Write S for serious or I for ironic inthe boxes.

a . "If you can't keep up with us , we' llcarry yo u on our backs ."

b . "A few boiled leaves, a possummaybe a nd bugs of course ."

c. "I f you w ere stuck out here on yo ur own,you' d have to surv ive somehow."

d . "That 's why we have to ca tc h one be forethey die out. "

e . "[ ca me on this walk to learn aboutTasmanian wildlife, not to dest roy it. "








Listen up, everyone. That 's the hill I wastelling you about earlier.Excuse me. Which hill?Ah. you must be the two new bush-walkers ,Martina and Dick, right?It' s Rick, actu ally.Right, to reach the hill we' ll need to walkthrough a difficult part of the Tasmanianbush . It can get wild out there, so if you comeacross a crocodile, run !

How long will the walk take?All day. But don't worry, Dick, if you can'tkeep up with us, we' ll carry you on our backs.OK. It's just that we haven't brought any foodwith us. What are we going to eat?No worries, mate. The bush will provide allwe need.What does that mean, exactly?







You know, a few boiled leaves, a possummaybe and some bugs of course.We're going to eat insects? YukiLet 's face it. If you were stuck out here onyour own, you'd have to surv ive someho w.

[ suppose so.[f we're rea lly lucky, we may catch aTasmanian devil. There's a treat! Mmmm.I thought they were an endangered species.Exactly. That's why we have to catch onebefore th ey die out.I don't think you should make fun of thisissue. These animals are almost extinct.I came on this walk to learn about Tasmanianwildlife, not to destroy it. So, can we get amove on please?Calm down, Dick. I'm just pulling your leg .My name is Rick, mate!

D Discuss the following:

• Would you like towalk through theTasmanian bus h?Why/Why not?

• What can be done toprotect e nda nge redspecies?

38 Channel your English

intonationThe following sentences refe r to conditions. Liste n and repeat them,

If you come across a crocodile , run !If you ca n't keep up with us , we ' ll carry you on our backs .If we' re really lucky, we may ca tch a Tasmanian devil.If you we re stuck out here on your own, yo u'd ha ve to survive somehow.

teacher's notes 06Functions

e.Sc. S d.1a. I b.1

• When this activity is over, ask some Ss more quest ions.e.g. What do the bush-walkers have to do in order to

reach the hill?If they were stuck out in the bush, how would theyfeed themselves?

Explain any words and/ or phrases Ss might not know.

• Ask Ss to read statements a-e.• Ask Ss to uncover the dialogue so that they can readand listen at the same time. Play the tape again.• Ask Ss to underline words and expressions they are notfamiliar with, but te ll the m not to worry about unknownwords at this stage.• Give Ss ti me to work out the answers individually or inpairs.• Check Ss' answers and ask them to providejustification.

EJ Aims: • to listen to the dialogue and relate it to theprevious discussion

• to understand the gist of the dialogue• Ask Ss to cover th e dialogue, look at the picture andlisten carefully. Play t he tape . S• Discuss answers.

EJ Aim: to int erpret the speakers' ton e


there's a treatWhat on earth ...?Yuki

die out keep up withPhrasal verbscalm down come across

Conversational Englishget a move onlet's face itno worriespull someo ne's leg


Other wordsand phrasesboiI endangered speciesbug extinctbush guide (n)bush-waiker in dangerdestroy possum

Talking about possibilit ies and future or imaginarysitu at ionsReferring to conditions to present vocabulary, structu res and functions in

the cont ext of a dial ogue between an Australianguide and two tourists

Background Note: Tasmania, the smallest Australianstate, is a mounta inous island in the sout heast cornerof Aust ralia. Some of it is so wild that it has neverbeen fu lly explored .The Tasmanian Devil, a carn ivorous and scavengingmarcupial that looks like a small bear, now lives onlyin Tasmania. It is very strong for its size, with large,sharp teeth .

D Aim: to introduce one of the topics of th e dialogue

• Ask Ss to read through the questions.• Explain the phrase endangered species (= animals thatmay soon no longer exist ). Also, point out to Ss that thenoun species has the same form in both the singular andplural.• Generate discussion.

D Aim: to encourage Ss to relate th e top ic of thedialogu e to personal opinion and preferences

• Ask Ss to look at the questions and discuss them.

optionalIf there is t ime, you may ask Ss more questions.e.g, Have you ever taken part in a guided tour? How did

you like it?What was your impression of the gUide?

intonat ion SAim: to present and practise intonation in condit ional

sentences• Play the tape and pause after each sentence.• Ask Ss to repeat the sentences.

Channel your English T8 38

Lesson One (continued)

words and phrases • Read out and explain the notes concerning the uses ofzero conditional and unless. If necessary, provide Ss wit hfurther examples or ask them to make their own.

Aim: to match the examples of conversat ionalEnglish in the dialogue with their meanings

• Ask Ss to do the act ivity.• Check answers.

EJ Aim: to practise the uses of Condit ional SentencesTypes 1 and 2

• Have Ss do the exercise individually.• Check answers.• If time is scarce, assign the exercise for homework.

8 . no worriesb. Yukic. let 's face itd. get a move one. I'm just pulling your leg

2 Phrasal verbs

Aim: to match the phrasal verbs in the dialogue withtheir meanings

• Ask Ss to do the activity.• Check answers.

a. If I had t ime, I would/ could go to the concertton ight.

b. You may get wet if you don't take an umbrella withyou. (Point out to Ss that the order of the two clausescan be reversed in a conditional sentence).

c. If Susan stud ied hard, she would pass theexam.

d. He could take a taxi if he had enough money withhim.

e. Unless Dad agrees, we can't have a party.

II Aims: • to present the uses of Condit ional SentencesType 1 and 2

• to elicit th e structure of Condit ionalSentences Types 1 and 2

• Ask Ss to refer to the dia logue and under line all thecondit ional sentences in it.• Ask Ss to read throu gh the table and ensure that theyunderstand the terms used. If necessary, provideexplanat ions.• Have Ss complete the table.• Check answers.

suggested answers

If there is no water in the pond, the penguins can't swimor dive.If they don't give the iion any food, it wil l die.If I were the zoo-keeper, I would fil l the pond with water /give the lion more food / find a bigger cage for theelephant / build a higher wall for the bears / clean upthe rubbish.

Aim: to pract ise the structures, functions and vocabularypresented in th is lesson in the context of a dialogue

• Divide Ss into pairs and tell them to look at th e picture.• Point out to Ss that they should use ConditionalSentences Types 1 and 2.• Have Ss do the activity.

oral practicec. die outd. calm down

a. come acrossb. keep up with


Conditional Sentences Type 1

<will / mustjshould/can/may+base form

If + Present Simple . .Imperative

e.g, If Rick and Martina see a crocodile, they will run.

Conditional Sentences Type 2

If + Past Simple -+ would could, might + base form

e.g. If Rick and Martina were stuck in the Tasmanian

bush on their own, they would have to survive somehow.

39 TB Channel your English

Conditional Sentences Type 2

Conditional sentences Type 1

2 Phrasal verbs

He could _

e. We can't have a party if Dad doesn't agree.

Unless _

Rewrite the following sentences sta rti ng with thewords given. All the new sentences must beCondition al Sentences Type 1 or Type 2.

a. I haven't got time, so I won't go to the concert tonight.

If I had _

If Susan _

d. He hasn't got enough money with him. so he can't

take a taxi.

Work in pairs. Imagine that you visited Sadstate Zoo lastweek and you were shocked by the condition that thezoo was in. look at the picture and discuss the problemsthe zoo has. Use Conditio nal Sentences Types 1 and 2like this:If there is no water in the pond....If I were the zoo-keeper....

b. Take an umbrella with you because you may get wet.

You may get wet if _

c. Susan doesn't study hard. so she won't pass the


oral practice

, could.


If +

</ must/should/ can/may+base form

Ii + Present Simpleimperative

e.g. If Rick and Martina see a crocodile, they will run.

They express something that is imaginary or unlikelyto happen in the present or future.

They express something that is possible to happen inthe present or future.

1 Conversational English

NOTES: • The Zero Condit ionai (If +PresentSimple ..... Present Simple) is used for general t ruths.e.g. If water freezes. it turns into ice.

• Unless is used instead of if... no t...e.g. I won't go to the party unless you come (=if you

don 't come) with me.

might + base form

e.g. If Rick and Martina were stuck in the Tasmanian

bush on their own, they would have to survive somehow.

Find four phrasal verbs in the dialogue and match themwith the meanings given.

a. fi nd by cha nce

b. move at the same pac e as

c. become extinc t

d. stop being angry

Find five examples of conversat ional English in thedialogue and match them with the meanings given.

a. t hat's not a problem

b. How disgusting !

c . we must accept it

d. hurry up

e. I'm on ly kidding


words and phrases

EJ Underlin e all the conditional sentences in thedialogue and then complete the tabl e below.

Channel your English 39

readingD Discuss the following:

Do you th ink the env ironm ent is in danger nowadays? If so, wh at are the most serious problems?

EJ Read the extrac ts below and mat ch the ones on the left with those numbered 1-5 to form five paragra phs, ea chof which is a bout a n environmenta l issue. Then, match the five paragraphs with the pictures a-e.



GLOBAL WARM INGChanges in the eart h 's clim ate have beentaking place ever s ince life first appe ared .It's a fact that ou r pla ne t is becom ing hotterand hotte r.

POLLUTIONPollution has been around for a long time. Thefrightening thing is the rate at w hich it isincreasing. Car fumes pollute the air that webreathe, especially in the city. Factories not onlypollute the atmosphere, but they also affect thewater in the world's lakes, rive rs and seas .

ACID RAINTrees and an imals a ll over the wo rld aredying because of aci d rain. Beli eve it or not,acid rain is man-made . Cars and factoriesproduce a lot of dangerous gases w hichenter the atmosphe re .

Polluted water ca n killanimals and cau sedi seases, while thepollut ion of the soil fromchem ica ls can seriouslyaffect wildlife .

Sin ce the 1970s thedestr uction in this areahas increaseddra mat ically. Trees havebeen replace d by farm s,buildin gs a nd road s .

Peopl e have re a lised thisand have come up w ithalternative so urces ofene rgy. such as nu clearpower, wind and waterpower and solar energy.EJ

Th ere, they mix wit hwater. When this mixturefall s back to the ground,it ha rms n ot only peopleand wi ldlife, but a lsobuildings.

This is because pollutiontraps too much heat in theatmosphere. As a result ofthis, the air becomes drier,the ice at the poles meltsand sea levels rise.

.......- 0



Almost half of the wo rld's rem a iningtropical rainforests are in South America.They cover an area of eight million squarekilometre s and are home to over onemi llion species of wildlife.

95 % of the Earth's energy comes from oil:ga s a nd coa l. These are kno w n as 'fossilfuel s', but they are not going to last forever.

EJ Read the text again and complete the sentences below with words from the text.

a . tempe rature is inc reas ing rapidly.b . Buildings are dest royed by _

c . Factories and cars are the m ain ca use of _

d . South America is covered by _

e . One day, wo n't ex ist anymore.

f. mix with water a nd acid ra in is formed.

40 Channel your English

teacher's notes 06


Vocabulary related to environmental issuesacid rain ground (n) rainfallatmosphere harm (v) rainforestchemicals heat (n) soi lclimate industry solarcoal melt sourcedestruct ion nuclear temperaturefossil fuels pole wild lifegas polluteglobal warming pollution

Note: Do not explain any unknown words at th is stage.

Global Warming -> 4 -> c (climate-air, atmosphere,hotter and hotter-heat)

Pollution: 1 -> e -> (affect the water in the world 'slakes, rivers and seas-pollu tedwater)

Acid Rain -> 5 -> d (enter the atmoshe re-there,falls back to the ground)

Rainforests -> 2 -> a (rain forests-trees)Energy Sources -> 3 -> b (energy alternative sources

of energy... solar energy)

• Ask Ss to read th rough th e extracts again. Ask themcomprehension questions.e.g. What is globa l warming all about?

What are the two main causes of pollution?Who is mainly responsible for acid rain ?Where are rainforests found today?What are some alternative sources of energy?

Explain unknown words.

lEI Aim: to read for detail and understa nd specificinformation

• Assign this acti vity for homework .

mixtu rerateremaining (adj.)replacerisetrap (v)

Otherwords andphrasesaffect diseasealternative dramaticallybe around factorybecause of increase (v)breathe last (v)come up with man-made

readingD Aim: to introduce the topic of the reading text

through an oral act ivity involving personalexperience and opinion

• Ask Ss the questions.• Generate discussion.

a. The Eart h'sb. acid rainc. pollut ion

d. rainforestse. fossil fue lsf. Dangerous gases

EJ Alms: • to understand text organisatio n throughreordering jumbled texts

• to transfe r from verbal to visual information• Ensure tha t Ss understand the meanings of t he fiveeadings.

• Ask Ss to read th e first extract (global warming) andextract 4 and point out the key words and phrases.• Ask Ss to read through th e remaining extracts and dothe matching.• Point out to Ss that they should look out for key wordsand phrases or sim ilar ideas expressed in the extracts .• Check answers.• Then, ask Ss to match the five paragraphs with theoictures a-e.• Check answers.

optional post-reading activityAsk Ss quest ions of personal response related to thetopic of the readi ng text.e.g How do you feel about the environment?

Haveyou heard of any other environmentalproblems?

Note: You do not need to ask detail ed questio ns at th isstage as you will also ask some at the pre-listeningstage.

Channel your English T8 40

Lesson Two (continued)

words and phrasesPrepositional phrases

Aim: to pract ise using prepositional phrases• Ask Ss to read through t he preposit ional phrases.Explain any unk nown words if necessary.• Have Ss do the exercise.• Check answers.

a. at the back ofb. in the mountainsc. in the aird. in the seae. on the beach

grammarEJ Aim: to revise th e uses of the art icles the and a/an

• Refer to the text. Ask Ss to give some examples ofnouns preceded by the and a(n) and of nouns withoutart icles. Compare and cont rast them .• Ask ss the question.• Elicit answers.

Because we refer to these nouns in thei r general sense.

EJ Aim: to practise the correct use of art icles

• Read and explain th e rules.• Clarify any questions Ss might have about the correctuse of arti cles.• Ask Ss to read through the paragraph first to get agenera l idea of what it is about.• Have Ss do the exercise.• Check answers.

1. a2. a3.4 .5. - / a6. the7. the8. the / a9 . a

10. the

41 TB Channel yourEnglish

listening SEJ Aims: • to expand on the topic of th e reading text

• to present the topic of the list ening text• Refer Ss to the reading text.• Ask Ss the question and generate discussion.

EJ Aim: to listen for gist

• Ask Ss to read the quest ion and the three options.• Play the tape.• Ask Ss to do t he exercise. Check answers and ask ssto provide ju stificatio n.

b (I'm not saying there are no problems, but they arenot as serious as some environmentalists will haveyou believe)

EJ Aim: to listen for specif ic information

• Ask Ss to read the questions and the options.• Explain any unknown words if necessary.• Play the ta pe again .• Ask to Ss do th e exercise. Check answers and ask Ssto provide j ust if ication.

1. b (because we'll be using more of the alterna tivesources of energy, like the sun, wind and sea)

2. c (i t will fall once fossil fuels are replaced)3. c (human health could also improve from this climate


optional post-listening activityYou may ask Ss fu rt her questi ons of personal responseto the listening text.e.g. Do you agree with Carl's point of view concerning

environmenta l issues? Why / Why not?

ListeningTranscrlpl (see page 12 2)

UNIT 0 6

words and phrasesPrepositional phrases

If you want to be (1) celebrity reporter,

you will need (2) degree in

(3 ) Journal ism and Comm unicat ions.

Look at the prepositi onal phrases below and use themost suitable ones to com plete the sentences a-e.

in t he seain the air/sky/a t m osphere

in the ci ty/countryin th e mountains

at the ba ck ofat the t op!bottom of

on an i slandon t he beach/coast

However, more important than that is having (4) _

good contacts and (5) love for

(6) job and (7) _

risks which are involved. You may start writ ing for

(8) school newspaper and remember

that you must always have (9) _

portfolio of (10) work you have

publ ished.

EJ Read th e rules below and then complete theparagraph with th e, aln) or-.

[J Look back at the text on page 40. Underline thenouns and circle the articles the and aln) in it. Why Ist here no article before some of the nouns?

a. John always si ts the


b . Jack and Jill went on a ski ing holiday

listening S

~.~' , ' "

EJ You will hear an interview with Carl Olsen, anenvironme nta l specialist. Listen and answer thefollowin g quest ion. Choose a, b or c.

H ow does Carl feel abou t the environment?

a. The enviro nment is ch anging becaus e of globa lwa rming .

b. It isn 't necessary to worry abo u t thee nv ironment too much .

c. The envi ro nment is not in danger at al l.

D Listen to the interview again and answer thefollowing questions. Choose a, b or c.

[J Put the environmental problems presented on page40 in order of importance. What is the least seriousproblem in your opinion? Why?


• The indefinite article a(n) is used before singularcountable nouns when we refer to them in their generalsense or mention them forthe first time.e.g. A pilot flies an aeroplane.

I got a letter yesterday.

c. Tony ki ck ed the ball h igh _

d . We went swim m ing every day.

e. At midday the sand _

burns yo ur feet.


No article isused before uncountable nouns (concreteand abstract) and plural countable nouns when we referto them in their general sense.e.g. Money can't bUy love.

Books can keep you company on a lonely trip.

1. W hat does Carl think about fossi l fu els?

a. They w ill disappear very soon.b . Natural sources of ener gy are re p lacing them .c. Peop le don't use them anymore.

• Thedefinite article the is used before countable anduncountable nouns when we refer to:- unique things, e.g. The sun heats the earth.- nouns in their specific sense, e.g. The snow was one

metre deep.- nouns that have already been mentioned. e.g. I got a

letter yesterday. The letter was from an old friend.- nouns that are defined.

e.g. The parrots in this cage are very beaut iful.The house which is next to ours is 300 years old.

2 . W hat does Carl say about global warming?

a. There w ill be ser io us flood s in many countr ies.b. I t is ge tt ing worse becau se of ri sin g temperatures.c. I t w on 't be a prob lem w hen fossil fu el s are n't

used any more.

3 . H ow w i ll life on Earth cha nge according toCar l?

a. More people w i ll die becau se of th e heat .b . Nature w ill be less green .c . People w ill be heal thier.

Channel yourEnglish 41

words and phrasesWord building

A lot of nouns are formed by adding a suff ix, such as -ance, ·ion, -ation or -ment. to a verb.

o Form nouns using the verbs in the box a nd a su itabl e s uffix to complete the tab le.

jns-trre"annou nceattrac ted uc a te



.-relax­a r range

dire ctexcite

d evelopin forminvit e

pe rform

Verb + -ance


Verb + -lon

ac tion

Verb + -atlon

relaxatio n

Verb +-ment

dev elo pment

EJ Complete the sente nce s with the corre ct form of som e of the nouns in the tabl e above.

a . The headma ste r put up an on the noti ce board .

b . If you have a ny questions, go to th e des k.

c. She has a m ag nifi cent of porce la in doll s .

d . Have you m ad e a ny for the tr ip ye t?

e. So me ba s ic is ne ce ssa ry if yo u want to ge t a job .

f. He r im pressi ve m akes m e t h ink that she 's a m ode l.

g . If you get lost , yo u can always ask for _

h . There was a lot of among the students when they heard about the excurs ion.

speakingO w ork in pa irs. Look at the Internet advertisements for

holidays, com pare the holidays a nd decide which ofthe two you would prefer to go on.

t-f""' Iio'_~

-;: - " - ,2 ~ ~ .!. ,]L9 e 'Iif_ 1

• Come face to face with Africa's wildlife.• Explore the Kenyan bush and learn about

endangered species .• Spend nights camping out in the bush

and experience breathtaking sunsets.


EJ Now, discuss a nd decide which of the ite ms below you would/wouldn't ta ke on the trip an d why. You ca n usesome of the phrases in the box.

camerasleeping bagdia rypo rtable TVsunglasse sfirst a id kit

4 2 Channel your English

bootsmobile phonesunblockski jacketlaptopbook

If w e go on .... we m ust/s hould .. .Why do n 't we ... ?It would be a go od idea to .. .A w ould come in handy.A is usele ss for.. .

teacher's notes 06Vocabulary

Nouns deriving fromverb rootsact ion collectionannouncement developmentappearance directionatt ract ion educat ion

other words andphrases

breathtak ing first aid kitcoach glaciercome in handy lap topdrop someone off natu re reserveexcursion opportunity

words and phrasesWord building

entertainmentexcitementinformat ioninsurance


invitationperfo rmancerelaxation


o Aim:to introduce and practise noun formation

• Read and explain the introductory comment as well as the examples provided.• Ensure that Ss understand the procedure.• If necessary, provide Ss with further examples.• Have Ss do the act ivity and check answers.

Verb + -anceinsuranceappearanceperformance

Verb + -Ionactionattractioneducationcollect iondirection

Verb + -ati onrelaxationinformationinvitation

Verb + -mentdevelopmentannouncemententerta inmentarrangementexcitement

EJ Aim: to practi se using nouns in context

• Have Ss do the activity and check answers.• Explain any unknown words if necessary.

a. announcementb. informat ionc. collect iond. arrangements


e. educat ionf. appearanceg. directionsh. excitement

o Aims: • to comp are and contrast two holiday options• to practi se decision maki ng based on personal preferences

• Divide Ss into pairs.• Ask Ss to look at the Internet advertisem ents.• Explain any words in the advertise ments that Ss might not know.• Have Ss do the activity.

EJ Aim: to give s s practic e with prior iti sing

• Ask 5s to look at the picture as well as the boxes with the words and the phrases.• Explain any words and/or phrases in the boxes that Ss might not know.• Have Ss do the activ ity.

Channel your English T8 42

Lesson Three (continued)

w ritingIIAims: • to relate environmental problems to personal experience

• to prepare Ss for the writing task

• Ask Ss the questions and generate discussion.

EJ Aim: to identify the purpose and audience of the text

• Ask Ss to read the text and answer the quest ions.• Check answers.

Explain any words Ss might not know.

a. It was written for the students of St Pat rick's School taking part in an excursion.b. To give students informatio n about the excursion.

D Aim: to identify the main ideas of the text

• Refer Ss to the text.• Have Ss do the act ivity.

Elicit and check answers.

We'll be meeting outside the school at 9 a.m. ~ information about the meetin g place and t imeThe woods can be very cold and muddy in the winter ~ information about t he weather condit ionsWe will give everyone... at the end of the day ~ information about what they shou ld do with the rubbish they collect...we will spend the whole day there ~ information about the duration of the excursion so that students can arrangefor foodThe excursion will finish at around 4 p.m.~ informatio n about the time of arr ivalThe coaches will drop you off at school again ~ information about the place of arriva l and' the means of t ransportused to get there .

a Aim: to present and practise words/phrases used for listing points

• Ask Ss the quest ions.• Elicit answers.

Dear students,First ly, we will be meeting ...Secondly, don't forget to wear ...We will, also, give everyone a plast ic bag ...What's more, bring a packed lunch ...Finally, the excursion will f inish ...

Aim: to give Ss practice writing a letter giving informationRead the brochure, the extract from the letter and provide explanat ions if necessary.

• Read and explain the t ip.• Point out to Ss that it is important to write their lette rs according to the tip provided.• Assign the writ ing task for homework.

43 TB Channel your English

---IUNIT 06

writing[J Discuss the following:

• What e nv ironmental problems a re there in thearea where you live?

• What have you do ne or ca n you do about them?

D Suppose that the text which you read had to bewritten In the form of a lett er to the students . Whatwould the beginning of the letter be like? Wherewould you put the words and phrases below to listthe informat ion given?

a lso firstly secondly finally what's more

5 Writing task

• over 1-4l:Jears oLcl

• S L<""clal:J 1-7t" Marc~

'* Help out at~ure rese0J---t~

'* Take part in ecycling progra mm

vis it blre!

sa V\.Ct L<a rl:J 'olea"" a L'\.clf eee! sea

blrclsDo ~our bit:

for t:he environment:!

!-towever, I WOL< Lcl Llk.e SOVl<.e VloLD re """forVl<.at lo"".!-tow oLcl clo , ~ave to be to t ak.e part l"" Cjree""Da l:J ? W lLL t~ e eve""t t ak.e pLa ce at t~e week.e""clbecaL<se I ca",,'t CO Vl<.e clL<rl""g t~e week.? W~at clol:JOL< Vl<.ea"" bl:J ~tL< re reserve? WlLLI "'-tecl tobrl""0 t~l""0s to be recl:Jolecl ?

PLease, Let Vl<.e k."'-Ow a boL<t t~ese t~l""0s asSOD"" as possl bLe.

~., When ljUU write a tetter '1;tlin9 information:

• Cover all the points made in the notes and ortJanisethem in a efear, (olj;ca( order.

• Use words/phrases to refer to the information (e.lj. asfor) and to list points (e.lj. firstly, another thinlj...J,

• Don't forljet to use set phrases at the beljinninlj (e.Ij, II'll be Ijlad to Iji~e you information about... ) _and the end of your letter (e.Ij, If you needanlJ more information,...),

Imagine that you are one of the organ isers of 'GreenDay'. You have received a letter from a teenager whohas seen the adve rtiseme nt below and would like someextra information. Read part of his/her lett er a nd thenotes you have mad e. Then, write a lette r to theteenager giving the necessary information.

CLEANSHIPTONWOODS .The studen ts of St Patrick 's Collegetaking part in the excursion n ex t Sunday

should note th e fo llow ing:

• We'll be m eeting outside t he college at9 a .m. Coach es w ill take you to Shipton

Woods .• Don't forget to wear warm clothes and

boots . as the woods ca n be very co ld a nd

muddy in winter.• We will give everyone a plasti c bag to put

all the rubbish in and we will collec t them

at the end of t he day.• As for food, br ing a packed lunch . because

we will spend the w ho le day there . Butremembe r. don't leave any r ubbish behind!

• The excursion will fini sh at around 4 p .m.The coaches will drop yo u off at the colle ge

'9"" {~??r...... ' '\ )\ ~/ -, \ ,.)\ , ,

EJ Read the text again a nd underline a ll the phrasesgiving informa tion a bout the excursion. What kindof Informa tion is given?

EJ Read the text a nd answer the questions below.

• Who was the text w ritten for?• What is the pu rpose of the text?

Channel yourEnglish 43

Revision 4-&readingRead the text and answ er the quest ions 1-4. Choose a. b or c.

Easter Island is one of the world's most famousplaces . However. it is also one of the loneliest.Easter Island is a small island in the Pacific Ocean.

4000 kilometres off the coast of South America andaround 2000 kilometres from the nearest island. It canonly be reached by plane. as it has no harbour. Most ofthe coast line consis ts of cliffs and there are some ext inctvolcanoes. As the island is covered in grass . most of itsinhabitants are sheep farmer s.

Besides its unique geographical location. Easter Islandalso has an extraordinary history. It was discovered by aDutch explorer. Jakob Rogeveen in 1722 on EasterSunday. Some fifty years later . Captain James Cook cameto the island during his second Pacific voyage ofdiscovery. To his surprise. he found between 600 and700 men and only 30 women living on the island . Legendhas itthat the women and children were captured and 'eatenduring a war in 1680 between the two tribes livingon theIsland, The populat ion decreased even more in186 2. when about one th ird of the isla nd's inhabitantswere taken to Peru to work as slaves . Only fiftee n of them

44 Channel your English

managed to return home alive. However. they broughtback diseases with them. which killed most of the rest ofthe inhabitants.

Because of these tragic decreases in population . it isdifficult to t race where the islanders originally came from.There are no writte n records of the island's history andwith the death of its inhabitants the oral tradit ion fadedaway. There are two major theories regarding theislanders' origins. The fi rst is that they were Polynesian.while the second suggests that they came from SouthAmerica. Whoever they were. one thing is certain. Theyhave constructed the most famous stone statues in theworld.

These statues are figures of men showing only theupper body. According to archaeologists . they were madeof volcanic rock and were built some t ime between 1000and 1600 AD. They were firs t carved lying down and thenlifted into the posit ions where they stand today. There areapproximately six hundred of"them and experts bel ievethat they represent men who belonged to the ruling tri beof the island. These men were worshipped like gods aftertheir death. The statues have long ears and wear a redstone hat. which probably represents the red hair most ofthe islanders had. The exact reason why the statues werebuilt remains a mystery.

There are so many unanswered questions concerningEaster Island. its histo ry and its inhabitants. This isprobably what makes it a truly fasc inating place.

I . W hat makes Easter Island spe cia l?a. its landscapeb . its gre at d istance from any landc. its name

2. W hy did t he population of East er Islan ddecrease in the 19th century?a. Because m any people d ied of i llnesses.b . Because many peop le w ere killed during

wa r.c. Becau se most of t he people were car r ied

away as s lave s .

3. What do t he statues represent?a. m en from two different tribesb . t he island's godsc. m en from the most power fu l tribe

4 . What is the purpose of t h is t ext ?a. To at t r act v isitors to Easter I sland.b . To exp lain how t he statues were constructed.c. To inform about the island's history.

teacher' s notes Rev 4-6

readin gAim: to check 5s' readin g comprehension skills t hrough a multiple-choice exercise

• Ask 5s a few pre-reading questions related to the topic of the text and generate discussion.e.g. Have you ever heard of Easter Island?

What do you know about it?If Ss don't know anything about Easter Island, ask them to look at the pictu re and guess where it is, why it is anextraordinary island etc.• Ask 5s to read through the text for gist.• Ask 5s to read the text again paragraph by paragraph and answer the questions choosing the most appropriate answer.• Ask Ss to look out for key words and/or phrases as well as specific informat ion related to each questio n.• Have Ss do the exercise and check answers."

1. a (paragraph 1; Most of the coastline ...are sheep farme rs)2. a (paragraph 2: ...which killed most of the rest of the inhabitants. NOTE: One third of the island 's inhabitants is less

than most of the people)3. c (paragraph 3: ...they represent men who belonged to the ruling tribe of the island)4. c (overall impression)

Note: When this activity is over, you may explain any unknown words if necessary.

opt i o na l post -reading activity

Ask Ss some questions of personal response to the ideas expressed in the text.e.g. What do you think is the most fascinating fact about Easter Island?

Would you like to visit it? Why/Why not?

Channel your English T8 44

Revision 4-6

Use of Englisho Aim: to revise and check structu ral accuracy throu gh an error correctio n exercise

• Ask Ss to read through the text for gist.• Have Ss decide whether each of the lines Is correct or contains a word which should not be there.• Check answers and ask Ss to provide justificati on.

1. been 7../2. most 8. is

3../ 9. do4. an 10. we5. the 11../6. being 12. which

Note: When this activity is over, you may explain any unknown words if necessary.

EJ Aim: to revise and check structural accuracy thro ugh an open cloze exercise

• Ask Ss to read through the text for gist without worrying about the missing words.• 'Ask 5s to fi ll in the gaps with one word only.• Check answers and ask Ss to provide justification.

(1) most (6) who

(2) across (7) need/have

(3) will (8) an

(4) calm (9) when

(5) of (10) him

Note: When this activ ity is over. you may explain any unknown words if necessary.

song SAim: to listen to the song and check 5s' comprehension of It• Explain the meaning of the word preacher.• Play the tape and have Ss listen to the song.

If necessary, play the tape again.• Ask ss the questions and generate discussion.

1. The teacher believes that students should not be taught just information and facts but values as well.2. The boy sounds quite puzzled because he does not see the point in studying all these subjects. He is also quitestressed and worried whethe r there will be 'A's in his school report.

Note: When this activity is over. you may explain any unknown words if necessary.

optional project• Divide Ss into small groups.• Ask 5s in each group to work together and do a project about the area where they live. the environmenta lproblems it faces and what shou ld be done about them .• Encourage Ss to collect informat ion and then draw or stick pictures and write slogans on a large piece of paper orcardboard.

45 T8 Channel your Engl ish

e ad the text below. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word which should not be there. If a line iseoerect, put a ti ck (,/ ) in the space provided. If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word in thespace provided.

.se of English

_ -.ave you ever been heard of recycling?

e pollution has become one of the most biggest

_ blems in the world today, recycling is an

• ~ective solutio n to it. It is an impossible for

_ 'One to live without producing the waste.

e and more people are being worried today,

- esoecially about toxic waste, which is dangerous

oecause it is contains poisons. The purpose of recycling

• _ :0 find a way to reuse th ings that we do no longer want

ead of we th rowing them away. In th is way,

_ can save energy, mater ials and money.

- 75 money which can be spent in other useful ways.

"ead the text below and complete each blank withe word only.

mend, Frank, is one of the (1) _

"-' g people I have ever met. He just never seems to

0< suffer from any kind of st ress, even when he

(2) unexpected diffi cult ies.

_ go up to him and tell him that you feel st ressed

- something, he (3) defini tely

. ' Oh, (4) down, lite's too

" fier all.' Although Frank has never been really

5) school, he has never

an exam. Frank, (6) grew up

:c 'ng and relaxed environment. believes that you

- 1) to panic every t ime

_ are close. He is (8) _

~'"""';ti·c person by nature and I great ly admire his way

·jng .

- s so amazingly cool that (9) _

~- ers tell (10) to study

- ne usually replies: "Don't worry, it's just a test

song ®You will hear a song called Like a preacher. Listen andanswer the quest ions below.

1. What does the t eacher believe students sho uldbe taug ht?

2. H ow does the boy feel about school?

Channel yourEnglish 45

intonationThe expressions below are used to react posit ively oenegatively to what is being sa id, Listen a nd repeatthem ,

Tell us more .And then?That 's enough.

Carry on . Go ahead.Wh at happened next?Th is is too m uch for me !

Will Shhh! Tell us more.Nat Well, Leroy knelt down and spoke to me, but ~

had a st range voice. He said: "Come with us."Amy And then?Nat The lights went out and I found myself back a

home in front of the te lly.Will So you were dreaming?Nat That's what I thought. My hand was n't cut, but

look at my jacket. ..Amy Blood!

a Discuss the following:

• Do yo u know any mysterious or spoo ky st orieslike Nat's?

• Have you ever ex perie nced somet hing that yO!.cou ld n 't expla in?

Lesson One


Amy What happened, Nat? You look awful!Nat I don't want to talk about it. You probably

wouldn't believe me, anyway.Will Believe what? Tell us what happened.Nat That' s just it. I'm not sure if anything happened.Will Huh?Nat Last night. I was watching the telly when the

phone ran g. It was my cousin Leroy. He said:"Come to th e old theat re , now! It's urgent."

Amy Why?Nat I didn't have time to ask. By the time I figure d

out who it was, he had hun g up.Will Carryon.Nat So, I went to the old theatre . A window was

slightly open, so I climbed in. I tripped over andcut my hand.

Amy You're crazy!Will What happened next?Nat I had been wandering arou nd in the dark for a

few minutes when suddenly a brigh t lightappeared. It was coming from th e stage.

Amy Ah! This is too much for me.Will Don't be silly. Go ahea d, Nat.Nat I saw Leroy on the stage. He was dressed in

black. Behind him there were some more people .I couldn't really make out their faces becausethey were surrounded by smoke or something.

Amy That's enough Nat. You're scaring me.

a. Who ca lle d Nat?b . How did Nat get in to the theatre?c. Why couldn't Nat see the other

people?d . What was different abo ut Leroy?e. Why does Nat think she was not


• Where do you think the peo ple are?

• How wou ld you describe theatmosphere?

EJ List en to the dialogue a nd a nswerthe following questions.

• Who is the man in black in the pict ur.e.

• Where is he?

D Read the dialogue a ndanswe r the following questions:

o Look at the picture and discussthe following:

46 Channel your English

had been drivingsawhadhad gothad been stand ingstoppedhad disappeared

oral practice

Past Perfect SimpleBy the t ime I f igured out who it was, he had hung up.

Suggested answer:By the t ime I f inished my homework, the fi lm hadalready started.

Past Perfect Progressive:I had been wandering around in the dark for a fewminutes when suddenly a bright light appeared.

Suggested answer:They had been walking for two hours when they real isedthey were on the wrong platform.

By the t ime I arr ived at the party,o Frankenstein had been dancing for an hour.o the ghost and the skeleton had been ta lking to eachother for a while.o the Dracula had been playing the guita r for an hour.o the mummy and the witch had stopped dancing.

Aim: to practise the structures and funct ionspresented in th is lesson through speculation

o Divide Ss into pairs.o Tell Ss to look at the picture and the clues provided.o Point out to Ss that they should use the Past PerfectSimple or the Past Perfect Progressive.

Have Ss do the act ivity and check answers.

EJ Aim: to practise the uses of the Past Sim ple, the PaPerfect Simple and the Past Perfect Progress!..

o Ask Ss to read throu gh the text and complete theblanks.o Explain any unknown words if necessary.o Check answers and ask Ss to provide just ification.o If t ime is scarce, assign the exercise for homework.

EJ Aim: to revise the basic uses of the Past PerfectSimple and the Past Perfect Progressive

o Ask Ss to read through the table and ensure that theyunderstand the terms used. ~ necessary. provide explanations.o Tell Ss to refer to the extract in 1 or make their ownexamples.o Have Ss do the exercise.o Check answers.

a: 2 b: 4 c: 3 d: 5 e: 6 f: 1

o She had been wandering for a few minutes.She stopped wander ing when a bright light appeared.The Past Perfect Progressive and the Past Simple.

First, he hung up and, then . she f igured out whohe was.The Past Perfect Simple and the Past Simple.

2 Prepositional phrases


optionalIf there is ti me, ask Ss to make the ir own sentences andcheck th em.

a. figure outb. hang upc. trip overd. go ahead/ carry one. make outf. go out

Alms: 0 to introduce time preposit ional phrasesto match the prepositional phrases with theirmeanings

o Ask Ss to do the activi ty.o Check answers.

Lesson One (continued)

words and phrases

1 Phrasal verbs

o Aim: to elic it som e uses of the Past Perfect Simpleand the Past Perfect Progressive as presente din the dialogue

o Ask Ss the f irst set of questions.o Tell Ss to refer to t he dialogue.o Elicit and check answers.o Do the same for the second set of questions.

Aim: to match the phrasal verbs in the dialogue withthe ir meanings

o Ask Ss to do the acti vity.o Check answers.

47 fB cner u-et ,our Engl,sn

Channel your English 47

EJ Read about the uses of the Past Perfect Simpleand the Past Perfect Progressive and comp lete thetabl e with examples.

an act ion which had been going on for some time beforeanother action or a specific time in the past.e.g. _

an action which had already happened before a specif ictime or another action in the past.e.g. _

oral practice

The Past Perfect Progressive Is used for:

The pictu re below is from a Halloween party. Imaginethat you were invited to th is part y, but unfortunately, youwere delayed and arrived late. Say what the people haddone or had been doing at the party (and for how long)before you arrived.

EJ Complete the text with the Past Simple, the PastPerfect Simple or the Past Perfect Progressive ofthe verbs in brackets.

Jack and I were on our way back home after an

exhausting day at work. We (1) (drive)

for at least half an hour down a dark count ry road when

we (2) (see) her standing by the trees

in the pouring rain. We (3) (have) no

idea how she (4) (get) there or how

long she (5) (stand) there in the cold.

By the t ime we (6) (stop) the car, she

(7) (disappear) into the forest in front

of our eyes.--

B not late


• 0

ds and phrases

• 0 0

sal verbs In the dialogue and match them- ::>!lanings given.

a the correct time


• a te lephon e conversat ion _

" accident


k at the• acts from the

logue and answer the questions that follow.

:;M; to see

shin ing

. _, been wandering around in the dark for a fewures when SUddenly a bright fight appeared.

I!I j ust for now

long had Nat been wandering?81 did she stop wandering?

tenses are used?

to v isi t m y cousin in Scotland fromto t ime .

-. - 10 :4 3 trai n from Bristo l w ill arrivetime.

- 're was no t r affic. so we got thereDO time .

E'rin arrived at the airport in ti me .• s cl ean this room for the time being

. do the rest of th e house lat ha d alr eady sta rted by t he t ime

arrived . _

: T-e time I f igured out who it was, he had hung up.

of the two actions happened first and whichned next?

~ ::h tenses are used?

sentences a-t and match the prepositional.._ s in bold with their meanings 1-6.

EI occas io na lly!

Lesson Two

readingo Discuss the following:

• Have you read a nystories or se en anyfilms / TV se ries aboutSherlock Holm es?

• Did yo u like them ?Why/Why not?

EJ Read the extract from a short story included in the book The Adventures of SherloaHolm es. Pay no attention to the missing sentences. Which of the three sentencesbes t summarises the extract? Choose a. b or c.

a . Sh erl ock Holmes and Watson went to the doctor's house to find out what

the bright light was .b . Sherlock Holm es a nd Watson saw some st ra nge animals on their way to the­

doctor's hou se .c. She rlock Holm es and Watson walked throu gh the garden into the doctor's

hou se and waited quietly.

EJ Read the text again. Complete the blanks 1-5 with the sentencesa-e below.

a . It was exactly as it had been when we saw it durin g theday.

b . A moment late r we were on the dark road .c. I had forgotten the st ra nge pets the doctor kept.d . It was quite easy to get into the grounds of the house as

there were many holes in the wa ll.e . As soon as it got up, it ran across the lawn and

disa ppea red in to the da rkness .

-I-iD • Read the whole"" first and ther the sentences 'lIt/en.• Pay specia l attention to the t/ocabufary,pronouns (e.'}. it, he, this) and words/phraswhich link sentences (e.'}. howeve), justthe n) both in the text and in the sentences'lit/en. Remember that the sente nce youchoose for a '}ap must make sense to'}ether

with the sentences before and after 1/the 'J~p. _


"My God, " I whispered. "What's that?"

For a mom ent. Holm es was as shocked as I was.

Theil he gal'e a low laugh and whispered ill my ear.

