Chambers College Update


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Pastor Ong receiving the plaque from Hannah Chavez and Christine Smart

Chambers College Update Summer 2019

Graduating Class of 2019 Present Traditional Plaque

This 2018/2019 was the 21st academic year forChambers College. Our 16th graduating class, theClass of 2019, captured the essence of theChambers College mission. We had twooutstanding students graduate who haddramatically different student profiles.

Hannah Chavez received her Associate of Artsof Christian Ministry degree, having done somework at Bob Jones University. She, however,preferred to finish at Chambers College. Hergraduation came within days of her marriage to afine man. Together they will do wonderful thingsfor the Lord in church-based ministry, we feelcertain.

Fellow graduate, Christina Smart, completed adegree that she had pursued years ago at a stateuniversity. Mrs. Smart is one of the best teacherswith the Colorado Heritage Enrichment Academy,which has many cooperative arrangements withChambers College. In completing her Bachelor ofArts degree, she concentrated on the philosophyand practice of teaching from a Biblical worldview.

She fulfilled the Chambers College mission ofhelping students to develop a lifelong love oflearning based on the Bible’s place in guiding allstudies.

Both Chris and Hannah went on the LondonStudy Tour in 2018. The crest designed by thegraduating class of 2019 features references toEngland and the importance of Biblical Languages.Their class motto is, “Trust God.”

All 16 crests presented by the graduating classesare on display in Reformation Hall as a tribute to ourgraduates and our mission.

Teaching us that, denying ungodliness andworldly lusts, we should live soberly,righteously, and godly, in this present world;Looking for that blessed hope, and theglorious appearing of the great God and ourSaviour Jesus Christ... Tit. 2:12-13

1300 Ninth Street, Greeley, Colorado 80631 Phone 970-346-1133 Email:

Left to right: Lightfoot, Kay, Hill, Parker, Ong

Students and friends enjoying the formal Chambers College dinner and table talk

First Worship Conferencea Success

An all-day conference was held Saturday, May18th, co-sponsored by Reformation Baptist Churchand Chambers College. The theme of theconference was “Christ and the Cross in Worship.”

The speakers were Pastor Jesse Hill, ministerof Rock Creek Bible Church, Maxwell, Iowa;Pastor Jason Parker, minister of High CountryBaptist Church, Colorado Springs; Pastor StanLightfoot , minister of Rustic Hills Baptist Churchalso in Colorado Springs; and , from the UK, Pastor David Kay, minister of Whiddon ValleyEvangelical Church, Barnstaple who is a Trustee ofthe Christian Worship Publishing Trust. PastorSteve Ong was the moderator.

The sessions covered different aspects ofconservative, reverent worship of Almighty Godand highlighted theerrors and aberrations ofcontemporary practicesf o u n d i n m a n yevangelical churches,here and abroad. PastorH i l l b e g a n t h econference and spoke on“Prayer in presentingChrist and the Cross inWorship”; followed byPastor David Kay, who

announced a call to the “Old Paths to present Christand the Cross in Worship,” quoting Jeremiah 6 v 16,pointing out that Contemporary worship methods andContemporary Christian Music have no warrant inscripture.

Stan Lightfoot, who has been studying the role ofmusic styles in worship as part of his doctoralprogram, spoke on the necessity of using reverentmusic to achieve reverent Christ-centered worship.

Jason Parker followed up with how centering onChrist and the Cross should inform all of ourmethodological choices in the church.His message was highly intellectual as well asspiritual as he addressed the importance of propermethodlolgies

Jesse Hill closed the conference with a messageon the necessity for addressing worship practiceswith a spirit of humility. The conference alsoincluded a question and answer session, a luncheonand afternoon tea, as well as robust singing of Psalmsand hymns in each session.

This year’s speakers and attendees are interestedin communicating with each other throughout theyear, and there are preliminary plans for anotherconference in the future.

Chambers College Formal DinnerThe spring semester formal dinner and table talk

was held in February. Students, alumni, staff andfriends of the college all enjoyed the fine menu andthe opportunity to connect with members of ourcollege community.

Pastor Ong chose to speak on the educationalimpact of the Pilgrim Fathers during the years beforethey set sail in the Mayflower. John Robinson and theother leaders of the congregation which took refugein Leyden before coming to America, were highlyeducated and influential spiritual men. Robinson waseven chosen to speak on behalf of the Calvinisticviewpoint at the Council of Dordt, during the sojournin Holland, even though he was the pastor of anEnglish congregation. The Pilgrim Fathers were wellprepared as spiritual and civic leaders for theenormous task God called them to do in establishinga beacon of religious freedom for the world.

Pastor Ong’s talk was based on preliminaryresearch for a writing project that will look at thelegacy of the Pilgrims in honor of the 400th

anniversary of their sailing (1620-2020).

21300 Ninth Street, Greeley, Colorado 80631 Phone 970-346-1133 Email:

The Music Department Announces the“Pilgrim Project”

The instrumental ensembles and choirs ofColorado Heritage and Chambers College will beperforming a concert in November 2019 to honorthe Pilgrims. The theme of the concert will be howthe Pilgrims were blessed because they lived outthe virtues in Christ’s Beatitudes (Matt. 5:3-12).

