[Challenge:Future] lse challenge future team: Fun + Meaning2 = 2030 finals


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LSE Challenge Future Team


Education is boring.

People do not learn what they want and need, but what they’re forced to.


edutain me is the platform that searches through piles of on-line resources and selects the ones that suit the students’ needs and interests best.

how we’ll get there

• Make education as entertaining as TV

• Involve educators and youngsters in tailoring their own curriculum

• Bring fun and education together

who is it for

people interested in education

16 – 24 year old students

life long learners

what we have done so far

now •Team of 5•Working prototype•About to start a 1 month testing period

12 months •Team of 8•200 monthly users and 30 reviewers•Investment of £50,000

18 months •Develop the platform for 5 educational systems•1000 monthly users and 50 reviewers

5 years •Team of 12•1 million users per annum and 200 reviewers

2030•2000 reviewers•8 million users•Funding of 1 million pounds


Universities and teachers

USP:Help them improve the quality of their work & end results.

Charities and NGOs with a focus on


Make the beneficiaries of their organisations better.


Extremely well targeted advertising to this niche market.


StumbleUpon# users:


Recommends resources on the web according to interests (fields).

Social media# users:

> 1 billion

Using users’ preference to target commercials .

Learning Machines Lab

Provides personalised learning systems. As an electronic, interactive textbook.

Khan Academy# users:


Video lessons that go from very beginner to very advanced levels.

Delicious# users:


Made bookmarking social and allows for easier sharing of content.

if we win...

• We will:–Hire 3 more team members– Improve the platform software & hardware– Launch the 1.1 version of the platform


Operations <b.c.wolf@lse.ac.uk>

AncaExternal relations & funding <a.e.haraga@lse.ac.uk>

NikolasResearch <n.mayer@lse.ac.uk>

SergiuWeb programming & platform architect


RaresDesign and copyrighter <rares.sto@gmail.com>

thank you!