"It's a nice househo ld, " he said. "That's the

baboon. There is a cheetah, too. We might m eet it at

any moment."

II I lI;lISt say that I fel t m ore comfortable

after I ha d taken offmy shoes and followed Holm es

into the bedroom. My companion closed the

shutters quietly, moved the lamp a ll to the table and

took a good look Ground the room. IIHolmes then came close to me and Whispered so

softly I could hardly hear him .

"It is really important we don 't make any noise, "

he said. "We must wait here without a light. "

I nodded my head.

"Make sure yOIl do 1I0t go to sleep, " he said.

"Yo llr life m ay depend a ll it, and have YOllr pistol

ready. YOII lIlay need it. "

I did wha t he said, altho ugli I didn 't have a clue

how this could help to solve the mystery of the

speckled band...



BANDAt about nine a 'clock it was filially dark around

the big house. We had been waiting for two ho urs

when, suddenly, a bright light started shining right in

fro nt of liS.

"That 's our signal, Watson, "said Holmes,

jumping to his feet. "It's com ing from the middle

window. "

Before we left the inn, Holm es had told the

landlord that we were going to visit a friend and that

we might spend the night there. IIA chilly wind was blowing ill Ollr faces as we were

walking towards Dr Roylott 's house. The ye llow light

showed liS the way.

EI We made ollr way througli the trees to the

lawn, crossed it, and were about to enter through thebedroom window when we saw something moving.

It was Gn ugly looking creature which ran out of the

bushes and threw itselfall the grass. 11

48 Channel your EngliSh

teacher's note s 07

1. b (the meaning of this sentence is consistent bothwith what it poceeds and what it follows. Draw Ss'attention to the sequence of events.)

2. d (Get into the gro unds of the house is consistentboth with showed us the way, which proceeds it. andwith we made our way through the trees, whichfollows it .)

3. e (It refers to the ugly looking creature.)4, c (Strange pets refer to the baboon and a cheetah.)5. a (It refers to the room.)

Channel your English TB 48

optional pos t - re adi ng acti vityAsk Ss questions of personal response related to thetopic of the reading text.e.g. How does this extract make you feel?

Would you be interested in reading thecontinuation of the story? Why/ Why not?

Note: You do not need to ask detailed questions at thisstage as you will also ask some at the pre-listeningstage.

• Ask Ss to choose which of the three sentences givenbest summar ises the ext ract .• Check answers and ask Ss to provide justificat ion.

Sentence c best summarises the extract.(Sentence a is inappropriate because Holmes andWatson already knew what the bright light was -it wastheir signal. Sentence b is also inappropriate because itrefers to a specif ic incident. not the whole extract).

• Ask Ss to read the text again and underline anyunknown words they might have.• Ask Ss some comprehension questions.e.g. Why had Holmes and Watson been waiting for two

hours outside the house before they decided tomake a move?What made them feel shocked on their way to thebedroom?What did Sherlock tell Watson to do jf his life was atrisk?

• Explain unknown words.

EJ Aim: to understand text organisat ion

• Read and explain the t ip.• Point out to Ss that t hey should look out for words andphrases that precede and follow the missing sentences.• Have Ss do the acti vity.• Check answers and ask Ss to provide justif icat ion.

lose control of

make one's waymake sensemake suremake up your mind


chilly inn shuttercreature investigate signal (n)grounds landlo rd ventil atorhandwriting lawn weapon

:<one hardly nod (v) whisper (v)- .eetah household pistol ugly-looking

ationswith makee a mistake

--2~e an effort- 2::':e an excuse- 2. "'E noise

phrasesand expressionsJE<:€f1d on have a clue

attention to

lm: to introduce the topi c of the reading textthrough an ora l act ivity involving personalexperience and opinion

. Ss the questions and generate discussion.

lm: to read for gist and summarise

.: . Ss to read throu gh the extract quickly to get aEfOI idea of what it is about.

out to Ss tha t they should not pay any atten tion- ", missing sentences or to any unknown words they= • have.

groundNote: The extract from "The Speckled-- " presented in this lesson, is a simplif ied version- me story included in the book The Adventures of

- ' ",rtock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930).- '", tit le of the story, The Speckled Band, refers to aXlISOnous snake, an adder, which is the key to the- rtio n of t he mystery. The writer chose to use the

om band, which literally means a rubber st rip used tothings together, to refer to a snake in order to

_ =,,:e a vivid metaphor adding, t hus, to the mystery of0= story, It is important, therefore, not to reveal the~: of t he story to your studen ts, as they will have the::-c ..ce to fi nd out at the listening stage.

'1 Dr

to t he



..,lockICe S


~ l

• Sherlock Holmes is invest igat ing the mysterious deaof a woman.• Sherlock Holmes will finally reveal who the murdereris and will solve the mystery of the speckled band.

a. Dr Roylottb. adder/snakec. adder/snake, bell-rope, caned. adder/ snake, vent ilator, Dr Roylott 's, killed/bit him

EJ Aim: to practise the use of t im e linkers used forlink ing past actions

• Ask Ss to join the two sentences in a.• Check answers and draw Ss' attention to the changesmade.• Have Ss do the rest of the act ivity.• Check answers.

If t ime is scarce, assign the exercise for homework.

a. As soon as I got into the house, the phone rang / Thephone rang as soon as I got into the house.

b. While she was driving to work, she suddenly lostcontrol of the car / She suddenly lost control of thecar while she was driving to work.

c. By the time she came, we had already finished dinner IWe had already finished dinner by the t ime shecame.

d. After they had painted the house, they sold it. / Theysold the house afte r they had painted it.

e. He aida t go out until the rain had stopp ed.

listening S

listeningTranscript (see page 122)

EJ Aim: to listen for gist and ch.eck predictions

• Play the tape. .• Have Ss do the exercise. Check answers and ask Ss toprovide justif ication.

EJ Aim: to listen for specif ic information

• Ask Ss to look at the pictures and make sure that theyhave understood what the words mean.• Ask Ss to read sentences a-d.• Explain any unknown words in the sentences.• Play the tape again and tell Ss to take some notes wlistening.• Check answers and ask Ss to provide justificat ion.

IIAlms: • to expand on the topic of the reading text• to present the topic of the listening text

• Ask Ss the questions and generate discussion.

Lesson Two (continued)

Whil e and as ~ the second set of rulesWhen, after, before, until, as soon as and by the time~ the first set of rules

a. make up your mind e. made noise/ were making noiseb. make an excuse f. Make surec. make sense g. make an effortd. make my way h. make a mistake

• We had been wait ing for two hours when, suddenly, abright light started shin ing right in front of us.• Before we had left the inn, Holmes told the landlordthat...• A chilly wind was blowing in our faces as we werewalking towards Dr Roylott 's house.• We were about to enter through the bedroomwindow when we saw something moving.• As soon as it got up, it ran across the lawn anddisappeared into darkness.• I must say that I felt more comfortable aft er I hadtaken off my shoes and followed Holmes into thebedroom.• It was exactly as it had been when we saw it duringthe day.

CollocationsAim: to present and practise collocat ions with make• Ask Ss to read the collocat ions in the box.• Have Ss do the activity.• Check answers and explain any unknown words ifnecessary.

words and phrases

grammarD Aim: to introduce ti me linkers used for linking past


• Refer Ss to the text and explain to Ss what t imelinkers are.• Give Ss an example from the text.• Ask Ss to underline the rest of t he ti me linkers in thetext.• Have Ss do the activity.• Check answers.

EJ Aim: to match time linkers with their uses

• Ask Ss to read the rules and do the exercise. Ensurethat Ss understand all the terms used.• Check answers.



v enti latoradder

bell- rope

.. 1" 'f/~

~ - -t !' . \ ~

l. / 1- -

c. She came late. We had already f in ished dinner. (by thet ime )

b . T he sp eckled band was actually a(n) _

that was used as a weapon .

d. First they painted the house . Then they sold it. (after)

b. She was driving to work. SUddenly, she lost contro l ofthe car. (while)

listen in g S

c. The clim bed dow n t he

_ _ _ _ ___ _ and H olm es h i t it with h is

r oom and _

______ _ to _

d . The w ent through t he

e. The rain stopp ed. Then, he went out. (unt il)

a. was t he murderer.

o Join the following sentences using the time linkersgiven. Make all the necessary changes.

a. I got into the house. Then, immediately the phonerang. (as soon as)

o You will hear a radio play which is the conti nuat ionof the story on page 48. Before you listen, discussthe following:

• What is the m ystery that Sherlock H olm es isinvestigating?

• What do you think w ill happen?

EJ Listen to the fir st part of i he rad io play and checkyour predict ions in 1 .

o Look at the pictures and the sente nces a-d. Then,listen to the rest of the rad io play and complete thesentences. Use the words under the pictures andothers.~~

m ake a mistakemake suremake m y waymake noi se

are used to link two past

act ions, one of which

happe ned ear lier than the

other. We often use the

Past Perfect for the act ion

which happene d earlier.

are used with the Past

Progressive to link two

past act ions which were

happening at the same

t ime or to introduce the

'longer' of th e two act ions .


While and as

en, after, before,

until, as soon as

and by the time

ammarLook at the text on page 48 and und erline all thetime linkers that link past act ions .

ords and phrases

:his proj ect to suc ceed .

t do esn ' t m att er if you _

as lo ng as you learn from it.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you don't forget anything!

' Ve have to if we w ant

Com e on Miles, , w ill you ?

party ,

at the following collocations with make and useto complete the sentences a-h. You may need to

ge the form of the verb.

- 'e ha ven't got all day.

:>On' t try to for H arry' s

cehaviour. H e won't ge t away with i t this t ime.

_. body can of Julie' s

nandw ri t ing.

had to through the snow

• vards the v illage.

The w hole neighbourhood w as com plain ing

be cause we at St eve's

Now match the two groups of time linkers with theiruses.

e an excusee an effort

make up your minde sense

Collocat ions

JS death


3 they


es while

Sk Ss to

~ texttext

( The:Y



Channel your English 49

Lesson Three

words and phrasesmm:mIRead the sentences below and decide what the idioms in bold express. Use the words in the box.

anger fear annoyance happiness

a . He nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard the loud bang.

b. Wh en I found out I had won the competit ion I was over the m oon .

c . As she was walking down the a lley, she reali sed so meone was

following her. Her hair st ood on end .

d . My neighbour's dog keeps d igging holes in my gard en; it 's getting on

my nerve s .

e . It drives me up the wall; I can never rem em be r the name of that

American tennis player.

f. It was Frid ay even ing, Sally had a new dress on an d she was go ing out

clubbing . She felt on top of the world .

g . He s lippe d and was hanging over the edge of the cliff. His heart

was in his mouth.

h . It makes my blood boil to see people being cruel to animals .


Unfortu nately I UnlucIt was a real shock .

Speak clearlv and 10udiV so that the peo'IOU are talkinq to can hear 'IOU.

Fort unately I LuckilyH e/Sh e couldn't beli eve hi s/he r eyes .

All of a sudden I SuddenlyThe next thing he/sh e/they kn ew

Work in pairs . Make up a story using your imagination andthe pictures below. Then, tell your story to the rest of theclass. Use some of the idioms above a nd the expressions inthe box to make your stor y sound more dram atic . Sta rt likethis: It was a nice Sunday afternoon and Rob and Hannahwere bored.

50 Cha nne l your English

teacher's notes 07

Idioms referringto feelingsbe over the moondrive sb up the wallfeel/be on top of the worldget on sb's nervesjump out of one's skinmake sb's blood boilone's hair stands on endone's heart is in one's mouth

Other wordsandphrasesall of a suddenannoyancebreak the silencefearfort unatelylaneluckily

words and phrases


make up a storypassengerreply (v)suddenlyunluckilywhist le (v)

Aim: to introduce the use and meaning of idioms

. • Explain any words in the sentences Ss might not know.• Have Ss do the exercise and check answers.

a. fearb. happinessc. feard. annoyancee. annoyancef. happinessg. fearh. anger

speakingAims: • to speculate about the missing parts of a comi c strip

• to make up the story and narrate it• Divide 55 into pairs.• Ask 5s to look at the pictures.• Explain any words and/ or expressions from the tables that Ss might not know.• Have 5s do the activity.

Channel yourEnglish TB 50


Lesson Three (continued)

writingo Aim: to prepare Ss for the writing task

• Ask Ss to iook at t he picture and predict what t he story is about.• Generate discussion.

EJ Aim: to understand specific information and read between the lines

• Ask Ss to read the story and answer questions a-b. Check answers.Explain any words Ss might not know.

a. He in the last sentence refers to Malcolm.b. He never again went near the place of the car accident because he was scared.

optiona lAsk Ss comprehension questions about the story.e.g. Why was Malcolm whistli ng?

What made his hair stand on end?

3 linking past events

Aim:to practise using t ime linkers for past events

• Ask Ss to do the exercise.• Point out to Ss that they should use the appropriate past tenses.• Check answers.

a. By the t ime they reached the haunted cast le, black clouds had gathered in the sky.b. Mei and Zina had been walking for one hour when they reaiised they were iost.c. As soon as Sandra heard a strange noise outs ide, she called the police.d. David had gone to bed before there was a knock on the front door.e. Carol was eating while she was watch ing a horror fil m on TV.

4 Writing taskAlms: to give Ss practice writ ing a story ending with a set sentence• Read and expiain the t ip.• Assign the writ ing task for homework.

51 ra Channel yourEnglish


writingIIBrian has entered a short story competit ion

organised by a teenage magazine. The com pet iti onrules say that the story must end with the foll owingwords: He never went near that place again. Lookat the picture that Brian drew for his story andguess what the story is about .

EJ Now read the story a~d answer the questi onsbelow.

a. Who is 'He ' in t he last sentence?b . What is t he place he never w ent near again?

Why ?

. Outside the nt'?,ht was cold and wet. Thedark country mad was elllpty. Malcolm waswalking tluvugh the snow towards a viI/agecalled Ha nsbv. He was whistling to brrak thesilence.

M alcolm had bern walking {Or about anhour when he heard something. He turned

around and saw two bri,ght It'?,hts. As they camecloser; he realised it was a COl; He shouted and

the car stopped. There well' threepeople inside.Malcolm g ot in and sat in the back.

"It's t iffz ing t"'t('?,ht," said M alcolm to thepassrnger who was sitting beside him. The mandidn 't ll'p ly. 5uddrnly. it becam e l 'f r y cold in th ecar and then: was a strange smell. WhrnMalcolm looked at the passrngers, his hair stoodon end. Th ey 11'f1f dead - all or them! Th eir

" clothrs 1Vi'1f old and their {Oces lVi'1f white.

Malcolm screamed and jumped out "r the COl; ITh e next thing he kn ew he was in hospital. J

The place what he had bern {Ound Ims exactlywhere a car had crashed years be{OIP. Nobodybelieved his st", y, but Malcolm kn ew that hewas the {Ourth IIassrn'?,er inside th e '?,host COl ;_ . r c.: c.:

He never went near that place again.


3 Linking past events

Expand the notes below into full sentences. Use theappropriate past tenses and the ti me linkers given.

a. T hey / reach / haunted castle / b lack clouds /

gather / in the sky (by the tim e)

b . M el and Zina / w alk / one hour / realise / lost(w hen)

c. San dra / hear / st range / no ise / outside / call /

police (as soon as)

d . Dav id / go / bed / knock / fro nt / door (befo re)

e. Carol /eat / watch / horror / film / TV (w hile)

4 Writing task

You have decided to enter a short story compe titi onorganised by a teenage magaz ine. Read the compet itionrules and write your story.

. ltn the following words:Write a story ending WI d

t thing that haIt was definitely the stranges

happened to her. 120 and 150 words.Your st ory should be between

-/?., When lJOU have to write a storlJ tha t begins orends with some words qi(/en:

• Make sure that ljUU use the exact words qiven at thebeginning or the end of the storlJ and that the plot oflJour storlJ is related to these words.

• your storl) can be either true or ima tjinarlj, butremember tha t it must be interestinq to the reader.

• Use the appropriate past tenses and link the eventswith time linkers.

• rrlJ to make lJour storlJ sound drama tic blJusinq appropriate expres sions and idioms.

Channel your English 51

IIBefore you read the dialogue, look at thepicture and discuss the following:

EJ Read the dialogue a nd decide whetherthe following sentences are True, Falseor Not mentioned. Write T for true, F forfalse a nd Nfor not mentioned.







a . J an ice thinks Tom is horrible.b . None of t he girls like the way

Pe ter dresses.c. The colour of Peter's hair is the

result of a n experiment.d . Emma think s a party with boys

will be dull .e. Isabe l doesn' t m ind Tom coming

to the pa rty.f. Tom do esn't want to com e to the

party a lone.

Lesson One


• What do you think the girl s are tal kingabout?

• Why do yo u think they are laughing?

EJ Listen to the dialogue and check your Sanswe rs.

Janice So, is everything ready for the big party onSaturday?

Isabel Big party? Leave it out. It' s just going to beyou two, my siste r and some of her friends.

Emma Why don't you ask some boys to come?Isabel Like who?Emma How about Peter and Tom?Isabel What ? Peter!Janice Shhh ! They're sta nding just over there.Isabel I'd rather invite Frankenstein than ask Peter;

he's horrible.Janice He's not that bad.Isabel Let's face it, he needs a few lessons in

fas hion.Emma You're right . That shirt he wears all the time

looks like a tablecloth.Janice I take your point, he should lose those awful

baggy shorts as well.Isabel And that bleached hair... It looks like a

science experiment that went wrong.Emma OK, OK, so you'd rather not invite Peter. But

Tom's nice. Anyway, you'd better ask someboys to come, otherwise it' ll be boring.

Janice She' s right . Maybe you should ask them now,before it 's too late.

Isabel I'd like Tom to come, but not Pet er.

Janice If I were you, I'd ask Tom when he's not withPeter.

Isabel What 's the point? He won't want to come onhis own, will he?

Emma You never know.

Janice You'd better be careful. Tom may bringsomeone else .

Emma Like who? Frankenstein?Isabel No problem. As long as it's not Pet er, I don't

care .

D Discuss the following:

• How do you decide who to invite to a party?• Wh at 's the best party you've ever been to ?

intonationThe words/ phrases in bold are used for ma kingsuggest ions or givi ng advice. Listen and repeat

Why don't you ask some boys to com e?How abo ut Peter and Tom ?Maybe you sho uld as k them now.You'd better be ca refu l.If I w e re you . I'd ask Tom when he 's not w ith Pete r.

52 Channel yourEnglish

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -r- .

f . Ne. Td. Fc. F

teacher's notes 08

b. Ta. F

• When the acti vity is over, ask Ss some more quest ions.e.g. What do the girls mean by referring to Frankenstein?

Why do you think Peter won't want to go to the partyon his own?

• Encourage Ss to t ry to guess the meaning of newvocabulary such as tablec loth, experiment and wentwrong.

Aim: to present and practise intonat ion of words andphrases used for making suggestions or givingadvice

Play the tape and pause after each sente nce.

• Ask Ss to repeat them.

optionalIf there is time, you may ask Ss more quest ions.e.g. What do you think of the conversation between the

girls?Do you often have similar conversations with yourfriends?Who/What are they abou t?

Channel your English T8 52

intonation S

• They are talking about the party one of the girls is havingand whether she should invite two boys, Peter and Tom, toit.• Because they are making funny comments about the twoboys.

o Aim: to check comprehension of speci ficinfo rmation f rom the dialogue

• Ask Ss to read sentences a-t ,• Ask Ss to uncover the dialogue so that they can readand listen at the same t ime. Play t he ta pe again .• Ask Ss to underline words and expressions they are notfamiliar wit h, but te ll them not to worry about unknownwords at this stage.• Give Ss t ime to work out the answers.• Check answers and ask Ss to provide j ust if ication.

Ell Aim: to encourage 5s to relate the topic of thedialo gue to personal experience

• Ask Ss to look at th e questions and discuss them.

sofaspoilt (adj)tablecloth

go wildgo wrong

ta ke sb's pointyou never knowWhat's the point?

experiment (n)fashionlike (conj)otherw ise

Wordsbaggyblame (v)bleachblush

Other phrases andexpressionsbe in t he moodget offsay a word about

Expressions with gogo bad go over the topgo bana nas go red

Conversational EnglishHow abou!...?I don 't careLeave it out.


optionalYou may ask Ss a few more quest ions:e.g. How old do you think the girls are?

What is the relationship between them ?Where are they?

Aim: to present vocabulary, structures and functions inthe context of a dialogue between teenagerstal king about having a party

o Aims: to use visual info rm ation to predict th econtent of the dialogue

• Ask Ss to look at the picture and discuss t he questi ons.

EJ Aims: • to listen to the dialogue and checkpredictions

• to understand the gist of the dialogue

• Ask 5s to cover the dialogue. look at the pict ure andlisten carefully. Play the tape. S• Discuss answers.

Lesson One (continued)

words and phrases1 Conversational EnglishAim: to match the expressions of conversational English

in the dialogue with their meanings• Ask 5s to do the act ivity.• Check answers.

a. Leave it out.b. I take your point.c. What's th e point?d. You never know.e. I don't care.

2 ExpressionsAim: to match expressions with go to their meanings• Ask Ss to read through the sentences a-f as well as themeanings 1-6.• Have 5s do the exercise.• Check answers.

a: 3b: 1c: 5d:2e:6f: 4

grammaro Aim: to introduce the difference In meaning

between had better and would rather• Ask Ss to read the two sentences from the dialogueand decide on their mean ings.• Check answers. If necessary, provide Ss with furtherexplanations and/or examples.

I'd rather invite Frankenstein than ask Peter = wouldpreferYou 'd better ask some boys to come ~ should

EJ Aim: to involve 5s in realising the differencebetween had better and would rather basedon examples from the dialogue

Refer Ss to the text and ask them to find moreexamples of had better and would rather.• Have Ss do the exercise.• Check answers.

53 ra Channel your English

Had better• future• to

Would rather• without

I'd rather• I'd rather not

EJ Aim: to practise had better and would rather

• Ask Ss to read through the dialogue andcomplete the blanks .• Explain any unknown words.• Have Ss do the activity.• Check answers and ask Ss to provide j ustification.• If t ime is scarce, assign the exercise for homework.

Key .(1) 'd bette r stop(2) 'd rather stay(3) 'd better tell(4) 'd rather go(5) 'd rather go

optional oral practice

Aims: • to give 5s further practice of had better andwould rather in the context of a dia logue

• to give 5s practice making suggestions orgiving advice

• Divide Ss into pairs. Tell the m that they shouldorganise a party for t heir fr iends.• Ss should discuss where to have thei r party, who toinvite and all the necessary preparat ions they shouldconsider (food, refreshments, music,decoration ).• 5s should exchange ideas, make suggest ions andstate their preferences.• Point out to 5s that they should use had better andwould rather, as well as words and phrases formaking suggestions or giving advice.• Have Ss do the activity.

Had better

1 Conversational English

ton ight.

You've been doing that for th e past week. Aren't

you bored?


Give me a break Phil. It's me you' re talking to.

I know someth ing's wrong. You (3) _

___ _ ___ _ _ (tell) me what's going on.

Nothing... Oh, all right. I'll tell you, but don't say a

word about it to anyone.

I promise.

It' s that new girl , Vanessa. I asked her to come to

Steve's party with me...


Can you believe it? She said she (4) _

_ (go) wit h that idiot Rory.

I don't blame her. If I were a girl , I (5) _

____ ___ (go) out with Rory than with you.

1(2) (stay) at home

Come on Phil, get off that sofa. You (1) --'- _

_ (stop) star ing at t hat tel ly

unless you want to ruin your eyesight. Why don't we

go to Steve's party?

Leave me alone Hal. I'm not in the mood.

Would rather

• It is used to express preference.

• It is followed by infinit ive to.

• In spoken English its short forms are commonly used

___ ___ , you'd rather etc.). .

• Its negative form is _












EJ Complete the dialogue below with had better orwould rather and the verbs in brackets .


II get exc i t ed


D not work p'roRer ly

E!b ecom e SRoilt

• It means it is advisable and it refers to the present or___ _ _ _ _ • not the past.

• It is followed by infinitive without _• In spoken English its short forms are commonly used

(I'd better. you'd better etc.).• Its negative form is I'd better not.

Read the sent ences a-t and decide what the expressionsin bold mean. Choose from the meanings 1-6 .

2 Expressions

a. M ilk goes bad i f you don 't keep it in thefridge. _

b. The coach's new st rategy went wrongand w e l ost the game. _

c. You went over the top w hen you ca lledher a silly cow. _

d. The teacher went bananas w hen he sawI was cheat i ng. _

e. Sheila went red when Philip asked her tothe party. _

f. The band walke d on stage and the crow dw en t w ild. _

Find five examples of conversational English in thedialogue and match them with th e me anings given.

a. Do n't say that .

b. I understand w hat you'resaying .

c. W hy?

d . Maybe.

e. It makes no difference to me.


words and phrases

I!Ido som et hing t oo mucH

EJ Read the following extracts from the dia logue.Which of the verbs in bold means would prefer andwhich means should?

• I'd rather invite Frankenstein t han ask Peter.• You'd better ask some boys to come.

o Find more examples of would rather and had betterin the dialogue and complete the tables below.

Channel your English 53

Lesson Two


~ Read the heading of the text, look a t the pictures and discuss the following:

• Whatdo you thi nk Teen Court is?How IS It different f .

rom a typica l court? (Think a bout the ' d .n JU ge, Ju ro rs. lawyers and p unishment )U Now read the text a nd check your answers in 1. .

TeenCourtKaysi Holman is questioning Roben Fomby about arecent car

accident. "Roben,please tell the court what happened that night,"says Kaysi, hislawyer,"I took my dad's car without hispermission. As I was driving, my phone rang. I know I should havebeen more carelul.l shouldn't have answered it. .. explainsRobert. Beth Parker, who is the lawyer lor the other side.yells:"No,you shouldn't have taken the car in the lirst place:' Kaysi jumps toher leet:"Objection, your Honour!"

At first this may seemlike a typical courtroomtrial, but there is adifference. What makesthis trial unusual is that thejudge, the lawyers, and thejuro rs are all teenagers.Teen Cou rts are no newinvention . The first trial

was held in Texas in 1976.Today they exist in almostevery state in America.

How did people come up with this idea?Well, thestandard justice system didn't seem to work for te enagetroubl emakers. So, the authorities had to find a systemthat would reach teenagers, a system where peerpressure would play an important role. It is one th ingwhen a teenager faces an adult jury and quite anotherwhen the jurors are their peers or even their friends. Itis easier for te enagers to come clean in front of peopletheir own age, as thei r peers can understand theirpro blems in a way adults cannot.

Not all teenage rs who break the law end up inTeenCourts and not all Teen Courts work in the same way.However, they all have som ething in commo n. As all thetroublemakers have already admitted their wrongdoing,the trial doesn't determine whether they're guilty orinnocent. It is used to find an appropriate punishment,which involves community service rather than send ingthe troublemaker to jail. Also, after teenagers have beensentenced for a crime , they have to come back andparticipate in other trials.

Do Teen Courts really work? Supporters of th issystem say that fewerteenagers repeat a crimecompared to those whohave appeared in normalyouth cou rts. Teenagersprobably learn their lessonbetter this way and manyof them say that TeenCourt has helped the mbecom e better people.

EJ Read the text aga in an d a nswer the questions below.

a . Why is Robert Fomby in COUrt?

b . Where ca n Te en Courts be found >

c. Why do teenagers feel more com;ortable a dmitt in ' . .d . What IS the p urpo se of a Tee C . g their m istak e In Te en Courts?e In h' h n ourt tna l? .

. w IC way are Te en Courts more effe ct ive tha n norma l courts?54 Channel your EngliSh •

teacher's notes 08

Words and phrases related to lawand courtadmit ja il question (v)be sentenced for j udge tria lbreak t he law juror troublemakercommunity service ju ry wrongdoingcourt ju st ice your Honourcourtroo m lawyerguilty objectioninnocent punishment

• Ask Ss to read th e text again paragraph by paragraphand ask them comprehension quest ions.e.g, When was the first trial in a Teen Court held?

How did the idea for a Teen Court originate?• Explain unknown words.

Note: You may need to elabora te on the meaning ofcommunity service (= legal punish ment for a crime thatconsists of the criminal doing a number of hours in theform of usefu l act ivit ies in t he community).

EJ Aim: to read for detail and understand specif icinformation

• Assign this act ivity for homework.

Otherphrasesandexpressionsat first jump to one's feetcome clean learn one' s lessoncome up with peer pressureend up in rather than

a. Because he has caused a car accident .b. They can be found in almost every state in America.c. Because they feel t heir peers understand the m in a

way adults can't.d. To f ind an approp riate type of punishmen t for

troub lemake rs.e. Teenagers seem to learn their lesson better this way.

Many of th em also admit that Teen Court has helpedthem become better people.

optional post-reading activityAsk Ss quest ions of personal response related to theto pic of the reading text.e.g. What do you think of Teen Courts?

Do you think they can really be effective?Do you think that Teen Courts could work in yourcountry?

requirementsupportertypicalvaryyell (v)


Otherwordsappropriatebe heiddetermineexistface (v)

Aim: to int roduce th e topic of th e reading textthr ough an oral activ ity involving personalopinion

• Ask 5s the quest ions and generate discussion.• Ask Ss to look at the heading and the photograph.

EJ .Aim: to read for gist and check predictions

• Ask Ss to read the text paragraph by paragraph and tr yto f ind out th e answers to the questions above.

• Check answers and ask Ss to provide justificatio n.



Key .Teen Court is where teenage troub lemakers are put ont rial. It is different from a typical court because thelawyers, t he j udge and the jurors are teenagers.Also, teenagers who are put on trial in a Teen Courthave adm itted their wrongdoing beforehand, so the t rialdoesn 't determine whethe r they 're guilty or innocent.

Channel your English 18 54

Lesson Two (continued)

words and phrasesPhrasal verbs and other expressions

Aim: to match phrasal verbs and other expressions fromthe text with their mea nings

• Have Ss do the exercise.• Check answers.

a. at firstb. come up withc. come cleand. rather tha ne. learn my lesson

grammaro Aim: to int roduce should and shouldn't + perfect

infinit ive• Ask Ss the fi rst set of question s.• Elicit and check answers.• Do the same wit h the second set of questions.

• No, he wasn't.He feels that he hasn't done th e right t hing.

• Yes, he did.No, she doesn't.

EJ Aim: to present and practise the uses of should andshouldn 't

• Read and explain the rules. Provide any fu rth erexplanations and examples if necessary.• Have Ss do th e exercise.• Check answers.

a. should brushb. shoul d have thoughtc. shouldn't have readd. shouldn't lifte. shou ld have visitedf. shouldn't have told

55 18 Channel yourEnglish

listening So Aim: to present t he topic of the listening text

• Ask Ss to read the quest ions.• Generate discussion.

EJ Aim: to emphasise listening for a purpose

. • Tell Ss to listen and mark the ir answers in the boxes.• Play the tape.• After listening to the five questions in the quiz. pausethe tape.• Allow Ss some time to add up their scores according tothe instructions on the tape.

EJ Aim: to emphasise listening for a purpose

• Tell Ss to listen to the results of the quiz and find outwhat the quiz reveals about them.• Play the tape again.• Ask Ss the questions and generate discussion.

ListeningTranscript (see page 123 )


w ords and phrasesPhrasal verbs and other expressions

Find expressions in the text on page 54 and matchthem with the meanings given.

a. to begin with

b . think of something

c. te ll t he tru th

d . instead of

e. real ise tha t w hat

they did was wrong

e. I (visit) Stonehenge

while I was in England, but I didn't have the t ime.

f. You (tell) Trudy the

secret. I bet everybody knows about it by now.

listening So Discuss the following:

• In w hich si tuat ion s do you fee l pressured byyour pe er s?

• H ow do you react?

Read the rules below. Then, complete the sentencesa-t with should or shouldn'f and the correct form ofthe verbs in brackets.

• Use should + have + past participle to criticise orexpress regret about something that didn't happen inthe past.

A "B- c

Q;..testtoV\. i

Q;..testtoV\. :2

Q;..testtoV\. 3

Q;..testtoV\. 4

Q;..testtoV\. 5

EJ You will hear a quiz which Is part of a radioprogramme. Listen and do the quiz. Mark your

. answers in the boxes below.

EJ Now listen to th e continuation of the radioprogramme. What does the quiz reveal about you?Do you agree?


• Use shouldn't + have + past participle to crit icise or toexpress regret about something that happened in thepast and was wrong.

Look at the extracts from the text on page 54 andanswer the quest ions that follow.

• I should have been more careful.

Was Robert careful ?How does he feel about it?

• Use should/shouldn't + base form to ask for or giveadvice, express an opinion, make a suggestion orexpress mild obligat ion in the present or future.

• You shouldn't have taken the car in the first place.

Did Robert take the car?Does Beth think that Robert did the right t hing?

a. You (brush) your teeth at

least twice a day.

b. Jason (think) carefully

before he made his decision.

c. Karen is very upset with me.

(read) her diary.

it Gene (lift) heavy things

because he's got a problem with his back.


Channel your English 55

Lesson Three

words and phrasesVerbs with prepositions

Look at the verbs in the box and use some of them to complete the sentences a-f. You may have to change the formof the verb.

shout at/to sbspeak to/with sbarg ue w ith sb abou t sthcomplain about sth to sb

talk to/with sb a bout sthdiscuss sth with sbmention sth to sblaugh at s b

agree with sb on/about sthagree/disagree with sb on/ab out sthadvise sb about/on sthlie to sb ab ou t sth

a . Although J ane is quite a n honest person. she to m e abo ut where she went last

night .

b . My parents always at m e when I come home la te .

c. I didn't a ttend the m eeting beca use nob ody it to m e.

d . It 's too late now, I'll it w ith you in the morning .

e . The lawyer with the judge about the se nte nce.

f. When I ar rived a t sc hoo l with my slippe rs on , everyone at m e.

speakingo Look at the pictures below. In pa irs , discuss the problem s the two people have and say what they should do.

I think he/she sho uld .. ,If I were in his/her shoes .. ,

It wo uld be a good idea to . ..Sh e/H e sho uld .. ,

EJ lii turns, think of a problem you have and ask your partner for advice. Then, ~ ~:;..,: ;'1 to your partner's problem andgive him/he r advice,

56 Channel your English

teacher's notes 08Vocabulary






lie (v)mate

mention self-confidence slipperspretend sentence (n) smart

Phrases and expressionsbe aware ofbe in sb's shadowbe in sb's shoes

call sb namescan't helpcompare sb/ sth to sb else/sth else

get sb/ sth wronggo through

Iw ords and phrasesVerbs with prepositions

;l.lm: to present and practise verbs with prepositions, Ask Ss to read through the list of verbs with prepositions. Explain any unknown words Ss might have. .It might alsobe useful to draw Ss' attention to the differen ce between laugh at sb (= make fun of sb) and laugh with sb= laugh because sb has said or done something funny).• Have Ss do the exercise.• Check answers.

1. lied2. shout3. ment ioned4. discuss5. (has) agreed/ disagreed6. laughed

opt i onal• Have Ss make their own examples with the rest of the verbs with prepos it ions in the box.• Elicit and check answers.

I kispea mgEI Aim: to discuss problems and make suggestions

• Divide Ss into pairs.• Ask Ss to look at the pictures and read the phrases given.• Explain any phrases in the tab le that Ss might not know.• Have Ss do the activity.

Suggested answers:, In the first picture, the boy's roomate is a really unt idy person. I think he should ta lk to/ with himabout it. If I were in his shoes, I would complain about the situ at ion., In the second picture, the girl's parents do not let her go out. I think she should discuss it withthem. It would be a good idea to tal k to/with them about it.

:J Aim: to practise asking for and giving advice

, Ask Ss to thin k of a problem and in turns ask for and give advice., Have Ss do the activity.

Chann el your English TB 56

Lesson Three (continued)

writingII Aim: to prepare Ss for the writing task by relati ng it to personal experience

o Ask Ss to read the questions.• Generate discussion.

EJ Aim: to involve ss in giving advice with in a meaningful cont ext

o Ask 5s to read the letter and answer the question.o Explain any words and/ or expressions Ss might not know.o Elicit answers.

EJ Aim: to familiarise Ss with the conventions of letters giving advice

o Ask Ss to read the reply giving advice and answer the quest ions,o Expiain any words and/or expressions Ss might not know.o Elicit answers and generate discussion,

D Aim: to identify some stylisti c features of a letter giving advice

o Refer Ss to the text in 3.o Have Ss do the exercise.o Check answers.

Why don't you...? would be a good idea to...

5 Writing taskAims: to give Ss practice writ ing a letter giving adviceo Ask 5s to read the part of the letter and provide any necessary explanat ions.o Read and explain the ti p.o Assign the writi ng task for homework.

57 r s Channel you r English


UNIT 0 8

writingEJ Discuss the following:

• What do you do when you hav e a problem ?• Do you know what a problem pag e is?• Do you think problem pag es give good ad vice?

EJ Below is part of a problem page from a teenagemagazine. Read the letter that a girl wrote. Whatadvice would you give her?

Whenever I hang out with my best mate, Ican't help feeling that I'm a really boringperson. I understand why everyone likes her;she's better loo king than me and she's smartand outgoing. Don 't get me wrong, I'm notjealous, but sometimes I can't help feeling thatI'm in her shadow.What can I do? SometimesI feel like I don 't want to go out at all.

Depressed, IS,Tooting

EJ Now read the advice given to the girl. Do you thinkthe advice is helpful? Why/Why not? Was theadvice similar to yours?

It sounds like you' re comparing yourself to yourfriend . Why don't you try to find out whatmakes you a specia l person? While you're atit, you cou ld develop your own interests . Itcou ld in crease your self-confidence. Also, itwould be a good idea to have a word withyour friend. Mayb e she's not aware of whatyou're going through.

D Read the text in 3 aga in and underline all theexpressions which are used to give advice or makesuggestions.

5 Writing task

Read the part of a letter below.Imagine that a friend of yourshas sent it to you. Write back,giving him advice.

~." Whe.n lJou write an informal letter qil/int}advice :

• Use an appropriate qreetinq and siqnature endinq.• Use set phrases at the be'}innintJ (e.'}. I was somJ to

hear that 90u'~e '}ot problems) and at the end of90ur lett er (e.'}. I hope I've been of some help to 90U).

• 8e friendl9, use informallan'}ua'}e and show that90U understand the problem.

• Alahe different su'}'}estions to help salve theproblem. Use expressions to qive advice in the mainpart of 90ur letter (e.'}. In m9 opinion, 90Ushould...r I think 90u'd better..., If I were90U..., Wh9 don't 90U... J, It 'd be a '}oodidea to... ).

Channel your English 57

Lesson One

presentationEJ Before you read the dialogue, look at the

picture and discuss the following:

• Do you find clowns funny? Why/Why not?

• What do you think about the clown in thepicture?

EJ Listen to two friends, Dom and Paul, ®talking a bout the clown in the pictu re,Who is the clown? Choose a , b or c.

a . Dam's fathe rb . Paul's bro th erc. a stree t entertainer

D Read the dialogue and a nswer the followingquestions :

a . When was Dam's dad a clown?b . What did Dam 's da d wear w hen he was

a clown?c. What is hap pe ning next Saturday?d . What ca n Dam's dad do as a clown?e. How does Dam feel ab ou t Paul teasing him?

Paul Hey Dam ! Check it out! It's your dad.Dam It can't be my dad.Paul Why not? He used to be a clown, didn't he?Dam Leave it out! He dressed up as a clown, once, at

my seventh birthday party.Paul So he is not a professional. What a shame! He's

really funny, you know. He could have had agood career as a clown.

Dam Don't be silly.Paul Did he wear a stupid red wig like that at your

party? He must have looked great.Dam It was green actua lly - and he looked ridiculous.Paul Hey, is your dad doing anything next Saturday?Dom I don't know. He might be, why?Paul Well, can you do me a favour? My brother is

having a birthday party...Dom Don't!Paul ...and he wants a clown.Dom You can't be serious.Paul Why not? Your dad must be bett er than tha t

bloke over there. He just makes stuff withballoons.

58 Channel your English

Dom My dad does magic tricks, as well .Paul That's sorted then . Two o'clock round my house .

And I think it would be good if your dad had ahelper, too . So, don't forget your monkey suit.

Dom That 's enough! Stop teasing me!

D Discuss the following:

• Do yo ur friends tease you? What do they do/say?• How do yo u react?

intonationThe modal verbs in bold are used for expressing possib ilityor making deductions. Listen and repeat.

He m ight be .He cou ld h ave had a good caree r as a clow n .Your dad must be better than that bloke ove r the re .It can't be my dad .He m ust have looked great.

teacher's notes 09

Aim: to present vocabulary, structures and funct ions Inthe context of a dialogue between two teenagers

o Aim: to use visual information to predict the contentof the dialogue

• Ask Ss to look at t he pictu re and discuss the questi ons.

a. He was a clown at Dom's seventh birthday party.b. He wore a green wig.c. Paul's brother is having a birthday party.d. He can make stuff with ballons and do magic tricks,

as well.e. He feels a bit annoyed.

optionalIf there is time , you may ask Ss more question s.e.g. Do you tease your friends? If yes, what do you

usua lly tease them about?

• When this activi ty is over, ask Ss some more quest ions.e.g.Why is Paul telling Dom not to forge t his monkey

suit?Do you think that Paul really wants to upset Dom?Do you find the way Paul is teasing Dom funny orannoying?

Encourage Ss to try to guess the meaning of newvocabulary such as professional, wig and ridiculous .

o Aim: to check comprehension of specif icinformatio n from the dialogue

• Ask Ss to read quest ions a-e. Explain the word tease.• Ask Ss to uncover the dialogue so that they can readand listen at the same time. Play the tape again.• Ask Ss to underline words and expressions they are notfam iliar with, but tell them not to worry about unknownwords at th is stage.• Give Ss time to work out the answers to the questionsindividually or in pairs.• Check answers and ask ss to provide just ifi cation.

intonation ®

D Aim: to encourage 5s to relate the topic of thedialog ue to personal experience

• Ask Ss to look at the questions and discuss them.


do my bestdo tricksdo well


Collocations with do

do a favourdo damage

do gooddo housework

Conversational EnglishblokeThat's enough !That 's sorted.What a shame!