Several new choral and instrumentalarrangements are being prepared for the groups.The Advanced Instrumental Ensemble will beperforming a new sonata, “The Pilgrim Sonata,”written specifically for this occasion. The musicaltheme for each movement is based on a work by acomposer who lived and wrote at the same time inhistory as the Pilgrims.

Meet Our 2018-2019 Kadlub ScholarClaire Stratman was this year’s Kadlub

Scholar. The scholarship was set up to honorCaitlyn and Faith Kadlub, two Chambers Collegestudents who lost their lives in a devastating carwreck. It is especially fitting that Claire was arecipient of the scholarship since the sisters wereboth violinists, and so is Claire. She will becompleting her B.A. in Sacred Music in springsemester 2020.

Claire is a familiar participant in all of themusical programs at Chambers. She also plays in theLoveland Orchestra and plays regularly in herchurch. Claire likes the fact that “Chambers degreeprograms help with our life and ministry activitiesthat we are already doing. It [Chambers Collegeeducation] is very practical.”

The Kadlub Scholarship program is open toquality students with financial need who arecommitted to a Chambers degree program. Studentsmust apply and be approved by the scholarshipcommittee.

Donationsto the fund area l w a y sw e l c o m e .100% of alldonations godi rec t ly tostudents whoh a v e b e e na w a r d e d aschola r ship.Contact theoffice for moreinformation.

Featured Books from Chambers College PressDo Not Be Called Leaders;Evaluating Secular Thinking on Leadership Teri OngAn evaluation of leadershipmodels that are not Biblicallybased and drift into secular andselfish thinking.Discusses John Maxwellprinciples of leadership.$6.00 133 pp

You Call This Worship Steveand Teri Ong An analytical and exegetical studyof passages in the Biblediscussing worshipw What is the purpose ofworship?w Does God say anything aboutworship styles?w How many deaths in Scripturewere related to offensive

worship? $10.00 272 pp

Christian Artistry: ThePicture or the Frame? Teri OngShort essays on the necessityof creating and evaluating artand artistry from a Biblicalworldview. Makes the casethat art is not just a matter oftaste. Helps to discern thedifference of personal tastesfor Biblical standards. $6.00 85 pp

Heavenly Connections:Lessons on Jacob’s Ladder Steve OngA devotional study on Jesus’reference to Nathaniel seeingangels descending andascending on himself. Welook at the Old Testamentincident Jesus quotes and seenumerous applications $6.00 74pp

31300 Ninth Street, Greeley, Colorado 80631 Phone 970-346-1133 Email:

Chambers College Courses Fall 2019Wednesdays September 4 to November 20 (12 weeks of class meeting)

Wednesdays Course Descriptions (all courses 3 credit hours unless specified)


BT102Theology of Prayer

(3cr) A scripture-based study of the necessity of and requirements for an effectiveprayer life. This course has been a tremendous help to those who have taken it.Utilizes video for part of course

Text book, video rental and handouts $35.00


HI101 AncientPalestine OldTestament Survey

(4cr) A chronological study of Biblical history from creation to the post-exilic period.Class meets two hours, with additional video resources. SRO ~$50.00 *

10:15. Continuation of HI101


ED301 BiblicalFoundations ofTeaching

(3cr) A comparison/contrast of major education philosophies and methodologieswith Biblical principles of education. Seven Laws of the Learner textbook and videoseries by Bruce Wilkinson, Seven Laws of the Teacher video series, and the textbook Teaching to Change Lives by Dr. Howard Hendricks. Tutor: SRO Video rentals and textbooks $70.00


Lunch Hour


SC301 BiblicalFoundations ofHealth and Medicine

(3 cr)Investigates Biblical principles for making medical decisions and life choicesaffecting health and well-being. SRO Text books, handouts $50.00 Arrangedclass)

EN401 AllegoricalLiterature

(3 cr) Students will read and analyze several pieces of allegorical literature to learnhow this literary technique can be effective in communicating Biblical truths. TLO Textbook fee TBA


MU255 AdvancedInstrumentalEnsemble

(1 cr) Wind and string instruments playing chamber music. This semester willfeature the premier of a new piece– “The Pilgrim Sonata” based on themes bycomposers contemporaneous with the Pilgrims. TLO

BT101 Christian Worldviewand Apologetics (3cr) Arranged class

(3 cr) A study of what constitutes a Christian worldview and how itaddresses the challenges of other philosophies and cultural issues. SRO Text books and handout fees $50.00

Fall 2019 Chambers College

Student name:Home phone Mobile phone email:

Course# Course Title Credithours


FEES: General service fee per semester. (½ for 3 hours or less). $170.00 . Tuition per credit hour $85.00. Graduate level $120.00 Parents of CHESS and Chambers students may audit free, but must pay the handout feesfor the courses. Phone: 970-346-1133 for more informationAudited course plus textbook and handout fees. $45.00 cr. hr. Revised: July 23, 2019 (3:49pm)

41300 Ninth Street, Greeley, Colorado 80631 Phone 970-346-1133 Email:
