Changing The Image Of Limerick Through Sport Author: Jillian Robinson Co-Author: Dr. Catriona Murphy...


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Changing The Image Of Limerick Through Sport

Author: Jillian RobinsonCo-Author: Dr. Catriona MurphyCo-Author: Dr. Noelle O’ Connor

Structure of today’s presentation Literature Review Research Question

Aims &Objectives Research

Methodology Research Findings Conclusion Recommendations

Literature Review

Smith (2005, p. 221) states “that the ‘image ability’ of sport initiatives may allow them to penetrate destination image. Sport Reimaging: The Case of Birmingham, Manchester and Sheffield.

Visitor perceptions of a country which has hosted a sporting event: The Case of Germany and the 2006 FIFA World Cup . Breitberth & Florek (2007)

Host community perceptions of a country which has hosted a sporting event: The Case of the Gold Coast Grand Prix 1998, Grand Prix 2000 and the Gold Coast Indy 1998. Ritchie & Adair D(2004)

Economic Impact study by Munster Rugby. Simpson Xavier (2009)

2010 Special Olympics Ireland-Games: Economic and Event Impact Assessment’ by Shannon Development (2010)

Limeri Limerick Greyhound Track Track

Limeric Limerick Horse Racing Track

Changing The Image Of Limerick Through Sport


To discover if sport can play a role in influencing the image of Limerick as a tourist destination

Objectives • To investigate if key stakeholders within

the tourism sector use sport as an image to attract tourists to Limerick.

• To discover if people associate sport as a tool which can be used to influence the image of Limerick as a tourist destination.

• To explore the perception of Limerick sporting organisations on whether sport can influence the image of Limerick as a tourist destination.

Research Methodology

Secondary Research

Research Methodology

Primary Methods 2 semi structured

interviews 50 questionnaires

to Limerick residents

50 questionnaires to tourists visiting Limerick

Have you seen any of the following being used to promote Limerick

Greyhound Stadium9%

Olympic Sized Pool1%

Horse Racing Course19%

Golf Courses31%

Thomand Park Rugby Ground


Gaelic Grounds2%



17 1716




8 87

6 6

32 2

1 1 1 1 1

What would you say are the 3 best things about Limerick City as a tourist destination?

What are the 3 main positive benefits of sports tourism in Limerick?

Increases revenue in local economy

Improves the image of Limerick city

Job creation

Highlights and promotes Limerick

Cultural exchange

Community Involvment

Evokes civic pride

Brings tourists

Develops sports facilities

Positive media coverage

Creates a great atmosphere

Promotes local sporting talent

Litter control

Increases airport passenger numbers to Shannon

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
















Neither Agree or Disagree


Can sport help to attract tourists to




Neither Agree or Disagree


Sport is used to promote Limer-ick positvely

What sporting events which took or take place show Limerick in a positive light?

Munster Rugby Matches32%

Special Olympics 201013%

Pro Am Golf Tournament9%

International Rules Match


Gaelic Games Match8%

Great Limerick Run6%

Big bang Willie Casey Box-ing6%

Pigs N Porter Festival4%

Basketball Championships in UL 4%

Charity Horse Racing3%

Charity Greyhound Racing1%

International Soccer Matches at Thomond Park


Limerick Duathlon1%

Kennedy Cup Soccer Tournament1%

Are you aware of any initiatives being employed to promote sports tourism?



Yes No

Emerging issues from the interviews

Both key informants believed that Limerick’s European City of Sport 2011 title could be used to promote Limerick

Both informants agreed that Limerick could use this title to re image the city and attract more tourists.

One key informant mentioned how sport has had a positive impact on the media which highlights the city.

Discussion The first objective is to investigate if key

stakeholders within the tourism sector use sport as an image to attract tourists to Limerick.

The second objective is to discover if people associate sport as a tool which can be used to influence the image of Limerick as a tourist destination.

The third objective is to explore the perception of Limerick sporting organisations on whether sport can influence the image of Limerick with regard to tourism.

Conclusion Overall it is found that sport has had an influence on

the image of Limerick City as a tourist destination. There is evidence that key stakeholders within the tourism sector use sport to promote the city, this promotion is seen in a positive light by residents, sporting organisations and visitors alike.

From a local residential point of view hosting sporting events evokes civic pride and community involvement.

Findings have proven that there is a general awareness of sport among tourists to the region, they have seen sporting images being used to promote the city.

Recommendations More research needs to be compiled into the

benefits of sports tourism and its effect on the image of Limerick City

It is imperative that sport associations work together with tourism agencies to help to market Limerick’s sporting brand effectively and to maximise the city’s exposure in a positive light and in turn further change the city’s image

Tourism agencies could further utilise the Limerick sporting brand as a platform for promotion through a collective marketing initiative encompassing all sporting disciplines.

Overview of the presentation

Literature Review Research Question

Aims &Objectives Research

Methodology Research Findings Conclusion Recommendations

Thank You For Your Attention

References BDO Simpson, Xavier (2009) The Economic Impact of a Heineken

Qualifier.[Online] Available from:[Accessed 4th January 2011]

Breithberth, T and Florek, M. (2007) Mega Sports Events & Host Country Image: The Case of the 2006 FIFA World Cup. Google Docs. [Online] Available from: [Accessed 3rd November]

Mc Guirk, P.M. and Rowe, D. (2001). Defining Moments and Refining Myths in the Making of Place Identity: The Newcastle knights and the Australian Rugby League Final. Australian Geographical Studies, 31, (1) pp.71-89.

Ritchie, B. and Adair, A.(2004) Sport tourism: Interrelationships, Impacts and Issues. Google Books [Online] Available from: [Accessed 4th November]

Shannon Development .(2010) 2010 Special Olympics Games Ireland- Limerick :Economic and Event Impact Assessment .[Online] Available from:[Accessed 2nd January 2011]

Smith, A. (2005) Reimaging the City: The Value of Sport Initiatives. Annals Of Tourism Research, 32, (1) pp.217-236.[Online] Available from: [Accessed 2nd November 2010]