Other wordscareerclownenterta inerprofessional


optionalYou may ask Ss a few more questions:e.g. Where is the clown stan ding? Why?

What is he doing?Are there any people watching him?

Aim: to present and practi se intonat ion in sentencesexpressing possibility or making deductions.

• Play the tape and pause after each senten ce.• Ask 5s to repeat.

EJ Aim: to li~ten to the dialogue and understand thegist of the dialogue

• Ask Ss to cover the dialogue, look at the picture andlisten carefully. Play the tape . ®• Check answers.

Channel your Englis h TB 58

Lesson One (continued)

words and phrases1 Conversational EnglishAim: to match the examples of conversation al English

in the dialogue with their meanings

o Ask Ss to do the act ivity.o Check answers .

a. Check it out !b. What a shame!c. bloked. stuffe. That's sorted

2 CollocationsAims: to practise collocations with do

o Ask Ss to read the collocations in the box. Draw 5s'attention to the difference between do good (makesomeone feel better) and do well (have a goodperform ance in an exam, test, etc).o Have 5s do th e exercise.o Check answe rs.

a. do tricksb. do goodc. do a favourd. does welle. doing houseworkf. do my bestg. did damage

grammarEJ Aim: to elicit the meaning of mod al verbs in

sentences expressing possibility and maki ngdeductions as presented in the dialogue

o Tell Ss to refer to the dialogue.o Read the f irst sentence and ask 5s to choose a or b.o Elicit and check answers.o Do the same for the rest of the sentences.

o ab

o ab

59 T8 Channel your English

EJ Aim: to pressent th e basic uses of mod al verbsexpressing possibility and making deductionsfor present and past as shown in th e dialogue

o Read and explain the first two examples.o Ask Ss to read through the tables and ensure that theyunderstand the terms used.Draw Ss' attention to thedifferent infinitive forms used when the t ime referenceis in the present (present infinitive) and when it is inthe past (perfect infinitive). If necessary, provideexplanatio ns.o Tell Ss to refer to the dialogue.o Have 5s do th e exercise.o Check answers.

Expressing possibilityo could + have + past participle: He could have had a

good career as a clown.Mak ing deductionso must + base form of verb: Your dad must be better

than him...o can't + base form of verb: It can 't be my dad.o must + have + past part iciple: He must have looked


EJ Aim: to pract ise modal verbs used for expressingpossibility and making deductions

o Explain any unknown words.o Have Ss do th e exercise.o Check answers and ask 5s to provide j usti f icat ion.o If time is scarce, assign the exercise for homework.

a. might notb. must havec. can'td. could havee. have sleptf . can'tg. may rain

optionalAsk 5s to provide their own example sentences usingmodal verbs expressing possibili ty and makingdeductions referring either to present or past situat ions.

w ords and phrases1 Conversational English

Find five exam ples of conversational English in thedialogue and match th em with th e meanin gs given.

• Your dad must be better than him.a. Your dad has to be better than him .b. I believe your dad is better than him.

EJ Read the tables below and complete them withexamples fr om the dialogu e.

2 Collocations

d . th ings

e. It's arranged .

Look at the following collocations with do and usethem to complete the sentences a-g. You may need tochange the form of th e verb.

a. Look!

b . That's d isappoint ing!

c. man

Something possib ly happened in thepast.e.g, Tim i, latB; hB may/migh t haVBrni<;<;Bd thB boc:

Something is possible to happen nowor In th e future.e.g, I rna/ might be (ree next

t:Junday, but I'm not core !pt .

Something was possibl e to happen .

but it didn't .e.g, _

Expressing possibility

could+ have +past participle

may/might+ base form

may/ might+ have +past part iciple

do damagedo trick s

do welldp my best

do go oddo a favourdo hou sew ork

prom ise anyth ing.

g . The fire a lot of _

to the bu ilding.

We are almost sure that somethinghappened in the past.e.g, _

Making deductions

We are almost sure that something Istru e.e.g. _

We believe that something is impossibie.e.g, _

We are almost su re that somethingdidn 't happen.e.g, Yw can't have ceen 9Je a l 1/..,parly: cbe s: in Iialy.

can't/couldn't+ have +past participle

ca n't +base form

must +base form

must +have +past part iciple

Look! There's Cliff .

No. that can't / may not be Cliff. He's on

hol iday in South America.

g. It may rain / have rain ed. You'd bette r take an umbrella.

D Read the sentences below and circie the correct words.

a. Tim might not / must not come today because his

flight has been delayed.

b. Sally could have / must have taken your watch. I saw it

in her room yesterday.

c. That can't / mustn't be his mother. She looks so young.

d. We must have / could have won the match. but we

didn't play as well as we can.

e. She can't sleep / have slept with all that noise last


f . Nick



a. I'm teaching my dog to _

b. It w i ll you _

t o get out of t he house more,

c. Will you m e _

please? Just this once. I promise.

d . Tom always in h is exam s.

We are really proud of him.

e. I don't like . I t 's boring and

tiring, too .

f . Look, I' ll , but [ can't

• It can 't be my dad.a. I'm sure it's not my dad.b. It's my dad, I can' t believe it!

• He could have had a good career.a. He managed to have a good career.b. It was possible for him to have a good career, but

he didn 't. ·

• He might be.a. It's possib le.b. It was possib le.

grammarEJ Look atthe

ext racts from th edialogue and choosewhich of the statem ents a or b is the closest inmeaning.

Channel your English 59

readingD Before you read the text, loo k a t the pictur e a nd discuss th e following :

• What do you know about the people in t he picture ?• Do you fin d t hem funny? Why / Why not?

EJ Read th e text quickly withou t paying attention to the missing sente nces, What is th e writer' s main purpose?Choose a, b or c,

a . To am use the reader.b . To inform the read er about La urel and Hardy.c. To express hi s op in ion a bo u t Laure l and Hardy.



When you hear the wo rds film

comedian, many names cometo mind. However, w hen you

hear the words comedy double act, youprobably auto mat ically think of the pairwho we re the leading comedy doubl e act

of the twentieth ce ntury. IIOliver Hardy was the son of a lawyer and he was bornin Harlem, Georgia in 189 2. EJ He became totallyfascinated by the movie wo rld and wo rked for anumber of stud ios before he ende d up in Hollywood, atthe Hal Roach studios. A director there th ought that itmight be funny to contrast the fat Hardy wit h askinny acto r. Sta n Laure l wa s chosen and a legend wa sborn.

Although man y people believe Stan Laurel was anAmerican, he was actually born in Ulverston, England,and he was already working in show business wh en hewas only six years old . II He worked with Cha rlieChaplin, and like Chaplin, he decided to stay. Hewo rked as a write r and an actor and had some succes sbefore he went to work at Hal Roach's studios in 192 6 .

Stan Laurel was th e brai ns behind thisunusual comedy double act. Ollie Hardy'sfamous saying : "Here's another nice messyou've gotten me into!" is enough to bringa sm ile to most people's faces. Wha t theydon't know, however, is that it was written

by Stan Laurel.

Laurel and Hardy wo rked together for twenty-fiveyears and made over one hundred films together. Th ehighlight of their caree r was an academy award in1932 for the ir film The Music Box. II Despite hisweight, Ollie Hard y was a very good golfer, while StanLau rel liked fishing and also exp erim ent ing wit hgardening. He once created a ve getable which washalf potato and ha lf onion, but he couldn't ge t anyoneto try it .

Laurel an d Hardy set the standard for generations ofcomedians to come. A great film historian once said,"The best visual comedians imitate children."IITh ere wa s something childlike and lovab le about t hisamus ing pair that is still keeping people lau ghing intothe twenty-first century.

D Read the text again a nd the se nte nces a-f below. Complete the blanks 1-5 with the co rrect sentence. There is oneextra sentence which you do not need to use.

a . No one co uld do t h is as well as Laurel and Hardy.

b . Whe n he was abo u t tw enty, he w as g iven the op po rt u n ity to t rave l to Ame rica .

c . Their films we re based on everyday s itua t ions .

d . They are of course Stan La urel a nd Olive r Hardy.

e . In sp ite of s t udying law at universi ty, he never bec ame a lawyer.

f. Even though they had to w ork hard, they managed to find some time for other act ivit ies.

60 Channel yourEnglish

teacher's notes 09


Phrases andexpressionsbe the brains behindget into (gotten Am. E.)set the standard

1: d (f inal sentence of the first paragraph introducingthe topic of the text )

2: e (expanding on the informat ion given in the previoussentence, l.e. Hardy's background )

3: b (expanding on the information given in the previoussentence, i.e. Laurel 's background)

4: f (they had to work hard is related to worked togeth erin the opening sentence of the paragraph, andother activities is related to golfer, fishing andgardeningmentioned in the sentence that follows)

5: a (It best rounds up the topic of the text. Also, thewords this amusing pair in the next sentence referto Laurel and Hardy)

EJ Aim: to underst and text organisat ion

• Refer Ss back to the tip on p. 48.• Tell Ss to read sentences a-f.• Point out that the re is one extra sentence which they donot need to use.• Have Ss do the activity or assign it for homework.

leading (adj)legendlovablepurpose

show businessskinnytotallyvisual

doub le actexperiment (v)generationhighlight (n)



childl ikecomediancomedycontrast (v)


o Aim: to int roduce the topi c of the reading textthrough an ora l act ivity Involving back groundkn owledge and opinion

• Ask Ss the quest ions and generate discussion.

EJ Aim: to read for gist and identi fy the wr iter's mainpurpose

• Ask Ss to read through the text. Point out to them thatthey shou ld not worry about the missing sentences att his stage.• Have Ss do the act ivity.

Elicit answers and ask ss to provide j usti ficati on.

optional post-reading activityAsk Ss quest ions of personal response to the topi c ofthe reading text.e.g. Do you know any other comedians like the ones

mentioned in the text?Have you seen any of their films ?


• Ask Ss to read the text again paragraph by paragraphand ask them comprehension questio ns. Encourage Ssto guess the meaning of unknown words from thecontext.e.g. How did Laurel and Hardy get together and form a

pair?What is Hardy's famous saying?What did Laurel and Hardy use to do in their freetime?What are the two things that make Laurel and Hardyan unforgettable pair in the history of cinem a?

Explain unknown words

Channel you r English TB 60

Lesson Two (continued)

words and phrases listening S

l :b 2 :b.

Word building

d. any recognition /award

e. crazy humourf. cry

a. kid comedyb. one comedyc. 1981

b (That is not the story, however. in Hollywood,but it did not receive any award from the Academy)

EJ Aim: to listen for specif ic information

• Read and explain the ti p.• Ask Ss to read sentences a-f.• Explain any unkown words in the sentences.• Play the tape again.• Have 5s do the exercise. Check answers and ask Ss toprovide justification.

II Aims: • to expand on the 'tOPiCof the reading text• to present the topic of the listeni ng text

• Ask Ss the questions and generate discussion.

EJ Aim: to listen for gist and identify the speaker'smain point

• Ask Ss to read the three sentences.• Play the tape.• Have ss do the exercise. Check answers and ask ss toprovide justification.

comedy (n)amusing / amused (adj)

funny (adj)laugh (v)


Aim:to practise word formation• Ask Ss to read thro ugh the chart.• Refer Ss to the text.• Have Ss do the exercise individua lly or in pairs.• Check answers.

II Aim: to introduce clauses of concession

• Ask 5s to read the first extract and decide what itmeans.• Elicit and check answers.• Do the same for the second extract.

EJ Aim: to present and practise clauses of concession

• Read the rules. Ensure that Ss understand all theterms used.• If necessary, elaborate on the st ructure of clauses ofconcession and give more examples.• Have Ss do the activity.• Check answers.

UsleningTranscripl (see page 123)

a. Although / Even though I was sleepy, I stayed up andwaited for my sister to come back.In spite of / Despite being sleepy/my sleepiness, Istayed up and waited for my sister to come back.

b. Alt hough / Even though it was snowing, it was notvery cold.In spite of / Despite the snow, it was not very cold.

c. Although / Even though I have a driving licence, I donot drive.In spite of / Despite having a driving licence, I do notdrive.

d. Although / Even though she was ti red, she did thehousework.In spite of / Despite being t ired / her t iredness.she did the housework.

optional post-listening activity

You may ask Ss further quest ions of personalresponse related to the listening text.e.g. Have you seen any of the fi lms mentioned in the

listening text? If yes, did you like them?Do you also think that it was unfair that they didnot receive any recognition from the Academy?Do you prefer comedy films to drama films?Do you agree that it is "much harderto make people really laugh and enjoythemselves"?

61 TB Channel your English


words and phrases c. I have a driving licence, but I do not drive.

Word building

Look at the text on page 60 and find words to completethe chart below. d. She was ti red, but she did the housework.

b. It was snowing, but it was not very cold.

• although I even though + subject + verbe.g, Aithough / Even though I was disappointed,

I decided to keep trying.

• in spite of I despite + noun or -lng forme.g. In spite of/Despite being disappointed, I decided

to keep trying.In spite of / Despite my disappointm ent, I decidedto keep trying.

a. I was sleepy, but I stayed up and waited for my sister

to come back.

Complete the blanks with words that VOU

hear. Don't write too lon'l or complicated

d . Death Becom es Her and Four Weddings and a

Fun eral didn't receive _

from the A cad emy.

e . Robin Wi lliams is fam ou s fo r his _

but he w asn 't awar ded for it .

f, I t 's easie r t o m ake peop le _

than laugh .

listening S

a. Children usually prefer l ike

H om e A lon e.

b . Since World War II only _

has w on an award for best p icture.

c. Arthur was a sm ash hit in the year



EJ You will hear a radio presenter talking aboutcom edies. Listen and decide which of the threestatem ents best summa rises his main point.Choose a, b or c.

a. There aren 't eno ug h good comedies these days.

b . H ollywood doesn't honour comedies enough .

c. More com edies shou ld be m ad e.

o Discuss the following:

• Who's you r favourite comed ian? Why?• What is t he best comedy you have seen at t he

cinema? What did you like about i t ?

D Listen again and complete the sentences a-f. Writ eone or two words in each blank.






o Look at theextracts from thetext on page 60 and decide what each of themmeans. Choose a or b.

• Although many people believe Stan Laurel was anAmerican...a. Many people believe Stan Laurel was an American

and they're right.b. Many people believe Stan Laurel was an American .

but they're wrong.

• Despite his weight , Ollie Hardy was a very good golfer.a. Ollie hardy was a good golfer because he was fat.b. Ollie hardy was fat. However, he was a good golfer.

EJ Read the rules below. Then, rewrite the sentencesa-d in two different ways, using although or eventhough and in spite of or despite.

Use although, even though, in spite of and despite tointrod uce an idea which is in contrast with the idea themain clause expresses.

Channel your English 61

words and phrases..Similesare expressions which include the words as or like and are used to make comparisons.

Match the two ha lves of the s imiles below. Then, complete the sentences a-<l with some of the similes.

as big as a feather

as quiet as a wo lf

as light as a whale

as good as the sky

as free as a she et

as w hite as a mouse

as hungry as a bird

as blue as gold


a . Danie l hadn' t eaten all day, so whe n he got backhom e he was _

b . Afte r Sally broke up with Harry she fe lt

c. Judy is . She never says a word .

d . He r-face went whe n she heard

heavy footsteps com ing to wards her bedroom door.

e . Did you see that su mo wrestle r on TV last night? Hewas _

Look at picture A below. What do you think has happ ened? How does the man in the picture feel? Discuss your ideasusing may, might, could, must a nd can't/couldn 't as in the example. Then , do the same for picture B.

e .g, A: The dogs in pictu re A might have thought that the man was a huge cat.B: I agree and they must have chased him.

62 Channel your EngliSh

teacher's notes 09

alarmedanniversaryApril Fool's Daybreak up with someonecelebrateexitfancy (adj)featherfootsteps

words and phrases


no way outrevolving doorromanticsheetsurrenderwashing-upweddingwhalewrestler

Aims: 0 to introduce the concept of simileso to practise the format ion and use of some similes

o Read the defin it ion of a simile and ensure that Ss understand what it means.o Allow Ss some t ime to do the matc hings, Explain any words Ss might not know.o Elicit and check answers.o Have Ss read sentences a-e.o Explain any unknown words if necessary.o Have 5s do the exercise.o Check answers.

as big as a whaleas quiet as a mouseas light as a feather

as good as goldas f ree as a birdas white as a sheet

as hungry as a wolfas blue as the sky

a. as hungry as a wolfb. as f ree as a birdc. as quiet as a mouse


d. as white as a sheete. as big as a whale

Aims: 0 to give Ss pract ice using modal verbs"0 to speculate about pictures

o Divide Ss into pairs.o Ask Ss to look at the pictures and read the example. Point out to Ss that they should be careful using thepresent or the perfect infiniti ve depending on the t ime reference each time.o Have Ss do the act ivity.

Suggested answersA: The man in picture A might have been invited to a fancy-dress party.B: Probably, and he must have climbed up the t ree to protect himself f rom the dogs.A: Look at the expression on his face! He must be terrified worried/cold/t ired!

A: The couple in picture B must have bought tickets for the wrong part of the stadium.B: I agree and their team must have just scored.A: Look at the man! He must be so embarrassed !

Channel your EnglishTB 62

Lesson Three (continued)

writingEJ Aims: to make predict ions based on prompts

o Ask Ss to look at the pictu res and the words below them.o Read the quest ion and generate discussion.

EJ Aims: 0 to read and check predict ionso to introduce the layout and content of an art icle

o Ask Ss to read the article and decide on the most suitabie t itle for it.o Check answers and ask Ss to provide just if icat ion.o Expiain any words Ss might not know.


EJ Aim: to identi fy the stylis t ic featu res of an article

o Refer Ss to the artic le in 2.o Have 5s do the exercise and check answers.

c. d. e.

D Aims: 0 to give Ss practic e writ ing a paragraph based on visual and verbal promptso to prepare Ss for the writin g task

o Ask Ss to look at the pictures and the prompts.o Explain any words Ss might not know.o Allow Ss some time to write a short paragraph.o Read and discuss some of the Ss' paragraphs.o If time is scarce. this activ ity can be done orally.

5 Writing taskAim: to give Ss practic e writing an art icle about a personal experienceo Read and explain the tip .o Assign the writ ing task for homework.

63 TB Channel your English



discoverforgetw allet

___....;w,;,;a;,;sh ing-up

wedding anniversaryfancy restaurantcelebrateromantic dinner

~., When .IJOU write an article about a personalerpertence:

• Write an interestlnq title and introduction in orderto catch the reader's attention.

• Refer to the reader in a friendll/ wal/.• Use interestinq tlocabulartj.• Include Iinkin9 words to join I/our ideas.• End I/our article in a wal/ that will impress

the reader.

Channel your English 63

You have been asked to write an arti cle ent itl ed:An Unforgettable Apri l Fool's Day for a teenagema gazine. Your arti cle should be between1.20 and 1.50 words .

The w r i ter :

a. uses a title w h ic h reveal s the events in

the article.

b . uses formal language.

c . addresses t he read er directly w ith yo u.

d . starts t he article in a way that urges the

read er to cont inue reading. _

e. uses interesting words/phrases/ex pressions . _

_ I_____~I/

D look at th e picture. What do you think happened tothe coupl e? Ima gin e that you are either th e man orth e wom an and write a paragraph of about 60words using the prompts given.

EJ Read the art icle again and look at the check-listbelow. Whi ch of th e following does the writer ofthe arti cle do to attract th e reader's atte nti on? Tickth e correct boxes.


TERROR allhe Bank!


- -



EJ Read th e magazine artic le and check yourpredictions In 1.. Then, decide which of the threetitles is the mo st suitable for the article.Choose a, b or c.

B l OOk at the pictures and the words below. They areall related to a magazine art icle. What do you thinkhappened?

, . always findsh' k life is boring, It

ust when yOU t . \n , can't remember

Ja way to surprise YOU'd

r amused by what

h rher l was alar me 0we .happened that day. n walked in:They

k when tWO me ofI was in the ban hiding guns,and one

were wearing masks .a~d 0 bber{ ' lust then. \ saw athe m yelled out: "T,h1s IS :~~dS the bank. He t~ok oU:

r\' e offIcer runnmg to h bank's revol.... ing do .

po ic himself at t e . h gothis gun and threw made it inside. as e .

Unfortunately. he nevehf. is possib\e.The answer ISask how t IS H must have

stuck.YoU may b'g as a whale. effi r was as I \do't sto p

that the 0 Ice 160 kilos.The thieves co: Altho ughweighed at least the money intO the ags. it waslaughing as they put . . n to be in, I must say

f . htening sltUatlOit was a ng .

f h th ievesalso quite unny. t end ed wnen t e .a the amusemen was th e only eX it

di::::dthat the rev;lvi~;:~~rother choice ~ut to

from the building.So, t ;,:er became a hero. As orsurrender.The pO~lce .o s quite an ex.perl YOU can imagIne It wa


Revision 7-9reading

Read the text and complete th e blanks 1·5 with the sentences a-t below. There is one extra sentence which you do notto use.

a . Scholars say that this superstition came from Scand inavi a.b. These objects ar e probably associated w i t h good luck becaus e in anc ient t imes m ak in g i ron into

somet h ing u sefu l was regarded as m agic.c. At l east t he exp lanat ion to this supers t i t ion sounds m ore re alistic than an ol d fairy t al e.d . As a ch ild , I cou ld never understand why her react ion was so extr em e.e. People don 't usually believ e in superstit i ons t hat ar en' t based on t r ue stor ies.f. How ever, this explanat ion sounds illogi ca l to me .


Since I am not a supers titious person myself, I'm always

amused when other people behave superstit ious ly. In fact,

when I was young and wanted to drive my mother crazy, I

would open an umbrella in the house. II To tell you

the truth, I st ill haven't been able to f igure out why opening

a brolly indoors is supposed to bring bad luck.

Some superstitions can be traced back to ancient religions.

Take the number 13, for example. Some people are so

superstit ious about it that they will avoid having th irteen

people at a table at all costs. In America, some well-known

hotels have no rooms or floors numbered 13. EIAccording to a Norse myth, twelve gods and goddesses

were having a feast when the evil god Loki jo ined them

uninvited. This caused an argument, which resulted in the

death of Balder, the most loved of all the Norse gods.

II I find it hard to believe that people are still so strongly

affected by something which never really happened .

A more recent superstition is the belief that lighting three

cigarettes in a row with one match is unlucky. This strange

belie f has its roots in the Boer War, which took place in

South Africa between the Brit ish and the Afrikaners at the

end of the ninetee nth century. The Afrikaners were such

good gunmen that they could kil l three soldiers in a row who

had just lit the ir cigarettes with the same match. II

However, not all superstitions have to do with bad luck.

Horseshoes, for example, are thought to be lucky. lEIAnother explanation might be that the horse was a sacred

animal for the Celt ic people of Europe. Even Admiral Nelson

nailed a horses hoe to the mast of his ship to bring good

weather and calm seas on his journeys.

Whatever the explanations for superstitions are, none of

them sound totally convincing to me. But then again, that

is exact ly the reason why these beliefs are considered

superstitions and not science .

64 Channel yourEnglish

teacher's notes Rev 7-9

readingAim: to check ss' reading comprehension skills in text organisatio n

• Ask 5s to look at the t it le of the text and the pictu res.• Ask Ss a few questions and generate discussion.

e.g. What superstitio ns do you think are discussed in the text?Do you think they are associated with good or bad luck? Why?

• Ask Ss to read through the text for gist.• Ask Ss to read t he text again paragraph by paragraph and decide on the correct order

of the missing sentences.• Ask Ss to look out for key words and/or phrases as well as specif ic informat ion related

to to each sentence.• Have Ss do the exercise .• Check answers and ask Ss to provide just if ication .

1. d (As a child refers to when I was young, her reaction refers to my mother ),2. a ( this superstition refers to being superstitious about number 13),3. f ( this explanation sounds illogical to me is related to I find it hard to believe that which appears in the

sentence that follows),4. c (it 's realistic because it refers to real inciden t, not a fairy tale),5. b (these objects and iron refer to horseshoes)...;Note: When this activity is over, explain any words Ss might not know, if necessary.

optional post -reading activityAsk Ss some questions of persona l respo nse to the ideas expressed in the text.e.g. Have you heard of any other superstitions?

Do you believe in superstitions?Why/Why not?

ChannelyourEnglish 18 64

Revision 7-9Use of EnglishIIAim: to revise word formation through a word building exercise

• Ask Ss to read through the text for gist.• Point out to Ss that, before they start completing the blanks, they should decide on what part of speech is

needed each ti me.• Check answers.

(1) lawyer(2) funny(3) professional(4) decision(5) react ion

(6) pressure(7) disappointment(8) comedian(9) comfortable

(10) eventually

Note: When this activity is over, you may explain any unknown words if necessary.

EJ Aim: to revise various language structures throu gh a keyword transformation exercise

• Have Ss do the act ivity.• Check answers.

1. had been wait ing (for)2. had made a cake3 . must have stolen4. should stop5. cannot have said

songAim: to listen to the song and check Ss' comprehension of it

• Ask Ss to read the questions.• Ask Ss to listen to the song carefully. Play the tape.• Elicit and check answers.

6. may not come to work7. had better ask Sheila8. would rather go to9. laughing at

10. despite studying.

1. The singer is iying in his bed.2. He is scared because he th inks that someone or something is by his bed.3. He can see a shadow coming closer to him and can hear its breath getting heavier.

optional project• Divide Ss into small groups.• Ask the Ss in each group to work together and do a project about some other superstitions.• Encourage Ss to collect information including where the supersti t ions came from .• Ss should draw pictu res, write short texts and present their projects in class.

65 TB Chann el your English

Use of Englisho Complete the blanks with the correct form of the words in capitals.

It's not easy to decide on what career to pursue. Take me, for example. When

I was younger, my parents wanted me to become a (1) _ LAW




However, as I've always been a (2) type of guy, FUN

I told t hem I wanted to become a (3) clown instead. PROFESSION

Of course, my parents were furious with my (4) _

I was really disappointed with their (5) , but I

received so much (6) from the m that I was forced

to give up my plans. But then, I've never wanted to deal with anything too scientific.

So, to their (7) again, I decided to become

an actor, or, to be more precise, a (8) _

I feel really (g) and happy with my new idea.

As for my parents, I'm sure they'll (10) give in.





EJ Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to thefirst sentence, using the word given. You mu st use between two andf ive words, includin g the word given.

1. I waited for fifteen minutes and then the bus arrived.

song SListen to the song Who's there?and answer the following quest ions.

10. Paul failed his exams although he had stud ied hard.

4. It is a good idea to stop smoking.

should You smoking.

2. First she made a cake. Then, she did the washing up.

mad e After she , she did the washing up.

3. I am sure John stole the money.

1. Whe re is the singe r?2. H ow does he feel? Why?3. What can he see and hear?

_ _ ___ _ __ fifteen minutes when the bus arrived.

My sister is always me.

You --'--'_ _ about it.

Paul failed his exams hard.

John the money.




waitin g

mu st

8. I would like to go to the cinem a tonight instead of staying at home.

rath er the cinema tonight than stay at home.

g. My sister is always making fun of me.

5. I cannot believe that Mary said such a thing

said Mary such a thing.

6. I think that Ben will not come to work today because he is sick.

may Ben today because he is sick.

7. Why don't you ask Sheila about it?

Channel your English 65

- ..........

Lesson One

presentationo Before you read the dialogue, look at the

picture of Mike a nd Claire a nd the note fromClaire's diary. Then, discuss the following:

• What do you think they are ta lking about?• Whe n did Mike arrive from the USA?

EJ Listen to the dialogue and check your Sanswers In 1..

EJ Read the dialogue a nd the example below.Find five more differences between the UKa nd the USA.

a. Cr i,;P<' are known a,; c hiP<' in t he USA.

b. _

c. _

d . _

e . _

f. _

Mike It's grea t to see you again after all th ese years.But why didn't you call me? I've been in Englanda month already.

Claire What? In your e-mail you wrote that you werearriving on th e sixth of July. I remember.

Mike No, I wrote Ju ne seventh.Claire Look, I've got it written down here.Mike Ah, now I see the problem. In the States th e

month is written before the day.Claire How confusing! I'm sorry.Mike Never mind. It' s not your fault. There are so

many differences between America and England.I always forget things. Yesterday, I was in a malland [ wanted some chips. I went to a store and [was told to go to a fast food place.

Claire You should have asked for crisps, not chips.Mike I realise tha t now. It's like you speak anot her

language over here. In fact, everything's


different . You drive on the wronqside of theroad and the cars here are so small!

Claire That 's because there aren't many parking spacesand the roads are narrower.

Mike Something should be done about that . In theStates the streets and the sidewalks are muchwider.

Claire There's more space, isn't th ere?Mike Absolutely!Claire I couldn't live in the USA. I mean. all that 'life in

the fast lane'! You know, drive-in cashpoint s, even drive-in weddings, soI've been told. It would drive me crazy! SorryMike.

Mike That 's all right. Anyway, life is too short towaste time .

Claire And it'll get shorter if you don't get out of yourcar and do some exe rcise.

D Discuss the following:

If yo u had the chance to spenda year in the UK or the USA,w he re wo uld you prefer to go ?Why?

66 Channel yourEnglish

The words/ phrase s below a re used to ma ke a nd acce pt a pologies .Listen and repeal.

Sorry. I' m sorry. I' m terribly sorry.That 's all right. It 's not yo u r fault . Not to worry. Never mind .

teacher's notes 10EJ Aim: to check comprehension of specif ic information

in the dialogue• Ask Ss to uncover the dialogue so that they can readand listen at t he same tim e. Play the tape again.• Ask Ss to underline words and expressions they are notfamiliar with, but tell them not to worry about unknownwords at th is stage.• Give Ss time to work out the differences between theUK and the USAaccording to the example in the ir book.• Check Ss' answers and ask them to provide justification.

Otherwordsand phrases


American English


absolutelycashpointcollapse (v)crispsdrive sb crazyemergency

linemal lpantssidewalk

fau ltincredibly

liftparking spacepavementqueue



victi mwaste (v)


b. In the USA the month is written before the day, in theUK the day is written before the month.

c. In the UK people drive on the left, in the USA theydrive on the right.

d. In the UK cars are smaller.e. In the UK there are fewer parking spaces than in the

USA.f. In the USA roads and pavements are wider than in the


• When this acti vity is over, ask Ss some more questions.e.g, How long has Mike been in England?

What does Claire mean by saying that life in the USAis "in the fast lane"?

Encourage Ss to try to guess t he meaning of newvocabu lary such as mall, sidewalk and cashpoint.• Explain unknown words.

Aim: to present vocabulary, structures and functions inthe context of a dialogue between a man and awoman talking about th e differences between th eUK and th e U5A

II Aim: to use visual information to predict the contentof a dialogue

• Ask 5s to look at the picture and discuss the questions.

optionalYou may ask 5s a few more questions:e.g. Where are the people and what are they doing?

Do they seem to be having a good time ?

EJ Aims: • to listen to the dialogue and check predictions• to understand the gist of the dialogue

• Ask 5s to cover t he dialogue, look at the picture andlisten carefully. Play the tape. S• Discuss answers.

• They are talking about Mike's experiences in Englandand the differences between America and England.• He arrived in England on 7 June.

IIAim: to encourage 5s to relate the topic of thedialogue to personal preference

• Ask Ss to look at the quest ions and discuss them.

optionalIf th ere is t ime, you may ask Ss more questions.e.g. Do you think that 'life in the fast lane' would drive

you crazy or do you agree with Mike tha t 'life is tooshort to waste time ? Why?

intonation SAim: to present and practise intonation in expressions

used to make and accept apologies

• Play the ta pe and pause afte r each expression.• Ask Ss to repeat th e expressions.

Channel your EnglishTB 66

Lesson One (continued)

words and phrasesBritish and American English

o Aim: to match the examples of American English inthe dialogue with their British English equivalents

• Refer Ss to t he dialogue.• Have Ss do th e act ivity.• Check answers.

EJ Aims: • to revise the formation of Passive Voice• to give Ss pract ice making their own

example sentences• Ask Ss to read through the table and ensure that theyunderstand the terms used. If necessary, provideexplanati ons.• Ask Ss to work ind ividually and make their ownexamples.• Check answers.

a. mallb. chipsc. stored. sidewalk

EJ Alms: • to present Ss with more American Englishwords

• to match some words in Ame rican Englishwith their Brit ish English equivalents

• Ask Ss to do the activi ty.• Check answers.

Suggested answersPresent Simple: In England the day is written before themonth.

Past Simple: My uncle's house was built f ive years ago.

Present Perfect Simple: I have been told that life in theUSA is different from life in England.

Past Perfect Simple: When we got the re, we realisedthat the car had been stolen .

Future Will: A new shopping centre will be built oppositethe train stat ion.

Modal Verbs: Something should be done about that.

grammaro Aim: to elicit the basic use and form ati on of

Passive Voice as presented in th e dialogue• Ask Ss the f irst set of quest ions.

Elicit and check answers.Do the same for the rest of the sets of quest ions.

optionalIf there is ti me, you can draw Ss' attention to some ofthe spelling differences between American and Brit ishEnglish.e.g, center (AmE) = centre (8 r.E), color (ArnE) = colour(8 r.£.), real ize (AmE) = realise (8 r.£.), traveled (AmE)= travelled (8r.E), gray (ArnE) ~ grey (8 r.E).

collapsedcrashedwere cal led outwas donewere killedhave been takenare still trappedhas risenbe done

D Aim: to pract ise Passive Voice

• Ask Ss to read t hrough the text.• Have Ss do the exercise.• Check answers and ask Ss to provide justificat ion.• If t ime is scarce, assign the exercise for homework .

f . 9g.6h.8i. 2

. a. 7b.4c. 1d.3€l.5

• b• b• a

67 f 8 Channel your EngliSh

words and phrases EJ Complete the table below with examples. Useexamples from th e dialogue and your own.

British and American English

How is the passive voice formed?a. verb be + past parti cip leb. is or was + Past Simple

can/ must/may/should etc. + be +past parti ciple

e.g, _

bri dge crossi ng th e .

A Sanaga River in

Eastern Cameroon

colla psed / was colla psed last

night dur ing a heavy stor m. A

train carrying passengers to

Dou ala failed to not ice the .

d h d / was cras hed into the fiverdestroyed bridge an eras e . .below. Emergency tea ms were called out / wer e calling

out immediately and an excellent job had done / wask'\1 d / have

done. Incredibly. only five peo ple were I e . .

killed out of the \47 passengers. Most of the VIctims

have been taken / have been taking to the neare~tIl l t pp ing / a re sti li

h . it I bu t a few people are st t raosp i a.d i the train The rain has continued throughout

t rap pe m · .. b' en / has rise n, so

the night and the fiver has een n s . . :

I. st be done / be doing befor e It s too late.somet ung mu.



D Read th e text below and circle the correct verb fo rm.

I • ,;,'':1am/is/ are + past part iciple

F 'In e.g.

was/were + past participle,


~have/ has + been + past partic ip le


.~ had + been + past parti ciple.e.g.

will + be + past parti cip le'.


Modal Verbs



• In the States the month is written before the day.

Which of t he two is more importa nt?a. Who does the action.b. The act ion itself.

• I was toid to go to a fast food piace.

What does Mike mean in the above sentence?a. "I told somebody to go to a fast food place."b. "Somebody told me to go to a fast food place."


a. I want to buy an apartment w it h a v iew ofthe ci ty. .. ..

b . I' ll ask for the check if everybody ' s

finished eat ing. .

c. Th e old m an was stuc k in the elevator

betw een the seventh and eighth floor.

d . I m et my w ife in the fall of 1987 .

e. I hate it w he n people thro w their garbage

in the st reet.

f . She st opped to fill the car w it h gas .

g. Do you think this sh i rt goe s with these


h . I 'm going on vacat ion next week.

1. The line outside the cinema was so lon g

that we decided to go back home.

o Look at the two examples of th e passive voice fromthe dialogue and answer th e questions th at follow.

o Find four examples of Ame rican English in t hedialogue and match them with the meanin gs given.

a. shopping centre

b . cr isps

c . shop

d. pavement

Channel your English 67

readingDWhat do you think the following phrases mean?

love at fi r st sight All's fair in love and w ar. Love makes the world go round. Love is blind.

EJ Read the magazine art icle below. Why did the writer choose the titl e Love is Blind?

Love t6 BlindTrue love never dies,

you'll hear people say. Ifyou think this Is Just a lotof nonsense, then youhaven't met John 5

Gallagher.e managed to findhis high schoolsweetheart. AnjaliHenry, after 10

fourteen years of beingapart. John and Anja li were schoolmates at Perkins School for theBlind in Watertown, Massachusetts. It was there, between classes,that John slipped a fifteen-dollar ring on Aniali's finger.Unfortunately, the romance came to an end in 1982, when Anjali 15

had to return to her native country, India. Weeks before she left,John broke off the engagement only to regret it afterwards.

As John couldn't get Anjali out of his mind, he decided in 1988 totrack her down. He mailed a letter to the address that Anjali hadgiven him before she left , hoping it would reach her. When he didn't 20

receive a reply, he wrote again and again. Finally, in the spring of1996 a letter came back. It wasn't from Anjal i, though, but from herformer neighbour. Feeling sorry for John, she sent him Anjali's newaddress in Bissamcuttack, 1000 miles southeast of New Delhi.

On the other side of the world, Anjali carried on with her life. She 25

earned a Master's degree in medical and psychiatric social work.Despite complete blindness, she opened Bissamcuttack's firstpsychiatric ward at a local hospital. Anjali was shocked by John'sfirst letter, so she didn't reply. But when another one arrived, Anjalidecided to write back. John didn't beat about the bush. He 30

immediately replied to her: "After 14 years i know I still love you,"Reading this, Anjali thought it was absurd. However, she was soonconvinced that John was sincere.

On December 30, 1996, John arrived in India with a diamondengagement ring in his pocket. Anjali quit her job, said goodbye to 35

her family and moved to the USA with John, where they got marriedeighteen months later. Obviously, love doesn't only make the worldgo round. It can aiso make people go round the world in search ofit. "It's a nice feeling," says Anjali, "to know there is someone,somewhere just for you." 40

.68 Channel your English

lEI Read the magazine article again andanswer the questions 1-4. Choose a, bor c.

..J....&I) When answerinq questions ulhich~,r focus on readinq between the


TTlJ to interpret what the writer meansrather than takin9 literal/v what is written.

• Consider the context and situation in Ulhicha phrase is used in order to understandwhat it actual/v means.

• Try to put lJoursetf in the person's positionand imaqine what he/she mi9ht think orhow he/she miqht feel in the specificsituation.

When answerintj questions which require 'Iouto find what a word in the text (e.9. it, theV,this) refers to, read careful/v thesentence which includes that word, aswell as a few sentences before it, to see Iwhat the word refers to.

1. What did John regret in line 17?

a. Th at he got engaged to Anjali .

b. That he ended the relationship w it h

Anjali .

c. That Anjali left h im to go to India.

2. What does ' it' refer to in line 20 ?

a. Anjali's address

b. John's letter

c. Anj ali's reply

3. Wh at does the w r iter mean by 'John

didn't beat about the bush' in line 30?

a. He didn't waste t ime.

b. H e didn't know w hat to do .

c. He didn't t ake it ser iously.

4. Why did John go to I ndia?a. To tell Anj ali that he st ill loved her.

b. To get married to Anj ali .

c. To ask Anjali to be his w ife .

teacher's notes 10

readingo Aim: to introduce the topi c of the reading text

through an oral act ivityo Tell Ss to read the phrases in the boxes.o Generate discussion and elicit answers.

Phrases and expressionsat f irst sightbeat about the bushcome to an endget sb/sth out of one's mind

The writer chose the tit le Love is blind to refer to the lovestory of two blind people in a f igurat ive way. Two blindpeople met at school, fell in love, separated, then gottogether again and finally got married. They were blind sothey could not see each other. On a metaphorical level,your love for someone can blind you to their faults.

Note: Do not explain any unknown words at this stage.o Ask 5s to read the text again paragraph by paragraphand ask them comprehension questi ons. Encourage Ss toguess the meaning of unknown words from the context.e.g. Where did John and Anjali meet for the first time?

How did John show Anjali his true feelings?Why did their romance come to an end?How did John try to find Anjali?How did John finally manage to find Anjali's newaddress?What had Anjali managed to accomplish despite herblindness when John tracked her down?How did she react to John's letters ?Where did they settle down after they got married?

o Explain unknown words if necessary.

EJ Aim: to read for detail and deduce meaning

o Read and explain the tip.o Assign this activity for homework.



fairformernat ivenonsenseobvious


Phrasalverbsbreak off track down

s uggested answersLove at first sight: to become very fond of sbimmediately or short ly afte r you have met.All 's fair in love and war: all behaviour is justified inorder to win sb's love or a war.Love makes the wor ld go round : love is the movingforce behind all human behaviour and it is so powerfulthat people think it makes the Earth and the Sun move.Love Is blind: when you are in love, you cannot seefaults in your partner. (Do not get into too many detailshere as you will have the chance to talk more extensivelyabout it in the following activ ity.)

EJ Aim: to read for gist and interpret

o Ask Ss to read through the text. Point out to them thatthey should not worry about unknown words at th is stage.o Ask 5s the quest ion. Draw 5s' attention to theparallelism between blindness as a physical disabilityand as a state when you cannot see fault s in yourpartner because of strong feelings of love. In order tofacilitate both the ir understanding and the discussion,you can ask them further questions:e.g. When you are blind, you cannot see. In the same

way, how can love make people blind?What characteristics of your partner can you beblind to when you are in love?

o Elicit answers and ask 5s to provide justif ication.

