Chamber Value The Chamber Perspective Chamber credibility Make more money Reduce costs Save time...


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Chamber Value The Chamber Perspective

Chamber Value Member Perspective

• Is it the same list from member to member?

• Members view value based on what’s best for them and their company

• Perceived value varies from member to member

• Our job is to figure that out and understand what’s important to a member or prospect

• If we focus on what we think is important rather than what is important, we may lose a member or prospective member

My Chamber

• Members join for one of two reasons

o They want to get something done through the Chamber

o They want something from the Chamber

My Chamber

• Chamber members or prospective members have to share a common perspective of value

o Companies join for very selfish reasons

o It’s has to be about the member

o We are member organizations

My Chamber

• Our job as Chamber advocates/sales ambassadors

o Adjust our efforts/sales presentations

o Attempt to be all things to all members

o Recognize and understand the member’s perspective of value

My Chamber

• What does this all mean

o For members who want to get something done through the Chamber

My Chamber

My Chamber

• What does this all mean

o For members who want to get something from the Chamber

My Chamber

The path to Chamber Membership

"My Chamber"

Want something from the Chamber

Marketing / Sales

You can make more money

You can reduce costs

You can save time

You can be seen

My Chamber• How do we learn what the business needs?

o Ask Tell me about your business

Who are your customers?

How do you market to your customers?

What is your biggest challenge?

What keeps you up at night?

What do you expect from the Chamber

My Chamber• Now that you have the answers, what happens

next?o Figure out what you offer that aligns with what you’ve

just been told

o The idea is to build a membership that mirrors what you’ve just learned

My Chamber

The path to Chamber Membership - the detail

"My Chamber"

Want to get something done through your Chamber


You can be heard

The Chamber speaks for you & the business






Your city is growing

Your local chamber helps local business grow and expand

Your Chamber works to attract new

business and new potential customers

You can be a difference maker

Your Chamber offers opportunites to help

your community

Personally, you can be a part of the evolution of a

great city

Your financial investment in our

Chamber will make a difference in Omaha

Want something from your Chamber

Marketing / Sales

You can make money

Your Chamber connects buyers

and sellers

Member connection


Increased visibility

Member accessibility

You can reduce cost

Your Chamber creates opportunities to save money & reduce cost

Member savings programs

Member connections

Member news and discountxs

You can save time

Your Chamber can do it faster & with

better results

Access to members

Access to information

Access to Public Officials

You can be seen

Your Chamber offers increased


Chamber Website

Buy the Big O Show

Business After Hours

Member Connections

My Chamber• What do we do if they still won’t buy?

o At this point you are justifying you and your Chamber

Talk about your Chamber and the benefit to your community

Review the benefits that address needs again

Briefly address additional benefits – indicates scope

Present your WOW factor

My Chamber• Punctuate your value by using your tools

oMarketing collateral

oThird party stories and testimonials

oConnect clients with current satisfied members

oLet your prospects experience an event or program

oChamber statistics related to value

oWhen necessary introduce ROI

Why Follow a Process?• Establish rapport

• Build trust

• Seize the opportunity to share your WOW factor

• Identify needs & chamber opportunities

• Learn

• Educate and inform

• You lead the prospect to a successful close

Post-Sale Follow-up

• Stay connected with your new members

• Offer quality programming

• Keep your promises

How do ensure they renew?

• Stay connected with your new members

• Hold on to what you learned about the member and use what you’ve learned to help you resell the membership if necessary

• Be visible and accessible and offer ongoing support

• Help your members utilize their customized membership

• Keep your promises

QA - Comments

Your thoughts or perspective
