Champions for Older People Recent developments in Age Discrimination issues in Europe Richard Baker...


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Champions for Older


Recent developments in Age Discrimination issues in Europe

Richard Baker

National Development ManagerAge Concern England

ChairAnti-discrimination Expert Group


NIESR, LondonSeptember 29 2005

Champions for Older


Introducing Age Concern and AGE

• Age Concern

– England wide Federation of 420 charitable organisations – NGO’s

– Range of functions – influencing, services, development, representation and advocacy

– Sister organisations in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland


– European Federation of National and Regional organisations

– 150 organisations across EU25 plus Norway and Candidate countries and European age networks

– Influencing, stimulation of collaboration at EU level, development of member organisations

Champions for Older


Presentation framework

• Age and European policy

• Age discrimination – European action

• Impacts across EU 25

• Emerging issues

• New developments

Champions for Older


Age and European policy – the demographic challenge

• Older population

– Longer life

– Lower fertility

– Stable overall population numbers

– Baby boomers – changing expectations

• Changing population

– Enlargement

– Freedom of movement and migration

– Diversity

• Regional diversity in trends

Champions for Older


Older Europe

Champions for Older


The current European agenda on age

• Opportunities and challenges of ageing

– Economic development and employment of older workers

– Inclusion and anti-discrimination

– Pensions

– Health

– Broad impact on public finances – ECOFIN reports

Champions for Older


The age issue – European targets

• Lisbon strategy (2000) – key driver for European economic development and social inclusion

• High levels of employment and economic contribution

• Europe-wide targets for older workers by 2010

– 50% employment rate for people aged 55 to 64

– 5 year increase in the average age of labour market exit.

• Key issues – Kok report

– Jobs

– Skills

– Discrimination

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Current performance

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European timetable on age discrimination

• 1957 - Treaty of Rome

• 1997 - Treaty of Amsterdam – article 13

• 2000 - Race Directive, Employment Directive, Community Action programme

• 2003 – Transposition deadline for Directives unless delay sought

• 2004 – New members join EU – adopt acquis communitaire

• 2006 – Final deadline for transposition

Champions for Older


The impact of Age Discrimination

• Economic costs – UK estimates range from £16 to £31 billion per annum in reduced output

• Loss of Government revenue and increased benefits – UK estimates of £3 to £5 billion per annum

• Adding to impact of increasing ‘dependency’ ratio - those drawing from public funds to those contributing – for EU rise from 24-27% between 2000 and 2010

• Long term social exclusion and poverty amongst older people disconnected from work and society

• For individuals - exclusion from work, denials of treatment, goods and services

• Failure to maximise productive resource to wider society - volunteering, caring, family support, social enterprise

Champions for Older


The Employment Directive

• Definitions

– Direct, Indirect, Harrassment, Victimisation, Instructions

• Scope

– Access to employment and training, Terms and conditions, Membership of TU’s

• Exemptions

– Genuine Occupational Requirements, Positive Action, Exemptions

• Consultation and promotion

Champions for Older


Evaluating the Directive

• Concerns

– Restricted scope

– Weak provisions – e.g no requirement for Equality bodies

– Exemptions and loopholes

• Positive effects

– Bans age discrimination in employment

– Part of approach to strategic issue

– Platform for wider debate about age discrimination

– Interface with broader equality agenda

Champions for Older


Achieving Age Equality

Integrated strategy


Culture change Services

Champions for Older


Slow early progress on Directive – AGE Annual reports

• December 2003 – transposition deadline

– 4 states transposed

– 3 sought delay

– 8 failed to transpose or seek delay• December 2004

– Still patchy but more progress

– Infringement proceedings

– Interesting developments in some states

• Cross –cutting approaches

• Varied practice on consultation

• Inadequate focus on article 6

– Situation in 10 new members similar to EU 15

Champions for Older


AGE Annual Report 2005• Most countries now transposed or close to transposition

– Estonia and Greece awaited

– Germany, Sweden and UK legally delayed

• Some interesting cross-strand equality initiatives

– Existing – Ireland, Belgium

– New – Lithuania, Hungary, Sweden, UK emerging

• Integration of anti-discrimination into wider ageing or active ageing strategies

– UK, France, Czech Republic

• Some sub-national initiatives dependent on political systems

– North Rhine Westphalia, Wales, Prabant

• Specific issues and cases

– Real issues about article 6

• inadequate policy analysis

• Extension to social protection systems

• Heyday challenge to UK transposition

– Cross-strand cases – Rutherford in the UK

– Post Directive cases - Mangold v Rudiger Helm in Germany

– Challenge to lower age limit for Presidency in Lithuania!

– High proportion of age cases in total equality workload for Commissions – eg 30% in Lithuania and the Netherlands, 51 in first year in France

Champions for Older


Looking forward – the evolving European age agenda

• Continuing focus on employment of older workers

– Kok report

– EU employment strategy

• Impact of ageing on public finances – ECOFIN reports

• Ageing and regional economic development – Cohesion policy

• European Commission lead debate on demographic change – green paper in 2005

– Life-course approach

– Inter-generationalism

– Economic and social contributions

• Open co-ordinations on health and pensions

Champions for Older


Looking forward - Ageing and the wider equality agenda • European populations becoming older and more diverse

– Older population diversifying

• Older people face discrimination

– Age

– Other reasons – eg women’s pensions, isolation due to race and migration, language

• Some interest in increasing debate

– Causes of disadvantage and discrimination

– Multiple discrimination

– Human rights – life, family, health, employment

– Interest in unified equality and diversity agenda

• Need for legal framework

• Narrative on equality

• But political context at EU level not conducive for development

– Mainstream agenda focused on economic and political issues

– Disconnect between equality and mainstream agenda

– Unanimity required in Council on article 13

Champions for Older


What coming up – Europe and equality• 2000-2006 programming period concluding

– Conference and progress reports – 27/28 November

• European Commission Green Paper on Equality actions – June 2004

– Enlargement – race, Roma, migration, employment

– Lisbon – growth and employment

– Age – Focus on Employment but noted wider concerns

• Report back on Green Paper – Den Haag – November 2004 proposed

– EU mapping study on national legislative arrangements – reporting 2007

– European Year of Equal Opportunities – 2007

• Platform for further action?

Champions for Older


NGO future actions

• Continuing focus on quality of Employment Directive

– Use of case law and legal challenges

– Building awareness and access to rights

• Broadening the agenda in Europe

– Age discrimination in goods, facilities and services

– Proposal for a draft Directive

– Multiple identity and discrimination

– Promoting equality machinery

Champions for Older


Conclusions• Ageing increasingly high on EU agenda as a cross-

cutting theme for policy

• Key interactions with high level European priorities

– Employment, economic development and budget impacts

– Inclusion issues

– Underperformance on key targets

• Employment Directive has lead to step change in anti-discrimination agenda

– Ongoing challenges in implementation

– High levels of cases - ongoing refinement likely

• Debate on next steps developing

– Scope for further change long term and incremental

– Need to continue to make connections between agendas and narratives

– Can Europe respond?