1. b ( John broke ott tne engagement ...)2. b ( he mailed her a letter...)3 . a ( he immediately...)4 . c ( John arrived in India with a diamond engagement


optional post-reading activityAsk Ss questions of personal response to the topic ofthe reading text.e.g. How did you like the love story of John and Anj ali?

What do you think of them?How difficult is it for two blind people to make sucha decision? What does it take to make such adecision?

Channel your English re 68

Lesson Two (continued)

words and phrasesPhrasal verbs and other expressions

Aim: to match phrasal verbs and expressions from th etext with their meanings

• Refer 5s to the dialogue.• Have 5s do the exercise.• Check answers.

a. came to an endb. broke offc. get out of his mindd. track downe. in search of

grammarD Aim: to Int roduce the meanin g of participle clauses

as presented in th e text• Tell Ss to read the first senten ce.• Ask Ss the quest ion and elicit answers.• Do the same for the second sentence.

Elicit and check answe rs.


• a

D Aim: to present and practise the use of particip leclauses

• Ask Ss to read the rule and the table below it. Ensurethat Ss understand all the term s used. If necessary,provide explanat ions.• Refer 5s to the text and ask them to do the exercise.• Check answers.• Read and expla in the note

• Reading t his, Anja ll tho ught it was absurd.• Feeling sorry for John, she sent him Anjali's new


EJ Aim: to give Ss practice with participle clauses

• Have Ss do the exercise.• Check answers.• If time is scarce, assign the exercise for homework.

a. Opening the window, she saw a stranger in thegarden.

b. Feeling ill, I decided not to go to work.c. Looking through the book, I came across an old fam ily

photograph.d. Not knowing his phone number, I didn 't call him.

69 TB Channel your English

listening.SD Alms: • to present the topic of th e listening text

• to relate it to Ss' back ground knowledge

• Tell Ss to read the questions and the opt ions.• Have Ss do this act ivity as a general knowledge quiz.• Elicit answers, but do not check Ss' answe rs at thisstage .

D Aim: to listen for gist and check answers

• Play the tape.• Ask Ss to do the exercise.• Check answers.

1. b 2. c

EJ Aim: to liste n for specific information

• Ask Ss to read sentences a-e.• Explain any unknown words in the sentences.• Play the tape again.• Ask Ss to do the exercise. Check answers and ask Ss toprovide j usti f ication.

a. F (I'm 29 now and I came here when I was 21)b. T (...1worked in an Irish bar for six months until I got

my first job in journalism)c. T (They try to be, but it's never the same)d. F (...there are more than forty million people here...)e. F (Most Irish people wouldn 't be seen dead wearing

green... it's considered bad luck to wear it ).

L1stenlngTransc ript (see page 124)

words and phrasesPhrasal verbs and other expressions

Find phrasal verbs and other expressions in the text onpage 68 and match them with the meanings given.

a. fi n ished

b. ended a relation ship

c. forget

d . find

e. look ing fo r


EJ Rewrite the sentences below using part icipleclauses to replace the clauses in bold.

a. When she opened the window, she saw a stranger in

. the garden.

b. As I felt ill, I decided not to go to work.


c. Whil e I was looking through th e book, I came across

an old family photograph.

EJ Look at the two ext racts from the text on page 68and answer the quest ions that follow.

• Feeling sorry for John, she sent him Anjal i's newaddress.

What does Feeling sorry for John mean?a. Although she felt sorry for Johnb. Because she felt sorry for John

• Reading this, Anjali thought it was absurd.

What does Reading this mean?a. When she read th isb. Before she read th is

EJ Read the rules below and complete the table withexamples from the text on page 68.

The Present Participle (base form + -ing) is used inprogressive tenses and in participle clauses.

In participle clauses the present participle:

• replaces a clause of time (When, while etc. + subject + verb)

e.g. _

• replaces a clause of reason (because/ as + subject + verb)

e.g. _

NOTE: The negat ive form of the present part icipleis not + present participle.e.g. Not having enough money, I decided not to buy a

new car.

d. As I didn't know his phone number, I didn't call him.

listening SEJ What do you know about Ireland and Irish culture?

Try to answer the questions below.

• Wh ich is Ireland'snational colour?a. Orangeb . Gr eenc. White

• Which is the mostimportant Irish cele bration?a. St George's Dayb . St David 's Dayc. St Pat rick 's D ay

EJ Listen to a conversati on between two reporterscovering an event in New York and check youranswers in 1.

EJ Listen to the conversat ion again and decide if thefollowing statemen ts are True or False. Write T or Fin the boxes.

a. Jerry has li ved in New York since he w as 29 .

b . Jerry's first j ob in New York was in a bar. _

c. I r ish bars in New Yor k are different from

those in I r eland .

d . The population of I r eland is forty million.

e. People in I r elan d l ike wear ing green .

Channel your English 69

Lesson Three

words and phrasesCompound nouns

A com pound noun is a combination of two nouns which function as one word. Note that the first noun def ines the secondone (e.g. a bus stop is a stop for buses).

o Match the nouns on the left with those onthe right to form compound nouns.

prot est jamdepartment guardsho pp ing w itnesstraffic blockemergency storeeye officeroffice marchpo lice ce ntresecurity exit

speakingo Work in pairs. Comp a re pictu res A a nd B

a nd discuss the s imilarities a nd differencesbetween them. Think a bout where thepeople a re. what their lives a re like . howthey feel etc. Use some of the words a ndphrases in the boxes.


lifestyledaily ro ut inelon elycrowdedrelaxedsatisfiedstressed


I think/beli eve ... because ...I disagree because ...I agree, but.. .In picture A.. ., wh ile in picture B...In my opinion, ...

70 Channel your English

EJ Complete the foll owing se nte nces with some of thecom pound nou ns from exe rcise 1.

a . Sorry I'm late . I got stuc k in a(n) _

on Beacon Street .

b. A(n) to ld the po lice that she

had seen the robbery from her bedroom window.

c. Most of the peopl e w ho work in this _

are lawyers .

d . An environmental group organised a(n)

___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the city ce ntre .

e . In case a fire breaks out, you should all use the

EJ Discuss the following:

• Whic h of the two lifestyles would yo u prefer? Why?• What wo uld yo u like to change about your lifestyle? Why?• What do you th ink life wi ll be like in the future?

teacher's notes 10

Compound Nounsdepartme nt store

Otherwordsbannerchain (v)committeedemol ish

Phrasal verbsbreak out

eye witness

demolitionform (v)gathergrand

pull down

off ice block protest march

out raged (adj )present (v)protestprotester

security guard


traffic ja m

Phrases andexpressionsget stuck in keep th ings under control

words and phrasesCompound nouns

make way for

o Aims: 0 to introduce the concept of a compound noun• to form compound nouns

o Read the defini tion of a compound noun and ensure that Ss understand what it means. Give them a coupleof examples and ask them to make their own.• Explain any words Ss might not know.• Have Ss do the exercise.• Check answers.

protest marchdepartment storeshopping centre

traffic jamemergency exiteye witness

office blockpolice off icersecurity guard

EJ Aim: to practise using compound nouns

o Have Ss do the exercise.o Explain any unknown words if necessary.o Check answers.

a. traffic jamb. eye witness


c. off ice blockd. protest march

e. emergency exit

o Aim: to compare and contr ast two pictu res

o Divide Ss into pairs.o Ask Ss to look at the pictu res and read the words and the phrases on the left .o Have Ss do the activity.

EJ Aims: 0 to discuss lifestyleso to relate the topi c of the speaking activity to personal preferences

o Ask Ss to read the questions and generate discussion.

Channel your English TB 70

Lesson Three (continued)

writingo Aims: • to activa te Ss' background knowledge of interpret ing headlines

• to prepare Ss fo r the writ ing task

• Ask Ss to read the headline from the news report.• Ask Ss the question and elicit answers.

The news report is about a demonstrat ion; the residents of a town haveorganised a demonstrat ion in order to prevent the local authorities fromdemolishing an old theatre.

EJ Alms: • to check predictions• to understand text organisation throu gh re-ordering paragraphs

• Ask Ss to read the news report and put the paragraphs in order.• Check answers and ask ss to provide justification.

Explain any words Ss might not know.

Paragraph 1: Angry scenes... save the theatre.(setting the background of the event)

Paragraph 2: Yesterday... the entrance door.(describing the event in more details)

Paragraph 3: "We will stay... World Word I. "(including comments made on the spot)

Paragraph 4: Last night... to the theatre.(f inal comments about the event itself as well as the consequencesand/or the act ion that will be taken in the future)

3 Writing headlines for news reports

Aim: to give Ss practice writ ing suitable headlines for news reports

• Read and explain the ti p.• Have Ss do the exercise.• Check answers.

Suggested answersa. Longferd Gallery Opening Todayb. Bush Fire Endangers Villagesc. England Beats France

4 Writing task

Aim: to give Ss practic e writing a news report

• Read and explain the t ip.• Assign the writ ing task for homework.

71 rs Channel your English

, .

UNI T 10

writingo Look at the following headline from a news report.

What do you think the news report is about?


Read the opening paragraphs of th ree different newsreports. Write an interesti ng headline for each one inthe space provided.

o Today is the grand opening of the Longferd Gallery. IThe owner is proud to present works from Picasso'sBlue period. .; _ _ _ -

EJ Read the news report below. The paragraphs havebeen jumbled up. Put them in order by writing thenumbers 1-4 in the boxes. Then, check yourpredictions in 1.

eEngland beat France 2-0 in a . .Paris. English fans were n excl tmg match last night instreets of Lo ndon. seen celebrat ing all night on the


o . 'Yesterday a bush fire broke out .In Australiade stroying many areas of Victona. FirefIghters havewarned residents in nearby VIllages to leave tnetr


R01 1.."";",

Yesterday a crowd of

people gathered in frontof the theatre. They werecarrying banners and

dem anding that the loca l

authorities do some thing

to prevent the demolition.Some residents even

chained the mse lves to theentrance door.

Last night the po lice

tried to keep things undercontrol as the protesters

settled down in their

sleeping bags on the stepsof the theatre. It is stilltoo early to say what will

happen to the theat re.

Angryscenes continuein Hexley-on-Sea asbulldozers try to move in


4 Writing task

3 Writing headlines for news reports

Imagine that you are a news reporter for a localnewspaper. Write about an event in your city/town whenpeople protested against a decision they did not agreewith. Your news report should be between 120 and 150words .

When ~ou write a headline for a news report:

• Mane sure the headline is short and to thepoint.

Use interestinq 1I0cabular~.

Use the Present Simp le.• Don't include:

articles (e.9."::A- TORNADO DES TROys:A:COAS TALTOWN), . .possessives (e.9. WOMAN SETS FIRE TO 7:JEk. OWNHOUSE),auxiliar~ verbs (e.9.~/PLOMAT tMS..liff-N ­ARRESTED FOR SHOPLIFTING),full stops and commas.

When lJOU write a news report:

• Write an interest inq headline to catch thereader's attention.

• In the introduction mention on/v the main pointsbriefl~ and clearl~.

• Use the passive voice and participle clauses.• Include on/~ facts. Do not express ~our feelin9s and

opinion.• Use direct speech when reportinq peop le's comments.• Don't write sentences that are too short. Link

'Jour ideas us;nlj relative pronouns/ timelinners, althou9h etc. f

Channel your English 71

Lesson One

presentationo Read the tille of the unit, look at the

picture a nd discuss the following:

• What do you think the man and the -. ~ .

woman are talkmg about?• What's the piece of paper that the

woman is holding?

EJ Listen a nd check your a nswers in :l!,

D Read the dialogue and complete theta ble below.

hi" proviouc job

Jenny There's no point in sulking, Geoff, You'll get a jobsoon.

Geoff Don't be so sure, I'm fed up with sending my CVto loads of companies without getting any reply,

Jenny Maybe it has to do with your Cv.Geoff You think so? Do you mind having a look at it?Jenny Why not? I'll give you a hand , Let me see now.

What 's this? Only one job?Geoff What do you mean?Jenny I mean . under Work Experience you've just put

your previous job and noth ing else ,Geoff Well. that' s th e t ruth ,Jenny What I'm trying to say is that you're not selling

yourself. Geoff,Geoff I still don't get you ,Jenny Liste n. you worked in a corner shop once. right?Geoff Yes. when I was younger. but I got the sack afte r

just a couple of weeks.Jenny Doesn't matter. We'll write sales assistant for

local newsagent.Geoff That sounds good. But I don't want to lie.Jenny It's not a lie. It just makes you look good.Geoff If you say so. What else?Jenny You haven't got much under Personal Interests,

either. just football.Geoff I didn't know what else to put,Jenny Mmm.; Have you ever taken part in a play?Geoff WelL yes, but it was just the local drama club,

Isn't that a silly thing to menti on?Jenny Not at all! Let 's put active member of local

theatrical society,

72 Channel your English

Geoff Don't you think it's too much to write that?Jenny Why? What was the play?Geoff Robin Hood,Jenny Don't forget to sell yourse lf, Geoff. I bet you

were a great Robin Hood,Geoff I wasn't actually. that is to say, I didn 't play

Robin Hood,Jenny No? What was your role?Geoff I was 'Third tree on the left'. but I was a great

tree!Jenny That's the spirit. Geoff,

D Discuss the following:

• Do yo u think Geo ff should add w hat Jennysuggested to hi s CV? WhyIWhy not?

• If you had to write yo ur own Cv.

w hat would you put in it?

intonationThe express ions below a re used for asking forcla rification or clarifying what has been sai d.Listen and repea t.

Wh at do you mean?What a re yo u trying to say?

I m ean.. .What I'm trying to sa y is that '".." tha t is to ~U'y, . . .

teacher's notes 11

Conversallonal EnglishI bet I don't get you If you say so that 's the spirit

Aim: to present vocabulary, structures and functions inthe context of a dialogue between two youngpeople about writ ing a good CV

o Aim: to use visual infor mation to predict the contentof the dialogue

• Ask 5s to read the t itle of the unit, look at the pictureand discuss the questions.

WhalGeoff WhaleJse

IWhalJennyGeoffacluallyhasIn hlsCV did suggests

Work his previous worked in a sales assistantExperience job corner shop for local


Personal football took part in a active

Inleresls play in the local member of localdrama club theatrical society

• When this act ivity is over, ask 55 some more questionse.g. According to Jenny. what should Geoff try to

achieve with his CV?How long did Geoff work in the corne r shop? Whathappened?What was Geoff s role in that play?

• Encourage 55 to t ry to guess the meaning of unknownwords.

• They are talking about Geoff 's CV.• It's Geoff s CV.

D Aim: to encourage 55 to relate the topic of thedialogue to personal opinion

• Ask 55 to look at the questio ns and discuss them.

EJ Aim: to check comprehension of specifi cinfo rmat ion in the dialogue

• Ask 55 to look at the table.• Ask 55 to uncover the dialogue so that they can readand listen at the same time. Play the tape again.• Ask Ss to underline words and expressions they are notfamiliar with, but tell them not to worry about unknownwords at this stage.• Have 55 do the act ivity.• Check answers and ask 55 to provide just if ication,get rid of

get the sack

sulktheatrical society

it's no usethat is to saythere comes a t imethere is no point in

newsagentplay (n)sales assistantsell oneself

Phrases and expressionsdo you mindfall asleepgive sb a handit has to do with


Collocalions wilh gelget a job get on sb's nervesget dark get readyget down to business


optionalYou may ask Ss a few more quest ions:e.g. How old do you think the people are?

What can you tell from the expression on theirfaces?

EJ Aims: • to listen to the d ia lOg~e and checkpredictions

• to understand the gist• Ask 55 to cover the dialogue. look at the picture andlisten carefully. Play the tape. S• Discuss answers.

opt ionalIf there is t ime, you may ask Ss more questions,e.g, How important is a good CVwhen you apply for a job?

How distressing can looking for a job be?

intonation SAim: to prese nt and practise intonat ion in expressi ons

used to ask for clarif icat ion or to clarify what hasbeen said

Play the tape and pause afte r each expression,• Ask 55 to repeat t he expressions.

Chann el your English 18 72

Job-huntin ..~~Lesson One (continued)

words and phrases1 Conversational EnglishAim: to matc h the examples of conversational

English in the dialogue with their meanings• Ask Ss to do the activity.• Check answers.

a. there's no point inb. it has to do withc. i'll give you a handd. I don't get youe. 1bet

2 CollocationsAim: to practise collocations with get• Ask 5s to read the collocat ions in the box.• Have Ss do the exercise.• Check answers.

Rulesbare infinit ivesfull infinit ives-ing forms

EJ Aim: to practi se inf initives and -ing forms

• Ask Ss to read through the text and complete theblanks .• Explain any unknown words.• Check answers and ask Ss to provide just if icat ion.• If t ime is scarce, assign the exercise for homework.

(1) to get (7) washing(2) to buy (8 ) make(3) affo rd (9 ) to order(4) giving (10) to make(5) explain (11) wear(6) cleaning

grammarIIAim: to present some of the basic uses of infinitives

and -ing forms through elicitat ion• Refer Ss to the dialogue and ask Ss to under line all theexamples of infi nit ives and -ing forms.• Ask 5s to complete the rules.• Check answers and provide explanat ions if necessary.

Examples in the dia logueFull infinitivesMaybe it has to do with your CVWhat I'm trying to say is...But I don't want to lie .I didn 't know what else to put.tsn': that a silly thing to ment ion?Don't you think it's too much to write that ?Don': forget to sell yourself, Geoff.that is to say...Bare infinit ivesLet me see.It j ust makes you look good.Let's put active member...-lng formsThere's no point in sulki ng, Geoff.I'm fed up with sending my CVwithout getting any replyDo you mind having a look at it?

a. get rid ofb. getting on my nervesc. get readyd. gets dark

e. got the sackf. get down to businessg. get a job optional oral practice

Aims: • to practi se the structures, funct ions andvocabulary presented in th is lesson in thecontext of a dialogue

• to exchange personal informa tion• Divide Ss into pairs.• Ask Ss to imagine they are looking for a job.• Ss should disuss why they need to look for a job ,what kind of job they want to get or is suitable forthem, what th ings they like and hate doing etc.• Point out to 5s that they should use infinit ives and-lng forms . They should also tr y to use expressionsasking for and providing clarificat ion.• Have Ss do the activity.

73 TB Channel your English

• certain verbs (want, would like, hope, decide, manage,agree, refuse, seem, promise etc.)

• it + be + adject ive (it's nice, it was stupid etc.)• too and enough• question words (how, what, when, where etc.)

words and phrases1 Conversational English

Find f ive examples of conversationa l English in th edialogue and match them with the meanin gs given.

Use after:

• certain verbs (avoid, enjoy, love, hate, fin ish, imagine,mind, risk, suggest, consider etc.)

• certain expressions (how about, it's no use, it's no good,there's no point in, be used to etc.)

• prepositions (for, about, withou t etc.)

EJ Complete the text below with the full infi nit ive, thebare infin it ive or the -lng form of the verbs in brackets.

a . it's no use

b. it's relat ed to

c. I'll help you

d . I don 't understand you

8. I'm sure

2 Collocations

Look at the following collocations with get and usethem to com plete the sentences a-g. You may need tochange th e form of the verb.

ge t dar k get ready get a j obget the sack get rid of

get do wn to businessget on somebo dy's nerves

a. I t h ink w e should _

that old sofa and buy a new one.

b. Stop t hat noise ! I t 's _

my _

c. My older sis te r takes an hour to

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in t he m orning.

d . In the w inter it _

much ea rlie r than in the summer.

Use after:

e. John because he

• modal verbs (can, could, must, shou ld, may etc.)• let and make in the act ive voice• would rather ana had better

o Underline all the examples of full infinitives (e.g. todo), bare inf initives (e.g. do) and -ing forms (e.g.doinlf) in th e dia logue. Then. complete the rules.

fell asleep at h is desk .

f. Ev erybody is her e, so l et 's, _

g. You can at t he

super m ar ke t at weeke nds to m ake some

extra money.

Sooner or later, there comes a time when everyone

needs (1) (get) a job. In my case

that t ime was when I was sixteen and I wanted

(2) (buy) a pair of cool t rainers.

Unfortunately. I couldn't (3 ) (afford)

them. and my parents wouldn't even consider

(4 ) (give) me money for what would

be the th ird pair of t rainers that year. So, I got an

evening job at a local Italian restaurant, but I quit after

two days. Let me (5) (explain) why.

First of all, I hated (6) (clean) the

tab les and the floor and (7) (wash)

dirty dishes t ill two o'clock in the mornin g. Then, therewere all those people who couldn't (8) _

(make) up their minds what (9) _

(order) and othe rs who were very impolite. One night, a

customer was so rude to me that I decided(10) (make) him (11) _

(wear) his pasta !





Channel your English 73


readingo Discuss the following:

What wou ld yo u r ideal job be ? Why?

EJ Read the artic le be low and circle the jobs whic h the write r co nsidered when he was in his last yea r of school.

CAREERI'm often asked t he quest ion "How did you

become a jo urnalist?" You see, everybody expected

me to follow in my father's footsteps and become adoctor. W ell,during my last year of schoo l I was giventhe oppo rtunity to visit a caree r guidance counsellorand I drove her crazy with my cho ices.

My first choice was a chocolate te ster. Althoughmy co unsello r wasn't very impressed, she got me theinformation. I discovered that chocolate testers earn a

lot of money, so I was sure I had found my dream job.

However, when I found out that chocolate testersdon't just sit around eating chocolate all day, I lost myenthusiasm. It seems that they are also BrandManagers, which mea ns they are involved in themarketing and pro motio n of the product. I fi nallydecided against it when I rea lised a univers ity degreewould be needed.

Next, I thought of becoming a football referee.

I had loved football from a young age, but being a

CHOICESprofessiona l foo tballer was out of the question, as Icouldn't play very well. Anyway, it seems that refere esmust be able to run two and a half miles in less than

twelve minutes and they are required to take exams

throughout their t raining. On top of that, only aftermany years of experience· and if they are lucky - dothey get the chance to referee big professionalmatc hes. So, my dream of show ing David Beckham ared card was shattered .

Finally, I had th is brilliant idea of becoming a dog

stylist.That was afte r I realised how much money ourdog stylist. Shirley,was being paid every time wevisite d her with ou r Lhasa Apso, Philipo. However,on ce, while she was styling Philipo, I not iced that hetried to bite he r."It happens all the t ime," she to ld me.As you can imagine, that really put me off.

To cut a long story short, all this research mademe realise I had a gift fo r invest igation, so by the end

of the school year I had decided to become a journalist,

EJ Read the text aga in a nd a nswer the following qu estions. Write C for choco late tester, F for foo tba ll re feree or D fordog stylist in th e boxes.

In w h ich job do you:

a . ge t p a id well?

b . h a ve to be phys ica lly fit ?

c. t a ke a lon g time to reach t h e top?

d . get injure d quit e often ?

e . h ave to s t u dy for m any yea rs?

f. get involv e d in advertis ing?

74 Channel your English

readingo Aim: to introduce the topic of the reading text

throu gh an oral activ ity involving personalopinion and preference

• Ask Ss the questions and generate discussion.

.EJ Aim: to read for gist and elici t the main Ideas

• Tell Ss to read the text paragraph by paragraph andunderline all t he jobs ment ioned by the writer.• Ask Ss to do t he act ivity.• Check answers and ask Ss to provide j ustificat ion.


Phrases and expressionsbel get involved infollow in sb's footstepshave a gift foron top of that


out of the questionput sb offto cut a long story short

teacher's notes 11EJ Aim: to scan and f ind specific informat ion

• Assign this act ivity for homework.

a. C ( chocolate testers earn a lot of money,...),D ( when I realised how much money our dog stylist ,

Shirley, was being paid...)b. F (...referees must be able to run two and a half miles

in less than twelve minu tes)c. F (...only after many years of experience, and if they

are lucky, they get the chance to referee bigprofessional matches)

d. D ( he tried to bite her."It happens all the time,"...)e. C ( a university degree would be needed)f. C ( they are involved in marketing...)

optional post-readong activityAsk Ss questions of personal response to the topic ofthe reading text.e.g, Would you ever consider any of these jobs?

Which of them appeals to you the most?Note: You do not need to ask detailed quest ions at thisstage as you will also ask some at the pre-listeningstage.

dog stylistfootbaII refereechocolate testerjournalist

• When this activity is over. ask Ss to read the text againparagraph by paragraph and underline all the unknownwords.• Ask Ss comprehension quest ions.e.g, Why was the writer expected to become a doctor?

Why did he decide not,to become a chocolatetester?What was one of the writer's dreams and why was itshattered?What made the writer think of becoming a dogstylist?How did he end up becoming a journalist?

• Explain unknown words.

Background Note: Lhasa Apso is a breed of dog.originally from Tibet.

Channel your English TB 74

Lesson Two (continued)

words and phrasesWords easily confused

Aim: to practi se dist inguishing betwee n words tha t canbe easi ly confused

• Refer Ss to the words career (CAREER CHOICES) andj ob (...1had found my dream job ) and discuss them. Pointout to Ss that the word work has a more general meaning(i.e. tasks/ things that need to be done).• Have Ss do the exercise and check answers. For eachset explain the difference th rough def init ions - to be successful in a contest (refer to Unit 1 )gain - to get more of something (the idea of benef it orprofit is involved)earn - to get money by working (earn is closely associatedwith money)notice - to see or observe somethingwatch - to look at something with attention (e.g. television)look (followed by the preposit ion at) - to pay atte ntion tosomething

EJ Aim: to pract ise Passive Voice

• Have Ss do the exercise.• Check answers.• If t ime is scarce, assign it for homework.

a. I was offe red a well-paid job by the company.b. The criminal was being taken to court when he

escaped.c. Was the menu brought to you?d. A bank is being built next to my house.e. Your letter of applicat ion has not been sent to the


listening So Aims: • to expand on th e topic of the reading text

• to present the topic of the listening text• Ask Ss to look at the jobs a-e.• Discuss the questio ns and elicit answers.

a. workb. jobc. career

d. gainede. win

f. earn

g. noticeh. looki. watching

EJ Aim: to identi fy speaker's roles

• Play the tape. .• Have Ss do the exercise: If necessary, play the tapeagain.• Check answers and ask Ss to provide justificat ion.

grammaroAim: to present some uses of th e Passive

Voice based on exam ples from the text• Refer Ss to the text.• Ask Ss to read through the tables and ensure that theyunderstan d the te rms used. If necessary. provideexplanatio ns.• Ask Ss to find similar examples of the Passive Voice inthe text.• Elicit and check answers.

Verbs with twoobjectsI'm often asked the questionI was given the opportunity

Present Progressive... how much money our dog stylist. Shirley. was beingpa id ...

Note: It is advisable to elaborate on the cases ofPassive Voice presented here by providing Ss with moreexamples and/or further explanat ions.

75 18 Channel your English

Speaker 1: b (we nearly ate as much as we collected)Speaker 2: e (at lunchtimes, as it was s place ... orders

constantly)Speaker 3: d (I had to take care of the plants and trim

the bushes)Speaker 4: a (I like being out and about a lot, good tips,

not giving clear addresses)

Listening Transcript (see page 124 )

words and phrasesWords easily confused

Complete the sentences with the correct form of thewords in the boxes.


subject + am/is/a re + being + past participlee.g. Lo ok! W e are bQir19 Iollowed,

a. We don 't h ave a lot of at thi s

time of year.

b . I want to f ind a part-time _

for the summer.

c. He thou ght a in business

soun ded boring .

d . I've a lot of exper ie nce

working in t h is co m pany.

e. Jer r y gets ve ry upset w hen his t eam doesn 't

f. H ow much m oney do you a



win gain

w ork


subject + was/ were + being + past part iciplee.g. W hQn I got to the garagQ. my car wa c; <;till being repaired,

EJ Rewrite the following sentences in the passivevoice . Begin with the words given and make all thenecessary changes.

a. The company offe red me a well-paid job.

b. The pol ice were taki ng the criminal to court when he


The crimi nal _

c. Did the waite r bring you t he menu?

Was _

d. They are build ing a bank next to my house.

A bank _

g . D id you that aw fu l dress

s he was w earing?

h. I think that 's my coat .. Let me _

at it.

1. Are you th is , or can I

switch t o another chan n e l?





e. I haven't sent your letter of applicat ion to the com pany.

Your letter _

listening So Which of the jobs a-e appeals to you the most? Why?

G Pizza deliv ery person I

EJ You will hear four students talking about differentpart-time jobs they had while they were at college.listen and match the four speakers with the jobsa-e above. There is one extra job which you do notneed to use.

o Read the tables. Then, find similar examples of the. passive voice in the text on page 74.

'~" '"'~ c. Verbs wttb two objects


ThQ~ gave M ary a camera as; a birthday pre <;Qnf:

orT hf:'l,d oave a c amera t o M ary as; a bir thday pr l2<;enL


indirect object (as SUbject) + verb be + past part iciple +direct object

Mary wac; g ivl2n a c amera as; a birthdald prese nt..


direct object (as SUbject) + verb be + past part iciple + to

+ indirect object

A camera w ac; given t o Mary a<; a bir thdalj pre cerit.

~:- . .•••• Fr uit p icker•• ~Gardener l

~Waiter/Waitress I

Channe l your English 75

words and phrasesWord building

Nouns that refer to people are commonly formed by adding the suff ixes -er, -or, -sr and -ien to verbs or other nouns.

II Complete the table with nouns that refer to people . Use the words in the box a nd a suita ble suffix.





buildvis it


receptioncollect art

JRttStc --type-.aer m anagedirect invent

po liti cs stylemathematicsentertain


EJ Complete the se ntences with the correct form of some of the nouns in the table a bove.

a . My grandmo ther always votes for the w ho we ars the nicest su it .

b . What 's the name of that w ho starred in Star Wars?

c. Jack used to be a in the Suffolk Ph ilharmonic Orchestra .

d . My previou s used to give us t he day off w hen it was hi s birthday.

e . The re 's an exhibit ion of paintings by Spanish at the gallery on Lee St reet. .

f. The food at the restaurant was di sgusting. so we asked to speak to the _

speakingWork in pairs. Imagine that you a re in charge of hiring new staff at the Bay View Hotel. Read the advertisem ent belowa nd the profiles of three people who have a pplied for the jobs advertise d. Discuss a nd decide which person wouid bethe most suita ble for each job and why the others a re unsuita ble . Use the express ions given.





Applicants must:

• have good communication skills

• be prepared to work long hours (one

day off per week)• have a friendly personality

Knowledge of foreign languages andcomputer skills preferred


N ame : Nick DavisAge: 42Qualifications:• Master's in Roman

Histo ry '• Fluent in French and

GermanExp eri ence : Guide inmuseumInterests: Reading,trave llingAvailable :Weekdays only

N ame : Lauren WestAge: 18Qual ifications:• High school graduate• Basic knowledge of

com puters• Speaks SpanishExperi ence : Part-t imesecreta ryInterests: Sports, DramaAvailabl e: Any time

1Nam e :Valerie SmithAge: 22Qual ifications: BusinessAdministration studentExp erience:• Assistant on cruise

ship• Receptionist for local

tourist agencyAvailable : From July toSeptember

Applicants must:

• enjoy working outdoors

• have good communication skills

• speak foreign languages

• be available during summer season

Knowledge of local historypreferred


I think.. . would be the m ost su itable for the job of.. . becau se ...I believe ... would be more suitable than... because ...I don't th ink... would be (at all) suitable for t he job of.. . as ...I agree, but I al so think...Well, I'm not so sure about ... because ...

teacher's notes 11

administrationapplicantapply forcomment (v)day off


producequalif icationsqualityreference letterrequire

star (v)suitabletake into considerat ion

words and phrasesWord building

n Aim:to introduce and practise formation of nouns that refer to people

• Read the introductory note and ensure that 5s understand what it means.• Explain any words Ss might not know.• Have Ss do the exercise and check answers.

-er -or -lst -ian

employer actor typist musicianbuilder director recept ionist polit icianmanager inventor stylist mathematicianproducer visitor scient ist magicianente rtainer collector artist

EJ Aim: to pract ise using nouns referring to people in context

• Have Ss do the act ivity.• Explain any unknown words if necessary.• Check answers.

a. polit icianb. actorc. musician


d. employere. artistsf. manager

Aims: • to give Ss practice using vocabulary related to jobs• to speculate and make a decision

• Divide 5s into pairs.• Ask Ss to read the job advert isement and the applicants ' profiles .• Explain any words that Ss might not know.• Tell Ss that they should discuss their decisions using the expressions given.• Have Ss do the activity.

Channel your English T8 76

Lesson Three (continued)

writingo Alms: 0 to acti vate background knowledge

o to prepare ss for the writ ing task

o Ask Ss to read the questions and generate discussion.

EJ Aim: to identify audience and stylistic features of a lette r of application

o Ask Ss to read the advert isement and the letter of application and answer questions a-e. Elicit and check answers.o Explain any words Ss might not know.

a. The letter is formal because the writer of the letter does not know the person she is writing to.b. The sender's address and the date is on the top right-hand corner of the page. The recipient's address is on

the left-hand side of the page, a line below the date and a line above the greeti ng. When the recipient isunknown, the letter always begins with Dear Sir/ Madam and ends with Yours faithfully, followed by the sender'ssignature and then his/her full name. The paragraphs are not indented. There is a blank line separating theparagraphs.c. §1: reason for writ ing including the position the writer is applying for as well as where and when she read

the adverti sement§2: writer's age and current occupation, reasons for suitability referring to previous experience§3: previous job and experience, good qualities , reasons for suitabil ity§4: mention of a CV and a reference letter being enclosed (this adds to the image the writer wants

to estab lish.)§5: closing remark (a standard way to end a formal letter)

3 Improve your styleAim: to give ss practi ce with the register and style of a formal letter of application

o Read and explain the t ip.o Have Ss do the exercise. Ss may need to refer to the letter in 2.o Check answers.

I am writ ing to apply for the position of offi ce assistant as advert ised in the Boston Herald on 3April.

I am twenty-two years old and I am a Law student in my final year. I believe I am suitable for this jobas I have some work experience in the field, having worked as an assistant at a law fi rm during lastsummer. I am fluent in French and I also speak some Spanish. In addition , I have good knowledgeof computers and the Internet.

4 Writing taskAim: to give 5s practice writ ing a letter of application

o Read and explain the tip .o Assign the writ ing task for homework.

77 TB Channel your English


writing 3 Improve your style

o Discuss the fo llowing:

• H ow do people fi nd jobs?• Have you ever had a job? What did yo u do?

EJ Read the advertisement and the letter ofapplication. Then. answer the questions below.

a. Is the letter formal or informal ? Why?b. W hat do you not ice about the layout of t he

letter?c. W hat sort of information has been included in

each paragr aph?


-/-I., A letter of application is a formal letter.Remember:

• Follow the lalJout of formal letters. Use blockpara9raphs and write qour address, as well as theaddress of the person/companlJ lJou are writin9 to.

• Start lJour letter with Dear Sir or Dear Madam andend it with Yours faithfulllJ, followed blJ lJour I

slqnature and full name. I• Use [ormal lanquaqe. Don't use short forms -

(e.9. I'm, don't) or abbre~iations (e.9. ad, info)' j

Below is part of a letter of application. Rewrite it in amore appropriate style and take out any unnecessaryinformat ion which you think should not be included.

4 Writing task

Writ e a letter to apply for one of the two jobs advert isedon page 76. Your letter should be between 120 and 140words.-/-I., When lJou write a letter of application:

• Mention the position lJou are appllJin9 for and whereand when lJou saw the job advertised. Invent a namefor a newspaper and a date if thelJ are not qioen.

• Read the advertisement carefulllJ, especially thequalities required for the job. Expand on them,Jescribintj 'lour qualifications anti experience andexplain whlJ lJou belie~e lJou are suitable for the job.

• lnctude onflj information that is relevant tothe job lJou are appllJin9 for.

• Don't mention 'Jour bad qualities.• Don't write that qau want the job for the monelJ.• Mention that 'IOU are enclosing a CV and a ----

reference letter, and end lJour letter with anappropriate set phrase.


2 1 Gmnt CloseLivrlpool LI5 SYF

23 km narv 2002

Must be oyer 18Sales ex perience necessaryBasic com puter knowledgeFriendly per son ali ty

Apply in writing to:14 Station Road , Liverpool L18

'4 Station RoadLil't!rpool L,s Syz

I look fOlward to hemiltr. fivm you.



Dear Sir or Madam.

Im~1 Wliting to apply fOr thepositionof part -timeassistant as advert ised ill the Times on 2 2 lanuarv .

I "" nineteen yem>oldand I am in my first year atUnivcrsitv, I bdievc I am suitable fOr the job as, whenI was at school, I olsaniseda CD bank. whctrstudent'could exchancr.e or sellCDs. •

In addition. I have somesales expetiena . I spent the lasttwo summers as an assistant ;'1 agift shop inBetchlry My employer " l1S 'Tly satisfied with my ""1*Gildrrgular customers commcnted on what a nia perS Oil

I lm~. Furtlm7l101r.. ~ have a basic knowkt{r;;r of c,>mputa>.I belkvc these qua!Jt/(s make me suitable fOr the job.

I have also enclosed my CVand a /ffrlrner letter fivm mypm'lous employrr. I hope that my application willberakrn into cOllsideratlon.

Channel your English 77

Lesson One

presentationo Before you read the dialogue, look at the picture,

Which of the people do you think says thefollowing? Why?

( How does it work?J IThanks for everythin~1

You sho uld buy one of these little bea ut ies .

[ It' s an MP3 player. j

EJ Listen and check your a nswers in 1. ••

D Read the dialogue a nd a nswer the followingquest ions:

a . Wha t is La ra 's probl em?

b. What are the adv antages of an MP3 player?

c. Wh ere ca n you bu y a n MP3 player?

d . Why does Lara thank Toby?

e . What ca n Lara do with he r old CDs?

Lara Life can be a pain in the neck sometimes.Toby Why do you say that?Lara My stereo broke down and I'I1 have to pay an arm

and a leg to have it repaired. It will cost thesame amount to buy a new one . What shall [ do?

Toby Neither.Lara But I can't do without my CDs.Toby Forget CDs, they're ancient history. You should

buy one of these little beauties.Lara A personal ste reo?Toby No, it's an MP3 player.Lara I've heard about them. How does it work?Toby It's digital. You store music files from your

computer on it. You can store up to five hun dredsongs on this one and the quality is amazing.

Lara Where can I find MP3 files?Toby Ju st log on to the net and download them to your

.computer.Lara Sounds great. I'd like to get my hands on an MP3

player.Toby You can get one from any computer shop. But I

bought mine from the net and had it deliveredfor free . In fact , I was given a 10% discount onmy next purchase. You can use it if you like.

Lara Thanks, that 's kind of you.Toby That' s OK.

78 Channel your English

Lara But what about my oid CDs?Toby You can turn them all into MP3 files, it's easy. I'm

telling you, it's the way forward.Lara Thanks for everything. Toby.Toby Don't ment ion it.

D Discuss the following:

• How importa nt is technology in you r everyday life?

• Is there a gadget that yo u ca n' t do w itho ut?

intonationThe expressions below a re used for expressing andacce pting tha nks. Listen and repeat.

Thanks, tha t's kind of you .Th at's OK.

Th an ks for eve ryt hing .Don't menti on it .

Tha nk you ve ry much .It was nothing .

Vocabularyrelated to computersdigital download f ile (n)

• How does it work? : Lara• Thanks for everything: Lara• You should buy one of these little beauties: Toby• It's an MP3 player: Toby• Forget CDs: TobyLara is asking these questio ns because she doesn'tknow what an MP3 player is.Toby knows what an MP3 player is because he has onealready.

teacher's notes 12

D Aim:to check comprehension of specif icinformation from the dialogue

• Ask Ss to read quest ions a-e.• Ask Ss to uncover the dialogue so that they can readand listen at the same time. Play the tape again.• Ask Ss to underline words and expressions they are notfamiliar with, but tell them not to worry about unknownwords at t his stage.• Give Ss time to work out the answers to the rest of thequestio ns individually or in pairs.• Check answers and ask Ss to provide justi f ication.

EJ Aims: • to listen to the dialogue and checkpredictions

• to understand the gist• Ask Ss to cover the dialogue, look at the picture andlisten carefully, Play the tape.S• Discuss answers.

log on store (v)

Don't ment ion it.purchase (n)report (n)t urn into

keep an eye onkeep your hair onmake head or tail ofpay/ cost an arm and a leg

Other words andexpressionsadvantagebeautybe the way forwarddiscountdo without

Idiomsa pain in the neckget cold feetget my hands onget my teeth into

presentationAim: to present voabulary, structures and functions in

the context of a dia logue between teenagers abouttechnology

Background Notes:• Hi Tech is a short form for High Technology.• The Net is a colloqu ial way of referring to the Internet.'. MP3s are digital audio files that have been reduced insize while still maintaining their original sound quality.So, you can download (=transfer computer data from aWeb site to your compute r) MP3 music f iles on to yourcomputer from the Internet.• An MP3 player is an electric al device which enablesyou to download and listen to MP3 fi les.

o Aim: to use visual and verbal informati on to predictthe content of the dialogue

• Ask Ss to look at the pictu res and discuss thequest ions.

a. Her stereo has broken down and it is going to cost hera lot of money to have it repaired.b. It can store up to five hundred songs from a computerand the quality is amazing.c. You can buy an MP3 player from any computer shop orfrom the Internet.d. Because Toby has offered to give her his 10% discounthe is ent it led to.e. She can turn them all into MP3 files.

D Aim: to encourage Ss to relate the topic of thedialogue to personal experience and opinion

• Ask Ss to look at t he questions and discuss them.

optionalIf there is t ime. you may ask Ss more questions.e.g, Would you Ike to have an MP3 Player?

WhyjWhy not?At what age do children in your coun try start usingthe Internet?

optionalYou may also ask Ss a few more questions :e.g, What can you tell from the expressions on their

faces?Where do you think they are?

int on at ion SAim: to present and practise intonation In expressions

used for expressing and accept ing thanks

• Play the tape and pause after each expression.• Ask Ss to repeat t he expressions.

Channel your English 18 78

, (-\~~ -

Hi-tech . 1:~Lesson One (continued)

words and phrases1 Phrasal verbsAim: to match the phrasal verbs in the dialogue with

their meanings• Refer 5s to the dialogue.• Ask Ss to do the activi ty individually or in pairs.• Check answers.

a. break downb. do withoutc. log ond. turn into

optionalIf the re is time, ask Ss to make the ir own sentences andcheck them.

2 IdiomsAims: • to introduce idioms

• to match the idioms with their mean ings• Ask ss to do the act ivity.• Check answers.

EJ Aim: to present and practi se the causati ve

• Read and explain t he rule.• Tell 5s to read the first exampl e. Discuss the rule andits appiicat ion. If necessary, provide Ss with furtherexplanat ions and/or examples.• Have 5s do the activity.• Check answers.• If t ime is scarce, assign the exercise for homework.

b. My mother will have one of the kitchen taps f ixed.c. I'm going to have my favourite TVseries recorded.d. 5heila had a report typed.e. We had some roses planted in our garden.f. Miss Ellis is having her pictu re taken.

optionalAsk Ss to think of some thi ngs from their daily life thatthey do not do themselves, but they have someone elsedo them and provide the ir own example sentences.

a:3b: 1c: 4d: 7


e:2f: 5g: 6

IIAim: to elicit the use and form ation of thecausative as presented In the dialogue

• Ask ss the fir st set of questi ons.• Tell Ss to refer to the dialogue.• Elicit and check answers.• Do the same with the second set of question s.

• No, she isn't.An electrician is going to repair it for her.

• Yes, he did.No, he didn't.The verb have.

79 TB Channel your English

words and phrases But I bought mine from the net and had it deliveredfor free.

1 Phrasal verbs

Find lour phrasal verbs in the dialogue and match themwith the meanings given.

Did Toby buy an MP3 player himsell?Did he deliver it himsell?Which verb do we use when we don't do an actionourselves?

a. stop working

b . m an age w he n

someth ing is missing

c. connect t o t he Internet

d. change into something


2 Idioms

Read the sentences a-g and decide what the idioms inbold mean. Choose Irom the meanings 1-7.

EJ Study the rule below. Then, read the situations a-Iand com plete the sentences using the causat ive, asIn the example.

We use the causative (subject + have/ get + object + pastparticiple) when we do not do something ourselves, butwe arrangefor someone else to do it for us.e.g. I have rry hair cut once a me"I""

Look ! 0Je ha<had her hair cut.I didn't have "'J hair cut beceose "'J hairdre«er WiK


IIwork w i t h enthus iasm on som eth ing

II look after II st ay calm

I'm going to _

b. One 01 the kitchen taps is leaking. My mother will call

the plumber to li x it.

My mothe r _

a. There is a problem with my car engine. It needs to be

repaired by a mechanic.

I need to have tnt{ car engihe r~!pair~

c. I've got a class until 8.30 pm and my lavourite TV

series starts at 7.30 pm. My brother is going to record

it lor me.


EI underst and

II become afraid or nervous

a. I'm not buying you those trainers , they costan ann and a leg. _

b . Where can I get my hands on a bag like

that ?

c. M arcu s got cold feet and decided to call

off t he w edding at the last minute. _

d . Keep your hair on. Sue! Behaving like tha t

won't help the si tuation . _

e. I can 't make head or tail of these

II find

instructions .f. That's too easy. Why don 't you give m e

something that I can really get my

t eeth into?

g. Can you keep an eye on the baby w h ile

I'm out ?


d. Sheila had to type a report. but she isn't good at

typing, so her sister typed it lo r her.

Sheila _

grammar CAUSATIVEe. The gardener has planted some roses in our garden.

We _

EJ Look at the extracts lrom the dialogue and answerthe questions that l ollow.

My stereo broke down and 1'/1 have to pay an arm anda leg to have it repaired.

Is Lara going to repair her stereo hersell?II not. who is going to do it lor her?

I. Miss Ellis isn't available at the moment. A photographer

is taking her picture .

Miss Ellis --' _

Channel your English 79

readingII Look a t the picture , read the title of the text a nd discuss th e following:

What kind of gadgets do you t h ink home s in the fu ture w ill have ?

EJ Read t he text quick ly. Which of th e items 1-7 in the pict ure are described in the text? Match them with theparagraphs a-d. .

I TBC~"()....·.... ···T F~t~~~.. ·h·~~·~~··~ii l · b~·· ..·......·

fully automated andequipped with lots ofwonderful gadgets.

1~;~1~~R~~~: -sitting there o n the so fa andwatching the dirt fro m the carpets move to the edges anddisappear without you lifting a finger!

~ Special built-in sensors w ill scan and mon itor your

health every t ime you jump in the shower.T hese sensors

will be connected to an on-line health centre which willhave a complete record of your medical history. from

serious illnesses to minor colds. If the sensors detect a

problem, your doctor will be notified at once .T his way.

you wo n't need to worry about regular check-ups.

m=J Run out of milk? N o sweat! Leave it up to the

Intern et fridge. Its job will be to keep track of what youeat and to reorder it auto matically from an on- line

supermarket . Not bad, you may think. But try fooling thefridge over something you buy in a mom ent of weakness.

You'll pro bably lie awake at night worrying that the fridge

might th ink you liked it and you want mo re! You can re lax

for the time being. Although Internet fridges are availablenow, they can't o rder things yet.They just come with a

computer built into th e door. wh ich can be used for

shopping or downloading recipes from the Net. You can

also leave video messages on the screen for the rest of the


I!IJ Watching telly will be a two-way exper ience. Aninteractive TV may not actually watch you, but it wi ll learn

your viewing preferences and will choose or recommend

programm es from the thousands of channels available. Al so,

the TV, radio and Internet service will become one unit.T hree for the price of one! H ang-on-the-wall televisions,

which are now available, will become ancient history.

Floor-co- ceiling video screens are the futu re, and they may

even replace traditional wa lls and windows in your home.

to suit the viewer's

EJ Read t he text aga in an d complete the sente nces a-e with a word or a s hort phrase.

a . Ca rpets w ill be cleaned by t ha t w ill be as s mall as _

b . Whe never you take w ill be checked by specia l

machin es .

c. A of a ll you r illne sses w ill be available on- line and you won' t have to see t hedoctor for a _

d. Frid ges w ill be able to from a(n) _

e . w ill a u to m at ica lly select

prefe rences .

80 Channel yourEnglish

Vocabulary related to computersautomated on-line (adj)gadget roaminsta ll scaninteract ive screen (n)monito r (v) sensor

Other wordsbuilt-in (adj)check-updetectedgeequipgovernmentmedicalminormission

Other phrases andexpressionsfool overjump inkeep track ofleave IT up to sb


notifyreciperecommendrecord (n)traditi onaltwo-way (adj)vacuum cleanerviewing( n)weakness

lie awakeno sweatrun out ofWIThout lifting a finger

teacher's notes 12• Ask Ss to read the text again paragraph by paragraph

and ask them comprehension question s.e.g. How will carpets be cleaned in the future?

Will you have to go to a doctor 's to have a check-upin the future?How will supermarket shopping be done in thefuture?Will you have to use a remote control to change TVchannels in the future?

• Explain unknown words.

EJ Aim: to read for detail and understand specif icinformation

• Assign this activity for homework.

a: robots, spidersb: a shower, your healthc: complete record, (regular) check-upd: reorder, on-line supermarkete: An interactive TV, programmes

opt i ona l post-reading activityAsk Ss quest ions of personal response related to thetopi c of the reading text.e.g. Do you agree with the writer 's point of view on how

houses will look in the future?Would you like to live in a fu lly automated house?Why/ Why not?Do you think that all these gadgets will eventuallymake our fives easier?


I! Aim: to introduce the topic of the reading textth rough an oral act ivity involving personalexperience and opinion

• Ask Ss the question and generate discussion.

EJ Aims: ·to read for gist• to tra nsfer from verbal to visual information

• Ask Ss to read the f irst paragraph and decide which ofthe items in th e picture it refers to. Elicit and checkanswers.• Ask Ss to read the text paragraph b y paragraph and dothe rest of the act ivity.• Elicit and check answers.

a. 3b. 2c. 4d. 6

Channel your English TB 80

Lesson Two (continued)

words and phrasesPhrasal verbs and other expressionsAim: to match the phrasal verbs and other expressions

from the text with their meanings• Ask Ss to do the activi ty.• Check answers.

a. without lifti ng a f ingerb. run out ofc. leave it up to someoned. keep track of

grammaro Aim: to introduce the infinitive of purpose

• Refer Ss to the text and explain what the inf init ive ofpurpose is.• Give Ss an example from the text.• Ask Ss to underline the rest of the infi niti ves ofpurpose in the text.• Have Ss do the act ivity.• Check answers.

Infinitivesof purpose...will roam carpets to keep them clean...its j ob will be to keep track of what you eat andto reorder...

Otherinfinitivesin the textwill roam , will become, ve to the edges anddisappear, will scan and monitor, will be connected,will have, won't need to worry , you'll lie awake,might th ink , can relax, can't order , can be used, you canalso leave, may not watch, will learn , will choose,will recommend, will become, may replace

EJ Aim: to match examples expressing purpose withtheir forms

• Refer Ss to the previous acti vity and ask them to writethe examples of the infinitive of purpose.• Refer Ss to the text. Ask the m to uderline for + -ing andwrite the example in the space provided.• Check answers.

. ... carpets to keep them clean... to keep track of what you eat and to reorder

. ... used for shopping or downloading

D Aim: to pract ise expressing purpose

• Ask Ss to read through the sentences. Explain anywords Ss might not know.• Have Ss do the rest of the exercise and check answers.• If t ime is scarce, assign the exercise for homework.

81 TB Channel your English

a. Computers will be installed in th e office to makework easier.

b. My sister ofte n uses my mobile phone for sendingmessages to her friends.

c. I'm going to the computer shop to complain aboutthe mouse I bought.

d. Don't use this oil for frying fish .e. I'll buy Super Tech magazine to find all the

information I need.

listening So Aims: • to expand on the topic of the reading text

• to introduce the top ic of the listening textthrough an oral acti vity

• Ask Ss the quest ions and generate discussion.

EJ Aim: to listen for gist

• Play the tape.• Ask Ss to do the exercise.• Check answers and ask Ss to provide just ificat ion.

a (personal pager)b (underwater camera)c (Think Pad mini-computer)

D Aim: to listen for specif ic information

• Ask Ss to read sentences a-e.• Explain any unknown words in the sentences.• Play the tape again.• Ask Ss to do the exercise. Check answers and ask Ss toprovide justification.

a. they're not realb. Spies (not Governments)c. in (not before) 1965d. receive (not send )e. Think Pad (not Goldeneye)

ListeningTranscrlpt (see page 125)

optional post-listening activityYou may ask Ss further questions of personal responseto the listening text.e.g. Do you like James Bond films? Why/ Why not?

How realistic do you find them?


words and phrasesPhrasal verbs and other expressions

Find phrasal verbs and other expressions in the text onpage 80 and match them with the meanings given.

a. making a lit tle effort

b. finish the supply of

c. le t someone beresponsible for a job

d. be infor m ed about

d. Don't use th is oil. You can't f ry fish in it.

(for) _

e. I'll buy Super Tech magazine. I can fi nd all the

information I need.

(to) _

• full inf init ive

We express purpose with:

EJ Look back at the text on page 80 and underline allthe infinitives in it. Which of them express purpose?

EJ Complete the table below with examples from thetext on page 80.

listening SEJ Before you listen , discuss the following:

• What do yo u know abo ut James Bond?• Can yo u think of any gadgets he has used in h is

film s?

EJ You will hear two teenagers tal kin g about gadgetsused in James Bond films. Look at the picturesbelow and tick the ones which are mentioned.



• for + -ing form

e.g. _

D Join the following sentences using the words inbrackets. Make all the necessary changes.

a. Computers will be install ed in the office. They will

make work easier.

(to) _

b. My sister ofte n uses my mobile phone. She sends

messages to her friends.(for) _

c. I'm going to the computer shop. I want to complain

about the mouse I bought.

(to) _

D The words in bold in the sentences below areincorrect. Listen again and correct them.

a. Andy likes Bon d m ov ies because they 'r e re al.

b . Government s were m ade to watch Bond

movies.c. An underw ater camera w as availab le in the

shops befor e 1965 .

d . In From Russia with Love Bond used a per sonal

pager to sen d m essages about his missio n .

e. Golden eye is a m ini- computer w h ich is as

powerful as an office com puter.

Channel your EngliSh 81

words and phrases

Match th e adj ecti ves on the left with the nouns onthe right to fo rm collocations. Which of the items canyou see in th e pictures on the right?










digit al

v irtual


com pact


e lectronicremote

speakingYou have recentl y visited the MOFT(Museum of Future Technology ) and you have seen the three exhibits below. Inpairs, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each one. Then, decide which one would be the most useful. Usesom e of the words and phrases in the box.

words and phrases .'

en v ironm en t ally friend ly hi-techsmall in s ize expe ns ive

conven ientcom pl icated to use

stylish pow erfulla ck of safe ty

82 Channel your English

teacher's notes 12

accessaspectbesidescodecompact disccomplicateddesign (n)deta ilexhibit (n)furthermorefuturist ichard drive

words and phrases

imagein addit ionin conclusionlack (n)lightweightoperatepositi vepowerfulremote controlstylishvirtual reality

Background Note:• In virtual reality, computer technology works directly on your senses, especially vision, hearing and touch, thuscreat ing the illusion of reality.• Hard drive is a computer storage device on which large amounts of data can be recorded.• A microchip is a t iny but compex electronic device, usually made of silicon , used to form an integrated circuit.

CollocationsAim: to introduce collocations related to high technology• Have Ss do the rest of the exercise individually or in pairs.• Check answers and provide Ss with any def initions and/ or expianatio ns if necessary.

digita l cameravirtual realityhard drivecompact discsolar powerelectronic deviceremote control

speakingAims: • to give Ss practice using vocabulary related to high technology

• to discuss and make a decision• Divide 55 into pairs.• Ask Ss to look at the pictures and the notes made about the exhibits.• Explain any words and/or expressions that 5s might not know.• Point out to Ss that it is important to use some of the words/ phrases in the box.• Have Ss do the activity.

Channel your English T8 82

Lesson Three (continued)

writingo Aims: 0 to expand on the topic of the speak ing activ ity

o to prepare Ss for the writin g task

o Ask Ss to look at the questions and then read the highlighted part of the report.o Ask the quest ions.

Elicit and check answers.

Lee KnowlesFor Mr Collins

o About the smart cardo It could be an employer-employee relationsh ip or a teacher-student relat ionship.

EJ Aim: to ident ify audience and stylist ic features of a report

o Ask Ss to read the report and answer the questions. Check answers.o Explain any words 5s might not know.

o The writer uses formal language.o It is mostly factua l, but in the last paragraph the writer gives his opinion.o It is a formal layout. The paragraphs are not indented and there are double spaces between paragraphs.

EJ Alms: 0 to understand the gist of each paragraph in a reporto to present headings used In reports

o Ask Ss to do the exercise.o Check answers.

1st paragraph: Introduct ion2nd paragraph: Advantages3rd paragraph: Disadvantages4th paragraph: Conclusion

o Aim: to practise linking words/phrases

o Ask Ss to read through the extract. Explain any words if necessary.o Have Ss do the exercise.o Check answers.

To begin withalsoHoweverIn conclusion

o When this activity is over, it is advisable to elaborate on the use of linking words and phrases.o Provide Ss with examples of other linking words/ phrases and demonstrate their usage.

Aim: to give Ss practice writing a report

o Read and explain the tip .o Assign the writ ing task for homework.

83 TB Cnanrelyour English

writingEJ Someone visited the MOFT (Museum of Future

Technology) and was asked to write a report. Readthe highlighted part of the report only and answerthe following questions.

• Who wrote the r eport?• Who was it written for?• What is it about?• Wha t do yo u think the rel at ionsh ip between

Lee Knowles and M r Collins is?

EJ Now read the rest of the report and answer thequestions below.

• What kind of language does the w r iter use?• I s t he report based on facts or on the writer's

opinion?• What do you not ice about the layout?

T o: M r Colll"'-SFtc",,: Lee K "",wlesl><Itt: 1.4. 0 :2. :20 0:2SUlUeet: S",-ort co r~

111e olw.. of t~Ls report ts to elescrLbe t~e posLtlveoV14 Vl-tgatlve aspects of t~e caYel, w~Lc~

Is OVl-t of t~e e)(~ Lb Lts at t~e vo..ewl!::J O]'evo..eelMuseuw.. of Fut uye Tec~V\.Olog!::J '

A caYel ts a caYel wLt~ a buLLt-LV\.w..lcYoc~ Lp w~lc~ wlLL stoye all !::JOUY peysoVloOllV\.forw..atlo V\.. It wlLL eve-, ~ave !::JOUY w..eellca lyecoYels aV14 elyLvL""0 LlceV\.Ce OV\. Lt . W~at Lsw..oye, Lt wlLL be useel foy snO]'pL""0 aV14baV\.k.l""0' as Lt wLLl coV\.t aLV\. all !::J OUYbaV\.k.eleta LLs . Furt~eyw..oye, !::Jou wlLL V\.Ot nave tocaYY!::J !::JOUY k.e!::Js because tn e access coele to!::JOUY f roV\.t elOOYwlLL be yecoyeleel OV\. Lt, too.

However, tn e w..aLV\. pyoblew.. wLtn cayelswlLL besafet!::J. If Lt ts stoleV\., sow..eboel!::J wLll~ave access to all !::JOUY peysoV\.a l LV\.foyw..atloV\..IV\. ael elLt loV\., !::JOUY ba~k. accouVIotS w..a!::J be atrisk., as well as tn e safet!::J of !::JOUY now..e.

IV\. coV\.ClusLo V\., elespLte t~e risks, t~e sw..a rtcarel wlLL be veY!::J useful LV\. tn e future. IV\. w..!::JO]'lVloloV\., Lfa secuYLt!::J s !::Jstew.. ts avallable, cayels wlLL be safe aVl4, as a yesult, t~e!::J

wlLL becow..e part of OUY eveY!::J ela !::J Llfe.


EJ Sometimes reports have headings for eachparagraph. What headings would you use In thereport in 2?

1st paragraph:

2nd paragraph :

3r d par agraph:

4th paragraph:

D Underline all the linking words/phrases in thereport in 2. Then, read part of a report below andcircl e the correct linking words/phrases.

5 Writing task

Imagine that your teacher or your boss has asked you towrite a report on eith er the Streamline ZZ2 car or theOptiphone from the speaking exercise on page 82.Write your report (1 40-160 words). •

.-n., When lJOU write a report remember:

• Write at the top of the pageTo:From:Date:Subject:

• Use block paragraphs.• Begin vour report with: The aim/purpose of this report

is to.", This report describes.. .• Write vour report in a formal stvle.• Include clear and factual information. Gi~e I

lJour opinion only in the conclusion.• Use linking words and phrases. .

Channel yourEnglish 83

Revision 10-12readingRead the text and a nswe r the questions 1-6. Choose from th e periods A-D a nd write th e correct letter in each box.

In which period1. did cars need a lot of fuel?2. were ca rs m ore environmentally friendly? _

3 . were cars like ho mes?

4 . were drivers well protected?5 . were cars reduced in size ?

6 . did ca rs use different form s of power?

Cars a re of e no rmous importan ce in our live s a nd we areinclined to ta ke the m for granted . It ' s amaz ing to th inkthat a century ag o they had ba re ly been in vented .

The firs t cars a pp eared at the e nd of the 19 th ce ntury andlooked quit e st range, compared to the ones we use today.Very few of t he m ran on pe t rol; mos t of them movedusi ng s tea m or e lect ric ba tteries . One of thest rangest ca rs was invented in Franceand wa s pow ered by dogs runninginsid e it s back w heels . Ca rs of th isperiod were very expe ns ive and onlythe rich could afford t hem.

It wasn' t until after World War IIthat ow ning a ca r wasn't a luxury. Bythe 1950s cars we ren't just for travelling;they also showed people 's position in society.They were hu ge, es pecia lly in Am erica, beautifullydecora ted a nd had so man y ex tras you could al mo st live inthem. Beca use of their s ize, t hey used up e normousamounts of pe trol, but at the time concern for the

env iro nment w as no t a nissue . They had a lsobecome much cheaper.This meant that manytee nage rs w ere ab le tomake their dream cometrue a nd dri ve t heir ownca r.

Things changed ag a in inthe 1970s. Cars becamemuch smaller and moreeconomica l because of

84 Channel your English

A Late 19th century

B 19 50s

C 19 70s

D 1990s

t he oil cr isis . The ca r was still a status symbol, bu t pe oplewe re more aware of the price of petrol ~nd of howe fficie nt ly th eir ca rs ran. There was a lso a growingaware ness of the da mage that exha us t fumes were doingto th e environme nt.

In fact, poll ution was probably the thing most ta ken int oconsideration when the cars of the 1990s were

be ing designed. All ca rs were fitted w ithcatalytic converters, device s w hich remove

harmful po llutants from ex haust ga ses.Duri ng that period two maj ordevelopments in sa fety we re a lso mad e.Air-bags were insta lle d in mo st cars to

prevent serious injury in the eve nt of acrash, and ABS (Anti-lock Brak ing Syste m)

was developed to prevent ca rs from skidd ingTh e des ign of ca rs was infl uenced by scie nce

fiction film s, and they be came smoother and moreaerodynam ic in shap e .

As for t he fu tu re, it ' s di fficult to imagine w hat cars will belike a t the end of this century. One thing is ce rta in,thou gh, cars w ill be an importa nt part ofour lives for a long t ime to come .

teacher's notes Rev 10-12reading

lm: to check 5s' reading comprehension sk ills through a multiple matching exercise

• Ask 5s a few pre-reading quest ions related to the topic of the text and generate discussion.e.g. Are yo~ interested in cars?

Why/Why not?Which of the cars in the pictures appea ls to you most? Why?

• Ask Ss to read through the text for gist.• Ask 5s to read the text again paragraph by paragraph and answer the questions.• Ask Ss to look out for key words and/or phrases which are related to each question.• Have 5s do the exercise and check answers.

1. B (Because of their size, they used up enormous amounts of petroL )· C (There was also a growing awareness of the damage tha t exhaust fumes were doing to the environment. )

D ( pollution was probably the thing most taken into consideration when the cars of the 1990s were being designed)· B ( and had so many extras you could aimost live in them on.)

~. D (During that period two major developments in safety were also made.)- . C (Cars became much smaller...)

· A (...most of them moved using steam or electric baUeries.)

te: When this act ivity is over, you may explain any unknown words if necessary.

pt i ona l post-reading activityk Ss some ideas of personal response to the ideas expressed in the text.

.g. If you lived in the 1950s, would you like to have owned a car? Why/Why not?What do you thin k cars in the next 5-10 years will be like?

Channel yourEnglish TB 84

Revision 10-12Use of Englisho Aim: to revise various language forms through a mul tiple-cho ice cloze exercis'e

• Ask Ss to read through the text for gist.• Have Ss complete the blanks in the text.• Check answers.

1.b 2. a 3 . c 4. b 5.a 6. b 7. c 8.a 9.b 10. d

Note: When this activity is over. you may explain any unknown words if necessary.

EJ Aim: to revise various language structures through an error correction exercise

• Ask 5s to read through the text for gist. '• Have ss do the act ivity.• Check answers.

Key •

1. not 2. been s. « 4. in 5. the 6. ,f 7. having 8. ,f 9. have 10. of 11. ,f 12. to 13. will

Note: When this activity is over, you may explain any unknown words if necessary.

song @Alms: • to liste n to the song and check predictions

• to check Ss ' listening comp rehension skills• Ask Ss to read the words. Explain any unknown words if necessary.• Ask Ss to make their predictions.• Ask ss to listen to the song carefully, Play the tape .• Discuss and check answers.

galaxies. stars. planets . technology, future, t urn up, pump up

optional project

• Divide 5s into small groups.• Ask Ss in each group to thin k about and discuss a new gadget. It could be a new invention or an improvement ofan existing gadget.• Ss should decide what the special features of their gadget are and then come up with an advertisementpresenting their gadget.• Ss should draw pictures. write short texts and present their projects in class.

85 18 Channel your English

song So You will hear a song cailed Space

bass. Look at the words belowand guess which of them areincluded In the lyrics of the song.Then, listen to the song andcheck your predictions.

1. a) to b) that c) which d) of2. a) without b) with c) off d) from

galaxi.:s:::::::.o - futur e 03. a) teil b) say c) ask d) make4. a) going b) surfing c) running d) shopping comets ~~omputer 05. a) out b) off c) over d)on stars .0 c..tu~up 06. a) to teil b) to say c) to ask d) to question pl~s \ B P',',t ~ . 07. a) to b) with c) of d) when tech,nology . pl}mp p 08. a) about b) for c) if d) when spacesh ip 0 keep u 09. a) better b) rather c) prefer d) like

10. a) story b) truth c) fact d) experience

Use of Englisho Read the text below and choose the best word a, b, c or d for each blank.

It is said (1) technology has helped us live a better

life. Gadgets, like computers , mobile phones. CD and MP3 players, give us a

sense of comfort and luxury. Thinking about it more carefully. though , have

they reaily made our lives better? A lot of people argue that technology has

changed our real needs and, as a result, we cannot do (2) _

our favourite gadgets. Now, let me (3) you this simple

quest ion: Has technology made us happier? I'm sorry to say that it has not.

I can't see why teenagers enjoy (4) the Net so much,

when they can hang (5) with the ir friends and have

fun! After ail, you will not be fifteen for ever! What I am trying (6) _

is that technology is OK, but Instead (7) listening to

music on your MP3 player alone, how (8) trying to be

more social? Personaily, I would (9) invite some

friends over to share the (10) , than be ail on my own.

Read the text below. Some of the lines are correct , and some have a word which should not be there . If a line iscorrect, put a tick (,f) in the space provided. If a line has a word which should not be there, write the word in thespace provided.

1 I will not never forget the year I spent in England.

2 I had always been wanted to go there , so I was reaily happy

3 when my dream came true. Even though I had been looking forward to it ,

4 I was also a bit nervous as it was my first time in abroad.

5 However, as soon as I landed at the Heathrow Airport, I knew

6 that everything was going to be fine. And so it was.

7 Having living in England actuail y turned out to be a great learning

8 experience. To begin with, I was able to improve my English

9 since I have had to use it all the time . Of course, it took me some time

:10 to get used to all those different accents, but it was of the best pract ice

U I could have had. Besides, i met a lot of interesting people. The year

12 I spent there also taught to me that despite some differences in their everyday

13 routine and habits , people from all over the world wlil can be good friends.

Channel your English 85

D Read the dialogue a nd match the two halves ofthe sentences.

presentationEJ Before you read the dialogue, look at the pictu re

a nd discuss the following:

he was a ra pp er.

he showed her the autograph.

the concert had fin ished .

he got los t ba ckstag e.

she needed an ext ra rapper.

a. Gavin arranged tomeet Tina after

b . Gavin met the Quee nof hip hop when

c . Gavin to ld the Queenof hip ho p that

d . The Queen of hip hoptold Gavin that

e . Tin a realised that Gavinwas telling the t ru th justbefore

• Where do you think the people in the picture

have been?

• What is the boy showing the gi rl?

EJ Listen and check your answers in 1 . 'S








Where have you been? We said we would meetat the exit after the gig.You don't want to know. You'll only get jealous.Jealous of what?Well, I was thirsty, so I went to get a drink. Ifound a drinks machine, but then I got a bit lost .Typical Gavin!Anyway. as I was walking down a corridor. I sawa woman coming toward s me. She smiled andtold me that I had obviously taken a wrong turnsomewhere. When I saw her face. I just froze.Who was it?I'll give you one guess.No! Are you sure it was her?You bet ! I must have walked backstage byaccident.I can't believe you just bumped into the Queenof hip hop.I did. And she wants me to join her group.What?I told her that I did a bit of rapping and she saidshe needed an extra rapper.I can't believe th is.She told me I should call her agent.So you and her are best mates now. eh?

Gavin That 's right. Actually, she said that she washaving a party later and she invited me.

TIna Now. you're telling fibs.Gavin OK. maybe a bit . But I did get her autograph.

Look.Tina Wow!

D Discuss the following:

• Wh o is your favourite pop sta r/group?

• If yo u had th e chan ce to meet them, what

would you say to them?

intonationIn the following sentences the spea ker repor tssomething that has been said before. Listen a nd repeat.

We said we would m eet at the ex it a fter the gig .

She to ld me that I had obviously taken a w rongturn somewhere.

I told her that I did a bit of ra pp ing .

She said she needed a n ext ra ra pper.

She sa id tha t she was ha ving a pa rty later.

86 Channel your English

Conversational English

bump into I can't wait tofi b (n) No way!gig You bet!

Other words and phrases

agent freezeautograph joinbackstage occupatio nby accident take a tu rncorridor

presentationAim: to present vocabulary, struct ures and functions in

the context of a dialogue between teenagers talk ingabout a concert

Background Notes:• Hip Hop is a type of rap, which is modern music with a

fast stro ng rhythm and words which are spoken fast,not sung, original ly played by young African Americans,

• A rapper is the singer of a hip hop group ,• Rapping is th e speaking of the words of a rap song,

oAim: to use visual inform ation to predict thecontent of a dia logue

• Ask' 5s to look at the picture and discuss the questions.

optionalYou may also ask Ss a few more questi ons:e.g. What can you see in the background?

What are they wearing?What do you think the relat ionship between them is?

EJ Aims: • to listen to the dia logue and checkpredictions

• to understand the gist of the dialogue• Ask Ss to cover the dialogue, look at the pictu re andlisten careful ly. Play t he tape. S• Discuss answers.

• They have been to a concert.• He is showing her an autograph.

teacher's notes 13EJ Aim: to check comprehension of specific

Informati on in the dialogue• Ask Ss to read sentences a-e.• Ask Ss to uncover t he dialogue so t hat they can readand listen at the same t ime. Play t he ta pe again.• Ask Ss to underline words and expressions t hey are notfami liar with, but tell them not to worry about unknownwords at th is stage.• Give 5s time to work out th e quest ions indi vidually or inpairs.• Check answers and ask Ss to provide justif ication.

a. the concert had f inished.b. he got lost backstage.c. he was a rapper.d. she needed an extra rapper.e. he showed her the autograph.

• Ask Ss to look at the quest ions and discuss them.e.g. Why did Gavin get lost?

How did Gavin feel when he first saw the Queenof hip hop?Did the Queen of hip hop and Gavin become bestmates?

Encourage 5s to guess the meaning of new vocabularysuch as gig and bump into.• Draw Ss' attention to th e sentence But I did get herautograph. Point out to Ss that the auxilia riesdo/does/ did followed by a present bare infin it ive areused in order to lay emphasis on an affirmative sentence.• Provide Ss with more examples and/or explanat ions ifnecessary.e.g. He does eat a lot.

They do make a lot of noise.I did write the essay myself.

D Aim: to encourage ss to relate the top ic of thedialogue to personal experience and preferences

• Ask Ss to look at the questions and discuss t hem.

optionalIf there is t ime, you may ask Ss more questions.e.g. Do you like going to concerts? Why/Why not?

What are the advantages and disadvantages ofmaking a career in showbiz?

intonation SAim: to present and pract ise intonat ion in reporte d


• Play the tape and pause after each sentence.• Ask 5s to repeat th e sentences.

Channel your EnglishTB 86


, '»_-:~

Shovvbiz ,~~:"Lesson One (continued)

words and phrasesConversational English

Aim: to match the examples of conversational English inthe dialogue with the ir mean ings

• Ask Ss to do the activi ty.• Check answers.

a. gigb. You bet!c. bumped intod. matese. f ibs

grammaro Aim: to present reported statements

• Read the first extract and ask Ss what Gavin's exactwords were .• Elicit and check answers .• Ask Ss to turn the othe r two statements into DirectSpeech.• Elic it and check answers.

• "I do a bit of rapping."• "I'm having a party later."• "You took a wrong tu rn somewhere."

• Draw Ss' attention to the difference between say andtell. In reported speec h, say is followed by a tnet-cteueewhi le tell is fo llowed by an object (person) and athat-elause. When say introduces a direct statement itcan be followed by t he preposition to + object (person)and a that-elause. In this case, in reported speech say istu rned into tell followed by an object (person).

EJ Aim: to present the changes from Direct toReported Speech

• Refer Ss to the dialogue and ask them to f ind someexamples of Reported Speech.

We said we would meet at the exit after the gig.She told me I should call her agent.

87 TB Channel your English

• Read out the rules in class and ensure that Ssunderstand the terms used. If necessa ry, provideexplanat ions.• Have Ss complete the rules.• Check answers.

Present Simpie _ Past SimplePresent Perfect _ Past PerfectWill - Would

EJ Aim: to practise Reported Speech

• Ask Ss to read the senten ces in the speech bubbles.Explain any unknown words and/or phrases.• Check answe rs and ask Ss to provide justification.• If time is scarce, ass ign th e exercise for homework .

My mum said (t hat ) I should thin k about a more seriousoccupation ,My dad agreed with her and said (that) I would never geta well-paid job.My brother didn't like the idea either. He told me (that)I had been terrible in every school play.Only my sister got excited about it and said (that ) shecould n't wait to see me on TV.

words and phrasesConversational English

D Read what Alex's family said when he told themthat he wanted to be an actor. Then, complete thetext below using Reported Speech,

Find five examples of conversational English in thedialogue and match them with the meanings given.

EJ Read the following extracts from the dialogue.What were the speakers' exact words? What 's thedifference between said and told?

Your m other is right.You w ill never get a

well-pa id j ob .

You should th inkabout a more serious

occ upatio n.



a. concert

b . Yes, definitely !

c. m et by cha nce

d. frien ds

e. lies

• I told her that I did a bit of rapping...I said to her: " _

• ...she said that she was having a party later...She said: " _

• She told me that I had taken a wrong tum somewhere.She said to me: " _

EJ Find more examples of Reported Speech in thedialogue. Study all the examples and thencomplete the rules below,

We use Reported Speech when we report what someonesaid without using their exact words. When we changeDirect Speech to Reported Speech:

• Pronouns and possessive adjectives change accordingto the meaning of the sentence.

• Tenses, modal verbs and time expressions usuallychange as follows:

No way! You w ereterrible in every

school play.

Great! I can't wait tosee y ou on Tv.

Present Simpie ---l.~ Simpie

Present Progressive - Past Progressiver

Past Simple ----l.~ Past Perfect Simple

Present Perfect •

W~eVl. I toLcI ""-!j fa""-" !j ' waVl.t ecl to be a VI. actoY,

t~e!j were q u,te SUI1lY'secl . M!j ""-u",,- saLcl

can -------.~ couid

will ~

must • had toM!j clacl agyeecl w,t l1l1ey sa,cI _

NOTE: The Past Perfect and the modal verbsshould, could, would and might do not change.

M !j brotl1er cI' cl VI.'t LLk.e tl1e ,clea e' tl1ey. t-te toicl ",,-e

todaythis morningyesterdaylast weekomorrow

next month

- that day- that morning- the previous day- the week before- the next day_ the following month

Channel your English 87

readingo Before you read the text, discuss the following:

Do you like reading about famouss inge rs/groups? Why / Why not?


image. A lthough he was thinking

about leaving long before that, he

was shocked by their attitude. He

then went through a difficult period

in his career and life. Fortunately,

all that is in the past now and

Robbie's back where he belongs.

T hen, I asked him which of his

songs he liked best. H e told me

that it had to be Angel, a song healways encourages the crowds at

his concerts to sing along to. He

added that noth ing could beat the

feeling of listening to his fans

singing that song.

A knock on the door reminded

me that my time with Robbie was

over. As I said goodbye, a tattoo

on his arm caught niy eye. It said

'Born to be Mild', which was quite

strange for someone who has had

such a powerful effect on the pop

worl d.

EJ Read the text quickly a nd decide which of thefollowing a re discussed.

a . The be ginning of Robbie's ca reerb. Robbie's familyc. Robbie's favourite son gd . Robbie 's previou s bande . Rob bie's latest conc ert

laughed and answered it might bebette r to ask his mum thatques tion . It turned out that she

was the one who got him into the

band Take That whe n she wrote to 20

their manager. Before he knew it,

Robbie was busy tour ing, playing

at under- I S discos and doing gigs.

Eventually, all the hard wor k paid

off, as Take That became the most 2S

successful boy band in Britain in

the early nineties.

I wo ndered if Robbie was happy

being famous."In the beginning I

felt like I was on top of the world," 30

he said."After all, fame was all I

have ever wanted since I was a

young boy. H owever, once I had

achieved it, I wasn't so sure

anymore ." 35

Robbie's career has had its ups

and downs. H e was to ld by his

band mates to leave Take Thar.because he was bad for their

Robbie, like Kylie orBr itn ey, is one of those

few po p stars who are so

famous that you only need tomention their first name and 5

people instantly realise who you're

talking about. Robbie is of courseno ne o ther than Mr Williams .whom I had the pleasure ofinterviewing just before his 10

concert in Leeds last week.

There was so much I wanted toask him, but unfortunately so little

time .The first thing I wante d toknow was how it had all begun. H e 15

EJ Read the text again a nd answer the following questions. Choose a, b or c.

1. What do es the writer m ean by 'all the hard workpaid off in lines 24 -2 5?

a . The hard work was too much to dea l with .b . The ha rd work was worth it .c . The hard work was unnecessary.

2. Wh at was Robbie's dream as a ch ild?

a . He wanted to be in the band Tak e That.b . He wasn't su re w ha t he wanted to do.c . He wanted to be famous.

3 . Wha t is the m ost a mazing feeling for Robbie?

a . When h is fans shout for him to come on Sfa!

b. When he hears his fan s sing hi s favouritesong .

c. When h is fans as k him to sing h is fav ouritesong .

4 . Why do es the write r find Robbie's tattoo quitestrange?

a . Because it says a lot about his character.b. Because it ';"1: ve ry little about his su ccess .c. Because it says what his fans think of him.

88 Channel your English


Phrasal verbs andexpressionsbe overcatch one's eyehave the pleasure ofpayoff


faninstantlyinterview (v)mildtattootour (v)

sing alongturnoutups and downs

teacher's notes 13EJ Aims:' to read for detail and understand speci fic

informa tion• to infer

• Assign this act ivity for homework.

l :b2:c3:b4:b

optiona l pos t - read ing activityAsk Ss questions of personal response to the topic ofthe reading text .e.g. Do you like Robbie Williams? Why/Why not?

If you had the opportunity of interviewing him, whatother questions would you ask him?

Aim: to int roduce the top ic of th e reading textthrough an oral activ ity involving personalpreferences

• Ask Ss the questions and check answers .• Ask Ss to look at the heading and photogra ph andguess what the text is about.

Background Note: Kylie Minogue and Britney Spearsare two of the most successful and famous fema lesingers in the world of pop music.

Aims: • to read for gist• to identify the topics discussed

• Ask Ss to read t he text paragrap h by paragraph. Do notexplain any unknown words at t his stage.• Have Ss do the activity and ask them to providejust if icat ion.

a. c, d

• When this activity is over, ask Ss to read the text againparagraph by paragra ph and ask them comprehensionquest ions.e.g. How did Robbie get into singing/show business?

Why did his band mates tell him to leave Take That?What does he usually encourage the crowds to do athis concerts?

• Explain any unknown words and phrases.

Channel your EngliSh TB 88

Lesson Two (continued)

words and phrasesPhrasal verbs and expressions

Aim: to match the phrasal verbs and expressionsin the text with their meanings

• Have 5s do th e act ivity.• Check answers.

a. turned outb. paid offc. on top of the worldd. ups and downse. went throughf. was over

grammarIIAim: to revise Reported Speech In questions,

commands and requests

• Have 5s do the activity.• Elicit and check answers.

How did it all begin?(Robbie), are you happy being famous?

• Which of your songs do you like best?

The verbs in the reported quest ions are in theaffi rmat ive form.

EJ Aim: to elicit how Reported Speech is used inquest ions, commands and requests

• Ask 5s to read through the charts and ensure that theyunderstand the terms used. If necessary, provide furtherexplanations and examples.• Have ss do the activity.• Elicit and check answers.

Reported questions• ask, wonder• the same quest ion word• if• affi rmative

EJ Aim: to practise Reported Speech in questions,commands and requests .

• Have ss do the exercise.Elicit and check answers.If t ime is scarce, assign the exercise for homework.

a. The teacher told Peter to stop making noise.b. Lynn asked me if I had ever met a famous person.c. The man wanted to know how he could get to the

Apollo Theatre.d. The receptionist asked Anne if she remembered her

passport number.e. My wife asked me not to be late.

listening SAim: to listen for gist and specif ic information

• Ask 5s to read quest ions 1-4 and the opt ions belowthem.• Explain any unknown words.• Play the tape tw ice.• Have Ss do the exercise. Check answers and ask Ss toprovide justi f ication.

1: b (I took par t in the film, I was in .make-up...)2: c (close to the stage, a fan of the group, everybody

was in a state of frenzy, jumping up and down,shouting) .

3 : a (what I truiy found amazing were the extraordina rycostumes the dancers wore... without them themusical wouldn't have been half as good)

4: a (Just look at this place. It's a pigsty. Popcorn here,empty bottles there.)

ListeningTranscript (see page 125)

89 TB Channel your English

--- -=~=

UNIT 131-

words and phrases Reported commands and requests

• The first thing I wanted to know is how it had all begun.

Phrasal verbs and expressions

Find phrasal verbs and expressions in the text on page88 and match them with the meanings given.

• We usually use tell and ask to report commands and


• These are followedby full infinitive or not + full Infinit ive.

e.g. Open t he w indow, p lease. -.. (;:he asked me

to open the window.

Don't t OJch it! -..~ t old me not t o coocb it.

EJ Read the following sentences and report what thepeople said.

a. "Stop making noise, Peter!" the teacher said.

The teacher told _

b. "Have you ever met a famous person?" Lynn asked me.

Lynn asked _

c. "How can I get to th e Apollo Theatre?" the man asked.

The man wanted to know _

d. "Do you remember your passport number?" the

recepti onist asked.

The receptionist asked Anne _

e. "Don't be late, please," my wife said.

My wife asked _

REPORTED SPEECH(questions, commandsand requests)

a. proved to be

b . brought good r esults

c. very happy or proud

d . good and bad mom ents

e. experienced

f . had ended

grammarIIRead the follow ing

extracts from thetext on page 88. What questions did the reporteractually ask Rabble? Are the verbs in the reportedquestions in the affirmative or in the question form?

How ?

• I wondered if Robbie was happy being famous .

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ ?listening ~

• I asked him which of his songs he liked best.

-----------------_?You will hear people talking In four different situations.For questions 1-4, choose the best answer, a, b or c.

EJ Look at the extracts in 1 again and complete therules below.

Reported question"

1. You w ill hear part of a radio in terview . Who isbeing inter viewed?

a. a write rb . an actressc. a dir ector

• They are usually Introduced with the verbs

and want to know.

• If the direct question begins with a question word (who,

what, when etc.), the reported quest ion begins with

2 . List en t o a m an talking on the phone. What ishe talking about?

a. a playb . a filmc . a conce rt

• If the direct question does not begin with a question

word, the reported quest ion begins with or


• The verb In a reported question Is in the


• When we change questions from Direct to Reported

Speech, pronouns, tenses etc. change in the same way

as when we report statements.

3. Listen to a cr it ic talking about a musi cal. Whatdoes she like best about it?

a. the costumesb . th e m usicc. the dancing

4 . Listen to a conver sat ion betw een two peop le atthe cinema. What is the man com plain ing about?

a. pe ople l eav ing rubbish behindb . people t alking in front of himc. people using their m obile phones

Channel your English 89

Lesson Three

words and phrasesReporting verbs

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box.

refuse }promise + fu ll in fin it iveagree

su ggest }adm it + - in g formdeny

advise }order + object + fu ll infinitiveremind

a . I had forgotten about th e contrac t , but luckily my sec reta ry me to sign it.

b . He breaking the w indow a nd offered to pay for it .

c. Chris to do the wash ing up, so I had to do it .

d . My do ctor m e to stay at hom e a nd get some rest .

e . Mr Carter was happy because the bank to lend him the money for his new

business .

f. I can't tell yo u beca use I not to te ll anyo ne.

g. We couldn't find a flat to let , so I look ing in the newspaper.

h . She having a nyth ing to do with the robbe ry.

i. The judge the peop le in the court to be quie t.

speakingWork in pairs. Imag ine you are planning a n evening out. Each of you has informa tion a bout three different places togo to, Stud ent A, turn to page 107 a nd Student B, turn to page 108. Exchange information, discuss and decide whichplace or places you will go to. Use some of the express ions in the box.

I •

Why do n't we .. .?What time do es .. .?How much ... ?How about. .. ?Wh at 's on at ...?I'm not sure about. . .

90 Channel your Englis h

Solo Jazz ClubQ%njt(}J'(d d7lRabe


Gilbert HallNighttever Disco

teacher's notes 13


denyentry formgratefulin advanceorder (v)

refuseregister (v)remindrobberywit h regard to

words and phrasesReporting verbs

Aim: to present and practise reporting verbs• Tell Ss to read through the verbs in the box. Provide them with any necessary explanations.• Explain any words in the sentences that Ss might not know.• Have Ss do the exercise.• Check answers.

a. remindedb. admittedc. refusedd. advisede. agreedf. promisedg. suggestedh. deniedi. ordered

speakingAims: • to exchange informa tion

• to discuss and make suggestions and decisions• Divide Ss into pairs.• First, ask Ss to look at t he pictu res. the names of the places and the expressions.• Then, ask Ss to turn to pages 107 and 108. Explain the procedure to them.• Explain any words and/or expressions Ss might not know. Point out to them that How about is followed by gerund.• Have Ss do the activity.

Channel yourEnglish TB 90

Lesson Three (continued)

writingo Aim: to prepare Ss for the writing task

• Ask Ss to read through the advertisement. Explain the words register and entry form.• Ask the quest ion and generate discussion.

suggested answers:• Who can enter the dance compet ition?• What time does it start/finish?• How can one get entry forms?• Until when can one register?• What are the prizes?

EJ Aim: to Identify purpose, audience and stylistic features of a leiter asking for Information

• Ask Ss to read the letter and answer the quest ions.• Explain any words Ss might not know.

• He is asking:o if part icipants have to have a partner.o what type of music they have to dance to.· if they can choose thei r own music to dance to.• what time the competition starts.· when the deadline for registration is.· what prizes the winners get.

• He uses indirect questions.• This letter is formal because:

· it begins with Dear Sir/Madam and ends with Yours faithfu liy foliowed by the writer's signature and fuli name.o the writer has used formal language and words like I would appreciate it, I would also be interested in, I would be

grateful. I would like to know, I look forward to hearing from you, etc.Words like would and could always make a leiter more polite.

· there are no short forms.· the layout is formal.

3 Improve your styleAim:to present and practise appropriacy of style in a leiter asking for information• Read and explain the tip.• Have Ss do the exercise.• Check answers.

suggested answerTo begin with, I would like to know how long the course lasts and how many hours a day the iessons wili be.Furthermore, I would be interested in finding out the number of students in each class. Finaliy, I would appreciate it ifyou could let me know when the course begins and how much it costs.

4 Writing taskAim: to give Ss practice writing a formal leiter asking for information• Assign the writing task for homework.• Remind Ss that they have to use the notes provided.

91 TB Channelyour English


writing 3 Improve your style

Great prizes for the winners

..fip ,!,hen IJO~ write a letter asking (ormformatlon:

• Use indirect questions (I would like to know i(.. .,Could 1J0u tell me when... etc.).

• Use words/phrases to list 1J0ur questions (firstl", tobegin/start with, in addition, [urthermore, also, (inalllJetc.).

• 8e polite and write 1J0ur letter in a (ormal /stlJle.

On July 7



o Look at the advertisement below. If you wereinterested in entering the dance competition, whatadditional information would vou like to have?

EJ Now read a letter, which somebody has written toask for information about the dance competition,and answer the questions below.

• What inform ation is the writer of the let t erasking for? H as h e included any of yourquest i on s?

• What type of questions does the w r i ter use toask fo r in for m ation?

• What features m ak e this letter formal? 4 Writing task

How long does the course last and how manyhours will we have every day? Are the classessmall? When does the course begin and how much

does it cost?

Below is part of a letter which somebody has written toask for information about a drama course. Rewrite theparagraph in an appropriate style . Use words/phrasesto list the questions.

• To register send entry form to:20 Cornwall StreetBirmingham B5 2DT"""-----

You have seen the adverti sement below and would liketo have some further information. Write a letter usingthe notes you have made. Your letter should be between120 and 140 words .

, .. .I I "

• I .•

,. , . I '

• W~ev\' vi oes It st~rt?

• /-tow ""'uc~ ?

4 Lryton Rrod.Covattrv ( 6 gFG

12 May20 Comwafl sm«Binningham 85 2DT

Dear Sir/Madam,I am writing with trprd to your adwrtistmt~t .pabllshed in the Daily News. I am intatstedin ta~ng.part in thedana compttition and I would~pptrClatt ~tifyou couldgiw me some[urther infOrmation about It.

To btgin with, I would likt to know if I need to.have apartner in order toparticipate. I would also belntatstedto know what typt ofmusic we will have todana toand whether"" could choose it ourselves.

In addition, I would begmttftll ifyou could infOn,n meabout thetime tire dana competition starts, as thiS l\-l1Snot mentioned in your adwrtisement. Furthermore, Iwouldlike to know when tire deadline is to trgister fOrthecompetition. Finally, c01~/d yo~ pleas: infOml mewhat prius the winners Will naive?

Tlrankingyou in advance fOr your assistance.

I look fOrward to Irearing p myou.

Yours fOitlrfully,

)!!pDavid Briggs

Channel your English 91


EJ Read the dialogue a nd answer the questions.

EJ Listen and check your answers in 1. S

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a . Why do the boys think that the reporter's art icle

isn't acc urate?

b . Wh at does Len suggest that Jack should do?

c. Why did Jack buy the newspaper?

d . What does Len want to buy?

e . Wh o is Dave Jackson?

Whi ch of t he following sect ions in thenewspap er do you t hink the boys areinterested in?

pre sentat ionEJ Before you read the dialogue, look at the picture

a nd discuss the following:







What a load of rubbish!What's that?It says here that we were lucky to beat ManUnited yeste rday.The reporter obviously didn't even go to thematc h.He probably just saw the highlights on TV.That 's the media for you.I wish newspapers we re more accurate.Maybe it's time you bought a differentnewspaper.I don' t normally get this one, but today's issuehas got a section on second-hand cars. Hey, areyou still looking for a cheap motorbike? There aresome real bargains in here.I'd rath er you didn't bring that subject up .Sorry. So, you've given up on that idea?No, it 's just that I haven't saved up enough yet .If only we could win th e lottery, eh? Check thisguy out . Which page was it? Ah, here it is!"TEEN WINS LOTTERY"That 's Dave! Hand it over !

Jack Dave who?Len Dave Jackson, I used to go to school with him.Jack Really?Len Yes, he was a good mate.Jack There you go then. Ring him up and ask him to

lend you th e money for a bike.Len You reckon?

D Discuss the following:

• What do you like reading in newspapers?• Do yo u beli eve that the media is accurate?

Why!Why not?

intonationThe express ions in bold a re used for making wishes .Listen a nd repeat.

I wish newspapers were more accurate .If only we could win the lottery.I wish I had the money to buy a motorbike.

92 Channel your English

Conversational EnglishThere you go. You reckon?

Phrasal verbsgive uphand overlook for

Other words andphrasesaccurate headlinebargain (n) issueclassif ied ad lotterycommercial (n) media

presentat ion

ring upsave up

presentersecond-handsect ionviewer

teacher's notes 14

The boys are interested in Sports, People and ClassifiedAds.

D Aim:to check comprehen~ion of specificinformation from the dialogue

• Ask Ss to read quest ions a-e.• Ask Ss to uncover the dialogue so that they can readand listen at the same time. Play the tape again.• Ask Ss to underl ine words and expressions they are notfamiliar with , but tell t hem not to worry about unknownwords at th is stage.• Give Ss t ime to work out the answers to the quest ionsindividually or in pairs.• Check answers and ask Ss to provide justification.

a. Because they believe that the reporte r obviouslydidn't go to the match, but he probably j ust saw thehighlights on TV.

b. Len suggests that Jack should start buying a differentnewspaper.

c. Because it has got a section on second-hand cars.d. He wants to buy a cheap motorbike.e. Dave Jackson is a teenager who won the lottery. He

also used to go to school with Len.

Aim: to present vocabulary, structures and functions inthe context of a dialogue between teenagers aboutnewspap ers/media

Background Notes:• Ads is an abbreviat ion for adverti sements. Classifiedads are short advertisements placed in newspapers ormagazines by people who wish to sell or buy something,seek employment or want to employ somebody. Theseadvert isements are arranged in categories or groups.

• Man is an abbreviat ion for Manchester.

o Aim: to use visual information to predict the contentof the dialogue

• Ask Ss to iook at the pict ure and discuss the quest ions.

optionalYou may also ask Ss a few more questions:e.g. What are the boys doing?

What can you tell from the expression on theirfaces?Why do you think they are laughing?What is the relationship between them?

EJ Alms: • to listen to the dialogue and checkpredictions

• to understand the gist of the dialogue• Ask Ss to cover t he dialogue, look at the picture and

listen carefully. Play the tape.S• Discuss answers.

• When this activity is over, ask Ss some more quest ions.e.g. What doesn 't Len want Jack to bring up the subject

of the motobike he wants to buy?What Is Jack's suggestion to Len's problem?

• Encourage Ss to guess the meaning of new vocabularysuch as highlights, issue and bargains.

a Aim: to encourage Ss to relat e the topic of thedialogue to personal experience andpreferences

• Ask Ss to look at the questions and discuss them.

optionalIf t here is t ime, you may ask Ss more quest ions.e.g. Is reading newspapers popular among young

people in your country? Why/Why not?

intonation SAim: to present and practise Intonat ion In expressions

used for making wishes

• Play the ta pe and pause aft er each sentence.• Ask Ss to repeat the sentences.

Channel your EnglishT8 92

Connectin eo ItLesson One (continued)

words and phrases1 Phrasal VerbsAim: to match the phrasal verbs in the dialogue with

their meanings• Ask ss to do th e activity individually or in pairs.• Check answers.

a. look forb. bring upc. give upd. hand overe. ring up

optionalIf there is t ime, ask Ss to make thei r own sentencesusing the phrasal verbs and check them.

2 Lexical setsAim: to present and practise lexical sets related to

newspapers and television• Ask Ss to read t he words in the box. Explain any wordsif necessary.• Ask Ss to do the activ ity.• Check answers .

EJ Alms: • to present the basic uses of Unreal Past• to give Ss practice making the ir own

example sentences• Ask Ss to read the rule. Provide any explanations ifnecessary.• Ask Ss to make their own examp les or provide

examples from the dialogue.• Check answe rs.

*wlsh I If onlyI wish newspapers were more accurate.I wish I' lf only I could go on holiday.If only we could win the lottery, eh?*would ratherI'd rather you didn't bring that subject up.I'd rather you didn't read my diary.*It's timeMaybe it's t ime you bought a different newspaper.It 's t ime you stopped watchi ng TV.

EJ Aim: to give ss further practice with Unreal Past

• Tell Ss to read sentences a-e and explain any unknownwords if necessary.• Ask Ss to do the exercise.• Check answers.• If time is scarce , assign the exercise for homework .

Key .News apersarticiereaderclassifi ed ads

Televisioncommercia lsviewerst udiopresenterprogramme


a. I'd rather you did the washing up (because I'm too tired).b. I wish I knew the answer to this problem .c. If only I had enough money to buy this watch.d. It 's t ime you tidied up your room.e. I wish I didn 't have to cook every day.

grammarIIAim: to elicit some of the uses of Unreal Past as

presented In the dialogue• Ask s s the f irst set of quest ions.• Refer ss to the dialogue.• Elicit and check answe rs.• Do the same for the rest of the sets of questions.

• No, he doesn't .He is expressing a wish about a present situation.

• Len is critising Jack's choice of newspaper.

• Yes, he has.Jack doesn't feel very comfortable about it.

93 TBcnenneryour English

optional oral practice

Alms: • to practise the structures, functi ons andvocabulary presented In the context of adialogue

• to exchange personal informationDivide Ss into pairs .

• Tell Ss to talk about present situations that theywould like to be different using wish, if only, wouldrather and it 's time.• Ss may talk about school , thei r fri ends and family orany other situation they might want to be different orchange.• Have Ss do the activity.

words and phrases1 Phrasal verbs

EJ Complete the table below with examp les. You mayrefer to the dialogue or make your own examples.

Find five phrasal verbs In the dialogue and match themwith the meanings given.

a. try to find

b . m ention

c. st op trying

d. give

e. phone

Unreal Past

Sometimes we use the Past Simple when referring to thepresent or future. This is called Unreal Past and it is usedafter:

• wish I if only

e.g. _

• would rather (when there are two different SUbjects)

e.g. _

2 Lexical sets

Look at the words in the box and decide if they arerelated to newspapers, television or both . Then,complete the chart.

e.g. - ------ - - - - - - - - --




b. You are taking a maths test and you don't know theanswer to the problem.

I wish _

o Read the following situations and decide what youwould say in each of them. Start with the wordsgiven.

a. You are too tired to do the washing-up and you wantyour sister to do it.

I'd rather _


readerprogrammeclassi fied ads


articleheadlinej ournalist


grammaro Look at the extracts from the dialogue and answer

the questions that follow.

• I wish newspapers were more accurate .

Does Jack th ink that newspapers are accurate?

Is Jack expressing a wish about a present ora pastsituation?

• Maybe it 's time you bought a diffe rent newspaper.

Is Len praising or crit icising Jack's choice of newspaper?

c. You want to buy an expensive watch, but you haven'tgot enough money.

If only _

d. You want your f latmate to t idy up his room.

It's ti me _

• I'd rather you didn 't bring that SUbject up.

Has Jack brought up the SUbject?

How does Len feel about it?

e. You are fed up with having to cook every day.

I wish _

Channel jour English 93

readingo Read the headi ng of the text an d look at the picture. Try to guess what the text is a bout.

EJ Read the text be low and ch oose the most su ita ble sum mary sente nce from the list a-f for each paragraph (1-5)of th e text. There is one extra su mmary senten ce which you do not need to use .

a . People can' t do without information.

b . Newspapers w ere very popular until the in vention of te levision .

c . People became m ore aware of dai ly new s thanks to newspapers .

d. There were some weaknesses in early m ass co mm unication .e . Too much information is not a lways a good t h ing.

f. Technology has made inform a ti on readily avail able .

-----Information has always been at the centre of human communication.You may ask why. Well, communication between people involves givingand receiving information. But the way we give and receive informationtoday is very different from what it used to be in the early 1900s.The20th century saw a revolution in the development of the mass media.

D The fi rst truly masscommunication mediumwas the newspaper. Fo rthe fi rst time in history.people cou ld readabout events in th eircountry and fromaro und the world every

day. As the years went by. newspapers became more andmore importa nt. By the beginning of the 20th century thedemand was so high that hundreds of thousands of copieswere printed every day.At tha t t ime newspapers we re theo nly source of information .

EJ However, there were two problems with newspapers oftha t time . Firsdy. newspapers were available only in large cities.Transpo rt was so slow that getting newspapers to thecountryside was a difficult and time-consuming task. Thismeant that a lot of people found out about the events daysafter they had happened. Apart from that. newspapers were n'talways re liable. as the re was a limited range of opinions.Readers were forced to consider the information in a newspapertrue because they weren't able to compare it to othe r sources.

II Nowadays, tho ugh, thingsare completely different.Wecan choose from a wide variety of sources to getinformation.Television and the Inte rnet have given us thechance to be informed about everything the minute ithappens. Numerous radio and TV stations, satellite channelsand mill ions of websites help people keep up with the latestnews. People live history and are part of it .

III O n the other hand. there is such a great amount ofinfo rmatio n available that people are unable to process itproperly.The human brain needs time to think about andtake in infor mation.Without this time people can feel at aloss. So, what's the use of having such a wide range ofinformat io n if it's only going to co nfuse us?

B The media has come a long way in the last ce ntury andthere is no doubt that we now live in the informat io n age.Whatever type of med ia we choose , it all comes down to theneed for information.This will always be a basic need as longas communication is part of human nature .

DRead the text again and answer th e following questions .

a . Wh y is information considered the ce ntre of human co mm unicat ion?b . How did newspapers chang e people 's lives ?c. What p roblem did slow transport ca use?d . How has te chnology im pro ved the m as s m edia?e . Why do people feel a t a los s in today's information age?

94 Cnannel your English

teacher's notes 14

readingo Aim: to introduce the topic of th e reading text

through an oral activi ty• Ask Ss to read the heading of the text and look at the

picture.• Generate discussion.

a. Because human communicat ion involves giving andreceiving information.

b. Thanks to newspapers, people could read aboutevents in their country and around the world everyday.

c. Getting newspapers to the countryside was a diff icultand time-eonsum ing task .

d. We can be informed about everything the minute ithappens.

e. Because there is so much informat ion available todaythat people are unab le to process it properly.

• Do not expect Ss to supply all key words/ phrases anddo not explain any unk nown words at this stage .Not e: Point out to Ss that the nouns informa tion andnews are both uncountable and therefore singul ar.e.g. The news is really depressing today.

This information is considered to be confidential.• Ask Ss to read the text again paragraph by paragraph

and ask them comprehens ion quest ions.e.g. Why were newspapers considered not to be reliable?

Why were readers forced to consider the informationin a newspaper true?How are people informed about what is going onaround the world nowadays?

• Explain unknown words.

EI Aim: to read for detail and understand specificinformation

• Assign th is activ ity for homework.

rel iablerevolutiontasktransport (n)trul yvariety

eventlimited (adj)mediumnowadaysnumerousprint (v)process (v)range (n)

Wordsamountbraincancelcommunicationconfusecopy (n)demand (n)doubt (n)

Phrasal verbs andexpressions

apart from go byat a loss on the other handbe forced to take income a long way thanks tocome down to what's the use of

EJ Aims: • to understand ma in pointsto match paragraphs with summarysentences

• Ask Ss to read the f irst paragraph and choose the mostsuita ble head ing.

. ; Check answers.• Point out to Ss the key words/ phrases in paragraph 1.• Ask Ss to read th e text paragraph by paragraph and dothe rest of the act ivity.• Ask Ss to look out for key words/ phrases.• Check answers.

optional post-reading activity

Ask Ss questions of personal response related to thetopic of the readin g text.e.g. Nowadays people are instantly informed about

everything the minute it happens.How do you feel about this?How do you get info rmed?

Note: You do not need to ask deta iled questions at thisstage as you wil l also ask some at t he pre-liste ningstage.

Key words/phrases1. c ( newspapers becam e more and more important.)2. d ( there were two problems with newspapers of thattime were available only in large cities ... gettingnewspapers to the count ryside was a difficult andtime-consuming task.)3. f (We can choose from a wide variety of sources toget information .)4. e (...there is such a great amount of informationavailable that people are unable to process it properly.)5. a ( all comes down to the need for information .)

Channel your Enll.lish TB 0 Ii

Lesson Two (continued)

words and phrasesPhrasal Verbs and other expressionsAim: to match the phrasal verbs and expressions In the

text with the ir mean ings• Ask Ss to do the act ivity.• Check answers.

a. went byb.apart fromc. keep up withd.on the other hande. take inf. at a lossg. has come a long wayh. it all comes down to

grammarII Aim: to elic it meaning and structure of clauses of

result as presented in the text• Ask Ss the f irst set of quest ions.• Tell Ss to refer to the dialogue.• Elicit and check answers.• Do the same for the second set of questions .

• Getting newspapers to the countrys ide.Transport was so slow.

• A great amount of informat ion is available.People are unab le to process it proper ly.So is followed by an adjective without a noun (soslow), while such is followed by an adjective wit h anoun (such a great amount of information).

EJ Aim: to present and practise clauses of result

• Ask Ss to read the rules and ensure that they understandthe terms used. If necessary, provide explanat ions.• Have Ss do the act ivity.• Check answers.

a. The film was so boring that I fell asleep.It was such a boring fi lm that I fell asleep.

b. They had such good prices that I decided to buy twojackets.Their prices were so good that I decided to buy twojackets.

c. There was such terrible weather that all the flights werecancelled.The weather was so terrible that all the fl ights werecancelled.

d. The party was so successful that we didn't want toleave.It was such a successful party that we didn't want toleave.

95 ra Channel your English

listening 19II Alms: • to expand on the topic of the reading text

• to present the topic of the listening text• Ask Ss to look at the quest ions and the pictu res

below them.• Generate discussion.

EJ Aim: to Identify the top ics discussed

• Ask Ss to do the exercise.• Play the tape twice.• Check answers.

Speaker 1: e (the first thing I turn on, keeps meinformed about current affa irs, myfavourite series, ads that interrupt)

Speaker 2: a (It can liven up a boring drive... films)Speaker 3 : d (overall comprehension)Speaker 4: c (it gives you a daily report on, different

subjects, weather report, cartoons, showbiz section, crossword)

optional post-listening activity

You may ask Ss further questions of personalresponse related to the listen ing text.e.g. What do you think of the Internet?

Do you prefer listening to the radio or watchingTV? Why?Do you prefer reading a magazine ora newspaper? Why?

UstenlngTranscript (see page 125)


words and phrasesPhrasal verbs and other expressions

Find phrasal verbs and other expressions in the text onpage 94 and match them with the mean ings given.

c. The weather was terrible. All the fl ights were cancelled.

There was _

The weathe r _

d. The party was very successful. We didn't want to leave.

What was diffi cult and ti me-consumi ng?What was the reason for th is?

• There is such a great amount of information availablethat people are unable to process It properly.

How much information is avaiiable?What is the result of th is?What is the diffe rence between so and such?

listening So Discuss the following:

• How often do you use the types of m edia below ?• What do you use them for?


a. passed

b . except for

c. be inform ed

d. how ev er

e. understand

f. confused

g. made progress

h . it's sim ply a matter of


EJ Read the rules below. Then, rewrite the sentencesa-d in two different ways, using so and such.

To express result we use:

• so + adjective or adverb + (that)e.g. It was so cold that we stayed at home all weekend.

He was speaking so quickly that I couiatv: understandhim.

• such + (a/ an) + (adject ive) + noun + (that)e.g. The show became such a hit that it was rated one of

the country's top shows.

o Look at the extracts f rom the text on page 94 andanswer the questions that follow.

• Transport was so slow that getting newspapers to thecoun tryside was a difficult and time-consuming task.

a. The film was boring. I fell asleep.

The film was _

It was _

b. They had good prices. I decided to buy two jackets.

They had _

Their prices were _

EJ You will hear four people talking about differenttypes of media. Listen and match the four speakerswith the types of media a-e above. There Is oneextra which you do not need to use.

Channel your English 95

Lesson Three

words and phrasesNouns with prepositions

Look at the nouns + preposition s in the box a nd use som e of them to complete the sentenc es a-g.

an exa mple ofa need foran increase in

a descript ion ofa reason fora decrease in

an advantage ofa connect ion between/withan influence on

a disadva ntage ofa solutio n todamage to;... _

a . The m ain wo rk ing for a fast food resta urant is that you get

free food.

b . Th e flood caused a lot of the village .

c. I gave th e po lice a detailed my car.

d . Ca n you give m e how thi s word is used?

e . Th ere has been a(n) the number of students studying Media

and Com municat ion .f. Advertising has a b ig what we buy.

g . Th ere's no yo u to pick me up from wo rk to day, I'll get a taxi.

speakingWork in pairs . Imagine that your school is having a fete to raise money for charity. Read the information given andthen discuss a nd decide where it is best to advertise the fete, on the Internet, in a loca l newspaper or on the radio.Think about the following:

• How many peop le will see or hear the adve rt isement?• What sort of people do you want to ad vertise to ?• Wha t sort of information do you want to include in the advert isem ent?• How do you want the informa tion to be pr esent ed?• What are the advantages and disadvantag es of each m edium?



Su""el~!jjthJ uV\.t

St~rts ~t 1.:0 0 1''''''Lots of st~ L1.s wtt h h~VIocl"",~ele gtfts

Fooel ~ VIocl el rt""ks.

Fu"" ~""el g~""'es

A LL 1', oceeels go t o ch~,tt!j

96 Channel your English

teacher's notes 14

charityconnectiondamage (n)decrease (n)disadvantagehandmade (adj)

increase (n)influence (n)interactmillenniumproceedsstall

Background Notes:• A fete is an outdoor event usuall y held to raise money for a special purpose.• A chat room is an on-line space for tal king via the keyboard.• A cybercafe is an ordinary cafe which not only sells drinks and snacks but charges people for access to the Net aswell.• Cyberspace refers to the place where electronic messages . informat ion, pictures etc. exist when they are sent fromone computer to another.• A virus is a rogue programme that can destroy data and generally cause problems in the event that one of t he filesyou download is infected.

words and phrasesNouns with prepositions

Alms: • to present nouns followed by prepositions• to practise using some of these nouns with prepos it ions

• Ask ss to read t hrough the ta ble containing th e nouns with preposit ions. Explain any words 5s might not know.• Have 5s do the exercise and check answers.

a. reason forb. damage toc. description ofd. an examp le ofe. increase/ decrease inf. influence ong. need for

optional• Ask Ss to make their own examples using the nouns with prepos it ions that were not used in the previous exercise.

speakingAlms:' to give 5s practice using vocabulary related to media

• to speculate, priorlt ise and make a decision• Divide ss into pairs.• Ask Ss to read through the quest ions and the information given.• Explain any words ss might not know.• Have 5s do the activity.

Channel your English TB 96

Lesson Three (continued)

writingIIAims: • to activa te background knowledge

• to prepare 5s for the writi ng task

• Ask 5s the question s and generate discussion.

EJ Aim: to identify purpose, audience and stylistic features of an essay (advantages and disad vantages)

• Ask 5s to read the essay and answer questions a-c. Check answers.• Explain any words 5s might not know.

a. Open answers.b. The writer uses formal language.c. The purpose of the sentences in bold is to introduce the topic of each sentence.

3 Topic SentencesAim: to famil iarise 5s with topic sentences• Read and explain the t ip.• Ask 5s to read through topic sentences a-f. Explain any words 5s might not know.• Have Ss do the exercise.• Check answers and ask Ss to provide justification.

a. Ab. Dc. C

d.De.Cf. A

4 Writing task. Aim:to give 5s practice writing an essay (advantages and disadvantages)

• Read and explain th e t ip.• Assign the writ ing task for homework.• Remind Ss that they shou ld use topi c sentences to introduce each paragraph.

97 TB Channel your English


writing 3 Topic Sentences

IIDiscuss the following:

What are the advantages and disadvantages ofusing the Internet ?

EJ A teacher has asked her students to write an essayon the advantages and disadvantages of using theInternet. Read the essaywhich a student haswritten and answer the questions below.

a. Which of your ideas in 1 we reincluded in theessay?

b. What kindof languagedoes thewrite r use?

c. What is thepurpo se ofthe sentencesin bold?


-L.,0" When vou write an essav discussiniJ the~,r ad~antaiJes and disad~antaiJes of sometlriniJ:

• Introduce the subject in the introduction.• In the mainpart present the ad~antaiJes in one Dr

more paraiJraphs, and then the disad~antaiJes.

• Use topic sentences to introduce each paraiJraph.These sentences present the main idea of the paraiJraph.

• In the conclusion make a general comment and statevour opinion if vou want to. Don't include anvInew information.

Read the topic sentences a-f below taken from differentstudents' essays. Decide if they are used to introduceAdvantages, Disadvantages or the Conclusion. Write A,D or C in the boxes.

a. Radio is not only used to entertain, but also

to inform and educate people.

b. On the other hand, there is quite a lot ofuseless infor mation in lifestyle magazines. _

c. To sum up, new spapers are st ill animportant part of the media. _

d. Even though cybercafes provide Internet

access to anyone, they are qu ite costly.e. In conclusion, using the computer has a lot

of benefi t s and, in my opinion. everybody

should get one .f. In the future, computers will fully interact

with their users.

4 Writing task

~p When vou write an essav:

• Make a list of ad~antaiJes and disad~antaiJes before'Iou start ",ritint}_

• Use formallaniJuaiJe.• Use linkiniJ words and phrases.• Moid usiniJ the first person siniJular (I)

unless 'IOU are statini} lJour opinion in theconclusion.

Your teacher has askedyou to write an essayon the advantages anddisadvantages ofwatching television.Your essay must bebetween 120 and 160words.

, ~I-

It Is hard to Imagine life without the Internet.This fantastic world of information, fun and gameshas become an important part of our life since the

end of the last millennium.There are so many things you can dO. on the

Internet. You can find all sorts of information Withthe help of search engines. You can also meet newpeople. join chat rooms and send e-malls to yourfriends all over the world. What's more, you canplay games, download different things or shop at

online stores. .However, cyberspace Is not safe. Every time

you send an e-mail or surf the Net you could bewatched. If you do a lot of downlO~ding , there IS

always the risk of catching some kind of ~"uswhich can damage your software. Shopping on theInternet can also prove to be risky, as you areasked to give your personal information.

All In all the Internet Is an exciting world ofInformatlo~ and a great form of entertainment,

but it comes with risks.

Channel your English 97

Lesson One


and decide if the followingsentenc es are True or False . Write T or F in theboxes.

a. Scott wanted to take pictures of the

mountains .

presentationEJ Before you read the dialogue, look at the picture

a nd discuss the following.

b . The first place Scott and Mandy visited

in America was Seattle., .• c . Mandy would prefer to be in California .

d . Mandy and Sco tt's trip will e nd in a

we ek's time.4,1'<It.-~.~

• e. Scott has organised their next h olid ay. , '"JEll~I.- .,.,. ..

• Wh ere do yo u th ink the people are?

• Wh at do you th ink they are doing?. .• Do y ou .think they are. e njoyin g themselves? I

• -- - - .. Q; - , 1III!i!i~jii.~.-EJ Liste n a nd che'c"ky-;;ur a~swe;s in L t.~ .d

intonationThe following sente nces express regret. Listen a ndrepeat them.

II Discuss the following:

• Whi ch of the places mentioned in the dialoguewould you like to visit?

• What do yo u like to do while you' re on holiday?

I wish I hadn't forgotten my cam era .

If we had stayed longer in Cali fornia. we cou ldh ave spent more time on the beach.

If we hadn't spe nt a who le week in New York,we would have had more time to see the restof the USA.

If only we had planned our t rip better.

What?Let's just say we're going to see a lot of theMediterranean.Nice. As long as there are no ferry trips. I'measy.Oh dear! Lucky I didn't book it.Come again?Nothin g.




I think this ferry trip was a mistake.What are you on about? It's lovely. Just look atth e view of th e mountains, it's spectacular! Ijust wish I hadn't forgotten my camera.We can always buy a few postcard s. Let's goback inside now, I'm freezing.In a minute .Why on earth did we come to Seattle in thefirst place? We're supposed to be on holiday.You said that you wanted to see as much ofAmerica as you could while we're here.Yeah. but just think. If we had stayed longer inCaliforn ia, we could have spent more time onth e beach.Stop moaning. You were complaining about theheat whe n we were in LA, now you've got aproblem with the cold.It's just that we're going home in a few daysand it seems a bit of a downer to finish our triphere.If we hadn't spent a whole week in New York,we would have had more time to see th e restof the USA.If only we had planned our trip better.Next time we'll be more organised.Where are we going to go?I've got something in mind.










98 Channel your English

Aim: to present vocabulary, structures and functions inthe context of a dialogue between two peopleabout travellin g abroad

IIAim: to use visual information to predict the contentof the dialogue

• Ask Ss to look at the picture and discuss the questions.

ConYersational Englisha bit of a downerCome again?have (got) sth in mind

Other words andphrases

book (v) moan (vjcruise (n) plan (vjhoneymoon tour (n)j ourney travel (n)


I'm easyWhat are you on about?


teacher's notes 15D Aim: to check comprehension of specific

information• Ask Ss to read sentences a-e.• Ask Ss to uncover the dialogue so that they can readand listen at the same time. Play the tape again.• Ask Ss to underline words and expressions they are notfamiliar with. but tell them not to worry about unknownwords at this stage.• Give Ss time to do the act ivity individually or in pairs.• Check answers and ask Ss to provide just ificat ion.

a. Tb. Fc. Td. Fe. F

• When th is activity is over, ask Ss some more questions.e.g. Why Isn't Mandy having a good time?

What didn't Mandy like about LA?Where is Scott thinking of going for their nextholiday?Does Mandy like ferry trips?

• Encourage Ss to guess the meaning of new vocabularysuch as a bit of a downer, I'm easy, Come again?

DAim: to encourage Ss to relate the topic of thedialogue to personal experience andpreferences

• Ask Ss to look at the questions and discuss them .


optionalYou may also ask Ss a few more quest ions:e.g. What kind of clothes are they wearing?

What do you think the relationship betweenthem is?

fJ Alms: • to listen to the dialogue and checkpredictions

• to understand the gist of the dialogue• Ask Ss to cover the dialogue. look at the picture andlisten carefully. Play the tape. S• Discuss answers.

• They are on a ferry-boat in Seattle. USA.• They are tak ing a boat tr ip.• The man is enjoying himself , but the woman is

a bit annoyed.

optionalIf there is t ime, you may ask Ss more quest ions.e.g. What can spoil your holiday or your mood?

intonation SAim: to present and practise intonation in sentences

expressing regret

• Play the tape and pause after each sentence.• Ask Ss to repeat the sentences.

Channel your English T8 98

Travellers' tales.:sLesson One (continued)

words and phrases1 Conversational EnglishAim: to match the examples of conversational English In

the dialogue with their meanings• Ask Ss to do the activity.• Check'answers.

a. What are you on about?b. a bit of a downerc. I've got something in mindd. I'm easye. Come again?

2 Words easily confusedAim: to pract ise distinguishing between words that can

be easily confused• Refer Ss to the word trip from the dialogue.• Ask Ss to do the exercise. For each sentence explainthe word through def init ions or examples.excursion = a short journey arranged for a part icularpurpose (e.g. a visit to a place)journey = travelling from one place to another, especiallyover a long distancetour = an organised sightseeing trip around a particularplacetrip = a journey to a place and back againvoyage = long sea journeycruise = a holiday on a large shiptravei = the general act of moving from one place toanother• Check answers and ask Ss to provide justification.

a. t ripb. journeyc. tourd. voyagee. excursionf. cruiseg. travel

grammarIIAim: to ellcllthe meaning of wishes in the past and

conditional sentences type 3

• Ask Ss the f irst set of questions.• Refer Ss to the dialogue.• Elicit answers.• Check answers.• Do the same for the other set of quest ions.

99 T8 Channel your English

No, he didn't .He regrets it.

Yes, they did.They didn't have enough t ime to see the rest of theUSA.

EJ Aim:to present conditional sentences type 3 andwishes in the past

• Ask Ss to read the rule and ensure that theyunderstand the terms used. If necessary, provideexplanations.• Have Ss do the act ivity.• Check answers.• If t ime is scarce, assign the exercise for homework.


D Aim: to practise wishes in the past and conditionalsentences type 3

• Have Ss do the act ivity.• Check answers.• If time is scarce, assign the exercise for homework.

a. If Robert had studied harder, he would have passedhis exams.

b. I wish I had gone to Jane's party.c. If May had been more careful / had not been

careless, she would not have had an accident .d. I wish I had bought those earrings.e. If Tom had not arrived late / had arrived earlier at the

airport, he would not have missed his flight.f . If only I had taken an aspirin.

words and phrases1 Conversational English

Find five examples of conversational English in thedialogue and match them with the meanings given.

a. I don 't agr ee w i t h you

b. a little depressing

c. I 'm think ing abo ut


d . I do n't m ind

e. I beg your pardon.

2 Words easily confused

Complete the sentences a-gwith words from the box.Use each word only once.

• I wish I hadn 't forgotten my camera.

Did Scott take his camera with him?How does he feel about it?

• If we hadn't spent a whole week in New York, wewould have had more time to see the rest of the USA.

Did Mandy and Scott spend a week in New York?What was the result of this?

EJ Read and complete the rules below.

Conditional Sentences Type 3They are used for unreal situations in the past or toexpress regret about something that happened or didn'thappen.

If + PastPerfect~ would/ could/might +

+ past participle

e.g. Hwe had st~ longer in Calilornia. w e c ould

have spent more time on the beach.

Wish / If only + Past PerfectWeexpress regret about something that happened ordidn't happen in the past.

e.g. I wish / II onl!oJ we had ~anned our trip beHer.


tour trip voyagecruise travel EJ Rewrite the following sentences starting with the

words given.

a. During my last to

Edinburgh I visited the castle.

b. We really enj oye d the train _

through Au stria.

c. The of the ancient

city lasted much lon ger than I t hought it would .

d. The Titanic san k on i t s first _

across the Atlantic.

e. T he chi ldr en were upset when their _

to the zoo w as cancelled.

f. We w ent on a _

around the Caribbean for our honeymoon.

g. M alcolm and Vivian are both fond of fo reign

a. Robert didn 't pass his exams because he didn't studyenough.

If Robert _

b. I'm sorry that I didn't go to Jane's party.I wish _

c. May had an accident because she was careless.If May _

d. I didn't buy those earrings and now they're sold out.I wish _

o Look at the extractsfrom the dialogue and answer the questions thatfollow.


e. Tom missed his flight because he arrived late at theairport.IITom _

f. I didn 't take an aspirin and now I feel worse.If only _

Channel your English 99

readingIIDiscuss the following:

• If you had the opportunity t o travel around the world. which countr ies w ould you vi sit?• What m eans of transport w ould you u se? Why?

EJ Read the text, from which four paragraphs have been removed. What Is the main point of each of the paragraphsbelow? What do you th ink each of the missing paragraphs Is about?

When 1J0u are presented Ulith a text from Ulhich some paraijraphs have been removed, first read the ijappedteKt t{uickllJ. IdentiflJ the main point of each paraijraph and the UlalJ the teKt is orijanised. TrlJ to ques« Ulhateach of the missinij paraijraphs is about, rememberinij that it must erpress an idea Ulhich is 10ijicallIJrelated to the paraijraphs before and after it.

WERE h\i\DE fOR WALKINGDave Kunst is the first person on record to walk around the world. It took him four years, three months and sixteendays. Dave walked 14,450 miles crossing four continents and thirteen countries. He walked more than twenty millionstepsand wore outtwenty-one pairs of shoes. However, he cou ldn't have doneit without the help of histwo brothers,John and Pete, and an Austral ian schoolteacher, Jenni Samuel.

11 _ 11 _When it was all over. he returned to Australia to meet up

with Jenni again. A year later they retu rned to America.

where they got married. Nowadays, Dave tells

his amazing story to schoolchildren

and adults. In 1996 he

was chosen to carry the

torch for the


Olympic Games

in Atlanta.

In Europe they had some wonderful experiences. They

met Princess Grace of Monaco and had an amusing

incident with Willie In an Italian restaurant. The owner

made the mistake of inviting Willie inside. where she

caused chaos by bumping into tables and spilling drinks .

However. nobody seemed to mind and even the owner

was laughing.

fJ_~~~~_-:-~_~This proved to be a good decision. as afte r the desert they

had to deal with the mounta inous landscape of

Afghanistan. which was the most perilous part of t he

journey. In the foothills of the Hindu Kush mountains they

were attacked by bandits. Dave was wounded and John

was shot and killed .11 _Unfortunately, th is is where they had to leave Willie

behind because she wasn't allowed to cross over to

Australia . But as soon as they set foot in Perth .

they were given another mule, which they called

Willie Makeit 2. Halfway across Australia Pete

had to return to America because of his job .

To make matte rs worse. the difficult walk

across the Australian outback turned out

to be too much for Willie 2, who died of a

heart attack .

100 Channel your English

Phrasal verbsand expressionsbe attached tomeans of transporton recordpull t hrough

set footto make matters worsewear out

Wordsbanditboard (v)cause (v)centennialchaoscompanion

continentfoothillsheart attackincidentlandscapemayor

mind (v)muleoutbackperilousspill (v)step (n)

torchtrade (v)uneventfulwagonwound (v)

teacher's notes 15Note: Do not expect ss to be able to make preciseguesses as to what the missing paragraphs are aboutand do not explain any unknown words at this stage.

o Ask Ss to read the text again paragraph by paragraphand ask them comprehension questions. Encourage Ss toguess the meaning of some unknown words which arerelated to the questions.e.g. What happened in the Italian restaurant?

What happened to Dave and John in Afghanistan?Why did they have to ieave Willie behind?What did Dave do in 1996?

o Explain unknown words .

readingoAim: to introduce the top ic of the reading text

through an oral activity involving person alpreferences

o Ask Ss to read the questions and generate discussion.o Ask Ss to look at the heading and photograph andguess what the text is about.

EJ Aim: to read for gist and identify th e m ainpoint of each parag raph

o Read and expla in the t ip.o Ask Ss to read the fi rst paragraph and dec ide what it isabout.o Ask 5s to read the text paragraph by paragraph andfind the main points in each one of them.o Ask ss to try to guess what each of the missingparagraphs is abo ut.o Elicit and chec k answers.

Dave Kunst... Jenni Samuel.: Introduction.In Europe... was laughing.: A funny incident in Europe.This proved to be... and killed.: Adventures in Asia.Unfort unateiy. this is... heart attack.: A new travelcompanionWhen it was all over... in Atlanta.: Dave's life after the endof his journey

Suggested answerso The first paragraph which is missing must be about thebeginning of their journey.o The second paragraph which is missing must be aboutsome further incidents in another country.o The third paragraph which is miss ing must be aboutwhat happened after John's death.o The fourth paragraph which is miss ing must be abouthow Dave met Jenni and how his journey ended.

Channel your Engl iSh TO 1 nn

Lesson Two (continued)

EJ Aim: to understand text organisation

o Read and explain the tip .o Ask Ss to read through paragraphs a-d.o Point out to Ss that apart from understanding th e mainpoint of each paragraph , they should also try to spot thelexical items, personal pronouns, demonst rat ives,def inite articles, senten ce linkers etc. which will helpthem decide on the order_of the paragraphs that havebeen jumbled.o Explain any words Ss might not know.o Check answers and ask Ss to provide j ustifi cation .

Key1: c (The phrasal verb set out mentioned in paragraph cindicates that th is is the first paragraph of the text . InEurope mentioned in paragraph 1 refers to Portugalment ioned in paragraph c. Finally, Willie is introduced inparagraph c and in paragraph 1 Willie is ment ionedagain.)2: a (This in paragraph 2 refers to the camel driver'soffe r ment ioned in paragraph a.)3: d (It took Dave four months to pull through refers toJohn was shot and killed mentioned in paragraph 2 .)4 : b (Dave wasn 't on his own for long refers to Pete'sdeparture and the death of Willie 2 mentioned inparagraph 3. Also, in paragraph b Jenni is introducedand in paragraph 4 Jenni is mentioned again. )

optional post-reading activity

Ask Ss questions of personal response related to th etopic of the reading text.e.g. What do you think of Dave's story?

Would you ever attempt to go on a similar jo urney?What does it take to do something like David dId?

words and phrasesPhrasal verbs

Aim: to match the phrasal verbs in the text with theirmeanings

o Refer Ss to t he text.o Ask Ss to do the activity.o Check answers.o If t ime is scarce, assign the exercise for homework.

a. set outb. wore outc. deal withd. pull through

101 TB Channel your English

listening SIIAim: to present the top ic of the listening text

th rough an oral act ivityo Ask Ss to look at t he picture and read the questions.o Generate a short discussion.

EJ Aim: to identify speaker's experiences and atti tudes

o Ask Ss to read th rough phrases a-e. Explain anyunknown words if necessary.o Play the tape.o Ask Ss to do the exercise.o Check answers and ask Ss to provide ju stificati on.

Speaker 1: e (I wish the plane had left without him,unfortunately he sat in the empty seat nextto mine, I had to listen to him babblingabouL., I tried to change my seat... )

Speaker 2: c (overall comprehension)Speaker 3: a (It was awful, I had no leg room, I didn 't get

any sleep, my back was kill ing me, I wassquashed)

Speaker 4: b (After waiting in the departure lounge forsome time without knowing why, we wereinformed that boarding would be in anhour's time..., The hour actually turned outto be three hours before the plane tookoff.)

optional post-listen ing activityYou may ask Ss further quest ions of persona l responserelated to the listening text.e.g. Have any of these incidents ever happened to you?

Listening Transcript (see page 126)


D Read the text again. Choose from the paragraphsa-d the one which fits each gap (1-4) of the text onpage 100.

words and phrasesPhrasal verbs

J..,·D Read the text a9ain and stop at each 9ap.~,r Read the parts of the test before and after

the 9ap, as well as the para9raphs whichhaoe been remooed, verv carefullv. PaV particularattention to the ideas expressed, the oocabularv usedand the words/phrases that are used to connect theideas in a text. Considerin9 all the abooe, decide whichof the para9raphs fits the 9ap. j-

Find five phrasal verbs in the text on page 100 and inthe paragraphs a-d and match them with the meaningsgiven.

a. began a j ourney

b . destroyed by u sing too


c. face a problem

d. recover

IIThe earthwalkers were quite surprised by how

friend ly and helpful people were. In Turkeythey were

offered a wagon to carry the water and food they needed

to cross the deserts of Iran. There, a camel driver

wanted to trade his camel for Willie, but Dave and John

didn't even consider the offer, as they were far too

attached to their four-legged travelling companion.

listening SII Discuss the followin g:

• What are the advan tages of travelling byaerop lane?

• What can m ake an aeroplan e journeyuncomfortable or annoying?

Cha nnel jOur Eng/,sll 101

a. thought the fligh t w as


b . complained abou t the


c. wasn't satisfied w iththe service.

d. had his/her luggage

lost .

e. had an annoying flight

compan ion .

EJ You will hear four people compl aining aboutaeroplane journeys. listen and match the speakerswith the phrases a-e to make statements. There Isone extra phrase which you do not need to use.

IIIDave wasn't on his own for long. He met Jenni

Samuel, who offered to help him out by pulling the

wagon with her car to Sydney. As soon as he reached the

Pacific Ocean, he flew back to America for the final leg of

his walk. On 5 October 1974 Dave Kunst walked back

into Waseca from the west and his name was added to

the Guinness Book of Records.

IIDave and John, along with a pack mule named Willie

Makeit , set out eastwards from Waseca, Minnesota on

20 June 1970. They had with them a piece of paper, on

which they would collect stamps and signatures from the

mayors of every town or city they visited. They had an

uneventful walk to New York City, where they boarded a

plane to Lisbon, Portugal.

m it took Dave four months to pull th rough and

continue his jo urney. His other brother. Pete,

joined Dave on his walk through Asia. The

two men got special permission to walk

through the Khyber Pass in Pakistan

and they were the fi rst non-Asians to

:10 so since the time of Alexander the

3reat. Then, they walked across

ndia and finall y reached the

ndian Ocean.

words and phrasesLexical sets

Look at the words/phrases in the box, which are related to different types of holidays and complete the chart. You willneed to use some of the words/phrases more than once.


tentca bin

caravan water sports fishingso uvenir shopping guided tour





Type of holiday

Package tour by the sea

Camping in the mountains


Three-city tour


Where to stay? What to do?

IICompare pictures A and B discuss ing the s imilar ities and differences between them .Think about the following:

• type of holiday• weather• surro undings• activities

EJ Discuss the followi ng:

• What would your ideal holiday dest inat ion be? Why?• How do you spend your time while on holiday?• Is there anything you don't like about holidays?• Do you agree that t ravel broade ns the mind? Why!Why not ?

102 Channel your English

teacher's notes 15

be st randedbroadencabincaravandestinationguided to ur

hostelinefficientmudordealraftingreserve (n)

snorkelli ngsunbath ingsurround ingstreatmenttrekkingunbearable

words and phrasesLexical sets

Aim: to present lexical sets related to holidayso Ask 5s to read through the words in the box. Explain any unknown words Ss might have.o Ask 5s to do the exercise.o Check answers.

Type of holiday

Package tour by the sea

Camping In the mountains


Three-city tour


Where to stay?

hotel. hostel . cottage

tent, caravan


hote l, hostel

What to do?

sunbathing, water sports, snorkell ing, fishing,clubbin ,souvenir sho in

fishing, rafting, trekking

sunbathing, clubbing

clubbing, souvenir shopp ing, guided tour

IIAlms: 0 to give Ss practice using vocabulary related to holidayso to compare and contrast two pictures -

o Divide Ss into pairs.o Ask Ss to look at the pictu res.o Have Ss do the activity.o Elicit answers.

Picture A Picture B

type of holiday



holiday in a sea resort

hotcosmopol itan environment,beach, resta urants, cafesswimming, sunbath ing, watersportsshopping, clubbing, ta king pictures

sightseeing tour in a countryof archaelo leal interest (E pt)hotanc ient city, temples, buildings in the desert

sights eeing, souvenir shopping, taking pictures

EI AIm: to discuss and exchange personal Ideas about traveiling and holidays

o Ask Ss to read the questions.o Explain any words that ss might not know.o Have 5s do t he act ivity.

Channel your English TB 102

Lesson Three (continued)

writingIIAlms: • to activate background knowledge

• to prepare Ss for the writing task

• Ask Ss the questions and generate discussion.

EJ AIm: to identify purpose and stylistic features of a written complaint

• Ask ss to read the text and answer the quest ions.• Elicit and check answers.• Explain any words Ss might not know.

• The writer Is complaining about the poor treatment she and her husband received during a safari holidayIn Zimbabwe.

• To my surprise, As if that wasn't bad enough, I was really upset, I'll never set foot in that place again.

optionalAsk ss comprehens ion quest ions related to the text.e.g, Did everything go wrong right from the first day?

Why did they have to push the car?How long did they have to walk before they saw the gates of the reserve?What was it that really upset them when they got back to the reserve?

3 Improve your styleAim: to give Ss practice using the appropriate register and style In a letter of complaint

• Read and explain the tip.• Ask 5s to read through the extract. Ensure that Ss realise the inappropriate style in which the letter is written.• Explain any unknown words ss might have.• Have Ss do the activ ity.• Elicit and check answers.

Suggested answerTo begin with, your advertisemen t stated that the cabins were clean and comforta ble, but th is was not true. On thecontrary, my cabin was rather unclean and the staff never seemed to tidy it up. In addition to this, your advertisementstated that three meals were included In the price of the t icket. You can imagine how surprised J was when I found outthat only one meal was included. To make matters worse, the food was far from satisfactory. As if all this was notenough, pract ically all the staff were impolite and rather ineffi cient. To sum up, I found your advertisement misleadingand would like to demand a full refund of my money.

4 Writing taskAim: to give Ss practice writ ing a letter of complaint based on material provided.

• Read and explain the tip.• Assign the writi ng task for homework.• Remind Ss that they have to use a formal style and include all the notes made.

103 TB Channel your English


Ii\.O vizw

t'..... J

You lied about the cabins being clean and

comfortable. The one I stayed in was dirty and

in a mess . There was only one meal included in

the price of the ticket, not three as you said. Oh,and by the way , the meals were dis gusting.

I wou ldn 't have given my dog that hor rible food .

Something else. The staffwere rude and inefficient.

Your advertisement was full of lies. I want my

money back.

r- Discover the exotic

city of Bangkok in

Thailand• Seven nigh ts

accommodat ion in aluxurious hotelRooms with a viewincluding breakfast and

inne• Friendly staff at your

servicehree ightseeing tours

w ith ex perience uideRetur n tickets an::-d_~_.\

airport transfers eluded

p~lol for t~)(l

two o"'"'-l:j spoke "'-0 c""9 lls l1

4 Writing task

Below is part of a letter a person has written tocomplain about his trip by boat. Rewrite it In anappropriate style.

Youwent on a package holiday recently, but there weremany things that you didn't like about it. Look at theadvert isement and the notes you have made. Then,write a letter of complaint to the travel agent coveringthe points in your notes and adding any relevantinformation. Your letter should be between 120 and150 words.


· When my husband Barry said that we w?re goingon a safari holiday in Zimbabwe, I couldn t walt. We.stayed on a reserve, ciose to which leopards,elepliantsand crocodiles roamed and we reallyenjoyed our first two days there.

On the third day, we hired a car to explore thebreathtaking African landscape . On the way we sawsigns not to leave the car. Two hours later we gotstuck in the mud. We had no choice but to get outand push the car. It was no use, though. The heatbecame unbearable and we soon ran out of water.To make matte rs worse, we had to spend the night

in the car.Early next morning we decided to walk back. Afte~

ten hours , we saw the gates of the reserve. To my·surprise, nobody had even noticed that we had beenmissing. As if that wasn't bad enough, the staff atthe reserve found our ordeal quite funny. .

I was really upset by the treatment we received.I' ll never set foot in that place again.

• Wh at i s the writer compla ining about?• Which words/phrases does the w riter use to

show dissatisfaction?

writingoDiscuss the following:

• Have you ever been on a holiday dur ing w hichthings didn't go as planned?

• Wh at happened?• Did you do anything about it?

EJ Read the following text which appeared in amagazine and answer the questions below.

When you are asked to write a letter o(complaint based on some material:

3 Improve your style

-1-1., When .tjou write a lett er o( complaint:

• Use (ormallanlJualJe.• Be (irm, but polite.• State lJour complaints in a clear ulalJ.• Don't include unneeessarq details. -

• Use the layout o( (ormalletters.• BelJin your letter with a set phrase (e.lJ. j am writinlJ

to complain about... ).• Make your complaints in the main part o( the letter.• Make sure you include all the complaints noted.• In the closinlJ paralJraph use a set phrase (e.lJ. I

hope that you willlJi~e this matter your attention.),and state what action you want to be taken _(e.lJ. I belie~e I am entitled to a (ull/partialreiund.).

Channel your English 103

Revision 13-15readingRead the text and match the summary sentences a-g with the paragraphs 1-6 of the text. There is one extra sentencewhich you do not need to use.

a . MTV's wo rldwide audience can pick their favo urite clips .b . Th e m usic and film industry saw they could make money from music videos.c. MTV's global popularity means it 's here to stay.d . MTV was created to entertain people of all ages.e . MTV offe rs its viewers a variety of program mes.f. MTV introduced a different way of experiencing m usic.g . In its first yea rs MTV worked like a radio station .

B "Ladies and gentlemen.rock and roll!"

These were the first words spoken on MTV by John Lack,one of its creators.This introduction was immediately

followed by the music video Video Killed the Radio Star byBuggIes. A new kind of television channel was bam, achannel which would change the nature of music itself.

II MTV was launched in America in 1981 and becamean instant success.The key to its popularity was the

constant flow of music videos. wh ich were only interrupted

by the comments of video jockeys or VJs. In the beginning,MTV was much like a radio station and record companieswere keen to provide video clips to promote their artists.

MTV became the platform for new talent, as radio stationshad been for decades before.

shows and rockumencaries. MTValso broadcasted one of the firstreality TV shows The Real World.Then, of course, there is the MTVMusicVideo Awards, which hasbecome the top ceremony on themusic calendar. It's an extravagantshow involving top stars and isviewed live worldwide.

iii Thanks to MTY,the ideaof a new song without a videoclip seems ridiculous nowadays.MTV has revolutionised the musicworld. For over twenty yearsMTV has not only entertainedmillions of people worldwide, butit has also spread culturalawareness.Through music. MTVhas become a voice for theyounger generation and there'sno doubt that it will continue to

rock the world well into the thirdmillennium.

II The MTV phenomenonhas spread throughout the world.It has its own programming inEurope, Asia,Australia and LatinAmerica . As MTV has variousinteractive programmes. viewersfrom all over the globe canchoose which videos they wantto watch.

II But MTV is not just aboutmusic videos. Among itsprogrammes are cartoons. comedy

II The first music videos were very simple in form .They showed the artists performing at

concerts or in other situations. It soon

became clear that the power of musicvideos was a major selling point. As a

result, more money was pumped into

the making of videos. and actors,

dancers and models were hired to

perform in them. Recently, musicvideos have been used to promote

the soundtracks of films, which intum advertises the film itself.

104 Channel your English

teacher's notes Rev 13·15

readingAIm: to check ss' reading comprehension skills In matching summary sentences with the paragraphs of the text.

• Ask 5s a few pre-reading questions related to the topic of the text and generate discussion.e.g. Which of the two do you prefer doing in your free time, listening to music or watching TV? Why?

What do you know about MTV?• Ask ss to read through the text for gist.• Ask ss to read the text again paragraph by paragraph and match each paragraph with one of the summary sentences

a-g.• Ask Ss to look out for key words and/or phrases as well as specific information related to each summary sentence.• Have ss do the exercise.• Check answers and ask Ss to provide just if icat ion.

1. f 2. g 3. b 4. e 5. a 6.c

Note:When this activity is over, you may explain any unknown words if necessary.

optional post-reading activity

Ask ss questions of personal response related to the topic of the reading text.e.g. What's your opinion of video clips?

Doyou like watching MTV? Why/Why not?

Channel your English TB 104

Revision 13-15Use of EnglishEJ Aim: to revise various language st ructures through a key word t ransform ation exercise

• Have Ss do the activity.• Check answers.

1. if I knew2. such a cold day that3. only you had followed/taken4 . he had seen5. wish I did not have6. she let me down7. ti me you started telling8. wish I had travelled

EJ Aim: to revise various structu ral forms through an open cloze exercise

• Ask Ss to read through th e text for gist without worrying about the missing words.• Ask Ss to fi ll in the gaps with a single word.• Check answers and ask Ss to justi fy th eir answers.

(1) who(2) of(3 ) to(4 ) it(5 ) and

(6) one(7) top(8) or(9 ) used

(10) will/can

Note: When th is activi ty is over, you may explai n any unknown words if necessary.

song SAims: • to listen to the song and check predictions

• to unde rsta nd th e gist of the song

• Ask Ss to read th rough the song for gist without worrying about the missing words.• Ask Ss to guess what the missing words are. .• Ask Ss to listen to the song carefutly and complete t he blanks• Play the ta pe.• Check answers.

Key .my bed, agent , and everywhere , by air, under the sky, on my own, long holiday, or money

Note: When this act ivity is over, you may explain any unknown words if necessary.

optional project

• Divide Ss into pairs or smal l groups.• Ask Ss in each pair/ group to make a holiday brochure. They should think of a place, fi nd photos and write texts

simila r to the ones found in the writ ing task (Student' s Book p. 103) and exercise E (Workbook p. 71).• Tell Ss to use language of praise and persuasion.• Have Ss present their projects in class.

105 TB Channel your English

Use of Englisho Complete the second sentence so that it has a sim ilar

meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.You must use between two and five words, including theword given.

1. "Do you know Mary's phone number?" John asked me.if John asked me _

Mary's phone number.

2. The day was very cold, so we decided to stay indoors.

such It was we decided

to stay indoors.

3 . It would have been better if you had taken my advice.

only If my advice.

4. "I saw a great fi lm on TV the other day," Bill said to Claire.had Bill told Claire that _

a great f ilm on TV the other day.

5. I hate waking up early but I have to.

wish I to wake up early.

6. She promised to help me, but she disappointed me in the end.

let She promised to help me, but _

in the end.

7. You should start tell ing the truth.

time It' s the truth.

8. I regret not t ravelling more when I was younger.

travelled I more when I

was younger.

EJ Read the text below and complete each blank with oneword only.

A recent survey shows that a lot of young people aged

between 18 and 25 have considered working in show

business. Everyone (1) took part in th is

survey was asked to give a descript ion (2) _

their ideal j ob. Almost all of them said that tradi t ional j obs

would bore them (3) death. Then, they were

asked to specify the kind of work they would like to do. Most

of them said that they would love to work in show business

because (4) is believed to be glamorous

(5) exciting, After examinin g the findings of

the survey more carefully, researchers pointed out that it all

comes down to (6) thing: the need for fame

and wealth. It seems that a job in showbiz would make them

feel on (7) of the world. That' s because

young people no longer want to become doctors, lawyers

(8) teachers as they once (9) _

to. But will th is passion last forever? Who knows? Only t ime

(10) tell!

song SYou will hear a song called I Wish I could gosomewhere. Before you list en, read the lyrics and tryto guess what the missing words are. Then, listen andcheck your predictions.


I Wish I Could Go Somewhere" L~' l-. tLh.rll _' Lfl --ll rIlrld LJ '0.

- -DrJ:W ~tl./ ·r- ~

I'm to o lazy to m ake ,"'" / I - ,.,- j ....;.~' (f '

I'll do something.p ifferent. ins~~____' / .-1'" ' ~-............--

I think I ""pi lie onmy .m at t ress ("'/

An~l\~":l°~ ,:r 't~ atlas 0C_~-A s ~elli!a/, it~pera':.Y~That rnytra It - .P<.... , sent me.

I'I " ~ ." ~} \,. -',.>: ,,'.,\ '.

"O ne life is no t enough .to see~,"'- ~ '\

The w or ld weijliv~ inlP,f", rl~' \ . .I w ish I could go som ",:Vher e . ~~~From here to there I ".' - -- 81

I'd go by road, by sea' llc'.,-_ _._•...:<,:...".c.., .,- _

By rail , on foot ... anyw~ere.\ '


I'd stay in hu mbl e'nlotel s,.J/

H ost el s ol"luxury hotels.-.9()" t~mping, sleep _

Will it be easy i f I try?

With com pany or _'- _

A s a t ourist or rolling st one.

I'd like to see the world today

Make my life a _

I admit it m ay sou nd funny

Since I have no t im e

I could t rav el imagining I were a king

It wouldn' t cost m e a thing

Channel your English 105

Unit 3 Lesson One

C LO R Q 1% answers


You 're outgo ing and confident, wh ich m eans your're a born leader. You like to get involved ineverything a nd you know how to hav e a good time. However. you ca n be bossy at t imes .

You 've got a great sense of humour. You're always cheerful a nd outgo ing. You're also sporty,creat ive and artistic .

You 're cool-headed and yo u love rout ine a nd sta bility. You're shy and di fficu lt to understandbeca use yo u're quite mysterious.

You really stand out from the crowd. Art appeals to yo u beca use it gives you t he oppo rt un ity toexpress yourself. You a lways like to look go od .

Emotions run your life because you're a dr eame r. You live in a world of your own and you can bestubborn. You like to party, so a ca reer in show biz is not out of the quest ion .

Your fr iends can a lways re ly on yo u and you a lso help strangers. You are a peaceful person butyo u are lazy, and you don't adapt to cha nge easily.

Unit 5 Lesson One

oral practice How much do you know about-London?

built St Paul's cathedral

flows through London

you can see wax models

ruled England for 64 years

is full of department stores

you ca n see the Crown J ewelsChristopher Wrent

. J~"' II '

\':\\ 'II•.~ tt ,I,. 6'

'fllssalid 's

Work in pairs, look at the prompts below and make true statements using who, Which, that or where as in the example.

e.g. A: I think Oxford Street is the place which...S: I don't agree. I think Oxford Street is the place where...

106 Channel your English

Student A

Welcome to Hong Kong, the city which never sleeps...


Kowloon Tong Festival Walk

A great place to shop. This shopping centre has acinema w ith e leven screens, theme restaurants,like the Rainforest Cafe , a huge ice rink and abookstore .

Unit 5 Lesson Three


Hong Kong Peak\ - - - - ---11


Take a trip to the Peak a nd enjoy a spectacularview of Hong Kong from the top. This h ill isth e perfect p lace to relax and have a picnicw ith fa mily and frie nds.*

Mongkok Markets

Visi t Mongkok, w hich is famou s forits m arkets . There are four of themca lled the Yuen Po Street BirdGa rden , the Flower Ma rket , theGoldfish Ma rket and the Ladies 'Market. You w ill see j ust abo uteveryth ing from exotic birds a ndt ropical fish to flowe rs and . / ..inexpensive fashionable clothes .

Unit 13 Lesson Three


Cliff MOfgB1land his Jazz band

Solo Jazz Club

For a relaxing eveningwith a pleasant atmosphere

Entrance free

ALIEN ATTACK!T hree hours of sci-f action that

will keep you on the edgeof your seat!

Chan nel your English 107

Student B

Unit 5 Lesson Three


Harbour Cruise \

Board a magnificent restaurantboat which sails along the VictoriaHarbou r. Enjoy a lovely dinnet witha ni ght view of the city and danceto the music of a live band.




Snoopy's World

Ente n irnagica l world and let Snoopy,Charlie Brown and t he re st of thePeanuts gang show you a good t im e !

Dragon Centre

If yo u ' re looking fora lit tle exc itement,yo u' re in the rightplace . It is the onlymall in Hong Kongwhich has a n indoorroller coaster.


Unit 13 Lesson Three


Twist and Shout!

An unforgettable night ofsingingand dancing to the rhythm

of the 60s

Performance starts01 9:30pm

Tickets priced at£10

RockmoopERSAT Gilbert Hall

Prep are yourselffor a wild night

of chart-topping hit s

. . 9.00 \ll1lt b e tJ'1l1S . •

Co nc e r 0

Hoek tr oupers 0 11 !'iluge: 10:00 I)mTickets 0 11 sa le Irum 3:00 pm((Ili e-li e !' expec ted]

70s and 80s night _at Nigh~r QiSCO B

Dan ce competition , win £1001Open from I 0:30 pm till 5:00 am

108 Channel your English

I once had a teacher

Who spoke like a preach e r

A lot of things he said

Still ec ho in my h ead

How ca n I shout or j ump about

Since I don 't kn ow much about

Physics and Mat hs and Biology

History, Music and Chemistry

I on ce had a teacher

Who spoke like a preacher

A lot of things he sa id

St ill echo in my head

All of you ought to learn va lues

Not just information

If you want to get a

Decent ed ucation

Everybody has to study

If they want to be so mebody

Learning at school can be an art

If you do it with your heart


'-,. son s: . I I •

Who's there?

There 's a shad ow by my side and there's nobody around

Th e w ind is howling in the night and I hea r a terrible sound

My hair is standing on end, my heart is beat ing very fast , it feel s like a rock

My temperature is rising, my body doesn't wo rk at all, it 's going in to shoc k

Chorus 1

Is there someone by my bed?

Can't you see it ? Can't you see it ?

Or is it a ll in my head?

Can't you se e it ? Can't you see it?

It' s the dead of the nigh t and the mo onlight fills the room

The shadow is co ming closer w ith a voice fu ll of doom

Its breath is ge tting heavy, and I can feel it 's touch, sending chills down my spine

1 don't know where to go, 1 don 't kn ow where to hide, I'm running out of time

Cho rus 2

Is there someone by my bed?

I ca n see it ! I can see it !

And it' s messing with my head!

1 can see it! I can see it!

It' s hard to learn everything you're taught

Will there be 'l\.s in my school report?

Phys ics, Maths, Biology

I' m afraid it 's a ll Gre ek to me

I once ha d a teac he r

Who spoke like a preach e r

A lot of things he said

St ill echo in my head

All of you ought to lear n values

Not just information

If you want to get a

Decent education

Everybody has to study

If they want to be somebody

Learning a t school can be an art

If yo u do it w ith your hea rt



It' s a Space bass

It 's a Space bass

It 's a Space bass

There's a pa rty going on for a week in space

Join me on a journey th rough t ime and space

Th ere's a sound unknown to the h uman ra ce

Rocking past ga lax ies throug h the nig ht

Travelling fas ter than t he speed of light

It 's a Space bass

It 's a Space bass

It 's a Space bass

Th e stars are moving , a ll the plane ts are grooving

Technology 's quickly cha nging, don't even think of sav ing

All the thing s from the past, the future 's here to last

Don't sit back and wait , let 's turn up the spa ce bass!

It' s a Space bass

It 's a Space bass

It 's a Space bass

Listen and you wi ll find , a rhythm that w ill blow your mind

A place that you 'll wanna be , dancing in virt ua l rea lity

So, pump up the volume, and keep up the pace

And mo ve your body to the sounds of Space ba ss

It 's a Space bass

It 's a Space bass

It 's a Space bas s


Channel your Engl ish 109

Grammar reference

UNIT 01 c:

Present Simple

The Present Simp le Is used for:• permanent situations

Sue works in a bank.

• routines / habitual actionsHe often goes out on Saturda ys.

• general truthsWater boils at 1oorc.

Time expressionsalways, often, usually, never etc.

every day, once a week etc.

Present Progressive

The Present Progressive Is used for:• temporary situations

She 's r eading a historical novel at present.

• actions happening at the moment of speakingThe dog's eating now .

• future arrangementsWe're visi ting m y aunt nex t Saturday.

I workDo you work?They don't work

I'm workingAre you working?They aren't working

He runsDoes she run?It doesn't run

He 's running

Is she running?It isn't running

NOTE: Certain verbs from the list above can beused in progressive tenses. but they have a differentmeaning:

• think ( = process in one's mind)I'm thinking about my summer holidays.

• see (= meet, visit)He's seeing the doctor tonight.

• have (= drink, eat, ta ke)She 's having dinner with a friend.

• taste (= try food)Mum's tasting the soup to see if it 's ready.

Adverbs of frequencyThe most common adverbs of frequency are:

always / usually / often / sometimesoccasionally / rarely / hardly ever / never

The adverbs of frequency are usuallyposit ioned:• before the main verb

Mark sometimes comes late to school.

• after the auxiliary/modal verbYou can always trust them.I don 't usually watch TV at weekends.

• after the verb beHe is often late for work.

UNIT 02 .

Past Simple

Time expressionsago, yesterday, in 1998, last week/month/nightetc.

The Past Simple Is used for:• completed actions that took place at a definite

time in the past. The time is either mentionedor implied.We walked to the station.She arrived here last week.

• ha bitual or repeated past actions .I played in a team wh en I was ten .

• completed actions which happened one afterthe other in the past.He got up, washed and left for work.

Time expressionsnow, at present, at the momenttoday, tonight etc.

Stative verbsThe following verbs are not normally used Inprogressive tenses:

• Verbs of the senses : feel , hear, smell, taste,notice, seem, look (= seem) etc.

• Verb s of emotions: love, hate, like, dislike,want, need, prefer, mind etc.

• Verbs of perception and opinion: know, think(=believe), believe, understand, remember,forget, hope, mean, imagine etc.

• Other verbs: be , have (= possess), own, belong,cost etc .

110 Channel your English

I workedDid you work?They didn't work

He ranDid she run?It didn't run

He was running

Was she running?

It wasn't running

UNIT 03 "

Present Perfect Progressive

Present Perfect Simple

He has run

Has she run?

It hasn't run

He has been running

Has she been running?

It hasn't been running

I have worked

Have you worked?

They haven't worked

I've been working

Have you been working?

They haven't been working

Time expressionsjust, yet, already, ever, never, how long,

for, since, recently; lately, once, twice etc .

Time expressionsfor, since, how long, all day/week etc.

The Present Perfect Simple is used for:• an action which happened in the past but the

exact time is not mentioned.I have visited Italy twice in my life.

• an action which started in the past andcontinues up to the present (emphasis on theaction) .I've had this car since 1998 (= I sti l l have it)

• actions that were completed recently (usuallywith j ust).She 's j ust finished cooking.

before/after + a certain point of t imeThey go t here befor e/after nine o'clock .

by = not later thanYou must have it ready by tomorrow.

ago refers to a period of t ime In the paststarting from nowThey left an hour ago .

The Present Perfect Progressive is used for:• an action or situation which started in the pa st

and continues up to the presen t (emphasis onthe duration) .Tom 's been listening to music for hours.

• an ac tion which happened over a period of timein the past and may ha ve fini shed, but itsresults are obvious in the present.I t 's been raining hard. The ro ads ar e still wet.

I was working

Were you working?

They weren't working--------'

Past Progressive

Prepositions of timeon is used:• before days and dates

on Sunday on 14 July on Christmas Day

• with the expressions : my binhday, a summernight, a Friday evening etc.

in is used:• before months, seasons, years, centuri es

in June in spring in 2001in the 19th cen tury

• before periods of the dayin the morning/afternoon/evening

at is used:• to show the exact time

at nine o'clock at half past ten

• with the expressions: the age of. Christmas,Easter, night, noon, midday, m idnight, theweekend

for + a period of time (to show how longsomething lasts)She waited for hours.

during + a definite period of t imeDuring 1999 cenain events changed m y life.You must be quiet during th e lesson.

from + a point of time to/until + a point oftimeShe works from 8:00 am to/until 4:00 pm.

The Past Progressive is used for:• actions that were in progress at a spec ific point

of time in the past.I was watching a film at ten o'clock las t night.

• an action that was in progress in the past whenit was interrupted by another action (The actionthat interrupted the one in progress is in thePast Simple.)We were having dinner when the lights wentout.

• actions that were happening at the same timein the past (usually with while, as).While Liz was preparing lunch Frank waswatching the news.

• background information.The sun was shining and the snow wa s meltingslowly.

Channel your English 111

referenceNOTES: 0 for + period oft ime

s ince + point of t imeI've been living here for ten years.I've been living here since 1992.have been = have visited and come backThey've been to Paris already.have gone = have not returned yetThey aren' t here; they've gone to the market.

o not so/as + adjective/adverb + asHe 's not so/as talented as his father.

o less + adjective/adverb + t hanH e 's less ta lented than his fa ther .

NOTE: To em phas ise a comparative we use thewords much, a lot and far.

She's much prettier than her friend Sally.

UNIT 04 .

The Future Will is used for :o prediction s

She 'll pass the exam .

• promisesI'll never do that aga in .

o offersI'll drive you to the sta tion .

o threatsI'll punish you if you say that a gain.

o on-the-spot decisionsI won 't b uy it; it's too expensive.

Future Progressive

The Future Progressive is used for:o ac tions that will be in progress at a specific

time in the future .We11 be driving to London at noon tomorrow .

The Future Going to is used for :o future plans

Ron is go ing to study astronomy.

o predict ions based on evidenceWatch tha t runner ; h e 's going to w in the race.

Comparisonso The com parative form of adjectives or adve rbs

is used when we com pare two pe op le, a nimals,th ings or s ituations .Mary is shorter than Susan .Th is book is more interesting than the on e Iread last week.He dri ves m or e carefully than his brother.

o The superlative form of adject ives or adverbs isused w he n we com pa re one person, an im al.thing or s ituat ion with several of the same kind.Wha les are the biggest an imals in the world.It 's th e m ost exciting experience I've ever had.

Irregular forms

Positive Comparative Superlative

good/well better best

bad/badly worse wors t

much/many mo re most

lit tle less least

far further/farther furthest/farthest

o The com paratives a nd superlatives ofone-syllable adject ives and adverbs are formedby adding the e nd ings -er a nd -est .ta ll- ta ller -tallestnear-nearer-nearest

o Th e comparatives and supe rlatives ofadj ectives a nd adverbs with three or m oresy llables a re for med w ith more/most +adj ectiv e/adverb.beautiful-more beautiful-most beautifulcom fortably-more comfortably-most comfortably

o Some two-syllable adjectives a nd adverbs formthe comparative and superlat ive wi th -er/-estand some ot he rs with more/most + adject ive/adverb.happy-happier-happiestuseful-more useful-most usefulearly-earlier-earliestslowly-mor e slowly-most slowly

Other forms of comparisono as + adj ective/adverb + as

H e 's as talented as his father.

112 Channel your English

Future Will

I'll work

Will you work?

They won't work

Future Going toI'm going to work

Are you going to work?

They aren't going to work

I'll be working

Will you be working?

They won' t be wo rking

He 'll run

Will she run?

It won't run

He 's going to run

Is she going to run?

It isn' t going to run

He ' ll be running

Will she be running?

It wo n' t be running

Future Perfect UNIT 05 ...'

NOTE: We never use the Future Will or FuturePerfect in time clauses. We use the Simple Present orthe Present Perfect.

When I get home, 1'1/ call you.

The Future Perfect is used for :• actions that will be completed befor e a specific

time or another ac tion in the future .He~l have fin ished reading the book before youarrive tomorrow.

NOTES: • Had to is used to express obligat ionin the past.I had to study hard when I was at college.Will have to is used to express obligation in the future.We'll have to stay late because there's a lot ofwork to be done.

Must / Have to / NeedExpressing obligation/necessity• Must is used whe n we persona lly feel that

something is the right thing to do.1 must tell her the tr uth.

• Have t o is used w hen we are obliged to dosomething.We have to be at sch ool a t 8: 00 am .

• Need is used when it is necessary to do something.I need to have a re st.

Defining Relative ClausesDefin in g relative clauses give information whichis needed to und e rstand the meaning of thesentence . They a re not separated from the mainclause by commas . They a re introduced byrelative prono uns/a dverbs .

• Who refers to people .She 's the gir l who lives nex t door .• Which refe rs to things, an imals and ideas .Th e book wh ich yo u bo ught is on the desk .• That can be used in stead of who/which.The p erson that informed m e is a friend.• Whose is used to refer to possessions .The m an whose car wa s stolen is a travel agent.• Where refers to places .The hotel w here we stayed wa s lux urious.

NOTES: • Who, which and that can beomitted if they refe r to the object of the sentence.They cannot be omitted if they refer to the subje ctof the sen tence. Whose and where cannot beomitted.The book (which) you lent me was boring.The book which is on the shelf is quite old.Prepositions usu ally appear at the end of therelative clause. The relative pronoun (who/which/ that) can be omitted.The chair (which/ that) I am sitt ing on isn' t verycomfortable.

Non-Defining Relative Clauses

He ' ll have run

Will she have run?

It wo n't have run

I'll have worked

Will you have worked?

They wo n't have worked

Expressing prohibition

• Mu stn't is used when we are not allowed to dosomething .You m ustn 't park here.

Expressing absence of obligation/necessity• Don't have to, don 't need t o and ne edn't are

used when it isn't necessa ry to do so met hing .You don 't have to go if you don 't wa nt to.She ne edn 't cook. We've had dinner al rea dy.

• Didn't have to and didn' t need to are usedwhen it was n' t necessary to do something inthe past.It w as qui te warm, so we didn 't have/need toturn th e heater on .

Non-de fining relative clauses g ive extrainfor mation about the person, thing or idea theyrefer to . They are always separated fro m the maincla use by com mas . They a re introduced byre lative pronouns/adverbs, which cannot be omitted .

• Who refers to people .Mr Brown who is our biology teacher, is quite old.• Which refers to things, animals, ideas.Our car, which cos t us a l ot, k eeps breaking down.• Whose is used to refer to possessions .My friend Fiona, w hose father wa s a famousscientist, is com ing to visit us next week.• Where refers to plac es.Paris, w here we spent our honeymoon, is a lovelyci ty.

Need you go out?Do I need to go out?

NOTE: Need can be a main verb or a modalverb. When it is a main verb, it is fol lowed by to + baseform. It can be a modal verb only in the inte rrogat iveand negative form of the Present Simple and it isfollowed by bare infinitive.

I need to go out.I needn't go out.I don't need to go out.

NOTES: • That ca nnot be used in non-definingrelative cla uses.

• Pre pos itions usual ly appea r at the beginning ofnon-deflntng relat ive clauses and a re followed byrelative pronouns.This cupboard, in which I keep my oId toys,hasn 't been cleaned for ages.

Channel your English 1 1 ..,

referenceUNIT 06 .~:

Zero ConditionalThe Zero Conditional is used to express generaltruths.

If-clause Main clauseIf + Present Simple -.. Present Simple

If you press the red button, th e machine starts .

Conditional Sentences Type 1Conditional sentences type 1 are used to refer tosituations which are possible in the present or future .

If-clause Main clausewill/must/should/can/may

<+ base fonn

If + Present Simple .Imperative

If we get there on time, we won 't miss th ebeginning of the film .If you go to the concert, you may get an autograph.If you see John, tell him about my party.

Conditional Sentences Type 2Conditional sentences type 2 are used to refer tosituations which are imaginary or unlikely tohappen in the present or future .

If-clause Main clauseIf + Past Simple -.. w ould, could, might +

base form

If I had more money, I would buy a bigger house.

NOTES: • We may use when instead of ifinthe Zero Conditional.When you press the red button, th e machinestarts.

• In condit ional sentences type 2 were isoften used instead of was in the if-clause .If I were rich I would live in a luxurioushouse.

• Unless can be used instead of if. . . not... in a llconditional sentences.I won 't buy this car unless you agree(=ifyou don 't agree).

• Condition al sentences type 2 are also usedto express an opinion or to give advice.If I were you, I wouldn 't buy it.

ArticlesThe indefinite article wan is used before singularcountable nouns when we refer to th em in the irgeneral sense or when they are mentioned for thefirst tim e.

114 Channel your English

An architect designs buildings.Sh e received a parcel yesterday.

The definite article the is u sed before cou ntableand uncountable nouns when we refer to:

• som ebody/so methin g already mentionedShe is on a business trip. The trip will last three days.

• unique thingsThe Moon revolves around th e Earth.

• somebody/something specificThe rain caused m any problems.

• the superlat ive degree of adj ectives/adve rb sHe's the best student in class.

• seas, rivers, oceans, desertsthe Mediterranean Sea , the Pacific Ocean

• groups of islands. mountain ranges, count ries inthe pluralthe Alps, the Canary Islands, th e USA

• nationalities (when we refer to the wholenation)the English

• family names (when we refer to the wholefamily)The Smiths are visiting us tonight.

• names of hot els, restaurants, theatres, cinemas ,newspapersthe Rex cinema, th e Times, the Shangri-Larestauran t.

• musical instrumentsSh e plays th e violin.

The definite article the is not used when we referto:

• names of people , streets, islands, mountains,cities, count ries, cont inentsMandy Brown, Malta, Everest, Madrid, Asia

• days an d monthson Friday, in June

• uncountable or plural countable nouns in the irgeneral senseCats like milk.

• magazines, sports, games, colours, languages(when the word language does not follo w),school subjectsI like volleyball.My favo urite colour is blue.Does he speak Spanish ?

• abstract nounsLove is a beautiful thing.

• mealsWhat shall we have for dinner?

• the words: hospital. school, work, home, bed,ch urch prison, university, when they a re usedfor the purpose for whic h they exist .Mark had an accident and was taken to hospital.

He had run

Had she run?

It hadn't run


Past Perfect Simple

I had worked

Had you worked?

They hadn't worked-~-~~-_.......

The Past Perfect Simple is used for:o an action which had already happened before a

specific time or another action in the past.After I had read the book, I lent it to Joan.She had finished work by 6:00 pm.

Past Perfect Progressive

I had been working He had been running

Had you been working? Had she been running?

They hadn't been working It hadn't been running

The Past Perfect Progressive is used for:o an action which had been going on for some

time before another action or a specific time inthe past.We had been waiting for hours when the busfinally arrived.

Time linkers• While and as are used to link two past actionswhich were happening at the same time or tointroduce the 'longer' of the two actions . They arecommonly used with the Past Progressive.AslWhile she was doing her homework, herb:other was watching a film .

AslWhile I was waiting for a taxi, it started torain.

• When, after, before, until, as soon as, by thetime are used to link two past actions, one ofwhich happened earlier than the other. We oftenuse the Past Perfect for the action whichhappened earlier.After she had passed her driving test, she boughta car.As soon as she realised she had lost her wallet,she went to the police station.By the time we arrived, the play had started.


Had BetterHad better is used to show that something isadvisable. It refers to the present or future, notthe past. It is followed by infinitive without to. Itsnegative form is had better not. In spokenEnglish the short form is commonly used(I'd better, you'd better etc.).You'd better ask a doctor about it.

Would RatherWouldrather is used to express preference. It isfollowed by infinitive without to and than. Itsnegative form is would rather not. In spokenEnglish the short form is commonly used(I'd rather, you 'd rather etc.).I'd rather listen to pop music than rock music.

Should / Shouldn'tWe use should/shouldn't + bare infinitive to:

o ask for and give adviceShould I stay or should I go?

• express an opinionShe should tell her mum about it.

o make a suggestionShouldn't we discuss it with the boss first?

o express mild obligationYou should go to work on time.

NOTE: Should/shouldn't + infinitive refersto the present or future.

We use should + have + past participle to:

o express regret about something that didn'thappen in the pastI should have told the truth.

• criticise somebody's behaviourYou should have been more careful.

We use shouldn't + have + past participle to:

• express regret about something that happenedin the past and was wrongI shouldn't have bought that old car.

NOTE: Ought to can be used instead ofshould in all the above cases.

Channel your English 1.1.5

Grammar referenceUNIT 09 ' The Passive Voice is formed:

Past SimpleHe was paidWas she paid?It wasn't paid

Present SimpleHe is paidIs she paid?It isn't paid

I a m call edAre you called?They aren't ca lled

I was ca lledWere you called?They weren't called

with the ve rb be in the appropriate form and thepast participle of the main ve rb ,

• may/m ight + base form expresses possibility inthe present or fu ture .I m ay/migh t go to Sally's party.

• m ay/might + have + past participle expresses .possibility in the past.Sh e might have overslept and gone to worklate.

• cou ld + have + past participle expressespossibility in the past w hich was not fulfill ed .They could have had an accident.

Expressing possibility

I'll be ca lle dWill you be ca lled?They w ill be ca lled

I can be calle dShould you be ca lled?They mustn't be ca lled

Making deductions• must + base form expresses ce rtainty that

something is true .He must be at work righ t no w.

• can't + base form expresses beli ef thatsomething is impossible ,That can 't be Tom ; he 's not in town .

• must + have + past participle expressesce rtainty that so meth ing happened in the past,The y must have seen the robbery outside theirhouse.

• can't/couldn't + have + past participleexpresses ce rtainty that something didn'thappen.The y can't have h eard the doorbell; they wereout.

Although / Even thoughIn spite of / DespiteAlthough, even though, in spite of and despit eare used to in troduce an idea w hich is in contrastwith the idea the m ain clause expresses ,

Although and even t hough are followed by aclause (subject + verb).

Although/Even though it was raining, we went out.

Present Perfect SimpleI' ve been ca lled He 's been paidHave you been called? Has she been paid?They haven't been called It hasn't been paid

Past Perfect SimpleI'd been calle d He 'd been paidHad you been ca lled? Had she been paid?They hadn't been called It hadn't been pai d

Future WillHe 'll be paidWill she be paid?It won't be paid

Modal VerbsHe may be paidMust she be paid?It can't be paid

Mandy was fired yesterday.Our h ouse has been broken into twice .

NOTE: When we want to mention who orwhat is resp onsible for the ac t ion, we usethe agent (by + noun).The book was writ ten by a young author.

In spite of a nd despite are followed by a noun, aprono un or a n -ing for m .In spite of/ Despite the rain, we went out,In spite of /Despite being sick, Phil went to work ,

UNIT 10 a:

Passive Voice IThe Passive Voice is used:

to emphasise the ac t ion ra ther than w ho or whatis resp onsible for it,

Present Participle ­Participle ClausesThe Present Participle (base form + -lng) isused in Participle Clauses:

• to replac e a t ime cla use (when , wh ile , after etc .+ subject + ve rb)Reading th e report, I noticed th ere were somemistakes .

• to replace a clause of reason (because , as, since+ subject + ve rb)Being ill, I was unable to go to work.

116 Channe l your EngliSh

NOTES: • The negative form of the presentparticiple is not + present participle.When a sentence starts with a presentparticiple, the subject of the participle is thesame as the subject of the verb in the mainclause.Not knowing what to do, the old lady calledfor help. (= Th e old lady didn't know w hat todo, so she called for h elp .)

UNIT 11 .•

Infinitives and -ing formsThe full infinitive is used:• to express purpose

She went out to buy some m ilk.

• after it + be + adjectiveit 's nice to h ear you 11 be back soon.

• after too and enoughShe is too busy to ta lk to yo u now.He's not tall enough to reach the shelf

• after certain verbs (want, would like, hope,decide, plan, advise, offer etc.)They've offered to help us with our project.

• after question words (who, w hat, ho w etc .)I don't know what to do.

The bare infinitive is used:• after modal verbs (can, may, m ust, shou ld etc.)

You should pay the phone bill today.

• after the verbs let and make in the active voi ceMy mother makes me study at the weekend.

• after would rather and had betterI'd rather stay at home tonight.

The -lng form is used:• after ce rtain verbs (avo id, enjoy, love, hate,

suggest, consider etc .)1 love going out on Saturday evenings.

• after certain expressions (how about, it's nouse, it 's n o good, there's no point in etc.)There's no point in telling her about i t .

• after prepositions (for, about etc.)We're th ink ing about moving house.

Passive Voice II. Present Progressive

I am being called He's being paidAre yo u being called? Is she being paid?They aren' t being ca lled It isn't being paid

Past ProgressiveI was being called He was bei ng calledWere you being ca lled? Was she being paid?They weren't being called It wasn't being paid

Verbs with two objectsSome verbs (give, offer, send etc.) usually taketwo objects in th e active voice:

They offered Tracy some flowers.

The passive vo ice can be formed in two ways:

• indirect object (as subject) + verb be + pastparticiple + direct objectTracy was offered some flow er s.

• d irect object (as subject) + verb b e + pastparticiple + to + indirect objectSome flow er s were offered to Tracy.

UNIT 12 .

CausativeThe causativ e is u se d w hen we do not dosomething ourselves, but we arrange forsomebody else to do it for us.

subject + have/get + obj ect + past participle

Present Simple : I have my car serviced.Present Progressive: I'm h aving my car serviced.Past Simple: I had my ca r serviced. ", _

Past Progressive : I was having my ca r serviced .Future Will: I' ll have my car serviced. 'Present Perfect Simple: I've had my car serviced.Past Perfect Simple: I had ha d my car serviced. ­Modal Verbs: I must have my ca r serviced.

NOTES: • The interrogative and negativeforms of the Present Simple and the PastSimple are formed with the auxiliariesdo/does and did.H ow often do you h ave your ha ir cut?Sue didn 't have her hair cu t yesterday.In informal langua ge we can use get insteadof have.I m ust get the TV set repaired .

Infinitive of purpose ­For + -ing formPurpose is expressed w ith :

• full infinitiveShe went out to b uy a newspaper.

• for + - in g formWe use this knife for cutting bread.

Channel your English 117

Grammar reference

Reported SpeechReported Statements• Reported Speech is used when we report whatsomebody said without using their exact words.We use a reporting verb (usually say or tell) andth at before the reported statement. That can beomitted.

• When a sentence is changed into ReportedSpeech, pronouns and possessive adj ectiveschange according to the meaning of the sentence.M y sister always says, " You can 't take m y CDs."My sister always tells m e that I can 't take herCDs.

• When the reporting verb is in the Past Tense.we usually make the following changes:

Present Simple -+ Past SimpleSue said, "I need a new pair of trainers. "She said that she needed a new pair of trainers.

Present Progressive -+ Past ProgressiveBob said. "I 'm writing the report. "Bob said he was writing the report.

Past Simple -+ Past Perfect SimpleLynn said, "M um made a cake."Lynn said her mum had made a cake .

Present Perfect -+ Past PerfectJoe said, "I've finished doing my homework."Joe said he had finished doing his homework.

will -+ wouldMark said, "I'll let you know soon ."Mark said he would let me know soon.

can -+ couldHelen said, "I can finish that later ."Helen said she cou ld finish that later .

may-+mightFrank said, "I may Iind some free time."Frank said he might find some free time.

must -+ had toI said, "I must get back home early."I said I had to get back home early.

today -+ that dayPhoebe said, "We'r e having pizza for l unchtoday. "Phoebe said they were having pizza for lunchthat day.

yesterday -+ the previous day / the day beforeDad said, "I bought the tickets yesterday."Dad said he had bought the tickets theprevious day.

this morning, year ete. -+ that morning, yearetc.

Liz said, "I haven't been abroad this year."Liz said she hadn 't been abroad that year.

118 Channel your English

t om orrow -+ the next day / the following dayFay said, "I 'm visiting my grandparentstomorrow."Fay said she was visiting her grandparentsthe following day.last w eek, month etc. -+ the previous week,

month etc. / theweek, month ete.before

Dave said, "I met her last year."Dave said he had met her the p re vi ous year.

next week, month etc. -+ the followingw eek, month ete.

Leo said, "I'll take the exam next year."Leo said he would take the exam thefollowing year.

NOTE: The Past Perfect and the verbscoul d. might, shoul d, wo uld and used to do no tchange in Reported Speech.

Reported Questions• We usually introduce Reported Quest ions with

the reporting verbs ask, wonder and what toknow.

• Reported questions follow the word ord er ofaffirmative sentences."What did you say?" he asked.He asked me what I had said.

• If a direct question begins with a questionwo rd. the reported question also begins withthe same question wo rd ."What are you doing?" she asked.She wanted to know what I was doing.

• If a direct question does not begin wi th aquestion word, the reported question beginswith i f or whether.

• "Are you going to the party?" he asked.He asked me if I was going to the pa rty.

• When we change questions from Direct toReported Speech, pronouns, tenses, adverbsetc. change in the same way as when we reportstatements.

Reported Commands and Requests• We commonly use tell when we report

commands and ask when we report reques ts.

• The Imperative changes to full infinitive ornot + fu ll infinitive."Stay there, " the man said.The man told me to sta y there.

"Don 't take this away, " she said.She asked me not to take that away.


Conditional Sentences Type 3NOTE: Instead of say and tell we can also

use some ot her reportin g ve rbs :o refuse, promise, agree + full infinit iveo suggest, admit, deny + -ing formo advise, order, remind + obj ect + full infinit ive If-clause

If + Past PerfectMain clause

______ w ould, could, might +past participle

UNIT 14 l

Unreal PastSometimes we use the Past Simple whenreferring to the present or future . This is ca lle dUnreal Past.o wish / if only + Past Simple: to make a wish

abo ut a present s ituation we would like to bedifferent.I wish I had the m oney to buy this car.

o would rath er + Past Simple : to ex presspreference w hen there are two diffe rentsubject sto ask som ebody to do somethin g differentfrom what is being doneI'd rather you didn 't use my phone.

• it 's time + Past Simple: complain, criticise orexpress w hat we think should be done .It 's time you had your hair cut.

NOTE: In Unreal Past we usually use wereinstead of was.

Clauses of ResultTo express result we use:o so + adj ectiv e / adverb + (that)

The room was so cold that we turned on theheater.

o such + (a/an) + (adj ective) + noun + (that)It was such a successful book that it became abest se ller.This restaurant serves such good food that it 'salways full.

NOTES: 0 We say so + m uc h/many, butsuc h a lot of

• That cart be omitted especially in spokenEnglish.

Conditional sentences type 3 are used:o to talk abo ut im agina ry/unreal situations in the

pastIf I had finished earlier, I would ha ve le t youknow.

• to express regretIf I had been m ore care ful, I wo uldn 't have hadan acciden t.

• to criticiseIf you had told th e tru th. you wouldn 't have gotinto trouble.

Wish / If only + Past PerfectWe use wish / if on ly + Past Perfect to expressregret abo ut something that happened or didn'thappen in the past.I wish I hadn 't bought this car; it keeps breakingdown.If only I had th ought about it earlier.

Channel your English 119


Nico le: Well, for me, riding the perfect wave i~ like Interviewer: Good evening, ton ight we have with usliving your life on the edge. I've been doing this quite a remarkable couple, Jill and Nickpract ically all my life. It 's an amazing feeling Robertson...balancing on your board and watching the Nick: Hello.shore rushing towards you. This sport takes Jill: Hi.dedicat ion, a lot of hard work and practice if Interviewer: Now, let me get th is straigh t. You spentyou want to get the hang of it. Once you do the whole of last year in a hut, in thethough the feel ing is unbeatable. You need to Antarcti c, with below zero temperaturesbe stro ng and have good baiance too. A great and with winds of up to 300 kilometresadvantage of th is sport is that you can meet per hour. You must have amazingcool guys although most of the m think you're strength, will, and determinatio n to dono good because you're a girl. I enjoy proving to this, or are you just crazy?them how wrong they are. Since I live near the Nick+JiII: Ha, ha, ha...beach I try to go there even in the winter. My Interviewer: No really, what gave you the idea to domates get so annoyed when we go there to such a thing?hang out and I rush off to catch that perfect Nick: We saw an art icle in a magazine aboutwave instead. other couples who had been there. There

was an e-mail address at the bottom, soLaura: Last year my dad and I wanted to tr y someth ing Jill sent for more informat ion and that was

different so we gave it a go. My f irst lesson was it, we were hooked...bri lliant. I'd be lying if I said it wasn't Interviewer: The quest ion is, though, why on earthfrighten ing. But the more we went the more I would you want to do somethingenjoyed it and forgot about my fear. I started like that?taki ng off from small hills but now I go for Jill: I hate it when people ask that. People aregreater heights. I feel more confident and I love always asking me and I just answer, 'Whythe sense of freedom and adventure you get, not?' I mean, it's all about adventure.You have a bird's eye view of the world and the Interviewer: You can say that again! But surely it wassea looks magnificent from up there . You dangerous. Weren't you scared at all?def initely need to be fit because there's a great Jill: A bit, but before we left we had a trainingdeal of climb ing involved. This sport isn't as course which we both enjoyed very much.dangerous as people think. All you have to do is It taught us about surviving in sub-zeroavoid t rees and hope for a crash-free landing. condit ions. The worst danger weHa, hal So far, I haven't had any accidents. discovered was falling into holes in theUnfortunately, this sport isn't good for meeting ice... t hat 's not much fun, as Nick foundguys because they're mostly older than I am. out.My friends thin k I'm crazy for wasting my Nick: Don't remind me.weekends on it but I love it ! Interviewer: Did you have any contact with the outside

world?Sarah: At fi rst I didn 't take it seriously. I sta rted it t hree Jill: The hut had a satellite communica t ion

years ago to learn self-defence but now I'm device, but we couldn't make iteven competing. Just recently I won a medal. work all the t ime and when we did it wasAlthough it's fun, it's also a lot of hard work. I diff icult to get a signal, so wetrain five t imes a week. This sport is a form of gave up trying to use it.martial art, like karate or judo where you have Interviewer: So you didn't see anyone else for a wholeto kick , punch or throw your opponent on the year.f loor in order to win. As it's a contact sport, it Nick: Well, there was that time when...can be quite dangerous and you can hurt Jill: Oh yes, of course. One night we wereyourself pretty badly. I inj ured my shoulder last having our dinner...year. Going home with bruises, broken bones or Nick: Tinned salmon again.strained muscles is someth ing I've got used to. Jill : ...and there was this funny noise. NickI feel that this sport has done a lot for me. I've thought it was just the wind but itbecome more confident and I feel better about was gett ing louder, as if it was getting...myself. I've made loads of friends here at the closer. Suddenly, the room wasclub and the guys don't treat us differently f looded with light from the window. I wasbecause they know we're just as good. quite fr ightened to be honest

with you. Then, there was this 'thud !'

120 Channel your English






I opened the door and found a box outs idein the snow. I looked up and saw a helicop­ter f lying away. They were passing nearbyand someone told them that we were outthere. They dropped us a box withnewspapers. magazines and some freshfruit and vegetables. It was a lovelysurprise.But then they were soon gone and we wereon our own again.You must have been terribly lonely att imes.And bored. The winter was the worst part ,you see. it 's dark for monthsat a tim e and we were all aione downthere. there's no life whatsoever.Apart from two crazy humans...Ha, ha, true...Now. someone told me that in theAntarcti c... (fade out)

3.Adrian: OK, now. Will you tell me what's up with you?Millie: Oh, I cant stand th is new guy. Brandon.Adrian: Why? What's wrong with him?Millie: Well, he has this know-it-all air and thinks that

everyone has to listen to him and follow hisorders.

Adrian: Really? I didn't get that impression about him.Millie: Look. we've been tr ying to organise this school

celebrat ion for ages now and as soon as he got \involved, he started criti cising us with anover-confident voice and making really rudecomments.

Adrian: I see what you mean, but...Millie: It 's just that he can't accept that there's nothing

really compet it ive in this celebrat ion. It 's a jointeffort and it's really annoying having someone tellyou what to do all the time .




1 .Hi sis, am I calling at a bad t ime? I'm sorry to bother youat work, but I really need to talk to you. No... no... it 's gotnothing to do wit h the kids. It's Pauline. you know. fromnext door. I just can't take it anymore. She's become soannoying. I mean. she just doesn't care what others th ink.She behaves as if she is the only person in the world. Canyou imagine she had a party last night in her back gardenthat went on till early in the morning? I couldn't get anysleep because she had the music blast ing all night long. Itdoesn't bother her in the least t hat people have to go towork the next day. My friends and I have parti es too, sis,but we care about the people around here... Of course Iwent over to talk to her. but she was so rude... Sheactually slammed the door in my face... No I didn't , but ifthis continues. I'll have no other choice but to call thepolice.

Hey, John! How are things at home?Boring. You've got no idea what it 's like to have no­one in the house to talk to except your parents.

Susan: Well. at least you've got t he room to yourself now.No more sharing.

John: I know... It's j ust that the house is so empty nowthat Matt's away at college.

Susan: Don't worry! You'll get used to it. I had the sameprobiem when my older sister moved away.

John: Just the other day I really needed his opinion onsomething.

Susan: So why didn't you call him up?John: I did, but he wasn't there. Sometimes I feel like he

has no time for his littl e brother with all t hat workhe's got at Uni.

Speaker 1I don't know what to say. I've only been at Farnham Hill fora few months. but I think I've settled in OK. The onlyproblem I have is homework. I spend most of my free t imemarking. I discussed the matter with th e headteacher, butI seem to be the only one complaining . I don't have aproblem with the kids, they're OK. However, some of themseem to spend all th eir break t ime in the gym. They thinkevery lesson should be PE.

Speaker 2It's all right I suppose. But I think I prefer my oid school.Probably because it was easier. I mean. the deadlines forprojects we get are rid iculous. I spent the whole of thisweekend tr ying to fi nish one - and I got a terrible mark. Isit worth it? I have to say the gym is a big bonus. althoughwe aren't allowed in there as oft en as we'd like. How arewe supposed to pract ise? One PE lesson a week is notenough.

Speaker 3Farnham Hill? It 's a great school. The teachers really knowhow to get the best out of stud ents . Three generat ions ofmy family went there and we all benefitted from it. Ofcourse, nowadays it 's a lot different. The facilit ies areextre mely good. There's a computer room. a swimmingpool and a full y-equipped gym. We didn't have all that inmy day, you know.


Luke: So what was the film like?Ellen: I must say it was better than I thought it would be.Luke: Was it anything like the book? Because that was

fabulouslEllen: Well. that was the best thing. All the actors, setti ngs

and that were just how I had imagined the m.

Channelyou r English 121

Li tenin Transcri ts <!ILuke: Tell me more. What was Hogwarts like? I saw a bit

on the trai ler.Ellen: Brilliant.Luke: Do you thi nk they used a real school?Ellen : They didn't. I read about it on the Net.Luke: So? Was it all filmed in a studio?Ellen: Actually, they used lots of different sites around

England.Luke: Oh! So they did use real places.Ellen : Yes, the castle grounds around Hogwarts were

fi lmed at Alnwick Castle . That's where Harry learnsto ride his broomstick.

Luke: Really? I went there once with my parents when Iwas little.

Elle n: Well, it was huge!Luke: I know, it 's the second largest inhabited castle in

England.Ellen: You mean people live there?Luke : Yep. And they've made other films there too, like

Robin Hood.Ellen: Oh, I thought I'd seen it somewhere before.Luke : What about the Hogwarts Express?Ellen: The train? Well, they used the stat ion in a village

called Goathland, which is somewhere in Yorkshireand the steam train was from the old WestSomerset Railway.

Luke: Tell me about inside the school. The classrooms,the Main Hall?

Ellen : They must have used special effects to make theenchanted ceiling, i suppose. I do know tha t someof the school scenes were fi lmed at GloucesterCathedral, where they used some of the studentsfrom the school next to the cathedral as extras.

Luke: Wow! Imagine being in the Harry Potter fi lm. Did theextras get to play Quidditch?

Ellen: No, they were just in the background , around theschool and in classes.

Luke: What about the stadium at Hogwarts? You know,where they play Quiddi tch...

Ellen: I'm not sure. A lot of it was fi lmed at LeavesdenStudios. So they might have done it there.

Luke : With computer graphics and stuff .Elle n: Yeah. The fi lm was full of great special effects.Luke: That 's it ! I'm going to see it tonight.Ellen: I'll come with you!Luke: Again? It must be good!


Kelly: Good evening. Tonight on "Green Talk" we have anenvironmental specialist with a different point ofview. Dr Carl Olsen. Welcome, Carl.

Carl: Thank you, Kelly.Kelly: So, Carl, let me get th is stra ight. You believe there's

nothing wrong with the environment.Carl: No, no. People often make th is mistake. I'm not

saying there are no problems, but they are not asserious as some environmenta lists will have youbelieve.

Kelly: So, you're against environmenta lists?Carl : It 's funny you shou ld say that. You see, I used to be

a strong green supporter.Kelly: Really? What made you change your mind?Car l: One day I read an article which argued that the

environment was doing better than ever. I was soangry that I decided to prove it wrong. But afte r I'ddone quite a lot of research, I realised the personwho wrote it was actual ly right.

Kelly: What do you mean?Car l: Well, everybody seems to believe that we will run

out of fossil fue ls. That's nonsense! In fact, it 'sunl ikely that we'll cont inue using fossil fuels in thefut ure. The oil age wont end because we will runout of oil, but because we'll be using more of thealternat ive sources of energy, like the sun, windand sea...

Kelly: I see. What about pollut ion? It seems to be a bigproblem in lots of cit ies, what with the burning offossil fuels, cars, indust ries...

Carl: I thin k that the air and water are becoming lessand less polluted. Many countries have done a lotto reduce pollution and thi s has considerablyhelped solve the problem.

Kelly: Right. But surely global warming is a threat to ourenvironment. If the climate becomes warmer, theice on the Poles will melt , t he level of the sea willrise and we'll have floods.

Carl: Don't worry Kelly, we're not going to drown. Thetemperatu re is rising, I'm not saying it isn't. It'sincreasing between 2 to 3 degrees Celsius, not 5degrees as some people like to believe. Besides, itwill fall once fossil fuels are replaced. .

Kelly: Yes, but by the t ime that happens, the environmentwill be a lot less green.

Carl: It might sound funny to you, but global warming willactually make the Earth greener. There's proofalready. And contrary to what others believe,human health could also improve from this climatechange. More people die from cold weather thanfrom the heat. Isn't that so?

Kelly: You've got a point there Carl, but I can't.,


Narr ator: The Speckled Band, by Arthur Conan Doyle.A young woman asks Sherlock Holmes toinvest igate the mysteri ous death of her sister,who died at Dr. Roylott 's house. Before she died,the only th ing she could say was "The speckledband!". Holmes and his companion Dr Watsonvisit Dr Roylott 's house, a place full of wildanimals. When we left them in last week'sepisode, they were inside the house, quietlywaiting in the dark. This week is the last episode,in which Holmes reveals who the murderer isand uncovers the mystery of the speckled band...

Holm es: Listen, Watson! You see it, Watson? You see it?It's on the bellrope. Aaaaaaa!


atson:oice:olm es:


Wats on:Holmes:

Wats on:Hol mes:


Watson:Hol mes:

Wats on:Holmes:

Watson:Holmes:Watson :


I can 't see anyth ing, Holmes .It must have gone back th rough the ventilator.What went th rough the vent ilator?AAAMAARRRRGGGHH!!It's al lover. Perhaps it 's for the best. Come,Watso n, we sha ll ente r Dr Roylott's room .Oh dear, is he...Yes. A te rrible way to go, but he was a murdereraf te r all.What's that th ing arou nd his head?That, my dear Watson, is th e speck led band . It 'sa swa mp adder, India's most poisonous snake.He died alm ost instant ly.But how on ear th did you know, Holme s?Well, I knew th at someth ing was going to comet hrough t hat venti lator because of t he bellrope.I'm not sure I follow you.The bellrope that I hit with my cane is use less.When I pulled it, nothing happened. So why is itt here?So someth ing coul d climb down it.Exactly, Watson . And land on the bed to attackits vict im.But how did you know it was a snake?Well, it was obvious. Roylott had a knowledge ofIndian wildlife so, he knew t hat th e poison fromt his sna ke cannot be discove red in t he victim'sbody.I see . The perfect weapon.When I hit t he swamp adder with my cane climbed back through th e vent ilator and bitits owner.Precisely! The murderer was killed wit h his ownte rrible wea pon , so there is nothing to fee l sor ryabout .

Number three. You have a f riend who's not very clever. Hereally needs to pass next week's maths test . He asks youif he can sit next to you and copy from you. What do youdo? Do you...a. pretend you're il l so you miss the test?b. let him copy off you? orc. offer to help him out by stu dying toge ther?

On to number four. A girl in your class is runni ng for classpresident. All your fri ends are vot ing for her beca use sheis popular. However, you know th at the boy runni ngagai nst her would be a better leader. What do you do?a. Don't vote or get involved?b. Vote for t he boy but tell all your f riends you voted fo r th e

girl?c. Decide to help the boy become class president ?

Number five . You're out shopping with your friend. You t ryon a jacket which you think looks cool, but your fri endsays it makes you look st upid. What do you do? Do you...a. buy it , but not wear it when you go out wit h your fri end ?b. decide not to buy the jacket because you tru st your

f riend 's tas te in clothes? orc. buy t he jacket because you like it?

That 's it. Now add up your scores . 1 point for any 'a'answe rs, 2 points fo r 'b' and no points for 'c'. I'll be backafter this short commercial break to give you the resu lts.

And now... the results .If your sco re is between 0 and 3 points, then you are not apee r pressure victim. You're not af raid to speak your mindand you usually do what YOU t hink is right.


Narrator :And now, I hope you've got your pencils ready because it 'st ime for our weekly quiz. This week, 'Are you a peerpressure vict im?' Let's f ind out... .

Number one. A cousin of yours has come to visit. He's OK,but there's one problem . He's so unfashionable it 'sembarrass ing. You 've made plans to go to a cafe with yourfri ends. What do you do?-Do you...a. go to th e cinema with your cousin instead?b. stay home and watch TV with your cousin? orc. bring your cousin along to the cafe anyway?

Number two. Your parents have gone away for theweeke nd so you're home alone . Your mates want to havea party but you know your parents wouldn 't like it.Do you...a. invite a few fr iends over fo r a quiet night?b. invite loads of people over for a wild party? orc. tell your fr iends that a party's out of t he question and

suggest going out instead?

If your score is between 4 and 7 points, you haven't got abig peer pressure problem. But th at 's proba bly becau seyou avoid makin g difficult decisions and take the easy wayout. Don 't be afraid to have an opinion sometimes.

Right t hen , if you got between 8 and 10 points, th enyou've got a problem. You t ry very hard to be acce pted .Unfortu nate ly, the result is people take advantage of you.Try to be more self-confident.

That 's all from me. Next week 's quiz, 'Are you an Internetaddict?'See you next week, bye bye.


Hello folks, Jim Wiseman here aga in with our come dy slot ,whe re I give you all t he info on what 's going on in th eworld of come dy. But let me start by te lling you somethingt hat' s been bugging me for the last few days. There aren'tmany of us who do n't enjoy a good come dy, whether in th et heat re, at the cinema or on television. We do have ourprefere nces , of course, some people prefe r romanticcomedy to blac k come dy, and young people naturally will

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probably prefer kid comedies. Things like Home Alone , youknow... Then, when the theat re and television awardsceremon ies come round. people give credit and honourt he comedies. That is not the story. however, in Hollywood.Did you know that since World War II only one comedy haswon the Oscar for best picture at the annual academyawards ceremony in Los Angeles? That was Woody Allen'sAnnie Hall in 1977. It's st range because there have beensome excellent performances. In 1981 , Ar thur was thesmash hit of the year and, in my opinion, it didn 't facemuch competition . There were great performances byDudley Moore and Lisa Minelli, but all it earned was abest support ing actor award for Sir John Gielgud. Thesame was true in 1992 with the wacky comedy DeathBecomes Her, a very enterta ining box off ice smash.However, it did not receive any recognit ion. Probably thebiggest injustice was the film Four Weddings and aFuneral. I mean, I haven't met anyone that didn'tthoroughly enjoy that movie, but it did not receive anyaward from the Academy. It 's not as if they don't honourcomedians. Robin Williams is best known for his crazyhumour, but when he received his Oscar, it was for adramatic roie in t he 1997 fi lm Good Will Hunt ing. So,come on, guys, start giving the funny people a break. Afterall, we have plenty of reasons to cry and it is much harderto make people really laugh and enjoy themselves.Anyway, this week there's a new comedy which...


Frank: Well, here we are on another 17th of March.Jerry: Yeah, another Saint Patri ck's Day parade in New

York.Frank : Tell me, Jerry, how long have you lived in New

York?Jerry: Let 's see. I'm 29 now and I came here when I was

21. Yes, it must be nearly eight years.Frank: And have you been working on the radio all that

tim e?Jerry: Oh God, no. When I f irst got here, I did what nearly

every Irish immigrant seems to do.Frank: What's that? You became a New York cop?Jerry: Come on now, Frank!Frank: But isn't there a history of Irish immigrants who

came to New York and joined the police force?Jerry: Of course, but that was about a hundred years

ago. No, I worked in an Irish bar for six monthsunt il I got my first job in jou rnalism.

Frank: I have to admit that Irish bars are the best. But tellme, are the bars here iike the ones back inIreland?

Jerry: They try to be, but it 's never the same. I think itmight be the variety of people that go to them. Itmakes the atmosphere completely different.

Frank: So, they don't make you feel like you're backhome?

Jerry: Listen, Frank, there are more than forty mil lionpeople here who say they are Irish, but they don'tlive like the people in Ireland do. They only think

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they're Irish because they go to bars or wear green.Frank: So, seeing everybody wearing green today, doesn't

it make you feel more at home?Jerry: You're joking. Most Irish people wouldn't be seen

dead wearing green, even on Saint Patrick's Day.Frank: Are you kidd ing? It 's the Irish colour.Jerry: Yes, for leprechauns, t he fairy people. But it's

considered bad luck to wear it. And anothe r thing.Peopie in Ireiand never say 'Begorah', For somestrange reason, when I tell people I'm from Ireland,they sta rt talking in a silly way. I thi nk t hey've seentoo many old movies.

Frank: I've seen those movies, too. You mean people don'tta lk like that in Ireland?

Jerry: Of course they don't , and not all men are calledPaddy or Mick either.

Frank: Anyway, the parade is moving off. We'd better getready to let t he good old folks of New York know...


Speaker 1It was really hard work and for the fi rst week my back waskilling me. But I enjoyed it all the same. We were a lot ofstudents working together and we stayed in a couple ofdormitories at the back of the farm house. For the fi rstfew days we nearly ate as much "as we collected, but the nwe sett led down to work and really enjoyed the farmer'swife's home cooking.

Speaker 2It was really busy there, especially at luncht imes. And as itwas a place where customers didn't sit for a long t ime, Iwas taking orders constantly. By the end of the day, myfeet were killing me. I was on the go from when I got thereunt il I left. The money wasn't that good, but we got to eatfor free and we could also take home what was left at theend of t he day.

Speaker 3I started really early in the morning. I had to take care ofthe plants and trim the bushes. I had the middle of t heday free because it was very hot. This gave me time tostudy and rest a bit. In the early evening I just used tohave to water everything. It's great having a job that givesyou the opportun ity to be outside most of the tim e. Mindyou, it might not have been so much fun if the weatherwas cold.

Speaker 4I like being out and about a lot. so the job really suitedme. Also, I loved the fact that I could eat as much as Iliked. But I must say, it got a bit boring after a while. Mostof the customers gave me good tips, which was helpfulbecause the pay was bad. Of course, the customers couldbe really st upid sometimes, not giving clear addresses,that sort of t hing.


Bert: What I don't get, Andy, is how you can say youaren't interested in technology and at the sametim e you love Bond movies, I mean, theyare really hi-tech,

Andy: Bond? Bond is just fantasy, There's nothing realabout those movies, That 's why I love them,

Bert: But, that 's where you're wrong, They're not fantasyat all,

Andy: What are you on about? Are you saying that JamesBond is real?

Bert: No, I'm saying the gadgets were real.Andy: Are you sure?Bert: Yes, some governments used to insist that the ir

spies watch every new Bond movie in order to getnew ideas.

Andy: You're kidding!Bert: No, I'm not.Andy: And how do you know th is?Bert: I remember reading a magazine article about it.Andy Is that all it said?Bert: No, there were other examples. A Japanese

company produced a camera which workedunderwater for Thunderbilll , which came out in1965, This was a long time before you could getthem in the shops,

Andy: Yes, I remember the scene with that camera,Bert: Bond movies are full of technology,Andy: I suppose you're right, But that was ages ago.Bert: And what about Bond's personal pager in From

Russia with Love?Andy: Oh yes, that little thing on his belt that went 'beep'

when he received messages about his mission,Bert: Well, they hadn't been invented before that fi lm,Andy: But , somehow, that was a believable gadget.Bert: What do you mean?Andy: I'm saying that in recent movies things have been

just a little bit too far out ,Bert: Oh come on, Andy, that's ridiculous, I mean, you've

seen Goldeneye, haven't you? Well, what about theThink Pad? You know. Bond's mini-eomputer?

Andy: Yeah, t iny little thing. The size of a book so it can fitin your pocket. but as powerful as any officecomputer.

Bert: You can actua lly buy one in the shops now. That 'swhat I've been trying to say. These things aren't justfantasy.

Andy: I suppose you're right, but I st ill th ink...




Do you think the film is true to the book?Absolutely. I think a great job was doneadapti ng the book for t he big screen andI'm proud to say I took part in the fi lm.Was the filming a lot of hard work?You bet. I was in make-up for three hours


every day and some of the scenes tookages to get right.

Interviewer: It must have been worth it in t he end,t hough.

Actress: Defini tely. I think it 's one of the highlightsof my career,

2Mmm, I thought it was great. The tickets were a bitexpensive, but it was worth every penny... I know I couldhave got cheaper ones, but you can see so much betterwhen you are close to the stage.., Yes, it was crowded.Lots of famous people were there. Guess who I saw?... No,it was an actor, someone we both like... That's right, in thef lesh. Can you believe it? I had no idea he was a fan of thegroup... Anyway, it all lasted about two hours or so.Everybody was in a state of frenzy, jumping up and down,shout ing... No, Jen didn't enjoy it much . She said peoplewere pushing her and stepping on her feet all the t ime.

3It's tru ly a work of art . The story is quite interesting andthe music is wonderful, with some very catchy songs. It 's amagical performance with excellent act ing and singing,brilli ant sets and special effects. But what I tru ly foundamazing were the extrao rdinary costumes the dancerswore. There were some amazing designs and the colourswere beaut iful. I th ink that without them the musicalwouldn't have been half as good,

4Roger: I can't believe that people can be so inconsiderate.Ethel : Calm down, Roger. They were only whispering. not

shout ing.Roger: I'm not talking about them.Ethel : Is it the person behind us talking on his mobile? I

must say it is quite annoying.Roger: It has nothing to do with that.Ethel: Then what?Roger: Well, if only YOU'd let me fin ish. Just look at this

place. It's a pigsty, Popcorn here, empty bottlesthere. Is this what we're paying for, Ethel?


Speaker 1I couldn't live without it. It' s the first thin g I turn on themorning. As I live on my own, it keeps me company,somehow. It also keeps me informed about current affa irs,which is essent ial in my line of work. And, of course,there 's my favourite series which is on at nine o'clock. It'sjust the ads that interrupt films that drive me crazy.

Speaker 2There are so many statio ns these days it' s diffi cult tochoose. I usually have it on while I'm doing jobs aroundthe house. It can also liven up a boring drive to work inthe mornings. It' s strange, but I actually enjoy the advertsj ust as much as the music, they can be so funny

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sometimes. Then, there's the news broadcasts. Theyalways keep me up to date on news and the trafficbulletin is very useful.

Speaker 3As I work at home, I find it useful for many reasons. Forme, it gives the most in-depth news and while I'm workingI usually listen to music from all around the world. Whenthe work's all done, it helps me with my leisure activities.I'm a film buff , you see. I can check out what's on at thecinema and then find more information about the fi lm. Ican even book tickets. Sometimes, the adverts that pop

• up all the time can be annoying, but I j ust ignore them.

'Speaker 4I like it because it gives you a daily report on diffe rentsubjects like politi cs, economics and sports. The weatherreport isn't always as accurate as it should be, but that' snot a big problem. My children love the cartoons and ofcourse the gossip in the showbiz section that comes outon Saturday. I always try to solve the crossword while I'mon the train to work, but I never have the ti me to finish it.


Speaker 1What a nightmare! There I was in my seat, trying to makemyself comforta ble when the captain announced that wewere unable to take off because a passenger wasmissing. Thinking about it, I wish the plane had leftwithout him. Anyway, after half an hour the passenger wasfinally located and boarded the plane. Unfortunately, hesat in the empty seat next to mine! For nine hours I had tolisten to him babbling about his job and family. I tried tochange my seat, but the plane was full.

Speaker 2The check-in clerk told me that I had excess baggage andwould have to pay a fee for security reasons. I was reallyupset because I only had five kilos overweight. I t ried toreason with her, but as that didn 't work I demanded to seethe supervisor. In the end, I was told that if I didn't pay thefee I wouldn't be able to board the plane. I had no otherchoice but to fork out the money. To make things worse,I wasn't even given the window seat I'd requested. Then,when we landed in Geneva I had to wait for an hour topick up my suitcase. Is this any way for an airline to treatits customers?

Speaker 3Since I had a long flight ahead of me, I asked for an aisleseat so I could move around easily without disturb ing theothers. I just can't sit in one place for too long, you knowhow it gets on the plane. Unfortunately the check-in clerkmade a mistake and gave me a seat in the middle. It wasawful! I had no leg room and what was worse, my seatwas broken, so I couldn't put it down. I didn't get any sleepand my back was kill ing me. Not to mention the fact that Iwas squashed, sitti ng there between two passengers. The

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cabin crew were sympathet ic to my sit uat ion but theycouldn't do anything about it.

Speaker 4We checked-in, got our boarding passes and went throughpassport control. There was time to kill, so we decided tolook around the shops and have a snack at the coffeeshop. Finally it was t ime to go. After waiting in thedeparture lounge for some time without knowing why, wewere informed that boarding would be in an hour's time .We were quite worried, since we had a connecti ng flight tocatch. The hour actually turned out to be three hoursbefore the plane took off.